Taking Up Physical Activity in Later Life and Healthy Ageing: The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
Taking Up Physical Activity in Later Life and Healthy Ageing: The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
Taking Up Physical Activity in Later Life and Healthy Ageing: The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
▸ Online supplementary tables ABSTRACT specific health and function problems in old age,
S1 and S2 are published online Background Physical activity is associated with and has pronounced effects on strength, flexibility,
only. To view these files please
visit the journal online (http://
improved overall health in those people who survive to aerobic capacity, walking capacity, balance and
dx.doi.org/10.1136/bjsports- older ages, otherwise conceptualised as healthy ageing. mental and cognitive decline.5 6 For example, ran-
2013-092993). Previous studies have examined the effects of mid-life domised controlled trials in elderly samples have
Physical Activity Research physical activity on healthy ageing, but not the effects demonstrated favourable effects of exercise training
Group, Department of of taking up activity later in life. We examined the on cognitive7 and physical function.8 In addition,
Epidemiology and Public association between physical activity and healthy ageing physical activity has been associated with increased
Health, University College over 8 years of follow-up. survival in the elderly.9 10
London, London, UK
Montreal Behavioural
Methods Participants were 3454 initially disease-free Several epidemiological studies have previously
Medicine Centre, Hôpital du men and women (aged 63.7±8.9 years at baseline) from examined the prospective association between
Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, a prospective mid-life physical activity and healthy ageing using a
A University of Montreal study of community dwelling older adults. Self-reported multidimensional construct made up of compo-
Affiliated Hospital, Montréal, physical activity was assessed at baseline (2002–2003) nents including chronic disease, mental health,
Quebec, Canada
Department of Psychology, and through follow-up. Healthy ageing, assessed at physical and cognitive function.11–15 The
University of Quebec at 8 years of follow-up (2010-2011), was defined as those Cardiovascular Health Study,13 the Harvard alumni
Montreal (UQAM), Montreal, participants who survived without developing major study,14 Whitehall II study12 and Nurses’ Health
Quebec, Canada chronic disease, depressive symptoms, physical or Study11 all observed robust associations between
Research Center, Montreal
Heart Institute, Concordia cognitive impairment. physical activity and exceptional survival. However,
University, Montreal, Quebec, Results At follow-up, 19.3% of the sample was one of the limitations of prior studies is a failure to
Canada defined as healthy ageing. In comparison with inactive capture the effects of changes in physical activity
Department of Exercise participants, moderate (OR, 2.67, 95% CI 1.95 to 3.64), through follow-up. A major advantage of using
Science, Concordia University,
or vigorous activity (3.53, 2.54 to 4.89) at least once a data from cohort studies with repeated assessments
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
week was associated with healthy ageing, after is the ability to examine the effects of changes in
Correspondence to adjustment for age, sex, smoking, alcohol, marital status physical activity on health outcomes. This issue is
Dr Mark Hamer, Department of and wealth. Becoming active (multivariate adjusted, particularly relevant in older populations as there is
Epidemiology and Public 3.37, 1.67 to 6.78) or remaining active (7.68, 4.18 to limited evidence on the health effects of becoming
Health, 1-19 Torrington Place,
University College London, 14.09) was associated with healthy ageing in physically active relatively late in life.
London WC1E 6BT, UK; comparison with remaining inactive over follow-up. The aim of this study was to examine the associ-
m.hamer@ucl.ac.uk Conclusions Sustained physical activity in older age is ation between physical activity and healthy ageing
associated with improved overall health. Significant over an 8-year follow-up in the English
Received 15 August 2013
Revised 16 September 2013
health benefits were even seen among participants who Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). We specific-
Accepted 24 September 2013 became physically active relatively late in life. ally focused on the effects of physical activity
Published Online First changes through follow-up on healthy ageing.
