List of Vocabulary C2
List of Vocabulary C2
List of Vocabulary C2
Unit 5
Superior (to somebody) = better, more powerful, more effective etc than a similar person
or thing, especially one that you are competing against ᅳ opposite inferior
Enduring = continuing for a very long time
Compelling = making you feel certain that something is true or that you must do something
about it
Hypothesis (plural:hypotheses) = an idea that is suggested as an explanation for something,
but that has not yet been proved to be true
Supposedly = used when saying what many people say or believe is true, especially when
you disagree with them
Implausible = difficult to believe and therefore unlikely to be true
Genuine = being what it appears to be; real; not false
Innumerate = unable to do simple calculations or understand basic mathematics
Tone-deaf = unable to hear the difference between different musical notes
Correlation (between something and something) = a connection between two ideas, facts
etc, especially when one may be the cause of the other
Aptitude (for something) = natural ability or skill, especially in learning
For a start= used to emphasize the first of a list of facts or opinions you are stating
Obscure = 1) not well known and usually not very important 2) difficult to understand
Confined (to somebody/something) = limited (to somebody/something)
Prime = 1) most important ᅳ synonym main 2) of the very best quality or kind
Dispel = to make something go away, especially a belief, idea, or feeling
Contradiction (between something and something) = a difference between two statements,
beliefs, or ideas about something that means they cannot both be true
Central (to something) = more important and having more influence than anything else
Uncharted territory 1) a situation or activity that you have never experienced or tried
before 2) an area not marked on any maps
Straightforward = simple and easy to understand ᅳ opposite complicated
Time-consuming = taking a long time to do
Spill over (into something) = to spread and begin to affect other places, people etc (phrasal
In particular = especially
Be tied up with something = to be very closely related to something
Appealing= attractive or interesting
Paradoxical = seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true
Put in (time, effort into doing) = to spend time or use energy working or practising
something (phrasal verb)
Grossly = extremely
Be drawn (to something) = to be attracted or be made to want to do something
Superb = extremely good ᅳ synonym excellent
Plausible = reasonable and likely to be true or successful
Confound = to confuse and greatly surprise (someone), causing them to be unable to
explain or deal with a situation
In the first place = used to talk about the beginning of a situation, or the situation before
something happened
Leave somebody/something off (something) = to not include something such as someone's
name in a list or other document (phrasal verb)
The proceedings= an event or a series of things that happen
Take over = to do something instead of someone (phrasal verb)
Be yours for the taking = if something desirable is yours ______________ , you can easily
obtain it
Contribute to/towards = to give money, help, ideas etc to something that a lot of other
people are also involved in
Random = happening or chosen without any definite plan, aim, or pattern
Destiny = the things that will happen to someone in the future, especially those that cannot
be changed or controlled
Dream something up = to think of a plan or idea, especially an unusual one (phrasal verb)
Be a foregone conclusion = if something is a _____________, its result is certain, even
though it has not happened yet
The chances are (that)... It is likely that... There's every likelihood that …it is very probable
Be bound to = to be almost certain to do a particular thing
There's a slim/faint chance = there is a very small chance; it's possible but unlikely
It's doubtful that = it's unlikely; not probable
Singularly = in a way that is very noticeable or unusual
Keen prices = low prices
Staggering = extremely great or surprising
Put in a bid (for something) = to offer to pay a particular price for something, especially at
an auction
Take its toll (on something) = to cause suffering, deaths or damage
Exposure to = a situation in which someone is not protected from something dangerous or
With the intention of = with a plan or desire to do something
Conflation (of something and something) = a combination two or more things which form
a single new thing
A thing of the past = something that does not exist any more
In somebody's heyday = at the time when someone or something was most popular,
successful, or powerful
Career break = an opportunity for improving your professional situation, esp. One which
happens unexpectedly at the height of your success/fame/powers etc be more
successful, famous etc than at any other time
Haunting = sad but also beautiful and staying in your thoughts for a long time
Be brought to light = become known
Hint at = to suggest something in an indirect way, but so that someone can guess your
Unattainable = impossible to achieve
Freelance = working independently for different companies rather than being employed by
one particular company
Lucrative = letting you earn a lot of money
Capture = to succeed in recording, showing, or describing a situation or feeling, using
words or pictures
Liken (something to something) = to say that someone or something is similar to another
person or thing ᅳ synonym compare
See something in a new light = to look at something differently, to change your opinion of
Obscenely = in an extremely unfair, immoral, or unpleasant way, especially in a way that
makes you angry
Strikingly = in a way that is very easy to notice
Unit 8
Mischievous = playful.
Disposition = the particular type of character which a person naturally has.
Obtuse = stupid, without understanding.
Abounds = to be very common.
