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1.) Generic Name:  Skin structure  Contraindicated in  Bind to specific  Severe stomach  Assess patient signs
cefuroxime  Skin and soft patients pennicillin- pain and symptoms of
tissue infection hypersensitive to binding proteins  Difficulty of infection
Brand Name:  Urinary tract drug (PBPs) located breathing  Ask patient for
Ceftin infection  Liver disease inside the  Headache allergy of antibiotics
 Gonorrhea  Kidney disease bacterial cell  Nausea  Report onset of loose
Classification:  Wound  Breastfeeding wall, it inhibits  Rash stools
Antibiotics infection mothers cell-wall  Increased serum  Notify prescribe
 Streptoccoccemi  Colitis synthesis cretonnean about rashes or super
Dosage: a  Diabetes promoting  Diarrhea infections
500 mg  Patients who takes osmotic  Superinfections  Monitor renal,
birth control pills instability;  Vomiting hepatic and
Frequency: usually  Seizure hematologic
1 tab BID bactericidal

2. Generic Name:  Temporary  Contraindicated in  Inhibits CNS  Minimal GI upset  Consider the 10
paracetamol relief of pain patient with synthesis with  Mathemeglobinemi Golden Rights of
and discomfort hypersensitivity to minimal effects a administering
Brand Name: from headache, dug on peripheral  CNS stimulation medication
Tylenol fever, cold, flu,  Anemia prostaglandin  Hypoglycemic  Be alert for signs of
minor muscular  cardiac & synthesis. Coma reactions of the drug
Classification: aches, pulmonary disease Thought to  Hemolytic anemia,  Monitor CBC, liver
Analgesics (Non- overexertion,  Hepatic or severe produce  Leukopenia, and renal functions
opioid) menstrual renal disease. analgesia by  Neutropenia,  Assess for fecal
Antipyretics cramps,  Liver toxicity blocking pain  Pancytopenia, occult blood and
toothache, impulses by Thrombocytopenia nephritis.
Dosage: minor arthritic inhibiting  Liver damage,  Tell the patients to
500mg tab pain. synthesis  Jaundice avoid using OTC
 As a substitute prostaglandin in  Hypoglycemia drugs with
Frequency: for aspirin in the CNS or of  Skin rash Acetaminophen
1 tab TID as upper GI other substances  Urticaria  Tell patient not to use
needed disease, that sensitize pain drug for fever that’s
bleeding receptors to higher than 103.1 F,
Route: disorders clients stimulation. The lasts longer than 3
PO in anticoagulant drug may relieve days or recurs.
therapy and fever through  Tell the patient to
gouty arthritis central action in take the drug with
the hypothalamic food or milk to
heat-regulating minimize GI upset
center.  Tell the patient to
report nausea and
vomiting, cyanosis,
shortness of breath
and abdominal pain
as these are signs of
 Tell patient to report
paleness, weakness
and heart beat skips
 Tell the client to
3. Generic Name:  Iron deficiency  Hypersensitivity  Enhances milk  Uterine contraction  Advise clients not to
natalac anemia reaction letdown and  Constipation exceed prescribed
 Lactation and increases volume  Diarrhea doses
Brand Name: increase milk of milk  Headache  Instruct client not to
Moringa oleifera production and production in  Infections follow
volume nursing mother  Anemia manufacturer’s
Classification: suffering from  Hypotension instructions for use
Supplement insufficient of Natalac
lactation. It is an  Advise client to
Dosage: effective drink supplements
250 mg capsule galactogogue for better lactation
(lactation  Advise clients to
Frequency: enhancer). observe for
1 capsule OD  The active indications of an
component impending
Route: malunggay hypersensitivity
PO (Moringa
oleifera) has  Ensure that client
gained know the appropriate
acceptance as a dosage
health food
supplement to
help stimulate
the secretion of
4. Generic Name: :  Prophylaxis  Hemochromatosis  These folic acid  Allergic reactions  Instruct the patient to
ferrous + folic acid andtreatment of  Hemosiderosis congeners are  GI effects not chew or crush this
iron&folic acid  Pernicious transported  Flushing medication
Brand Name: deficiency and  Aplastic across cells by  Dizziness or  Take this medication
Ameciron nutritional  Normocytic receptor- faitness on an empty stomach
anemia  AnAemias mediated  Black 1 hour before or 2
Classification: especially  Breastfeeding endocytosis discolorationof hours after meals.
Supplement indicated  Patients with where they are stool  Tell the patient to
throughout galactose needed to  Bronchospas avoid taking antacids,
Dosage: pregnancy ad intolerance maintain normal  Constipation dairy products, tea, or
300 mg tab lactation erythropoiesis,  Nausea coffee within 2 hours
synthesize purine  Fever before or after this
Frequency:  Prevention of and thymidylate  Stomach cramps medication because
1 tab OD concomitant nucleic acids,  Bloatedness they will decrease its
folic acid interconvert  Flatulence effectiveness.
Route: deficiency amino acids,  Anorexia  Assess history of
PO methylate tRNA,  Mental depression allergy to folic acid
and generate and  Seizures preparations;
use formate.  Headace pernicious, aplastic,
Using vitamin  Blurred Vision normocytic anemias;
B12 as a  Hemorrhage lactation
cofactor, folic  Assess for skin
acid can lesions,color;
normalize high adventitioussounds;
homocysteine CBC, Hgb, Hct,serum
levels by folate levels,serum
remethylation of vitamin B12 levels
homocysteine to
methionine via

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