25 November 2013
body mass index and higher blood haemoglobin levels (see of the sample remained inactive, 11.9% became inactive, 9%
online supplementary table S1). became active and 70.1% remained active (moderate or vigor-
ous activity at least once a week). Becoming active or remaining
Baseline physical activity and healthy ageing at follow-up active was associated with healthy ageing in comparison with
At follow-up, 38.4% of the sample had developed a chronic remaining inactive (table 4), and these associations persisted in
illness, 17.6% reported depressive symptoms, 32% reported dis- fully adjusted models.
ability, 19.2% had cognitive impairment and 17.7% had inad-
equate gait speed. There was a dose–response association DISCUSSION
between baseline physical activity and healthy ageing at 8 years The main findings from the present study demonstrate a dose–
follow-up, such that participants reporting participation in mod- response association between physical activity and healthy ageing
erate or vigorous activity were 3.1-fold and 4.3-fold more likely over 8 years of follow-up in an initially disease-free population.
to be healthy agers, respectively, in comparison with inactive The novel aspect of this study was in examining the impact of
participants (table 2). These effect estimates were only slightly changes in physical activity on healthy ageing, made possible by
attenuated after adjustment for standard covariates and did not repeated collection of physical activity data over follow-up.
appear to be influenced by further adjustment for biological risk Importantly, we demonstrate, for the first time, that participants
factors (see online supplementary table S2). Among the covari- who remained physically active through follow-up were most
ates, wealth and smoking predicted healthy ageing; compared likely to age successfully, although participants who took up activ-
with participants in the poorest quintile, those in the richest ity during the follow-up period were also more likely to remain
were more likely to be healthy agers (multivariate adjusted healthy compared with those who were inactive throughout. In
OR=2.81, 95% CI 1.93 to 4.10). Smokers were less likely to be fact, participants who remained active over 4 years of follow-up
healthy agers (multivariate adjusted OR=0.66, 0.48 to 0.89). were over sevenfold more likely to be healthy agers after covariate
When we examined the association between physical activity adjustment. In comparison, when using a single assessment of
and individual components of healthy ageing, all components physical activity at baseline, participants reporting vigorous activity
remained independently associated with physical activity after were just over three times more likely to be healthy agers. Thus,
mutual adjustment for one another (table 3). repeated assessment of the exposure variable improved prediction
of our outcome. Undoubtedly, controlled trials are the best test of
Change in physical activity and successful ageing causality. However, longitudinal studies of community samples
We examined associations between 4-year change in physical have several advantages in that they are more representative, and
activity and subsequent healthy ageing. Over the 4 years, 8.9% can be followed up over longer periods of time without the risk of
Table 1 Characteristics of the study population at baseline Table 3 OR (95% CI) for the association of physical activity and
(N=3454) different components of healthy ageing over 8 years follow-up
ageing Unhealthy Model 1 Model 2
(n=665) ageing (n=2789) p Value OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI)
contamination effects that is a concern in trials with extended ELSA.17 This supports the biological plausibility of our findings
follow-up. In the present study we aimed to minimise possible and further reinforces the likelihood of causality. Thus, taken
confounding by controlling for key covariables (including age, sex, together prospective observational studies of representative com-
smoking, alcohol intake, marital status and wealth as a marker of munity samples are an important approach for establishing links
social status) and reduce the risk of reverse causality by removing between physical activity and healthy ageing.
participants with prevalent disease at baseline. We also demon- The prevalence of healthy ageing in ELSA is comparable with
strated associations between healthy ageing and several biomarkers previous studies. For example, in the Nurses’ Health Study,
that have been previously associated with physical activity in 10.8% met the criteria for healthy ageing11 and 20.9% met the
criteria in the British Whitehall II study of civil servants.12 In summary, a sustained level of physical activity in older age
Slight differences are possibly due to variations in the criteria is associated with improved overall health in participants surviv-
used for defining healthy ageing and also differences in ing over an 8-year follow-up. Moreover, significant health bene-
follow-up time. For example, previous studies11 12 have used fits were even seen among participants who became physically
longer follow-up periods of 14–16 years, with younger samples active relatively late in life. This study supports public health
at baseline. Thus, our sample may have already contained a high initiatives designed to engage older adults in physical activity,
proportion of healthy survivors at baseline. Social function is even those who are of advanced age.
included in the definition of healthy ageing although seldom
used, thus this dimension of ageing should be considered in
future studies. What are the new findings?
