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Crocodile Report For Ariel Hyers

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Customer: Ariel Hyers Animal: crocodile Report by: Felicia Ferentinos

Crocodile Report
Crocodiles are carnivores that mean that they only eat meat. The type of food that these reptiles will eat are fish, and they will also eat a lot of different types of animals that come near the water edge so that they can get a drink of water which means some of the animals that they will eat are turtles, snakes and they will also eat some animals that are in the crustaceans family like crabs. They will also eat really small mammals and birds. These reptiles will normally hunt at night that means that they are nocturnal. The Nile crocodile will normally eat really big fish. Every animal that is a crocodilian are all build for ambush. This is how they do it first they will wait really quiet until a prey animal comes to the watering hole for a drink. Then when the animal comes close to the river then the crocodile will start to launch its body out of the water so that it can attack it. The Nile crocodile jaws can be big as 2,000 pounds of pressure per square inch. When the crocodile is killing an animal then these reptiles can easily break a bone by using their teeth so that they can tear it to flesh. The Nile crocodiles that live in Africa they will eat antelope, zebra, domestic animals and they can also eat a human to. The Nile crocodile that lives on the island of Madagascar they eat whole different types of food then the ones that live in Africa and the food that they are eat turtles, lemurs and they will also eat regular meals like fish. The type of foods that American crocodile will feed on is fish; they will also eat crustaceans, turtles, birds and mammals. Crocodiles will normally eat any animal that comes near the water or that is near the banks. The animals that they will catch are turtles, frogs, birds, pigs, deer, buffalo, and they will also eat monkeys. It really depends on how big and small the crocodile is. A crocodilian that is called the Gharials and the false gharials are known to be expects with their slender snouts. The only food that they can catch is fish. The Crocodile never chews their food instead on chewing their food they will have to tear off the really big parts of the animal that they

caught and they will have to swallow the prey whole if the animal is small enough to fit into the mouth. This means that they will have to juggle their food into the small position that they wanted it to be. Then after they are done with that then they will have to start tossing their head back so that the food can fall into the crocodiles throat. There are some species that can easily eat up to their own body weight in a single meal. When they are in captivity then they will be fed with trout and with giant goldfish. The American Crocodile will normally feed on birds, mammals, fish, invertebrates and they will even eat other reptiles. The saltwater crocodile will rather eat any animal that comes to the water edge. They will normally wait for hours and their eyes are total focused on the water edge they are waiting for the time when the animal wants to take a drink when they have found their next meal then the crocodile will start to come out from the bottom of the surface that can be about inches forward to the striking range. Then they will start to launch themselves out of the water so that they can crush their bones really violently. Then the unlucky animal will start to be dragged under the water surface and then they will start to drown it really quickly. If they do not get away fast enough. This may sound really weird because crocodiles are known to swallow stones. They will usually swallow stones when they are near the water bank this does not just help the crocodiles digestive system but it also helps the crocodile to aid the water that is inside of them really buoyancy, It can be really big through that they can swallow stones and they can also do this when they are swimming in really deep parts of the water. The Nile crocodile does not just eat seafood they can eat so many different types of mammals like baboons, impala, hyenas and wildebeest. It is not weird for a Nile crocodile to kill really large animals like the young of hippos, giraffes, lions, buffalo and sometimes they can also eat but in really rare occasions they will also eat humans to. Crocodiles will hunt so many different types of animals and the animals that they hunt are fish, turtles, birds and they can also eat mammals to. The Nile crocodile will often eat really big animals like wildebeest, zebra and impala. The best time to see a crocodile hunt is at night when it gets dark. This is how a crocodile will get their food the first thing that it will do is float really quiet in the water and then they will usually wait for their prey to come near them. Then when the animals comes close enough then the crocodile will launch themselves out of the water and then

