Teacher Induction Program
Teacher Induction Program
Teacher Induction Program
Teacher Induction Program Background AdvancED accreditation requirements suggest that the school ensures [a]ll school personnel are engaged in systematic mentoring, coaching, and induction programs that are consistent with the schools values and beliefs about teaching, learning, and the conditions that support learning (Indicator 3.7). The schools Teacher Induction Program depends on Sage teachers (veteran faculty members who have proven themselves knowledgeable and valuable as leaders who reflect and promote school values), who guide incoming instructors as they become familiar with the schools particular curriculum and philosophy. The Teacher Induction Program is complemented by the schools Mentor Program, which continually engages all faculty members in collective examination of the schools values and beliefs about teaching. Sages Application Sages are selected through an application process (Sage Application - Appendix A). The responsibility of a Sage is great, as he or she is the welcoming, knowledgeable, and professional face of the school for inductee teachers. As such, applicants will submit evidence of expert planning, instruction, assessment, professionalism, and other indicators of successful practice of school curriculum and philosophy. Successful applicants have been proven leaders by positively promoting the schools direction while demonstrating expert-level knowledge. Evaluation Sages are evaluated by lower school and upper school administration using the TPES, as are all teachers; however, Sages are held to additional expectations. Outlined below are those additional expectations aligned to the processes of the TPES. 1. Induction Meeting Logs (Appendix B) serve to record weekly meetings between the Sage and the inductee teacher. 2. Visitation Logs (Appendix C) serve to record visitations that occur when the Sage teacher observes the inductee teachers instruction or vice versa. 3. Goal for Student Progress Forms (Appendix D) for Sage teachers are specifically aligned to MAP scores for those Sage teachers who teach a mathematics or English course in the upper school or who teach a MAP tested grade level in the lower school; if a Sage teacher does not teach one of those courses or grades, he or she clearly aligns student progress measurement to standards. 4. An end of induction period Sage Performance Report (Appendix E). Instructional Planning Sages provide guidance to inductee teachers concerning the planning processes unique to EABH. Inductee teachers often require guidance at a moments notice, and it is the Sages responsibility to make him or herself available during planning periods to provide that guidance. Sages are expected to meet with inductee teachers at least once per week, and in those meetings, Sage teachers will share plans from the current year and from years past to provide exemplars of exceptional planning as models for inductee teachers to follow. Sages will share resources, instruct inductee teachers in aligning data collection to planning, and assist the inductee teacher in identifying student learning needs that inform the use of differentiation in planning and instruction. Instructional Delivery Sage teachers work with inductee teachers through effective use of the Peer Visitation Program, along with additional analysis of instructional practice. Sage teachers and inductee teachers each benefit from collaborative efforts to optimize student opportunity to learn by engaging students in active learning,
Affiliations: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Secretaria de Estado da Educao-MG Association of American Schools in South America Association of American Schools in Brazil IB World School, PYP IB World School, MYP
Av. Professor Mario Werneck, 3002 Buritis Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil 30575-180 +55-31-3378-6700 eabh@eabh.com.br eabh.com.br
building upon a differentiated understanding of existing knowledge and skills, clear communication, effective and appropriate use of technology, and the reinforcement of learning goals. Assessment of/for Learning Sage teachers will guide teachers through EABH assessment policies (and the particulars of multiple policies if the teacher will be involved in multiple programs Brazilian Program, Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme, etc.). Sage teachers will lead inductee teachers through backwardsdesign planning using the schools particular planning documents. They will help inductee teachers focus on the use of formative assessment to guide student learning that reaches learning goals through summative assessment tasks. Learning Environment Through collaborative planning and visitation, Sage teachers will assist inductee teachers in identifying student peer dynamics, so that inductee teachers are better able to create dynamic learning environments that maximize learning opportunities and minimize disruptions. Professionalism Working in a new environment, with new policies and procedures, inevitably involves some adjustment. Sage teachers consistently promote positivity and guide inductee teachers in finding solutions to challenges as they arise. Sage