A Matter of Justice - R1.1
A Matter of Justice - R1.1
A Matter of Justice - R1.1
By Dave Gerard
Release 1.1 Copyright 2013 Dave Gerard All Rights Reserved Distributed under the terms of the Open Game License version 1.0a
This adventure module, a submittal for the 'Grand Original Map Contest' , is for use with the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game rules, and is intended for three to six characters of levels 4-5. If you don't have the Basic Fantasy RPG core rules, please visit www.basicfantasy.org and download a free copy.
The party is asked to investigate an explosion that ripped through a town during a recent celebration. The investigation has led them to an old abandoned mine in the hills outside of town.
1. ENTRANCE: The path dips down into the mountain where it ends with two large wooden doors securing the entrance to the complex. The doors look like they have been recently beefed up with new lumber. The door hides an insidious guillotine trap waiting for the adventurers when they step inside. The doors open outward so the trap is not triggered until someone steps into doorway itself. If the trap is not disarmed, a wide guillotine will come down from the ceiling doing 6d6 hitpoints damage. A successful Save vs Death Ray means the trap was avoided and no damage was done. 2. STORAGE ROOM: This room is being used as a storage room. There are barrels of dry goods and other foodstuffs. It looks like there is enough food here to feed a small army for a few months. There is also a small beat up chest in the corner of the room. The small chest in this room is locked but not trapped. If the chest is opened, inside there is a small note that says 'Payment for Services Rendered' along with 540 gp and 3 gems worth 50 gp each. The barrels and bags of food are in good shape and could be sold to any general store, provided the party has a wagon large enough to carry it and haul it back to town. How much its worth is up to the GM.
A Matter of Justice
3. DEEP WELL ALCOVE: This large alcove has a large cistern well in the middle of the floor. A newly constructed timber frame sits over it, holding a rope and large bucket that looks fairly new as well. If the rope is used to drop the bucket down into the well, the party will find that it does hit water. If the water is drawn back up and drank, they will find it refreshingly cold and clear. If anyone in the party is suffering from any spell, poison or disease effect and drinks the water, they are allowed to make another saving throw to shake the effect. 4. AMBUSH ALCOVES: As you walk down this large corridor you notice three evenly spaced doorways on the west side of the wall. There are small rooms behind them that appear to be empty. At the entrance to each of these doorways is an illusion spell crafted to make it look like the room behind it is empty. The party would not notice that unless one of the members enters one of the rooms while the others are still in the hallway. As the character entered the doorway they would seem to just disappear. These illusions would make these rooms great for ambushes as an unsuspecting party walked by what they thought were empty rooms. Luckily for the party, the rooms are actually not being manned. 5. KITCHEN: If the party passageway: enters through the north
Release 1
This room appears as if that it was originally built as a small forge with large hoods extending from the ceiling to vent out the smoke. However it looks as if the recent guests have converted it to a kitchen, using the forges as firepits for cooking. There are some open barrels and bags of foodstuffs sitting in the corner and the smell of cooking meat permeates the room.
3 Human Fighters: AC 16, HD 4, #At 1, Dam 1d6, Mv 30',Ml 9, Sv F4, Ml 9 Equipment: Chain Mail, Shortsword
HP 18 HP 22 HP 23
Note: If the characters have not encountered the soldiers in Room 6, they will enter the room and engage in the fight after 1 round. 6. DINING ROOM: If the room is entered by either the east passageway or the south door, read the following. As you near this room, you can hear the sounds of varied conversations along with the unmistakable sounds of people eating. You can hear forks clanking against plates, heavy cups being set down and the occasional burp. Because the soldiers here are eating, the party will gain surprise. Once battle has begun a particularly tough looking halfling will jump onto the table, issuing a challenge to the players. He may also may a few disparaging remarks about their mothers. While doing so he will issue orders to the other men in the room. If the party fights their way through encounter or enters from the west door. the
As you round the corner of the hallway you get a whiff of something cooking in the room ahead. You see 3 men busying themselves around some cooking fires in the middle of the room. Because of the hustle and bustle of them cooking, they are unaware of your presence. If the party fights their way through encounter or enters from the east door. this
This large room has been set up as a makeshift dining area. There are tables made from flat timber set atop barrels as well and benches made from blocks of wood and timbers. There
A Matter of Justice
are the remains of a half-eaten meals on a few plates as well as knocked over mugs of ale and mead.