the crocodile will start to grab the animal that is near and they will usually use their really strong jaws to grab the prey animal. Crocodiles will usually tear off the chunks of food and then they will start to swallow It whole but they do not chew their food. When a crocodile chases a small animal then it will swallow it whole. There are sometimes that crocodiles will also share their meals with other crocodiles that are in their area to. Crocodiles are known to be really good at what they do and that is hunting. These animals are known to be an ambush predator which means they surprise their prey. The way that they will catch their prey is by waiting for any animal to come close to it. Then it will start to launch themselves out of the water so that they can attack the animal that nearby. They are cold-blooded animals which means they can go for a very long time without food and it is rare for a crocodile to actively go hunting. Cold-blooded also means an animal that cannot control its temperature but must rely on the heat of the sun to keep it warm. A crocodiles bite can be really strong it can be strong about 3,000 pounds per square inch. Their bite can compare the bite of a Labrador retriever which can be 100 psi and the largest species of shark their bite can be 350 psi. Crocodiles are known to be the most dangerous predator in their environment and there are a some species that can be more powerful than a lion or a shark. A very young crocodile will normally feed on really small animals like fish, frogs, and they will also eat birds to. To get their meal they will use their really powerful jaws and their really sharp teeth. A adult crocodile will normally eat really big animals like raccoons and deer. A crocodile will kill their prey by holding onto their nose under the water so that the animal can drown. They can catch their prey by leaping themselves out of the water and then they will grab the animal. These animals will eat the animal by ripping apart and then they will start to swallow it. The Nile crocodile lives in Freshwater areas like lakes, rivers and the brackish waters. These reptiles can be found in Sub-Saharan Africa and they can also live on the island of Madagascar. Crocodiles can live in so many different types of places and those places are North, Central and in South America, Africa, Southeast Asia and they can also live in Australia. The habitats that they live on are places that have really grassy swamps and that also have really slow-moving rivers. Crocodiles only live in places that have really warm waters. There are about fourteen species of Crocodile that live in places like

Africa, Australia, India, and they can also live in Southeast Asia and there are seven kinds of crocodile that live in Central and in South America. The American Crocodile lives in the Coastal areas that can be on the Southern tip of Florida and in Venezuela. Crocodiles will normally live in areas that have wetlands. There are a lot of crocodiles that live in freshwater areas like swamps, rivers and also marshes. There are some species that live in streams. There are seven types of crocodiles that will spend a lot of their time in brackish water. Brackish water is a mix between fresh water and water that is really salty. The slender-snouted crocodile that lives in Africa and the American crocodile both in live in the same kinds of brackish waters. The Australian saltwater crocodile will sometimes swim out into the ocean. The American crocodile is known to be endangered and that means that the American crocodile likes to live in waters that are really warm and really quiet and those places happen to be brackish or salt-water. The type of waters that have this is mangrove swamps and they can also live in an area that is called an estuary this is a type of place where a river meets the ocean. The American crocodile can be found in the state of Florida and they can also be found in Central America and they can be found in some parts of South America. Crocodiles live in lots of different water areas and these water areas can be found in Africa, Asia, in the Americas and in Australia. The water that they will swim in really in freshwater areas like lakes and rivers. These are the types of places where there is freshwater. Crocodiles can be found in southeastern areas of the United States. They can also live in places that are in Central America and in South America to. There are some crocodiles that can live in Africa, India and they can also live in Australia to. There is one reason why there are some areas of the world where there is some species that can only swim in areas that have salt water. The way that they can survive it without the salt they can do it by using a special salt gland that can be located on their tongues this will easily get rid of the excess salt. The salt glands will let the crocodile to live in tropical areas that has mangrove swamps, tropical islands, alone rivers, and they can also live in jungles to. The American crocodile will normally be found in areas that are in the south of the United states. There are some crocodiles that can live in south of Central America and in South America, They can also be found in river mouths that is in brackish waters and in salt lakes and there are some species that can be