teachers model effective collaboration and communication, in mentorship of the inductee teacher, and in all school interactions. Sage teachers guide inductee teachers in understanding the purposes behind policies and guidelines, even when those guidelines conflict with personal interests. Sage teachers encourage inductee teachers to seek professional growth opportunities and to become involved in school events and activities. Student Progress Sage teachers assist inductee teachers in the use of objective information (collected from standardized tests and assessments that are both summative and formative in nature) to set measurable and appropriate goals for student achievement. Sages assist teachers frequently in adjusting these goals based on consistent collection of student learning data. Teacher Documentation Folder Sage teachers will assist inductee teachers in compiling information that can serve as evidence of performance related to TPES standards. Other Support Sage teachers are primary advisers to inductee teachers, and will often assist inductee teachers in adjustments that extend beyond curricular and philosophical needs; however, Sage teachers must always be professional first, and interactions are expected to be collegial and positively promotional at all times. Timeframe Sage teachers will guide inductee teachers for one semester the expected time frame any incoming teacher will likely require before he or she can be fully held to the expectations set for other faculty members. Veteran and Novice Teachers Sage teachers should recognize that the manner of guidance for inductee teachers may vary depending on the inductee teachers comfort and experience. There are many things about the school and its operations for which any inductee teacher will need guidance, whether that teacher has never been in front of a classroom or that teacher has 30 years of experience.
Affiliations: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Secretaria de Estado da Educao-MG Association of American Schools in South America Association of American Schools in Brazil
Av. Professor Mario Werneck, 3002 Buritis Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil 30575-180 +55-31-3378-6700 eabh@eabh.com.br eabh.com.br
Renewal Sage teachers will submit records of inductee teacher induction weekly to coordinators, and at the end of one semester, Sage teachers will hold a final meeting with respective coordinators to be evaluated (Sage Evaluation Appendix E). Inductee Teachers Veteran and Novice Teachers Inductee teachers are new to our school, but may have varied years of experience in teaching, perhaps even in international settings and in programs our school has adopted. However, any teacher knows that entering a new school, with a new environment, a new culture, and new colleagues, means that there is a period during which that teacher needs time for acclimation. This program is for the benefit of inductee teachers, and it is desirous that inductee teachers recognize that the opportunity is to work for them and not against them. Orientation Although it is not always possible for inductee teachers to arrive before the start of the school year, we encourage attendance for a two-day orientation period, during which the teacher can familiarize him or herself with the school, his or her Sage teacher, administration, and procedures that will assist the teacher during the first days. Meetings Inductee teachers, like all teachers, will meet weekly with coordinators. It is during this time that the teacher may wish to understand more about his or her particular program or subject requirements. Inductee teachers will also meet weekly with Sage teachers. Please refer to the Induction Meeting Logs (Appendix B). A log will be completed for each weekly meeting with the Sage teacher. Professional Development The induction process is a form of professional development in itself, one of many processes that increase teacher collaboration, reflection, and learning as explained in our Mentor Program. The Teacher Induction Program is an opportunity for inductee teachers to evaluate need for professional development as well, and Sage teachers are encouraged to guide inductee teachers through the process of reflection of need and of applying for professional development.
Affiliations: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Secretaria de Estado da Educao-MG Association of American Schools in South America Association of American Schools in Brazil
Av. Professor Mario Werneck, 3002 Buritis Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil 30575-180 +55-31-3378-6700 eabh@eabh.com.br eabh.com.br
Teacher Induction Program Sage Application Fall Semester 20## Complete and submit to the director by ## June 20## Name: Yrs of Experience: Courses Taught: Yrs at EABH:
2. How have you assisted other teachers in the past? In your explanation, please include information about the teacher or teachers you have assisted.
3. What professional development have you pursued for yourself recently, and how has that professional development enhanced your practice?
4. In what ways do you use resources and strategies in your planning and instruction that are dynamic? Please provide specific examples.
