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Obesity (defined as having a body mass index (BMI) above 30 kg/m2) is now recognised as a global epidemic (I). Health risks of obesity include type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and some cancers (2), and obesity also inflicts serious social and psychological penalties (3). Regular physical activity, i.e. any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure (4), is inversely related to longterm weight gain (5). Physical activity coupled with dietary restrictions produces greater weight loss compared to diet alone (6). Physical activity also improves mental well-being (7), appetite regulation and macronutrient intake balance (8), and increases cardiorespiratory fitness (9). (See Rissanen and Fogelholm (10) for more detailed information on physical activity in the treatment and prevention of obesity co-morbidities). However, whilst there is considerable evidence as to the many beneficial effects of physical activity in obese adults, approaches to facilitating long-term increases in physical activity, and the subsequent attainment of those beneficial effects, are relatively little researched. Indeed, many aspects of adherence to physical activity behaviour change are not yet known in normal-weight (BMI 20-25 kg/m2) populations. The primary objective of this narrative review paper was to summarise best available evidence on influences on physical activity behaviour change adherence in obese adults. Secondary
Erik ~emrningsson'.~*, PhD-student, Angie Page', PhD, Kenneth FOX', Professor, Stephan ~ o s s n e rProfessor ~, ' Department of Exercise and Health Sciences, University of Bristol, UK Obesity Unit M73, Karolinska Institutet at Huddinge University Hospital, Sweden Correspondence: Erik Hemmingsson, University of Bristol, Dept of Exercise and Health Sciences, Priory House, 8 Woodland Rd., Bristol BS8 lTN, Avon, UK. Current address: Obesity Unit M73, Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge University Hospital, SE-141 86 Stockholm, Sweden E-mail: erik.hemmingsson@bristol.ac.uk
objectives were to give an indication of our confidence in the reviewed evidence by scrutinising study design quality, and to present recommendations for future research in terms of study design and research areas.
and bout adaptational influences. The final section contains, along with suggestions for future research, a critical review of the design and presentation of long-term (>l y.) physical activity intervention studies, and serves to give an indication of our confidence in the reviewed evidence.
in fitness, resting heart rate, BMI, and body fat for physical activity adherence. Nevertheless, physical activity for the purpose of losing weight can be discouraging, and some argue that many obese people may benefit from decreased focus on weight loss and appearance, and instead focus on the attainment of health benefits (17). Motivation Motivation is often cited as important for successful physical activity behaviour change (18), yet none of the studies we reviewed measured motivation for physical activity as a study endpoint.Various techniques can be used to increase motivation, such as motivational interviewing (19). Mainly used in the addictions field, this technique tries to increase motivation by encouraging the patient to identify their own reasons for change, and by specifically addressing the patient's own agenda. Eaton et al. (20) studied physical activity involvement over time and found that the belief that physical activity prevents ill health, such as stroke, cardiovascular disease and weight gain, were significantreasons for choosing to remain active. Motivation can also be enhanced by receiving support and encouragement from other people, such as exercise leaders and peers (14,15,21).
Social support
Social support is a known predictor of physical activity adherence (22,27) and long-term weight loss maintenance (28). An interesting study by Kayman et al. (28) investigated behavioural aspects of weight loss maintenance and weight regain in American women. Successful weight loss maintainers and normal-weight control subjects used available social support significantly more (70 and 80%, respectively) than women who relapsed (38%). Similarly,a study by Fox and colleagues (21) on GP referral for physical activity in middle-aged people in England found that being physically active in the company of friends and other social groups was a critical self-reported factor for motivation and adherence, especially for women. Gillett (15) investigated self-reported exercise adherencerelated factors in obese women during a short (16 weeks) group exercise programme. Interviews revealed that social support from fellow obese exercisers and a health educated and sympathetic exercise leader was a major contributing factor for continued adherence. The weight loss maintenance programme evaluated by Perri et al. (24) consisted of biweekly peer support, weekly written or telephone support from therapists and self-monitoring (Table 1). The protocol consisted of a 20-week weight loss programme followed by randomisation to a control group or maintenance programme. An 18-month follow-up showed that the drop in therapy adherence (including physical activity) became significant much earlier in the control group (after 3 months) compared to the intervention group (after 12 months). Wing et al. (29) randornised 43 obese type 2 diabetics to go
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Table 1.All identifiedlong-term(duration>1 year) randomised controlled interventionstudies with clear cognitivehehaviouralinterventionelements, where the sample mean BMI was above30 kg/m2,physical activity was measured as a primary or secondary study endpoint,and where at least two forms of physical activity intervention was compared between groups.