Phenotypic = pertaining to the physical characteristics of something living, especially
those characteristics which can be seen.
Oblivious = unaware.
Endowed = having a particular feature.
Floored = surprised.
Bigoted = having strong, unreasonable beliefs.
Perpetuate = to cause something to continue.
Personal agendas = own aims or intentions.
Turmoil = a state of confusion, uncertainty or disorder.
Imposition = the act of forcing people to accept something.
Boils down to = to be the main reason for something.
Doctrine = belief or theory.
Dubious = uncertain.
Footing = basis.
Apportioned = given a share of something.
Arbitrary = subjective or uninformed.
Hypothetical = based on an assumption or guess; used as a provisional or tentative idea to
guide or direct investigation.
Instils = to put an idea into someone's mind.
Unit 9
Take in = to deceive
Take on = to challenge
Take out on = to behave badly towards
Take over = to gain control
Take up = to start doing hobby
Take sb up on sth = to question, challenge
Tell against = to spoil any chance of success
Tell apart = to distinguish between
Tell off = to rebuke
Tell on = 1) sth to have a bad effect on sb; 2) to inform on sb
Take me by surprise = to surprise someone with something unexpected.
As far as anyone can tell = not sure
Only time will tell = …
Take my word for it = believe me
Have a job to do sth = find sth difficult to do
Donkey work = boring, monotonous work
Bottom line = conclusion
Have one's work cut out for = have a difficult task prepared for one
Jack of all trades = sb who is able to do a variety of jobs
Pass the buck = avoid taking responsibility by saying that sb else is responsible
Call it quits = give up,stop
Take a stock = assess a situation
Delinquency = behaviour, especially of a young person, that is is illegal or not acceptable
to most people:
Woes = big problems or troubles:
Salience = the fact of being important to or connected with what is happening or being
Deification = to make someone or something into a god:
Margins = the amount by which one thing is different from another:
Intrinsically = being an extremely important and basic characteristic of a person or thing:
Redundant = having lost your job because your employer no longer needs you:
Reprimand = to express to someone your strong official disapproval of them:
Fringe benefits = something that you get for working, in addition to your pay, that is not in
the form of money:
Laborious work = needing a lot of time and effort:
Menial work = menial work is boring, makes you feel tired, and is given a low social
Lucrative job = (especially of a business, job, or activity) producing a lot of money:=
rewarding job
Wet .... The ears = behind
Balance ... Work and home life = between
Called upon to chair it = …
Draw the line between = to separate two things; to distinguish or differentiate between two
Draw the short straw= to have to do the least enjoyable of a range of duties, often because
you have been chosen to do it:
Draw attention to = to attract someone to notice or focus on someone or something
Draw lots = to decide something by picking an item, often a slip of paper, at random
Draw breath = to pause for a moment to take a breath or breathe more slowly
Draw the line at sth = to decide you will not do something
Draw a blank = to fail to get an answer or a result:
Work up the courage =….
Play it safe = to be careful and not take risks:
Start from scratch = start from the beginning
Dress down = to wear clothes that are more informal than the ones you would usually wear
(phrasal verb)
Dress up = to wear clothes that are more formal than the ones you would usually wear
(phrasal verb)
Be/get stuck = unable to escape from a bad or boring situation
Outlay on something = the amount of money that you have to spend on something
Steer clear (of somebody/something) = to avoid someone or something because of possible
danger or trouble
Be/get hooked on something = to enjoy something very much and to want to do it as often
as possible
Raise eyebrows = to surprise people who show surprise, doubt, disapproval etc by moving
their eyebrows upwards
Get up somebody's nose = to annoy someone very much
Opt for something = to choose one thing or do one thing instead of another
Distinct = clearly seen, heard, smelled etc
Conform to/with = to behave in the way that most other people in your group or society
Shave something off = to remove hair by shaving (phrasal verb)
Cease = to stop doing something or stop happening
In alarm = with a feeling of fear or worry because something bad or dangerous might
Outlive its usefulness = to become no longer useful
Underestimate = to think or guess that something is smaller, cheaper, easier etc than it
really is
Cunning: (n) the ability to achieve what you want by deceiving people in a clever way
(adj) clever and good at deceiving people in order to get what you want
To all intents and purposes = used to say that something is so close to the truth that it can
be considered to be the truth
Anything goes = used to say that anything someone says or does is acceptable
At a glance = to know something as soon as you see it
En route from/to = on the way from/to