Several previous studies, including the Cardiovascular Health
Study,13 the Harvard Alumni Study,14 Whitehall II study12 and
Nurses’ Health Study11 have all observed strong associations ▸ Sustained physical activity was prospectively associated with
with physical activity and exceptional survival. In contrast, other improved healthy ageing (absence of disease, freedom from
studies have not observed these associations.15 The present disability, high cognitive and physical functioning, good
study is one of the first to assess associations between changes in mental health).
activity and healthy aging. A reduction in physical activity may ▸ Significant health benefits were even seen among
be one of the first indicators of the disease onset. However, in participants who became physically active relatively late in
the present study participants who became physically active life.
after baseline were more likely to be healthy than those who
remained sedentary and those who became inactive. In a recent
11-year follow-up study of older Australian men, participants
who met the physical activity recommendations at baseline and How might it impact on clinical practice in the near
follow-up were most likely to be successful agers at follow-up.26 future?
Several other cohort studies have demonstrated that an increase
in physical activity in older age is protective against all-cause
mortality.27 28 Although our assessment of physical activity
The results support public health initiatives designed to engage
change was crude, the results appear to suggest that maintaining
older adults in physical activity.
or beginning any form of regular activity is beneficial. The
mechanisms underlying these effects remain unclear. One key
mechanism may involve inflammatory pathways. Regular phys- Contributors MH had full access to the data, and takes responsibility for the
ical activity is associated with sustained levels of lower inflam- integrity and accuracy of the results. All authors contributed to the concept and
matory markers in older adults.29 In addition, low-grade design of study, drafting and critical revision of the manuscript.
inflammation has been linked to many of the components of Funding The data were made available through the UK Data Archive. The English
healthy ageing, including chronic disease,30 31 depression,32 Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) was developed by a team of researchers based
cognitive decline,33 sarcopenia and disability.34 35 at University College London, the Institute of Fiscal Studies and the National Centre
for Social Research. The funding is provided by the National Institute on Aging in
Our study has some limitations. Chronic disease was based on theUSA(grants 2RO1AG7644-01A1 and 2RO1AG017644) and a consortium of UK
self-report of physician diagnosis, though previous work has government departments co-ordinated by the Office for National Statistics.
demonstrated the validity of this measure in ELSA.36 Competing interests MH is supported by the British Heart Foundation (RE/10/
Self-reported physical activity was crudely assessed and, consist- 005/28296); KLL and SLB are supported by Chercheur boursier awards from the
ent with others,37 was modestly related to objective accelerome- Fonds de recherché du Quebec—santé (FRQS) and New Investigator Awards from
try measures. For this reason, and because self-reported physical the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).
activity in older adults has been shown to overestimate actual Patient consent Obtained.
activity and underestimate its true effects on mortality in older Ethics approval London Multi-Centre Research Ethics Committee.
adults,10 our study may have considerably underestimated the Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
strength of associations between physical activity and healthy
Data sharing statement The data were made available through the UK Data
ageing. As in any observational study, residual confounding may Archive.
explain our results. However, the effect estimates were a little
Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the
attenuated after a range of multivariate adjustments. In a sub- Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 3.0) license, which
sample with available clinical data we did also make adjustments permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
for other clinical covariates such as body mass index, inflamma- and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
tory markers, glucose metabolism and blood lipid levels, properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://creativecommons.org/
although these factors may be on the causal pathway linking
physical activity with healthy ageing. The participants excluded
from our analyses were less physically active and generally of REFERENCES
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