Gapss Part B
Gapss Part B
Gapss Part B
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING - Professional learning is the means by which teachers, administrators and
other school and system employees acquire, enhance and refine the knowledge, skills, and commitment necessary to create and
support high levels of learning for all students.
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All teachers participate in
learning teams throughout the
year and meet regularly to
plan for instruction (e.g.,
develop lesson plans, examine
student work, monitor student
progress). The collaborative
work is aligned with the school
improvement goals.
EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detail evidence supporting your rating above
Every Wednesday students are dismissed early at 2:10pm. Teachers then have mandatory PLC time until 3:30. In this
PLC time, teachers meet with a set group of people who team their same subject and specific course. During this 80
minutes period, teachers plan together to make sure they are on the same pace, create common assessments for future
quizzes and tests, and discuss upcoming material. Once every other month or so, the entire faculty will meet during PLC
time to do a training.
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The principal,
administrative team, and
other human resources
periodically support the
creation and maintenance
of an effective learning
community to support
teacher and student
learning. In key aspects of
the school, these
individuals work
collaboratively to reinforce
collaborative forms of
professional development
and learning for staff
members. Although this
process is operational, it
would improve if greater
emphasis were given to
monitoring its impact on
school improvement goals
and student achievement.
EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detail evidence supporting your rating above
The reason Popes learning community is consistently strong stems directly from our fully operational learning teams.
The administration ensures that our PLCs are mandatory every Wednesday afternoon, while also they foster an
environment, which is supportive and reinforces collaboration. Every week after our PLC meetings, teachers document
how time was spent on a shared Google doc. Our principal regularly analyzes this document to assess whether there are
areas we need additional support in and to praise us in areas that we are succeeding.
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A variety of teachers take
advantage of opportunities to
participate in instructional
leadership development
experiences and serve in
instructional leadership roles
(e.g., instructional coach,
mentor, facilitator). They plan,
advocate for support of, and
articulate the benefits and
intended results of
professional learning.
EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detail evidence supporting your rating above
Our school has a mentor program for new teachers to the school. Also, at the beginning of the school year our
administrator usually sends an email out to teachers asking for those who would like to present a technology workshop
during a lunch period. Teachers are also asked to volunteer for the schools improvement plan committee each year.
Within our PLCs, there is a lead teacher who keeps our collaboration times in check and ensures we are going towards a
student-successful direction.
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The principal and other
leaders support a school
culture that reflects ongoing
team learning and continuous
improvement. The principal
and other leaders plan for
high-quality professional
learning, articulate intended
results of school-based
professional learning, and
participate in professional
learning to become more
effective instructional leaders.
EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detail evidence supporting your rating above
If I were to evaluate this topic last year, Pope would have received Fully Operational. Pope does a wonderful job
ensuring our environment supports a culture of ongoing learning. Teachers meet weekly in our PLCs for collaborative
meetings. Opportunities are made known for teachers to attend professional development sessions across the county
and states. However, this year Pope is piloting a county program for students assessments using the iRespond system.
Because of this, we have been required to attend training sessions almost weekly during our planning to learn about this
new program. This has taken away from critical time to plan, grade, and create lessons. This has also taken away from
other professional learning programs during our planning period.
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Use two PLCS.
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Teachers spend a significant
part of their work-week in jobembedded learning and
collaboration with colleagues
addressing curriculum,
assessment, instruction, and
technology. They receive
sufficient support resources
(e.g., materials, time, training)
and assist with securing
additional resources
necessary (e.g., funding, time,
technology) to sustain their
learning. (NSDC Standards
recommend that formal and
informal job-embedded
learning take place during at
least 25% of educators
professional time. Such time
can be devoted to lesson
study, peer observations and
coaching, modeling,
conferencing, teacher
meetings, mentoring.)
EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detail evidence supporting your rating above
All teachers meet every Wednesday for 90 minutes for mandatory PLC with a set team of teachers who teach the exact
same course. During this time, effective collaboration occurs with lesson planning and assessment making. Also, we
have a mentor program with first year teachers to Pope.
