Rajamatangi-12 Matangi Details
Rajamatangi-12 Matangi Details
Rajamatangi-12 Matangi Details
[ | 1. She who is of a dark (bluish-black) complexion is named shyAmalA. | 2. She who is the chief of shyAmalA-s (mAtanginI-s) is named rAjashyAmalA. | 3. She is also called mAtangI on account of her ample bosom which resembles the frontal globes on the forehead of an elephant. | |
4. She who graced the great upAsaka matangAnandanAtha is referred to as mAtangI. | 5. She who is the chief of mAtangI-s is called rAjamAtangI. ] ] | 6. She who bears the rAjamudrA of the Supreme Queen lalitA parA bhaTTArikA is called mudrinI. The esoteric context of the word mudrA and that of the role of mudriNI in shrIvidyA should be learnt from a guru well-versed in shAkta yoga. ^ | [ || ][ ] | [ | || 7. Sri Rajashyamala is the prime minister of the Supreme Queen rAjarAjeshvarI. Hence she is called mantriNI or sachiveshAnI. In this world, one who approaches the King though his minister, quickly gains the desired boon from the King. Similarly, one who approaches shrIvidyA mahAripurasundarI after availing the grace of rAjamAtangI, doubtlessly attains the grace of mahArAjnI. One who worships rAjamAtangI along with her retinue of twelve mAtanginI shakti-s (laghu shyAmalA, vAgvAdinI, stambhinI shyAmalA or nakulIshvarI, hasantI shyAmalA, shArikA shyAmalA, shuka shyAmalA, sangIta shyAmalA, sAhitya shyAmalA, kalyANa mAtangI, jagadranjanI mAtangI, vidyunmAtangI and sumukhI) can attain even the impossible. ] ^ ^ | ] [[ ] || mtarbhairavi bhadrakli vijaye vrhi vivraye rvidye samaye mahei bagale kmki vme rame | mtagi tripure partparatare svargpavargaprade dso.aha aragata karuay vivevari trhi mm ||