swimming out to the ocean. The American crocodile lives in the south of Florida, the Caribbean islands, Central America and they will also be found in the northern parts of south America. The other places where they can also be found are in Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Haiti, and they can also live in Dominican Republic. The best habitats for the American Crocodile is estuarine areas, they will also live in places that have coastal and freshwater to. The Nile Crocodile lives in freshwater areas that are in South Africa and those places can be rivers, marshes and they can also live on lakes to. The Nile Crocodile lives on the island of Madagascar, Egypt and they can also be found in other places that are in Africa like in central Africa, to the South of Namibi, Botswana and they can live on Zimbabwe. The best habitats for this reptile are really big rivers, lakes and waterholes and that has really big wetlands to. They will also live in places like in estuaries (that is a type of area where a mix of a river and ocean or meeting with each other). They will also live in mangrove swamps to. An adult crocodile can grow about 15 feet (4.6 m) long. They can also grow as 11 to 18 feet. This size can reach to the snout to the top of their tail. The smallest crocodile in the world is the saltwater crocodile and they can grow as 20.7 feet (6.3 meters). The smallest crocodile in the world is the African dwarf crocodile and they can reach to 4 to 6 feet (1.2 to 1.9 meters). The saltwater crocodile can weigh to 2,000 pounds (908 kilograms). There are some species of crocodile that can weigh at fewer as 1,000 pounds (454 kilograms) or they can even way much lesser then that to. The American crocodile can grow about 15 ft. (4.6 m). They can weigh 2,000 lbs. (907). The body length of the American Crocodile is between 2.1 and 4.6 m (7 -15 ft.) and they can weigh about 68 and 204 kgs (150-450 lbs.). The Nile crocodile is known to be the biggest crocodile in Africa. These reptiles can grow as fewer than 16 feet (5 m) that is in a length and they can weigh to 1.1 tons (1,000 kg). The Nile crocodile is not just biggest crocodile the saltwater crocodile is even bigger than the Nile crocodile. The saltwater is known to be the biggest species of crocodile and they can grow about 23 feet (7 meters). The smallest crocodile in the world is the dwarf crocodile and they can grow about 6.5 feet (2 meters) long. The length of the American crocodile is 6 m (19.8ft); but there have been some reports that there are some crocodiles that can grow 7 m (23ft). The normal size for an Nile crocodile is 3.5m but there are some reports that they can grow more

than 5.5m. a adult Nile crocodile can grow 20 feet ( 6 meters) long and they can weigh to 2,000 pounds (900 kilograms). There has been one crocodile that lived in Orissa that was in India and this crocodile was an saltwater crocodile and they can be really big they can be big as 21 to 23 feet (6.4 to 7 m). long. The crocodile in the world is the saltwater crocodile and they are also known to be the biggest reptile in the world to. There was one Saltwater crocodile that lived in north Austraila and that also was found in southeast of Asia and there was a report that there was one crocodile that was big then 27 feet (8.2m) long. The biggest crocodile that had ever been seen in captivity was an Estuarine/Siamese hybrid that was named YA! (This crocodile was born on June 10th 1972 he lived in the really famous zoo that was called the Samutprakarn crocodile farm and zoo that was in Thailand. He was big then 6 m. (19 ft. 8in) that was his length his weight was 1,114.27 kg. (2,465 lb.). The biggest crocodile that ever lived these crocodiles have been around 110 years ago. This crocodile can grow about 39 feet (12 m). The Average life span for the American crocodile is 70 years old of age. The biggest crocodile in the world is the Sarcosuchus Imperator but they are not the biggest crocodile in the world anymore because they have become extinct. These crocodiles were even lived sense the dinosaurs were live. These crocodiles can stand between 40 feet this is their length. This crocodile is eight times bigger then the saltwater crocodile is. There are some crocodiles that can live about 50 to 60 years old. There are some other species that can live between 30 to 60 years. The Nile crocodile can live in the ages of 56 years old this is the one that people have recorded some people think that these animals can live about 70 to 100 years old. There have been a lot of crocodiles that can live 130 years that is a really long time. There are some people think that the Nile crocodile can live about 45 years when they are in the wild and when they are captivity then the number will easily start to top at that point. The American crocodile can live about 45 years. Crocodile have protected armor that is all over their bodies and it is also covered with very strong skin and bones. This armor can go down to their nose and up to their tail. The armor is known to be really thick and it is so thick that it is really hard to see any sharp arrows and spears on the Crocodiles body . This thick skin is made out of an substance that is called keratin. This is a the type of stuff that keeps our hair and our nails strong and tough. This substance is being covered