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We do not receive sufficient support resources, especially with this brand new math curriculum. This would be helpful.
Also, peer observation would be a great way for all teachers to get a look at other classrooms.
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Resources are allocated to
support job-embedded
professional learning that is
aligned with high-priority
school improvement goals and
technology supporting student
learning. There is sustained
commitment to ensuring that
these professional
development activities result
in successful classroom
implementation. There is also
a process in place to
determine the value-added of
key strategies and processes,
i.e., how they impact student
achievement and related
organizational short- and longrange goals.
EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detail evidence supporting your rating above
We have few resources for professional learning. Because Pope is piloting a county assessment program this year, all of
our professional development time is allocated for training of this new program.
We need more consistent professional learning opportunities that are not just allocated for this new assessment program
and its corresponding training.
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Teachers and/or
administrators work in
isolation or with limited
representation to review
student summative data and
determine student and adult
learning needs and goals.
Student and teacher data is
collected and analyzed at the
end of the year to monitor
the accomplishment of
classroom and school goals.
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Teachers and administrators
collaboratively analyze
disaggregated student
learning, demographic,
perception, and process data
to identify student and adult
learning needs and goals.
They continuously (minimum
of 4 times a year) collect and
analyze relevant student and
teacher data (e.g. action
research, analyzing student
work, classroom observations,
Awareness Walks, and
surveys) to monitor and revise
school and classroom
improvement strategies.
Accomplishments are
celebrated and results are
regularly reported to family
and community.
EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detail evidence supporting your rating above
After each PLC meeting every Wednesday, the lead PLC teacher documents how the time was spent on a Google doc
created by our principal. There are specific options that we choose on the doc to show how we planned, how we used
technology, and how we are assessing our students. Our principal analyzes this information regularly to ensure that our
time is wisely being spent, but also to show the county how great of a job we are collaborating. Also, new teachers to
pope are spend several of the planning periods (about 2) walking to other teachers classrooms to observe different
subjects and teaching styles.
Our principal does a fantastic job analyzing our PLC time and using that information to help us in anyway possible.
However, I feel the teachers dont analyze often, not allowing us the opportunity to give suggestions for improvement.
Also, new teachers get to walk around to different classrooms to observe, but I believe it would be helpful for ALL
teachers to do this a couple of times a year. This would ensure that teachers are keeping their minds open to teach in
new opportunities and allow them to see what is going on in different classrooms and subjects.
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The principal and other
leaders develop and
implement a comprehensive
plan for conducting ongoing
(both formative and
summative over a three- to
five-year period) evaluation
of the impact of professional
development on teacher
practices and student
learning. Evaluation also
emphasizes changes in
school culture, organizational
structures, policies, and
processes. Teachers
contribute to the evaluation
by collecting and analyzing a
variety (student learning,
demographic, perception,
and process) of relevant
data. The plan specifies the
evaluation question(s), data
sources, data collection
methodology, and data
analysis processes.
EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detail evidence supporting your rating above
In Popes school strategic plan, which is publically posted online on its website, there is a plan outlined for professional
development. It includes the types of professional development that Pope offers and its successes. The plan lists
specifics on the data sources, collections, and the analysis process.
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The principal and other
leaders demonstrate
advanced skills in
determining appropriate
research design, interpreting
research results, and
determining whether results
can be generalized. They
ensure that teachers and
community members learn
to use educational research.
They work with them to
conduct extensive reviews of
research to make informed
instructional decisions
regarding the adoption of
professional development
and school improvement
EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detail evidence supporting your rating above
Our principal analyzes a lot of data. For instance, every PLC we record what specifics of collaboration occurred and he
analyzes that data to make sure we are on the right track, to support us in any ways needed, and to praise us for our
successes. Also, he uses school data to create the school strategic plan each year with a group of teachers who
volunteered their time to be a part of this committee. Our principal is a huge advocate for technology use and
consistently reminds us with data how useful it can be in the classroom.
