Dde Modbus
Dde Modbus
Dde Modbus
KLINKMANN AUTOMATION P.O. Box 38 FIN-00371 Helsinki Finland tel. int. + 358 9 5404940 fax int. + 358 9 5413541 www.klinkmann.com
Table Of Contents
Overview.........................................................................................................................1 Communication Protocols...............................................................................................1 Accessing Remote Items via the Server.........................................................................3 Installing the MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server...........................................................4 Installing the Server ....................................................................................................4 Installing the I/O Server Infrastructure ........................................................................5 Configuring the MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server ......................................................6 Server Settings Command..........................................................................................7 Com Port Settings Command .....................................................................................9 Saving of the MODBUS Server Configuration File......................................................10 Configuration File Location .........................................................................................11 Socket Settings Command .........................................................................................11 Topic Definition Command .........................................................................................14 Item Names ....................................................................................................................23 Notes on Data Processing in Slave Mode ..................................................................24 Monitoring and Controlling Communication with MODBUS Bus.................................25 Using the MODBUS Server with OPC Clients ................................................................27 Configuring DCOM......................................................................................................27 Running MODBUS "OPC & DDE" version as Windows NT Service ...........................29 Using MODBUS with OPCLink Server........................................................................30 OPCLink Topic Definition ........................................................................................30 Accessing MODBUS Items via the OPCLink Server ...............................................31 Using the MODBUS Server with Suite Link and DDE Clients.........................................32 Using the MODBUS Server with InTouch.......................................................................32 Defining the Access Names........................................................................................32 Defining the Tag names..............................................................................................34 Monitoring the Status of Communication with InTouch...............................................36 Notes on Using Microsoft Excel......................................................................................37 Reading Values into Excel Spreadsheets...................................................................37 Writing Values to MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Points ................................................37 Troubleshooting..............................................................................................................39 WIN.INI entries ...........................................................................................................39 Troubleshooting menu ................................................................................................41
MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Serial&Ethernet Comm. Server Ver 1.x User Manual Rev 1.12 380xxm112.doc
Communication Protocols
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) is a communication protocol developed by Microsoft to allow applications in the Windows environment to send/receive data and instructions to/from each other. It implements a client-server relationship between two concurrently running applications. The server application provides the data and accepts requests from any other application interested in its data. Requesting applications are called clients. Some applications such as Wonderware InTouch and Microsoft Excel can simultaneously be both a client and a server. FastDDE provides a means of packing many proprietary Wonderware DDE messages into a single Microsoft DDE message. This packing improves efficiency and performance by reducing the total number of DDE transactions required between a client and a server. Although Wonderware's FastDDE has extended the usefulness of DDE for the industry, this extension is being pushed to its performance constraints in distributed environments. The MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server Suite Link & DDE version supports the FastDDE Version 3 - an extension to Wonderwares proprietary FastDDE Version 2. This extension supports the transfer of Value Time Quality (VTQ) information. The original DDE and FastDDE Version 2 formats are still supported, providing full backward
MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Serial&Ethernet Comm. Server Ver 1.x User Manual Rev 1.12 380xxm112.doc
compatibility with older DDE clients. FastDDE Version 3 works on Windows 9x systems as well as Windows NT systems. NetDDE extends the standard Windows DDE functionality to include communication over local area networks and through serial ports. Network extensions are available to allow DDE links between applications running on different computers connected via networks or modems. For example, NetDDE supports DDE between applications running on IBM compatible computers connected via LAN or modem and DDE-aware applications running on non-PC based platforms under operating environments such as VMS and UNIX. SuiteLink uses a TCP/IP based protocol and is designed by Wonderware specifically to meet industrial needs such as data integrity, high-throughput, and easier diagnostics. This protocol standard is only supported on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or higher. SuiteLink is not a replacement for DDE, FastDDE, or NetDDE. The protocol used between a client and a server depends on your network connections and configurations. SuiteLink was designed to be the industrial data network distribution standard and provides the following features: Value Time Quality (VTQ) places a time stamp and quality indicator on all data values delivered to VTQ-aware clients. Extensive diagnostics of the data throughput, server loading, computer resource consumption, and network transport are made accessible through the Microsoft Windows NT operating system Performance Monitor. This feature is critical for the scheme and maintenance of distributed industrial networks. Consistent high data volumes can be maintained between applications regardless if the applications are on a single node or distributed over a large node count. The network transport protocol is TCP/IP using Microsofts standard WinSock interface. OPC (OLE for Process Control) is an open interface standard to provide data from a data source and communicate the data to any client application in a common standard way. The OPC is based on Microsoft OLE, COM and DCOM technologies and enables simple and standardized data interchange between the industrial or office sector and the production sector. From general point of view many aspects of OPC are similar to DDE, but main difference is in the implementation by using Microsoft's COM (Component Object Model) technology. It enables fast exchange with process automation data and OPC open interface allows access to data from OPC Server in same standard way from OPC client applications supplied by different developers. For more information on the basics of OPC, please refer to the OPC Specification. The OPC Data Access Custom Interface Specification is maintained by OPC Foundation, the current specification is 2.04 dated September 2000. The OPC support for MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server OPC & DDE version is implemented based on FactorySoft OPC Server Development Toolkit and it conforms to OPC Data Access Custom Interface Specification 2.04. The MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server OPC & DDE version is tested for compliance and is compatible with OPC Foundation OPC Data Access Compliance Test Tool.
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The Suite Link, FastDDE (Version 3) and DDE support for MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Communication Server is implemented by Wonderware I/O Server Toolkit ver. 7.0 (060). The FastDDE (Version 2) and DDE support for MODBUS Server "OPC & DDE" version is implemented by Wonderware I/O Server Toolkit ver. 5.0 (008).
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MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Serial&Ethernet Comm. Server Ver 1.x User Manual Rev 1.12 380xxm112.doc
The MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server Program. This is a Microsoft Windows 32-bit application program. The MODBUS Server Help file. An example configuration file. Klinkmann Automation software license file. Dynamic Link Library necessary for OPC & DDEversion of the Server. Dynamic Link Library necessary only for OPC & DDEversion of the Server. Dynamic Link Library necessary for Ethernet communication.