with pieces that are known to be a flat bone that is called scutes. Crocodiles also have bones that are down their backs and these bones are really big and it makes a really great protection for them. The crocodile back is really hard and it is also really bony to. These bones are located on the underside of their bodies they can be covered with small and smooth scales. These scales do not catch rocks and they do not over grow either. The crocodiles bodies and tails can be really long. The four legs of these reptiles are really short and really strong and on their feet they have claws on them to and they have wedded toes on them to. The crocodiles skin is all covered with scales that are really thick. There are a lot of crocodiles that can come in these colors and those are brown, gray, and they can also come in green to. There are some crocodile skins that have really dark markings on them. On the Crocodiles back there is a really bony plate that can be found under the skin of their backs. Alligators also have this to. A crocodile and a Alligator looks so much alike because they both have really long bodies and tails. Their bodies and their tails are all covered with scales that can be really thick and they both have legs that can be sticking out to the slides. There are some species of crocodiles and alligator that can length between 6 to 10 feet. The males are known to be much bigger than the females. The crocodiles teeth look lot like scales that are being made in the skin their scales are really hollow and they are shaped like a cone that does not have any roots. The amount of teeth that they have in their mouth is the total of 80 teeth that is completely inside the crocodiles mouth. If one of the teeth falls out of the mouth then they will be replaced with new pair of teeth and it will be placed on the location where the old teeth have fallen off. They will continue to do this their whole life. Crocodiles and alligators might grow about 3,000 teeth. The American crocodile has 66 teeth in their mouths. Crocodiles have an fourth teeth that can be found on the lower jaw. The fourth will usually be sticking out of the crocodiles upper lip. A person can only see it if their mouths are closed. Alligators have this to but theirs is a lot different than the crocodiles that is because theirs is covered up. Crocodiles have two teeth that can be really long and they can be located on the lower jaw. A person can only see it when their mouths are opened. Crocodiles are really good at swimming and they spend a lot of their time in the water. They will use their tails which are really powerful and they will usually swish their tails so that they

can move forward. These reptiles can steer themselves to by using their tails and their back legs to do the work. They can use their four legs to swim really fast. Crocodiles are more at home when they are near water. They look like they even belong in the water to. They look like logs when they are just floating in the swamp or when they are washed up on the shore. A crocodile can hold their breathe when they are under the water for about an hour, but they are not fooled by their lack of activity. A crocodile can swim for 20 miles per hour (32 kilometers per hour). When these reptiles are on land then they can more fast then 11 miles per hour (17.6 kilometers) for a very short time and they will only do this if they have to. These reptiles are an amazing swimmers and they are totally adapted to water that is where these reptiles hunt for their food. The crocodiles eyes and nostrils can be found on the top of their heads this can let them to see and hear what prey is up on the surface and they can also ear their prey when they are under the water. When these animals are on land then they will start to crawl, walk and they can also run to. They can also sometimes walk with their bodies off of the ground and it can be really high to. This is called a high walk. Crocodiles can move in both land and in the water to. When these animals are on land then they will activity walk really slow, they will also walk by dragging their tail on the ground. Another walk that they do is called an high-walk that is when they are walking with their bodies and their tails are rising off the ground and they will also with their toes being high up in the air to. Crocodiles can also gallop when they are doing this type of walk then they will usually go really fast but they can only go in a straight line in a really short time because then they will be tried really fast. When they are in the water then they will use their very long and their very powerful tails to help them to propel themselves when they are moving through the water. These creatures can swim by holding their legs really close to the sides of their bodies so that they can make streamlined shape that can help them to swim in the water. The crocodile and the alligator can both float on top of the water and they can do it by putting their eyes and their nostrils on the top of water. These reptiles a flap that can close their mouth for when they go under the water they have to do that so that they can breathe with their noses. A crocodile can only dive and they can only stay under the water only for seven minutes. There are some crocodiles that can stay under the water for 5 hours and

