Bulletin 06/30/13
Bulletin 06/30/13
Bulletin 06/30/13
John Koola - 847 668 5795 Manish Joseph - 847 387 9384 Cyric Thattarettu - 773 407 4870 Emmanuel Kurian - 847 826 0144
The feast of Dukhrana is the day of commemoration of Mar Thoma Sleeha. We are celebrating once again the memory of our reception of the gift of Christian faith through St. Thomas, the Apostle. Faith is a reality that has to be renewed constantly. The Catholic Church is celebrating the Year of Faith reminding us of this truth. It is in this context that we celebrate the feast of Dukhrana this year. Therefore, the celebration of this feast should help us to deepen our faith and to effect a renewal of life according to its demands. This is a time when God has blessed the Church and the world with the gift of Pope Francis. Pope Francis is continuously exhorting us to transform our life in the Church into a communion of the People of God that manifests simplicity and mercy, putting always Christ in the forefront. He is bearing witness to this appeal also through his service as Pope. This is also a time when India is climbing up the steps of development among the nations of the world. We shall remember now the blessings God has given to the Church in India in general and to the Syro-Malabar Church in particular. We should pay special attention to make our responsibilities of faith and public life more attuned to the needs of the times. The feast of Dukharana demands us to find new vistas of activities, evaluating the individual, familial and societal dimensions of faith in the context of the modern world. We should also endeavour to achieve the proclamation of the Gospel and the formation of ecclesial communities as St. Thomas did in the first century. Tradition speaks of St. Thomas founding Seven and a half ecclesial communities. When we speak of founding of ecclesial communities, it includes also the formation of these communities based on Gospel values. As far as the Church in Kerala is concerned, we have a greater responsibility to become part of the mission of forming a communion of such communities. As far as the Syro-Malabar communities outside Kerala are concerned, our primary responsibility is to form ecclesial communities which are true images of Christian witness. On this feast of Dukhrana, let us dedicate ourselves to the rebuilding of the Church and development of the society in this manner. Whether it is for the rebuilding of the Church or for the development of the Society, we should have the preparedness to fight against evil and willingness to do good. Acts of injustice such as bribery, corruption, and mafia dealings in real estate and other financial transactions are evils that devour the Society. Abortion and Euthanasia are atrocities that rebuff the authority of God the Creator and Preserver of humankind. There are many who suffer grievously because of the injustice perpetrated against them. Everyday we hear about the exploitation and violence against children and women. The number of the unemployed, the aged, the migrants, the homeless, the marginalized, the drug and alcoholic addicts, and the victims of human trafficking are on the increase. Christians have to engage themselves against these evil situations with greater vigilance. To fight against evil is the mission of all those who aim at the well being of humankind. As far as Christians are concerned, it is their responsibility based on faith. However, along with the fight against evil, it is more fruitful to devise creative projects in favour of good and to implement them. The gospel message of combating evil with righteousness also points to the same (Lk 6:27-36). The goal of all the apostolates of the Church in the fields of education, health care, charitable works, social welfare activities and promotion of arts and sports is such a well being and progress of the people. All persons of good will ought to cooperate sincerely with all the projects for the dispensation of justice, proposed either by the Church or some voluntary associations or the Government. Protection of environment has become a plan of action essential for the very existence of humankind. Individuals and institutions should consider it a civic duty to act with single-mindedness for the preservation of the purity of rivers and other water resources as a civic duty. Such projects should be implemented with the sole aim of the welfare of human society. My appeal not only to Christians but to everyone who believes in God and in the goodness of man is that united we shall join hands in the re-building of our society. The re-building or renewal of Christian communities or religions as well as the development of our Country as a whole are goals to be achieved through our concerted efforts. In the realization of these goals, Christ and his teachings are our sure guides. It is through the intervention of St. Thomas that we got the fundamental revelation of Christ, I am the way, the truth and the life (Jn 14:6). It is St. Thomas himself who for the first time taught the Indians the way to God through Jesus Christ. Precisely because of that the life style of Christian faith taught by him is qualified as the way of Thomas. As far as Christians are concerned, life of faith is life in Christ. It is to the person of Christ that every Christian is to unite himself. The message and life witness of Christ should become the
