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Empowering Labour Market Europe

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Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges

Findings from study visits 2009/10

Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges

Findings from study visits 2009/10

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2011

A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server (http://europa.eu). Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2011 ISBN 978-92-896-0853-4 doi:10.2801/99935 European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, 2011 All rights reserved. Designed by adam@artdirector.gr Printed in the European Union

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) is the European Union's reference centre for vocational education and training. We provide information on and analyses of vocational education and training systems, policies, research and practice. Cedefop was established in 1975 by Council Regulation (EEC) No 337/75.

Europe 123, 570 01 Thessaloniki (Pylea), GREECE PO Box 22427, 551 02 Thessaloniki, GREECE Tel. +30 2310490111, Fax +30 2310490020 E-mail: info@cedefop.europa.eu www.cedefop.europa.eu

Cedefop Study Visits Tel. +30 2310490154, Fax +30 2310490044 E-mail: studyvisits@cedefop.europa.eu http://studyvisits.cedefop.europa.eu

Christian F. Lettmayr, Acting Director Hermann Nehls, Chair of the Governing Board

There are around 95 million young people in the 27 Member States of the European Union, representing approximately one fifth of the total population (Eurostat, 2010, 15-29 age group) (1). They are essential to the future of Europe and its social, economic, cultural and environmental development. At European level, there is an urgent need to ease young peoples access to the world of work, and in consequence, for education and employment to set targets and promote measures to support young people. The Europe 2020 Strategy, for instance, includes a flagship initiative, Youth on the move (European Commission, 2010a), which aims at reducing youth unemployment rates. Cedefops skills supply and demand forecast 2020 suggests that many young people may have chosen to stay in education and training because of uncertainty about their job prospects (Cedefop, 2010a). For easier transition into the labour market, young people need better information about labour market developments. The examples presented in this publication have been selected by participants in study visits for education and vocational training specialists and decision-makers, one of the key actions of the lifelong learning programme 2007-13 (European Parliament and Council of the European Union, 2006a, p. 45-68). By presenting initiatives that different countries have introduced to prepare and support young peoples integration into the labour market, Cedefop aids information exchange on successful practices as well as obstacles. While this publication is addressed to practitioners, it includes important messages for EU policy-makers. The examples focus on different forms of work-based learning, learning methods that help develop entrepreneurial skills in the young and individually geared guidance and counselling to help them make choices that suit their talents and occupational needs. They show how programmes can be adjusted to learners needs and competences and highlight the need for teacher development.

(1) Eurostat (2011). Population on 1 January by five years age groups and sex. Data extracted on 18 August 2011 [online]. Available from Internet: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/ population/data/database.

Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

Devising education and training policies is only one element: to be effective requires an appropriate context. The examples presented in this publication show that implementation takes time. Some of the initiatives described have been discussed as examples of policy measures by Cedefop and other organisations in the past but this publication aims at providing insight into their realisation. To implement common European objectives and tools, awareness and commitment at all levels are crucial. To make change happen at grass roots level, policy-makers and practitioners at regional and local levels need to discuss and shape policies and practices, share ideas and experience and reflect on the efficiency of approaches. With this publication we hope to increase awareness and understanding of policy. Study visit organisers and participants, experts and practitioners might find the examples helpful to find partners for European cooperation projects and develop innovative ideas in the framework of the Lifelong learning programme (2007-13). In addition to its work to ensure the quality of the study visits programme and its relevance for EU education and training policy, Cedefop continues to collect and disseminate study visit results to promote two-way communication between decision-makers and practitioners. This helps to build a strong basis for cooperation and policy learning for the improvement of Europes education and training systems.

Christian Lettmayr
Acting Director, Cedefop

Acknowledgements This publication is based on the contributions of those involved in preparing and conducting study visits. Thanks are due to the participants and, especially, to 2009/10 study visits group reporters who included the initiatives and projects in their group reports; to the study visit organisers and representatives of hosting institutions who prepared the content of the visits; to national agencies who coordinate study visits in their countries and helped to get in touch with host institutions and collect information. Thanks also go to participants and workshop reporters who discussed and validated the findings presented in this publication at the synthesis seminar Preparing young people for a successful integration into the labour market: a challenge for Europe (Thessaloniki, 28 February -1 March 2011) organised by Cedefop. Cedefop would like to thank Angela Musca who drafted and supervised the preparation of this publication and Stephanie Wehrheim of the study visits team who collected the information and prepared it for publication. Thanks are also due to Cedefop colleagues Irina Jemeljanova and George Kostakis (Study visits team) who provided valuable feedback. Special thanks go to Eleonora Schmid who reviewed the work and made valuable suggestions for improvement. Finally, thanks to Christine Nychas from Cedefop for her technical support in preparing this publication.

Table of contents
Foreword Acknowledgements Introduction 1. Flexible learning modes and pathways 1.1. Creating flexible learning options 1.1.1. Re-engaging young people in education using vocational training, UK 1.1.2. Open education institutions: support to young people, Turkey 1.1.3. 14-19 Learning pathways, UK (Wales) 1.1.4. Preparatory instruction and guidance for VET studies, Finland 1.1.5. Unlocking the potential of young people by using learning strategies in Norway 1.1.6. The Second Chance School of Marseille, France 1.2. Supporting youth engagement with learning 1.2.1. Youth programme in the City of Malm, Sweden 1.2.2. Individual Education Plan, Denmark 1.2.3. Skills accounts in England 1.2.4. Education maintenance allowance system, UK 1.3. Valuing skills for lifelong learning 1.3.1. One-year top-up option for VET students, Malta 1.3.2. Accelerated initial training scheme, Cyprus 1.3.3. New opportunities initiative. The RVCC process: recognition, validation and certification of skills and competences, Portugal 1.3.4. Accreditation of prior learning, the Netherlands 2. Easing the transition of young people from education and training to the labour market 2.1. Lifelong guidance for learning-to-work transitions 2.1.1. A holistic approach to student career guidance, Spain 2.1.2. Supporting students in their transition from basic to upper-secondary education, Finland 2.1.3. Guidance for young people on parallel pathways, Slovenia 2.1.4. Online career and vocational information programme, Austria 2.2. Transitional pathways between education, training and work 2.2.1. How to recruit more trainees in the construction sector: a mentorship project, Belgium 2.2.2. Alternanza scuola lavoro: transition from school to work, Italy 2.2.3. The competence portfolio: fostering professional integration of young apprentices, France 2.2.4. The dual initial vocational education and training system in Germany 2.2.5. Part-time vocational education: combining learning and part-time work, Belgium 1 3 6 8 15 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 27 29 31 33 35 35 37 39 41

43 49 49 51 53 55 57 57 59 61 63 65

Table of contents

2.2.6. The centre for the development of vocational and technical education (Metgem), Turkey 2.2.7. Jobstarter: a funding programme for more traineeships, Germany 3. Entrepreneurial skills and competences for young people 3.1. Entrepreneurial skills in the curriculum, EU supported 3.1.1. Integrated entrepreneurship curriculum in Spain 3.1.2. Learning about enterprise and entrepreneurship in vocational education and training (VET), Spain 3.1.3. Network for teaching entrepreneurship in Ireland 3.1.4. Valorising EU project outcomes to develop entrepreneurial skills in the young, Portugal 3.1.5. Promoting entrepreneurship among women in Greece 3.2. Improving young peoples entrepreneurial skills through hands-on experience 3.2.1. Young enterprise in Norway 3.2.2. Junior achievement in Sweden 3.2.3. Turning point: entrepreneurship education in VET in Finland 3.2.4. Entrepreneurial skills in technology as joint venture with local companies, Sweden 3.2.5. Start-up caf at Leuven University College, Belgium 4. Experience of the synthesis seminar Bibliography Further information Annex 1. Study visits 2009/10: key data

67 69 73 73 75 77 79 80 82 84 84 86 88 90 92 94 95 98 99

List of figures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Flexible learning modes and pathways What do you need to set up learning pathways? Obstacles and solutions to developing flexible learning pathways Interdependence of career management skills, learning to learn competence and employability skills Aiding young people in education-to-work transition Essential knowledge, skills and attitudes related to entrepreneurial competence Enhancing young peoples entrepreneurial skills and competences 11 13 14 46 48 71 74

Since 2008, Cedefop has coordinated the study visits programme at European level on behalf of, and in cooperation with, the European Commission. The programme has proved effective in promoting discussion, reflection, exchange of experience and mutual learning among education and vocational training specialists and decision-makers, responsible for developing and implementing education and training across Europe. It covers a broad spectrum of themes that are fully aligned with European priorities for general education and vocational education and training (VET) at all levels and lifelong learning in general (see study visits types and themes in Annex 1). By providing a forum where participants from different background can exchange experience and form partnerships across borders, the study visits programme also helps to make achievements in European cooperation more visible among a larger number of actors. This is a valuable contribution to promoting the systematic use of the European tools (2) which make peoples qualifications better understandable across Europe. In the academic year 2009/10, 2 358 decision-makers and education and vocational training specialists from 33 countries (3) participated in 230 study visits hosted in 30 countries. The largest groups of participants were head teachers and teacher trainers (25%), directors of education and vocational training institutions, guidance centres, validation or accreditation centres (16%), representatives of local, regional and national authorities (11%) and guidance advisers (8%) (see study visits participants in Annex 1) (4). Participants visit educational and training institutions, learn about effective policies and practices, and share their own ideas and expertise on the explored topic. On returning from a visit, many apply what they have learned and propose changes to their institutions work and to education and training policies at local, regional and national level. A survey conducted by Cedefop among 2009/10 participants shows that 60% of respondents proposed changes to the work of their institutions after a study visit. Based on analysis of group reports, participants are very satisfied with the quality of exchange and opportunities provided by the programme. During study visits they explore the common challenges faced in different countries, observe how education and training policies

(2) The common European tools comprise: the European qualifications framework (EQF), which covers general, vocational, higher and adult education and acts as a translation grid to make qualifications better understandable across different countries and systems; the European quality assurance framework (EQAVET); the European credit system for VET (ECVET) to make learning portable; and Europass, a portfolio which documents peoples qualifications and skills in a standard format. For further information, see: http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/ understanding-qualifications/index.aspx. (3) Some 33 countries took part; the 27 EU Member States along with Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey. (4) Other target groups include the social partners, education and vocational training inspectors, heads of departments, representatives of education and training networks and associations, of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres, researchers.


are implemented, and compare these with the situation in their countries. They also establish new contacts and continue cooperation in education and vocational training. Group reports also offer a rich source of information for the synthesis seminars that Cedefop organises every year. They have a great value for further exploration and include common approaches, challenges and examples of good practice identified by participants on the topics and problems they had been working on. Cedefops study visits team collected the reports and analysed the content of study visits that took place in the academic year 2009/10. More than 100 policies, practices and projects related to the preparation of young people for successful integration into the labour market were identified and discussed by participants in some 53 study visits. This publication includes 35 examples of policies and practices presented by their owners at the synthesis seminar organised by Cedefop on 28 February-1 March 2011 in Thessaloniki, Greece (for more information see Chapter 4). The examples are grouped as follows: supporting young people through flexible learning modes and pathways; easing the transition of young people from education and training to the labour market; developing young peoples entrepreneurial skills and competences. The initiatives presented in this publication should be understood in their specific national, regional or local contexts. We hope that they will enrich understanding of how specific education and training issues are addressed in different European countries and will generate reflection on what could work in other contexts. The descriptions included here are based on the information provided by the coordinators of these initiatives. The description of each initiative follows the same common structure, presenting the policy measure and context, purpose and content of the initiative, target group, main actors involved, approach and activities undertaken, results achieved and impact. Each description also contains contact information for the host institutions and details of a contact person should anyone wish to learn more or establish cooperation.


Flexible learning modes and pathways

While young people today are generally more highly qualified than in previous generations, too many still leave education and training with low or no qualifications. According to the Labour force survey (2010), 13 120 000 (14.1%) 18 to 24 year-olds in the EU had less than upper-secondary education and were not in further education and training (5). Despite some improvement, few countries stayed below the maximum of 10% that EU Member States had agreed for 2010. Poorly qualified people face a higher unemployment risk and are less likely to participate in training: young men and learners with a migrant background are particularly at risk (European Commission, 2011b). The economic crisis has aggravated their situation further. They risk getting trapped in a vicious circle, as jobless and low-skilled people have a higher risk of poverty which, in turn, may affect access to education and training or employment (European Commission, 2010e). This is a cause for concern in many European countries, more so as the demand for skills at a higher level than previously required is increasing even in elementary jobs. Between 2010 and 2020, medium- and higher-level qualifications will be required for more than 90% of job openings (6). To find and secure jobs, young people need to be able to take charge of their learning and careers at various stages throughout their lives. Education and training is called on to find ways to enable all young people, but especially those who encounter barriers, to acquire, from an early stage, knowledge, skills and competences that ease their transition into the labour market and allow them to continue or re-engage later in learning. Learning to learn competence, career management skills and entrepreneurial attitude are among prerequisites. People should also have the opportunity to combine and move between different types and levels of learning and get their knowledge, skills and competence recognised; this covers not only those acquired in formal education but also those acquired at work, through personal or community activities. This requires flexible learning pathways and flexible approaches to learning.

(5) Eurostat. Labour Force Survey, date of extraction 15.7.2011. (6) Cedefop (2011 update). Forecasting skill supply and demand in Europe: country workbooks. Cedefop: Thessaloniki. [restricted access]. If you wish to receive access, you should contact: skills-analysis@cedefop.europa.eu.


Flexible learning modes and pathways

EU policy background
Reducing to less than 10% the number of young people who leave education and training early has been included in the headline targets of Europes strategy for 2020 (European Commission, 2010b, 2010c). A complementary aim is to raise the number of 30-34 year-olds who hold a university diploma or equivalent to 40%. To achieve these EU-level targets, countries have been invited to set their own national targets in line with their different starting points and specific situations. Although education and training comes under the remit of the Member States, they define common priorities and work towards shared objectives. In several strategic documents, Member States endorse a range of policy measures to help young people overcome the challenges they face. The flagship initiatives An agenda for new skills and jobs (European Commission, 2010d) and Youth on the move (European Commission, 2010a), outline policies to increase young peoples employability and job opportunities. Making education and training systems inclusive, and lifelong leaning a reality, lies at the heart of the overarching strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020) (Council of the European Union, 2009) and the Bruges Communiqu for vocational education and training (VET) (Bruges Communiqu, 2010). In both documents, Member States commit themselves to preventive and remedial measures to help more young people acquire at least upper-secondary qualifications. The Council recommendation on policies to reduce early school leaving (Council of the European Union, 2011) and the respective Commission communication (European Commission, 2011a) provide guidelines to help Member States develop comprehensive and evidence-based policies. These guidelines focus on including key competences (European Parliament; Council of the European Union (2006b) in all types of education and training and on improving the quality of guidance services for young people. Acknowledging the potential of VET as alternative option for learners who might otherwise leave, they advocate raising its status and quality and ensuring progression opportunities to higher education. Partnerships with enterprises and work-based learning can improve employability. Pedagogical approaches to gear learning to student abilities and needs and developing teacher and trainer competences to manage diversity and work with at-risk learners are crucial for success. Flexible approaches and pathways that focus on learning outcomes feature most prominently in these policy documents. Guidance and validation of knowledge, skills and competences acquired, at work or elsewhere, should ease access to education and training.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

Translating policy into practice

The examples selected from the study visits reports for this chapter highlight the ways in which these policies (7) are implemented in different countries. As these initiatives show, education and training systems that provide flexible learning modes and pathways (8) and avoid dead ends for learners, help to overcome disadvantage (Council of the European Union, 2010a). The examples also illustrate different aspects of flexibility in education and training programmes, as outlined in Figure 1. Tailoring learning to the needs and abilities of individual learners is particularly beneficial for those who require additional support: early school leavers with low or no qualifications, young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, adults with low levels of qualifications, or a lack of accredited prior learning, people from ethnic minority communities, people with a learning difficulty and/or disability, and migrants. Each of these groups faces different barriers to learning and participating in the labour market, whether lack of qualifications, lack of information about learning opportunities, low self-esteem or low levels of confidence, language skills, costs, lack of time due to employment commitments, or care responsibilities such as childcare.

Examples of practice
In most cases the preventive and remedial measures presented look at ways that encourage learners to stay or reengage in education and training. Their focus tends to be on creating more attractive learning methods and environments. For example, the UK project Reengaging young people in education using vocational training developed complementary courses for 14-16 year-olds at risk of dropping out of school (Section 1.1.1.). The Open Education Institutions in Turkey target adults and young people who have dropped out of education. Approximately one million people a year take advantage of the project support to complete their primary or secondary education; in many cases they continue on to higher education or achieve certification for the professional skills they have developed (Section 1.1.2.). A Finnish initiative targets young people aged between 15 and 20 and aims to reduce the number of interruptions throughout vocational studies, offering a more consistent programme of study (Section 1.1.4.). The 14 to 19 Learning pathways programme in Wales supports students who wish to pursue vocational learning, and motivates them by

(7) For a more comprehensive overview of policies and initiatives that countries have introduced to make VET more flexible consult Cedefops policy report: Cedefop, 2010b. Related national policy reports by Cedefops ReferNet are available from Internet: http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/about-cedefop/ networks/refernet/index.aspx [cited 22.6.2011].

(8) Education and training pathways are a set of related education or training programmes provided by schools, training centres, higher education institutions or VET providers that support individual progression within or between activity sectors (Cedefop, 2008).


Flexible learning modes and pathways


Figure 1. Flexible learning modes and pathways


1. access

and progression

2. modes

of delivery in terms of

formal entry requirements: qualifications, specific educational attainment; specific skills or work experience as a prerequisite admission to a programme; validation of learning: confirmation that the knowledge, skills and/or competence a person has acquired outside formal education, e.g. at work, meets predefined criteria; this means the persons learning outcomes have been assessed by an organisation which has been officially authorised to do so; formal recognition of learning outcomes: the person receives a certificate, diploma or title, i.e. his/her knowledge, skills and/or competences are given official status; the person might receive a statement of equivalence and/or an award of credits; the value of peoples knowledge, skills and/or competences may be acknowledged by employers, for instance (socially recognised) (Cedefop, 2008).

time: this may include the time a course starts and finishes, the time and deadlines for submitting coursework or completing assignments as part of the course, or time in terms of flexibility in the pace of learning; content: the content may be flexible in relation to the topics of the course, the orientation of the course (for instance whether it is a course based on theory or practice), or assessment standards and completion requirements; instructional approach and resources: ways in which the course is experienced, the language used in the course, the types and sources of learning resources, and the assignments required for the course; delivery and logistics: which may apply to flexibility in the location of learning.

