Fatuous-Illusory, Unreal. or Silly in An Unconscious Manner
Fatuous-Illusory, Unreal. or Silly in An Unconscious Manner
Fatuous-Illusory, Unreal. or Silly in An Unconscious Manner
. Tier- layer/ levels. Solidarity- union arising from common responsibilities. Community of feelings. Travails truh-veyl - burdensome work. Mental physical hardship. Childbirth. Spate- sudden, almost overwhelming, outpouring. Befuddlement- confusion. Or get stupidly drunk. Sentinel- person or thing that stands watching. Reverie- state of dream/ fanciful musing. A daydream. Fatuous- illusory, unreal. Or silly in an unconscious manner. Audacious- bold and reckless Conspicuous- easily seen or noticeable. Vindicate: to defend against opposition. To clear of accusation. Demur: to object, disagree. Insular: island forming Deft: nimble (quick;agile and light in movement) and clever Brimfull: full to the rim. Reconnoiter- to examine or survey area or enemy. Inextricable: unable to be loosen or undone. Hopelessly intricate or perplexing. Vestiges ves-tij: very slight evidence or remainder of something that used to be present. Prefab- shelter for military. Or small house. Gentrify: refurbish. To improve. Quaint: having an old fashioned charm; strange or peculiar in a good way; skillfull. Obsolete: no longer in use; out of date. Enigmatic: puzzling or mysterious. Sardonic: cynical, sneering, mocking. Ephemeral: lasting a short period of time. Short lived. Errant- moving from the regular course. Moving aimlessly. Amenities: courtesy, agreeable manner. Any feature that provides comfort. Frisson free-sohn- passing feeling of excitement. Futile (fyoo-til): useless, ineffective. Exultant: highly elated. Jubilant.
Mediocrity: oridinary. Brisk: lively, quick and active. Echelon esh-uh-lon: a level of authority or rank. Level of worthiness and achievement. Diligence: constant effort to accomplish. Expatriates: to withdraw oneself form their native land. Stark:downright, complete. Harsh, grim, desolate. Extremely simple or severe. Blunt or sternly plain. Desolate:deserted. Uninhabited. Neurosis: feelings of anxiety and obsession thoughts. Fecundity: fertile. Fruitfulness. The capacity of abundant production. Apogee ap-uh-jee - climax Mellifluous- flowing with honey. smooth flowing. Arbitration: settling of differences in a dispute. Corroborating (kor- rob-ber-rate): to confirm or make certain Authoritative: supported by evidence and accepted by most authorities. Municipal: local govt,town or city. Succor suhker: help, relief, assistance.
Ambivalent: torn between positive and negative. Conflicting feelings. Orthography: art of proper spelling Eschewing: to keep away from. Addendum: a thing to be added. Incupable: guiltless. Blameless. Impetus: impulse. Salvation: the act of saving or protecting from harm or risk. Epistemic: pertaining to knowledge or the conditions of acquiring it. Mete: to distribute. Allot. Orthodox: customary or conventional as a means of method. Approved by doctrine or ideology. Revelation: disclosure. Whet: to make keen or eager. Sharpen. Nuance: sublte difference or distinction in expression. Philanthropist: someone who donates because they are concerned about society welfare. Providence: divine care over the creature on earth.