To uninstall the MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server, start Control Panel, select Add/Remove Programs and select the MODBUS SL and DDE Server or MODBUS OPC and DDE Server from the list of available software products. Click on Add/Remove and proceed as directed by the UnInstallShield program. Notes: 1. The MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server is developed with Wonderware I/O Server Toolkit (ver 7.0) and needs the Wonderware FS2000 Common Components to be installed on computer where the Server is running. The Wonderware FS2000 Common Components are installed automatically when any of Wonderware FS2000 Components (e.g. InTouch or some Wonderware I/O server) is installed. 2. If MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server version will run on PC where Wonderware FS2000 Common Components are not installed then a special I/O Server Infrastructure installation package can be obtained from Klinkmann Automation (see Installing the I/O Server Infrastructure section below). This I/O Server Infrastructure installation package contains the minimum set of software needed to run the MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server and these infrastructure files must be installed prior to executing the Server. 3. The HASP key is needed for full time running of MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server. The HASP Driver setup is performed during the Server setup. Without HASP Driver installed the Server will run only 1 hour (with all features enabled).
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To install the I/O Server Infrastructure from the distribution disk, on MS Windows NT: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Insert the I/O Server Infrastructure disk into a floppy drive A: or B:. Select the Run command under the Start menu. Type A:SETUP or B:SETUP. Click on OK. Proceed as directed by the I/O Server Infrastructure Setup program.
To uninstall the I/O Server Infrastructure, start Control Panel, select Add/Remove Programs and select the IO Server Infrastructure from the list of available software products. Click on Add/Remove and proceed as directed by the UnInstallShield program. Note: The I/O Server Infrastructure installation will be rejected if Wonderware FS2000 Common Components are already installed on same computer.
After the MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server is initially installed, a little of configuration is required. Configuring the Server automatically creates MODBUS.CFG file that holds all of the topics (nodes) definitions entered, as well as the communication port configurations. This file will be placed automatically in the same directory in which the Server is located unless the path where the configuration file will be placed is specified via the /Configure/Server Settings... command. To perform the required configurations, start up the MODBUS program. If the Server starts up as an icon, double-click on the icon to open the server's window. The following will appear:
To access the commands used for the various configurations, open the /Configure menu:
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A number of parameters that control the internal operation of the Server can be set. In most cases, the default settings for these parameters provide good performance and do not require changing. However, they can be changed to fine-tune the Server for a specific environment. To change the Server's internal parameters, invoke the Configure/Server Settings... command. The "Modbus Server Settings" dialog box will appear:
The following describes each field in this dialog box: Protocol Timer Tick This field is used to change the frequency at which the Server checks for work to do. At this frequency the Server tries to send one request command to the bus and receive one reply from the bus (when Server acts as master device) or to look for a request from the bus and send the reply to the bus (when Server acts as slave device). If the Server acts as a MODBUS master, two activations of the Server are needed to process one full data exchange cycle. At first tick the request with task code is sent to the bus and on the second tick the response with data or the acknowledgement is received from the bus. If the Server acts as a MODBUS slave, the response or acknowledgement is sent in the same tick in which the request is received. If some step of send/receive cycle is taking too long time then more than one activation of the Server is needed to process it. If computer is very busy or some other MS Windows application is taking over the computer then the Server is activated rarely than setting in the Protocol Timer Tick. Note: The default value is 50 milliseconds. The minimum value is 10 milliseconds. With minimum value the maximum performance of Server is ensured, but in this case also the overload of computer is possible. In case of computers overload the Protocol Timer Tick value can be increased to some higher value to achieve Server performance and computer load optimum correlation. NetDDE being used Select this option if you are networking using NetDDE. Configuration File Directory The first field is used to specify the path (disk drive and directory) in which MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server will save its current configuration file. The Server will use this path to load the configuration file the next time it is started. Note: Only the "path" may be modified with this field. The configuration file is always named MODBUS.CFG. Note: There is no limit to the number of configuration files created, although each must be in a separate directory. When using the MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server with InTouch, it is good practice to place the configuration file in the application directory.
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Start automatically as Windows NT Service Enabling this option will cause the MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server to start as a Windows NT service. Windows NT offers the capability of running applications even when a user is not logged on to the system. This is valuable when systems must operate in an unattended mode. Enabling this option and rebooting the system will cause the Server to run as a Windows NT service. However, to view configuration information or to reconfigure the Server, the user must log on to the system. Any Server related problems that may arise such as missing adapter cards, licensing failures or device drivers not loading will not be visible to the user until a log on is performed. Disabling this option and rebooting the system will cause the Server to run as a Windows NT application program once again. Notes: 1. The Start automatically as Windows NT Service feature can be activated only with MODBUS Server "Suite Link & DDE" version. To start the MODBUS Server "OPC & DDE" version as Windows NT Service, refer to Running MODBUS "OPC & DDE" version as Windows NT Service section of this manual. 2. The Service Startup configuration can be changed by MS Windows NT Control Panel/Services configuration dialogs. The Allow Service to Interact with Desktop checkbox in "Service" dialog box must be checked (the "Service" dialog box can be invoked by pressing the "Startup" button on "Services" dialog box when Service MODBUS_IOServer is selected). If Allow Service to Interact with Desktop is not selected then MODBUS Server full functionality is not ensured (e.g. the Server configuration can not be changed, no message boxes will be displayed, etc.). Once all entries have been made, click on OK.
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Select the Com Port and examine the characteristics of the selected Port. To select a necessary Com Port, click on the combo box button and make your choice from the list box. Select the Master or Slave state of the port. Depending of the state, the topics tied with the port will act as MODBUS master or slave device. Several topics (even with equal Station Numbers) can be defined, if the port acts as a Master. With Slave port also several topics can be defined, but each topic must have unique Station Number. Note: Availability of entries on "Modbus Topic definition" dialog box (see chapter Topic Definition Command) depends on selected port state, Master or Slave. Select the Baud Rate that matches the setting chosen for the hardware. Note: The default Baud Rate is 9600. Select the Data Bits value that matches the setting chosen for the hardware. Note: The default Data Bits setting is 8. Select the Stop Bits value that matches the setting chosen for the hardware. Note: The default Stop Bits setting is 1. Select the Parity that matches the setting chosen for the hardware. Note: The default Parity is Even. Select the Flow Control mode (option Handshaking): None or Hardware. Note: The default is None.
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Select the CRC bytes order in request and response command: Standard (LOBYTE HIBYTE) or Reversed (HIBYTE LOBYTE). Choose the CRC bytes order that the connected nodes support. The following are recommended communication parameters: Baud Rate - 9600, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit and Even Parity. If necessary, these parameters can be changed. The communication parameters entered here must match with settings of the MODBUS bus. Once communication parameters, select Save to save the configuration for the communication port. Once all entries have been made, click on OK.