Release 1
The guards manning this barricade are actively on watch so there is no chance for surprise. On closer inspection there is a small gate in the barricade that can be pushed open to let people through. There are two guards guarding that door, as well as two other guards on some sort of elevated platform behind the barricades. All the guards are armed with long bows as well as swords. The barricade is about 4' high and is solidly built. Treat knocking down the barricade as a Locked Door Strength check. The barricade is of simple construction and could be climbed easily by any thief.
Devon Shagfoot: Halfling Fighter 6, AC 21, #At 1 +2, Dam 1d8+2, Mv 20', Ml 9 Equipment: Plate Mail, Shield +2, Battle Axe
HP 31
Sabin the Righteous: Human Cleric 4, AC 20, #At 1, Dam 1d8, Mv 30', Ml 9 Spells: Cure Light Wounds x2, Bless Equipment: Plate Mail +2, Shield, Mace HP 15 4 Human Fighters: AC 16, HD 4, #At 1, Dam 1d6, Mv 30',Ml 9, Sv F4, Ml 9 Equipment: Chain Mail, Shortsword
HP 10 HP 14 HP 19 HP 15
4 Human Fighters: AC 17 HD 5, #At 1, Dam 1d8+1, Mv 20', Ml 9 Equipment: Plate Mail, Longsword, Longbow
HP 26 HP 22 HP 19 HP 22
8. THE ARMORY This hollowed out cave is being used as a makeshift armory. There are racks of long and short swords, Long bows, spears and daggers. As well as an assorted variety of leather and chain armor. There are also small barrels filled with arrows and two full quivers of arrows hanging by a peg. All the weapons and armor here are of standard quality with the exception of the two quivers of arrows. Both these quivers contain 20 Arrows +2. 9. THE MEETING ROOM As you round the corner the passageway opens into a large open chamber. There is a man standing on a platform at the northern end of the chamber. He is addressing 5 other men in a tone loud enough to be heard from where you are. He is expressing frustration that the town hasn't moved against Granite and
Note: If the characters have not encountered the soldiers in Room 5, they will enter the room and engage in the fight after 1 round. 7. THE BRIDGE As you reach the end of the wide hallway, you can see that it opens into a large chasm that drops into the murky darkness below. There is a wide bridge that spans the chasm to an opening on the other side. However there is a timber barricade in the middle of the bridge manned by armed troops. At first glance it doesn't look like there is a way around the barricade.
A Matter of Justice
that more desperate measures may need to be taken. One of the men in the crowd speaks up about the possibility of doing a similar bombing in Granite as further provocation. At this point everyone begins to speak at once and the conversation is lost. The five men in this room are the ringleaders of the organization and are the proverbial 'head of the beast'. If they are killed or surrender there is a good chance that organized resistance in the hideout will cease.