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Teachers participate in long-term
(two- to three-year period), indepth professional learning that
engages learning teams in a
variety of appropriate
professional development
designs including the use of
technology. The various designs
are aligned with the intended
improvement outcomes. They
include but are not limited to
extensive, follow-up support for
implementing new classroom
practices (e.g., collaborative
lesson design, professional
networks, analyzing student
work, problem solving sessions,
curriculum development,
coursework, action research, and
coaching with feedback). A major
focus of ongoing professional
development is a commitment to
maintaining and updating all
teachers knowledge and
understanding of the content
they are teaching and changes
occurring in their field(s).
EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detail evidence supporting your rating above
As previously mentioned, Popes only professional development this school year is stemming from a county program our
school is piloting. We have spent 10+ planning periods this past semester on training for this program. We were told
there would not be any other in school PD since this new training is very time consuming. This has not been the case in
past years.
Teachers need other PD other than training to use an assessment program. Even though this one program is time
consuming, we should still be given the opportunity to attend PD at Pope to help the implementation of curriculum,
instructional technology, and a variety of assessments we can use.
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The principal and other leaders
align a variety of professional
development designs with
expected adult learning
outcomes (e.g., collaborative
lesson design, professional
networks, analyzing student
work, problem solving sessions,
curriculum development,
coursework, action research, and
coaching with feedback). They
ensure that teams of teachers
are engaged in long-term (twoto-three year period), in-depth
professional learning with
extensive school-based support
for the implementation of new
practices. They clearly
communicate the expectations
for implementation with
collaboratively developed rubrics
describing desired classroom
practices and communicate how
those practices connect to the
school improvement goals.
EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detail evidence supporting your rating above
As mentioned before, our only PD provided at Pope this school year comes from training for a new county program. I
give this section an Emergent because even though the training is for one singular program, we have had multiple
trainings for it through out this semester.
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Professional development is
planned using research
about adult learning needs
and how individuals
experience the change
process. The professional
development sessions
demonstrate classroom
practices through videotapes
and simulations. The
experiences focus on
procedural learning -how to
do it- rather than on
developing deep
understanding of concepts
and problem solving
strategies. Some professional
development is specialized
for new and mentor
Professional development is
planned using research
about adult learning needs
and individual and
organizational change
processes. The professional
development sessions
include modeling and
demonstrations of expected
classroom practices. The
experiences impact
teachers depth of
understanding enabling
them to use the new
strategies routinely. Some
professional development is
specialized to reflect career
stages of new teachers,
mentor teachers, and
teacher leaders.
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Professional development
builds the capacity of the
staff to use research about
adult learning needs and
individual and organizational
change processes as they
implement new strategies.
Professional development
sessions consistently employ
the same instructional
strategies that are expected
to be used in their
classrooms. The experiences
impact teachers depth of
understanding enabling
them to solve problems and
adapt new strategies to
classroom circumstances.
Professional development is
differentiated to reflect
career stage needs and
interests (e.g., mentoring,
leading learning teams,
coaching, utilizing
technology, and curriculum
EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detail evidence supporting your rating above
Our experiences of our PD for this county program is definitely how to do it rather than developing deep
understanding of concepts and problem solving strategies. We have been forced to memorize a set of steps to work
this program, with little emphasis on how this will help our students and make us better teachers.
We needs other PD opportunities that allow teachers to focus on what they specifically need most in the classroomwhether is it help with implementation, instructional technology, or curriculum. These types of opportunities would allow
for the development of understanding that we need to better our students educational experience.
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Teachers and administrators
have knowledge and skills to
monitor and improve group
processes (e.g., group
decision-making strategies,
stages of group development,
effective interaction skills, and
conflict resolution) that are
necessary to accomplish tasks
and satisfy the interpersonal
expectations of the
participants. As a result, the
school culture is characterized
by trust, collegiality, and
collective responsibility for
student learning where
colleagues work
collaboratively in established,
ongoing learning teams.
Technology (e.g., online
discussions, web casts, and
seminars, educational blogs,
listservs, downloadable
resources) is used to support
collegial interactions and to
ensure effective and sustained
EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detail evidence supporting your rating above
I am not aware of the stages of group development or what that quite means. In our PLCs, teachers work together and
have effective interaction. I also believe that there is a school culture of trust and collective responsibility for student
learning. Although we heavily use technology in our school, there are very few to none online discussions, web casts,
educational blog, or listservs to support collegial interactions.