If the configuration file does not currently exist, or a new configuration path has been specified, the Server will display the "Save Configuration" dialog box:
This dialog box displays the path where the Server is going to save the current configuration file. The path may be changed if necessary. Also, the path can optionally be recorded in the WIN.INI file by selecting the "Make this the default configuration file" option. Doing so will allow the MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server to find the configuration file automatically each time it is started.
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When the MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server starts up, it first attempts to locate its configuration file by, first checking the WIN.INI file for a path that was previously specified. If the path is not present in the WIN.INI file, the Server will assume that the current working directory is to be used. To start the Server from an application directory configuration file other than the default configuration file a special switch (/d:) is used. For example, invoke the File/Run command and enter the following: MODBUS/d:c:\directoryname Note: There is no limit to the number of configuration files that may be created, although each must be in a separate directory.
To configure the Socket used to access data from MODBUS bus over TCP/IP interface, the following steps are taken: 1. Invoke the /Configure/Socket Settings... command. The "Socket Settings" first dialog box will appear:
2. To modify or examine an existing Socket, select the Socket name and click on Modify. To define a new Socket, click on New. The "Modbus Socket Settings" second dialog box will appear:
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3. Enter the Socket Name. 4. There are possible to set the following Connection Modes (Server behavior modes while establishing Ethernet Client-Server connection): a) client mode server acts as TCP client and connects to remote IP address. While connecting, Server acts as a master, but PLC - as a slave. After connection Server acts as a master or slave depending on Master checkbox settings. b) server mode server acts as TCP server and waits for PLC connection. While connecting Server acts as a slave, but PLC - as a master. After connection Server acts as Master or Slave depending on Master checkbox settings. Important: In Standard Modbus/TCP communication Connection Mode is not selectable. If Server acts as Master, then Server connects to remote IP address as client. If Server acts as a Slave - it waits for connection from remote Master (connection in Server mode). 5. Check Master checkbox, if Server acts as a master (polls data from remote IP address) or un-check checkbox, if Server acts as a slave (waits for requests from remote master and answers to requests). Several topics, (all with equal IP Address and IP Port number) can be defined with Master socket with Client Connection mode. With Master socket with Server Connection mode - several topics, (all with different PLC Station number) can be defined. With Slave Socket also several topics can be defined, but each topic must have unique IP Address or unique PLC Station number. It is recommended that a separate socket is created for communication with each remote Master IP address.
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Note: Availability of entries on "Modbus Topic definition" dialog box (see chapter Topic Definition Command) depends on selected port state, Master or Slave. 6. Select Standard Modbus/TCP option, if equipment the Server communicates with supports Modbus/TCP specification. Select Serial/Ethernet option, if access equipment in general Modbus network over serial/Ethernet communication converter. Important: The Modbus Server up to versions 1.25 supports only Standard Modbus/TCP communication. 7. With both, Master and Slave Socket - enter the IP address and IP Port number of your computer (may enter default IP address With Master Socket may enter non-zero IP Port number (in this case Server either communicates over configured IP Port, or, if configured Port is not accessible, does not communicate at all) or 0 (in this case Server communicates over any Port, that currently is accessible on your PC). With Slave Socket enter non-zero IP Port number. Important: If non-zero IP Port number is entered with Master Socket, then there will be Ethernet connection pauses each time, when an application reinitializes I/O. Pauses happens because of each connection will stay in the TIME_WAIT state, when being closed. The default length of time that a connection will stay is 240 seconds. Length can be modified in Windows registry. Valid range depends on Windows: for Windows NT it is mentioned as 30-300 seconds, with Windows XP minimal value is 12 seconds. To modify TIME_WAIT state time - do the following steps (at your own risk): Run Registry Editor (REGEDT32.EXE). From the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree, go to the following key: \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters. Add a new value to Parameters key. (Right-click on Parameters key and select New->DWORD value in context menu.) New entrys name must be TcpTimedWaitDelay, value TIME_WAIT state time (in seconds), e.g., 30. Exit the Registry Editor. Reboot the system to make the change take effect. For Master Socket with Client Connection mode enter the following parameters (presented in Ethernet Connection Parameters (Client mode) entries) to define connection behavior: 8. Connection Timeout - time interval (in seconds) the Server will try to establish connection with remote IP Address every connection attempt. Default value 50 seconds. 9. Connection Attempts Count - number of connection attempts. Default value is 100. 10. Delay Between Attempts - timeout between connection attempts (in seconds). Default value 10 seconds. Each time when an application activates communication over Master Socket with Client Connection mode - the Server try to establish Ethernet connection with remote PLC. If Server can not establish connection with remote IP address, then communication status of associated Topics will be changed to bad and Server reinitializes a Socket. After this Server continues connecting attempts until connection is established or an application deactivates communication.
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For Slave Socket with Server Connection mode enter the following parameter presented in Ethernet Connection Parameters (Server mode) entries: 11. Max Connection Count number of Ethernet connections supported by Socket. Each time when an application activates communication over Slave Socket with Server Connection mode - the Server creates a socket and waits for Ethernet connection from remote PLC. Server accepts received connection if PLCs IP Address and IP Port corresponds to settings of one of Topics associated with current Socket. For Master Socket with Server Connection mode (compatible only with Serial/Ethernet option) enter the following parameter presented in Ethernet Connection Parameters (Server mode) entries: 12. ID String - field is used to enter the contents of string, which must be sent as a first data from PLC to Modbus Server and is used by Server to identify which of PLCs is connected (consider, that IP Address and IP Port of PLC is unknown). This string always must contain 5 ASCII characters, first three characters can be selected freely and last character always must be CR (Carriage Return, 0D in hex). Recommended practice could be to include the PLC Unit Number here, for example, if PLC Unit Number is 1 then in ID String value can be #001. Each time when an application activates communication over Master Socket with Server Connection mode - the Server creates a socket and waits for Ethernet connection from remote PLC. If ID String is received from remote PLC - the Server accepts connection and starts to poll remote PLC in Client mode. Important: The Modbus Server up to versions 1.24 does not support Master Socket with Server Connection mode. Once all entries have been made, click on OK to process the configuration for the Socket. The "Socket Settings" dialog box will appear again. Click on Done when configuration for all Sockets has been performed. Note: If this is the first time either Communication Port or Socket have been configured, the user will be prompted to save configuration to an existing directory.