Affiliations: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Secretaria de Estado da Educao-MG Association of American Schools in South America Association of American Schools in Brazil
Av. Professor Mario Werneck, 3002 Buritis Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil 30575-180 +55-31-3378-6700 eabh@eabh.com.br eabh.com.br
5. In what ways do you use assessment to account for the differentiated needs of students? Please provide specific examples.
6. In what ways do you foster positivity in the workplace? Please provide specific examples. Address the possibility that colleagues may respond differently.
7. Indicate how you use objective measuring of student progress to influence planning and instruction. Please provide specific examples.
8. Describe methods you employ for managing classroom behavior and ensuring a positive, constructive learning environment that pushes student thinking. Discuss two classrooms of different behavioral cultures (these classrooms can be hypothetical or classes from your teaching practice).
Affiliations: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Secretaria de Estado da Educao-MG Association of American Schools in South America Association of American Schools in Brazil
Av. Professor Mario Werneck, 3002 Buritis Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil 30575-180 +55-31-3378-6700 eabh@eabh.com.br eabh.com.br
Induction Meeting Log Please indicate areas that are covered in this meeting by checking boxes. Feel free to add notations. Meetings should begin with looking back at past logs to check for areas that need to discussing. Date: Sage: Areas for Discussion Instructional Planning Questions about planners Planning from reflection and assessment Instructional Delivery Classroom tips Formative assessment Assessment of/for Learning Aligning assessment to learning Differentiation Summative assessments Learning Environment Classroom management Student concerns Professionalism Interdisciplinary work Colleague interactions Student Progress Collecting data from assessment Teaching to individual students Teacher Documentation Folder Professional Development Opportunities Program-Specific Information Technology Using Schoology Upcoming Items (reporting of grades, attendance, submission of items for program) Upcoming School Events Inductee: Notations
Affiliations: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Secretaria de Estado da Educao-MG Association of American Schools in South America Association of American Schools in Brazil
Av. Professor Mario Werneck, 3002 Buritis Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil 30575-180 +55-31-3378-6700 eabh@eabh.com.br eabh.com.br
Induction Visitation Log Inductee Teachers Name: __________ Sage Teachers Name: Date: ______ Class/Time:
These are things I observed today # Descriptor 1 Students are provided support and feedback at the appropriate level of challenge 2 Students strive to meet high expectations established by the teacher and are engaged in rigorous coursework, discussions, or tasks 3 Students take risks in learning without fear of negative feedback 4 Students demonstrate a positive attitude about the classroom and learning 5 Students make connections from content to real-life experiences 6 Students demonstrate or verbalize understanding of the lesson/content 7 Students follow classroom rules and work well with one another, transitioning smoothly from one activity to another 8 Students use digital tools and technology to enhance learning 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 Additional Notes/Future Considerations:
Affiliations: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Secretaria de Estado da Educao-MG Association of American Schools in South America Association of American Schools in Brazil
Av. Professor Mario Werneck, 3002 Buritis Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil 30575-180 +55-31-3378-6700 eabh@eabh.com.br eabh.com.br
Sage Goal Setting for Student Progress Form Teachers Name: School Year: Subject/Grade: -
Directions This form is a tool to assist teachers in setting a goal that results in measurable learner progress. NOTE: When applicable, learner achievement/progress should be the focus of the goal. Enter information electronically into the cells (the boxes will expand to fit the text). Initial Goal Submission (due by to the evaluator) I. Setting (Describe the population and the special learning circumstances) II. Content/Subject/Field Area (The area/topic addressed based on learner achievement, data analysis, or observational data) III. Baseline Data (What does the current data show?) To which specific MAP criteria is this data connected? OR To which specific objective measurement is this data connected? IV. Goal Statement (Describe what you want learners/program to accomplish) Provide specific numbers related to MAP criteria or another qualifying objective measurement. V. Means for Attaining Goal (Strategies used to accomplish the goal) Teaching Strategy Evidence of Student Expected Student Growth (in Progress terms of objective measurement)