Source: Adapted from Collis and Moonen, 2001.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

enabling them to move towards this while they are still in compulsory education (Section 1.1.3.). A Norwegian initiative focuses on teacher and trainer development to use differentiated learning strategies to suit learner needs (Section 1.1.5.). Lifelong guidance and portfolio approaches to document learners skills and identify gaps are either integrated into education and training programmes or provided in the context of outreach activities. The aim is to help raise learner aspirations and identify appropriate learning opportunities. However, none of the initiatives referred to the use Europass (9) for this purpose. A follow-up programme in Sweden focuses on identifying young people who have dropped out of education, providing them with guidance and involving them in practical work training to support their integration into the labour market (Section 1.2.1.). In Denmark, youth guidance centres offer guidance and counselling for young people aged 13 to 25 and provide an individual education plan (IEP) to each young person to support transition from compulsory school to further education (Section 1.2.2.). Skills accounts in the UK are offered to young people to help them take charge of their education and employment opportunities (Section 1.2.3.). Outreach activities and financial support show the need for comprehensive approaches and complementary education and training, youth, employment and welfare policies. For example, the Second Chance School of Marseilles targets young people aged between 18 and 25 who have become disengaged from education, and aims to re-engage young people who have previously had a negative experience of education through activities at community level (Section 1.1.6.). In the UK, the education maintenance allowance provides financial assistance for young people aged between 16 and 19 to continue their studies (Section 1.2.4.). The last set of examples in this section demonstrates how embedding validation of peoples skills into education and training systems can help encourage further learning. For example, Portugals Recognition, validation and certification of competences (RVCC) programme works with young people identified as at risk of leaving school early with no qualifications, and provides individual support and guidance to encourage them to stay in education, and supports them to identify alternative pathways to certification (Section 1.3.3.). In the Netherlands, the system of accreditation/recognition of prior learning (APL/RPL) has become embedded in the education system, and the APL quality code provides a formal structure for defining quality principles for the APL process (Section 1.3.4.). Validation is not only used for access: considering young peoples abilities and prior learning allows for accelerated programmes. For students wishing to change occupation or learning pathway, accelerated training is used in Cyprus and was suggested as an efficient solution by study visit participants (Section 1.3.2.). This is more efficient in terms of learner time investment and costs. By identifying a higher education programme that gives VET

(9) Europass is a tool to make citizens knowledge, skills and qualifications clearly and easily understood, and encourage mobility in Europe. It consists of five documents: curriculum vitae, language passport, Europass mobility, certificate supplement and diploma supplement. You may consult the Europass website: http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu [cited 22.6.2011].


Flexible learning modes and pathways


graduates credit for their prior learning as good practice, the study visit participants provide a valuable contribution to the discussion of the image of VET and its dual purpose for excellence and inclusion. A one-year top-up option for VET students in Malta allows students who have taken the VET route to transfer after two years to university to do a one year topup course and obtain a degree certificate (Section 1.3.1.). While the study visits show mainly successful practice, certain challenges remain. Participants highlighted funding constraints and partnership working arrangements that are not very effective: providing flexible learning opportunities on a larger scale remains one of the main challenges (see Figure 2). To support policy learning, workshop participants discussed main obstacles and potential solutions (see Figure 3) and identified key features that make pathways flexible. We hope these reflections will encourage others to initiate change in their own country. Figure 2. What do you need to set up learning pathways?


access requirements common references or standards (based on learning outcomes) cooperation and communication between actors involvement of competent authorities methods for equivalence assessment and transfer agreements for recognition and validation portability of qualifications trust.

Source: Extract from the presentation of Isabelle Le Mouillour, Cedefop, in a workshop at the synthesis seminar, 28 February - 1 March 2011, Thessaloniki.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

Figure 3. Obstacles and solutions to developing flexible learning pathways


Related to the individual social/ cultural barriers: no tradition of education in the family, no role models in education; lack of motivation and self-esteem; lack of skills; unsatisfactory previous school experience. Related to the education system lack of apprenticeships; no recognition of previous learning. Related to socio-economic difficulties lack of employment/ no guarantee of getting a job after finishing studies; low status of vocational education and training.

starting guidance and counselling at an early stage; involving parents in the counselling process; offering personalised education and tailored solutions; improving the image of vocational studies; better tracking of young people after the age of 16; offering clearer routes to employment.

Source: Outcomes of a workshop at the synthesis seminar, 28 February - 1 March 2011, Thessaloniki.


Flexible learning modes and pathways



Creating flexible learning options

Re-engaging young people in education using vocational training, UK
One of the most popular courses is Hair and beauty, which regularly attracts 30 students from across the London Borough of Richmond. A purpose-built attractive hair and beauty salon with industry standard facilities was created. It could offer learners qualifications leading to further general and vocational opportunities at the local college, or an apprenticeship with a local employer.


Richmond Local Authority Childrens Services and Culture London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Civic Centre 44 York Street, Twickenham, TW1 3BZ, UK Tel. + 44 07931963861 www.richmond.gov.uk/ 14-19_education

The target group are 14-16 year-olds at risk of dropping out of school. Many of the students recruited to the course had a range of issues including emotional and behavioural difficulties and low levels of selfesteem and motivation.

Ms Linda McPHEE 11-19 Curriculum adviser l.mcphee@richmond.gov.uk Linda.mcphee1@btinternet.com


To get the project up and running a successful bid was made for initial financial support through local grants and European social funding. This allowed the local college, with support from Richmond Local Authority, to recruit an experienced manager to set up an exciting, relevant hairdressing and beauty course which young people could access as part of their education from the age of 14.

Reduce early school leaving Preventive measure: retain young people in education and training through VET Local level initiative

Learner voice had identified a need for practical courses for 14-16 year-olds, which would help individuals to develop their personal skills. The local curriculum development group agreed to develop the important role of further education colleges in offering an additional range of courses for learners who risk dropping out of school.

A typical day for a student includes a carousel of activities, starting with a tutorial. Then most students continue in the salon, with experienced professionals from the industry demonstrating skills and supporting practical activities. The rest of the students work in the key skills and computer room in groups of three or four on portfolio based tasks. A youth support worker offers


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

personalised support for learners, particularly in managing behaviour. Visits to other specialist colleges, to provide information on progression opportunities, proved successful in promoting progression routes for the young people. Employer support through local hairdressing salons and product manufacturers is an essential part of the learning experience. The course runs for one day a week for the whole academic year and with completion of both practical and theoretical assignments students can achieve a qualification.

This new curriculum offer has proved highly successful in many ways. Attendance is monitored carefully for each cohort of students and matched to school attendance. There is always a marked improvement, with attendance on average reaching 80% and

sustained throughout the year. Every student that remains on the course after the first month achieves the Skills for working life level 1, i.e. a 100% success rate. Other outcomes include raising awareness of the importance of literacy skills and the need to achieve a qualification in this area. Students also performed better back at school in other subject areas, with increased self-esteem and motivation. As a result of the success of the hair and beauty course the college has gone on to offer higher level courses at post16. Most students either go on to a local salon with further training or progress to the higher level course; very few (two or three each year) choose a general course at post-16. One head teacher commented that the course is exactly the model wed like for all our shared provision, were all clamouring to send our students there.


Flexible learning modes and pathways



Open education institutions: support to young people, Turkey

and in 1998 Open Primary School (OPS) were established to enable all young people to complete compulsory and/ or uppersecondary education. The reasons for establishing the Open Primary School are to provide education to students who cannot complete their compulsory education of eight years that generally starts from age 6-7 and to those who are older than the appropriate age (10) for compulsory education. This initiative also serves to prepare the students for higher education institutions.

Ministry of National Education of Turkey, General Directorate of Technical Education for Girls Ataturk Bulvari 88 06448 Bakanliklar, Ankara, Turkey Tel. +90 312 413 13 88 Fax +90 312 418 84 06 ktogm@meb.gov.tr http://ktogm.meb.gov.tr


Ms Aynur UZER Director of unit a.d.uzer@hotmail.com auzer@meb.gov.tr The target groups are: people with physical disabilities who can not go to school at all or have difficulties in doing so due to lack of supporting infrastructure; prisoners; Turkish citizens who are living abroad; children (especially girls) who are living in remote and isolated rural areas where families cannot afford or do not want to send their children to boarding schools; people who had to drop out from school and work before graduation to contribute to insufficient family income.

Reduce early school leaving Remedial measure: retain young people in education and training through flexible modes of delivery, including VET National, regional and local level initiative


Open education initiatives are implemented at national, regional and local levels to ensure relevance to everyone in the country. The system is centralised; a general directorate controls the process and education is assisted at local level by support centres in every city. Open education institutions in Turkey are funded by the government, with students paying a negligible (11) enrolment fee.

The rationale of the Open education initiative (OEI) has been continued development of a type of education for those who are out of the formal school system. In 1992, Open High School (OHS), in 1995 Open Vocational High School (OVHS)

(10) Appropriate age for enrolment is maximum 14 for primary schools and maximum 18 for high schools. (11) As of May 2011 this is TL 20 (approximately EUR 8.5) and it is paid for once during enrolment.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

For all open education institutions, diplomas awarded are the same as in the formal education system. If their situation permits, and if they are still within the age limits, students can move at any point out of the open education system to a school within formal education. Conversely, those who cannot complete their education within regular schools can switch to the open education system (12). Compulsory courses are the same as formal school system while elective courses include tailor-made options designed for that specific area. For example, jewellery design and making courses are offered as elective courses around the city of Mardin in the south-eastern part of Turkey, where silver and gold jewellery crafts have a wide market. Open education institutions began to broadcast for public promotion purposes. Following this introduction, which was supported by the Open Education Faculty (13), 548 training centres for citizens started to work as information and material distribution points in 81 provinces. TV and radio programmes have been prepared, broadcast and archived since 1992 and are now accessible to current students. In addition to course books printed and distributed for free, since 2008 all course materials are available as downloadable items through a website (including e-books, audio and video files of courses).

Since 1995, 455 848 students have graduated from the Open High School. Although they are distance education students, graduates have the same rights as the graduates from formal education. The students who enrolled in the Open High School are 48% female and 52% male. The number of students in both open high school and open primary school is around 300 000 every year. For Open Vocational High School the average is around 100 000. Graduation rates from Open Primary School (since 1998), Open High School (since 1992) and Open Vocational High School (2006), are respectively 46%, 27% and 19%. Since the beginning of the open education initiatives, 435 000 students have graduated from OHS, 360 000 students from OPS and 400 000 students from OVHS; this is a major achievement for people who would not otherwise have had the opportunity to receive education. Almost one million students returned to a learning pathway. Children, especially girls living in rural areas, had a chance of being schooled, to communicate and to interact with other students and potentially of the opportunity to change their lives by increasing their chance of finding a job and elevating their status socially and culturally (14).

(12) This change in school system can be done in both ways and more than once but only doesnt apply when the student fails the same grade two consecutive years at formal education system and begins at open education system. These students cannot go back to formal education system and has to complete their degree at the open education system. (13) Open Education Faculty is an open education institution in the higher education/ university level which has been operating as a faculty branch of Anadolu University since 1981. (14) In the Turkish culture, increased level of education is seen as a positive factor in social status.


Flexible learning modes and pathways



14-19 Learning pathways, UK (Wales)

Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council Central depot, Barleyfields Industrial Estate Brynmawr, NP23 4YF, UK Tel. +44 01 495 355 452

Mr Richard PARSONS Assistant Director of Education richard.parsons@blaenau-gwent. gov.uk

Competitiveness Index. This measure provides a statutory basis for the 14-19 Learning pathways. The measure creates a right for learners to elect to follow a course of study from a local area curriculum provided by schools and colleges. Each local curriculum contains a wide range of options of study, both academic and vocational. The local curriculum at both key stage 4 and post-16 will consist of a minimum of 30 choices, of which at least five must be vocational. At post-16 one of the vocational choices must fall within the maths, science and technology learning domain.

This initiative is now statutory for all learners and learning providers between the ages of 14 and 19: compulsory education in Wales is until the age of 16, and the learning pathways are also aimed at retaining as many young people as possible within the education system, by providing more choice and flexibility.

Reduce early school leaving Preventive measure: retain young people in education and training through wider choices, including VET National level initiative


This initiative is the flagship of the Welsh Assembly Government. The local authority has a duty to form local curricula for learners in key stage 4 (age 14-16 years) and schools and colleges have a duty to assist this process. Welsh Ministers form the local curricula for learners aged 16-18.

The key objective of the Learning and skills (Wales) measure 2009 is to improve outcomes and attainment for age 14-19 learners in Wales. These are at a low level as a result of the extreme deprivation and economic disadvantage to be found in many parts of Wales, following the closure of all Welsh coal mines in the 1980s, and the subsequent disappearance of most of the heavy industries: as an indicator the local authority in the South Wales valleys, Blaenau Gwent, is placed 379th out of 379 local authorities listed in the UK

The aim is that offering a wider choice of courses will help ensure that learners have an improved opportunity to pursue the courses that are best suited to their individual interests, learning styles, skills, abilities and their own learning pathway. This will contribute to better learner engagement


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

and improved learning outcomes. Courses should be accredited and approved for funding by the Welsh Assembly Government. The measure also promotes cooperation between learning settings, giving young people the opportunity to attend courses in other schools, colleges and approved learning providers. It places a duty on local authorities and governing bodies of both maintained secondary schools and further education institutions to seek to enter into formal cooperation arrangements where this would maximise the availability of local curriculum courses. Welsh Assembly Government ministers can direct local authorities and governing bodies to enter into partnerships.

All schools in Wales met their minimum statutory local curricula requirements for pupils aged 14-16 by September 2010 by providing the required number of learner choices for pupils, i.e. for both vocational and non-vocational subjects. Further, 89% of schools (15% in 2008) are already

meeting or exceeding the full 2012 requirement. This has been achieved through effective local collaboration between learning providers and will mean that significantly more young people have been given the opportunity to explore a vocational pathway and are equipped with the knowledge and skills required to enter into the world of work than ever before. There has been a significant increase in vocational courses being offered to pupils at Key Stage 4: in 2008 there were less than 700 but this has increased to over 2 000 in 2010. This has been largely achieved through collaboration and the sharing of existing vocational provision. Finally, there has been great emphasis on support for learners. One of the key elements of learning support is learning coaching: to support provision, the Welsh Assembly Government developed a national training programme, which to date has provided training to over 1 500 individuals of all educational backgrounds involved in delivering the learning coach function to young people, for example supporting learners on their chosen learning pathway.


Flexible learning modes and pathways



Preparatory instruction and guidance for VET studies, Finland

education for students who are in danger of educational exclusion. The programme, named Preparatory instruction and guidance for VET, started in August 2006 and aims to prevent educational and social exclusion.

Jyvskyl College Sepnkatu 3, 40100 Jyvskyl, Finland Tel. +358 403416198 Fax +358 403416189 www.jao.fi

The programme is addressed to: pupils leaving comprehensive school without a clear idea of their choice of career; young people lacking the competences to take up a vocational course: this may be caused by a negative history at school, lack of family support or social difficulties; those about to drop out of a vocational course or upper-secondary school (high school): this may be caused by realising a wrong choice has been made or having insufficient learning skills. This programme is not addressed to students with special educational needs as there is a specific flexible pathway for them to enter VET, nor to immigrants who are directed to a different preparatory training. Priority is given to applicants without a study place, to people with no clear ideas about their future and with lack of interest. Priority is also given to those who are strongly motivated and have the will to study, as well as to socially disadvantaged people.

Ms Mia KRKKINEN Educational Planning Officer mia.karkkainen@jao.fi

Reduce early school leaving Preventive measure: retain young people in education and training through guidance and individualised learning Local level initiative

The Jyvskyl Educational Consortium is one of the largest vocational education providers in Finland, offering general and vocational education and training for around 8 000 young people and 13 000 adult students every year. Jyvskyl Vocational College is part of Jyvskyl Educational Consortium, providing education welfare and culture, business and services, technology, logistics and forestry. Jyvskyl College aids transition from comprehensive school to upper-secondary


The programme (named Preparatory instruction and guidance for VET) takes place at Jyvskyl College.

The core curriculum of the preparatory instruction and guidance for vocational education includes individual tuition of 20 to 40 credits (study weeks), vocational studies


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

and/ or working life training. This offers an opportunity for smooth entry to an ordinary vocational course leading to a basic vocational qualification if/ when the transition matches the students perspective. The personal study plan is created for each student individually and the volume of lessons/ study periods can vary in each case. Tuition is given daily, five days a week (varying between four to eight hours daily). The students develop key competences while becoming acquainted with occupations and vocational training (tasters); they get a taste of working life and strengthen their learning and daily life management skills. They mainly concentrate on improving basic knowledge at the starting level: there is the opportunity to repeat, maintain and strengthen the knowledge and skills gained at secondary school, for example, in mathematics, mother tongue, English, Swedish and ICT. Students can start vocational studies according to the curriculum of the college and according to their personal study plans.

Several opportunities to apply for this programme are offered during the academic school year and all applicants are interviewed. They are selected according to their situation; not being in education, or being at risk of dropping out, are important selection criteria. The interview also has a guidance function as it helps in preparing a personal education plan or supports the application for available study places. Applicants who do not have a clear idea of a career often lack self-confidence. They need a lot of support, with genuine and persistent presence of the entire staff of the school, not only of teachers and counsellors. Positive and supporting interaction is the basis for successful guidance.

Since 2006, 350 students have attended this programme and received a certificate of participation: however, this is not a vocational qualification as such. 80% of these students continued their studies in vocational education.


Flexible learning modes and pathways



Unlocking the potential of young people by using learning strategies in Norway

differentiated learning strategies, motivating students to be more active in the learning process. Using different strategies, where students are more active, allows adjustment of teaching to different learning styles. Students are offered effective tools to gain knowledge and skills, which they can use throughout their education, in their future work and in private life. It is important that young people have the opportunity to use their potential for learning, contributing to their success at school. This should help reduce the number of dropouts and raise the average level of education.

Karmsund vocational college Mailbox 2033 5504 Haugesund, Norway Tel. + 47 52710100 Fax + 47 52710200 karmsund-vgs@rogfk.no www.karmsund.vgs.no

Mr Rolf JARL SJEN Head of department rolf.jarl.sjoeen@rogfk.no roj-s@online.no

Teachers learn the background philosophy and the different learning strategies through short courses implemented to introduce and demonstrate the approach, followed by a two-day course.

Reduce early school leaving Preventive measure: retain young people in education and training by empowering teachers to use differentiated learning styles Regional initiative to implement a national framework


In the past three to four years, developing appropriate learning strategies has been a priority in Rogaland County and in Karmsund vocational college (for 16 to 20 year-old students).

