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Player's Knowledge of The Vale

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Points of Light in a Big, Dark World

There is no all-encompassing empire in the present time. The world is shrouded in a dark age,
between the collapse of the last great empire of Nerath, and the rise of the next, which might be
centuries away. Minor kingdoms prosper, to be sure: baronies, holdings, city-states. But the
world isn’t carved up between nation-states that jealousy enforce their borders. Each settlement
appears as a point of light in the widespread darkness, a haven, an island of civilization in the
wilderness that covers the world.

Those centers of civilization are few and far between. The soldiers of the big towns and cities
might do a passable job of keeping the lands within a few miles of their settlements free of
monsters and bandits, but most of the outlying towns and villages are on their own. Trade and
travel do occur, but these are the purview of plucky merchants, brave souls, and the desperate.
And even so, the most ambitious of those individuals are careful to stick to better-known roads.
It might be safe enough within a day’s ride of a city or an hour’s walk of a village, but go beyond
that and you are taking your life into your hands. A few difficult and dangerous roads tenuously
link neighboring settlements together, but if you stray from them you quickly find yourself
immersed in goblin-infested forests, haunted barrowfields, desolate hills and marshes, and
monster-hunted badlands.

Many small settlements and strongholds are founded, flourish for a time, and then fall into
darkness. The wild lands are filled with forgotten towers, abandoned towns, haunted castles,
and ruined temples. Lost knowledge lingers in these places, and ancient magic set in motion by
forgotten hands still flows in them. Ordinary folk shun these locations, fearing what might lie
within. Even people living only a few miles away from such places might know them only by
rumor and legend.

Even the members of the smallest villages, fortunately for them, have a few capable individuals
at their disposal. They benefit from their wise woman’s talent for making effective herbal cures,
their priest’s capacity to call on the power of the gods to bless crops, and warriors so that most
villages enjoy adequate protection from day-to-day threats. Many such soldierly types trace their
skills back to the armies of long-gone kingdoms, while others carry on the martial tradition of
their people that dates to ancient times. Still others combine the old and the new, learning to
fight as necessity dictates, creating a unique path.

In such a world, adventurers are aberrant. Commoners view them as brave at best and insane
at worst. But they feel compelled to explore the dark places of the world and take on the
challenges that lesser women and men can’t stand against.

Some even become legends

The People of the Vale
The Nentir Vale is a land of gender equity, where women can be found in all professions and
ranks. The inhabitants of the Vale value skill and fortitude, no matter its trappings. Nobles are
respected, even revered, but to the common person they are not untouchable. Respect must be
earned, and nowhere in the world is there a people as ready to demand their due as in the
Nentir Vale.

Adventurers and heroes can arise from these various peoples.

Professions in the Vale

Adventurers in the Vale can choose from the following: Arcanist, Bard, Fighter, Scoundrel,
Scout, orTemplar. However, some of those classes have their own unique spin in the Vale.


Bards play an important role among those who live in the Nentir Vale. A bard is no mere
entertainer. Bards are responsible for witnessing firsthand the great events of their time,
committing those events to memory, and then passing on those tales. They learned all the tales
of the previous generation as well, and theirs is a line of storytellers who pass on the entire
history of their people.

When a culture’s entire history is contained within the tales told by a single person, that person
is more than just a storyteller; he or she is the sum total of that history, and that of all its
ancestors, given flesh. For those reasons, known or proven bards are held in high regard in
lands such as the Vale. All but the most honorless thugs hesitate to attack a bard.

The Vale
Forgotten times or Old Legends
Old legends from before recorded history tell of a time when this land was a great forest named
the Nentir Forest. Nentir Forest had little to fear from the dragons of old, because Malorunth the
Eternal Ash, a powerful being, extended its protection across the entire region, and all its
inhabitants bowed before the forest’s venerable sovereigns, the mighty treants. It’s said the
Dawnforge Mountains arose in that time too, when a god tried in vain to flee from its enemies.

