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Imp Ec2305 - Transmission Lines and Waveguides

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A.R. ENGINEERING COLLEGE, VILLUPURAM ECE DEPARTMENT QUESTION BANK SUB. NAME: TRANSMISSION LINES AND WAVEGUIDES SEM: V BRANCH/YEAR: ECE/III UNIT- I FILTERS PART A 1) Define Neper. 2) Define Decibel. 3) What is symmetrical network? 4) What is the characteristic impedance of T and symmetrical network? 5) Mention the condition for stop and pass band of filter. 6) What is the condition for occurrence of cutoff frequency of a filter? 7) Define cutoff frequency of a filter. 8) What is low pass filter? 9) What is high pass filter? 10) What is band pass filter? 11) What is band elimination filter? 12) What are the advantages of constant k prototype filter? 13) Write down the expression for frequency of infinite attenuation for m-derived low pass and high pass filters. 14) Write down the expression for m of m-derived low pass and high pass filters. 15) Mention the advantages of m-derived filters. 16) What are the salient features of crystal filter? 17) If the short circuit impedance is 100 and open circuit impedance is 400, what is the characteristic impedance of symmetrical network? PART B 1) Explain in detail about characteristic impedance of symmetrical network. (16) 2) Discuss the properties of symmetrical network. (16) 3) Derive and explain about constant K low pass filter. (16) 4) Derive and explain about constant K high pass filter. (16) 5) Derive and explain about m derived high pass filter. (16) 6) Derive and explain about m derived filter. (16) 7) Discuss in detail about prototype band pass filter. (16) 8) Derive and explain about m derived band pass filter. (16) 9) Explain in detail about band elimination filter. (16) 10) Explain in detail about m-derived band elimination filter. (16) 11) Explain in detail about block diagram of composite filter. (16) 12) Design a bpf with Zo 100 and pass band from 4.8 to 5.2 khz. (16) 13) Design m- derived LPF, with fc=5000 Hz, impedance 600.f is 1.25(fc). (16)



UNIT-II TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS PART A 1) What are the primary and secondary constants of a transmission line? 2) Write the condition for a distortion less line. 3) What are loaded lines? 4) Define wavelength and velocity of wave. 5) What is phase distortion or delay distortion? 6) What is frequency distortion? 7) What is called as infinite line? 8) Define propagation constant. 9) List the different methods of loading. 10) Mention the relation between characteristic impedance and primary constant of a transmission line. 11) Write the formula for velocity of propagation. 12) Write the Campbells formula for propagation constant of a loaded line. 13) When does reflection take place on a transmission line? 14) Define reflection coefficient. 15) Define SWR. 16) Define reflection factor. 17) Define reflection loss. 18) What is meant by waveform distortion? 19) Write the equation of SWR in terms of reflection coefficient. 20) What is the input impedance of open and short circuit line? 21) What is the need for loading? 22) Define insertion loss. PART B 1) State and explain Campbells formula for the loading cables. 2) Derive an expression for and velocity for ordinary telephone cables. 3) Briefly explain about waveform distortion. 4) Derive the condition to be satisfied for a distortion less line. 5) Derive the expression for wavelength and velocity of propagation. 6) Develop the differential equations governing the voltage and current at any point on a uniform line. Solve these to obtain the Vand I in terms of the load current and voltage. 7) Derive an expression for the input impedance of a line. ZO end with ZR. 8) Derive an expression for the reflection coefficient in terms of Z0 and ZR. 9) Show that for any uniform transmission line the following relation are valid a. Z0 =(ZOC*ZSC) and tanhl=( ZSC / ZOC ) 10) Derive the expression for insertion loss of transmission line. 11) Derive the expression for cascaded connection and explain about coaxial line. 12) A telephone line has resistance of 20s, L of 10mH, C of 0.1 F and insulation resistance of 100K/Km. find the input impedance at angular frequency 5000rad/s if the line is very long.