The importance of learning strategies is highlighted in national curricula and they have an important place in the school. Schooling is traditionally oriented around students who can sit still and concentrate when the teacher is supporting their learning experience. These students are mainly auditory and visual learners. Most teachers have learned this way and have functioned well at school. Students who do not function well at school or for whom school does not work well are those who learn in more

The Norwegian education law states that all students are to be given an education adjusted to their learning style, and that they are to be given differentiated teaching. But which teacher can adjust their teaching and differentiate for 15 (in vocational schools) or 30 students (in college) in a class? Is this mission impossible? The solution to this challenge is to vary the teaching and use


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

practical ways. They are more tactile and kinaesthetic in their behaviour and often make noise and disturb the learning process. Which is wrong the school or the students? A solution can be to use differentiated learning strategies. Teachers use such strategies to work through a theme, such as nutrition and health, hygiene, poetry, history of the Second World War: any theme can be a basis for learning strategies. Five to six different strategies are set together to form the plan of a lesson. For a given theme, the plan can include: one strategy for background knowledge, one to three reading strategies, one to three writing strategies and one strategy for evaluating. The next step is to organise workshops where teachers individually, in pairs or in groups, plan lessons using different learning strategies for a chosen theme.

Teachers report that the systematic use of learning strategies helps students to concentrate better. They are more active, and lessons seem to go faster. With wellplanned lessons there is less noise and disturbance and a better learning environment. The main achievement when using flexible learning strategies is that more youths can exploit their potential: this helps reduce the number of dropouts.


Flexible learning modes and pathways



The Second Chance School of Marseille, France

Ecole de la Deuxime Chance de Marseille 360, Chemin de la Madrague Ville Place des Abattoirs, 13344 Marseille Cedex 15, France Tel. +33 04 96 15 80 40 Fax +33 04 96 15 80 41 http://www.e2c-marseille.net/

Ms Shahla LASSUS International director shahla.lassus@e2c-marseille.net

fication, the E2C Marseilles has actively participated in the creation and development of a network of French schools which include 27 schools in 70 sites. These served 8 050 young people during 2010. In partnership with associations in the region, the action of E2C also addresses all the peripheral problems faced by its trainees (health, housing, legal, financial, family, etc.). Its mission is to ensure professional and social insertion through the education of young adults. One of the central educational principles of E2C is not to issue diplomas, but to recognise the skills of its trainees: the portfolio of skills is vital to the learning path. The programme is individualised and it runs, on average, between six to nine months. In the alternation course, proposed by the school, each trainee receives an individualised and enhanced guidance in professional, educational and social issues.


Reduce early school leaving/low skilled Remedial measure: upgrading skills through alternative flexible pathways and support European initiative implemented at regional level The target group is young adults from 18 to 25 who have left the school system for at least a year without a diploma or any qualification. They are identified and directed to the school by local missions, job centres and sometimes by a spontaneous application.


Since its inception, the E2C Marseilles has been supported by all local authorities in its region. In recent years, it has also been supported by the French government and directly by the businesses through the apprenticeship tax. More than 2 400 businesses and/or groups of companies are school partners in more than 150 jobs. The operation managers of the E2Cs business department work directly with businesses to guide trainees during the process of building a career plan.

The Second Chance School (E2C) is a project conceived and proposed in 1995 by the European Commission. The E2C was officially opened in late 1997 and was the first school of its kind in Europe. Since its creation, dozens of similar structures have been established in other European countries. In France, where every year approximately 150 000 young adults leave traditional educational without any quali-


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

Teaching is focused on upgrading the basic skills: reading, writing, counting, reasoning, knowledge and use of computers. As part of a course in alternation, the pedagogy is completely individualised and adapted to the initial level of each trainee. The trainees attend classes in all disciplines in small groups of around 12 young adults in sessions of progressive integration. A certificate of acquired competences is delivered at the end of the course. Each trainee is also directed towards outside qualified organisations (including family planning, social workers, the family allowance fund) to receive support for personal difficulties.

The success rate of the E2C has been around 60% from 1998 to 2010, assessed as follows: more than 28% of cases obtain employment contracts of more than temporary nature (contracts are accounted only if they last at least three months); 8% of cases obtain work in alternation contracts (apprenticeship or professional contracts); in nearly 22% of cases, entry or recovery training (entry into training leading to a qualification or diploma). Launched in late 2005, a first follow-up survey of former trainees (a sample of about 800 former trainees), showed that these positive results were stable over time. Four years after leaving the E2C, nearly 70% of our trainees find themselves in a more stable employment: 84% of them had access to employment after their time at the E2C.

Since its inception, the school has received more than 4 000 young people; during 2010 it trained more than 620 young adults.


Flexible learning modes and pathways



Supporting youth engagement with learning

Youth programme in the City of Malm, Sweden


Vgledningscentrum Career guidance centre Freningsgatan 7A 21144 Malm, Sweden Tel. +46 4034 49 95 www.malmo.se/vagledningscentrum

Mr Kristian FRENNESSEN Career counsellor kristian.frennessen@malmo.se

The main reason for the programme was the unknown activities and status of some youngsters aged 16-20. This programme sought, as it still does, to inform and guide relevant youngsters toward an activity that would better equip them to meet the requirements of the labour market. The programme is of an integrative nature, given that Malm has a large proportion of immigrants. About 40% of the population aged 16-20 have parents born in another country. The largest groups are from Arabic countries, Iran, Somalia and former Yugoslavia.

The target group was, and still is, the outsiders without complete gymnasium/ upper-secondary education.

Reduce early school leaving Remedial measure: reintegrate young people into education and training through outreach activities and guidance Local level initiative to implement national legislation


Vgledningscentrum is a career guidance centre in the city of Malm which provides educational guidance to citizens from 18 years and up. The centre has 300-400 visitors every day and career counselling is also offered on a drop-in basis. The initiative, funded by the municipality led initially to the recruitment of four new employees, all young people with a broad academic grounding. The team consisted of one social worker, one career counsellor, one recreation instructor and one person with a degree in political science, so offering a broad range of knowledge of the social issues.

In mid-2010 a youth initiative was started in Malm to address shortcomings in the municipalities follow-up of youngsters aged 16-20. This follow-up is regulated by the Swedish law and the City of Malm is unique in its application of the law in the sense that it has recently concentrated significant funds on improving the rate of contact with this age group.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

The first phase of the initiative was to map and find the drop-outs from school. Next, a letter was created which targeted the specific group and was sent to their latest addresses, followed by phone calls, short message service (SMS) and home visits. During 2010 the letter was sent to approximately 1 200 young people, with 91% successfully identified and contacted. Many met the guidance counsellors and received information on courses of adult education or other activities. A few went on to further studies but most of them wanted to try a period of practical work training.

The reaction from parents and relatives was uniformly positive and they supported the project by helping the youngsters to keep appointments. Positive feedback from the parents has been especially evident during home visits, where the teams often meet parents frustrated by the youngsters situation. The results achieved in a short time have given the project new life and a second year of financing was obtained from the City of Malm.


Flexible learning modes and pathways



Individual Education Plan, Denmark

UU Kbenhavn Korsgade 30 2200 Kbenhavn, Denmark Tel. +45 39 20 75 00

Ms Karina MEINECKE Guidance counsellor Tel. +45 26 29 91 26 karime@buf.kk.dk

lack of academic skills or for personal reasons, some young people are not able to carry on education beyond compulsory school. The counsellor tries to help them to find out what is needed for them to continue their education and how to obtain the required skills. Guidance is based on individual education plans which are mandatory for all learners in their last year of compulsory education. Plans are formal documents in which pupils describe how they intend to continue their education, the conclusions of their reflection on themselves and their abilities at school. Students must define, organise and structure their personal choices.


Reduce early school leaving Preventive and remedial measure: retain and re-engage young people in education and training through guidance National initiative implemented at local level The main target groups for counselling are pupils in grade 8 to 10 (14 to 16 years old) and young people up to the age of 25 not in education. The ninth grade is the last year of compulsory education.


Local youth guidance centres offer counselling to young people. In some cases, the counsellor needs to cooperate with the school, a psychologist, a social worker or other professionals to help the young person. In Copenhagen, a local group of young role models and parents are also involved.

The Danish Government has officially set the objective of having 95% of all young people completing a youth education programme by 2015. There are 45 youth guidance centres (UU) in Denmark. They support young people in the transition from compulsory school to youth education (upper-secondary education level including vocational training). All young people under the age of 25 can get guidance and counselling by contacting the local youth guidance centre. The guidance focuses on selecting a youth education programme. Because of

In Copenhagen, the guidance counsellors cover a number of schools (up to three according to size) where they provide counselling to pupils who are still in compulsory education. Counselling activities consist of classroom activities, group and individual counselling. The counsellor decides which kind of counselling is most


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

appropriate to each pupils needs. Those pupils who need it will have individual counselling with the guidance counsellor. The counsellor provides information on the education system and conducts activities where the students can reflect on who they are and what interests them. Students are offered information to help them choose their own learning pathways. UU Copenhagen also has a local group of young role models. They visit the schools and talk to the pupils about making decisions. They attend courses in storytelling and presentation. All preparation and meetings are voluntary but they are paid for their visits to schools. The guidance counsellor involves the parents. In Denmark there is a tradition of parents taking part in meetings at school at least three times a year; counsellors take part in some of these meetings. Counsellors also take part in meetings held by the school to deal with cases of pupil absences, learning difficulties or behavioural problems. A good relationship with the parents is important to help and guide young people and many parents consider the counsellor as a person who can help them. The counsellor, in cooperation with teachers, must judge whether the pupil is potentially able to graduate from the chosen education programme, taking into consideration her/his academic skills and maturity, including observance of school rules and responsibilities. If the judgment is negative, the pupil, parents and the counsellor draw up a plan of how to overcome the identified obstacle; this could

be attending additional courses in the subject where the level is low. The counsellor helps the pupil to sign up for a suitable programme. If they need help getting through education this is also written in the plan. The parents and the guidance counsellor can also make comments in the plan. The plan follows the young person through out her/his education and is updated if any changes occur. It is the guidance counsellors responsibility to make sure all pupils make an individual education plan and update them if necessary. In Copenhagen it was decided that the same counsellor should support the pupil in drawing up her/his education plan even after leaving compulsory education. A database provides the counsellor with information about those young people who are not in a satisfactory situation as far as their educational pathway is concerned: contact is aided by the fact that the counsellor and the young person already know each other. Young people spontaneously contact their counsellor if they have questions or need help, which is considered a positive indicator of a good relationship.

In recent years Copenhagen has seen an improvement in the situation of many young people. In February 2010, 86.8% of young people up to 25 years had attended or were attending a youth education programme or a programme leading to education. In February 2011 the figure was 91.8%.


Flexible learning modes and pathways



Skills accounts in England

Skills Funding Agency Pacific House, Imperial Way Reading, RG2 0TF, UK Tel. +44 7970434917 www.bis.gov.uk/skillsfundingagency

Ms Sue ORMISTON Regional Skills Manager sue.ormiston@skillsfundingagency. bis.gov.uk

people to take control of learning and working life and to see what state funding they might be entitled to for developing further skills and qualifications. Skills accounts have since gone through various changes and improvements. The UK Government has remained committed to finding new ways of delivering intermediate skills to raise economic competitiveness in order to promote skills led regeneration, in areas with potential for economic growth, and also to provide a progression route for individuals and address existing skills gaps in the adult population.

Skills Accounts are available to all individuals aged over 19, from any background or skills level. In the future it is intended that every young person will open a skills account.

Upskilling low skilled (skills record) National level initiative


Skills accounts were first introduced by the UK Government in the autumn of 2000 and are now fully integrated with the adult careers service, Next Step. Anyone in England can open a skills account online and, through the adult careers service, can get additional help and guidance either online, by telephone or face to face.

The objective of skills accounts is to provide adult learners with the means and motivation to engage with the education system, to increase learner choice and to bring new providers into the marketplace. Originally providing individual learners with direct access to funding for a wide choice of courses, a skills account is essentially a record of achievement: all skills and qualifications can be kept electronically in one place and the record can be easily updated whenever necessary. It helps

Opening a skills account accesses a guide to jobs of interest and job profiles to help decide on a job: it is possible to carry out a skills check to see if one already has the skills required for that job. Where skill gaps are spotted, there is course information to help choose the appropriate course that will


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

enable them to be filled. Guidance on how to enrol is provided as along with information on any further financial support that might be available for the chosen courses. Through the skills account the user has a place to store information on his/her skills and achievements and a place to create and store his/her CV.

To date, more than 143 000 accounts have been opened in the South East (the original trial target was 3 000).


Flexible learning modes and pathways



Education maintenance allowance system, UK

Excell3 Ltd 6 Beacon Court, Birmingham road, Great Barr Birmingham B43 6NN, UK Tel. +44 121 358 86 20 Fax +44 121 357 47 00 excell3@hotmail.com www.excell3.com

16-19 from dropping out of education due to adverse financial situations. The rationale behind the EMA is to help reduce the number of young people leaving school and entering the labour market with low level skills. The UK Government claimed that too many young people were either leaving school at age 16 with inadequate basic skills or were not fully equipped for the newly developing or changing labour market where higher level skills were needed.

This allowance is targeted in particular to young people aged 16 to 18 from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

Dr Tony TALBURT Education and curriculum advisor tonytalburt@blackboyscan.co.uk


EMA is a government programme widely used throughout the UK.


Reduce early school leaving Preventive measure: retain young people in education and training through financial incentives National level initiative Students who are studying at school or college, ideally on a full-time course for a period of at least a term (10-12 weeks), and whose achievements and attendance are very good, receive payments into their bank accounts. Each college or school has systems where EMA students sign in or register each day they attend classes so attendance and punctuality can be checked and verified by the education provider. Rather than receiving the allowance monthly, it is provided weekly, which is particularly useful for those students who most need the financial support. Young people who qualify receive an allowance of up to GBP 30.00 a week to help towards the cost of their education programme, stationery, equipment, travel, books, etc.

The Education maintenance allowance (EMA) was started in 1999 specifically to encourage young people aged 16 to 18 to remain in full time education and training after the age of 16 when compulsory education ends. The EMA is a weekly allowance given to students whose responsible adult(s) with whom they live earn(s) less than GBP 30 000 a year: it is designed to help prevent students aged


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

According to research/reports commissioned by the Department for Education, especially during the period 2000-04, two main findings demonstrate that the programme has achieved success. First, over the same period there has been an increase of about 5% in the number of students participating in full time education; this was especially true for young men. The research seems to indicate that without these weekly payments, some students would not have continued their education beyond their 16 birthday. Second, the EMA system enabled more

young people from poorer socio-economic backgrounds to benefit from full time education through continuing their education than would have otherwise been the case. 70% of the students, who receive EMA awards, got the maximum amount of GBP 30.00 a week: this has helped poorer students through their studies. Some half a million young people benefit each year from the EMA allowances. However, at the time of writing it was unclear whether this programme would continue after the governments austerity measures.


Flexible learning modes and pathways



Valuing skills for lifelong learning

One-year top-up option for VET students, Malta


higher diploma proffered by the Institute. This agreement was an innovation for Malta and was the first of its kind.

Institute of Tourism Studies St. Georges Bay St. Julians STJ 3300, Malta Tel. +356 2379 3274, +356 2137 2419 Fax +356 2137 5472 help.its@gov.mt www.its.edu.mt

Tourism is a leading contributor to the Maltese economy, averaging 25% of the Gross National Product. Tourisms share of total employment is over 8%, compared to the average 1% in the EU 27. However, the number of workers in the sector in possession of advanced qualifications is negligible; 71% of the workforce have low qualifications and 25% medium ones (Vassallo, 2010).

Mr Ray VASSALLO EU Programmes Coordinator ray.vassallo@gov.mt

The one-year top-up option targets VET students following the four-year course leading to a higher diploma in Hospitality and tourism management. ITS students successfully completing this programme become eligible for admission to the final year of the Bachelor of Arts at Honours Level in Tourism at the University of Malta. Students normally join the diploma course at ITS when they are at least 17 years old, graduate and then proceed to the bachelor course for the one-year top-up.

Improve permeability of pathways Progression from vocational education and training to higher education, access and duration based on existing skills National/sectoral level initiative


The vocational and academic programmes are offered by the Institute of Tourism Studies of the University of Malta. The Institute of Tourism Studies was established with the help of the World Tourism Organisation in 1987. Its main task was to supply the burgeoning tourism industry with professional personnel able to guarantee an excellent standard of products and services within the tourism and hospitality industry.

A one-year top-up option for Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS) originally conceived in response to: (a) demands from the industry for more qualified and specialised personnel from middle management upwards; (b) requests from tourism students to boost career paths through the acquisition of an undergraduate degree in addition to the


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

As early as 1993, the need for a supplement to the vocational and academic programmes offered at the Institute of Tourism Studies was already being felt. Discussions were started with universities, both local and overseas and the first group of ITS students joined the University of Malta in 1995. In this initial stage a major stumbling block was the university authorities difficulty in accepting students who had not achieved full matriculation (2 A levels) prior to their enrolment at ITS. There was also pressure on the universitys part to condition relevant programmes offered by the Institute towards a more traditional path, such as a shift from hospitality studies to hotel administration. There were also requests to create separate streams for ITS students, with academic programmes specifically tailored for either matriculated and non-matriculated students. Over the years the Hospitality and tourism management course at ITS, while retaining its original VET character, also assimilated content normally taught in exclusively academic programmes, especially in response to prospective top-up users wanting to orient themselves better to more formal academic situations. This has served the purpose of generating innovative systems and techniques that attempt to bridge the gap between VET and academic pathways, better preparing those students wanting to opt for the top-up to degree level. This uses of e-learning/blended learning, with nearly a hundred learning modules

placed online. Many include simulations, multimedia and animation, as well as extensive user interactivity. Although the one-year top-up is the final year of the threeyear tourism studies academic course, ITS students perform admirably even in this modified learning scenario.

The number of ITS students graduating with a degree has increased each year. Eventually the top-up specifically designed for ITS students was extended into a full formal 3/4 year academic programme run by the University of Malta, offered to potential students wanting to follow an academic pathway rather than the VET one already offered by ITS. This course is proving very attractive to overseas students. Following a recent study carried out by the National Commission for Higher Education (2009), the Institute is taking into consideration other options: extending the top-up course through electives based on forecasted growth areas in the tourism sector, e.g. Integrated relational tourism, Heritage and cultural tourism; and degrees, up to EQF Level 7, being conferred by the ITS itself, and/or in conjunction with other institutions. It is reported that employers generally give preference to tourism degree graduates who have followed the one-year top-up course and who have experienced the hands-on VET pathway provided by ITS.