Furtive: sly, secretive. Done/used. Begrudge: to resent someones pleasure of good fortune Lugubrious: mournful, gloomy. Insidious: stealthy, treacherous, deceitful. Primates: ranking the highest. Remiss: careless, negligent. Speculative: theoretical rather than practical. Synergy: when two elements added together create a total energy larger than the sum of both. Nascent: beginning to exist or develop. Formidable: causing fear, apprehension, dread. Apprehensive: fearful, quick to learn, perceptive Perceptive: showing keenness of insight. Lament: to feel or express sorrow or regret. to mourn for or over. Demise: death. Termination of existence. Unprecedented: never known before or experienced. Without previous instance. Irreconcible: incapable of being brought to harmony or adjustment; incompatible. Faction: group or clique within a larger group. Indignant: feeling of strong displeasure due to something unjust or offensive. Canon: standard. Fundamental standard or principle. Secular: wordly things that are not religious or spiritual. Leisurely: acting without haste. Suffice: to be adequate Supererogatory: going beyond requirement or duty. Irrespective: without regards to something else. Conglomeration: cluster. Hegemony: leadership. Pre dominance Preclude: to make impossible. Quintessential: the most perfect embodiment of something. Grumption: initiative, aggressiveness, resourcefulness. Defunct: no longer in use. Frigid: cold in temperature. Stiff an formal. Wane: to decrease in strength
Portent: indication of an omen. Edifice: large sized building. Complex, large organization Surreptitious: acting in a stealthy way Peril: dangerous by exposing to injury or grave risk. Ornery: vile. Stubborn. Bad tempered. Obstinate: cannot be yielded to change opinion. Inflexible attitude. firmly or stubbornly adhering to one's purpose, opinion. Apathetic: showing no emotions Veracity: truthfulness, accuracy. Premise: land. A statement followed by reason. Errant: moving aimlessly. Being adventurous. Trepidation: anxiety, worry. Implore: beg. Fervent: glowing. Showing great warmth and high spirit. Epitome: a person or thing that is typical of or possesses to a high degree the features of a whole class Mollify: to soften; appease. Capricious: unpredictable change. Apace: swiftly, with speed. Dubious: of uncertain outcome; doubtful. Lucid: shining, bright, clear. Convalesce: to heal and recover strength from an illness. Quell: to quiet. To suppress. Admonish: to counsel or advice against something. To scold. Deprecate: belittle Balk: stop at an obstacle and refuse to continue Intrepid: dauntless; fearless. Guffaw: to laugh loudly or boisteriously. Aberration: an act deviating from the normal or ordinary. Ludicrous: to cause laughter Indulgent: benignly lenient or permissive. To yield. to satisfy. Menial: lowly and sometimes degrading. Submissive.
Amend: modify or rephrase or alter. Exasperate: annoyed. To irritate to a high degree. Cantankerous: disagreeable to deal with. Incredulous: unwilling to believe. Skeptical. Insinuation: power of stealing affection and pleasing. an indirect or covert suggestion or hint, especially
of a derogatory nature
Obsequious: obedient; dutiful. Perpetuate: continuing or enduring forever. Contend: to strive in rivalry. Wayward: disobedient. Turned from what is righ tor proper. Voracious: consuming large quanitties. Craving. Inexorable: unyielding. Not to be persuaded. Polemics: controversial arguments Relent: to soften in temper. Elusive: hard to express concept. Cleverly skilled. Asinine: foolish/ unintelligent/ silly. Reticent: reluctance. Accolades: any award or honor. Laudatory: containing or expressing praise Obliterate: to remove all traces of. Stodgy: heavy, dull, uninteresting. Provision:a supply or stock of something needed. Plaintiff: someone who starts the lawsuit Exorbitant: exceeding the bounds of custom. Fervent: showing great warmth or intensity of feeling. Hot, burning, glowing. Eluded: to escape by speed or trickery. Or to escape the understanding or appreciation. Meander: to wander. Renege: go back on ones words. Impudence: brazen. Shamless. Indignant: displeasure. Offensive. Finesse fi-ness: extreme delicacy. Skil in handling a highly sensitive situation. Extricate: to liberate. To free from entanglement.
Posthumously pos-chuh-muh s: arising or continuing after ones death. Published after the death of an author. Born after the death of a father. Cosmopolitan: free from local, provincial or national ideas or prejudice. Belonging to the world. not just one part of the world. Reverence: great respect tinged with awe. A gesture indicative of deep respect (bow) Venerate: to regard to treat with great reverence. Abdicate: to give up throne or right of power. Convene: to come together for a public purpose. Oratory: skill in public speaking. Caricatures: image or pictures that exaggerates defects of the person. Emanate: to flow out. To emit. Occident: Europe and America. (the west) Valor: bravery. Boldness in facing great danger Denude: to make bare or naked. Exuberant: abounding in vitality. Extremely joyous and vigorous. Petulant: sudden movement of impatience or annoyance. Impatient irritation. Abutt: to be adjacent. Undermine: to injure or destroy by insidious activity Insidious: intended to entrap or beguile. Treacherous/ deceitful. Beguile bih-gahyl: to influence with trickery. Mislead. Prosaically: dull, matter-of-fact. Unimaginative. Cursory: going over rapidly, Paying no attention to detail. Superficial. Irresolution: lack of resolution or decision. Conflate: merge. Delude: to mislead the judgement of. Deceive. Frivolous: lack of seriousness. Self indulgingly carefree. Consecrates: to make or declare sacred. To devote or dedicate to some purpose. Haphazard: lack of order or planning. Randomness. Evocative: to call up or produce. To elicit or draw forth. Absolve: to free from guilt or blame. Averse: have a strong feeling of opposition against. Despot: any tyrant or oppressor.