they can stay under there for a very long time. When the crocodile is galloping they can only go for 10 miles per hour when they are doing this. There are a lot of people that are getting killed by a crocodile than being killed by a lion or a tiger. Crocodiles are really good a swimming. They have their very long tail will usually help them to propel themselves in the water Their top speed is really 12 miles (20 km) per hour. When the crocodile is swimming really fast then the crocodile will start to hold their legs really tight that is up against their body. They can also make a really smooth shape that can easily slip when they are moving across the water. If the crocodile needs to make a turn or it needs to slow down then they will have to stick their legs right out. If the crocodile is about to go for a dive then the crocodile will have to empty out the lungs and then the lungs will be sinking down for when they are going under the water. These reptiles can also use their legs to walk over rocks that can be found on the bottom of the river or a pool. Crocodiles do not just move really fast when they are in the water they can also move really fast when they are on land to. They will usually use their bellies to help them to crawl and they can also help them to push their bulky body across the land. There are other times when do a high walk this when the crocodile will start to straight out their legs and then they will lift their legs way up high into the air. This will help them to cross really hard grounds and this will also help them to climb over wood and rocks. There are some species that can run across the land for 11 miles (17 km) per hour until they get to tried to run anymore. This skill kind a looks like the crocodile is hopping just like a rabbit will do a rabbit that has to have both of their hind legs that will have to come together. Crocodiles can move in both on and in the water but they are mostly common to be found in the water they were meant to be near the water. Their nostrils, eyes, ears that are located on their heads they will needs these body parts so that they can hear, see, and or when they need to breathe so that the rest of the body can come out of the water. When they are totally under the water then their ears will be covered up be really small flaps that happens to be part of their skin that will make the ears totally closed really tight. The ears will not be the only body part that will be closes the nostrils will also be closed as well but they will be shut off by an really special muscle that protects them from the water. The eyes will be protected by an eyelid this can helpful when they drive into the water. These reptiles have an

really special bony flap that can be located in their throat this will let the crocodile to eat when they are out of the water or so that they will be able to breathe when they go under the water. A crocodile can sweat with their mouths. If you ever spot an crocodile with its mouth wide open it does not mean that it is trying to be aggressive it means that they are cooling themselves off. Crocodiles are known to be cold-blooded that means that they have to stay away from areas that have extreme temperatures. When the weather is way to cold then that will be the time when they will start to rest near a water edge and near a water bank this will let them to stay in the sun so that they can warm their bodies up. When there is some where it is way too hot for them then they will start to move so that they can find some shade or any places that has water they need this so there bodies does overheat. Crocodiles have really amazing sense which they use when they are looking for their next meal. These reptiles have a really special sense that can help them to find any movement that is in the water. All over the crocodiles face there are tiny sensors that can found all over the crocodiles face and they can also be found on their mouths to. With these small little sensors this will let them even find the smallest vibrations that can be caused by the animals movements and that can be moving around in the water. Crocodiles have an something special that is located on the back of their eyes and that is they have an extra reflective layer this will let the crocodile to see better at night and when it gets to dark. The crocodile is active at night that means that they are nocturnal. Crocodiles can see really good when night comes and they can also see things that are really far away, but these reptiles do not see really good when they are under the water. One of the greatest senses that they have is their sense of smell and they can also hear really well to. They have the ability to pick up any vibrations that can be coming from the air and in the water and they can do it by using their ears really good so that they can use the shallow nerves that can be located on top of their heads. On the crocodiles eyes they are covered with three eyelids. The third eyelid helps the crocodile to see clear and it will also protect it when it goes under the water to. Crocodiles have something really special that is on their eyes and that is they have an vertical that looks like a cats eye pupil when it gets dark then these pupils will start to grow really big so that they can see better but they do not see well when they are under the water. Every crocodilian is a really