Flexible learning modes and pathways



Accelerated initial training scheme, Cyprus


Cyprus Productivity Centre 77 Kallipoleos Ave. 2100 Aglantzia, Nicosia, Cyprus Tel. +357 22806000 www.mlsi.gov.cy/kepa The target groups are mainly new entrants into the labour market, unemployed schoolleavers, and persons who wish to change their occupations through retraining.


The training programmes operate at national level and take place at the three CPC laboratories in Nicosia, Limassol and Larnaca. They are organised in cooperation with the Cyprus Productivity Centre (CPC), a department of the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance offering initial and continuous technical vocational training since 1965, the Higher Hotel Institute of Cyprus (HHIC) and other institutions. The HRDA covers all training costs, including the allowance given to the participants. The HRDA is a semi-governmental organisation whose mission is to create the necessary prerequisites for the planned and systematic training and development of the human resources in Cyprus; it refers to the government through the Minister of Labour and Social Insurance. The HRDAs main source of income is the human resource development levy paid by all companies in the private sector and semi-governmental organisations.

Mr Andreas P. STYLIANOU Cyprus Productivity Centre astylianou@kepa.mlsi.gov.cy

Lifelong learning for employability Access and duration based on existing skills National level initiative

The Accelerated initial training scheme is a multi-company programme operated by the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus (HRDA). During 2010, accelerated initial training programmes were implemented at the Cyprus Productivity Centre (CPC) in the following professions: construction workers, plumbers, welders, electricians, refrigerator technicians and mobile phone technicians. The aim is to meet the needs in occupations where there are significant labour shortages.

Before the beginning of a training programme there is an open call. The selection procedure includes screening of the candidates on a set of criteria including their level of education, status of employment (unemployed, temporarily employed, permanently employed) and assessment of their motivation in seeking employment in the field for which training is offered.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

Interviews are integral part of the selection procedure. Typical programme duration ranges from 16 to 24 weeks, depending on the requirements of each occupation. They are faster and more intensive than the traditional initial training schemes and include theory sessions, extensive practical training at the CPC laboratories, and practical training in the industry. After practical training, the trainees can be employed by the enterprises where they were placed for the training, or seek employment elsewhere. Enterprises employing the trainees receive subsidies for the duration of the practical training, according to the size of the enterprise and the salary paid to the trainees. Participants who successfully complete the programme are granted a

training certificate, which indicates the specialisation, the duration and the content of the training, and that the person who possesses the certificate has successfully completed the requirements of the training. Although the national qualification framework has not yet been implemented, it is expected that, once in place, these qualifications will be rated at level 2, which corresponds to the level 2 of the European qualification framework.

In 2010, 266 persons participated in accelerated initial training programmes, organised by the Cyprus Productivity Centre. According to a 2010 survey by HRDA, employment among participants is 66%.


Flexible learning modes and pathways



New opportunities initiative. The RVCC process: recognition, validation and certification of skills and competences, Portugal

Centro de Formao Profissional da Indstria de Calado (CFPIC) Rua do Visconde, 990 3700-909 S. Joo da Madeira, Portugal Tel. +351 256 815 060 cfpic@cfpic.pt www.cfpic.pt

In 2005, The Vocational Training Centre of the Footwear Industry (CFPIC) launched a process in the context of the national system for recognition, validation and certification of competences (RVCC) established in 2001. The CFPIC is a training institution created in 1965 in S. Joo da Madeira, northern Portugal, whose objective is to increase the employability of its workforce, by developing language, ICT and citizenship skills.

The RVCC candidates have the following profile: adults aged over 18, employed or unemployed, who do not have basic or secondary school certificates; adults under 23 years old with at least three years of proven professional experience.

Ms Ftima MARTINS Pedagogical coordinator of the Centre of New Opportunities fatimamartins@cfpic.pt


The New opportunities initiative is governed by the National Training Agency. It brings together activities of various institutions such as employment centres, training organisations, the new opportunities centre and companies.

Lifelong learning/upskilling through validation/employability Improve participation in lifelong learning/ making non-formal and informal learning visible National level initiative with sectoral implementation

The RVCC process considers non-formal and informal education as continuous development of peoples experiences in different contexts and situations. It comprises the following stages: registration, diagnosis, recognition of competences, validation and certification of competences and/or training. Once registered, participants receive information on different training opportuni-

The New opportunities initiative aims to improve adult learning. It focuses on the recognising the needs and competences of the adult population and considers the individual as a driver of his/her own learning process.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

ties that can help them improve their competences and develop their qualifications. A diagnosis is then carried out; this is a survey of data related to their personal pathway (academic, professional and social) to enable an appropriate choice among several alternatives available to improve their skills through different flexible courses (adult education or modular training, school exams, academic and/ or professional RVCC). A personal qualification plan is defined, which is a guiding document of the training path of the person. During the process, participants develop a reflective portfolio of learning and demonstrate that their acquired skills were validated according to the Key competences in adult education and training reference framework published by the National Training Authority.

The method is based on dialogue, negotiation, mediation, involvement and selfevaluation. Validation and certification of skills is developed by the team of the Centre for New Opportunities and by an external evaluator certified by the National Training Agency. At the end of the process, after finalising validation, a further development plan may be defined for continuing training and improving skills in a lifelong learning context.

As a result, 2 004 adults have received certification in the above fields and 900 adults each year decide to continue on their learning pathway, including further training and school exams.


Flexible learning modes and pathways



Accreditation of prior learning, the Netherlands

Knowledge Centre on APL (CINOP) Postbus 19194 3501 DD Utrecht, The Netherlands Tel. +31 306374711 www.kenniscentrumevc.nl/ apl-english info@kenniscentrumevc.nl

Adult learners have access to this procedure.


Education institutions and other APL providers signed agreements with government to establish a certain number of APL procedures within one or two years and to guarantee a minimum quality standard of these procedures. National government, branch organisations, companies or reintegration organisations promote APL to keep citizens competences up to date and have them accredited from time to time to ensure greater work security.

Mr Erik KAEMINGK Managing Consultant ekaemingk@cinop.nl

Everyone who starts with an APL procedure agrees on the reasons for doing so. APL is not a standard process but an individualised series of arrangements customised to the goal and use of APL. Every APL procedure ends with an APL report (certificate of experience) which states that the individual has documentation of the competences he/ she possesses. The certificate of experience is an important part of the APL procedure: the Dutch quality code for APL recommends the use of a uniform format. The certificate has an independent value for the individual and can result in improvement of her/his position on the labour market, exemptions from parts of public or private training programmes or award of a diploma accredited by national government or a relevant sector. Any organisation meeting the quality standards can become a provider of APL. All providers are evaluated by using the national quality code for APL as a standard, with evaluation required every three years and for

Validation of learning Improve participation in lifelong learning/ make non-formal and informal learning visible National level initiative

Accreditation of prior learning (APL) is the process of recognising the competences an individual has gained through formal, informal or non-formal learning in various settings. In the Netherlands, this process is managed by the Dutch Knowledge Centre for accreditation of prior learning. The main principles of the procedure are included in a quality code introduced by the Knowledge Centre. These principles have been developed and agreed by all relevant national actors, including APL providers, employers and accreditation bodies.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

every standard of the APL provider. Positively evaluated providers are included in the national register for accredited APL procedures. Management and practice come together in operating the Dutch APL. At management level, education institutions and other APL providers are encouraged to implement APL institution-wide. National government has implemented a tax scheme to support the financing of an APL procedure from an accredited APL provider. In collective labour agreements, paragraphs on personal development sometimes include APL as one of the possible instruments to be used and refunded. Some sectoral training and development funds have started promotion campaigns for APL offering subsidies for APL procedures.

Studies of APL show that employees who were APL-led are better motivated, their team spirit is improved and they feel themselves valued for their knowledge and experience. All citizens are encouraged to keep learning and make full use of their potential. Implementation to date has shown room for improvement. The quality code for APL and the uniform format for the certificate of experience are a start, but more is needed to make APL more transparent and comparable. The aim is to have the certificate of experience accepted in every education institution in the Netherlands, without further assessment or testing. This requires trust among the institutions that the APL procedure is of high quality taking into account the same principles, qualification profiles and comparable assessment codes. Much training, development of skills and expertise is necessary to improve reliability of the procedures. In 2011 the APL Knowledge Centre has formulated an action plan on quality.


Easing the transition of young people from education and training to the labour market
Youth unemployment is worryingly high at around 21% on average in the Member States (27), ranging from 7.4% to 44.2% (15). Still too many young people leave school with less than upper-secondary education and do not follow any further training. The transition from education or training to the world of work, covering the period between leaving education and entering the labour market (Cedefop, 2008) is particularly challenging for young people and can have a lasting, or scarring effect on their career development and income over their lifetime. Even after they have obtained their first job, young people often maintain poor links with the labour market as they are more likely to hold temporary contracts, followed by spells of unemployment. Those young people who do not successfully manage their transition to the world of work are at high risk of falling into poverty and social exclusion. However, young people with work experience integrate more smoothly into the labour market than others. Medium-level qualified graduates from vocational streams are less likely to be unemployed than those from general education. Appropriate education and training policies are essential to ensure smooth transitions from school to work. Findings of research also indicate that the quality of educational provision, employment opportunities and home environment all influence the transition process(Cieslik and Simpson, 2009, p. 78-93). Workplace learning/apprenticeship has been strengthened in some countries to make more successful transitions from school to work and to develop competence-based qualifications. Even countries with a long tradition of apprenticeships (for example, Austria, Denmark, Germany) have given a fresh impetus and use financial incentives to motivate enterprises to provide apprenticeship places (Cedefop, 2010b). Links between education, training and the labour market are crucial in aiding the transition from school to the world of work and reducing the number of young people who are not in employment, education or training (NEET) (Council of the European Union, 2010b). For instance, partnerships between relevant stakeholders the social partners, companies, education and training providers, public and private employment services, public authorities at various levels, research organisations and civil society help anticipate skill needs more effectively, promote new learning initiatives, and improve the transfer and use of new and existing knowledge on future skills needs between stakeholders.

(15) Eurostat, labour force survey, quarterly data (seasonally adjusted), Q12011, date of extraction: 13.9.2011.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

EU policy background
Recognising the crucial role of guidance for education and career choices throughout peoples lives, several EU-level documents and activities have aimed at promoting a comprehensive and holistic approach, combining and aligning the fragmented services offered within education and training by employment services, social partners and/or other institutions. As Cedefops most recent guidance policy review (Cedefop, 2011a) shows, considerable progress has been made since the Commission Communication on Lifelong Learning (European Commission, 2001) and the two Council resolutions on lifelong guidance (Council of the European Union, 2004, 2008). The contributions of the European Commission, Cedefop, the European Training Foundation (ETF) and the OECD have provided a framework for national activities. Expert groups and networks (the European Lifelong Guidance Expert group (2002-07) and the subsequent European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) (16) have been set up to support Member State cooperation and work to establish national guidance coordination mechanisms. Nevertheless, there are still gaps and deficits in guidance service provision in many countries. Education and career choices are frequently influenced by perceived benefits or drawbacks, rather than evidence. A clear picture of education and training paths, and of job opportunities, should be a basis for better informed choices. Guidance still features prominently in recent EU policy documents. Education choices and changes in employment structure increase the need for high quality information targeted at learner talents and labour market developments. The education and training framework 2020 and flagship initiatives, Youth on the move and the Agenda for new skills and jobs, call for quality career guidance and information on vocational education and training opportunities. In the Bruges Communiqu and the respective Council conclusions, countries not only committed themselves to providing integrated guidance services closely related to labour market needs by 2014, they also agreed to familiarise young people in compulsory education with vocational trades and career opportunities. Future initial VET curricula should also include career management skills. In addition, to monitor young peoples transition into the labour market more closely, the Commission has initiated work to devise an employability benchmark. To ensure that young people get a realistic insight into the world of work and its requirements, and to cater for different learning styles, the EU-level policy framework promotes work-based learning. The Bruges Communiqu requires all types of VET to include work-based learning elements. As countries with strong apprenticeships have lower average youth unemployment, and other countries have (re)introduced apprenticeships or similar schemes in recent years, the European Commission promotes this strategy. The initiative Youth on the move sets a target of at least five million young people in Europe to be enrolled in apprenticeship training by the end of 2012.

(16) See: http://ktl.jyu.fi/ktl/elgpn [cited 22.6.2011].


Easing the transition of young people from education and training to the labour market


Translating policy into practice

A number of key messages emerge from the 2009/10 study visit reports which focused on measures that support young peoples transition from education and training to the labour market (17) (18). They are grouped into the following categories: lifelong guidance for learning-to-work transitions; transitional pathways between education, training and work. Information, advice and career guidance, to ensure that young people can make informed education and career choices, were considered essential by study visit participants. Career guidance is seen as an important ingredient of any policy that seeks to speed up the education-to-work transition, particularly for at-risk groups (Cedefop, 2010c). Study visit participants believe that, to ensure the quality of guidance service delivery and development, guidance counsellors must have the appropriate competences to give advice to and motivate their clients. Higher qualifications for guidance counsellors are required, as well as greater recognition of the importance of their role. They suggested that education and training providers need to develop multi-professional networks to be able to provide quality guidance to young people. For example, the participants of a study visit (Cedefop study visits, 2009) identified as a common priority support for marginalised groups or groups at risk of exclusion, such as the unemployed, people who have been made redundant and are trying to get back into work, people who have a learning difficulty and/or disability, and young people who have dropped out of education or training. Integrated guidance services should help them improve their career management skills, learning to learn competence and employability skills (see figure 4).

(17) The findings, messages and practices presented in this publication are solely based on the experience shared in the framework of the study visits programme. Several countries have a long tradition in or are (re)introducing programmes that combine classroom and workplace learning or involve social partners in decision-making, delivery and assessment of education and training. Cedefops electronic database on VET and its reports on European VET policies provide information on the state of play and developments on the issues raised across the EU: on apprenticeships and other forms of alternate learning, stakeholder cooperation, incentives to invest in training, measures to improve guidance and counselling, initiatives to anticipate skill needs and to make learning more relevant to labour market needs. Cedefops electronic database on VET and its reports on European VET policies are available at: http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/Information-services/vet-in-europe-country-reports.aspx [cited 22.6.2011].

(18) Information on related initiatives within general education is available from Eurydices database. Available from Internet: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/education/eurydice/ index_en.php [cited 22.6.2011].


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

Figure 4. Interdependence of career management skills, learning to learn competence and employability skills


Career management skills: a whole range of competences which provide structured ways for individuals and groups to gather, analyse, synthesise and organise self, educational and occupational information, as well as the skills to make and implement decisions and transitions. Learning to learn competence
(European Parliament; Council of the European Union (2006b) is the ability to pursue and persist in learning, to organise ones own learning, including through effective management of time and information, both individually and in groups. This competence includes awareness of ones learning process and needs, identifying available opportunities, and the ability to overcome obstacles and to learn successfully. This competence means gaining, processing and assimilating new knowledge and skills as well as seeking and making use of guidance. Learning to learn engages learners to build on prior learning and life experiences in order to use and apply knowledge and skills in a variety of contexts: at home, at work, in education and training. Motivation and confidence are crucial to an individuals competence.

Employability skills
(Cedefop, 2008) refer to the combination of factors which enable individuals to progress towards or get into employment, to stay in employment and to progress during a career. Employability of individuals depends on: personal attributes (including adequacy of knowledge and skills); how these personal attributes are presented on the labour market; the environmental and social contexts (i.e. incentives and opportunities offered to update and validate their knowledge and skills); the economic context.

Source: Workshop presentation at the synthesis seminar (Thessaloniki, 28 February - 1 March 2011) by Mika Launikari, extract.


Easing the transition of young people from education and training to the labour market


Examples of practice
A holistic approach to career guidance in Spain provides a good example. Every lower and upper-secondary school has a guidance counsellor. They offer information about further education, occupations and the labour market; they support the students in making career decisions and developing their potential (Section 2.1.1.). Guidance initiatives in Slovenia help the increasing number of disadvantaged young people to continue education or join the labour market (Section 2.1.3.). Specific action models in Finland support the transition from basic to upper-secondary education (Section 2.1.2.). The BIC project in Austria illustrates how online resources can offer comprehensive information on education and training paths, occupations and careers to young people (Section 2.1.4.). While guidance services might recommend VET programmes as most suitable or most promising options, this training route can have a poor image, as study visit participants confirmed. This is not the case in all countries, but for those where VET and, in particular, alternate training, is seen as a last resort, the challenge is to create a new image for VET as a pathway of excellence that allows progression along a lifelong learning pathway. VET and, more specifically, work-based learning/apprenticeship schemes were clearly recognised by study visit participants as an important means of ensuring labour market relevance and improving young peoples employability. The German dual system is an example of alternance training mainly provided in the workplace (three to four days per week) and supported by teaching in part-time vocational school (one to two days per week). There is an apprenticeship contract between the company and the trainee; the company pays a training allowance to the apprentice (Section 2.2.4.). To help create additional in-company traineeships and recruit suitable trainees (Section 2.2.7.), a traineeship funding programme, called Jobstarter, has been implemented in Germany. The value of providing learning opportunities linked to the world of work was recognised in the study visit group reports. Other examples include the Maisons Familiales Rurales in France where teachers monitor apprentices learning achievements in the company. A portfolio presenting acquired skills aids job search (Section 2.2.3.). A mentorship project aiming to raise awareness of young people and increase the number of trainees in the construction sector was developed in Belgium by involving a celebrity popular among young people (Section 2.2.1.). The Alternanza Scuola Lavoro (Italy) provides methodology and innovative instruments to create a link between school and work by motivating students to take part in work experience lessons, to start their own business within the school or to combine education in the classroom with in-company job experience (Section 2.2.2.). An alternative approach was developed in Belgium. Learners do part-time work in a company, training on the job and developing their social and career management skills with the support of guidance counsellors (Section 2.2.5.). As study visit participants emphasised, collaboration among the various stakeholders including employers and the social partners is important to understand which skills, including basic and transversal skills, are required on the labour market. The centre for the development of vocational and technical education (Metgem) in Turkey illustrates how the business


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

community and the world of education can be brought together through training organised at the workplace (Section 2.2.6.). Study visit examples show that a lot of work is taking place at national, regional and local levels to engage employers, introduce more learner-centred provision, and ensure adequate guidance and counselling services. Through exchange of ideas, discussion and adaptation of good practice examples identified during study visits, efficient solutions can be found to address the difficulties young people face when moving into the world of work. At Cedefops synthesis seminar, a platform to share experience, participants suggested how different stakeholders can contribute to easing this process (see Figure 5). Figure 5. Aiding young people in education-to-work transition


Perspective of teachers, guidance counsellors, youth and social workers

keeping abreast of rapid change in the contemporary world; participating in continuing professional training and visits to enterprises; cooperating with employers to identify the skills needed in different sectors; developing partnerships between schools/youth organisations and employers.

