Bottle Caps: 1. Process of Manufacturing
Bottle Caps: 1. Process of Manufacturing
Bottle Caps: 1. Process of Manufacturing
The unit envisages producing plastic caps for bottles and jars by compression moulding. Thermosetting material like PF / UP is used to manufacture bottle caps. A plastic moulding unit to manufacture bottle caps can be started anywhere as there is good demand for bottle caps. The unit can also manufacture other moulded plastic products after assessing the demand for the product
1. Process of Manufacturing: Thermosetting material like PF/UP moulding powder is put into the cavities of pre-heated mould and pressed between the two platens of the press. Hydraulic type compression moulding process is used. The combined effect of heat and pressure cause cross-linking in the material which fills the cavity of the mould and hardens. After a certain time the mould is opened and the mouldings are removed.
2.Quality Specification : Quality and design of the product is as per the customers requirement and the end use of the product. 3.Production Capacity per annum Quantity: 510000 no. Value: Rs.765000 4.Motive Power 3 HP
1. FIXED CAPITAL i)Land & Buildings :500 sft. covered area with a rent of Rs.1250 pm ii) Machinery & Equipment S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description Quantity Value Rs. 60000 15000 3000 6000 2000 1000 87000
Hydraulic Thrmosetting moulding press with ejection - 1 3HP Motor Set of Moulds Hand tools Installation charges Misc. fixed assets Pre-operative expenses Total
2. WORKING CAPITAL i.Staff & Labour per month S.No 1 2 3 Designation Manager Skilled worker Unskilled worker Total No 1 2 2 @ Rs. 1500 1250 1000 Value Rs. 1500 2500 2000 6000
ii)Raw Material (p.m.) S.No 1 Description Moulding powder-thermosetting material Total Quantity 250 kg. Value Rs. 35250 35250
iii. Utilities per month S.No. Description 1 2 Power Water Total Value Rs. 1000 250 1250
Page 22 of 120 iv.Other expenses per month S.No Description 1 2 3 Packing Materials Postage, telephone, stationery Conveyance, transport Total Value Rs. 2500 2000 6000 10500
v.Total working capital per month S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Description Rent Staff and labour Raw materials Utilities Other expenses. Total Value Rs,. 1250 6000 35250 1250 10500 54250