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Jawahir bin Madeaming (11-2011-150)

EPIDOSIN Contents Indications Dosage Contraindications Adverse Drug Reactions Drug Interactions MIMS Class Epidosin dragee Epidosin injection Valethamate Br GI spasm (cardiospasm, spastic constipation, ulcerative complaints), spasm of biliary & urinary tract, spasmodic dysmenorrhea, delayed dilatation of the cervix in parturition. Childn: Pylorospasm, spastic bronchitis, acetonemic vomiting. Drag 1-2 tab 3 times daily. Inj 1-2 amp IV, IM or SC. Closed-angle glaucoma; urinary or GI obstruction, prostatic hypertrophy, megacolon, pyloric stenosis. Cycloplegia, mydriasis, dry mouth, flushing, tachycardia, palpitations, constipation, rash, vomiting, photophobia. Anticholinergic activity may be increased by other parasympatholytics. Guanethidine, histamine & reserpine can antagonise the inhibitory effect of anticholinergics on gastric acid secretion. Antacids may impair absorption. Antispasmodics Epidosin 10 mg x 100's (Rp55580) Epidosin (amp) 8 mg/1 mL x 1 mL x 10's (Rp55020)

PROLIC Contents Indications Dosage Administration Contraindications Special Precautions Adverse Drug Reactions Drug Interactions Prolic capsule Clindamycin Treatment of serious infections caused by susceptible anaerobic bacteria, Strep, Pneumococci & Staph. Adult Serious infections: 150-300 mg. More severe infections: 300-450 mg. To be taken 6 hrly. Childn Serious infections: 8-16 mg/kg body wt/day. More severe infections: 1620 mg/kg body wt/day. May be taken with or without food (Swallow whole w/ a full glass of water & in an upright position.). Hypersensitivity. Elderly, pregnancy; history of GI disease, particularly colitis; during prolonged therapy, periodic liver & kidney function tests & blood count should be performed. Very severe renal disease &/or hepatic disease. GI disturbances, hypersensitivity reactions, jaundice, hematopoietic changes. View ADR Monitoring Form Potentiates effects of neuromuscular blockers. Prolic 150 mg x 10 x 10's (Rp277000) Prolic 300 mg x 10 x 10's (Rp574000)

PRONALGES Contents Indications Dosage Administration Contraindications Special Precautions ADR Drug Interactions Ketoprofen RA, osteoarthritis, ankylosing & cervical spondylitis, acute joint & adjacent structures symptoms, low back & musculoskeletal pain. Relieve joint pain & inflammation & facilitating mobility; reduce dependency function. CR Cap 1 cap once daily. Tab 75 mg 3 times daily or 50 mg 4 times daily. Max: 300 mg daily. Amp RA & osteoarthritis 50 mg 3-4 times daily. Pain 25-50 mg 6-8 hrly. Supp 1 supp twice daily. Should be taken with food (Take immediately after meals. CR cap: Swallow whole, do not chew/crush.). Hypersensitivity to aspirin or other NSAIDs; gastric/peptic ulcer or acute GIT inflammation; severe kidney & liver function impairment. Patients receiving anticoagulant, heart failure, HTN & other conditions related to fluid retention; childn 2-16 yr w/ juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. GI disorders, headache, drowsiness, dizziness, vertigo & edema. Protein-binding drugs, thrombolytics (eg streptokinase) or anticoagulants (eg warfarin), diuretics, probenecid, methotrexate. Pronalges 100 mg x 10 x 6's Pronalges 200 mg x 10 x 6's (Rp472500) Pronalges 50 mg x 5 x 10's (Rp105000) Pronalges 100 mg x 5 x 10's (Rp200000) Pronalges 50 mg/1 mL x 10's (Rp231000) Pronalges 100 mg x 2 x 5's (Rp95000)

Pronalges controlled-release capsule Pronalges tablet Pronalges injection Pronalges suppository

BACTECYN Contents Indications Sultamicillin: Ampicillin, sulbactam Upper & lower resp tract infections; bacterial pneumonia; UTI & pyelonephritis; intraabdominal infections; bacterial septicaemia; skin, soft tissue, bone & joint infections, gonococcal infections. Prophylaxis of post-op infection in patients undergoing abdominal or pelvic surgery. Prophylaxis of post-op sepsis in termination of pregnancy or caesarean section. Tab Adult & childn >30 kg 375-750 mg twice daily. Childn <30 kg 25-50 mg/kg/day in 2 divided dose. Uncomplicated gonorrhoea 2.25 g as a single dose + probenecid 1 g concomitantly. Vial Adult 1.5-12 g/day in divided doses every 6-8 hr up to a max of 4 g/day of sulbactam. Childn, infant & neonates 150 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 6-8 hr. Prophylaxis of surgical infections 1.5-3 g upon induction of anesth. May be repeated every 6-8 hr. Hypersensitivity to penicillins. Overgrowth of non-susceptible organisms. Check periodically for organ system dysfunction eg renal, hepatic & haematopoietic system. Neonates. GI disturbances, rash, itching, drowsiness/sedation, fatigue, malaise & headache. Penicillins J01CR04 - sultamicillin ; Belongs to the class of penicillin combinations, including betalactamase inhibitors. Used in the systemic treatment of infections. Bactesyn 375 mg x 30's (Rp410000) Bactesyn 0.75 g x 1's (Rp65000) Bactesyn 1.5 g x 1's (Rp125000)