The user provides each MODBUS node with an arbitrary name that is used as the Topic Name for all references to the node. The following steps are taken to define the Topic attached to a node on MODBUS bus: 1. Invoke the Configure/Topic Definition command. The "Topic definition" dialog box will appear:
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2. To modify an existing topic, select the topic name and click on Modify. To define a new topic, click on New. The "MODBUS Topic Definition" dialog box will appear:
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3. Enter the Topic Name. Note: If using InTouch the same Topic Name is to be entered in the "Add Access Name" dialog box described in the Using the MODBUS Server with InTouch section. 4. Select communication type - Serial or Ethernet. If Serial communication is selected, then click on the Com Port: combo box to associate a topic with some of 32 COM ports. Note: Additional topics may be associated with the same communication port later. If communication port is configured as Slave, then each topic must have unique PLC Station Number. If Ethernet communication is selected, then click on the Socket: combo box to associate a topic with Socket. Note: Additional topics may be associated with the same Socket later. All topics associated with one Master Socket must have the same IP Address and IP Port number. Topics associated with Slave Socket must have unique IP Address.
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If topic is associated with Ethernet socket, then additionally Remote IP Address and Remote IP Port edit boxes will be displayed:
With Master Socket enter the IP address and non-zero IP Port number of MODBUS bus slave node (remote PLC), which will be polled by the MODBUS Server. With Slave Socket - enter the IP address and IP Port number of MODBUS bus master node (remote PLC), which will poll data from the MODBUS Server. With slave (as well as Master with Server connection mode) you can enter also 0 (zero) as Remote IP Port number. In this case remote PLC can use any IP Port for communication, Server recognizes connection from remote PLC only by IP address. Note: As default the TCP port number 502 is used for Standard Modbus/TCP communication. Note: If topic is associated with Slave Communication Port (or Slave Socket), then availability of entries on "Modbus Topic definition" dialog box considerably changes:
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For Slave topic the Update Interval field will change to Wait Timeout field see below. 5. Enter the PLC (PC) Station number the PLC (node) number on the MODBUS bus for Master topic or the node number of Slave topic itself. 6. Enter the Reply Timeout (for Master topic only) - amount of time (in seconds) the slave PLC using the selected port will be given to reply to commands from the Server. 7. Enter the Update Interval field for Master topic or Wait Timeout for Slave topic. With Master topic the Update Interval field indicates the frequency the items/points on this topic will be read (polled). This is requested update rate - at this frequency the values of all this topic active items must be updated. In real conditions (when large amount of data is requested from MODBUS node) the real update rate can be longer - the Server for maximum possible performance will automatically adjust it. With Slave topic the Wait Timeout field is used to enter the amount of time the Slave topic using the selected port and entered Station number will wait for any command arriving if no data arrive, then communication status will be changed to bad.
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Note: The default Update Interval is 1000 milliseconds. Wait timeout (in Slave topic) must be 5-10 times longer then expected polling interval of Master node, otherwise bad communication status will be indicated time by time. If Wait timeout is set to 0 (zero), then slave topic waits for data for-ewer, it is, communication status is good even if there is not communication with master at all. The following entries can be entered only for Master topic: 8. Enter the maximum number of consecutive coils (contacts) to be read at one time (Coil Read option). Valid values are between 0 and 2000. If this option is set to zero, then this operation is not available for the selected Topic. 9. Enter the maximum number of consecutive coils that can be written to at one time (Coil Write option). Valid values can be between 0 and 128. If this option is set to zero, then this operation is not available for the selected Topic. This option is not relevant in case if Multiple Write Command is selected. Note: To process multiple coils writing in one command - the WIN.INI entry Multiwrite (see chapter WIN.INI entries) must be equal to 1 or 2 and Coil Write option for corresponding Topic must be configured in "MODBUS Topic Definition" dialog box greater than 1. If Coil Write option is equal to 1 then multiple coils writing for corresponding Topic is not processed despite of WIN.INI entry Multiwrite value. 10. Enter the maximum number of consecutive registers to be read at one time (Register Read option). Valid values are between 0 and 125. If this option is set to zero, then this operation is not available for the selected Topic. 11. Enter the maximum number of consecutive registers that can be written to at one time (Register Write option). Valid values can be between 0 and 100. If this option is set to zero, then this operation is not available for the selected Topic. This option is not relevant in case Multiple Write Command is selected. Note: To process multiple registers writing in one command - the WIN.INI entry Multiwrite (see chapter WIN.INI entries) must be equal to 1 or 2 and Register Write option for corresponding Topic must be configured in "MODBUS Topic Definition" dialog box greater than 1. If Register Write option is equal to 1 then multiple registers writing for corresponding Topic is not processed despite of WIN.INI entry Multiwrite value. Note: The default Coil Read, Coil Write, Register Read and Register Write values are maximally supported by the MODBUS Server. Reduce values if you suppose that number of data to be processed in one request is too great and the PLC cannot process such data quantity in satisfactory speed. 12. The Maximum Message Length value affects communication similar as Coil Read, Coil Write, Register Read and/or Register Write values. If Coil Read, Coil Write, Register Read and/or Register Write values conflicts with Maximum Message Length value then the Server creates communication commands taking into account the greatest restrictions. The default value is 255 bytes.