Kinstrife War
The first mortals who ventured into the World were elves who came to the Nentir Forest. The
Winterguard, an order of swordmages from the long-lost realm of Cendriane, constructed a
prison in Winter’s Rise, a mountain located in the northernmost region of the forest, to sequester
the most dangerous prisoners and criminals of the Kinstrife War—an ancient war of elves—.
After the fall of Cendriane at the end of the war, the members of the Winterguard remained true
to their original mandate, though they began to recruit members among the human tribes who
lived in the forest to replenish their numbers.

After the Kinstrife War, some elves abandoned the Feywild in a form of self-imposed exile and
came to the Vale. Those first elves that inhabited the Nentir Forest settled in the southern
regions, the land now known as the Harken Forest (although they called it the Windsong
Forest). They founded various settlements while a handful of elves developed a strong
connection to a Deity of Nature that protected the Nentir Forest and became the land’s first
druids. Over the centuries this band became known as Harken’s Heart, named after its symbolic
position in the great wooded land. Many of the forest's other residents came to view Harken’s
Heart with a growing combination of distaste, disapproval, and fear, believing that the druids’
obsession with the ancient woods was unnatural.

War of Endless Branches

Alas, the time of the forest came to an end. One spring evening, Malorunth inexplicably fell
silent, withered leaves falling in droves from his brittle, petrified branches. With Malorunth’s
passing so too fell the vale’s protective mantle. Scores of dragons infiltrated the woodland,
triggering the first of several titanic confrontations between wyrm and treant. When the so-called
War of Endless Branches finally ended, the great wood stood divided. But even though dragons’
fire had razed large swaths of woodland, it was festering suspicion and doubt that ultimately
divided the treants. With little evidence to back their claims, some deciduous treants openly
blamed the conifers for the Eternal Ash’s demise. Soon, heated words bred violence, and civil
war engulfed the forest.

When the treants of the Harken Forest declared war on the treants of the Winterbole Forest, the
Harken’s Heart lent their aid to the Harken treants with such zeal that many began to see them
as dangerous. The treant fellowship ripped apart, creating a deep rift that endures still. In the
wake of the treant civil war, most conifers migrated into the northern wood, known today as
Winterbole Forest. Reaffirming suspicions of their betrayal, the Winterbole treants turned their
veneration to the Prince of Frost. The deciduous treants continue to revere Malorunth to this
day, whose petrified trunk stands enshrined in the heart of Harken Forest. Harken treants cling
to the belief that the Eternal Ash will return to them, but only if his murder is avenged.

And so, with the forest divided, the region came to be known as the Nentir Vale.

After the War ended

After the war ended, a powerful druid named Eyton cursed the Harken’s Heart. Angered by
Eyton’s actions, the Harken’s Heart druids appealed to the goddess Melora for aid. The goddess
heard their prayers, but she partially acceded to their pleas. She altered their curse—now
known as the Harken’s curse—to affect them only if they were outside of the Harken Forest.
The other relevant humanoid group of the Vale of that time was the Tigerclaw barbarians. They
claim to be direct descendants of the primal spirit Hunter of Winter, a powerful sabertooth tiger
that placed its mark upon them in the savage dawn of the world. As the lorekeepers tell it, the
barbarian chieftain Hota Swiftstripe was hunting near a glacier when he encountered the spirit
and both battled, until Hota won. Hota didn’t kill the beast, however, and for that he was blessed
by the Hunter of Winter.

Legends of this remote era also tell about an eldritch jewel known only as the Soul Gem, which
is believed to have fallen from the sky and landed in the foothills near the Dawnforge Mountains.

Start of known History

Recorded history began around two thousand years ago with the founding of the southern
dragon and dragonborn empire of Arkhosia. A few centuries later, in the east, the human empire
of Bael Turath arose. Both nations had a policy of expansion, and soon conquered most of the
known world. However, while Arkhosia expanded its territories mostly through peaceful means,
with the aim to spread civilization, knowledge and security to untamed places and ignorant
peoples, Bael Turath expanded its territories by force, enslaving the conquered nations. Soon,
the power hungry nobles of Bael Turath began to lose control over their empire and swore to
retain their rule even at the cost of their own humanity. Summoning devils from the Nine Hells
and using evil rituals to seal infernal pacts in an effort to remain in power.

