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Vocabulary Notes

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Vocabulary Notes

Words Meaning
Conspicuous Clear, Visible
Deriding Expression of contempt or ridicule
Malfeasance Misconduct by public official
Poignant Touching, sad
Pyrrhic (of a victory) won at too great a cost to have
been worthwhile for the victor.
Embroil involve (someone) deeply in an argument, conflict, or difficult
situation (involve, Enmesh, ensnare)
Vilify Disparage, denigrate, Defame
Renege go back on a promise, undertaking, or contract.
Aspersion an attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or
something. (Vilification, denigration)
Brevity concise and exact use of words in writing or speech.
(Succinctness, concision)
Sobriquet A person’s nickname
Conscientious wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly. (Diligent,
industrious, punctilious)
Drab Colorless, dull
Inordinately unusually large degree, excessively
Complacency a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's
achievements (Smugness, self-satisfaction)
Fulsomely In a way that expresses too much admiration for someone
(amply, handsomely)
Apogee Climax, or culmination of something
Pandemonium wild and noisy, uproar, bedlam, chaos, mayhem
Inundate Flood, deluge, overpower, overburden
Indigent poor, needy
Lexicon Dictionary, Wordbook, Vocabulary list
Chaperon an adult who accompanies or escort a young woman or a group of
young women.
Ubiquitous present, appearing or found everywhere, omnipresent
Deprecate Express disapproval or disparage
Surreptitiously Secretively
Flout Openly Disregard
Stymie Hinder, impede, interfere with
Coterie Clique, set, circle
Rapacity Greed, avarice, rapaciousness
Rank & File Ordinary workers in a company
Dialectics the art of investigating or discussing the truth of opinions.
(Reasoning, argumentation)
Encumber restrict or impede (someone or something) in such a way that free
action or movement is difficult. (Hamper, impede, obstruct)
Largesse Generosity, Gifts, munificence
Profligacy Extravagant spending (Prodigality)
Red Herring Bluff
Bottlenecks setback or obstacle that slows a (production) process
Ostensibly seemingly, apparently (So, ostensibly, the Chancellor should worry
but appearances may be deceptive.)
Timorous showing or suffering from nervousness or a lack of confidence.
Chutzpah extreme self-confidence or audacity. (guts)
Frazzled showing the effects of exhaustion or strain
Sleuth private detective or investigator

Words Meanings/Synonyms/Use in sentences

Kibosh Decisively end or reject something

"The presence of a submarine would kibosh the operation"
Vociferous Characterized by strong or vehement opinions (outspoken,
forthright, vocal)
"He was a vociferous opponent of the takeover"
Excoriation The act of abrading or wearing off the skin (condemnation,
reprimand, censure) The candidates have publicly excoriated
each other throughout the campaign.
Hogwash Nonsense talking, Balderdash

Iconoclastic criticizing or attacking cherished beliefs or institutions. (Critical,

skeptical, heretical)
Jargon special words or expressions used by a profession or group that
are difficult for others to understand. (Technical language, idiom,
"We need to remove the legal jargon."
Pulverise reduce to fine particles. (Grind, crush, pound)
Pakistan has been pulverised by various iterations of ‘hybrid’
militarised rule.
Rechristening Rename, Reappoint, dissuade
Iteration A repeated performance (repeating, replication)
Defang to make someone or something less harmful, so that they are no
longer dangerous. (Remove, takeaway, withdraw)
Vigilante a member of a volunteer committee organized to suppress and
punish crime summarily. (Avenger, punisher, chastiser)
Lionise Give a lot of public approval & attention to someone (celebrate,
fete, glorify)
Expropriate (Of the state or an authority) take (property) from its owner for
public use or benefit. (Seize, take away, take over)
"Their assets were expropriated by the government"
Recalcitrance the quality of being determined not to do what other people,
especially people in authority, want or expect to be done.
(Rebellion, Defiance)

Ostracize exclude from a society or group. (Exclude, shun, spurn, cold-

"She was declared a witch and ostracized by the villagers”
Ameliorate Make better. (Enhance)
Insularity ignorance of or lack of interest in cultures, ideas, or peoples
outside one's own experience (Narrow-mindedness, blinkered
approach, parochialism)
Here, insularity seemed to prevail.
Exhumed Dig up, unbury, unearth
Anodyne not likely to cause offence or disagreement and somewhat dull.
(Bland, dull, inoffensive)
Chummy Friendly, affectionate, on good terms
Entente a friendly understanding or informal alliance between states or
factions. (Understanding, agreement)
Couched in to express something in a particular way
Subterfuge deceit used in order to achieve one's goal. (Deceit, trickery,
deviousness, evasion)
Death knell the tolling of a bell to mark someone's death.
Rapacious aggressively greedy or grasping. (Grasping, greedy, avaricious,
Sisyphean Extremely difficult task and futile
Skewed Biased, distorted in favour of
Gamut Range, spectrum, span
Bellicosity A natural disposition to fight
Thaw (Of ice, snow, or another frozen substance, such as food)
become liquid or soft as a result of warming up. Defrost
Reticent not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily. (Reserved,
Comeuppance Deserved reward, fate, just punishment
Damp Squib a situation or event which is much less impressive than expected.
Rent apart Tear apart
Inundate Overpower, overwhelm
Double down Strengthen one’s commitment to a particular strategy or course
of action
Dour Stern, unsmiling, frowning

Sobriety State of soberness, clear-mindedness, seriousness

Belligerent Hostile and aggressive
Disconcerting Unsettling, unnerving, disturbing
Apropos With regard to, in relevance with

construed Interpreted, understood

Purveyor Seller, trader, vendor
Pervasive Spread throughout or thoroughly

Inimical Detrimental, harmful

Coeval Contemporary, having the same age or date of origin
Depredation an act of attacking or plundering.

Bonhomie Cheerful friendliness, geniality. (conviviality)

Geniality he quality of having a friendly and cheerful manner.
(Friendliness, affability, congeniality)
Commotion A state of confused and noisy disturbance. (Disturbance, uproar,
ruckus, tumult)
Wallow Lie around, luxuriate, bask, take pleasure

Volition the faculty or power of using one's will. (Choice, option,

Obsolete Old, out of date, old fashioned
Defenestration Act of throwing someone out of the window. (Ejection, exclusion,

Incorrigible Not able to be changed or reformed (inveterate, hardened,

Unscrupulous Unprincipled, unethical, immoral
Trepidation Fear, apprehension (a feeling of fear or anxiety about something
that may happen).

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