Target Date
Teachers Signature:
Affiliations: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Secretaria de Estado da Educao-MG Association of American Schools in South America Association of American Schools in Brazil
Av. Professor Mario Werneck, 3002 Buritis Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil 30575-180 +55-31-3378-6700 eabh@eabh.com.br eabh.com.br
Evaluators Signature: VI. Mid Year Mid-year review conducted on: Review (Describe goal progress and Initials: (teacher) other relevant data) Data attached Explanation of Data/Progress
Teachers Signature: Evaluators Signature: VII. End-of-Year Review Appropriate Data Received
Date: Date:
Strategies used and data provided demonstrate appropriate student growth Yes No
Evaluators Signature:
Affiliations: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Secretaria de Estado da Educao-MG Association of American Schools in South America Association of American Schools in Brazil
Av. Professor Mario Werneck, 3002 Buritis Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil 30575-180 +55-31-3378-6700 eabh@eabh.com.br eabh.com.br
Sage Teacher Performance Report Sage Teachers Name: School Year: Inductee Teacher:
Developing/Needs Improvement The Sage teacher did not guide the inductee teacher thoroughly enough in the seeking of and using of data and resources that would help the teacher differentiate.
The Sage teacher consistently and actively guided the inductee teacher in the seeking of and using of data and resources, helping that teacher effectively differentiate to meet the needs of all students. Comments:
The Sage teacher guided the inductee teacher in the seeking of and using of data and resources, helping that teacher differentiate to meet student needs.
Developing/Needs Improvement The Sage teacher did not guide the inductee teacher in creating student opportunities to learn. The Sage teacher may not have conducted observations of the inductee teacher or may not have provided feedback on instruction.
The Sage teacher consistently and actively guided the inductee teacher in optimizing student opportunities to learn. The Sage teacher conducted multiple observations to provide the inductee teacher feedback on instruction, and offered the inductee teacher specific and pertinent information related to engaging students in higher order thinking and enhanced performance skills. Comments:
The Sage teacher guided the inductee teacher in creating student opportunities to learn. The Sage teacher conducted observations to provide the inductee teacher feedback on instruction, and discussed with the inductee teacher information related to using a variety of instructional strategies to meet individual learning needs.
In addition to meeting the standard Affiliations: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Secretaria de Estado da Educao-MG Association of American Schools in South America Association of American Schools in Brazil
Av. Professor Mario Werneck, 3002 Buritis Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil 30575-180 +55-31-3378-6700 eabh@eabh.com.br eabh.com.br
Improvement The Sage teacher consistently and actively guided the inductee teacher in using assessment as a system of gathering, analyzing, and incorporating data to advance student learning. The Sage teacher trained the inductee teacher in the collection and application of data from multiple systems, including MAP data, formative and summative assessment data, and learning profile data. The Sage teacher worked with the inductee teacher to effectively teach students to monitor individual academic progress. Comments: The Sage teacher guided the inductee teacher in using assessment as a system of gathering, analyzing, and incorporating data to advance student learning. The Sage teacher trained the inductee teacher in the collection and application of data. The Sage teacher worked with the inductee teacher to teach students to monitor individual academic progress.
The Sage teacher did not guide the inductee teacher in using assessment as a system of gathering, analyzing, and incorporating data to advance student learning. The Sage teacher may not have assisted the inductee teacher properly enough to ensure the understanding of or commitment to collecting and using data and training students to monitor individual academic progress.
Developing/Needs Improvement The Sage teacher did not guide the inductee teacher in identifying student peer dynamics with the intention of maximizing learning opportunities and minimizing disruptions. The Sage teacher did not assist the inductee teacher enough to find or use resources, routines, and procedures to impact the learning environment.