Perspective of employers and social partners

improving the image of vocational education and training among employers; offering financial support to employers that offer training on the job; developing cooperation between business organisations and VET institutions; participating in Cedefop study visits addressed to social partners where they can share ideas and expertise.

Perspective of parents and families

actively communicating with parents and providing them with information about the education system, occupations and labour market; encouraging parental participation in school for student benefit; offering guidance and counselling for parents and families.

Perspective of policy and decision-makers at national, regional and local level

developing measures to improve the image and attractiveness of VET in society; improving communication with industry sectors and identifying their specific needs; using data and research in policies on the mismatch between skills and the labour market.

Source: Outcomes of a workshop at the synthesis seminar, 28 February - 1 March 2011, Thessaloniki.


Easing the transition of young people from education and training to the labour market



Lifelong guidance for learning-to-work transitions

A holistic approach to student career guidance, Spain


IES Sierra del Agua Avda de la constitucin s/n 41390 Guadalcanal Sevilla, Spain Tel. + 34 955 889905 Fax + 34 955 889911 41701584.edu@juntadeandalucia.es www.juntadeandalucia.es/educacion

Ms Teresa BEJINES GLVEZ Head of department and guidance counsellor tbejinesgalvez@yahoo.es

Lifelong guidance Guidance and support for learning and transition embedded in education and training programme, holistic approach Regional level initiative to develop a national initiative

(OECD, 2004). Guidance covers a range of individual and group activities. In addition to information, counselling and competence assessment, there is help in developing decision-making and career management skills. Different professionals are involved in these services: guidance counsellors, psychologists, social workers, local employment and local council service staff. Guidance also aims to support student learning processes and contribute to their personal, professional and social development. Guidance counsellors must have a university degree in psychology, education or educational psychology. Spains school guidance services aim to help learners integrate in the classroom and adapt to the school environment, so preventing learning difficulties. Learners also receive information and guidance on further studies and careers. The purpose of this initiative is twofold: to support transition from compulsory to further education and to the world of work, and to prevent learners from dropping out.

All learners between the age of 14 and 16 participate in these compulsory activities. They are students who are finishing compulsory education, those at risk of dropping out of compulsory education, and students about to finish upper-secondary education or vocational education and training. Their families/parents are also involved in optional activities, especially when a decision about the educational future must be taken.

This initiative is placed in the context of guidance understood as a holistic and continuous process that enables citizens at any age and at any point of their lives to identify their capacities, competences and interests, to make educational, training and occupational decisions and to manage their individual life paths in learning, work and other settings in which those capacities and competences are learned and/or used


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10


School-based guidance and counselling services, local enterprises and employment services. This initiative is focused on the secondary and upper-secondary schools of Seville and the province of Andaluca, in the south of Spain. IES Sierra del Agua is a public secondary school with 140 students aged from 12 to 16, located in a village of 3 000 inhabitants, situated north of Seville. It has been implementing the initiative for the past four years and will continue to do so.

decisions, providing information about further education, occupations, labour market or how to find a job and basic information about entrepreneurship and local enterprises.

Students are better informed on how to find a job, the skills needed, the risks of dropping out of school, further education, and local employment opportunities. They are also better prepared for the transition to the labour market or to continue their studies in upper-secondary education or VET. The percentage of students who have taken further education has gradually risen from 73.5% in 2008/09 to 97% in 2010/11. The percentage of students completing compulsory education has risen from 71.42% in 2006/07 to 94% in 2010/11.

Guidance activities are planned at the beginning of the academic year. Young people learn about educational offers at upper-secondary schools, VET providers and local enterprises. The topics discussed are: preparing young people to make


Easing the transition of young people from education and training to the labour market



Supporting students in their transition from basic to upper-secondary education, Finland

Transition within education is neither an isolated event nor a single decision on an individual education path; it is a process during which a young person is able to clarify gradually his or her educational or vocational aspirations and choices. Career guidance plays a prominent role in this process along with other teaching and guidance measures within basic education. Education choices are based on individuals long-term learning experiences, plans and self-evaluation of strengths and interests.

Finnish National Board of Education P.O. Box 380, 00531 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +35 8403487110 www.oph.fi www.edu.fi

Mr Juhani PIRTTINIEMI Counsellor of education, PhD juhani.pirttiniemi@oph.fi

In 2010-11 approximately 5% of the 15 year olds do not continue with further studies after basic education (comprehensive schools, grades 1-9); the same proportion interrupts secondary level education at a very early stage. This is why educational and vocational guidance and counselling to aid the transition of young people between basic and secondary education require more attention.

Lifelong guidance Guidance and support for educational and career choices embedded in education and training programme National level initiative


Teachers and guidance counsellors support pupils vocational choices based on a common understanding. As student choices and decisions are often influenced by informal knowledge and experiences, they can inform each other about everyday student life. Hence, tutors and students from other institutions act as knowledge sources that affect educational choices and decisions.

The development of guidance and counselling in Finland is linked to the national policy of providing an education guarantee which ensures that all basic education graduates are provided with choice in continuing learning. Pupils can receive guidance and counselling all through their basic education: this covers study skills and school life, selfknowledge, education and training options, occupations, occupational sectors and the world of work.

The work experience action models involve regional cooperation between vocational institutions and local enterprises, resulting in


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

thematic periods of work experience that combine education and professional fields. Models have been developed to support the transition of students with special needs through cooperation between basic education and upper-secondary education institutions. This offers the opportunity to get useful information in advance about the institution and the study programme in which they are interested. It provides first-hand knowledge of the institution while allowing the students suitability for the institution to be evaluated.

The results of the national education guarantee are visible in the forms of support provided to learners during their transition to a programme that leads to a qualification.


Easing the transition of young people from education and training to the labour market



Guidance for young people on parallel pathways, Slovenia

ready to enter into the labour market, further education or training, rehabilitation or other ways of institutionalised help where needed.

Secondary School of Nursing Ljubljana Poljanska Cesta 61 SVN-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel. +38 613001616 Fax +38 613001650 szslj@guest.arnes.si www.srednjazdravstvenaljubljana.si

The primary target group is young people aged 15 to 27 who left their primary or secondary education without a certificate, or young people who were temporarily registered with the National Employment Agency, but later on were cancelled from the register for various reasons. The secondary target group is young people who are formally still students, but no longer attend classes.

Ms Maja KLANCIC School adviser maja.klancic@guest.arnes.si


The Ministry of Education and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia is the responsible body for GYPPP. It finances the activity, together with the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training. The counsellors work at career counselling centres across Slovenia. In addition to a university diploma in pedagogy, social work or psychology, they have undertaken 120 hours of specific training.

Lifelong guidance Holistic approach National level initiative Social partners initiative

The main method used in GYPPP is total counselling, which differs from classic counselling methods in considering the individuals life situation and his/ her personal goals. Counsellors help young people in planning their life goals, achieving and evaluating them. A counsellor has many roles; she/he is a listener, negotiator, mediator, motivator, supporter, informer and much more.

Guidance for young people on parallel pathways (GYPPP) was developed at the beginning of 2005 to help the increasing numbers of young people who drop out of school and have no alternative either in of further education or joining the labour market. The main purpose is to prevent social exclusion of young people by offering them support. They are involved in the counselling process for as long as it takes for them to be


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

The counsellor establishes the contact with a young person by telephone or through a written invitation. The first meeting is usually held in an informal environment, such as the persons home, public park or caf and begins with exploration of the current individual situation. Support is offered either as short-term guidance provision (from one to five hours) or longterm guidance of up to 40 hours per individual, to which can also be added group sessions. The process does not end with the reintegration of a person into the school system or labour market but continues for at least six months after that.

From 1 January 2005 to 30 June 2006, 2 219 youngsters took part in the initiative in six different regions across Slovenia. The most common were short-term guidance sessions, which usually lasted from one to five sessions, which provided support to 1 948 young people; 262 young people took part in the long-term process. 132 were successfully integrated: they stayed in education and training (68), labour market (53) or other forms of provision organised for young people (11) half a year after the guidance process finished.


Easing the transition of young people from education and training to the labour market



Online career and vocational information programme, Austria

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63 1040 Vienna, Austria Tel. + 43 5909004086 Fax + 43 590900114086 www.bic.at

Ms Friederike SOEZEN Political advisor Friederike.soezen@wko.at

research on qualifications and training of the Austrian economy) and the career guidance centres of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. www.bic.at provides information on more than 1 700 occupations, e.g. short and long occupational descriptions, photos and film information, tasks and duties, personal requirements, working conditions (equipment, tools, materials, work place conditions, enterprises and institutions), information about education and training possibilities, further education, related occupations and entrepreneurship opportunities.

Target groups are students starting at age 13 who are preparing for their first decision in their future education and career. A further target group peoples those, regardless of age, who need support and information regarding their careers or educational decisions. Career and vocational guidance and information are important topics for students, as well as for their parents, teachers, guidance counsellors and for job seekers.

Lifelong guidance Use of electronic systems National level initiative Social partners initiative

BIC.at is an online career and vocational information programme used in career guidance centres as well as in schools as an information source, guidance tool and teaching aid. First developed in 1987 as a local database, it was released online in 1998. Its main purpose is to collect and aid access to information on careers and professions, both at national and international level. From the beginning BIC.at was developed in close cooperation between IBW (Institute for


The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber has several initiatives (such as an Entrepreneurs skills certificate, Skills Austria or Bildungscluster) to aid vocational or educational decisions and to create entrepreneurial spirit. The BIC.at programme is one of these.

The core programme contains occupational descriptions, information on education and training paths, occupational groups and


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

fields of activity. There is information on Austrias education system, the apprenticeship system, tips on career choice and how to apply for a job and many interesting tips and links to support resources. BIC.at also offers support activities such as the interest profile. This helps clients to discover their interests and inclinations in a short time (around 10 minutes) and learn about occupations and related occupational groups. The interest profile is used in schools and career guidance centres where vocational orientation teachers and guidance counsellors provide advice to the clients after completing the profile, but it can also be used as a self-assessment tool without advice. The profile is followed by tips for career choice, preparing job applications and a collection of materials (checklists and worksheets which support the process of self-reflection on interests, wishes, abilities or talents). Although the programme does not offer a job search tool, there are various links to job platforms and search engines in the service section of BIC.at. The occupational descriptions of the apprenticeships contain a direct link to the Lehrbetriebsbersicht, a database with the names and addresses of all Austrian enterprises which train apprentices.

By systematically using the male and female expression of the name of each profession (used in case of a woman or man) throughout the programme, BIC.at contributes to reducing gender stereotypes. BIC.at can either serve as a direct source of information or background material for guidance and counselling activities.

In 2010, 304 775 Austrian users browsed the BIC.at online tool (Austria has a total population of 8 363 040 inhabitants, among which 93 283 are 14 years old). Online evaluation in the year 2009 showed that 49% of the users were under the age of 15 and 50% attended lower-secondary school; 26% were between the age of 15 and 19 and 25% were older than 19. 32% of the users attended/completed upper-secondary school, 6% a university or Fachhochschule (applied university) and 12% some other kind of education. Technical improvement and content expansion is a continuous part of the development of BIC.at. The next steps will be redesign and expansion of the sections Tips on career choice and Tips for your application; audiovisual information (occupational videos) will be improved, as will the presentation of the education and training possibilities.


Easing the transition of young people from education and training to the labour market



Transitional pathways between education, training and work

How to recruit more trainees in the construction sector: a mentorship project, Belgium
unpaid internships (four to six weeks). The package is offered by Cefora, the vocational training centre of CPNAE, the national auxiliary joint committee for white collar employees; this is the largest joint committee in Belgium. In 2010, Cefora developed many specific communication actions to fight a downturn in the recruitment of job-seekers and their involvement in training programmes. One of these actions was a regional pilot mentorship project with the involvement of Sanchez, a construction project manager and winner of a television reality show De Block (a house restoration contest voted by the public). In Belgium the construction industry sector has a bad image, the work being considered hard and dirty, especially among young people.


Cefora 144, Avenue Eugne Plasky 1030 Brussels, Belgium Tel. + 32 27402944 com@cefora.be www.cefora.be www.jobber.be

Ms Julie COLLARD Project manager Julie.collard@cefora.be


Raising awareness, improving the image of the sector/profession and communicating the benefits of training Information, mentoring, work-based learning National and regional level initiative Cefora provides assistance and guidance to recently dismissed persons during their period of unemployment, and vocational training courses and outplacement to the young, the low-skilled, immigrants, long-term unemployed and people above 45 years of age. The specific pilot mentorship project is aimed at young people in training programmes.

A service package with training courses for job-seekers in different sectors such as construction, information and communication technology (ICT), trade, administrative and support service activities, etc. The programmes are practice-based and include theoretical courses (three to six months) and


Ceforas training programme for assistant project managers in construction is organised jointly with the local chamber of construction that provides the trainers. To improve awareness of the sector and raise its image, Cefora cooperated with a well-known personality.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

In February 2010, an agreement was concluded with Sanchez to attract more people to be trained as project managers assistants in construction in Leuven (Flanders, Belgium). The mentorship project was first implemented from January to November 2010 and included the following activities: (a) creating and disseminating a short promotional video in which Sanchez explains the importance of the construction industry and describes the job of a project manager; (b) an advertisement in the press with Sanchezs photo to promote the training for a building project manager assistant; (c) three moments of contact between Sanchez and the trainees: following the selection of the trainees, Sanchez had informal discussions with the group and shared experience about the aspects of the job of a project manager in construction; during the training, Sanchez visited a construction site and provided technical information to the trainees; at the delivery of the attendance certificate the trainees presented a case study which was assessed by Sanchez, trainers and construction companies. (d) the participation of Sanchez in a press conference. The agreement with Sanchez included the right for Cefora to use his reputation during the recruitment campaigns for all construction projects. His role in the training programme was limited to the above activities. He had no power of decision in the selection of trainees and was not involved in the training itself.

The training gives all the knowledge required to run a construction project (management, coordination and financial control of a construction project). It includes six months of theoretical and practical courses in a training centre followed by six to eight weeks unpaid internship in a construction industry. At the end of the training, the programme offers coaching to help find a job.

Six months after the end of the training, the average employment rate of the former trainees is 85%. Sanchez involvement in the promotion of the training Building project manager assistant from January to November 2010 led to a very high participation rate at the general information session organised by Cefora. Following this, 37 candidates took part in the individual screening interviews, which usually attract an average of 20 persons: the interviews assess if the candidates have the key competences and the knowledge necessary to start the training. Finally, 14 people were selected to take part in the training. The trainees said that with the film and the jobs description of building project manager its easier to identify what they are really interested in. A second round of the Sanchez mentoring project, taking place from November 2010 to July 2011, has not yet been assessed. A new website was created, www.jobber.be, providing interactive tools to support young jobseekers: an online video library, a Facebook page, trainee interviews, and good practice in applying for a job. Training programmes were developed specifically for young people including job coaching, partnerships with youth groups and dual apprenticeship schemes.


Easing the transition of young people from education and training to the labour market



Alternanza scuola lavoro: transition from school to work, Italy

the Education Ministry and its role is to introduce educational programmes approved by the ministry.

Bando Regionale Alternanza Scuola Lavoro Ufficio Scolastico Regionale Basilicata Piazza delle Regioni 85100 Potenza, Italy Tel. + 39 0835315209 www.basilicata.istruzione.it

The initiative is open to pupils aged from 16 to 18 (in the final three years of secondary school education) in all types of schools such as licei (grammar schools), istituti tecnici (technical schools) and scuole professionali (vocational schools). It is undertaken throughout the school year and can be repeated.

Ms Rosanna PAPAPIETRO Docente Comandata rosanna.papapietro.mt@istruzione.it


The Ufficio Scolastico Regionale has been giving financial support to 40 schools involved in this project.

Work experience The aim is to give more opportunities to students to acquire skills and knowledge required for employment. The students, from various types of schools, undertake work placements which will allow them to acquire essential knowledge, from the basic notions to more technical and professional concepts. Real work experience increases the students ability to interpret information and transform it into behavioural patterns. This programme is also influenced by the chance to learn, at first-hand, principles, techniques and production processes through interaction with other workers. It allows the students to familiarise themselves with tools such as specific software and computer programmes that are not available in the school. Simulated training company Students carry out their learning through simulating a virtual company, with the

Facilitate transition from school to work through work-based learning Regional level initiative to implement a national programme

The Alternanza scuola lavoro initiative provides methodology and innovative tools to create a link between school and work. One of its aims is to promote creativity, competitiveness, employability and growth of an entrepreneurial spirit. It started in 2009 as a pilot project when secondary schools in the region presented a plan to enable students to carry out their learning through practical activities in local companies. The Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Basilicata represents the regional offices of


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

support of private SMEs (small and mediumsize enterprises) belonging mainly to the agricultural, tourism and manufacturing industries but also to the state and civil service. The companies have the role of supplying the necessary stimuli so that the students can transform their theoretical knowledge into concrete work experience, develop creativity at all ages and aspire to success through real business experience. The students are allowed to start a business within the school and compete with other schools. Combining classroom and in-company experience This activity involves both class activities and practical working experience, with sharing of training responsibilities between the school and the company. The latter assigns a tutor who follows the students for the duration of the project. Neither the tutor nor the company receive any form of payment for the services rendered. The students are exposed to the world of employers and business by placing them for short periods of time (a total of 80 hours) within the company to learn the required skills. During the 80 hours the students experience life in a company and are introduced to production processes, problem-solving, dealing with clients, management procedures and decisionmaking criteria. It aims at acquiring specific skills and job experience to improve practical knowledge.

This is effectively a type of professional apprenticeship, with simulation of the training company in the classroom and the students, benefiting from their experience, running their own business. The Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Basilicata believes it is paramount for students to experience the quality and attractiveness of vocational education and training and to promote recognition of nonformal and informal learning. It is important that business is conducted in a laboratory where students are closer to the process of creation and management of an enterprise, learning by thinking and doing. The motto of those involved in this teaching method is I do and I think, so I understand and remember, reflecting the theoretical and practical interaction of the activities.

A proper evaluation of this project will be made after the first three years. However, initial results show that the students are enthusiastic and want to explore further this new approach to school education, with direct involvement in programmes and experience of the outside world. The approach is based on learning/teaching process, on enhancing the value of direct job experience in the workplace, and on the professional contribution of the company tutors. All these aspects were taken into consideration when school-workplace alternation project was created and implemented.