Study Participants Physical activity comparisons between groups 1. Structured aerobic exercise 2. Moderate-intensity lifestyle activity 1. Control 2.4.2MJlweek walking programme (walk-1). 3.8.4 MJIweek walking programme (walk-2) 1. Long exercise bouts (LB) 2. Short (1O-rnin) exercise bouts (SH) 3. Short, multiple bouts with home treadmill (SBEQ) Intervention duration (baseline follow-up) 16 weeks (68 weeks) Indication of physical activity adherence No significant difference in activity levels between groups during the follow-up year. Physical activity measurement Accelerometer (lifestyle activity group) Session attendance (structured activity group)
Andersen et al. 40 women 1999 (40) (BMI 32.9; age 42.9) Fogelholm et al. 85 women (BMI 34.W.0; 2060 (38) age 40)
12 weeks weight loss +40 weeks weight maintenance (1,2 and 3 years, respectively) 18 months (6, 12 and 18 months, respectively)
3040 more stepslweek in walk-2 Electronic pedometer compared to controls after 1 year. Walk-1 walked 2570 more stepslweek than controls after 2 years. 3-year group differences were non-significant Activity levels in SBEQ was significantly better than other groups during months 13-18 (p.05) No significant group differences in energy expenditure were observed after 18 months Questionnaire and activity log (logs were verified by accelerometer)
18 months 1. S B T ~ 2. Supervised group exercise+SBT (6 and 18 months, 3. Personal trainer+SBT respectively) 4. Financial incentive+SBT 5. Personal trainer+ financial incentive+SBT Treatment: 1. Behaviour therapy 2. Behaviour therapy + aerobic exercise. Post-treatment: 3. No contact 4. Multi-factorial weight loss maintenance programme 1. Group-based exercise (GB) 2. Home-based exercise (HB) 20 weeks+ 12-months post-treatment maintenance programme (3,6, 12 and 18 months, respectively) 12 months (6 and 12 months, respectively) 20 weeks (20 and 72 weeks, respectively)
14 men and 76 women (60% over ideal weight; weight 92.1; age 43.3)
Overall drops in therapy adherence, including exercise, were significant after 3 months in the non-maintenance group, and after 12 months in the maintenance group HB group were more active during months 7- 12 compared to GB (66.2 vs 45.5 rninuteslweek)
Self-monitoring records
49 women (BMI 33.6k3.8; age 48.8k5.6~) 43 type I1 diabetics (BMI about 36; age about 52)
1.20-week weight control programme, including exercise (WCP) (alone) 2. WCP + spouse support (together)
No significant group differences Questionnaire in exercise energy expenditure between groups after 72 weeks
SBT1=Standardbehaviour theapy
through a 20-week weight loss programme either alone (alone condition) or to complete the programme with their spouse (together condition) and trained in providing and asking for social support (Table 1). Participants were followed-up one year from programme completion. Drop-out differences were nonsignificant (1125 for the alone group vs 5/24 for the together group, p<.09), as was kilocalories spent in exerciselweek. Although the role of spouse support was inconclusive for increasing energy expenditure, weight loss data revealed spouse support to have greater impact in women compared to men. Men in the alone condition lost and maintained weight loss better than men with spouse support. The study by Jeffery et al. (30) evaluated the role of personal trainers and financial incentives to improve physical activity adoption and adherence (Table 1). Twenty-nine men and 167 women were randomised to 5 different treatment conditions: Standard Behaviour Therapy (SBT), SBT with group exercise, SBT with increased physical activity cue-reinforcement through a personal trainer who scheduled and supervised three weekly walks, SBT with group exercise and financial incentives, and the
last group who received all of the above-described conditions. All five groups expended >I000 kcallweek in physical activity at an 18-month follow-up, with no significant group differences, despite significantly higher attendance rates at exercise sessions for the groups with personal trainers.