By that time, the Nentir Vale—a land that wasn’t part of either of the two empires—was
populated by savage tribes of humans and monstrous humanoids.

The ancestors of the orcs that are known now as the Bloodspear Clan defeated the ancient iron
dragon Kulkoszar and established themselves in the Stonemarch, while the human tribes of the
Eastern Valley, in the Old Hills, founded the city of Andok Sur, a necropolis dedicated to a
demon prince, where the barbarians interred their enemies while still alive. Eventually, the
vampire lord Zarguna turned Andok Sur into a vibrant City of the Dead, and gained control of
almost the entire eastern region of the Nentir Vale. The gods saw Andok Sur as a threat to the
natural world—a threat they could not abide. At the height of the city’s power, a great
earthquake rocked the Old Hills and the City of the Dead fell into the earth and was buried to be
forgotten by time and history.

The Nentir Vale was also the occasional target of the archfey Koliada, the Winter Witch. Every
few centuries she came from the Feywild and attacked the Vale in her bid to make the mortal
world one of eternal winter, summoning strange armies of fey and wicked mortals that have
kneeled before her will, and subjugating and destroying the tribes of barbarians and humanoids
that lived in the Vale.

Eventually, the expanding borders of Bael Turath collided with those of Arkhosia. Ideology,
culture, and ambition smashed together and no common ground could be found between the
two empires. Both nations descended into hundreds of years of warfare, and many of those
battles were fought in the Nentir Vale. The Arkhosian and Turathi ruins that dot the Vale date
from that time. Finally, after desperate and ill-considered acts of war that nearly destroyed the
known world, both empires collapsed, leaving chaos and a new dark age in their wake.

In the centuries following the collapse of Arkhosia and Bael Turath, smaller communities began
to flourish in the lands once claimed by these empires, eventually becoming powerful nations
unto themselves. Kingdoms such as the elven Solaneillon, dwarven Mithralfast, and the
barbarian Karkoth arose to fill the vacuum of power left by the two ancient empires. A human
necromancer and conqueror named Daelh invaded the Nentir Vale from the southern borders of
the Witchlight Fens, trying to found his own kingdom as well. He brought with him a handful of
cadaver collectors and other strange creatures. Nobody knows what happened to the
necromancer, but some of the constructs he brought eventually fell in the hands of the
Daggerburg tribe of goblins

Nerath Empire origins

And then, five hundred years ago, at the age of fifteen, the legendary Emperor Magroth founded
the empire of Nerath after defeating the gold dragon Ayunken-vanzen in single combat. Magroth
founded the shining city of Nera in the former lands of the gold dragon, lit the legendary Flame
Imperishable, and led the growing Nerathi legions on decades-long marches of expansion that
claimed most of the known world within his lifetime. For all his successes, however, Magroth
was filled with ambition. Soon, he turned the Nerathi legions against enemies real and
imagined. He became a ruthless, cruel ruler. The people began to call him Magroth the Mad.
When his despotic rule was at its peak, Magroth was killed by a now forgotten hero, ending his
reign of terror.

Empress Amphaesia, the fey princess Magroth had married after he defeated one of the Sidhe
Lords of the Feywild, guided the empire through the turbulent years after Magroth’s demise.
After she mysteriously vanished, Nerath brought a long period of peace as wise emperors
brought justice and order to a world still ravaged by Bael Turath’s iniquities.

By this time, the Nentir Vale was a thinly settled borderland, home to quarrelsome human
hill-chieftains and remote realms of humanoids such as dwarves and elves. Monstrous
demihumans plagued the area, and ruins such as those on the Gray Downs or the ring-forts
atop the Old Hills date back to these days, as also do the stories of the human hero Vendar and
the dragon of the Nentir.