amazing hunter but their sense are a lot powerful then the other reptiles species are. Crocodiles do look like that they do not have any ears but that does not mean that they cannot hear well. Instead on having ears the crocodile and the other crocodilian animals all have slits that can be located on top of their heads this will activity lead to a really well-developed inner ear. The Slits will start to close up when drive under the water. Crocodile mothers can also hear their babies calling them when they are inside of their eggs. Not only that they have a nreally good hearing but they also can see really well to. Their eye sight is the same as an owls eye sight. Their eyes are located on top of their heads and the reason why they are located there because so that they can see really good when they are swimming in the water so that they can look for their next meal. They can probably see in color. But the best time for the crocodile do use their eye sight in when it gets dark that is because they have an special pupil that will open really wide and there pupils is a lot better than a humans round ones that will activity take in light. Crocodiles also have really good taste buds that are really useful for their food that they eat. Crocodiles are have an amazing sense of smell and they have an really special organ that is in their snouts that is how these reptiles can smell really well is by using these organs. The biggest species of crocodile can be really dangerous to people. The crocodile are known to be really deadly to people is the saltwater and the Nile crocodile these are the crocodiles that are known to be really deadly to people. These crocodiles have killed the total of hundreds of people in every year that is in South-East Asia and in Africa to. Crocodiles can talk to each other by using their senses of sound, touch and their senses of smell to and they will also use other different behavior to talk to each other to. The babies also have a sound that they use to communicate its more like an chirp they use this sound so that they can call their mother and to tell her that they are ready to come out of the egg and they need her help to get out. When one of the youngsters are in danger are they got lost and cant find their way back home then they will use an distress call that will send any of the adults running to them. The Adults also have sounds of their own to they will activity make roars and they will make this sound when they are facing another adult crocodile. There is another way that crocodile can communicate with each other this is a way to tell that they are ready to attack this more like an warning. So they warn any emery

to stay away by flopping their tails in different sides. Crocodiles have been around for million years. These reptiles have been around ever sense the year of the dinosaur. But when all of the dinosaurs become extinct the crocodiles survived it. Even through this animals are in the reptile group crocodile are related to birds and dinosaurs than to the other reptile species. Both males and females will mate in the water and they will also make their babies when they are in water to. After the pair is done mating then females will start to make a nest on the land. There are some species that can make their nests by getting different types of stuff to make their nests and those items happen to be piles of leaves and they will also make it in mud. There are other species that will activity dig up a hole in the sand. The females will normally lay 15 or 90 eggs that can be put in the nest. The babies will start to come out of the eggs in 90 days. The mother will usually help the Youngers come out of the egg sometimes if they are having trouble coming out of it. The mothers will the Youngers with hatching by opening the nest really carefully so she can open the eggs with her mouth. The American crocodile can lay about 30 to 60 eggs in a nest they will make these nest out of sand and out of mud mounds to. The will be covered and the will be projected by the mother only for 90 days or until the babies are really to come out of the egg. The mother will usually help the Youngers come out of the egg sometimes if they are having trouble coming out of it. The mothers will help the Youngers with hatching by opening the nest really carefully so she can open the eggs with her mouth. The Average account of eggs that a female crocodile will usually lay about 35 to 40 eggs. The Incubation period for a crocodile is 72 to 92 days. After the babies have done hatching then they will grow about 2 ounces (56 grams). When the mating season comes then that will be the time when males and females start to call to each other they can communicate with each other by using these sounds grunts, barks, and they can also make an really low rumbling sound. These are the types of sounds that crocodiles use to call each other. This is something that crocodiles do a lot and that is they will rub their snouts so that they can make bubbles they are activity blowing them up to the surface. The other thing that they do is that they will swim together in a circle. There are sometimes that the couple will make a slapping sound when they are on top of the water they do that so they can attract a mate. All the species of crocodile all mate under the water. A

