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English Vocabulary

 Abhor
- regard with disgust and hatred. Example: "professional tax preparers abhor a flat tax because it would dry up
their business"
- Synonyms: detest, hate, loathe, despise, abominate, execrate, regard with disgust, shrink from, recoil from,
shudder at, be unable to bear, be unable to abide, feel hostility/aversion to, find intolerable, dislike, disdain,
have an aversion to, disrelish
- Antonyms: love, admire, delight in
 Abide
- accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation).
- be unable to tolerate (someone or something).
- :to bear patiently :tolerate
- :to endure without yielding :withstand
- to accept without objection
- Synonyms: comply with, obey, observe, follow, keep to, hold to, conform to, adhere to, stick to, stand by, act in
accordance with, uphold, heed, pay attention to, agree to/with, consent to, accede to, accept, acquiesce in, go
along with, acknowledge, respect, defer to, tolerate, bear, stand, put up with, endure, suffer, accept, cope with,
live with, brook, support, take, countenance, face, handle, stick, swallow, stomach, hack, wear
- Antonyms: flout, reject, bail, bail out, bug out, buzz (off), clear off [chiefly British], clear out, cut out, depart,
exit, get off, go, go off, leave, move, pack (up or off), peel off, pike (out or off), pull out, push off, push on, quit,
shove (off), take off, vamoose, walk out
 Abolish
- formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution).
- Synonyms: put an end to, do away with, get rid of, scrap, end, stop, terminate, eradicate, eliminate,
exterminate, destroy, annihilate, stamp out, obliterate, wipe out, extinguish, quash, expunge, extirpate, annul,
cancel, invalidate, nullify, void, dissolve, erase, delete, rescind, repeal, revoke, overturn, discontinue, remove,
withdraw, retract, countermand, excise, drop, jettison, vitiate, abrogate, axe, ditch, junk, scrub, dump, chop,
give something the chop, knock something on the head, deracinate
- Antonyms: retain, create
- to end the observance or effect of (something, such as a law) : to completely do away with (something)
- Synonyms: abate, abrogate, annul, avoid, cancel, disannul, dissolve, invalidate, negate, null, nullify, quash,
repeal, rescind, roll back, strike down, vacate, void
 Abolition
- the action or an act of abolishing a system, practice, or institution.
- Synonyms: scrapping, ending, stopping, doing away with, termination, eradication, elimination, extermination,
destruction, annihilation, obliteration, quashing, extirpation, annulment, cancellation, invalidation, nullification,
dissolution, revocation, repeal, rescindment, overturning, discontinuation, removal, withdrawal, retraction,
countermanding, excising, vitiation, abrogation, axing, ditching, junking, scrubbing, dumping, chopping,
deracination, rescission
- Antonyms: retention, creation
- the act of officially ending or stopping something
- the act of abolishing something
- the act of officially ending slavery
- Synonyms: abatement, abolishment, abrogation, annulment, avoidance, cancellation (also cancelation),
defeasance, dissolution, invalidation, negation, nullification, quashing, repeal, rescindment, voiding
 Abominate
- detest; loathe
- Synonyms: detest, loathe, hate, abhor, despise, dislike, execrate, feel aversion/revulsion to, shudder at, recoil
from, shrink from, be repelled by, not be able to bear/stand, find intolerable, be unable to stomach
- Antonyms: like, love
- to hate or loathe intensely : abhor
- Synonyms: abhor, despise, detest, execrate, hate, loathe
 Abomination
 About
 Accusation
 Adhere
 Adjunct
 Adjust
 Adolescent
 Adore
 Abstemious
 Advance
 Advantage
 Advice
 Align
 Alignment
 A little bit
 Aluminate
 Alternative
 Ambigue - An ambiguous statement or expression.
 Ambiguity
 Amidst
 Ambitious
 Ambush
 Aquiver – quivering, trembling
 Arduous
 Argument
 Arrogant
 Arrogate - to claim or seize without justification. “She arrogated the leadership role to herself”
 Aspire
 Assassinate
 Asset
 Assurance
 Atrocious
 Attainable
 Attainment
 Audacity
 Aurora: dawn.
 Authorized

 Bazar
 Behavior
 Behavioral
 Belief
 Beneficial
 Benefit
 Benefit of the doubt
 Benevolent
 Biological
 Biological war
 Bit
 Bland
 Blandishment - [blan·dish·ment] something, as an action or speech, that tends to flatter, coax, entice, etc. “Our
blandishments left him unmoved.”
 Blunt
 Bombinate: To make a humming or buzzing noise.
 Bouie
 Boyar
 Brominate
 Bummer
 Buoyant

 Calling
 Campaign
 Capability
 Capacity
 Challenge
 Charter
 Charter change
 Close minded
 Coagulate
 Cognitive
 Coherent
 Colloquial
 Commercial
 Commotion
 Competent
 Component
 Compose
 Comprehension
 Comprehensive
 Compulsive
 Conceited
 Conceptual
 Conflict
 Congested
 Conquer
 Conquest
 Consequence
 Convince
 Convulse
 Convulsing
 Corpulent
 Crapulent
 Credit
 Cromulent: appearing legitimate but actually being spurious.
 Crossway
 Crumple
 Cultivate
 Culminate
 Culmination
 Curious