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13. Select the accessible Coil/Register Address Field of your PLC. If option Standard is selected then Server validates the following addresses: Coils from 00001 to 09999, Contacts from 10001 to 19999, Input Registers from 30001 to 39999 and Output Registers from 40001 to 49999. If your PLC supports limited Address field (some Coils, Contacts or Registers are not accessible) then there may be some communication problems when Server tries to poll inaccessible memory areas. To avoid this problem, the valid Addresses can be presented in an ASCII file. Such file can be created and altered manually with any text editor (do not use a program that formats text, such as MS Word or Write unless the file is saved as a DOS text). Give the name to file that you like, e.g. "AddrFile". If such file is created, then select Adjusted in File option. Now the File Name dialog option is accessible. Type the path and name of Address file, e.g. "C:\Modbus\ AddrFile". (You can also press the "Browse File" button. In this case the "Select file" dialog appears. Select your Address file and press "Open" button.) If Address file name is entered then the Server validates only Addresses presented in the file when process current Topic. The following is an example of Address file: 1,3,8-107,30002-30076,40004, 40023, 40097-40200 This example file informs that PLC supports Coils with Addresses 00001, 00003 and all Coils from 00008 to 00107. PLC does not support any Contact. Valid Input registers are from 30002 to 30076. Valid Output registers are 40004, 40023 as well as all registers from 40097 to 40200. Note: Valid Addresses must be presented in Address file in the following way. Coils are presented the first, then follows Contacts, then - Input Registers, and then - Output Registers. Items for monitor and control the communication with MODBUS node (see chapter Monitoring and Controlling Communication with MODBUS Bus) are not presented in Address file. Valid Addresses in file are presented as comma-separated individual digits (Addresses) and/or groups of Addresses. Each group of valid Addresses must be presented like the following example: 3-57 (here Coils from 00003 to 00057 are valid, Coils 00002 and 00058 should be invalid). Lower Address in file cannot follow after greater Address. It is not recommended to present a group of consecutive valid Addresses as comma-separated individual Addresses. For example, enter "2-4" instead of "2,3,4". Note: A unique Address file can be created for each Topic. At the same time common Address file can be used for all Topics. Note: An Address file can be created for each Topic. At the same time common Address file can be used for all Topics. 14. Configure Watchdog, if PLC user program needs to check, whether there is communication with a computer (running Modbus Server and application) or not. With Watchdog activated the Server periodically writes some predefined value (e.g. 999) into predefined address in PLCs memory (e.g. into 40100). At the same time the PLC program must periodically check the value in this memory address. If value is equal to Watchdogs predefined value, then PLCs program considers communication Status as Good and resets test address to different (non-predefined) value, e.g. to 0. (It will allow to program to check communication state the next time.) If value differs from predefined, then PLCs program considers communication Status as Bad.
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Note: Because of time synchronizing problems with PLC and PC it is recommended to consider the communication Status as Bad only after few consecutive test value mismatch cases, not immediately after the first mismatch. To activate Watchdog processing - set Watchdog Time Interval to non-zero value. Value entered in this field indicates the frequency the Server forwards Watchdog message to corresponding PLC. This value must be equal to time interval the PLC program checks the test address. Enter Address to Write field to indicate address in PLCs memory that is used as Watchdog test address. Address to Write must be valid item/point name (see Item Names section.) Note: Use only Output Register areas for Watchdog. Do not take addresses not presented on current PLC configuration. Do not take addresses, used in PLCs program logic. Enter integer from 0 to 65535 into Value to Write field to set Watchdog predefined value. The same value PLC program expects to see in test area. Note: Default Watchdog state is non-active, it is, Watchdog Time Interval is equal to zero. 15. By checking (or un-checking) the Multiple Write Command checkbox, select the type of write commands supported for this Topic: multiple write commands (Modbus functions 15 and 16) if Multiple Write Command is checked or single write commands (Modbus functions 5 and 6) if Multiple Write Command is not checked. For Slave topic - both multiple and single write commands are supported. Update Interval for Multiple Topics The MODBUS Server supports the possibility to enter the new Update Interval value for multiple Topics in a single operation. At first these multiple Topics must be selected in the "Topic Definition" dialog box by holding the CTRL key while clicking on the selected ones:
Then click on Update Interval . The "UPDATE INTERVAL" dialog box will appear:
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Enter the new value in the Update Interval field and select the appropriate time measuring units (milliseconds, seconds, minutes or hours):
Click on OK to change the Update Interval value for all selected Topics or click on Cancel. The "Topic Definition" dialog box will appear again. The Update Interval can be changed also at run-time (for each Topic separately, not for several ones at once) after Topic is activated by client application (see description of UPDATEINTERVAL item in chapter Monitoring and Controlling Communication with MODBUS Bus). Select Done when configuration for all Topics has been performed.
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Item Names
Within the MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server, the standard MODICON MODBUS protocol item/point naming is used. Generally, the point name consists of five digits for standard memory areas indication (there are four standard memory areas supported) and 6 digits for Extended memory register indication. Memory area Item/Point addresses Binary outputs and binary memories 00001 09999* Binary inputs 10001 19999 Register outputs and register memories 40001 49999 Register inputs 30001 39999 Extended Memory Registers 600001 69xxxx * Leading zeroes cannot be excluded in item name. ** Read/Write, if item belongs to Slave topic. Access Read/Write Read Only** Read/Write Read Only** Read/Write
Within standard memory areas the first digit states the memory area the point belongs to. The rest four digits are the point address in the memory area. Within Extended memory registers addresses are assigned as follows: File # Range 1 600001-610000 2 610001-620000 3 620001-630000 4 630001-640000 5 640001-650000 6 650001-660000 7 660001-670000 8 670001-680000 9 680001-690000 10 690001-69xxxx The binary items are 1 bit long; value range is 0 or 1. For register items the MODBUS Master/Slave Server supports several data formats. The following presents supported data formats and special item naming conventions, indicating corresponding format. Unsigned/Signed Format Generally register items are 16 bits long. The server interprets 16-bit word in a PLC in 16-bit unsigned format (value range from 0 to 65535) or signed format (value range from -32768 to 32767). Unsigned quantities may be read by entering item name without suffix. For example, area 40001 in a PLC contains 8000 hex. In this case item name 40001 would be displayed in InTouch or Excel as 32768. Signed quantities may be read from the same channel by appending the suffix 'S' (or 's') to the item name. So, item name 40001S would be displayed in InTouch or Excel as 32768. Long Format Two consecutive 16-bit words in a PLC can be interpreted as a 32-bit long integer (value range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,648). To read/write an item in
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signed long format - append the letter 'L' (or 'l') to the item name. For example, if 40001 contains 1 and 40002 contains 2, then 40001L returns 65538. Floating Point Format Two consecutive 16-bit words in a PLC can be interpreted as IEEE 32-bit floating point numbers (-3.402823 * 10+38 to 3.402823 * 10+38). This is done by appending the letter 'F' or 'f' to the item name. For example, if 40001 contains 9620 hex and 40002 - contains 2436 hex, then 40001F returns 3.959212 * 10-17. Individual Bits in Register Individual bits in registers can be read as discrete tags by using the notation rrrr:b (or rrrr:bb or rrrr.b or rrrr.bb), where rrrr specifies a valid input register, holding register or Extended memory register and b (or bb) specifies a bit position between 1 and 16 (1 specifies the most significant bit of the register). Examples: 40001:1 most significant bit of first holding register 30008:16 least significant bit of an input register Note: In Master Topic individual bits in register are Read Only items. In Slave Topic - individual bits in register are Read/Write items. VTQ-aware clients besides the value of the point can use also the time stamp and the quality of points. The quality value 0x00C0 indicates good quality. If Server cannot refresh the value of item, the item quality is set to No Access - 0x0004. Note: Do not operate with items representing non-defined operands on the node! It will lead to communication failures.
