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Int ern a tio na l Jo u rna l of Appli ed R esea rch 201 5; 1(9): 776 -7 7 8

ISSN Print: 2394-7500

ISSN Online: 2394-5869
Impact Factor: 5.2 National curriculum framework for teacher education,
IJAR 2015; 1(9): 776-778
www.allresearchjournal.com 2009: A review of its perspectives and relevanceness
Received: 23-06-2015
Accepted: 26-07-2015
Abhijit Mondal, Aniruddha Saha, Mudassar Nazar Baidya
Abhijit Mondal
Guest Lecturer, Prabhu
Jagatbandhu College, Andul, The education commission (1964-1966) professed, “The destiny of India is now being
Howrah, West Bengal 711302, shaped in her classrooms.” So did the National policy on Education 1986 emphasize: “The
India status of the teacher reflects the socio-cultural ethos of the socity, it is said that no people can
rise above the level of its teachers.” Such exhortations are indeed and expression of the
Aniruddha Saha
Assistant Teacher, Gourisail
important role played by the teachers as transmitters, inspirers and promoters of man’s
Gouripur Ananda Vidyapith eternal quest for knowledge. In this regard teacher education becomes an essential part of
(H.S), Gangsara Majhergram, educational system. To prepare effective, skill full and humane teacher, pre-service as well as
Nadia, West Bengal, India in-service teacher programmes have come into the scenario of education. In India there are
several courses and programmes as well as institutions for the education of teachers. There is
Mudassar Nazar Baidya
Assistant Teacher, Majhira
an urgent need for guiding the teacher education programmes. In this background National
Noorani High Madrasah (H.S), Council for Teacher Education (N.C.T.E) developed N.C.F.T.E, 2009 on the basis of
Murshidabad, West Bengal, National Curriculum Framework 2005 and the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory
India Education Act, 2009 as well as the fundamental tenets enshrined in the Constitution of India.
The initial draft of the NCFTE 2009 was developed by an expert Committee Comprising of
Prof. C.L. Anand, Prof. Raja Ganesan, Prof. S.V.S. Chaudhury, Prof. V.K. Sabharwal, Prof.
C. Seshadri, Prof. R.S. Khan and Prof. L.C. Singh based on the ideas generated in a series of
intensive deliberations by the members of the committee and eminent scholars, teachers
educators, teachers, trainee teachers, representatives of NGOs, faculty of RIEs of NCERT,
SCERTs, DIETs, IASEs, CTEs, university departments of education, and state departments
of education at the two National Consultative meets held at Udaipur and Hyderabad.
This National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education elaborates the context, concerns
and vision underscoring that teacher education and school education have a symbiotic
relationship and developments in both these sectors mutually reinforce the concerns
necessary for qualitative improvements of the entire spectrum of education including teacher
education as well. The new concerns of school curriculum and the expected transactional
modalities have been emphasized in designing this framework for all stages of school
education. Issues related to inclusive education, perspectives for equitable and sustainable
development, gender perspectives, role of Community Knowledge in education and ICT in
schooling as well as e-learning become the centre-stage in the Framework.
The main purpose of this present article is to focus in the various aspect of NCFTE, 2009 and
to evaluate its relevanceness in the present system of education and to highlight the views of
teachers in connection with this framework.

1. About Teacher Education in Brief

Teacher education refers to the polices and procedure designed to equip prospective teachers
with the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and skills they require to perform their tasks
effectively in the classroom, school and wider Community.
Although ideally it should be Conceived of, and organized as, a seamless continuum, teacher
Correspondence education is often divided into these stages which is below-
Abhijit Mondal
Guest Lecturer, Prabhu
a) Initial teacher training/education: A pre-service course before entering the classroom as
Jagatbandhu College, Andul, a fully responsible teacher.
Howrah, West Bengal 711302, b) Induction: The process of providing training and support during the first few years of
India teaching or the first year in a particular school.
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International Journal of Applied Research

c) Continuing professional development (CPD): An  Languages, Mathematics, Science, Social Science,

inservice process for practicing teachers. Pedagogical Work, Art, Peace, Health and Physical
Education should be emphasize considering different
2. Brief outlines of NCF, 2005 levels of education.
This framework for Curriculum presents a vision of what is
desirable for our children. It seeks to enable those who are 3. Concerns of Teacher Education in NCFTE, 2009
involved with children and their schooling with the bases on The NCFTE, 2009 focused on the following concerns of
which they can make choices that determine the curriculum. teacher education before making the Curriculum
This provides and understanding of issues relating to Framework—
children’s learning, the nature of knowledge and the school a) Professionalization of teacher education.
as an institution. This approach to the curriculum draws b) Preparing teacher educators.
attention to the importance of the school ethos and culture, c) Research and innovation in teacher education.
the classroom practices of teachers, learning sites outside the d) Open and distance learning (ODL) in Teacher
school, and learning resources, as much as to the dimensions Education.
of the system that exert direct and indirect influence. The e) Education of teachers in health and physical education.
NCF, 2005 emphasized in the following points – f) Education of teachers for vocational strem.
 Strengthening a National system of education in a
pluralistic society, 4. Curricular Areas of Initial Teacher Preparation In
 Reducing the Curriculum lode based on insights NCFTE, 2009:
provided in learning without Burden, The following flow chart presents the curricular areas along
 Systematic changes in tune with curricular reforms, with potential courses of initial teacher’s preparation:
 Ensuring quality education for all children,

