Accomplishment: something achieved or successfully completed/ achievement, act, attainment, coup, deed, exploit, feat, stroke, triumph To ignore: to fail or refuse to notice; disregard / neglect, overlook, pass over, pay no
attention to, reject. Customary: in accordance with custom or habitual practice; usual; habitual / accepted, accustomed, acknowledged. Appropriate: right or suitable; fitting / opportune, pertinent, proper, relevant, right, seemly, suitable, to the point, to the purpose, well-suited, well-timed. Current affairs: the cultural, political, and social events of importance and interest at the present time Marital status: the condition of being married or unmarried. To sample: to take a sample or samples of something. / experience, inspect, partake of, taste, test, try. Lively: full of life or vigour / ant: apathetic, debilitated, disabled, dull, inactive, lifeless, listless, slow, sluggish, and torpid. Challenge: a call to engage in a fight, argument, or contest / confrontation, dare, defiance, face-off (slang) interrogation, provocation, question, summons to contest, test, trial, ultimatum. To have catered: to provide food, services, etc. / furnish, outfit, provide, provision, purvey, supply, victual. To sign up for: to enlist or cause to enlist, as for military service / engage, enrol, enter (into), gather, join, join up, muster, obtain, procure, recruit, register, secure, sign up, volunteer. To convince: to make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something; persuade / assure, bring round, gain the confidence of, persuade, prevail upon, prove to, satisfy, sway, win over. Tragic: characteristic or suggestive of tragedy / anguished, appalling, awful, calamitous, catastrophic, deadly, dire, disastrous, dismal, doleful, dreadful, fatal. Gossip: a person who habitually talks about others, esp. maliciously. Delighted: extremely pleased (to do something) / blissed out, captivated, charmed, cock-a-hoop, ecstatic. Depressed: low in spirits; downcast; despondent / blue, crestfallen, dejected, despondent, discouraged.
1. Flattered: in a positive mood because of a comment or action which causes one to feel proud of oneself. Offended: hurt or upset. / affronted, disgruntled, displeased, huffy, in a huff,
miffed (informal) outraged, pained, piqued, put out (informal) resentful, smarting, stung, upset. Relieved: experiencing relief, esp. from worry or anxiety. / abated, allayed, alleviated, anesthetized, assuaged, diminished, eased, lightened, mitigated, palliated, salved, softened, soothed. To see someone = to date someone(formal): to be a boyfriend or girlfriend of someone /
To propose: to make an offer of marriage (to someone) / ask for someone's hand (in
marriage), offer marriage, pay suit, pop the question. Bridesmaid: a girl or young unmarried woman who attends a bride at her wedding. To have a long face: expression that indicates sadness, depression or unhappiness. To lay (someone) off: to suspend (workers) from employment with the intention of reemploying them at a later date / discharge, dismiss, drop, give the boot to (slang) let go, make redundant, oust, pay off. Indefinitely: without any limit of time or number / ad infinitum, continually, endlessly, for ever, sine die, till the cows come home.
To pick up: Seniority: the state of being senior / eldership, longer service, precedence, priority,
rank, superiority. Outcome: something that follows from an action, dispute, situation, etc.; result; consequence / aftereffect, aftermath, conclusion, consequence, end, end result, issue, payoff (informal) result, sequel, upshot. Preserved: To maintain in safety from injury, peril, or harm; protect.
To treat: A valued possession: A view: Prominent: jutting or projecting outwards / bulging, hanging over, jutting, projecting,
protruding, protrusive, protuberant, standing out. Suspicious: exciting or liable to excite suspicion; questionable / apprehensive, distrustful, doubtful, jealous. Awkward: / annoying, bloody-minded (Brit. informal) difficult, disobliging, exasperating, hard to handle, intractable, irritable, perverse, prickly, stubborn, touchy, troublesome, trying, uncooperative, unhelpful, unpredictable, vexatious, vexing Off-limits: forbidden to be patronized, frequented, used, etc., by certain persons.
To go for (something):