Release 1 Dar Hagatha: Human Fighter 6, AC 15, #At 1 Dam 1d8 +1, +3 vs. Humans, Mv 30', Ml 9 Equipment: Chain Mail, Battle Axe +1, +3 vs. Humans, Scroll of Shield
HP 13
Kyron Handleford: Human Thief 5, AC 14, #At 1, Dam 1d8, Mv 40', Ml 9 Equipment: Leather Armor +1, Longsword
HP 10
Shamus MacFergus (Leader): Human Fighter 6, AC 17, #At 1, Dam 1d8 + 2, Mv 20', Ml 9 Equipment: Plate Mail, Shield, Mace + 2
HP 22
10. THE FALLBACK Another large chamber cut into the stone, but smaller than the one to the west. There is nothing of note in this area. A pungent smell seems to be drifting from the smaller alcove to the east. Although there is nothing special about this room, the men in the next room will attempt to move towards this room when the fight begins. They want to make use of the narrow area between rooms as a choke point to keep the party out. If it's possible they will send one of their members into Room 11 to obtain some flasks of Alchemist Fire to use against the characters. 11. THE LAB The overpowering smell of chemicals permeates the air here. In the north corner of the room a small laboratory has been set up. There doesn't seem to be anything being made at this moment but the smell tells you that it's been used recently. In well packed crates next to the lab there are 10 corked flasks containing a green liquid. The green liquid in the flasks is Alchemist Fire. If the liquid is swished around the flask they will see that it has the consistency of oil. The flasks can be opened without incident but if the liquid is
Havana Lorelle: Human Fighter 6, AC 18, #At 1, Dam 1d8, Mv 20', Ml 9 Equipment: Plate Mail, Shield, Mace
HP 21
Kermit Highgrass: Halfling Fighter 6, AC 20, #At 1, Dam 1d6, Mv 20', Ml 9 Equipment: Plate Mail, Shield +2, Shortsword
HP 22
Oshairana Hastings: Human Fighter 6, AC 18 #At 1, Dam 1d6, Mv 20', Ml 9 Equipment: Plate Mail, Shield, Shortsword
HP 26
A Matter of Justice
poured out there is a 75% chance it will explode. If the explosion happens near the other flasks, they will explode as well.
Release 1
If the party is on the north end of the bridge, a simple swipe with an axe or sword would cut the rope and release the bridge to fall across the chasm to the south end. But if the party is on the south end there will be no easy way to drop the bridge down. An enterprising archer could try to shoot the rope with an arrow. If that is the case treat the rope as an AC 25 target with 20 hit points. But each shot has a 25% chance of alerting the soldiers in Room 12.
Alchemist Fire
When thrown treat Alchemist Fire as a grenade like missile. It does fire damage similar to oil but needs no fuse. Also because of the extreme heat, it causes 2d8 hit points of fire damage on contact and another 1d8 hit points of damage per round for 4 rounds. Any other creature within 10' of the target will also take 1d8 hit points of fire damage from the explosion. 12. THE BARRACKS The squared out room at the bottom of this passageway is being currently being used as makeshift dormitory or barracks. There are 10 cots against the wall as well as some bedrolls on the ground. There are 4 men here quietly talking while 2 others are asleep in the beds.
The adventure concludes as soon as the alliance is destroyed. If the party is able to take something of note from the leaders of the group (A head would do nicely), the rest of the soldiers in the compound would surrender and no further combat would occur. However if they don't give the soldiers some sort of proof, they will most likely fight to the death.
6 Human Fighters: AC 16, HD 4, #At 1, Dam 1d6, Mv 30',Ml 9, Sv F4, Ml 9 Equipment: Chain Mail, Shortsword
HP 17 HP 22 HP 24 HP 27 HP 21 HP 22
Author's Notes
Although this specific module deals with destroying the secret alliance in their hide-out, I think there could be an entire adventure built around the party investigating the explosion. As they hurriedly gather clues, the townspeople are prepping for retaliation against the other town. As the evidence mounts they find out that the conspirators are some of the citizens of the town itself. A final clue points to the old widow's house and there they find a map, and maybe armed resistance as well. Although its not specified I would make the leaders they find in Room 11 people they have already met, maybe even people they never would have guessed. I know that this module doesn't have any of the typical 'monsters' in it but not all monsters we meet in life have fangs and claws. Dave Gerard
13. THE CHASM The original bridge crossing the chasm here has long been destroyed. However on the north end of the chasm there is a makeshift bridge that is in the raised position. From the looks of it, it's meant as a means of quick egress and there are no cranks to pull it up or down, just a set of ropes keeping it in the raised position.
A Matter of Justice
Release 1
Abandoned Mine
A Matter of Justice
Release 1