Saruun Khel
In the depths below Thunderspire Mountain, the great city of Saruun Khel was founded. The
agents of the demon lord Baphomet worked in secret to corrupt the city of Saruun Khel which
soon became the center of an oppressive kingdom that subjugated neighboring lands. At the
height of its power, a battle for the throne of Saruun Khel erupted into a vicious civil war. The
inhabitants battled one another until only a few survivors remained. Saruun Khel was
abandoned and eventually forgotten.
The most powerful inhabitants of the Vale at the time were dragons who lived in the Dawnforge
Mountains. These dragons considered themselves rulers of the Vale and constantly raided the
groups of nomadic people that were attempting to settle the land. Among them, the most
dangerous was a red dragon named Calastryx.

Chaos Scar
Four hundred years ago,a long, wide, shallow valley was carved by the fall of a massive meteor.
As the giant rock passed overhead, milk curdled, livestock fell over dead, and ill fortune befell
all. The meteor crashed into the earth with deafening force, and red radiance lit the sky for a
week. Then it vanished. The meteor had carved its massive gash in where once had stood a
wild forest and swamp between a line of small hills—the Chaos Scar. The meteor fell near a
keep constructed by a powerful magic-user whose name faded into history.

The malevolent remains of the meteor began to sow seeds of wickedness, attracting those of a
perverse and corruptible bent. Over the centuries, creatures of evil spirit have been drawn to
this part of the Vale. A long-forgotten king erected a wall across the valley’s mouth, trying to
contain the threat of the Chaos Scar, with little to no success. Sometime later, a group of demon
followers discovered the heart of the meteor. Mistaking it for a gift from their tyrannical deity,
they took it. High on the cliffs above the Chaos Scar, they built a small fortress temple they
named Hallowgaunt, and began to be called the Brotherhood of the Scar.

It is rumored that around this time a keep was built near the Chaos Scar by a clan of dwarves,
but soon they were defeated and enslaved by a hobgoblin king only known as Grim Eye. Other
rumors tell that Grim Eye was the one who commissioned the Keep, the dwarves already his
slaves. Whatever the truth, Grim Eye’s petty kingdom didn’t last. Sometime after Grim Eye
mysteriously disappeared, the blue dragon Fafnar conquered the Keep and made it his lair for a

Nerath Empire Frontier

With the rise of the Nerath Empire to the south, human would-be settlers navigated the Nentir
River through a trackless swamp or forged their way through a thick forest that separated this
area from the rest of Nerath. At the end of their journey, three hundred fifty years ago, they
came upon a pocket of rolling grassland and light woods more than a hundred miles wide and
ringed by mountains and forests—a frontier area that held both promise and peril for those who
braved it.

Gardmore Abbey was one of the first Nerath settlements in the Nentir Vale. Along with
Fastormel, the combined village and abbey defined the northern frontier of Nerath until the
founding of Winterhaven and Harkenwold three decades later. The knights of Gardmore Abbey,
led by Gardrin the Hammer, were among the first soldiers of Nerath to reach the Nentir Vale.
The Crusade of Conquest is what they termed their campaign of pacification. They fought orcs,
lizardfolk, and the remnants of Saruun Khel, killing thousands of the monsters before
establishing the abbey as a safe bastion in the north. This campaign is believed to have paved
the way for the settlement of the Nentir Vale.

As the Nerath settlers began to conquer more territories in the Vale, the old hill clans resisted.
Hopelessly outnumbered, they stood with their faithful hounds against the mighty armies of
Nerath, even as the Tigerclaw barbarians and other native tribes abandoned the Vale and
retreated far into the northern wilderness of the Winterbole Forest. Although the hill clans fought
bravely, they were annihilated in a final desperate battle upon the Gardbury Downs. Long after
the battle, the hounds of the hill clans prowled the battlefields, howling over the corpses of their
masters and refusing to leave their sides. The Nerathans built a great barrow in honor of the
warriors of the hill clans, and after the last of their bodies was interred, the hounds vanished.
Legends of ghostly “hounds of ill-omen” became common in the subsequent years.

The dragons of the Dawnforge Mountains wiped out several of the new human settlements that
were established during this time. The Nerath settlers sought out any who could help quell such
assaults, and a dwarven lord sent a battalion of dwarf warriors to establish a forward operating
fortress in the mountains. The dwarves named it Hammerfast.