Inform teachers of stages of group development and how we are already using it (if applicable) or how we can use these
group processes to accomplish tasks and satisfy the interpersonal expectations of the participants.
EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detail evidence supporting your rating above
Our students are very motivated, and Pope has very high achievement academically. We have great, trusted
relationships between teachers and students that further cultivate students desire to learn and succeed. Teachers at
Pope are very talented in differentiating instruction to ensure all learning needs of students are being met.
I think there could be better classroom practices of relevant lessons. Being a math teacher, the idea of STEM is very
popular. However, having more resources available for practical lessons would be very helpful. Also, having more
relationships with community professionals and bringing them in as guest speakers would further students connections
between the learning material and the real world.
EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detail evidence supporting your rating above
Our teachers do a wonderful job of lesson planning, sharing strategies, and creating assessments during our PLCs. Our
weakness lies in exhibiting a deep understanding of subject matter. For math teachers specifically, we know the math
material inside and out. However, with this new curriculum- Georgia Standards of Excellence, we have been struggles
deciphering the standard and understanding what exact subject material our students are supposed to be learning. We
have no textbook and very little resources. The standards are very generalized which has made it difficult to know what
specific concepts to teach.
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Create a textbook for this new curriculum. This would ensure all concepts are being taught in the necessary depth. This
would provide students another resource and provide teachers an order of material to follow.
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EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detail evidence supporting your rating above
Once a year, during pre-planning, each high school in Cobb County is dubbed a subject hub. All teachers in the county
go to the corresponding high school to what subject they teach to spend a day learning about curriculum and
instruction. This day can be really helpful talking to different math teachers throughout the county. We sign up for
different sessions to attend that focus on our specific math content area or strategies that we can use in the classroom.
Outside this day, there is very little time spent on learning about the content knowledge and assessment strategies. The
main reason I believe Pope scores emergent is because of the lack of support in our math curriculum. This is the first
school year the state has adopted Georgia Standards of Excellence, which replaced Common Core. We were given the
standards what to teach this school year, with no support, with no textbook, with no resources. The standards given are
very general, at best, and give no direction as to what specifically is to be taught in the classroom.
Everyone in the state is in the same position; so while this is not specifically a Pope-only problem, I really wish our
administration would recognize the struggle the math teachers are having and advocate someone from the state
department of education to give us more direction, resources, and TEXTBOOK, for this new curriculum.
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There is no collaboration
with parents or the
community in developing
activities to support
learning. Communication
through only written
correspondence is limited to
encouraging parents to
attend school functions,
yearly conferences, and
Partnerships among
teachers, families, and the
community are maintained
to develop programs that
support learning and
enhance student skills and
talents. Strategies are
implemented to increase
family involvement such as
providing parent education
workshops with information
on child development and
supporting student learning
at home and communicating
with families about school
programs and student
progress (e.g., information
about report cards, grading
practices, (student work,
homework, and school
events) through an
interactive website, phone,
email, voice mail and written
EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detail evidence supporting your rating above
The Pope community is very tightly knit. Being in a part of town where student families are fairly wealthy, many parents
are very invested into their childs education. Every time a student is marked absent from a class, an automated voice
message is sent to the parents via phone informing them of the absence. Each week our school sends via email Hounds
Highlights, which is a newsletter telling about all upcoming events at the school: academic, social, and college fairs. On
our school website, run by our principal, praises are broadcasts for successful students, sports teams, and club events.
Also, Pope hosts twice a year an open house for parents to come meet their students teachers.
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Although many parents are already very involved in their students life at school, in my 4 years at Pope, we have not
provided any parent education workshops with information on child development and supporting student learning at
home and communicating with families about school programs and student progress. The truth is that not EVERY
parent is involved about their students education and this could be a way to bring together more parents and know how
to get actively involved in education, while fostering an encouraging learning environment at home.
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