Needless to say = used when you are telling someone something that they probably know
or expect
A sea change in something = a very big change in something
A dress code = rules about what to wear
Come as a/no surprise = (not) to make someone feel surprised, pleased, disappointed etc
Having said that/that being said = used to say that something is true in spite of what you
have just said
Immaculate = 1) very clean and tidy ᅳ opposite messy 2) exactly correct or perfect in
every detail ≠ scruffy = dirty and untidy
Transform somebody/something (from something) into something = to completely change
the appearance, form, or character of something or someone, especially in a way that
improves it
Quest = a long search for something that is difficult to find, or an attempt to achieve
something difficult
The time has come for = now is a suitable moment
Give weight to something = to highlight the importance of something
Put forward = to suggest something for other people to consider or discuss ᅳ synonym
propose (phrasal verb)
Then again = used to introduce an idea or fact that is different from something you have
just said, or makes it seem less likely to be true
Painstaking = very careful and thorough
Ceremonious = done in a formal serious way, as if you were in a ceremony
Stature = the degree to which someone is admired or regarded as important
Intertwined with something = closely related to something
Build something on something = to base something on an idea or thing (phrasal verb)
Raison d'être = the reason why something exists, why someone does something etc
Relegate (somebody/something) to (something) = to give someone or something a less
important position than before
Cumbersome = heavy and difficult to move
Show off = to try to make people admire your abilities, achievements, or possessions
(phrasal verb)
Gregarious = friendly and preferring to be with other people ᅳ synonym sociable
Grow out of something = to develop or happen as a result of something else that happened
or existed (phrasal verb)
Sever = to end a relationship with someone, or a connection with something, especially
because of a disagreement
Go it alone= to start working or living on your own, especially after working or living with
other people
Capricious = likely to change your mind suddenly or behave in an unexpected way
Instinct for = a natural tendency to behave in a particular way or a natural ability to know
something, which is not learned
Self-preservation = protection of yourself and your own life in a threatening or dangerous
An insight into = a sudden clear understanding of something or part of something,
especially a complicated situation or idea
Rage for something = a situation in which something is very popular or fashionable
Wholesale = affecting almost everything or everyone, and often done without any concern
for the results
Transpose = to use a system or method in a different situation from the one you used it in
Vagaries of = unexpected changes in a situation or someone's behaviour, that you cannot
control but which have an effect on your life
Rapt (attention) = so interested in something that you do not notice anything else
For the sake of (somebody/something) = in order to help, improve, or please someone or
Beholder = an observer
Impending = (of an event or situation, especially an unpleasant one) going to happen very
Hard-hitting = criticizing someone or something in a strong and effective way
Courteous = polite and showing respect for other people
Compliant = made or done according to particular rules or standards
Push on with = to continue with an activity in a determined way (phrasal verb)
Obstructive = trying to prevent someone from doing something, by deliberately making it
difficult for them
Defuse a situation/crisis/row = to improve a difficult or dangerous situation, for example
by making people less angry or by dealing with the causes of a problem
Be/get caught up in something = to be or get involved in something, especially something
Embark on/upon something = to start something, especially something new, difficult, or
Predictably, ... As would be expected
Unit 10
Unit 13
Unit 14
Unit 15
Be that as it may / by the same token / conversely / despite this / even so / by/in contrast /
in other words / likewise / nonetheless / what's more / that said / having said that/
Golden handshake = large sum of money paid as compensation to someone who is obliged
to leave a job or retire early
Mixed blessing = something that happens is good and bad
Dog eat dog = ruthlessly competitive
Track record = all the past achievements, successes or failures of a company or person
Quantum leap = a very important development in something
Mindset = a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will
interpret and respond to situations
Cut your teeth = to acquire experience at a new skill
Progress up the rungs = to go up the (career) ladder
Snap up = to obtain sth quickly because it is cheap or you want it very much. Our best
bargains are ( ) one the first day of sales."
The jury is still out = (phr).used when you are saying that something is still not certain
The slightest whiff of sth = a slight sign of something
A quick fix = quick and easy, short-term, solution to a problem.