Research suggests that behaviour may be influenced by prompts, for example reminders such as hints or telephone calls or starting a physically active occupation (3 1,32). Other examples of prompts are to establish set routines for physical activity, such as walking the dog or accompanying the children on their walk to school, or by transporting yourself in a physically active way (31).
investigated the effect of short intermittent bouts and access to home exercise equipment on physical activity adherence,weight loss and fitness in obese, sedentary women (Table 1). Three groups were compared with different physical activity instructions, but with identical weekly volumes, 1) one continuousbout of 20-40 min on 5 dlweek), 2) multiple 10-minutebouts, and 3) 10-minute bouts with home access to a treadmill. After 18 months, the short-bout group with treadmill access had significantly higher activity levels, weight loss maintenance and fat loss compared to the other groups, with no significant betweengroup differences in V0,-max. Another interesting and well-designed intervention study by Perri et al. (34) compared participation rates in either a homebased walking programme or a group-basedwalking programme in a sample of forty-nine obese women enrolled on an obesity behaviour modification programme (Table 1). After six months both groups walked for the same amount of minutes (104 m i d week). A 12-month follow-up revealed that the home-based group had better activity maintenance compared to the groupbased group (66.2 midweek vs 45.4 midweek, respectively). The home-based group also had lower drop-out rates (1124 vs 71 25 after 12 months), and superior weight loss (1 l.65k 8.99 vs 7.01k8.23 kg after 15 months). Other well-designed intervention studies in overweight populations (BMI 25-30 kglm2) have also found home-based exercise to be more effective than group-based exercise for increasing activity adherence (35,36). In addition, the efficacy of home-based exercise schemesmay be further improved by social support schemes, which includes telephone support, selfmonitoring, and relapse prevention strategies (24,35,36).
walked steps between all groups after three years. These findings suggest that a moderate volume walking programme (2-3 hours1 week), may be more adherence-conducive, than a high volume walking programme (4-6 hourslweek) in obese women.
Considering the poor physical work capacitykg in the obese, almost any activity will initially be strenuous. High-intensity physical activity (>70% of V0,-max) is likely to cause physical distress, with symptoms such as joint pain, breathlessness and fatigue (23), and may not be necessary improve health more than moderate-intensity physical activity (40-70% of V02-max) (39,40). Indeed, high intensity activities may even be harmful in patients with cardiovascularabnormalities. Interestingly, a study by Weyer et al. (41) found that a message of moderate intensity activity (30 min of moderate intensity activities on most days of the week) was more readily accepted by obese patients (BMI 38.lk6.O kg/m2; age 45.6k13.l y.) than higher intensity activity messages (20-60 min vigorous exercise at least three times per week).
Several well-designed intervention studies in obese adults indicate that physical activity taken in short (10-15 minutes), intermittent bouts (more than once per day) is more conducive to physical activity participation than longer formats of activity (40 minutes) (33,42). The reason for this was unclear and the best activity adherence was seen in those participants who in addition to the short-bout prescription also had access to a home treadmill. No significant difference in activity participation was seen between the long-bout and short-bout groups after eighteen months (33).
Unfortunately, most physical activity-induced health benefits cannot effectively be stored, and regularity is therefore critical. Current scientific guidelines for health-enhancing physical activity by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) (37) stipulate: "The accumulation of 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity (e.g. brisk walking or stair climbing) on most, preferably all, days of the week.' It is likely that most patients will initially be unable to comply with these recommendations, yet what seems important is that patients can eventually become comfortable with physical activity, and that physical activity builds into a regular habit (23).