The Sage teacher consistently and actively guided the inductee teacher in identifying student peer dynamics, so that the inductee teacher was better able to create dynamic learning environments that maximized learning opportunities and minimized disruptions. The Sage teacher assisted the inductee teacher in using resources, routines, and procedures that created a respectful, positive, safe, studentcentered environment conducive to learning; assistance was also responsive to concerns that arose throughout the semester, where the Sage teacher assisted the inductee teacher in identifying and using strategies that took into
The Sage teacher guided the inductee teacher in identifying student peer dynamics with the intention of maximizing learning opportunities and minimizing disruptions. The Sage teacher assisted the inductee teacher in using resources, routines, and procedures in attempting to create a respectful, positive, safe, studentcentered environment conducive to learning; assistance was also responsive to concerns that arose throughout the semester, where the Sage teacher assisted the inductee teacher in identifying and using strategies.
Affiliations: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Secretaria de Estado da Educao-MG Association of American Schools in South America Association of American Schools in Brazil
Av. Professor Mario Werneck, 3002 Buritis Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil 30575-180 +55-31-3378-6700 eabh@eabh.com.br eabh.com.br
Developing/Needs Improvement The Sage teacher did not consistently promote positivity. The Sage teacher may not have effectively guided the inductee teacher in finding solutions to challenges as they arose. The Sage teacher may not have consistently modeled effective collaboration and communication. The Sage teacher may not have guided the inductee teacher in understanding policies and guidelines. The Sage teacher may not have encouraged the inductee teacher to seek professional growth opportunities or to become involved in school events and activities.
The Sage teacher consistently promoted positivity and guided the inductee teacher in finding solutions to challenges as they arose. The Sage teacher always modeled effective collaboration and communication, in mentorship of the inductee teacher, and in all school interactions. The Sage teacher guided the inductee teacher in understanding the purposes behind policies and guidelines, even when those guidelines could have potentially conflicted with personal interests. The Sage teacher assisted the inductee teacher in finding professional growth opportunities and in becoming involved in school events and activities. Comments:
The Sage teacher promoted positivity and guided the inductee teacher in finding solutions to challenges as they arose. The Sage teacher modeled effective collaboration and communication, in mentorship of the inductee teacher, and in all school interactions. The Sage teacher guided the inductee teacher in understanding policies and guidelines. The Sage teacher encouraged the inductee teacher to seek professional growth opportunities and to become involved in school events and activities.
Developing/Needs Improvement The Sage teacher may not have effectively assisted the inductee teacher in the use of objective information (collected from standardized tests and
The Sage teacher effectively assisted the inductee teacher in the consistent use of objective information (collected from standardized tests and assessments
The Sage teacher assisted the inductee teacher in the use of objective information (collected from standardized tests and assessments that are both
Affiliations: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Secretaria de Estado da Educao-MG Association of American Schools in South America Association of American Schools in Brazil
Av. Professor Mario Werneck, 3002 Buritis Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil 30575-180 +55-31-3378-6700 eabh@eabh.com.br eabh.com.br
that are both summative and formative in nature) to set measurable and appropriate goals for student achievement. The Sage teacher assisted the inductee teacher frequently in adjusting these goals based on consistent collection of student learning data. Comments:
summative and formative in nature) to set measurable and appropriate goals for student achievement. The Sage teacher assisted the inductee teacher in adjusting these goals based on the collection of student learning data.
assessments that are both summative and formative in nature) to set measurable and appropriate goals for student achievement. The Sage teacher may not have effectively assisted the inductee teacher in adjusting these goals based on the collection of student learning data.
Recommended for renewal as a Sage teacher in the Teacher Induction Program. Recommended for removal as a Sage teacher in the Teacher Induction Program.
Teacher Goals:
Date: Date:
IB World School, PYP IB World School, MYP
Av. Professor Mario Werneck, 3002 Buritis Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil 30575-180 +55-31-3378-6700 eabh@eabh.com.br eabh.com.br
Affiliations: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Secretaria de Estado da Educao-MG Association of American Schools in South America Association of American Schools in Brazil