pull someone’s leg: tell someone something that is not true as a joke
lend someone a hand: help someone
do something behind someone’s back: do something without someone knowing about it
stick your neck out for someone: take a risk because you believe in someone
be under someone’s thumb: be controlled by someone
see eye-to-eye with someone: have the same opinion as someone
get something off your chest: tell someone about something that has been worrying you
sighed: SOSPIRARE speak breathing out slowly, making a long soft sounds, especially because you are
disappointed, tired, annoyed or relaxed
gasped: ANSIMARE speak while you are breathing in suddenly, for example because you are surprised,
shocked or in pain
yelled: URLARE speak in a loud voice because you are angry excited or in pain or in order to make people
hear you
whined: PIAGNUCOLARE to complain in a way that annoys other people
shrieked: STRILLARE to speak in a very loud voice because you are so scared or angry that you cannot
control yourself
whispered: SUSSURRARE speak very quietly so that other people can’t hear you
muttered: BORBOTTARE speak in a low voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed,
embarrassed or talking to yourself
groaned: LAMENTARSI speak in a way that shows that you are unhappy
seat belt
driving licence
road signs
speed limit
steering wheel
traffic jam
traffic lights
petrol station
a call, control, a course, cover, an apology, an attempt, a call, business, a course, harm,
a decision, effect, an interest, changes, a choice, a comment, household chores, research,
offence, place, power, a risk, a complaint, a decision, a test, your best
a test a difference, an improvement,
a mistake, a suggestion,
use of something
NOUNS: adaptation, box office (biglietteria), clichè, cliffhanger (suspense), critic, masterpiece,
portrayal (descrizione), script (descrizione), sequel, twist and turns of a plot
ADJECTIVE: disappointing (deludente), disjointed (disorganico), epic, far-fetched (inverosimile),
fast-moving, flawed (pieno di difetti), gripping (avvincente), uninspiring, inspiring, intriguing,
light-hearted (leggero), low-budget, memorable, mesmerising (fascinante), mind-blowing
(sconvolgente), moving (commovente), risqué (osè), thought-provoking (makes you think),
up-and-coming (emergente)
EXPRESSION: bombed (fallimento), critics panned the film (è stato criticato), grossed (ha realizzato),
the story unfolds (gli eventi si sviluppano), deliver a great performance (about an actor), received rave
reviews (ottime recensione), get a lukewarm reception (è andato benino), a box-office smash (ha avuto
successo nelle vendite), a box-office flop (poche vendite), hit the big screen
admit, avoid, carry on, consider, afford, agree, appear, arrange, bgin, bother, can’t bear, can’t
deny, face, feel like, finish, give decide, expect, fail, happen, stand, continue, hate, love,
up, include, keep (on), practise, help, hope, manage, pretend, prefer, start
recommend, risk, suggest, take promise, refuse, seem, volunteer,
up wait
stop to do: you stop one activity because you want or need to do another activity
stop doing: you are doing something and then you stop
remember to do: you remember you need to do something and then you do it
remember doing: you do something and then you remember it later
forget to do: you don’t do something that you intended to do
forget doing: you did something, but now you don’t remember it
like to do: you do something because you think it’s a good idea
like doing: you do something because you enjoy doing it
try to do: you make an effort to achieve something
try doing: you do something as an experiment
mean to do: you intend to do something
mean doing: an action involves something
go on to do: you stop one activity or topic of discussion and start another, new one
go on doing: you continue doing an activity
catch, feel, find, hear, notice, advise, allow, ask, authorise, feel, hear, help, let, make,
overhear, see, watch beg, choose, encourage, force, overhear, see, watch
help, hire, inspire, invite, need,
order, persuade, pick, remind,
send, teach, tell, want, warn
outlook: idea of what a situation will be like in the future/ your general attitude to things
drawback: disadvantages
outcome: results
feedback: comments about well or badly someone is doing something
outset: beginning, start
outbreak: sudden start of a war, disease, violence
cutback: reduction of something
crackdown: strong action that someone in authority takes to stop a particular activity
breakthrough: svolta
offspring: prole, discendenza
setback: ostacolo, contrattempo
high-risk: alto rischio
worthwhile: utile, che ne vale la pena
littering: abbandono di rifiuti
designated: designato, destinato
be issued with a fine: essere punito con una multa …
be banned
lodged a formal complaint: presenta una denuncia formale
prosecuted and judged: perseguito e giudicato
suspended sentence: pena sospesa
community service
in addition to
in aid of: in aiuto di
on account of: a causa della
by means of: mediante
on the strength of: sulla base
out of touch with: aver perso il contatto
on behalf of: a nome di
in the process of: in fase di
landlord/landlady: a person who owns a house or flat that people can rent
move in: start living in a house or flat
tenant: a person who rents a house or flat
flat-hunt/house-hunt: look for a house or flat to live in
do up a property: repair, paint or improve an old property
fully-furnished: a house that you rent with full furniture already in it
put down a deposit: pay money when you start to rent, returned when you stop renting
flat/house share: a house where friends live together
squatter: a person who lives in place without paying rent to the owner
lodger: someone who pays to live in a house with the person who owns it
be at home with
home truths (verità domestiche)
be home and dry (essere sani e salvi)
not be anything to write home about (non è niente di spettacolare)
brings it home to you (ti fa riflettere)
home from home (una seconda casa)
homed in (è arrivata)
launch a marketing campaign: make public a series of things such as adverts or commercials that try to
persuade a person to buy a product
freebies: things given to you that you don’t have to pay for
cold calls: unexpected phone calls or visit by someone trying to sell you something
endorse: say in public or in ad that you like a product
brand name: the name that a company chooses for its particular product or group of products
billboards: large boards used for advertisements in an outside public place
word-of-mouth publicity: people talking to each other about and recommending a product
banners: an advertisenìments on a website
soul-destroying: used to describe a situation that makes you very unhappy because you think it will never
heart-stopping: very frightening
heartwarming: making you feel happy, usually because other people are being kind
hair-raising: very frightening, but often exciting at the same time
breakneck: very fast, at breakneck speed
ear-splitting: very loud
eye-catching: attractive or unusual and therefore noticed
eye-opening: used to describe a situation that shows you something surprising that you didn’t know before
nail-biting: used to describe a situation that makes you very excited, worried or tense
mind-blowing: extremely impressive, exciting or shocking (informal)
clear fair
cover picked up
since point
see your point get to the point
proved your point missed the point
on the point of up to a point (partly but not completely)
have a point (have a strong argument) the point of no return
spot tip
account hard
draw catch
looking up
lift your spirits
walking/floating on air
over the moon
on top of the world/ on cloud nine/ in seventh heaven
lit up
looking bright for the future
light at the end of the tunnel
brightened up
feeling blue
looking gloomy/ bleak (cupo)
feeling down/ low
heart sank (cuore sprofondò)
cast a shadow over something (gettare un'ombra su qualcosa)
low spirit
feeling down in the dumps (sentirsi giù di morale)