Easing the transition of young people from education and training to the labour market



The competence portfolio: fostering professional integration of young apprentices, France

Fdration Rgionale des Maisons Familiales Rurales de Bourgogne 60G, Av. du 14 juillet 21300 Chenove, France Tel. +33 380045464 Fax +33 380540465 fr.bourgogne@mfr.asso.fr www.mfrbourgogne.fr

Mr Xavier COSNARD Manager assistant xavier.cosnard@mfr.asso.fr

24 is around 25.4% (19), while the average duration of job search can be more than four months (Crusson, 2010). Maisons Familiales Rurales includes a network of 430 schools across France. Each school functions as a non-profit association gathering families and companies. Their main objective is to contribute to the occupational integration of teenagers and young adults through education and vocational training and to promote sustainable development of their territory. The concept was developed in two main stages. In 1960, the Maisons Familiales Rurales introduced a programme to foster relations between companies, families and the school. In 2003, increasing difficulties for the young to find their first job led to the idea of developing a competence portfolio during their studies.


Aid transition from school to work through work-based learning and a portfolio approach to making learning outcomes transparent National level initiative with regional applications The competence portfolio is intended for students aged from 16 to 20 attending vocational training and/or apprenticeship, i.e. those preparing baccalaureate and those preparing BTS (superior technical diploma) who will be entering the labour market at the end of their training period. In all these types of VET, periods of education at school alternates with apprenticeship periods in companies.

The competence portfolio, implemented by the Maisons Familiales Rurales (rural family houses) as part of their training schemes was launched to help young students and apprentices to find their first real job. In France, unemployment of those aged 15 to


A teacher from the school meets regularly with the apprentice and his trainer in the company, to assess the occupational skills and conduct of the apprentice.

(19) Eurostat unemployment rate data for 15-24 year-olds 2011 (Q1 and Q2). Date of extraction: 31 August 2011.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

The portfolio is a tool that helps the students or apprentices to detail and gather proof of everything they have acquired, experienced and learned in formal or informal education and work contexts. It enables them to follow and to benchmark their occupational and personal route, to develop their thoughts, express them, generate ideas and reflect through time. This helps the young people themselves by enabling them to conceive, define and plan further steps. Such steps can be either to decide to seek guidance, to figure out what one can and wants to do with his/her life, or to identify the path that will lead directly to working life if the person is ready. The portfolio can also be shown to potential employers, in a job seeking context, to inform them about the educational and occupational profile of the candidates, about their main social and cultural interests. This way, employers can better judge the candidates capacity to be integrated in the company. A portfolio comprises a number of documents according to a specified structure. While a chronological structure seems better suited for adolescents, a structure based on the persons areas of experience is more appropriate for young adults. An example of a chronologically structured portfolio would be: 1. an autobiography: who am I, what do I like, what type of activities would I like to undertake? 2. yesterday: what did I do, what did I learn about, what have I learned to do? 3. today: what I do and what I am learning? 4. tomorrow: my wishes and ideas; 5. from now on: my training project or my project for entering into the labour market.

A portfolio structured on experience would include: self-presentation; information on education and training; experiences (professional, social, personal); a synthesis of the personal experience; reflection on the professional future of the candidate. Apprentices gradually build their portfolio during the two or three years of their training and then present the portfolio in a simulated job interview. To build a portfolio requires the authors to reflect about, analyse and describe their achievements. This takes the cooperation of all parties involved: the student or apprentice; a reference person, for instance a trainer, supervisor, mentor, advisor; the education and training team; the manager or staff member in charge of the young persons training in the enterprise; and a jury which may also be involved during or at the end of the process to provide an independent and impartial opinion.

The results of the work of the Maisons Familiales Rurales concerning professional integration vary from year to year but an average of 80% of the students find a job in less than three months after the end of their training.


Easing the transition of young people from education and training to the labour market



The dual initial vocational education and training system in Germany

Landes-Gewerbefrderungsstelle des nordrhein-westflischen Handwerks (LGH) Aufm Tetelberg 7 D-40221 Dsseldorf, Germany Tel. + 49 2113018-390 Fax + 49 2113018-390 waxweiler@lgh.de www.lgh.de

system. At national level this is the most important route for young people into the labour market. Currently there are approximately 340 training occupations in the dual system.

Although the dual system is open to leavers of all general school education levels, most of the trainees hold basic or intermediate secondary school leaving certificates when they start training. Apprentices with uppersecondary school leaving certificates are, however, under-represented, as many young people, parents and also teachers tend to prefer full-time vocational schools and studies at university to training in the dual system.

Mr Thomas WAXWEILER Head of Department of Vocational Education and Training waxweiler@lgh.de


Training in the company is financed by the company itself; the costs of the part-time vocational schools are paid by the federal state government. Training at both learning venues is governed by regulations: the federal government recognises training occupations by ordinance and stipulates binding requirements for training and examinations. The federal state governments issue curricula for part-time vocational schools. Proposals for the creation of new and the updating of existing training occupations are made by the employers and the trade unions. They nominate experts to participate in the drafting of training regulations and they negotiate provisions in collective agreements, for example concerning the allowances paid to trainees.

Facilitate transition from school to work through work-based learning/apprenticeship Combining learning venues National level initiative

The aim of the German dual system is twofold: to provide enterprises with an adequately trained workforce to meet their needs; and to offer suitable paths for young people to enter into the labour market and develop their employability. After leaving general education at the age of 15 to 19 (depending on the scheme), about 60% of young people in Germany enter the dual


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

The dual system combines in-company training and vocational school. It is mainly provided at the workplace (3-4 days per week) and supported by teaching in parttime vocational school (1-2 days per week). An apprenticeship contract is concluded between the company and the trainee and the company pays a training allowance to the apprentice. Trainers in the companies need to have passed an aptitude examination, with standards set at national level. The training takes between two and a half to three and a half years depending on the occupation. The final examinations are held by boards which comprise employers, employees and teachers. In the trades sector, an additional measure empowers small and micro-scale enterprises to train apprentices. Additional inter-company training (one to four weeks a year) completes the in-company training

according to the standards of the national examination regulations. The courses are held in training centres, which are owned by guilds, trade associations and chambers. Specific curricula, proposed by the social partners and stipulated by the government, apply for each trade. Inter-company apprentice training is financed by the companies and partly funded by the state. As a joint institution of chambers and confederations of skilled trades, LGH is in charge of relevant funding in the federal state in North-Rhine-Westphalia.

The system is in place in almost all sectors. In 2010 there were about 1.5 million trainees in the dual system. The scheme is said to contribute substantially to the comparatively low unemployment among young people in Germany.


Easing the transition of young people from education and training to the labour market



Part-time vocational education: combining learning and part-time work, Belgium


VTI Brugge CLW Boeveriestraat 73 8000 Bruges, Belgium Tel. + 32 50333502 www.vtibrugge.be Students aged 15 or 16. Most young people who select this scheme are students who have been expelled from a full-time secondary school or dropped out. In Flanders about 448000 students remain in full-time secondary education while only 7 000 choose part-time vocational training. The situation is gradually changing because, since 2008, the Ministry of Education has acknowledged this system as a full alternative route towards a secondary education diploma. Students can remain in the system until the age of 25.

Mr Jos LORIDAN Headmaster jos.loridan@vtibrugge.be


The system is in place in Flanders in over 47 centres. Most of these centres are part of a full-time secondary school, but have their own staff and rules and can work fairly independently. Sometimes they are incorporated in the same building but prefer to have their own. Each centre chooses the sectors in which it offers training and curricula (developed centrally by the Ministry of Education) taking into consideration the local employment opportunities. For example, if it is located in a tourist area such as Bruges, it makes sense to develop catering training schemes. VTI Brugge is a large Flemish technical and vocational training school, mainly active in the industrial sectors (electricity, construction, woodwork, etc.). CLW (Centrum Leren en Worken) is a division of VTI Brugge specially created for part-time vocational education. It is active in the same sectors but also offers an extended programme in sectors such as catering, shop-assistance, and household help. Cooperation with parents is an important

Retain young people in education and aid transition from school to work through work-based learning Combining learning venues National level initiative

Part-time vocational education was originally developed around 1985 when the age for compulsory education was raised to 18. The Ministry of Education realised that, for some groups of students such as the socially disadvantaged and those at risk of dropping out, this aim was not achievable within mainstream full-time education programmes. An alternative system which combines learning and part-time work was developed. The aim of this programme is to prepare learners directly for the labour market.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

aspect of this scheme. They are kept informed on the progress and any specific problem that may occur; they are regularly consulted in the context of individual meetings where communication is open.

(ESF) to cover the training costs. The scheme is quite complex as there are different types of contracts depending on the age of the learners and the sectors they are working in.

The system combines part-time work in a company or training on the job (three days a week) and training at the centre (two days a week). The latter aims to develop general and social skills (seven hours a week) and job-related skills including technical training (eight hours a week). The part-time work schedule follows the calendar of the specific sector; the students stay at work during school vacations. When entering into parttime training, students are supported by two counsellors: a career counsellor who assists the young person in finding an appropriate job; and a counsellor who helps to cope with social and psychological difficulties, as many learners have had negative experiences in mainstream school and have problems within their own family. A personal training schedule is defined for each student. It considers their former experience, needs and preferences. The progress of each student is monitored by a teacher and depends on her/his commitment in school and at work. Staff from the centre visit the students at their workplace and consult the employer. Company staff do not receive training to train or mentor the students but they are closely assisted by the school. Students get paid for their work in the company as regular workers and, as such, benefit from social security. There are tax benefits for the employers; they also receive funding from the European Social Fund

The success rate of this training is quite impressive. In the group of students who had a regular job during their training period at school, 96% had a full-time job six months after finishing school. Even 82.5% of students that were not constantly involved in a regular work scheme during their school period had a full-time job six months after finishing the school training programme. As students rarely progress to further studies, the main indicator of success is integration in the labour market. The social engagement factor plays a great role in the appreciation of the company system. The employers know that they are working with young people who had difficult school experience and that they have to work on both the social and technical dimensions. Because this programme mainly works with dropouts and expelled students, its status is generally low: it is considered the last resort. However, the 2008 change in the law made it possible for all students (not just dropouts) to obtain a fully recognised secondary education diploma in part-time vocational training. Consequently, general opinion is slowly recognising this route as a good alternative to full-time secondary education. As it is difficult for companies in Flanders to find technical staff, this scheme also provides an alternative way to find employees.


Easing the transition of young people from education and training to the labour market



The centre for the development of vocational and technical education (Metgem), Turkey

Vocational and Technical Education Centre (Metgem) of Bahcesehir University Abide-i Hrriyet Tepesi, Merkez Mah. Darlaceze Cad., 2 34381 ili, stanbul, Turkey Tel. +90 2123810000 http://www.metgem.com/

corporations and business sectors. Metgem is developing a new and unique model of technical education with the help of nongovernmental organisations and representatives of the economic sectors at national and international level. Metgem has been active since 2008.

Metgems strategy addresses the following target groups: young people involved in vocational education; people who have not yet attended vocational education and who do not have sufficient information and skills; people who have attended vocational education but who still want to acquire new skills or want to change their career.

Ms Azize GKMEN Head of Metgem azize.gokmen@bahcesehir.edu.tr Mr Volkan ATA National and international projects expert atavokan@gmail.com volkan.ata@bahcesehir.edu.tr


Metgem has strong sectoral relations and cooperates with vocational education and training resources. It has professional academic staff and is providing services such as counselling for the Ministry of Education, the Council of Higher Education, and the Association of Turkish Industry and Business. Metgem prepares curricula with sectoral representatives and works with representatives of the business world through advisory committees and sector advisory boards. This brings the business community and the world of education together.

Promoting work-based learning and raising the image of vocational education and training (VET) Regional level initiative

The main goal of Bahcesehir Universitys Vocational and Technical Education Centre (Metgem) is to contribute to a qualified workforce that can meet needs and expectations. It aims to devise vocational and technical education policies in collaboration with public foundations,

By opening the doors between the worlds of education and business, Metgem contributes considerably to developing a better qualified workforce and increased


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

employment across the country. It is filling gaps in the following areas: analysis of labour market needs; in-company practice during vocational education; use of initiatives from sectors and vocational foundations; taking into consideration young peoples skills when choosing occupations; and building partnerships between the worlds of education and employment. Metgem has shared its experience in many regions in Turkey and with organisations involved in vocational technical education. As an example, the project Business in school, school in business, launched in 2010, enables second grade students in vocational high school to participate in training for two-days each week. A further initiative, Practical training in the workplace,

familiarises them with the related sectors and prepares them for the working life. For the practical parts of their curricula, students work with their coaches in a company. They are trained to work in these companies after their graduation. Theoretical training is provided by experts from the respective sectors and experienced managers, enabling the companies to select their future employees.

Thanks to this initiative, students are employed before they graduate. Further, through its advertising and public relations campaign, Metgem increased the number of students enrolling in the vocational high school by 300% in 2010.


Easing the transition of young people from education and training to the labour market



Jobstarter: a funding programme for more traineeships, Germany

training schemes. An additional focus is on projects which test new opportunities under the Vocational Training Act (BBiG).

Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training Robert Schuman Platz 3 53175, Bonn, Germany Tel: +49 02281072024 Fax +49 02281072887

Companies, to help create additional incompany traineeships and recruit suitable trainees.


Jobstarter is being implemented by the programme office of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). In addition, four regional offices in Hamburg, Nurnberg, Berlin and Dusseldorf provide information at local level on conditions for funding and stimulate cooperation between regional projects and stakeholders. The projects are implemented inter alia by chambers of trade and industry, local and regional institutions, education providers and companies. Improved cooperation between local stakeholders will strengthen regional responsibility for vocational education and training and, at the same time, contribute to structural development.

Ms Katharina KANSCHAT Head of JOBSTARTER Kanschat@bibb.de www.jobstarter.de

Aid transition from school to work through work-based learning/apprenticeship Encourage employers to provide training through partnerships between public authorities and social partners National, regional and local level initiative

Through its Jobstarter programme, launched in 2006, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research has supported 300 innovative projects in vocational training. All these projects are helping to create additional traineeships in the German Lnder. They offer support measures to companies which have no previous experience in training, such as companies in the high technology sector. Projects also make an important contribution to structural development, for example by establishing cross-border training cooperation or launching collaborative

Projects are selected via annual calls for proposals, based on the respective current funding regulations. They stipulate the conditions for funding and lay down thematic priorities.

Jobstarter is making an important contribution to supporting the activities of the National pact for career training and skilled manpower development in Germany. By 2013, approximately 125 million Euros, including funds from the European Social Fund, will be invested in this programme.


Entrepreneurial skills and competences for young people

Even though the number of entrepreneurs in Europe has increased considerably in the last decade, a recent Eurobarometer survey suggests that around half of the Europeans prefer to work as employees. But preferences vary widely across Member States (European Commission, 2009a). In several countries, self-employment tends to be higher among people with migrant background. Generally, men and younger people tend to be more open to becoming self-employed. Nearly three quarters of European entrepreneurs hold mediumlevel or higher education qualifications (Cedefop, 2011b). US citizens are generally more willing to take risks and like competing with others more than Europeans. Also, in the US, more people think education has helped them to develop an entrepreneurial spirit. In Europe, around half of the people surveyed believe school has helped them; the other half think this was not the case and only a quarter claim that education has sparked their interest in becoming entrepreneurs (European Commission, 2009a). However, the decision to become self-employed might be driven by necessity rather than interest or desire, in particular in difficult economic times with tight labour markets and high risk of (long spells of) unemployment. The economic crisis has reinforced the job creation aspect of entrepreneurship as a means of getting back into the labour market (European Commission, 2008a; 2009b). While not everyone needs to become an entrepreneur, Europeans need to be more entrepreneurial. To be competitive, Europes economy needs people who can think outside of the box to develop new work processes, products and services. This competence also makes it easier for people to face challenges, adapt to change and manage transitions (Cedefop, 2011b). Entrepreneurship goes beyond starting up and running a business; it is a multifaceted concept. In its wider sense it refers to an individuals ability to turn ideas into action. Specifically, it includes creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects to achieve objectives. Entrepreneurship helps individuals, in their everyday lives at home and in society and also in the workplace. It supports being aware of the context of work and seizing opportunities; and it is a foundation for more specific skills and knowledge needed by those establishing or contributing to social or commercial activity. This should include awareness of ethical values and promoting good governance (European Parliament and Council of the European Union, 2006b) (see Figure 6).


Entrepreneurial skills and competences for young people


Figure 6. Essential knowledge, skills and attitudes related to entrepreneurial competence


the ability to identify available opportunities for personal, professional and/or business activities, such as a broad understanding of the workings of the economy, and the opportunities and challenges facing an employer or organisation; awareness of the ethical position of enterprises, and how they can be a force for good, for example through fair trade or through social enterprise.

proactive project management (involving, for example the ability to plan, organise, manage, lead and delegate, analyse, communicate, debrief, evaluate and record), effective representation and negotiation, and the ability to work both as an individual and collaboratively in teams; the ability to judge and identify ones strengths and weaknesses, and to assess and take risks as and when warranted.

initiative, proactivity, independence and innovation in personal and social life, as much as at work; motivation and determination to meet objectives, whether personal goals or aims held in common with others, including at work.

Source: European Parliament and Council of the European Union, 2006b, p.10-18.

As findings of recent research show, entrepreneurship education in this broader sense has a positive impact on young peoples self-assessment as well as on their occupational aspirations and achievements (Cedefop, 2010c).

EU policy background
Since the launch of the Lisbon strategy in 2000, entrepreneurship education has featured prominently on the agenda of Member State cooperation in different policy areas. The European Commissions charter for small enterprises (20) and a subsequent action plan (European Commission, 2004) called on Member States to fuel entrepreneurial mindsets in

(20) European Commission. European charter for small enterprises. Available from Internet: http://ec.europa.eu/ enterprise/policies/sme/files/charter/docs/charter_en.pdf [cited 30.8.2011].