Contraindications Special Precautions ADR MIMS Class ATC Classification Bactesyn tablet Bactesyn powder for injection

MEFINAL Contents Indications Dosage Administration Contraindications Special Precautions Adverse Drug Reactions Drug Interactions Mefenamic acid Pain in rheumatic conditions, soft tissue injuries, other painful musculoskeletal conditions, dysmenorrhoea, headache, toothache, post-op pain. Adult & childn >14 yr 500 mg then 250 mg 6 hrly, 6 mth 3-6.5 mg/kg body wt 6 hrly. Max: 7 days. Should be taken with food (Take immediately after meals.). Peptic or intestinal ulceration. Pregnancy & lactation. GI disturbances & bleeding, peptic ulceration. Oral anticoagulants.

Mefinal capsule Mefinal filmcoated caplet

HYSTOLAN Contents Indications Dosage Administration Contraindications Special Precautions Adverse Drug Reactions MIMS Class ATC Classification Hystolan tablet

Mefinal 250 mg x 10 x 10's (Rp46000) Mefinal 500 mg x 10 x 10's (Rp102500)

Isoxsuprine HCl Uterine relaxation. Peripheral vascular disorders, arteriosclerosis obliterans, thromboangiitis obliterans, Raynaud's disease. 20 mg 3-4 times daily. May be taken with or without food (May be taken w/ meals, milk or antacids to minimise GI discomfort.). Arterial haemorrhage, post partum bleeding. Severe cerebrovascular disease or MI, severe ischemic heart disease, glaucoma. Lactation. Flushing, hypotension, tachycardia, skin rashes, GI disorders, dizziness (orthostatic hypotension). Drugs Acting on the Uterus C04AA01 - isoxsuprine ; Belongs to the class of 2-amino-1-phenylethanol derivative agents. Used as peripheral vasodilators. Hystolan 20 mg x 50's (Rp147500)

LAKTAFIT Manufacturer Contents Indications Dosage Administration MIMS Class ATC Classification LaktaFit tablet Dexa Medica Placenta extr 15 mg, vit B12 20 mcg, Ca phosphate tribasic 12 mg Hypogalactia. 1 tab 3 times daily during lactation. May be taken with or without food Supplements & Adjuvant Therapy G02CX - Other gynecologicals ; LaktaFit 60's (Rp135000)

KALMETHASONE Contents Indications Dosage Administration Contraindications Special Precautions Adverse Drug Reactions MIMS Class ATC Classification Kalmethasone tablet Kalmethasone injection (amp) Kalmethasone injection (vial) Dexamethasone Inflammatory, allergic & other glucocorticoid-responsive diseases. Tab 0.75-9 mg daily. Inj 4-20 mg IM/IV. Should be taken with food Ocular herpes simplex; pyogenic or fungal infection. Hypothyroidism, hepatic cirrhosis; long-term therapy. Muscle weakness; osteoporosis; peptic ulceration; impaired wound healing; increased sweating; headache; menstrual irregularities, growth suppression in childn; decreased carbohydrate tolerance. Corticosteroid Hormones H02AB02 - dexamethasone ; Belongs to the class of glucocorticoids. Used in systemic corticosteroid preparations. Kalmethasone 0.5 mg x 20 x 10's (Rp16500) Kalmethasone 4 mg/1 mL x 5's (Rp25000) Kalmethasone 5 mg/1 mL x 5's (Rp26500) Kalmethasone 5 mL x 1's (Rp21000)

HEMOBION Contents Indications Dosage Administration Special Precautions Storage Description MIMS Class ATC Classification Presentation/Packing Fe fumarate 360 mg, folic acid 1.5 mg, vit B12 15 mcg, vit C 75 mg, Ca carbonate 200 mg, cholecalciferol 400 IU Hematinic preparation for treatment of anemia, which also contains calcium, cholecalciferol and ascorbic acid as supplement. As vitamin in anemia during pregnancy and lactation and anemia due to other origin. 1 cap daily. Should be taken with food (Take after meals.). Hemobion may cause blackening of stool. Store below 25C. Each capsule contains ferrous fumarate 360 mg, folic acid 1.5 mg, vitamin B12 15 mcg, ascorbic acid 75 mg, calcium carbonate 200 mg, cholecalciferol 400 iu. Vitamins & Minerals (Pre & Post Natal) / Antianemics B03AD - Iron in combination with folic acid ; Used in the treatment of anemia Cap 10 x 10's.