 Dappled: marked with spots or rounded patches.
 Decent
 Decide
 Defenestration: the act of throwing someone out of a window.
 Defensive war
 Defiled
 Dehydrate
 Deliberate
 Deluded
 Delusional
 Denouement: the resolution of a narrative.
 Deprive
 Descend

 Designate
 Deteriorate
 Detriment
 Dignity
 Dilate
 Dilemma
 Diligent
 Diplomatic
 involving the work of maintaining good relations between the governments of different
 of or concerning the profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations.
 of or relating to diplomats or their work
 not causing bad feelings
 having or showing an ability to deal with people politely
 representation and protection of the interests and nationals of the sending State. initiation
and facilitation of strategic agreements. treaties and conventions
 someone who can be sensitive in dealing with others and who can achieve peaceful
resolutions or facilitate discussion. A person who doesn't take sides in a fight but who instead
helps others to resolve their differences.
 If you make an effort to do something, you try very hard to do it.
 Being a diplomat is always neutral in American or British English, and is normally used in the
literal sense that someone works as a foreign emissary on official business. In the figurative
sense, we use "being diplomatic" rather than "being a diplomat".
 Diplomats
 Diplomats have a deep belief in the ideals of humanism – altruism, compassion, and
understanding. These personality types believe it is possible to create a kinder world, and
they strive to do so every day. The Intuitive trait fuels this optimism.
 Diplomatic behavior

 Diplomatic efforts
 skilled in negotiating, esp. between states or people
 tactful in dealing with people
 Synonyms: bland, politic, smooth, suave, and urbane.
 these words mean "pleasantly tactful and well-mannered," diplomatic stresses an ability to deal with ticklish
situations tactfully.
 Discard
 Discrepancy
 Down
 Drastic
 Duration

 Eager
 Effervescence: bubbles in a liquid.
 Ejaculate
 Ejaculation
 Eloquence: the art of using language in an apt, fluent way.
 Eloquent
 Embarrass
 Emerge
 Emergent
 Endemic
 Endurance
 Enough
 Envious
 Envy
 Ephemeral: lasting for a very short time.
 Epiphany: A moment of sudden revelation.
 Epoch: A particular period of time in history or a person's life.
 Errands
 Erroneous
 Ethereal: Extremely delicate, light, not of this world.
 Evolve
 Excruciate
 Exempt
 Expedient
 Expense
 Expensive
 Explicit
 Explore
 Extend
 Extensive
 Exterior
 Extinct
 Extinction
 Extremely
 Extremity
 Extrinsic
 Facet
 Fact
 Factor
 Factual
 Feasible
 Federal
 Federal Parliamentary System
 Fellow
 Fiend
 Figurative
 Figurative sense
 Flatter
 Fluidity
 Fodder
 Follower
 Fonder
 Fond
 Fraternity
 Fundamental

 Germinate
 Meaning
 (of a seed or spore) begin to grow and put out shoots after a period of dormancy.
 cause (a seed or spore) to germinate.
 come into existence and develop.
 to begin to grow
 To come into existence
 to develop into a plant or individual, as a seed, spore, or bulb.
 to put forth shoots; sprout; pullulate.
 Synonym & Antonym
 Synonym: Sprout, put forth shoots, shoot, shoot up, bud, put forth buds, form/develop buds, develop,
grow, spring up, swell, burgeon, vegetate, pullulate
 Synonym: develop, take root, grow, spring up, arise, emerge, evolve, mature, expand, enlarge, spread,
advance, progress
 Golden
 Grip
 Grit

 Health
 Heinous
 Hiraeth: A homesickness for a home you can't return to, or that never was.
 Humanism
 Humans
 Humor0
 Hydrant
 Hydrate
 Hygiene
 Identical
 Idiotic
 Illegal
 Illicit
 Illicit: Not legally permitted.
 Immature
 Immoderation
 Impotence
 Impress
 Improvement
 In-depth
 Indicial
 Incandescence: light produced by high temperatures.
 Inconsiderate
 Indulge
 Ineffable: Too great to be expressed in words.
 Inflate
 Inflation
 Insane
 Insanity
 Insight
 Insufficient
 Intemperance
 Interception
 Intersession
 Intolerance
 Intoxication
 Intrinsic
 Investigate
 Iridescent: Producing a display of rainbowlike colours.
 Irony
 Is

 Jeopardize
 Judicious
 Justify

 Kerfuffle – a commotion or fuss, especially one caused by conflicting views
 Kindle
 Knock


 Levelheaded
 Liable
 Liberate
 Liberty
 Limerence: The state of being infatuated with another person.
 Limited
 Liquefy
 Liquidate
 Literal
 Little
 Little bit
 Liverance
 Logic
 Logical
 Logical conclusion
 Logical Conflict
 Luminescence: Light products by chemical, electrical, or physiological means.