Fogelholm et al. (38) compared health benefits and physical activity adherence from different volume walking programmes (Table 1). Eighty-five Finnish female obese women were randomised into three groups, 1) control (no exercise), 2) walk-1 a walking programme equivalent to 4.2 MJIweek (2-3 hours walkinglweek), or 3) walk-2: a walking programme equivalent to 8.4 MJIweek (4-6 hours walkinglweek). Participants in the walk- 1 and walk-2 groups were instructed to walk at an intensity of 50-60% of heart rate reserve. A two-year follow-up revealed that the walk- 1group walked significantlymore than the walk-2 and control group. There were no significant differences in daily
Non-weight bearing activities, such as resistance training, aqua aerobics, cycling, swimming and callisthenics, may be used when the ratio of physical work capacitykg is poor. This will often be the case in the initial phase of a weight loss programme, in older patients, or in those with more severe degrees of obesity (43). Thereafter, depending an individual capacity and preferences, a gradual introduction to weight bearing activities, such as walking (using ski poles, if preferred) and aerobics may be introduced. Although the evidence is relatively weak a small study by Thompson and Wankel (44) showed that female health club members who exercised accordingto their preferences had better adherence at a 6-week follow-up compared to women who were not given a choice. An Australian survey by Booth and colleagues (45) on physical activity preferences in sedentary adults found that walking followed by swimming were the most preferred activities. Walking and swimming were also found in a recent English survey by Thompson and Thomas (46) of obese patients attending a dietetic clinic to be the most popular, followed by cycling, aerobics, gym exercise, and aqua aerobics. These authors, however, noted some important gender differences. Swimming was significantly more popular amongst women as was aerobics and aqua aerobics, whereas no significant gender differences were found for walking, cycling or gymnasium exercises. The authors also argued that the activities preferred by men, walking and cycling, may reflect a general dislike for group-based physical activity. Another emerging and promising type of activity is "lifestyle' physical activity. Dunn et al. (47) defined this as: "the daily accumulation of at least 30 minutes of self-selected activities, which includes all leisure, occupational, or household activities
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that are at least moderate to vigorous in their intensity and could be planned or unplanned activities that are part of everyday life'. This kind of activity prescription will allow more individuallyadapted activities, which has been suggested as beneficial for activity adherence (38,4 1). Andersen et al. (40) randomised forty sedentary, obese women to either a programme of structured exercise programme or a lifestyle-oriented exercise programme (Table 1). The structured group had three weekly aerobic step dance sessions, which increased gradually in intensity and duration. The lifestyle group self-monitored their exercise and were encouraged to exercise at a moderate intensity in short bouts as a routine part of their day. A follow-up after sixty-four weeks revealed that activity level and drop-out, cardiovascular risk factors and fat loss were similar between groups.
Table 2. Suggested areas for further research concerning influences on adherence to physical activity behaviour change in obese adults.
The impact of interventions driven by both standard cognitive1 behaviour therapy and contemporary behaviour change models, such as the transtheoretical model and social cognitive theory The impact of environmental changes, both in the home and in greater society The long-term (>ly.) adherence to lifestyle-oriented vs structured activity programmes Improved explanations for behaviour change response magnitude, such as treatment attendance, or changes in psychosocial variables such as self-efficacy, motivation, social support, social physique anxiety, self-esteem, self-monitoring, and perceived competence The delivery and composition of social support, especially for men Patient point of views on influences on physical activity behaviour change, for example by using in-depth interviews as a research methodology The behavioural impact of technical devices, such as electronic step-counters The adaptation and composition of individual intervention packages that aim to maximise adoption and long-term maintenance of behaviour change The feasibility of investigating physical activity intervention in those with more severe degrees of obesity (BMI >35 kg/m2) Adherence data on resistance training programmes, with men/women comparisons. Long-term differences in physical activity levels from interventions aimed at reducing time spent in sedentary activities, as opposed to trying to increase time spent in moderate-intensity activities
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