If a topic is attached to the slave port or Socket (see the Master/Slave option in Communication Port Settings dialog box, chapter Com Port Settings Command) or Master option in Modbus Socket Settings dialog box, chapter Socket Settings Command), then the topic acts as MODBUS slave device. It means that the Server does not poll data and does not transfer write commands to the PLC. The Server only waits for requests from master PLC and answers to requests. For data processing an application must create and activate items on the Server and assign initial values to items. (Initial values may be assigned also by master PLC by using commands 05, 06, 15 or 16). Before the Server receives the first value of point the corresponding points value in Server is not valid. The Server informs the clients about the invalid value by assigning the quality no convert - 0x0040. So, to get items value from MODBUS master node (PLC), the client application must activate an item and wait until MODBUS master node pokes corresponding value into Server. After it the Server forwards items value to the client. To transfer (poke) items value into MODBUS master node, the client application must activate an item, poke value, and wait until MODBUS master node requests corresponding value from Server. If an application creates several items associated to the same address field (e.g. items 40001 and 40001L), then changing of value in one item causes immediately changing of value in other item. For example, if value of item 40001 is 0 and value of item 40001L is 0 and an application poke value 1 into 40001, then Server changes also value of 40001L (new value is 65536).
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If master PLC requests a group of Registers or Coils then all requested Registers or Coils must be presented in Servers active Item list. Otherwise the Server answers with error response message (error code 02 Illegal Data address). If the master PLC requests value(s) of item(s) that has not initialized (not assigned values by master PLC or a client application) then the Server answers with error response message (error code 04 Failure In Associated Device). Setting in option Multiple Write Command (see Topic Definition Command section above in this manual) is not relevant in Slave mode. The Server accepts all the following commands: - Read Coil status (function code 01), - Read Holding Register (function code 03), - Force Single Coil (function code 05), - Preset Single Register (function code 06), - Force Multiple Coils (function code 15), - Preset Multiple Registers (function code 16). The Servers (computers) node address is configured by option PC Station Number in the MODBUS Topic Definition dialog box (see chapter Topic Definition Command). Each topic on the slave port must have unique Station Number. Not all items for monitoring and controlling the communication with MODBUS node (chapter Monitoring and Controlling Communication with MODBUS Bus) are relevant in slave mode.
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topic are updated. The write commands are still executed (new values written to PLC) if UPDATEINTERVAL value is 0. Note: By poking a value of zero to the UPDATEINTERVAL item, a client can stop all update activities on the corresponding topic without having to deactivate the items. MAXINTERVAL The MAXINTERVAL item is an Integer type Read Only item used to access the measured maximum update interval (in milliseconds) of all items for the corresponding topic for the last completed poll cycle. The range of valid values is from 0 to 2147483647 milliseconds. The UPDATEINTERVAL and MAXINTERVAL items can be used to tune the performance of communication. ITEMCOUNT The ITEMCOUNT item is an Integer type Read Only item used to access the number of active items in the corresponding topic. The range of valid values is from 0 to 2147483647. ERRORCOUNT The ERRORCOUNT item is an Integer type Read Only item used to access the number of active items with errors in the corresponding topic. The range of valid values is from 0 to 2147483647. ERRORITEMS The ERRORITEMS item is an Integer type Read/Write Only (unique for each topic) used to access the total number of items with invalid item names (these items are rejected by Server). The ERRORITEMS value can be reset by writing 0 to this item. The range of valid values is from 0 to 2147483647. WRITECOUNT The WRITECOUNT item is an Integer type Read Only item used to access the number of write commands (messages) waiting for execution. The range of valid values is from 0 to 2147483647. For example, in following way the WRITECOUNT item can be used to avoid the increasing of memory occupied by not executed write commands: - activate the hot link with WRITECOUNT item and start to monitor it; - activate new write command (by poking new value) only if value of WRITECOUNT becomes equal to 0, e.g. all previous write commands are executed and memory occupied by them is freed. SUSPEND Special Read/Write Discrete Item SUSPEND may be used to control the communication with a separate topic. If application changes SUSPEND value from 0 to 1 then communication with topic is suspended. If SUSPEND value is changed back to 0 then communication with this topic is resumed. Note: If topic is suspended by setting SUSPEND value to 1, then Server rejects all new write values to this topic, i.e. no new write messages are created after SUSPEND value has changed from 0 to 1.
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Note: The slave topics validate these additional items, yet, a lot of items are not useful for slave communication control as well as for communication process monitoring. E.g., using of item SUSPEND takes no effect to communication because of it is not reasonable to interrupt communication with master node. The same, items MAXINTERVAL value can not characterize Servers execution because of Server can only wait for data from master node.
Configuring DCOM
To access MODBUS Server as a remote OPC Server, it is necessary to install MODBUS Server on both (OPC Server and OPC Client) computers. Also the DCOM must be configured on both computers. After Server installation the System Administrator must configure DCOM by Dcomcnfg.exe (or Dcomcnfg32.exe for Win9x) system tool. This utility is located in the Windows system directory e.g. in \WinNT\system32\ or \Win9x\system\.
