36:: Data Entry Operations: L L L L L
36:: Data Entry Operations: L L L L L
36:: Data Entry Operations: L L L L L
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Word processing is an application program that allows you to
create letters, reports, newsletters, tables, form letters, brochures,
and Web pages. Using this application program you can add
pictures, tables, and charts to your documents. You can also
check spelling and grammar.
In this lesson, we will learn Word 2007 and use its features, tools
and techniques. All Professional Documents will be discussed
using this package only.
After going through this lesson you would be able to:
l define features of Word 2007
l explain basic menu details of Word 2007
l create, save and print new Word document
l protect a word document quickly and efficiently
l manage word files and their printing
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Fig. 3.1
MS Word 2007 also provides the feature and tools to export your
document to either PDF (Portable Document Format) or XPS
(XML Paper Specification) format.
Fig. 3.2
40 :: Data Entry Operations
3.6.1 Menus
If you are familiar with previous versions of Word, when you begin
to explore Word 2007, you will notice a significant change in the
menu structure, look and feel. The features in Word 2007 display
as various tabs such as Home, Insert, Page Layout, References
etc. To view all sub tasks/options (expanded form) in each
menu, you must click the required option. For example, the
images in Figure 3.4 show the Border menu in collapsed form
(Figure 3.4a) and in expanded form (Figure 3.4b).
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Shortcut Menus
These features allow you to access various
Word commands faster than using the
options on the menu bar. When the menu is
expanded, the shortcut menu is displayed
with short-cut command option for each of
the short-cut menu item. The options on this
menu will vary depending on the sub-task
that was clicked or selected. For example, the
shortcut menu on the side is produced by
selecting or expanding the Border option of
the paragraph sub-task of the Home Tab from
the Tab bar. Fig. 3.5
The shortcut menus are helpful because they display only those
options that can be applied to the item that was selected and,
therefore, prevent searching through the many menu options.
3.6.2 Toolbars
MS Word 2007 provides a customized quick access toolbar to
organize the tools available for easy and fast access of the
commands. Many toolbars displaying shortcut buttons are also
available to make editing and formatting quicker and easier. The
toolbars that are already displayed on the screen are checked.
To add/modify simply click on the “More Commands” option
which will display the following menu for customized selection of
tools as per your requirement.
42 :: Data Entry Operations
Fig. 3.6
Fig. 3.7
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3.6.3 Rulers
The rulers display horizontal and vertical scales that reflect the
width and height of your typing area. The horizontal scale is
invaluable when you want to quickly set tabs, margins, and
indents. Select the View tab on the main MS word 2007 screen
to be able to select/deselect the Ruler/Gridlines and other
Fig. 3.8
The first bar along the bottom of the typing area is the horizontal
scroll bar. To see the text that is off the right side of the screen, use
the left arrow button. To see the text that is off the left side of the
screen, use the right arrow button. You can also drag the horizontal
scroll button to move left or right of the document.
In Word 2007, the options such as view documents and zoom is also
available on the bottom bar for easy access.
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Fig. 3.9
1. State True or False
(a) Shortcut menu feature allows access to various Word
commands faster than using options on the menu
(b) In the collapsed menu, all the commands will be
(c) For both Show and Hide Rules, the command is View
(d) The black vertical blinking line in the typing area in
a word document is the insertion point.
(e) The use of Scrollbars is to set margins in a document.
46 :: Data Entry Operations
Fig. 3.12
48 :: Data Entry Operations
Fig. 3.13
If you suspect that some one knows your password and you want
to change it, modify it by typing present password in Password
to open: box and new password in Password to modify: box in
the Save dialog box.
Some times you may feel that your document should be reviewed
by others to improve the document’s contents. The reviewers of
your document can suggest some changes or comments without
modifying the original document. After the review, if you wish that
the changes were necessary you can incorporate them.
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Fig. 3.16
Track changes: Selecting this option from the Review Tab and
Tracking sub-task, let other users to change the document but
highlights all changes so that you can track changes. While a
document is protected for track changes, you cannot turn off
change tracking nor can you accept or reject track changes.
the file name and then click Open in Find dialog box to open
the document.
Fig. 3.17
1. Name of the printer (if you have more than one printers).
2. Choose paper size, orientations, resolution etc. by pressing
Properties button.
3. Print the entire document or only current page or specific
4. Print a draft copy, which omits graphics to allow faster
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Fig. 3.18
in Print dialog box. Follow the steps given below to resize your
document to fit into a new paper size.
(b) False
(c) True
(d) True
(e) False
4. Programs→Microsoft Word
5. CTRL+N keys
(b) File→Save
8. (a) True
(b) False
(c) False