VASDALAT Contents Indications Dosage Nifedipine Prophylaxis & treatment of variant angina (Prinzmetal's angina, chronic stable angina, unstable angina; as adjunctive treatment of HTN. Angina pectoris Initially 10 mg 3 times daily or 20 mg twice daily, may be increased to 20 mg 3 times daily or 40 mg twice daily. Variant angina 20-30 mg 3-4 times daily. HTN 10 mg 3 times daily or 20 mg twice daily, may be increased to 20 mg 3 times daily or 40 mg twice daily. May be taken with or without food (Avoid grapefruit juice.). Pregnancy. Poor cardiac reserve; diabetes, impaired liver function. Abrupt w/drawal. Childn. Headache, flushing, peripheral edema, orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, fatigue, worsening of anginal symptoms, cerebral ischemia, nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, tinnitus, leg cramps, rash, glucose intolerance, hepatitis. -blockers, cimetidine, digoxin, insulin. Calcium Antagonists Vasdalat 5 mg x 50's (Rp16500) Vasdalat 10 mg x 50's (Rp26500) Vasdalat Retard 20 mg x 50's

Administration Contraindications Special Precautions Adverse Drug Reactions Drug Interactions MIMS Class Vasdalat tablet Vasdalat Retard retard tablet

BIOXON Contents Indications Dosage Contraindications Special Precautions Adverse Drug Reactions MIMS Class ATC Classification Bioxon powder for injection Ceftriaxone disodium Sepsis, meningitis, infection of the lower resp tract, UTI, skin & soft tissue infection, bone infection, intra-abdominal infections, septicaemia, gonorrhoea, peri-op surgical prophylaxis. Adult & childn >12 yr 1-2 g once daily. Dosage may be increased to 4 g daily in severe infections. Infants & childn <12 yr 50-70 mg/kg body wt. Hypersensitivity to cephalosporins. Hypersensitivity to penicillins. Pregnancy & lactation. GI disturbances, skin reactions, haematological changes. View ADR Monitoring Form Cephalosporins J01DD04 - ceftriaxone ; Belongs to the class of third-generation cephalosporins. Used in the systemic treatment of infections. Bioxon 1 g x 1's (Rp155000)

POSPARGIN Contents Indications Dosage Methylergometrine maleate Prevention & treatment of postpartum & postabortal haemorrhage. Active management of 3rd stage of labour. Uterine haemorrhage following separation of the placenta, uterine atony, subinvolution of the puerperal uterus, lochiometra. Caesarian section 0.2 mg IM or 0.1-0.2 mg IV or via intramural inj, after the baby is delivered by extraction. Active management of 3rd stage of labour 0.1-0.2 mg IM following delivery of the head or anterior shoulder or immediately after delivery of the child. 3rd stage of labour w/ general anaesth 0.2 mg IV. Uterine atony 0.2 mg IM or 0.1-0.2 mg IV. Promotion of uterine involution 0.125 mg orally 3 times daily for 3-4 days. Puerperium bleeding, subinvolution, lochiometra 0.125-0.25 mg orally 3 times daily or 0.1-0.2 mg IM daily. Induction of labour, severe HTN, preeclampsia or eclampsia, imminent abortion, primary & secondary uterine inertia, pregnancy. Severe or persistent sepsis, peripheral vascular disease, ischaemic heart disease, impaired renal or hepatic function. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, HTN (after rapid IV administration). G02AB01 - methylergometrine ; Belongs to the class of ergot alkaloids. Used to induce abortion or augment labour and to minimize blood loss from the placental site.

Contraindications Special Precautions Adverse Drug Reactions ATC Classification

Pospargin film-coated tablet Pospargin injection

Pospargin 0.125 mg x 10 x 10's (Rp44000) Pospargin 0.2 mg/1 mL x 1 mL x 10's (Rp47000)