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Below is a simple example how to configure DCOM on NT Workstations for OPC Server computer (computer name JohnB) and on OPC Client computer (computer name SteveL). Action Install the OPC Server. Run Dcomcnfg.exe Invoke Default Properties and set Default Authentication Level to (None), Default Impersonation Level to Impersonate. Select OPC Server from Applications list and click on the Properties button. Click on the Location tab, uncheck Run application on this computer, check Run application on the following computer and browse the remote computer JohnB. Edit Security settings: 1) Set the following custom access permissions: NETWORK, SYSTEM, SteveL; 2) Set the following custom launch permissions: INTERACTIVE, SYSTEM, NETWORK, SteveL; 3) be sure the Default Configuration Permissions contain SYSTEM. Click on the Identity tab and select The interactive user. Before starting a remote OPC Server, be sure the OPC Server computer and OPC Client computer can access each other on the network. The "Remote Procedure Call" Service should be started on OPC Server computer. Now remote OPC Server is accessible for OPC Client on computer SteveL. To allow the access to more OPC Clients, configure DCOM on each OPC Client computer. Remote OPC Server Computer name JohnB OPC Client Computer name SteveL
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The following table contains most frequent errors when configuring DCOM. Error message DCOM not installed Server execution failed Possible reason DCOM has not been installed 1) OPC Server can not be started 2) Identity for OPC server not properly configured 3) OPC Server is not located on a local hard disk 4) OPC Server path in registry is too long or uses LFN (Long File Names) 5) DCOMCNFG Location is not set to Run on this computer. OPC Server has not been registered 1) Remote Procedure Call service is not running on the OPC Server computer 2) Invalid computer name for remote OPC Server 3) Make sure TCP/IP is installed properly 1) Permission not granted to OPC Client 2) Guest account disabled 1) DCOM security not configured properly 2) OPC Server application not located on local hard disk 3) SYSTEM account in DCOMCNFG must have Access, Launch and Configure privileges Network error - TCP/IP has not been configured properly 1) Trying to access an object before it is created 2) Unhandled exception is occurs on the OPC Server SYSTEM account in DCOMCNFG must have Access, Launch and Configure privileges
this manual. If "MODBUS OPC & DDE Server" NT Service will be accessed only from local OPC clients (i.e. MODBUS Server will not be used as a remote OPC Server), then custom access and launch permissions "NETWORK" are not needed. To uninstall "MODBUS OPC & DDE Server" NT Service, at first the Service must be stopped by Control Panel/Services/Stop and then MODBUS Server must be started manually with command line parameter "/DelService": MODBUS /DelService After this the MODBUS Server "OPC & DDE" version will be still registered and accessible to OPC clients.
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Update Interval Enter the frequency (in milliseconds) that the server will acquire data for the items/points associated with this topic. If 0 (zero) is entered here, OPCLink will not gather data from MODBUS Server. Browse Clicking on this button initiates the browsing through exposed address space of MODBUS Server. All currently available item/point names (including data area names and range of addresses) and names of pre-defined (additional) items will appear on "Browse OPC items:" window in alphabetical order.
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Using the MODBUS Server with Suite Link and DDE Clients
The "Suite Link & DDE" version of MODBUS Server is accessible from Suite Link clients (e.g. InTouch) and DDE clients (e.g. Excel). The "OPC & DDE" version of MODBUS Server is accessible from DDE clients.
To access items/points on a MODBUS node from InTouch, the Access Names and Tag names should be defined in WindowMaker.
InTouch uses Access Names to reference real-time I/O data. Each Access Name equates to an I/O address, which can contain a Node, Application, and Topic. In a distributed application, I/O references can be set up as global addresses to a network I/O Server or local addresses to a local I/O Server. To define the Access Names in WindowMaker node invoke the /Special/Access Names... command. The "Access Names" dialog box will appear.
Click on Add. The "Add Access Name" Dialog Box will appear:
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Note: If Add is selected, this dialog box will be blank when it initially appears. Data has been entered here to illustrate the entries that are made. The following fields are required entries when entering an Access Name Definition: Access Name In the Access Name box type the name you want InTouch to use to this Access Name. (For simplicity, use the same name that you will use for the Topic Name here.) Node Name If the data resides in a network I/O Server, in the Node Name box, type the remote node's name. Application Name In the Application Name box, type the actual program name for the I/O Server program from which the data values will be acquired. In case the values are coming from the MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server the MODBUS is used. Do not enter the .exe extension portion of the program name. Topic Name Enter the name defined for the topic in the MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server to identify the topic the Server will be accessing. The Topic Name is an application-specific sub-group of data elements. In the case of data coming from MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server program, the topic name is the exact same name configured for the topic in the Server. Note: This will usually be the same as the "Access Name", although, if desired, they may be different. However, it must be the same name used when the topics were configured in section Configuring the MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server.
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Which protocol to use Select the protocol (DDE or Suite Link) that you are using. When to advise server Select Advise all items if you want the Server program to poll for all data whether or not it is in visible windows, alarmed, logged, trended or used in a script. Selecting this option will impact performance, therefore its use is not recommended. Select Advise only active items if you want the Server program to poll only points in visible windows and points that are alarmed, logged, trended or used in any script. Click OK to accept the new Access Name and close the Add Access Name dialog box. The Access Names dialog box will reappear displaying the new Access Name selected in the list. Click Close to close the Access Names dialog box.
To define the Tag names associated with the new "Access Name", invoke the /Special/Tagname Dictionary... command (in WindowMaker). The "Tagname Dictionary" dialog box will appear:
Click on New and enter the Tag Name. (The tag name defined here is the name InTouch will use. The MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server does not see this name.) Select the tag type by clicking on the Type: button. The "Tag Types" dialog box will appear:
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To access MODBUS items, the type must be I/O Discrete or I/O Integer. Select the Tag type. The "Details" dialog box for the tag name will appear:
Select the Access Name for MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server by clicking on the Access Name: button. The "Access Names" dialog box will appear:
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Select the appropriate Access Name and click on Close. (If the Access Name has not been defined as previously described, click on Add and define the Access Name now.) The "Details" dialog box will appear displaying the selected Access Name:
For integers fill in the Min EU, Max EU, Min Raw and Max Raw fields. These fields control the range of values, which will be accepted from the Server and how the values are scaled. If no scaling is desired, Min EU should be equal to Min Raw and Max EU equal to Max Raw. Enter a MODBUS item name to be associated with this tagname in the Item: field in the "Details" box:
(Refer to the Item Names section below for complete details.) Once all entries have been made, click on the Save button (in the top dialog box) to accept the new tagname. To define additional tagnames click on the New button. To return to the WindowMaker main screen, select Close.
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Values may be read directly into Excel spreadsheets by entering a DDE formatted formula into a cell, as shown in the following examples:
Note: Refer to the Microsoft Excel manual for complete details on entering Remote Reference formulas for cells.
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=TERMINATE(channel) Closes the channel at the end of the macro. Some applications have a limited number of channels. Therefore they should be closed when finished. Channel is the channel number returned by the previously executed INITIATE function. =RETURN() Marks the end of the macro. The following is an example of Excel macro used to poke value from cell B2 to topic NODE1item 40100: PokeMacro -Ctrl a =INITIATE("MODBUS","NODE1") =POKE(A2,"40100",B2) =ON.TIME(NOW()+0.01,"TerminateDDEChannel") =RETURN() TerminateDDEChannel =TERMINATE(A2) =RETURN() Note: Refer to the Microsoft Excel manual for complete details on entering Remote Reference formulas for cells.