Source: NCTE Document, 2009/10, page. 27

5. Discussion on the practice teaching and innovative programmes

The NCFTE, 2009 has given a systematic and which surely enrich the programmes of teacher education.
comprehending framework of curriculum for the teacher iii. The others two areas i.e., Area-A and Area-B are
education and also highlights the strategies to implement it. common and already known areas and it is extracted from
Almost every aspects of teachers education got preference in the earlier frameworks e.g. NCF-2005. But the significant
this framework. If we take a look on the framework some point is that NCFTE, 2009 gave a single paradigm and
important points will come out such as follows— caught all the features of curriculum to bring a desirable
i. This framework ensures every sphere of education e.g. change in teacher education.
Theoretical, Practical, Psychological, Philosophical and iv. NCFTE, 2009 has abled to make an impact in the
also Socio-Economic aspect. scenario of educational system. According to the view of
ii. In this framework Area-C is very crucial and essential NCFTE, 2009 open and Distance learning (ODL)
part of teacher education programme. This area focused programme for teachers has also been started in our state.
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v. Along with pre-service teacher education programmes, Articles

In-service and CPD programmes and its various 1. Teacher performance pay: Experimental Evidence from
perspectives are carefully and practically emphasized in India: Karthik Muralidharan and Venkatesh Sundaram
the NCFTE, 2009. (January, 2011)
vi. NCFTE, 2009 paves the way for implementation of 2. Teacher opinions on performance pay: Evidence from
curricular areas by giving practical and reasonable India: Karthik and Muralidharan (December, 2010)
strategies. 3. Teacher Education in India: Observation on American
vii. This framework is much reliable for making professional Innovations Abroad Bruce Joyce and Beverly Showers
and humane teachers. Educational Researcher Vol.14,No.8(October, 1985)
PP.3-9(article consists of 7pages)
6. Our Views and Recommendations: Published by: American Educational Research
We observed the present teacher education programmes as Association
pupil-teacher and acquainted with a large numbers of trainee
teachers. With this view we like to mention some points of Websites
view concerning teacher education and NCFTE, 2009. 1. www.teindia.nic.in/files/national_c...
i. The approaches of trainee teachers are very negative 2. www.news.icbse.com/national_curriculum
towards developing teaching skills. So, the curriculum 3. www.powershow.com/view/16e680_ZTU2Y
framework for teacher education should emphasize to 4. www.sites.google.com/site/teachingfunda
change the negative approaches of trainee teachers 5. www.opensecrets.org/pacs/look up2.ph.
towards developing teaching skills.
ii. Now-a-days teacher education programmes have
become examination oriented. There is a need for urgent
iii. NCFTE, 2009 will remain paper-work if all the states of
India do not actively consider the issues of this
iv. According to us, a flexible teacher education system
should be maintained specially for the in-service
teachers. The teacher education programme should help
the teachers time to time to solve their problems relating
to the changes of educational perspectives.

7. Conclusion
It may be concluded that the NCFTE, 2009 is much more
relevant in the present scenario of the teacher education in
India. The problem is that the area of implementation. It is
very hard in our Country to practicise any new idea in short
time. All the people concerning educational field should look
into the framework, exchange their ideas, make positive
approaches and pave the way for a positive change in the
area of teacher education without which the future generation
cannot be groomed properly. We are also hopeful for the
positive change.

8. References
1. Elwyn Thomas, Innovations and Initiatives in Teacher
Education in Asia and the Pacific Region, Bangkok,
2. Rajput JS, Waliak. Teacher Education
3. Singh, Sundaram, Teacher Education in India
4. Roert, Cynthia a. Lassonde, Current Issues in Teacher
5. K.K. Vasishtha, Teacher Education in India
6. Dr. Sharma, Shashi Prabha, Teacher Education in India
7. R.C. Srivastava, Teacher Education in India: Issues and
8. Heward B. Leavitt, Issues and Problems in Teacher
Education: An International Hand Book, Greenwood
Press, 1992
9. Bernadetle Robinson, Colin Latchem, Teacher
Education through Open and Distance Learning,
Routledge, 2003

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