female will start to lay eggs in a few weeks. The nest is built for the eggs to stay warm and to protect them from other animals that might come and eat them. The mother of a crocodile is really aggresse when it comes to guarding their nests so that they can make sure that their babies are safe. The animals that will normally eat a crocodile egg are skunks and raccoons. A female will lay eggs and she will put those eggs in holes that are near the riverbank but it has to be far from the water so that they when there is a flood. When the mouths of August and September come than they will be the mouths when the females will start to lay their eggs. The mother will keep them safe from harm until they are bigger and they are less vulnerable to handle predators on their own want to eat them. There are sometimes that the males will watch over the nest when the mother is not around, but usually the father does not get involved for caring for the babies at all. The babies will normally survive on the yolk sac when that is done that that will be time when they start to hunt for themselves but they will activity go for small animals like insects and small fish . When they are out of the egg then the mother will carry them with her mouth to the nest from the waters edge. The Juvenile crocodile can grow about 12 inches per year. This is how the Nile crocodile can take care of their young. When crocodiles have just came out of the egg then they can be big then 10 inches (25 centimeters) long. When the babies are born then the crocodile mother will scoop them up into their mouth so that she can take them to the nearby water. The mother will only be around to protect her young that is it she does not hunt for them. There are sometimes that the mother will lead her babies ride on her back and on top of her head. The mother and the babies will only stay together in 2 or 3 years old. It will take the eggs to hatch for sixty-five days. A new born crocodile is called a hatchling. The Youngers can be big as 10 inches (25.4 centimeters). This is how long they are. After waiting for the babies to hatch out of the egg then the mother will take them into the water. The American crocodile will lay their eggs in a nest and they will usually have the total of 50 eggs. She will cover the top of the nest with sand. The females will only stay with their young in only about a year. The mother will stay with the babies so that she can protect them from any danger that might harm her babies and they will remain to stay with their young until they are old enough to take care of themselves. When the young crocodile has grown to 1 foot (.3

meter) in a year for the very first 6 years of their lives. As they continue to grow then that will be the time when they start to grow really slowly. A Crocodile will never stop growing it will grow for all of its life on earth. Crocodile mothers will activity use her really strong legs and her feet to dig up a hole that she can make it in muddy marshlands. These holes are known to be filled with water in them. The water holes are made for other wildlife animals that might be living nearby they will activity use these water holes to. Crocodiles are ready to mate when they are 10 to 16 years old. The male and the female will come together when they use a call that can tell each other that they are ready they can this by bellowing. When they come together then they will start to slap their head in the water. After they have down doing that then they will start to touch each other snouts and then they will rub each others necks than they will start to push each other really carefully under the water. Crocodiles do not mate on land they will only mate when they are under the water. In the first month that will be the time when the female is ready to lay her eggs. They will do that after they are done with the mating process. There are some species that do not often stay together for a very long time. The females will normally build a nest so that she can keep the eggs warm and safe from other animals that might want to eat them. They will build their nests in any water areas. The best time of day for a female to her nest is when it gets dark out. There are some species that will activity build their nests out of mud, grass, leaves and sticks. The mother crocodile does not have any hands so the best way to carry these items is with her mouth. The size of a crocodiles nest is 8 feet (2.5 meters) wide and 3 feet (1 meter high). It can take a very long time for the female to build her nest. It can take about a month to make a crocodiles nest. When night comes than that will be the time when she starts to lay her eggs into the hole that just been made. She will start to cover them with grass and mud. The total amount of eggs is that they will the total of 25 to 90 eggs. The crocodiles that are really old they will lay a lot of eggs then the crocodiles that are young. A crocodiles nest is like a compost pile. That will normally heat up on the grass and on the leaves to. This heat help make the eggs grow faster. A crocodile egg will incubate for 60 to 90 days. The crocodile will start to dig up a wallow that has to be really close to the nest. When the mother is looking over her babies then she will not eat anything when she is doing this.

When the mother leaves than that will be the time when other animals might come and they will try to steal the eggs and then they will start to eat them to. The animals that will normally take a crocodiles egg are lizards, birds and snakes. These are the types of animals that will come and take a crocodile egg from the nest. There are a lot of young crocodiles that are getting killed by different types of animals for food. There are only half of them that will activity come out of the egg from the nest and they will normally die right before they are about one year old. The crocodiles that are really young they have lots of predators that they have to look out for and those animals are birds, there are some mammals that will eat a baby crocodile and other reptiles will also try to kill them to. These predators will kill both the babies and the eggs. The Crocodile and the Alligator have hunted for the last hundred years. People have killed these reptiles for meat and for their skins. Even through it is against the law but this does not mean that the danger is gone. Today humans are the crocodiles and the alligators greatest predator that they have to face. One of the biggest reasons why people are really dangerous to these reptiles because people are taking over areas where crocodiles live on. There are not a lot of places for crocodiles to live on but there are only a few crocodile homes that are lifted for them to live on. The greatest danger to any crocodile is humans. The reason why people are really dangerous to them because they are hunting them for their meat and for skins. Hunting is not the only threat that the crocodile is facing today. People are also destroying their homes to. There are so many different crocodiles on the planet that are known to be endangered. There are a lot of countries where people are making laws in other to save them from being gone forever. There are some locations where land is being put out for them. There are a lot of people that are working really hard to make sure that these beautiful reptiles do disappear forever. These reptile once hunted for their beautiful scaly skin, today they are still in trouble because people are destroying these animals homes because the human population is growing really fast. When that happens then the crocodiles will have to room to live in and they will have a hard time looking for food and raising their young. When the human population grows then there will be less room for wildlife to live on like the crocodile. People are also hunting them because they are killing them illegally and the other great threat to these animals is that people