Contents Indications Dosage Contraindications Ketorolac tromethamine Short-term management of moderate to severe pain. Initially 10 mg IM/IV, then 10-30 mg every 4-6 hr when required. Max: 90 mg daily. Max duration of treatment (IM or IV administration) should not exceed 5 days. Active peptic ulceration or recent GI haemorrhage or perforation, history of peptic ulcer disease or GI bleeding, severe renal dysfunction or those at high risk of renal failure, cerebrovascular disease, haemorrhagic diathesis, operations w/ high risk of haemorrhage or incomplete haemostasis, confirmed or suspected cerebrovascular bleeding; moderate or severe renal impairment; hypovolaemia or dehydration. Patients on anticoagulant therapy or w/ haemophilia, CV disease, acute renal failure, HTN or other conditions related to fluid retention, hepatic dysfunction or a history of hepatic disease, childn <16 yr. Edema, HTN, pruritus, rash, GI disturbances, purpura, drowsiness, dizziness, sweating, pain at inj site. View ADR Monitoring Form Heparin, salicylic acid, furosemide, probenecid, lithium, methotrexate, nondepolarising muscle relaxants, ACE inhibitors, antiepileptic drugs, psychoactive drugs. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) M01AB15 - ketorolac ; Belongs to the class of acetic acid derivatives and related substances of non-steroidal antiinflammatory and antirheumatic products. Remopain 10 mg/1 mL x 5's (Rp97500) Remopain 30 mg/1 mL x 5's (Rp150000)

Special Precautions Adverse Drug Reactions Drug Interactions MIMS Class ATC Classification Remopain injection

Contents Per caplet Co-amoxiclav: Amoxicillin trihydrate 500 mg, K clavulanate 125 mg. Per 5 mL syr Co-amoxiclav: Amoxicillin trihydrate 125 mg, K clavulanate 31.25 mg. Per 5 mL Forte syr Co-amoxiclav: Amoxicillin trihydrate 250 mg, K clavulanate 62.5 mg. Per 1 g vial Co-amoxiclav: Amoxicillin 1,000 mg, K clavulanate 200 mg Upper & lower resp tract, GUT, skin & soft tissue, bone & joint infections. Caplet Adult & childn >12 yr Severe infections: 1 caplet. Dry syr Childn 25 mg/kg body wt 8 hrly, 1-6 yr 5 mL, <1 yr 2 mL. Forte syr Childn >6 yr 5 mL. Doses to be taken 3 times daily. Inj Adult & childn >12 yr 1 g 6-8 hrly, 3 mth-12 yr 25 mg/kg body wt 6-8 hrly, 0-3 mth 25 mg/kg body wt 8-12 hrly. Renal dysfunction w/ CrCl 10-30 mL/min 1 g inj followed by 0.5 g IV 12 hrly. CrCl <10 mL/min 1 g inj followed by 0.5 g 24 hrly. Surgical prophylaxis Adult 1 vial at induction of anesth then up to 3-4 doses of 1 g in 24 hr. May be taken with or without food (May be given w/o regard to meals. Best taken at the start of meals for better absorption & to reduce GI discomfort.). Hypersensitivity. Superinfection. Babies born of mothers hypersensitive to penicillins. Pregnancy & lactation. Hypersensitivity, GI disturbances. Penicillins J01CR02 - amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor ; Belongs to the class of penicillin combinations, including beta-lactamase inhibitors. Used in the systemic treatment of infections. Claneksi 5 x 6's (Rp289050) Claneksi 60 mL x 1's (Rp41310) Claneksi 1 g x 6's (Rp449100) Claneksi Forte 60 mL x 1's (Rp54940)

Indications Dosage

Administration Contraindications Special Precautions ADR MIMS Class ATC Classification

Claneksi film-coated caplet Claneksi dry syrup Claneksi powder for injection Claneksi Forte dry syrup

Contents Indications Dosage Isoxsuprine HCl Disorders of the peripheral circulation due to spasm, cold, rigidity, cramp, ischemia, diabetic ulcers. Prevention & treatment of premature labour & other undesired uterine contractions eg surgical intervention during pregnancy & cerclage. Peripheral circulation disorders Tab 1 tab 3-4 times daily. Amp 1 amp 3 times daily. Immediate suppression of uterine motility 0.2-0.5 mg/min by IV infusion or 10 mg IM 1-2 hrly. Maintenance: 20 mg 3-4 times daily. Circulatory disturbances 20 mg orally 3-4 times daily or 10 mg parenterally 3 times daily. Should be taken with food (Take after meals to minimise GI discomfort.). Recent cerebral hemorrhage. Occasional transient palpitations, fall in BP or dizziness (reduce dose). Peripheral Vasodilators & Cerebral Activators / Drugs Acting on the Uterus

Administration Contraindications ADR MIMS Class

Form Duvadilan tablet Duvadilan injection

ATC Classification

Packing/Price Duvadilan 20 mg x 50's Duvadilan 10 mg/2 mL x 5's

C04AA01 - isoxsuprine ; Belongs to the class of 2-amino-1-phenylethanol derivative agents. Used as peripheral vasodilators.

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