Subjugate: to bring under complete control. Desiccation: to dry up. Topreserve food by drying up. Sessile: permanent attached. Not freely moving. Heretofore: before this time; until now. Heinous: hateful, odious Odious: deserving or causing hatred. Ire: intense anger. Wrath Epoch: a particular period of time marked by distinctive features or events. Benighted: morally or intellectually ignorant. Over taken by darkness or night. Chagrin: feeling of vexation marked by humiliation and disappointment. Vacillate: to waver in mind or opinion. Be indecisive. Rhapsodic: extravagantly enthusiastic. Tenable: capable of being held. Milieu: surrounding; especially of cultural or social nature. Encumbrances: something burdensome, useless. Superfluous: excessive. Or useless and needless. Adroit: cleverly skilled. Resourceful. Ordinance: law or rule Amend: modify. Improve. To remove or correct. Scrupulous skroo-pyuh-luh s: having or showing a strict regard for what one considers right; principled. Or exact, careful and precise. Albeit: although. Even if. Dregs: least valuable part of anything. Convict: to be guilty. Nadir ney-der: the lowest point. Abysmal: immeasurably deep or great. Sedition: rebellion or discontentment against a government. Alumin: some who has graduated or former student to a school. Oft: often Subvert: to overthrow Unequivocal: unambigious. Having only one meaning. Partialities: bias opinions or prejudice.
Ramify: to separate into branches or branchlike parts. Speculative: theoretical rather than practical. Relinquish: to let go. Condemn: to express an unfavorable or adverse judgment on; indicate strong disapproval of; censure. Myriad: very great or indefinite number of things. Laden: burden; loaded down. Laud: to praise Extol: to praise highly. Proffer: offer; suggest. Perservere: to continue steadfastly. Naissance: an organization, an idea, a movement. Eclectic: selected from several sources Enamored: to fill or inflame with love. Microcosm: a little world. Fief: territory held as a fee. Realm: royal domain; kingdom. The special field of something (physics/ etc) Culpability: guilt or blame that is deserved; blameworthiness. Ascribe: to credit or assign. To attribute or to think of as belonging Palatable: acceptable. Or agreeable to the taste, mind, or feeling. Hence: therefore. For this reason. From now. Ratify: to confirm by expressing consent, approval or formal sanction. Subvert: to cause the downfall. To overthrow. To undermine the principle of. Contest: t ofight for. Hegemony: leadership or predominant influence by one nation over another. Collude: to act together through a secret understanding especially with evil or hamrful intent. Elide: to supress or to omit. Douse: to plung into water. Or to drench. To extinguish. Transgress: to violate a law, command or moral code. To pass over or go beyond. Complicit: choosing to be involved in illegal or questionable acts. Vernacular: using plain,everyday, ordinary language. Native or indigenous. Posit: to place or set.
Forebode: to predict. Be an omen of. Colloquial: characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or
writing; informal. Amenable: ready to answer, act, agree, or yield. Opento persuasion. Submissive. Trepidation: fear, alarm or agitation.
Ameliorate: to make or become better. More bearable. Relegation: to send or consign to an inferior position. To send into exile. Mercantile: commercial. Of or pertaining to trade. Tariffs: any duty or rate of duty in such a list or schedule. Revenue: income of a govt from taxation. Usurp: to seize and hold by force without legal rights. To use without authority or right. Concert: agreement of two or more individuals in a plan. Tentative: unsure, hesitant. Made or done as a trial or experiment. Ramification: to divide or spread out into branches. Extend into subdivisions. Euphemism: the substitution of a mild, indirect or vague expression for one thought to be harsh or offensive or blunt. Esoteric: understood and meant only by a selected few who have special knowledge or interest. Private/ secret/ confidential. Fruition: accomplishment. Realization. Attainment or anything desired. Substantiate: to affirm as having substance. Give body to. Strengthen. To establish by proof or competent evidence. Bullish: obstinate or stupid. Hopeful or optimistic. Procure: to obtain. To bring out. Perennial: lasting for an indefinitely long time. Lasting or continuing throughout the years. Zeal:fervor for a person or a cause or object. Eager desire or endeavour. Fervor: intense heat. Great warmth and earnestness of feeling. Unprecedented: without previous instances; never before known or experienced. Discord: disagreement. Lack of concord or harmony. Modicum: moderate or small amount. Lambast: to beat or whip severely. To reprimand or berate harshly. Stringent: strict. Rigorously binding or extracting. Stalwart: strongly and stoutly built. Sturdy and robust. Strong and brave. Firm, steadfast, uncompromising. (eg.the media was known for its stalwart critic of the government.)
Expropriate: to dispossess (a person) of ownership Moreover: in addition to. Pastoral: country life. Rural. Proletariat: the poorest class. Tenure: the holding or possessing of anything. Holding of property.