message and witness of those who believe in Him. However, very often Christians themselves are seen to adopt their own ways of thinking and life styles, having been influenced by other thought patterns of the world. Lord Jesus Christ prayed on the cross for those who crucified him: Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing (Lk 23:34). The sins we commit today, even those without our knowledge, do affect adversely others in the society. What are these sins committed without our knowledge? They are the wrongs we do thinking that they are right, on the basis of our wrong convictions. Therefore we should be prepared to continually examine our convictions and to correct them if they are wrong. Today the St. Thomas Christians are divided into different Churches. The differences of opinion have emerged in the ebb and flow of history. The unwillingness to respect the different opinions with mutual understanding may cause the differences of opinion to continue. St. Thomas Christians have to endeavour prayerfully so that the different Churches come to greater unity, having removed such possibilities to the extent possible. All of us should be willing to cooperate generously with every effort made for the unity of the Churches. We should also work with greater watchfulness to establish perfect unity and communion in our own individual Church, having re-examined the many stand points that are opposed to unity. The prophecy of Jeremiah, I will give them one heart and one way (Jer 32:39), should be realized in the Church. Syro-Malabar Church is a communion of Four Million Christian faithful spread over the 29 Syro-Malabar Eparchies in India and the Eparchy of St. Thomas the Apostle in Chicago and in the many migrant communities all over the world. Ours is a Church that works in close communion with other individual Churches, especially the Latin Church providing 30 Bishops and many priests and consecrated men and women outside the communion of this individual Church. We still have to continue to work preserving this universal nature of our Church. As far as the Syro-Malabar Church is concerned, it is the special character of our style of ecclesial life that stands at the basis of our growth. The sons and daughters of our Church become zealous in their life of faith when all the following elements come together, such as our way of celebration of the Holy Qurbana, the manner of reception of other sacraments, method of catechesis, unique style of functioning of our educational, health care, charitable and social welfare activities, the style of governance of the Church with the participation of the laity in the palliyogam and Major Archiepiscopal Assemblies, fast and penance, family prayer, activities of family units, celebration of feasts, pilgrimages, etc. I am very glad and I congratulate our migrants that they take great interest in living their Christian life, in spite of the limited pastoral care they receive. In many of our migrant communities, more pastoral care with ecclesial structures is yet to be realized. The fact is that there are around Four Hundred thousands of faithful in the Gulf Countries, One Hundred and Fifty thousand in Europe and Forty Five thousand in Australia-New Zealand who are yet to receive such ecclesial structures. Besides, there are considerable number of Syro-Malabar faithful in South Africa and Singapore. In India, there are 60000 Syro-Malabar faithful in Chennai and 80000 in Bangalore. Only through the Grace of God and the decisive intervention of the Holy See we will have such ecclesial structures in these places. We shall act with patience and continue to pray for this intention. Let me remind you in love that the Syro-Malabar faithful should in no way engage in any activity that will weaken the communion within our Church thus affecting our efforts in this regard adversely. We are celebrating the feast of Dukhrana as Sabhadinam. Therefore all the sons and daughters of Syro-Malabar Church should organize discussions and activities that promote the growth and communion of our Church. For this purpose, the eparchies and parishes should take the initiative to encourage the people of God, especially the children and the youth. All should pay special attention to extend their cooperation for the common endeavors of our Church, especially for our works of evangelization. I appreciate the good works carried out by our priests, men and women of consecrated life and the laity under the guidance of their bishops and pray for Gods blessings upon them. Praying that the Lord may bless each one of you abundantly to grow rooted firmly in faith and morals as an individual Church in the communion of the Universal Church, I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Date :Thursday June 27th 2013 Phone : 847-296-4729 Ward: St. John Resi: Shabu and Sheeba kalluparampil
Womens Forum
There is Telephone Rosary Prayer Every Monday And Thursday at 9am Led By Womens Forum. Phone: 712-432-1438 Access Code #422133
Addr : 255 Deming place, Westmont, IL-60559 Date :Saturday June 29th 2013 Phone : 630.649.4103
Liturgy Coordinators: Jose Kadavil (Parish Rep.) Josekutty Nadakapadam John Varghese Thayilpeedika Cheriachan Kizhakkebhagam
O Loving God, You long for us to grow in faith, love and wisdom.My Lord and my God, give us the insight and strength to hearand follow your call in our life!
BULLETIN EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Rev. Fr. Joy Alappatt Thomas Purathoor
SUNDAY COLLECTION 6/23/13 - $5621.00
Our annual Feast of St Thomas the Apostle begins with Kodiyettam at 11.00 am Holy mass. Rev. Fr Antony Thundathil Vicar general of our Diocese will be the main celebrant for the Holy Mass. Please come and join
We are arranging a bus to Dallas where a residential retreat has been arranged under the leadership of Fr Xavier Khan Vattayil on 26, 27, 28 December 2013. Those who would like to join please give their names.
Those who would like to have stage program in connection with thirunal Syro Malabar Nite please give their names with Biji Mathew (PH: 630 487 1810) our new Director of Cultural Academy. Parish annual picnic will be held on August 3rd
Wedding Banns
Marriage has been arranged between Renjit Son of Varghese Punneliparampil and Annie Varghese of Immaculate Conception Church Kombinjamakal and Divya Mary Mathew daughter of A.M Mathew and Ranjini Mathew of this parish.
If there are any impediments for these announced marriages, please inform theVicar
Elsamma George Sister of George Joseph Kottukappally and Sunny George Kottukappaly passed away on June 26th in Kerala. The funeral was held on Friday 28; please pray for the family.
Thirunal Schedule
Monday July 01, 2013
7.00 pm Holy Qurbana-Malayalam
Jose Kadavil, Santi Thomas John Thayilpeedika Lector: Tessy Nambiaparampil Reading: Galatians 2:15-21