Three hundred ten years ago, a Nerathan hero named Aranda Markelhay obtained a charter to
build a keep at the portage of the Nentir Falls, where it is believed the legendary Vendar killed
the dragon of the Nentir. She raised a simple tower at the site of Moonstone Keep, and under its
protection the town of Fallcrest began to grow. Sometime after, many wealthy lords built manors
and states around the town. Over the next two centuries, Fallcrest grew into a small and
prosperous city.

The struggle against the dragons ended three hundred years ago, when the Nerath wizard
Starris sacrificed his life to place a curse on Calastryx, forcing the dragon to slumber beneath
the Forgepeak Mountain. The other dragons' attacks lessened, allowing civilization in the Vale to
grow. The fortress of Hammerfast became a sacred necropolis where dwarven lords and
champions of Moradin were interred, and eventually a vault for dwarven treasures. Valthrun’s
Tower in Winterhaven is believed to have been built around this time.

After slaying the red dragon Pyrothenes, the Nerathan knight Boris Zaspar was granted lands
extending out from Lake Wintermist’s western shore for as far as he could walk in every
direction from sunrise to sunset. In those lands, he founded the town of Mistwatch. The first
building raised was Widower’s Watch, named at its completion for Lord Zaspar, who lost his
beloved wife to sickness the first year after claiming his land. After his castle was completed,
stone buildings replaced the wooden shacks and piers grew out across the water to meet the
burgeoning fishing industry’s needs. The hamlet became a thriving town, a trade partner for
nearby Winterhaven, and an important stop for merchants bound west from Fallcrest,
Hammerfast, and Harkenwold.

A few decades later, the orcs of the Stonemarch became a significant threat. After the orcs
launched several attacks on Gardmore Abbey, the knights ventured into the Stonemarch to wipe
them out and put an end to the raids. It took a full century for the orcs to recover from the losses
they suffered.

Holy Knights of Gardmore Abbey

During the height of Nerath’s rule, the holy knights of Gardmore Abbey fought valiantly in
Bahamut’s name against any monstrous and evil forces that encroached into the Nentir Vale,
and on occasion launched campaigns to bring down bastions of evil in the world beyond the
Vale. They destroyed a temple of Zehir in the depths of the Witchlight Fens. However, the
knights suffered devastating losses in this campaign, primarily because the cult of Zehir was so
adept at recruiting converts to their faith from within the ranks of the knights, creating highly
effective spies. Eventually, Zarel, the daughter of the head of the paladin order of that time, was
corrupted by the Yuan-ti and transformed into a vampire.

The last time the Winter Witch walked upon the world, a group of knights from Gardmore Abbey
halted her advance. These heroes procured Koliada’s nemesis—a powerful artifact of pure
sunlight called the Sun’s Sliver—and entered the frozen far reaches of the Feywild and
confronted her within the fortress of Winter’s Heart. Sun’s Sliver in hand, they battled the
archfey, but before they could use the artifact to destroy her, Koliada fled the field, and while the
knights won the day, they knew someone would have to confront the Winter Witch again. In
preparation for that day, they hid the Sun’s Sliver.

Kalton Manor
Many Nerath lords also wanted to settle down in the Vale. The wrecks now known as Kobold
Hall and Kalton Manor were such attempts. Many people still tell about the folly of Lord Arrol
Kalton, who raised his manor about two hundred years ago in the Witchlight Fens. Soon,
however, monsters—among them the powerful black dragon Shadowmire—drove off the
tenants Arrol had brought with him, and the manor was never finished. At the end, Arrol and a
handful of his servants and family lived alone in a half-finished keep, slowly falling into ruin until
they disappeared as well. Some believe the old Kalton fortune still lies within the ruins of the
abandoned manor.