To keep your head down = to avoid trouble:
Blue chip company = a reputable company known for the quality of its products and the
consistency of its profit and growth figures
Green shoots = (esp. In newspapers) the first signs of an improvement in an economy
To bleed red ink = to be in debts, loosing money
Golden hello = large sum paid to a new employee
White knight = an alternative buyer found by a company to avoid a hostile takeover
Unit 17
Unit 18
Give somebody a free hand = to let someone do whatever they want or need to do in a
particular situation
Walk free = to leave a court of law without being punished or sent to prison
Set somebody free = to allow a person or an animal to be free
Get off scot-free = (informal) to avoid being punished although you deserve to be
Interest-free loan = a loan with no interest charged on it
In free fall = 1) the movement of someone or something through the air without engine
power, for example before a parachute opens after someone has jumped out of a plane 2) a
very fast and uncontrolled fall in the value of something
Free spirit = someone who lives as they want to rather than in the way that society
considers normal
Free-standing = not fixed to anything and standing alone
Autocrat = someone who makes decisions and gives orders to people without asking them
for their opinion
Despot = someone, especially a ruler, who uses power in a cruel and unfair way
Tyrant = a ruler who has complete power and uses it in a cruel and unfair way
Elude = to escape from someone or something, especially by tricking them
Evade = 1) to escape from someone who is trying to catch you 2) to avoid talking about
something, especially because you are trying to hide something
Flee = to leave somewhere very quickly, in order to escape from danger
Liberate = 1) to free prisoners, a city, a country etc from someone's control 2) to free
someone from feelings or conditions that make their life unhappy or difficult
Release = to let someone go free, after having kept them somewhere
Reprieve = to officially stop a prisoner from being killed as a punishment
Captive = someone who is kept as a prisoner, especially in a war
Convict = someone who has been proved to be guilty of a crime and sent to prison
Jailbird = (informal) someone who has spent a lot of time in prison
Custodian = someone who is responsible for looking after something important or valuable
On parole = permission for someone to leave prison, on the condition that they promise to
behave well
Be at large = (of a dangerous person or animal) to have escaped from somewhere or not to
have been caught
Adhere to = to continue to behave according to a particular rule, agreement, or belief
Servitude = the condition of being a slave or being forced to obey someone else; synonym
Be in limbo = a situation in which nothing happens or changes for a long period of time,
and it is difficult to make decisions
Faltering = becoming less effective or successful
Usher in something = (phrasal verb) to cause something new to start, or to be at the start of
something new
Sideshow = an event that is much less important or serious than another one
Be doomed to failure = to make someone or something certain to fail
Raise the profile of (something) = make something more well-known
Plead ignorance = to give lack of knowledge as an excuse for your actions
Be enshrined in (something) = to be preserved and protected (by something) so that people
will remember and respect it
Hold somebody accountable = to say or decide that someone should accept the
responsibility for something bad that happens
Under the auspices of somebody/something = (formal) with the help and support of a
particular organization or person
On an equal footing with = with neither side having any advantage over the other; in the
same state or condition as other people or things
Conjure something up (phrasal verb) to bring a thought, picture, idea, or memory to
someone's mind
Unit 20
In lieu (of something) = (formal) instead of
Ad infinitum = continuing without ever ending
Ad nauseam = (to say or do something) so often that it becomes annoying for other people
Par excellence = being the most excellent or the most typical example of its type
Quid pro quo = something that is given to a person in return for something they have done
Faux pas = an embarrassing mistake in a social situation
Prima facie = at first sight (= based on what seems to be the truth when first seen or heard)
Nom de plume : a name used by a writer instead of their real name; -synonym pen name
Bête noire = the person or thing that someone dislikes most
Tête à tête = an informal private conversation between two people, especially friends
Go on = to be spent on, allocated to (phrasal verb)
Go out = to ebb, flow away from the shore (phrasal verb)
Go for = to go and get something and bring it back (phrasal verb)
Go in for = to enter, take part in a competition (phrasal verb)
Go down with = to become ill with (phrasal verb)
Go off = to explode or fire (phrasal verb)
Go with = (of clothes) to match each other (phrasal verb)
Go off = to become too bad to eat (phrasal verb)
Go in for = 1) to choose something as your job 2) to do or use something often because
you enjoy it or like it (phrasal verb)
Go over = to search or examine something very carefully (phrasal verb)
Go without (something) = not to have something that you usually have (phrasal verb)
Go down well/badly = to get a particular reaction from someone (phrasal verb)
Go by (the rules/laws) = to do things according to a set of rules or laws (phrasal verb)
Go into/over (something) = to explain, describe, or examine something in detail (phrasal
Go up = to explode, or be destroyed in a fire (phrasal verb)
Go over = to repeat something in order to explain it or make sure it is correct (phrasal verb)
Go off = (of an alarm) to make a noise to warn you about something (phrasal verb)
Stop by = to make a short visit to a place or person, especially while you are going
somewhere else (phrasal verb)
Stop over = to stop somewhere and stay a short time before continuing a long journey,
especially when travelling by plane (phrasal verb)
Have a go at (doing something) = to make an attempt to do something
Go to somebody's head = (of success) to make you feel more important than you really are
Go over and over (again) something = to think very carefully about something many times
Go on record as saying something = to state something publicly and officially
Go off at a tangent = to suddenly start thinking or talking about a subject that is only
slightly related, or not related at all, to the original subject
Make a go of (something) = to make something succeed, especially a business or marriage
Come to a stop = (of an activity) to stop happening
Will/would stop at nothing (to do something) = to be ready to do anything to achieve
something that you want to achieve
Put a stop to something = to stop an activity that is harmful or unacceptable
Phrasal Verbs