 Maneuver
 Magnificent
 Magnified
 Manner
 Manipulate
 Manipulative
 Maternal
 Matter
 Maturity
 Mean
 Mellifluous - A sound that is sweet and smooth, pleasing to hear.
 Mere
 Message
 Metter
 Mindset
 Mischievous
 Moderation
 Mold
 Moral
 More

 Narcissistic
 Nature knowledge
 Navigate
 Nefarious: Wicked, villainous, despicable.
 Negative campaigning
 Neglect
 Negligence
 Not
 Not enough
 Not sure
 Nurture knowledge

 Objectify
 Objection
 Obligate
 Obligation
 Oblige
 Oblivion: the state of being unaware of what is happening around you.
 Outrageous
 Open minded
 Option
 Overview

 Paleographic
 Pandemic
 Parliamemtary
 Path
 Peer
 Peer pressure
 Persuade
 Petrich
 Petrichor: The pleasant, earthy smell after rain.
 Petrify
 Phase
 Phosphenes: the light and colours produced by rubbing your eyes.
 Picturesque: visually attractive, especially in a quaint or pretty style.
 Practical
 Practical way
 Prejudice
 Prejudicial
 Pressure
 Pride
 Priority
 Professional
 Projection
 Protest
 Psychological
 Psychological projection
 Pull
 Pullulate
 Piezo
 Piezo-electricity
 Pulsate
 Pulsating

 Queue

 Real
 Really
 Reflect
 Reflection
 Refund
 Regards
 Relevant
 Reliable
 Rendezvous
 Rendition
 Research
 Resentment
 Resistance
 Responsibility
 Retaliate
 Rightful
 Role

 Sane
 Serendipity: The chance occurrence of events in a beneficial way.
 Seize
 Sender
 Sense of humor
 Shallow
 Shameless
 Slam
 Slander
 Slothfulness
 Social
 Social improvement
 Sojourn
 Solidarity
 Solitude
 Solitude: a state of seclusion or isolation.
 Sonder: the realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own.
 Somehow
 Somnambulist: A person who sleepwalks.
 Sonorous: An imposingly deep and full sound.
 Splendor
 Split
 Split second
 Succumb
 Sunder
 Supervision
 Supine: Lying face upwards.
 Sure
 Standard
 State
 State of behavior
 Statistical tools
 Statistics
 Systematic
 Systematic approach
 Syzygy: an alignment of celestial bodies.

 Tactics
 Tangible
 Technical
 Tenable
 Tenacious
 Tentative
 Terminate
 Terrific
 Terrifying
 To such reasons that
 Triumph
 Triumphant
 Triangulation
 Trypophobia
 Tyrant

 Understanding
 Understood
 Urbane

 Valid
 Validate
 Validation
 Valuable
 Vane
 Vann
 Vanquished
 Velachery
 Vellichor: the strange wistfulness of used bookshops.
 Vent
 Viable
 Meaning:
 capable of working successfully; feasible.
 (of a seed or spore) able to germinate.
 (of a plant, animal, or cell) capable of surviving or living successfully, especially under particular
environmental conditions.
 able to exist, perform as intended, or succeed.
 vivid; real; stimulating, as to the intellect, imagination, or senses: a period of history that few teachers can
make viable for students.
 capable of living.
 able to live and grow.
 practicable; workable: a viable alternative.
 having the ability to grow, expand, develop, etc.: a new and viable country.
 Capable of being done or used, succeeding
 Technical: capable of living of or developing into a living thing
 Synonym & Antonym
 Workable, feasible, practicable, practical, applicable, usable, manageable, operable, operational, possible,
within reach, within reason, likely, achievable, attainable, accomplishable, realizable, reasonable,
sensible, realistic, logical, useful, of use, serviceable, suitable, expedient, effective, valid, tenable, sound,
well advised, well thought out, well grounded, judicious, levelheaded, wise, doable
 Opposite of capable of working successfully. impracticable. impossible. unworkable. hopeless.
 workable, feasible, practicable, practical, applicable, usable, manageable, operable, operational, possible,
within the bounds of possibility, within the realms of possibility, within reach, within reason, likely,
achievable, attainable, accomplishable, realizable, reasonable, sensible, realistic, logical, useful, of use,
serviceable, suitable, expedient, effective, valid, tenable
 sound, well advised, well thought out, well grounded, judicious, level-headed, wise
 informal doable
 Synonyms: achievable, attainable, doable, feasible, possible, practicable, realizable, workable
 Antonyms,: hopeless, impossible, impracticable, infeasible, nonviable, unattainable, undoable, unfeasible,
unrealizable, unviable, unworkable
 Vicinity
 Vigorous
 Vivid

 Wide
 Widen
 Withdraw
 Within
 Withstand

 Yield


“Love is subjective”

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