In the same year, a cult of worshipers of a demon prince purposely created a rift to the
Shadowfell in the Cairngorm Peaks, near the town of Winterhaven, connecting an unholy plane
to the mortal world. Skeletons, zombies, and fouler creatures flooded through the rift into the
light of day. The empire of Nerath dispatched a legion of Imperial Knights to join forces with the
knights of Gardmore Abbey, and they quickly destroyed the undead, sealed the opening, and
built a keep to watch over the location and contain the threat. Mages of Nerath put a magical
seal on the rift to prevent Shadowfell horrors from coming into the mortal world.

Fall of the Nerath Empire

With Emperor Aldoran killed and the central government destroyed due to a massive invasion,
provincial kings banded together to defend what remained of the empire. One of them, King
Elidyr the Just, beloved and honored across Nerath, took up the imperial crown and rallied a
valiant defense of the empire. Emperor Elidyr called for his lords to raise their banners and to
muster levies from the commoners and assemble an army to staunch the flood before all was
lost. To bolster his armies, he recalled all the legions that were in the far-flung corners of the
Empire. Not all the armies returned to protect Nerath’s capital, as they had to deal with the
enemies that also threatened the Empire’s far outposts. Among those who didn’t return were the
knights of Gardmore Abbey.

Not long after the recall order was sent, a force of orcs from the Stonemarch, led by the orc
warlord known as Nightbringer, descended on Gardmore Abbey. Aided by ogres, hill giants, and
demonic embodiments of chaos, the orcs laid siege to the abbey. Rumors say the knights could
have survived if it was not for the folly of one person. Fearing the attackers and unable to trust
in Bahamut’s deliverance, the captain of the knights, Havarr of Nenlast, turned to the Deck of
Many Things for aid in the siege. Havarr drew the Skull card, and scores of undead monsters
emerged from the space between worlds and spread throughout the abbey, bringing terror and
destruction in their wake. The walls were breached, the Stonemarch forces spilled inside, and a
titanic battle among knights, undead, and orcs left the abbey in ruins. Some believe the Deck of
Many Things remains in the abbey, unable to leave because the magic the paladins had placed
to prevent intruders from reaching the artifact also prevented the Deck from disappearing. No
one knows the truth.

Alas, Elydir’s efforts to save Nerath were not enough. Just before the final, catastrophic battle of
Nerath, the foolish Prince Roland, firstborn of Emperor Elydir, used his influence to move the
Third Legion, one of the most powerful legions of the Imperial Army, to defend the remotest
outposts. He did so because he coveted a woman who was betrothed to the commander of the
Third Legion, a veteran named Paulus. Roland hoped that with leagues between them, she
would forget Paulus and welcome his advances. While Roland courted the young woman, the
demonic army spilled into the city of Nera.

In a tragic battle that would be forever remembered as “the Battle of the Nine Sons,” Emperor
Elydir, along with all his heirs and his most trusted nobles and champions, fell in battle. The
“White Ruin” simply returned to the Abyss, apparently content to leave the world in a state of
chaos. It is said that, when Paulus heard about the attack on the capital, he rushed the Third
Legion to help the Emperor, but it was too late. By the time they reached the battlefield, the city
of Nera was already destroyed. Paulus renamed his legion the “Last Legion” and they spent
their remaining days righting such wrongs as they could.
The remaining lords of the empire—fragmented, fearful, and desperate—fell upon one another
for survival. The empire crumbled quickly into factional wars, commerce ground to a halt, and
famine and plague grew thick across the land, while monsters and raiders prowled freely. The
greatest of the human empires was no more, leaving the world in a new dark age.

Whispered rumors in the Empire’s final days told of the younger daughter of Emperor Elidyr,
born amid the lethal chaos of the war. She survived her mother’s death and was secreted away
by Uhon Nerika, the last surviving member of the Ghost Blades, the Imperial Guard. What
became of the girl or her savior, no one knows. Some of the oldest inhabitants of the Nentir Vale
tell of a woman named Uhon Nerika that came from the south and lived her last days with her
“daughter” in the village of Nenlast.

The town of Kiris Dahn, built by human hands in the western lands of the Ogrefist Hills, stood
strong against invaders for decades after the fall of the Empire. It had magical stones created by
spellcrafter that could kill anyone who attacked the town.

