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Command buttons in each group carry out a command or display a menu of commands. The new, results-oriented Office Fluent user interface presents tools to you, in a clear and organized fashion, when you need them: Save time and get more out of the powerful Word capabilities by selecting from galleries of predefined styles, table formats, list formats, graphical effects, and more. The Fluent user interface eliminates the guesswork when you apply formatting to your document. The galleries of formatting choices give you a live visual preview of the formatting in your document before you commit to making a change.
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javascript:Open Player({Player:' mediaplayer',D ownloadAssetI d:'ES01027694 1',ThumbnailA ssetId:'',Width: 884,Height:540 ,Type:''}); Problems watching the video? Try our troubleshooting tips.
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javascript:Open Player({Player:' mediaplayer',D ownloadAssetI d:'ES01027694 2',ThumbnailA ssetId:'',Width: 884,Height:540 ,Type:''}); Problems watching the video? Try our troubleshooting tips.
In addition to sharing the same custom dictionaries, all programs can manage them by using the same dialog box. For more information, see Use custom dictionaries to add words to the spelling checker. The 2007 Microsoft Office system spelling checker includes the post-reform French dictionary. In Microsoft Office 2003, this was an add-in that had to be separately installed. For more information, see Change the way spelling and grammar checking work. An exclusion dictionary is automatically created for a language the first time that language is used. Exclusion dictionaries let you force the spelling checker to flag words that you want to avoid using. They are handy for avoiding words that are obscene or that don't match your style guide. For more information, see Use exclusion dictionaries to specify a preferred spelling for a word. The spelling checker can find and flag some contextual spelling errors. Have you ever typed a mistake similar to the following? I will see you their. In Office Word 2007, you can enable the Use contextual spelling option to get help with finding and fixing this type of mistake. This option is available when checking the spelling of documents in English, German, or Spanish. For more information, see Choose how spelling and grammar checking work. You can disable spelling and grammar checking for a document or for all documents that you create. toptopTop of Page
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javascript:Open Player({Player:' mediaplayer',D ownloadAssetI d:'ES01027693 9',ThumbnailA ssetId:'',Width: 884,Height:540 ,Type:''}); Problems watching the video? Try our troubleshooting tips.
Go beyond documents
Now more than ever, when computers and files are interconnected, it pays to store documents in files that are slim, sturdy, and supportive of a wide variety of platforms. To meet this need, the 2007 Office release achieves a new stage in its evolution of XML support. The new XML-based file format enables Office Word 2007 files to be smaller, more robust, and deeply integrated with information systems and external data sources.
If you store document templates in a library on a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 server, the library might include custom properties that store information about the templates. For example, your organization may require you to categorize documents in the library by filling in a Category property. By using the Document Information Panel, you can edit properties like this directly within the Word environment. toptopTop of Page
Office Diagnostics
Microsoft Office Diagnostics is a series of diagnostic tests that can help you to discover why your computer is crashing. The diagnostic tests can solve some problems directly and may identify ways that you can solve other problems. Microsoft Office Diagnostics replaces the following Microsoft Office 2003 features: Detect and Repair, and Microsoft Office Application Recovery. For more information, see Diagnose and repair crashing Office programs by using Office Diagnostics.
Program recovery
Office Word 2007 has improved capabilities to help avoid losing work when the program closes abnormally. Whenever possible, Word tries to recover some aspects of the state of the program after Word restarts. For example, you are working on several files at the same time. Each file is open in a different window with specific data visible in each window. Word crashes. When you restart Word, it opens the files and restores the windows to the way they were before Word crashed. For more information, see Avoid losing work when an Office program closes abnormally. c=en%2DUS&CTT=5&origin=HA010074224 0.aspx?client=1&Ver=12&NS=WINWORD&lc=en%2DUS&CTT=5&origin=HA010074224 c=en%2DUS&CTT=5&origin=HA010074224 0.aspx?client=1&Ver=12&NS=WINWORD&lc=en%2DUS&CTT=5&origin=HA010074224 toptopTop of Page Did this article help you?
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