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EC2305 TRANSMISSION LINES AND WAVEGUIDES UNIT-III THE LINE AT RADIO FREQUENCY PART A What are constant S circles? Explain how smith chart can be used as an admittance chart. What are the advantages of double stub over single stub matching? What is stub matching? Define SWR. Give the names of circles on Smith chart. Mention two applications of Smith chart. List the advantages of Smith Chart. What are limitations of single stub matching? Why short circuit is preferred over open circuited stub? Distinguish between single and double stub matching. What is bilinear transformation? Why is single stub matching inaccurate on coaxial line? What is the importance of a quarter wave line? What is the transformation utilized for formulating the smith chart? How tapped quarter wave line can be used as impedance transformer? PART B Describe a voltage and current equation on the dissipation less line. (16) Discuss how smith chart is constructed and explain its application. (16) Describe an experimental set up for the determination of SWR of an RF transmission. (16) Derive from first principles how the smith chart analytical equations can be obtained from a bilinear transformation. Is the smith chart an approximation? (16) Derive the expression for one eighth wave line. (16) Explain in detail about single stub matching. (16) Explain in detail about double stub matching. (16) Explain, with diagrams, the method of deriving constant S circles and constant x circles used for impedance determination. (16) A dipole antenna whose input impedance is 100 is to be matched at a frequency of 100MHz to a transmission line having characteristic impedance of 600 by means of short circuit stub. Determine the location and length of the stub. (16) Explain in detail about quarter wave transmission line and its impedance matching? (16) A lossless transmission line with Z0 =75 and electric length l=0.3 is terminated with a complex load impedance of ZR=40+j20 . Determine reflection coefficient and VSWR of line. (16) Consider the line with Z0 -100 terminated by an unknown impedance.The SWR=2.5 and first voltage minimum at 16cm from termination when the frequency is 100MHz. determine the terminating impedance by use of smith chart assuming the line is placed in free space. (16) On a transmission line a standing wave pattern is observed and the voltage

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

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EC2305 TRANSMISSION LINES AND WAVEGUIDES standing wave ratio is found to be 3.0 and it is also noted that two successive voltage minima are 30cm apart. The first voltage minimum is found to be 12cm from the load. The length of the line is 85.2cm and the Zo is 200 . 14) Determine the SWR, characteristic impedance of the quarter wave transformer, and the distance the transformer must be placed from the load to match a 75 transmission line to a load ZL =25- j50 . UNIT-IV GUIDED WAVES BETWEEN PARALLEL PLANES PART A What are guided waves? What is TE wave or H wave? What is TM wave or E wave? What is dominant mode? Give examples. Give the dominant mode for TE and TM of rectangular waveguide. What is cut off frequency? Write down the expression for cut off frequency when the wave is propagated in between two parallel plates. Write down the expression for cut off wavelength of the wave which is propagated in between two parallel plates. Give the expression for the guide wavelength when the wave is transmitted in between two parallel plates. Write down the relation between guide wavelengths and cut off wavelength. Give the expression for velocity of propagation of wave in between two parallel plates. What is TEM wave or principal wave? Mention the characteristics of TEM waves. Give the relation between phase and group velocity. Define attenuation factor. Give the relation between the attenuation factor for TE waves and attenuation factor for TM waves. Find the frequency of minimum attenuation for TM mode. Differentiate TE and TM waves. Define wave impedance. PART-B Derive the electromagnetic field expression for TM waves guide by a parallel plane perfectly conducting structure. Starting from Maxwells equations, explain how a wave propagates in between two infinite parallel planes. Derive the electromagnetic field expression for TE waves guide by a parallel conducting plane. Explain the characteristics of TE and TM waves. Derive the field expressions for TEM waves guided by a parallel conducting plane. What are the different types of velocities of propagation in between two plates and explain its characteristics impedance.