are riding over them when they are crossing the road to get to the other side of the road and then they will get hit by a car this threat is called road kill and these are the greatest threats to the crocodile. When the sea level starts to rise that is due to the change of the climate that happens to be really important for the crocodiles portion that is in their coastal wetland habitats. This may cause the saltwater to incursion or inundation. The Nile crocodile is list under the least concern. The Nile crocodile seems to be fine but there are some parts of areas where they are being threatened the reason why because people are killing them for their skins this happening on the island of Madagascar. This threat almost destroyed the Nile crocodile that lives on this island, But There are some other places in the world that are also doing the something to. Killing them for their skins is not the only problem that these reptiles have to face the other one is loss of habitat and people are also catching them in fishing nets this is bad because when the crocodile goes into the net than the crocodile will start to drown because there is nowhere out of the net. There are so many places around the world where crocodiles are becoming really rare and there are some of them that are becoming extinct really fast. There are a lot big crocodiles that are known to be really dangerous and they have been killed by people because they are fearing them, but there are a lot of crocodiles that are being killed for their beautiful and smooth skin that can be found on their bellies. The best time for a hunter to kill a crocodile is when it gets dark out because it is so much easier to kill a crocodile at night then during the day time. It a lot easier to kill them at night because these reptiles have eyes that can shine in the beam of sunlight that look a lot like red dots. That is why it is so easy to spot them by their eyes. People are also killing crocodiles for their beautiful skins so that they can make leather bags and shoes. There are about 23 species of crocodile on this planet, but there are only 12 of them that are in trouble of becoming extinct. There are so many crocodile species that are being killed for their skins so that they can shoes and luggage. There are some of them that are having trouble with their habitats. The saltwater crocodile is known to be really in trouble because people are hunting them. One of the most crocodiles that people hunt the most is the saltwater crocodile. People have been killing these crocodiles in every single year. People are killing these crocodiles because they are scared of them. But the real reason why these

reptiles are in trouble because people are really killing them for their very soft skin. The saltwater crocodile is known to have the most valuable skin than all of the other crocodile species in the world. These hunted are known to get really out of control but they all begin in the year of 1945 and to the 1970s. During these times there have been millions of crocodiles that have been killed for their skins. There is still some really illegal hunting still going on in Southeast Asia today. We must do something to help these amazing animals. These reptiles need all the help that they can get. Crocodiles have the right to continue living on this planet. They are doing their part in nature and we should a place in nature to. This is a really big planet that is full of wonders and discoveries that is just waiting to be found. We have to make this planet safe for us and the other creatures that we share it with. This is our beautiful home it deserves to have second chance to live on for the next generation on this planet. There is a really big, bright and beautiful future if we find a way to project our planet. This is our world and our home will be happy and clean place to live in. If we try to protect this beautiful planet that we all share. We have to make room for other living creatures to. God made animals for a reason just like he made us. That is what I know about the crocodile and other reptiles and other animals that lives on this planet to. Together we can make a difference in our beautiful planet we all share. Thank you so much for being a customer. Your help and your support will help the crocodile and other animals have a other chance to live. By bring a customer who is helping the animals that are in trouble. I hope that this report has through you something important and that always repeat the creatures that are around you. Hope that are children will have a change to see them for themselves. Together we can make a difference in our beautiful planet that we all share.

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