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

all types and at all levels of education and encourage more people to become entrepreneurs, in particular women and people from ethnic minorities. To this end, ministries responsible for education and enterprise, and stakeholders from the business world need to cooperate. According to the Small business act for Europe (European Commission, 2008b), entrepreneurship should be included in teacher training and become a key competence in school curricula. Member States endorsed this in 2006 as one of the eight key competences for lifelong learning (21). Since then, enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training has become one of the strategic objectives for European cooperation in education and training (Council of the European Union, 2009). Reinforcing this objective, the policy framework for VET stipulates that countries should cooperate closely with providers, employers and national business support services; they should also strengthen regional cooperation. Appropriate funding is needed to ensure adequate methods, materials and tools are available; countries have also agreed to encourage business start-ups for VET graduates and promote learning mobility for young entrepreneurs (Bruges Communiqu, 2010; European Commission, 2010f). The European Commission intends to support this objective within its flagship initiative Youth on the move, by increasing Erasmus work placement mobility and supporting initiatives such as Erasmus for young entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial skills should also become part of tertiary level education and professional development of higher education staff.

Translating policy into practice

Governments and the European social partners have committed themselves to encouraging entrepreneurial spirit and attitudes in VET by involving experts from business, through work experience, by 2014. Learners should also get the opportunity to acquire relevant key competences (Bruges Communiqu, 2010). The Oslo agenda for entrepreneurship education (European Commission, 2006) outlines a catalogue of possible initiatives from previous successful experiences. These include measures to develop a relevant policy framework, support educational establishments, teachers and trainers, and build links between education and the outside world. Policy reviews confirm that entrepreneurship education is included in the national curricula for vocational education in most European countries and is compulsory in some. It is either a separate subject in curricula or entrepreneurship principles are included in the context of other related subjects (Cedefop, 2010b). A Cedefop report highlights the potential for guidance to support participation in entrepreneurial learning opportunities and other activities aimed at stimulating the interest,

(21) The eight key competences comprise: communication in the mother tongue; communication in foreign languages; mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology; digital competence; learning to learn; social and civic competences; sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; cultural awareness and expression (European Parliament and Council of the European Union, 2006b).


Entrepreneurial skills and competences for young people


skills and confidence of young people in taking forward a business idea. So far, guidance has not particularly focused on entrepreneurship as a career opportunity. With changing skills requirements and more dynamic work patterns, people are much more likely to spend at least part of their careers in self-employment. Hence, guidance will need to focus more on encouraging career management skills (Cedefop, 2011b). Based on study visits that took place in 2009/10, this chapter provides an overview of good practice in entrepreneurship education in Belgium, Greece, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. The initiatives presented reflect the broader definition of entrepreneurship education discussed above. They aim at fostering creativity, communication, self-confidence, taking initiative, team spirit, problem-solving, taking calculated risk and leadership. Several focus on early contact with the world of business and a hands-on approach to learning how to create and manage a company. The initiatives are presented as follows: entrepreneurial skills, an integral part of the curriculum and supported by EU initiatives; improving young peoples entrepreneurial skills through hands-on experience.

Examples of practice
Examples from Spain (Sections 3.1.1. and 3.1.2.) illustrate how entrepreneurship education can be included in national curricula at all levels (from primary to tertiary education) to ensure that approaches of different stakeholders are consistent and complementary. Examples from Portugal (Section 3.1.4.) and Greece (Section 3.1.5.) also highlight how European programmes and initiatives can support national efforts to develop and try different approaches and overcome the gender bias in entrepreneurship. Providing teachers and guidance staff with adequate competences to help young people develop entrepreneurial attitudes and skills (Cedefop, 2011b), is considered a major challenge by study visit participants. A successful example in a study visit report demonstrates how teacher education and enterprise learning/entrepreneurship can be combined. This structural alignment is a simple one, but powerful, and not one we had come across before in Europe. It means that teachers are educated within a wider context (beyond pure pedagogy), [...]. It leads to teachers open to the world, and if teachers are so, then the students they teach can only benefit (Cedefop study visits (2010). The Irish example presented here shows also how support organisations and networks can help teachers (Section 3.1.3.). The heart of entrepreneurship education is students setting up and running small companies, either as simulation exercises or real-life ventures using real money, selling products or services to the general public. The study visit examples represent different models used across Europe, showing how mini-companies operate within a Finnish college (Section 3.2.3.), how the Young enterprise programme (Section 3.2.1.) encourages Norwegian students to run a business within the confines of the school or how the Start-up caf initiative is applied in higher education in Belgium to bridge the gap between education and work (Section 3.2.5.). Effective collaboration between schools, local authorities and industry through networking and work-based learning is illustrated by an example from Sweden (Section 3.2.4.).


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

Discussion during study visits revealed that, in many other European countries, education and vocational training providers are actively encouraged to collaborate with innovative enterprises to gain insight into new developments and competence needs, to introduce experience-based learning methods, encourage experimentation and adapt entrepreneurship curricula. Figure 7 summarises the main features of effective collaboration. Figure 7. Enhancing young peoples entrepreneurial skills and competences


Education, training and enterprises working together for sustainable cooperation

Supporting students
Empower students Guide them Trust them Allow them to take risks Support learning by doing

Supporting teachers and trainers

Spread good practice and learn from each other Provide them with support and training on entrepreneurship Give them freedom and time to implement their ideas Include entrepreneurship in curricula

Supporting businesses
Involve students in practical activities in companies Involve companies in education and training establishments Provide them with incentives to offer internships

Source: Outcomes of a workshop at the synthesis seminar (Thessaloniki, 28 February -1 March 2011).

A Swedish example of good practice (Section 3.2.2.) shows that 24% of learners previously involved in an entrepreneurial programme, are running their own companies and employ four people, on average, contributing to a total of 180 000 jobs created. This confirms the importance of entrepreneurs in society, as creators of jobs, products and services. Study visit findings highlight that there are many common approaches and challenges. In light of the difficulties presented by the current economic climate, entrepreneurship is recognised as a key driver of long-term sustainable economic growth, rooted in the local economy, and a means to enhance young peoples employability and economic inclusion.


Entrepreneurial skills and competences for young people



Entrepreneurial skills in the curriculum, EU supported

Integrated entrepreneurship curriculum in Spain
The aim in compulsory education is to develop entrepreneurial spirit and selfconfidence. This includes encouraging a participative attitude, critical ability, personal initiative and an ability to develop learning techniques which empower students to plan, make decisions and take on responsibilities. At baccalaureate level, the aim is to consolidate the entrepreneurial spirit through reinforcement of creativity, flexibility, initiative, teamwork, self-confidence and critical sense. Specific regulations on vocational education and training seek to consolidate and reinforce entrepreneurial spirit in professional activities and initiatives, designing business plans for particular economic sectors according to vocational programmes and occupational profiles.


I.E.S. Cabaas Carrera La Hilera s/n 50100 La Almunia, Spain Tel. +34 976812480 Fax +34 976812162 iesalmunia@gmail.com www.iesalmunia.net

Mr David BERGA Teacher davidberga@gmail.com


Promoting entrepreneurship education Mandatory entrepreneurship embedded in curricula, general approach Local initiative to implement national framework Learners in compulsory secondary education, baccalaureate classes and vocational training; more specifically 600 young people in the Cabaas secondary education institute which is located in a rural area of about 15 000 inhabitants working mainly in agriculture.

Entrepreneurship is an acknowledged objective in Spanish education, explicitly embedded in all national curriculum frameworks by the Education Act of 2006. Curricula at every education level should include entrepreneurship or deal with it as a crosscurricular aspect to stimulate entrepreneurial mindsets: developing personal attributes; fostering the ability to identify and exploit opportunities; equipping students with the skills needed to set up a business and manage its growth.


I.E.S. Cabaas, working with two initiatives from the regional governments business development agency: entrepreneurial workshops aiming to generate business ideas, creative techniques, entrepreneurial experiences and financial reports; student business plan contests called Entrepreneurship in schools.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

The school will also collaborate with social partners to preserve the image of entrepreneurs as creators of jobs and community development.

To integrate entrepreneurship programmes and activities better in the established curriculum, baccalaureate students (16-18 year-olds) are taught management and administration basics. The main objective is to learn about management and administration functions and work processes in enterprises and to support student progress in developing their autonomy and personal initiative throughout entrepreneurship projects. Three programmes are offered within vocational education and training. Each includes a subject aiming to develop entrepreneurial, planning and project managing skills and to contribute to student employability.

They are: entrepreneurial training and employment, for 16-21 year-old learners (initial qualification for administration assistants); enterprise and entrepreneurship, for students 16 years and older (medium level qualification for administration management). During the academic year 2011/12, within the subject area A company in the classroom, efforts will be made to associate students to real companies through business simulation methodology. This recreates real job situations which require team work, decision-making, problemsolving, effective communication and networking; enterprise project, for students who are 18 years and older (upper level qualification in administration and finance). I.E.S. Cabaas organises informative talks on the use of local cultural and natural resources in business projects, jointly with the local chamber of commerce and a rural development group that manages Leader programme funds. These discussions include experience of young entrepreneurs and briefings on youth self-employment. The aim is to develop students sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit, to improve their performance not only as employees but also as future entrepreneurs.


Entrepreneurial skills and competences for young people



Learning about enterprise and entrepreneurship in vocational education and training (VET), Spain

IES Jos del Campo Barrio Rocillo S/N 39840 Ampuero, Cantabria, Spain Tel. +34 942622698 Fax +34 942622688 ies.jose.del.campo@educantabria.es http://centros5.pntic.mec.es/~josedelc

Mr Teodoro GARCA FUENTES Teacher tgfuentes@gmail.com

Promoting entrepreneurship education Mandatory entrepreneurship embedded in curricula Regional level initiative

nomous communities; in Cantabria, the Enterprise and entrepreneurship module is taught in the second year over 65 hours. The aim is to develop several learning outcomes (defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence), each linked to assessment criteria. It also includes the contents that should be offered and identifies learning and teaching approaches and methodologies. The module includes the training students need to develop their own business initiative, as self-employed and as employees. Learners should acquire the skills to create and manage a small business, conduct a feasibility study and draw up a production and marketing plan. Being able to manage ones career and identify learning and employment opportunities are also among the aims. By the end of this module, learners must reach the following outcomes: recognise the skills associated with entrepreneurship, define the opportunity to create a small business, perform activities to establish an enterprise, and conduct administrative and financial management adapted to small and medium enterprises.

Spain is adapting vocational education and training to the new national qualifications system. The process began in 2008 and is expected to be completed during the academic year 2011/12. The review of VET diplomas affects both intermediate and higher level programmes. Training for all new diplomas (at intermediate and higher level) must include a mandatory module called Enterprise and entrepreneurship. The curriculum development for the VET modules matches the context of the auto-

Intermediate level VET targets 16 to 18 yearolds who have completed compulsory secondary education; higher level VET is for students aged 18 to 20 who have studied in high school.


A collaboration agreement was developed between Jos del Campo secondary education institute and Robert Bosch Spain Factory Treto (RBET). To complete their studies, all vocational training students at intermediate or higher


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

level must attend the Training at work (FCT) module of 400 hours of practice in an enterprise. In addition, freshmen in the Industrial equipment maintenance training cycle higher level VET perform part of their training in the company. This module starts in January after students have already spent three months at school and have acquired basic knowledge. It ends in June.

Practical training in the company helps students acquire technical skills and experience of how a real company works. It offers them better employment opportunities and can either lead to starting ones own business or to work as freelancers for other companies.

Students spend one day a week in a company during school hours and rotate between three posts: electrical maintenance, mechanical maintenance and fabrication tools. This provides them with good understanding of the role and responsibilities in each of these three posts.


Entrepreneurial skills and competences for young people



Network for teaching entrepreneurship in Ireland


Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship Ireland Invent, Dublin City University, Glasnevin Dublin 9, Ireland Tel. +35 317007435 Mobile +35 3868256432 Fax +35 317007434 www.nfte.ie In the academic year 2010/11 almost 1 000 young people across Ireland participated in the programme; over 150 volunteers from the corporate and community sector also engage and support the programme. By May 2011, almost 5 000 young people overall had participated in and graduated from the programme.


The programme is currently being delivered in five regions, by 70 trained teachers and youth workers. NFTE works in partnership with schools, youth groups, universities, community based organisation and business organisations to foster entrepreneurship education and teacher training.

Ms Maria DOHERTY Programme manager maria.doherty@nfte.ie

NFTE is committed to changing the lives of young people in disadvantaged communities by enabling them to develop core skills in business and enterprise and helping them unlock their individual talents and potential.

Promoting entrepreneurship education National level initiative implemented regionally

NFTE operates programmes in school and out of school. Both have proved successful in building self confidence and interpersonal skills in young people as well as in increasing school completion and college attendance rates.

The network for teaching entrepreneurship Ireland (NFTE) is a cutting-edge, world recognised, youth entrepreneurship education and development programme. It is managed and provided by Forige in Ireland, a national youth development organisation. NFTE is affiliated to NFTE International, whose headquarters are located in New York. The programme was established in Ireland in 2004. NFTEs vision is that every young person will find a pathway to prosperity.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10


Valorising EU project outcomes to develop entrepreneurial skills in the young, Portugal

Students aged 15-22.

AEVA-Escola Profissional de Aveiro R. Dr. Francisco Ferreira Neves, Barrocas Apt. 567 3800-351 Aveiro, Portugal Tel. +351 234373060 Fax: +351 234373069 secretaria@epaveiro.edu.pt www.epaveiro.edu.pt


AEVA, a vocational school in Aveiro founded in 1992. In 2007, the school actively participated in a project to create enterprises in rural areas (CRER project, Creation of enterprises in rural area). The outcomes of three EQUAL projects (CRER, Club Mais, Insiste) and a Comenius project (Young successful entrepreneurs) form the basis of AEVAs approaches.

Ms Ana RIBEIRO Deputy to the principal and coordinator of European projects amr@epaveiro.edu.pt

The CRER approach to business support has three phases: information and nurturing: entrepreneurship and business creation; establishing and completing the business plan (supporting its preparation and elaboration); testing and finalising business ideas (testing without creating an enterprise). Additional activities have been developed to further improve aspects such as innovative thinking, creativity, problemsolving, and meeting deadlines. All courses offered at AEVA have an hour allocated in their weekly timetable specifically to develop these skills. Club Mais aims to develop entrepreneurial skills through hands-on experience and role-playing, involving students, teachers, psychologists, local entrepreneurs, and employers. Highlighting the benefits of

Promoting entrepreneurship education Local level initiative

A business creation support methodology jointly developed and financed by the EQUAL community initiative (22). In 2008, an office was created to stimulate and support budding young entrepreneurs. By adopting the CRER methodology, the aim was to create new business enterprises for these youngsters and explore new ideas.

(22) The EQUAL Community Initiative was financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and co-funded by the EU Member States within the 2000-06 programming period. The initiative focused on supporting innovative, transnational projects aimed at tackling discrimination and disadvantage in the labour market. More information at: http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/equal_consolidated/ [cited 30.8.2011].


Entrepreneurial skills and competences for young people


formal, non-formal and informal learning, it promotes joint activities with partners from the local community. Learners are asked to create a personal project related to a professional situation which empowers them to develop autonomy, creativity, initiative and organisation spirit and promotes employability. In Insiste students meet regularly with a teacher for a one-hour specific activity. This encourages communication, responsibility and organisational skills, initiative and creativity, team work and cooperation through role play and group dynamics. The project Young successful entrepreneurs aims to inform, educate and train young people between the ages of 15 and 22, developing entrepreneurial skills and easing their social and professional integration after graduation. Those involved are from three different European countries (Portugal, Czech Republic and Italy) and have different socio-economic backgrounds.

Students created a toy company, called Genica (23). Throughout the duration of the three-year project, the students worked in French and English, learning to turn their personal hobbies into a successful business by analysing the market, developing business and marketing plans, attending training sessions and managing their simulated companys commercial and financial activities. The projects were very successful. The students learned how to be entrepreneurs and acquired the skills to start a business on their own.

(23) Further information available from Internet: www.epaveiro.edu.pt/genica/ [cited 22.6.2011].


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10


Promoting entrepreneurship among women in Greece

Salonica International Consultancy Defkalionos 36 57019 Perea, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel. + 30 2392028438 info@salonicainternationalconsultancy.com www.salonicainternationalconsultancy.com

lead a campaign to encourage more women to become entrepreneurs and start their own companies. The starting date of the second phase was in December 2010, following a second call for 120 ambassadors from Albania, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Serbia and the United Kingdom.

Women and young girls


The EU network of female entrepreneurship ambassadors which includes successful businesswomen.

Ms Elisabeth Maria WERTER EU ambassador for female entrepreneurship in Greece l-werter@otenet.gr

250 ambassadors have created a manifesto that emphasises the need for women role models, especially in working environments that are traditionally male dominated. By making entrepreneur success stories and good practices more visible, they can be the driving force for future generations of entrepreneurs and contribute to equal opportunities and gender mainstreaming. Entrepreneurship should be considered a new lifestyle for European women to be promoted and supported by institutions, governments and banks. A female entrepreneur, who has lived in Greece for 25 years, acts as role model and highlights the role that women should play in creating jobs and promoting competitiveness. Her view is that companies need

Promoting entrepreneurship education European initiative implemented nationally

The EU network of female entrepreneurship ambassadors (24) was inaugurated in 2009 in Sweden. At that time 130 ambassadors were selected from Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Slovakia and Sweden. These successful businesswomen were asked to

(24) More information on the European Network to Promote Womens Entrepreneurship available from Internet: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/sme/promoting-entrepreneurship/women/wes-network/index_en.htm [cited 22.6.2011]. More information on the Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors available from Internet: http://europa.eu/eucalendar/event/id/178058-network-of-female-entrepreneurship-ambassadors/mode/ standalone [cited 22.6.2011].


Entrepreneurial skills and competences for young people


women at all levels. She considers it her task to promote entrepreneurship in schools, universities, community groups and the media. She also encourages women and young girls to set up their own business using the website http://www.my3p.com/ as a tool. This tool is ideal for young people to get their first entrepreneurial experiences. Women generally choose to start and manage firms in industries such as retail, services and the knowledge economy. By sharing her own experience as entrepreneur, she hopes to instil confidence in other women that they can be successful in all sectors.

The main problem of creating new enterprises, and especially enterprises set up by women, is the availability of seed capital. The NGO Femmes was set up to collect finances for women entrepreneurship, education and sustainability.

The know-how of this organisation gathered by the founding members, advisory board and associated organisations is made available to create spin-off companies and to mentor and coach new businesswomen.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10


Improving young peoples entrepreneurial skills through hands-on experience

Young enterprise in Norway



Askim videregende skole Postbox G, 1801 Askim, Norway Tel. +47 69816302 Fax +47 69816390 askim.vgs@ostfoldfk.no www.askim.vgs.no Learners at all levels, from primary school to higher education, can acquire entrepreneurship skills.