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EC2305 TRANSMISSION LINES AND WAVEGUIDES 7) Derive an expression for the attenuation factor for TE waves in between two parallel conducting planes. 8) Derive an expression for the attenuation factor for TM waves in between two parallel conducting planes. 9) Derive an expression for the attenuation factor for TEM waves in between two parallel conducting planes. 10) Bring out the differences between TE, TM and TEM waves. 11) A parallel plane waveguide consists of two sheets of good conductor separated by 10cm. find the propagation constant at frequencies of 100MHz and 10GHz, when the waveguide is operated in TE10 mode. Does the propagation takes place in each case. 12) A pair of perfectly conducting planes is separated by 8cm in air. For frequency of 5000MHz with the TM1 mode excited find the following: Cut-off frequency Characteristic impedance Attenuation constant for f=0.95fc Phase shift Phase velocity and group velocity Wavelength measured along the guiding walls 13) consider a parallel plate waveguide with plate separation 20cm with the TE 10 mode excited at 1GHz. Find the propagation constant, the cut-off frequency and guide wavelength assuming r=4 for medium of propagation in the guide. 14) A uniform plane wave propagates in a lossless medium whose r=4, r=1 in the Z direction. Assume that Ex is sinusoidal with a frequency of 100MHz and has a maximum value of 1m/V at t=0 and z=1/8m. Write down the instantaneous expression for E and H for any t and z. UNIT-V WAVEGUIDES PART A 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) What is a waveguide? Why are rectangular waveguides preferred over circular waveguides? Mention the applications of waveguides. Why waveguide is taken circular or rectangular form? Define wave impedance. What is an evanescent mode? What is the cutoff wavelength and cut off frequency of the TE10 mode in a rectangular waveguide? What is the cut-off wavelength and cut-off frequency of the TM11 mode in a rectangular waveguide? What is the wave impedance of the TEM waves in waveguide? Write the expression for wave impedance of the TE mode. Write the expression for wave impedance of the TM mode. Explain why TEM mode is not possible in rectangular waveguide.

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EC2305 TRANSMISSION LINES AND WAVEGUIDES 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Why is TM01 mode preferred to the TE01 mode in a circular waveguide? What is the resonant frequency of a microwave resonator? Why transmission line resonator is not usually used as a microwave resonator? Why rectangular or circular cavities can be used as microwave resonator? What is the dominant mode for a rectangular resonator? Define Q of a waveguide. PART-B Derive expression for the field components of TE10 waves in a rectangular Waveguide. Sketch the field distribution. Derive the expressions for the field component of TM waves in a rectangular waveguide. Derive an expression for the cut-off frequency for the TE10 mode for a rectangular Waveguide. Explain how various modes can be excited in a rectangular waveguide. Define characteristic impedance of a rectangular waveguide and derive its expressions in three forms. Derive expressions for the field components of TE waves in a circular waveguide. Derive an expression for the attenuation factor in a circular waveguide for TE and TM modes. Explain how various modes can be excited in a circular waveguide. Explain the features of a microwave resonator. Derive expressions for the field components of TE and TM waves in a rectangular Cavity resonator. Given a circular waveguide used for a signal at a frequency of 11GHZ propagated in the TE01 mode and the internal diameter is 4.5cm.calculate: Cut-off wavelength (ii) guide wavelength Group velocity (iv) phase velocity and (v)Characteristics impedance A circular waveguide has an internal diameter of 5cm. calculate the cut-off Frequencies for the first four modes of TE and TM waves. An air filled circular waveguide having an inner radius of 1cm is excited in dominant mode at 10GHZ. Find (a) the cut-off frequency of the dominant mode at 10 GHZ. (b) The guide wavelength and (c) wave impedance. Also find the bandwidth for the operation in the dominant mode only. Find the resonant frequencies of the first five lowest modes of an air filled rectangular Cavity of dimensions 5cm*4cm*2.5cm. A semicircular cavity resonator has a length of 5cm and a radius of 2.5cm. Calculate the resonant frequency for the dominant mode: If the cavity is air filled. If the cavity is loaded by a dielectric with a relative dielectric constant of 9. An air filled circular waveguide having an inner radius 1cm is excited in Dominant mode 10GHZ. Find the guide wavelength, wave impedance and the frequency bandwidth for operation in dominant mode only.

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