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WIN.INI entries
The first time you run the MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server configuration, most of the items in the following list will automatically appear in the WIN.INI file, located in the MS Windows system directory (e.g. C:\WINNT or C:\Win95). It is an ASCII file and can be altered manually if you wish with any text editor, e.g., MS Windows Notepad (do not use a program that formats text, such as MS Word or Write unless the file is saved as a DOS text). The following is a typical entry for the MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server: [MODBUS] WinIconic=0 WinFullScreen=0 WinTop=112 WinLeft=0 WinWidth=200 WinHeight=168 There are following additional WIN.INI entries available for MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server:
The MultiWrite entry is used to enter the data writing principles for the Server. The following values can be entered. (1) If MultiWrite=0 (default value) then for each new write value a separate write message is created. Only one write message is executed per scan. The values in the PLC are changed by the Server in the same sequence as they are changed in the user (client) application. In this case the data update rate is low if application changes values very frequently. (2) If MultiWrite=1 then the same message can be used for the writing of new values into the consecutive memory addresses for the same memory area (for example, into 40001, 40002, 40003...). Up to 128 consecutive values can be included in the same write command depending on configured Block I/O Sizes (Coil Write and Register Write) in the "MODBUS Topic Definition" dialog box (see chapter Topic Definition Command). The new value can be added only to the end of the last write message (last message in the list of pending write messages). Therefore some values may be written into the PLC memory simultaneously even if the client application changes them step-by-step. In this case the writing speed can be seriously increased. For example, the client application sequentially changes the values of following 100 items: 40001, 40002, ... , 40100 and the values of following 100 items: 00001, 00002, ... , 00100. In this case the Server creates only two write messages to write the new values for all the changed items. If the values of the same Items are changed in the following sequence: 40001, 00001, 40002, 00002, 40003, ... then Server creates a separate write message for the each new write value.
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(3) If MultiWrite=2 then the Server tries to include the new write value into the some of previously created messages ignoring the sequence of data changing in the client application. Important! If MultiWrite=2 then maximum writing speed is achieved, but this option is not recommended if data changing sequence is important for PLC program! The MultiWrite entry is relevant only in case of Master Topic, when Write command type is configured as Multiple Write Command ("MODBUS Topic Definition" dialog box in chapter Topic Definition Command).
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The ConsecutiveWriteErrors entry is used to enter the number of consecutive unsuccessful write retries for one write command. If after ConsecutiveWriteErrors the write command still is not executed then write command is deleted from the list of active (pending) write messages and write is finally rejected. If the total amount of messages in the list of active write messages exceed 300 then every write message is performed only once not taking into account the ConsecutiveWriteErrors value. The default ConsecutiveWriteErrors value is 5 (used if WIN.INI file does not contain this entry).
Troubleshooting menu
The following debugging choices are appended to the Servers System Menu (the menu that appears when you click on the Server icon in the upper left hand corner of the Server window): Suspend Protocol / Resume Protocol - these choices permit you to turn protocol processing on and off, what means that you can suspend access to the MODBUS node. ShowEvents - if checked then Server logs the information about situations when the total number of active (pending) write messages exceeds 300. It may happen when the Server has timing problems when executing write commands. When such warnings appear then it is recommended to modify the Server timing settings or to reduce the total amount of write data in the client application. Otherwise the possibility of loosing write data increases. Information about suspended and resumed topics also is displayed if ShowEvents is checked. Show Send - if checked then all outgoing user data is displayed. Show Receive - if checked then all incoming user data is displayed. Show Errors - if checked then all information about errors is displayed. ShowBadWrites - if checked then Server displays information about all situations when data write commands are not executed successfully and after ConsecutiveWriteErrors retries the write is rejected and write message is deleted from list of active (pending) write messages. This option (if checked) is effective even if other error logging is stopped. ShowAllRejectedWrites - option is useful when communication with a separate topic (topics) is suspended by Item SUSPEND (see Item Names section) and the Server rejects each write to this topic (topics). If checked then information about each rejected write value is reported to WWLogger and (or) to MODBUS Internal Logger. If not checked (default) then Server rejects each write to suspended topic(s) without logging any information. Verbose - if checked then additional debugging information is displayed. This option is useful for getting additional information about error situations: Dump - displays all information about ports, active topics and data items. DumpScreen - if checked information about active topics and messages is displayed in MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Server main window.
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Show Logger
- if checked then MODBUS Internal Logger is activated and all debug information is going to MODBUS Internal Logger. The MODBUS Internal Logger file is named in the format: MODBUS_YYYYMMDD.LOGn where YYYY is a year, MM is a month, DD is a day and n is a order number of consecutive MODBUS Internal Logger file, starting from 1 (the MODBUS Internal Logger file maximum size is 16 MB; if there is more information logged then next consecutive file is created, e.g. there can be consecutive files MODBUS_19990413.LOG1, MODBUS_19990413.LOG2, etc.).
All debugging information (except DumpScreen option) is displayed via the Wonderware Logger or (and) MODBUS Internal Logger if Show Logger checked, which must be active for these commands to work. Warning: if you check Show Send, Show Receive and/or Verbose, debug output grows very fast.
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KLINKMANN AUTOMATION MODBUS MASTER/SLAVE Communication Server Revision History July 99 June 2000 July 2000 Sep 2000 Oct 2000 Jan 2001 Jan 2001 Mar 2002 Mar 2003 Jun 2003 Nov 2003 Dec 2003 Dec 2003 Rev 1.0 Rev 1.1 Rev 1.2 Rev 1.3 Rev 1.4 Rev 1.5 Rev 1.6 Rev 1.7 Rev 1.8 Rev 1.9 Rev 1.10 Rev 1.11 Rev 1.12 First Release SuiteLink and OPC versions added Add Coils processing in Slave mode Add Com port Flow Control Add CRC bytes reverse in command OPC compliance information added Changed Topic Definition dialog box, MultiWrite option added. Installation from CD information added. Ethernet interface and multiple slave topics added. Socket configuration dialog (with configurable IP Port) added. Watchdog added. Socket configuration dialog box and Topic configuration dialog box modified. TCPWORK.DLL added. Socket Settings Command description modified. Support for long integers, floating point values and bits in registers addedt.
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