Bloodspear War
Then, nearly a century ago, chaos and ruin came to the Nentir Vale when an orc horde called
Clan Bloodspear swarmed down out of the mountains to the northwest. By this time, the empire
of Nerath had crumbled, and without the knights and paladins of Gardmore Abbey to aid them,
Fallcrest’s army was defeated in a rash attempt to halt the Bloodspears in the Gardbury Downs.
The orcs burned and pillaged Fallcrest and went on to wreak havoc all across the Vale,
destroying all in their path until they found their match in the dwarven fortress of Hammerfast.

A champion of Gruumsh named Tarrak led the assault on Hammerfast. He swore to Gruumsh to
destroy the place and loot its treasures. The Bloodspears conquered the necropolis but gained
little from it. The orcs killed the priests and warriors tasked with guarding Hammerfast and
started to loot the place, but the dwarves’ burial chambers yielded their treasures only
grudgingly. The necropolis held street after street of unmarked tombs, some riddled with traps,
many empty, and only a few containing great treasure. The orcs suffered great losses to the
defenses of Hammerfast and Tarrak died in the assault, along with many other fanatical
worshipers of Gruumsh. Having suffered so many losses, the Bloodspears were forced to
withdraw, leaving behind a broken and battered land.

In time, dwarves came from the south with the aim to settle in the Vale. Due to the fall of Nerath,
the southern citadels of the dwarves were broken and in a state of chaos, and the dwarves
determined that the dead had no use for a fortification such as Hammerfast. Thus, the
necropolis was transformed into a city of the living. However, orcs demanded that the dwarves
set aside part of the fortress for their priests, as the fortress that had claimed so many orc lives
had become, in Gruumsh’s single, baleful eye, into a monument to his worshipers’ ferocity.

The dwarven priests beseeched the gods for guidance, and in a sacred compact struck with
Moradin and Gruumsh, the town's founders agreed to respect the dead and defend their resting
places in return for the right to settle here. Since then Hammerfast has grown into the largest
and richest settlement in the Nentir Vale.

Shadowfell Keep
Eighty-five years ago, Sir Keegan, the commander of the last of the Imperial Knights forces that
were tasked with the protection of Shadowfell Keep, slaughtered many of the keep’s
residents—including his own family—and then himself in a fit of madness. The keep was
abandoned after that, and an earthquake a few years later collapsed the upper towers and
walls, and turned the place into a ruin of tumbled stone.

Silver Company
Over sixty years ago, a group of famous explorers and warriors who operated near Hammerfast,
known as the Silver Company, delved into the “ghost tower” that appeared in some ruins for the
first time. The result was tragic—one of the Silver Company, a woman named Oldivya
Vladistone, perished. Her husband, Salazar, continued to adventure with the Silver Company for
some years, growing more despondent the longer he had to deal with his wife’s death.
Eventually, Salazar Vladistone sacrificed himself to save the people of Hammerfast from a
dragon attack. Soon after, the deeds of the Silver Company faded into obscurity.

Seven-Pillared Hall
About twenty five years ago, three wizards—Hasifir, Niame, and Samazar—discovered the ruins
of Saruun Khel in the Thunderspire Mountain. Accompanied by retainers, the wizards spent long
months in the ruins. Among the magic items they recovered were several command amulets,
which allowed them to control the bronze constructs, warders, built in the city’s heyday. The
wizards used the bronze warders to clear the upper level of the ruins, establishing a stronghold
there—the Seven-Pillared Hall, and founded the order of the Mages of Saruun.

Kiris Dahn
Almost eighteen years ago, the citizens of Kiris Dahn abandoned the town when faced with
invading goblin hordes, as they believed all of the slaying stones were expended at last. The
town had endured a long decline under the rule of the Kiris family, and the citizens scattered
rather than follow their ruler.

Age of Today
In the decades since the Bloodspear War, Fallcrest and other settlements have struggled to
reestablish itself. They are just a shadow of the former selves with little trade passing up and
down the river or the road these days.

Once again the Nentir Vale is a thinly settled frontier land where few live.

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