Askim videregende skole, an uppersecondary school with 900 students aged 16 to 18 and over 120 teachers. This is the main Norwegian office of Elos, a European school organisation represented in 15 countries with over 300 schools as members. It has both an academic and a vocational department. Developing entrepreneurship at school is one of the certification criteria for becoming a member of Elos. A large part of the activity is sponsored by local businesses, banks and the national trade organisation. The school also cooperates within Young entrepreneurship/ Junior achievement through their website.

Mr Trond VGMO Assistant headmaster/ Leader of Elos, Norway trovag@ostfoldfk.no

Promoting entrepreneurship education National level initiative implemented locally

In the vocational department, the school offers programmes like mechanics, car mechanics, plumbing, service and logistics, electrics, and health and care. Students can either create companies or form companies which do not sell a product but which sell services to people, for example, repairing cars, changing tyres, helping people with computers. In the academic department, the school offers courses on marketing and entrepreneurship and on business. Around 60 students choose these subjects each year. The main way of teaching these subjects is by forming a Young enterprise, i.e. a small company with three to five students. They

Developing entrepreneurship skills is a very popular method of learning and teaching in Norway. Entrepreneurship is used as a basic approach in many subjects. This is very often combined with creating learner companies, such as Young enterprise, or organising junior camps. In addition, marketing, entrepreneurship and business are recognised subjects in the national curricula (224 hours a year and national exams). They can be selected by uppersecondary education students as optional subjects.


Entrepreneurial skills and competences for young people


come up with an idea, register the company in the national business catalogue and start working on their project. They must find a producer, launch a marketing campaign, create a logo, produce flyers and advertise the company. Finally, they set up a stand and participate in competitions. Companies within Young enterprise compete regionally and nationally. There are different awards and competitions depending on the age of the students.

Askim videregende skole has a long tradition of winning awards. Every year they get an award either for the best product, logo, stand or the best way of introducing a product. The school has won the national competition twice and then participated in the European championship. They have also helped other countries introduce entrepreneurship training (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, the Czech Republic and Serbia) and have started a project to establish companies in Uganda.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10


Junior achievement in Sweden

KF Swedish Consumer Cooperative KF Utbildning AB, KF Gymnasiet Hg bergsgatan 62, 118 54 Stockholm, Sweden Tel. +46 87143981, +46 7143999 info@kfgymnasiet.se www.kfgymnasiet.se

1994, and participation in the Junior achievement project in the final year of school is compulsory. The Swedish Consumer Cooperative, of which KF Gymnasiet is a subsidiary, is currently carrying out an evaluation of its employees skills to make sure that they have the relevant qualifications needed for work. Complying with the guidelines set out in the Swedish national curriculum, KF Gymnasiet aims to provide the Cooperative with a new generation of future employees.


Ms Christel ANDERSSON Principal and managing director christel.andersson@kfgymnasiet.se Each year about 20 000 students aged from 16 to 20 run their own company.


KF Gymnasiet, and was one of the first free schools (state funded independent schools) in Sweden. Junior achievement is a nonprofit organisation with 24 regional offices throughout Sweden which provides students with the opportunity to run their own company for one school year. They learn about project work methodology and develop their business skills.

Promoting entrepreneurship education through hands-on experience International/national level initiative implemented locally

The school has its own unique pedagogical characteristics: project work across the curriculum, work experience at the Coop and entrepreneurial skills learned through compulsory participation in a nation-wide final-year project and competition called Junior achievement in Sweden.

The aim is to make the citizens of Sweden more entrepreneurial. Entrepreneurial skills are an important cornerstone of a students scholastic development at KF Gymnasiet, an upper-secondary school, which opened in


Entrepreneurial skills and competences for young people


Junior achievement provides an educational concept for upper-secondary schools which stimulates student creativity and entrepreneurial spirit and educates them for future enterprises. Students start, maintain and end their own businesses with real money. Companies can be either product- or service-orientated. Junior Achievement also provides valuable knowledge about the importance of entrepreneurship.

In the last 10 years, students at KF Gymnasiet have had above-average grades and wages and a low incidence of unemployment. Since 1980, over 194 000 students have participated in the Junior achievement programme. 24% of former students in the company programme aged over 28 have experience in running their own business. On average, they employ four people which means that these students have contributed to 180 000 jobs.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10


Turning point: entrepreneurship education in VET in Finland

Jyvskyl College Jyvskyl educational consortium Viitaniementie 1 A, PL 472 40101 Jyvskyl, Finland Tel. +358 403415111 http://www.jao.fi

A significant aim of the Turning point initiative is to encourage students to create innovative business ideas and test their profitability in practice. Learning happens through everyday activities; background and theory are studied while doing.

Students and teachers


Mr Jussi JULIN Teacher and coordinator of entrepreneurship education jussi.julin@jao.fi Ms Aino MALIN Director of international affairs aino.malin@jao.fi The learning process is guided by local entrepreneurs and competent teachers who are also encouraged to develop new methods.

Turning point was launched in 2004 with four student companies based on the Junior achievement model. Since then, the progress of Turning point has been constant and an entrepreneurial pathway for students was created through different projects. Turning point is still based on the Junior achievement model but has deepened and widened its content to offer entrepreneurship education to every student, for a minimum of 5 credits (out of 120), and to support student efforts to become entrepreneurs after graduation. Even though most of the content of Turning point is related to entrepreneurship, its aim is not only to train future entrepreneurs. It also supports the students in meeting the demands of the continuously changing world through finding their potential, improving their self-confidence and developing their entrepreneurial competences.

Promoting entrepreneurship education through hands-on experience International/national and regional level initiative

As the largest provider of vocational education, Jyvskyl College has an important role to play in the regional strategy. Entrepreneurship is one of the areas emphasised in the college curriculum, together with technology and information technology, international dimension and sustainable development.


Entrepreneurial skills and competences for young people


Without proper qualitative and quantitative research it is difficult to measure the impact of Turning point. Empirical evidence suggests it has changed the mindset and increased entrepreneurial attitudes among students and teachers. Its popularity is increasing, as is the attitude towards entrepreneurship education among students and teachers. Starting with only four companies in 2004, the number today is 50. Key factors behind this positive shift in attitude include strong administration economic support and the fact that most of the Turning point courses and programmes

are directly integrated into vocational studies. The content of Turning point is also relevant both to students and teachers. It operates in the real world with real tasks and, most important, with real customers. At national level, the initiative and its results are often benchmarked by visitors. The college has cooperated with other Finnish and European vocational institutes in Leonardo da Vinci projects such as Entrepreneur school, Your own company across the border, and International educational system for transferring entrepreneurial knowledge (IESTEK) to develop its own entrepreneurial programme.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10


Entrepreneurial skills in technology as joint venture with local companies, Sweden


Osbecksgymnasiet Skottegrand 3 SE-31280 Laholm, Sweden Tel. +46 43015186 Fax +46 43015046 www.laholm.se/kommunal-service/ utbildning/osbecksgymnasiet/ Experts from businesses have been actively involved in the Company programme since 2004. The companies in Laholm are mostly small and medium-sized. The biggest is DIAB, producing core material for sandwich constructions, with approximately 200 employees. When presented with the idea, company representatives were very positive: Just what we need! A little effort is needed by the company, as their main role is to answer questions and tell about and show their business. Osbecksgymnasiet is an upper-secondary school located in Laholm. It offers 11 programmes to approximately 500 pupils aged 16 to 19, from childcare to technology.

Mr Gerth JONSSON Teacher gerth.jonsson@edu.laholm.se

Students learn by being actively involved in projects. Four projects of four months each are set up together with local companies. They are rooted in technology but also involve Swedish and English language, social science and computer science. Students are provided time in all the courses involved, at approximately 50 hours per project. The projects are assigned to groups of two or three learners who are linked to the same company during all three years in school. Project themes are set out by the teachers and the companies. Specific questions are formulated by the students. Examples of projects include company presentation, quality and environmental work and product development together with the company. It is the students task to contact the companies, arrange visits and plan meetings during which they will present their questions to the company representatives.

Promoting entrepreneurship education through cooperation with enterprises National level initiative implemented locally

The purpose of this initiative is to give technology students better understanding and preparation to work as engineers, while improving the reputation of the school and district. They learn how to cooperate through contacts and networking. They become familiar with the enterprise context business codes and mentality and learn how companies are organised.

Technology programme students


Entrepreneurial skills and competences for young people


The project ends with a written and verbal presentation, during which students address questions and present their work and study outcomes, to classmates, teachers and representatives from their own and other companies. For students in the final year of school, it has become mandatory to run their own business within the Company programme, applying previously acquired knowledge and gathering practical experience. Students are encouraged but not required to build their business concept within the technical sector and, even better, based on the projects they have worked on during previous years. They run their business from August to May. First they outline a business concept, then they actually run the business and earn money for real. The cycle ends with the business liquidation. Two business nights are organised per year where students present their ideas in front of a board of entrepreneurs from the business world and receive advice and constructive criticism. To prepare students for working life, the classroom is furnished as an office with

individual desks and laptops; learners are encouraged to equip the room to suit their specific needs. To convince school management of the investment value, they need to present drawings and calculations.

Students learn about leading projects, sometimes the hard way; often they are start by being too casual and too optimistic about time plans. These mistakes are not repeated in the second project. This method has been used for two and a half years and has attracted increased interest from younger pupils. The first students have completed all four projects and have considerably developed key competences such as a sense of initiative and autonomy, creativity and communication. Those who have completed the Company programme have, on average, had excellent results. Some projects have even resulted in the creation of real companies after graduation. Employers also benefit as they can get help from the students in real cases and they also get to know potential employees.


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10


Start-up caf at Leuven University College, Belgium

Department ECHO, University college of Leuven Hertogstraat 178, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium Tel. + 32 16375306 Fax + 32 375399 www.khleuven.be www.start-upcafe.net

Since the first venture in Coventry, the concept has been very successful with startup cafs operating in many countries including Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, South-Africa, Thailand and the UK.

Students of Leuven University College


Leuven University College and employer organisations are involved in this project. They give lectures on entrepreneurship to students and propose speakers for congresses and courses. They provide information on entrepreneurship and act as a jury on dissertations from final year students. In return, they can use the facilities and the students contact database and promote their own organisation via the startup caf. Monthly informal lunches are organised with successful entrepreneurs. Network activities, lectures for alumni students, an annual congress on entrepreneurship and student visits to companies are part of the programme. Attracting new local partners, extending the network to international partners and participating in European projects is essential.

Ms Vera VANHOUCKE Coordinator of Start-up Caf vera.vanhoucke@khleuven.be

Promoting entrepreneurship education through virtual and physical learning venues International initiative implemented at local level

The start-up caf concept refers to a virtual and physical space that provides education and support to entrepreneurs. The aim is to encourage entrepreneurship through courses, lectures, informal lunches with entrepreneurs and visits to companies. The concept was developed by Professor R. Walbaum who introduced it in the Swiss entrepreneurship market.

The start-up caf at Leuven University College, Belgium, opened in February 2008. The physical caf is integrated in the existing cafeteria of ECHO (the department of business studies); here students meet entrepreneurs during monthly informal lunches. It also provides an extensive library


Entrepreneurial skills and competences for young people


specialised in entrepreneurial issues and information on the different partners. A virtual space provides news items, invitations for entrepreneurial events, links to other start-up caf websites and alumni websites, good practice business plans and other information relevant to entrepreneurship in Flanders. During the academic year 2010/11, the Network of international business schools (NIBS) launched a start-up caf business plan competition. This is organised in cooperation with four business schools and its main goal is to integrate the virtual

network of different start-up cafs worldwide and improve international contacts. Students have to select a service or product and create a detailed business plan.

The start-up caf is a successful initiative which encourages entrepreneurial thinking and practice. Young people are stimulated to become entrepreneurs and the gap between the world of education and the world of business is reduced.


Experience of the synthesis seminar

To synthesise the study visits findings, Cedefop held a seminar on Preparing young people for successful integration into the labour market: a challenge for Europe, in Thessaloniki on 28 February - 1 March 2011. This summarised the findings of 53 visits organised in the academic year 2009/10. It focused on ways to provide young people with flexible learning pathways, to ease their transition from education and training to work and to develop their entrepreneurial skills. The seminar brought together around 80 organisers, study visit participants, experts on the themes, and representatives of the national agencies and the initiatives identified as examples of good practice during the visits. Those involved are directors of education and vocational training institutions, educational and vocational training inspectors, head teachers, teacher trainers, directors of guidance centres, representatives of the chambers of commerce, directors of validation/ accreditation centres from different European countries participating in the study visits programme.

During the seminar, participants discussed the importance of offering young people a variety of different education and training options and the need to adapt them to learner needs. They reflected on ways to support young people in their transition from education to the labour market by providing them with quality information and guidance to make career decisions and work-based learning opportunities, such as apprenticeship schemes. Developing entrepreneurial attitudes through early contact with the world of business, learning how to develop and carry out projects or setting-up and running student mini-companies were seen as helpful in preparing young peoples integration into the labour market. Involving employers and creating partnerships between education and training and the world of enterprises offers better focus on the competences and skills required in the labour market. The participants worked together during the seminar to develop a better understanding and solutions to the challenges faced by young people when accessing the labour market. Materials from the seminar are available at the Cedefop study visits website at: http://studyvisits.cedefop.europa.eu/index.as p?cid=3&artid=8051&scid=77&artlang=EN.


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Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

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Further information

Cedefop study visits website

The study visits programme website. Under the documentation menu is information about the themes covered by the programme, materials for further reading, and links to overviews of educational and training systems. Group reports, publications and materials from seminars referred to in this publication are also available there. The website also serves as an interactive tool for participants, organisers of study visits and national agencies for managing and implementing the programme. http://studyvisits.cedefop.europa.eu

Eurydice is a European information network on education and training systems. It offers a source of information, including detailed descriptions of how European education systems are organised and how they function. http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/ Eurydice/ [cited 22.6.2011].

European Commission Directorate General for Education and Culture

Official website of the European Commission covering policies, developments and programmes related to education and training, culture, youth, multilingualism, citizenship and sports. http://ec.europa.eu/education/index_en.htm [cited 22.6.2011].

Knowledge system on lifelong learning

The Knowledge system on lifelong learning (KSLLL) website offers up-to-date information on mutual learning activities in education and training for the development of lifelong learning in Europe. http://www.kslll.net/ [cited 22.6.2011].

Cedefop: the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training

Cedefop is a European agency that helps promote and develop vocational education and training in the European Union. The Cedefop website provides up-to-date information on, and analyses of, vocational education and training systems in Europe, policies, research and practice in the field of lifelong learning. http://www.cedefop.europa.eu [cited 22.6.2011].

EVE: electronic platform for the dissemination and exploitation of results

EVE is a multilingual electronic platform containing the results of projects financed through programmes and initiatives in education, training, culture, youth and citizenship. It is managed by DG Education and Culture in the framework of dissemination and exploitation of results of the Lifelong learning programme. http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/ eve/ [cited 22.6.2011].


Study visits 2009/10: key data

Study visits 2009/10, by type

Study visits 2009/10

on general education on vocational education and training with a lifelong learning approach Total

98 41 91 230

Study visits themes 2009/10

Categories of themes Topics for study visits

Key competences for all

Increasing literacy and numeracy levels Language teaching and learning Use of ICT in learning Developing entrepreneurship Strengthening intercultural education Active citizenship Developing creativity in learning and teaching

Improving access, equity, quality and efficiency in education and training

Early learning opportunities Personalised learning approaches Measures to prevent early school leaving Equal opportunities for disadvantaged groups Quality assurance mechanisms in schools and training institutions Measures to improve efficiency in education and training institutions

Keeping teaching and training attractive and improving leadership

Teachers and trainers initial training, recruitment and evaluation Teachers and trainers continuing professional development Leadership and management in schools and training providers


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges Findings from study visits 2009/10

Education and training for employability

Transition from education and training to the world of work Workplace learning Integration of disadvantaged groups into the labour market Increasing attractiveness of VET Social partners contribution to meet the challenge of employability Skills analysis and mismatch Flexicurity in the labour market

Implementing common European tools, principles and frameworks for lifelong learning

National and sectoral qualifications frameworks linked to EQF Tools to promote transparency of qualifications and mobility of citizens Quality assurance systems, frameworks and approaches Credit transfer between different contexts Validation of non-formal and informal learning Lifelong guidance services

Trends and challenges in lifelong learning strategies

Reforms in national education and training systems Developing links between VET and higher education Implementation of flexible learning pathways Increasing adult participation in education and training

Development of learning communities, involving all actors in education and training Promoting cross border mobility in lifelong learning

Cooperation between education and training institutions and local communities Parents and social partners roles in governance Schools and communities roles to prevent violence Cross-border mobility in education and vocational training Use of EU programmes to increase cross-border mobility

Study visits 2009/10: key data


Study visits participants 2009/10, by category, in % (total number of participants: 2 358)

Representatives of education and training networks and associations



Educational and vocational training inspectors 7% Heads of departments 8% Pedagogical or guidance advisers 6% Representative of social partners

Representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres



9% 4% Representatives of local, regional and national authorities


11 %

Head teachers, teacher trainers

25 %

16 %

Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers, guidance centres, validation or accreditation centres

Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges

Findings from study visits 2009/10
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union 2011 VI, 101 pp. 17 x 24 cm ISBN 978-92-896-0853-4 doi:10.2801/99935 Cat. No: TI-31-11-324-EN-C Free of charge On request from Cedefop No of publication: 4108 EN


Empowering the young of Europe to meet labour market challenges

Findings from study visits 2009/10
This publication presents findings from 53 study visits during 2009/10 focused on preparing and supporting youth integration into the labour market and reducing unemployment among young people. This is one of European priorities supported by the Youth on the move initiative which focuses on policies and practices to support flexible learning modes and pathways for young people, easing their transition from education and training to the labour market and developing their entrepreneurial skills and competences. Group reports prepared by participants during the study visits were the main information source, from which 35 successful initiatives were selected. These were presented at the Cedefop seminar on 28 February and 1 March 2011 in Thessaloniki, Greece. This publication is aimed at increasing awareness and understanding among decision-makers and practitioners of how European countries deal with specific challenges within education and training. It should also help them find partners for cooperation projects and networks.
The study visits programme for education and vocational training specialists and decision-makers, part of the lifelong learning programme (2007-13), is an initiative of the European Directorate-General for Education and Culture. Cedefop coordinates the programme at the European level, whereas the national agencies implement the programme in the participating countries.
ISBN 978-92-896-0853-4

4108 EN TI-31-11-324-EN-C

European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training

Europe 123, 570 01 Thessaloniki (Pylea), GREECE PO Box 22427, 551 02 Thessaloniki, GREECE Tel. +30 2310490111, Fax +30 2310490020, E-mail: info@cedefop.europa.eu

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