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FAMILY FALL COOKOUT at the BASE 1800 November 12 2003 Confirm to Dean Creed by November 7 mailto:dbcreed@netzero.net
Brett Grooms FC

Flotilla 12-8 OPFACS


The very first thing I want to do is congratulate your new leaders for 2004, Bob Kreiling, FC (elect) and Tom Schmidt, VFC. The Flotilla will be in good hands next year with Bobs extensive experience and knowledge of the Auxiliary. I know you can count on Bob leading the Flotilla with Professionalism and Integrity next year. As the year winds down dont let your enthusiasm or guard down. We need to stay vigilant when it comes to Homeland Security. The Coast Guard requested the Auxiliary continue our help during these busy holiday times. If you can lend a hand at Group, MSO, etcplease let me know and Ill help facilitate your assistance to the Coast Guard. The Christmas Boat Parade is coming up soon and well need OPFACs/Crews to help during the parade. If you are interested in helping out contact Allen James, FSOOP. Its always a lot of fun (although a bit chilly sometimes).

"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

The moniker Love I is reserved for Haps wife making Love II very high in his hierarchy. His OPFAC, a 1996 28foot Albin, resides behind his home just up a stream from the Intercostal. As he draws nearly three feet he is careful to time the tide to assure he makes it out on patrol and then home again. His 250 HP diesel has always served him faithfully, well almost always. A short way out of the Bohicket Marina Love II acted sluggishly producing more than a little black smoke! Upon investigation Hap discovered a leaking water hose had dumped enough water into the boat to weigh her down. The transmission splashed water on the engine creating the smoke. By throttling back, he made it safely to a repair facility.

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November 2003

Love II cruises at 18 kts, flank speed is 24. At cruising speed and with 10% reserve Hap figures he has a 300mile range.

Barbara J. Yeatman FSO-MV Another year, another "pile" of good sound information dispensed to the boating public. For me this year has been even better. I have acquired another MV and what a gogetter he has turned out to be!! All sorts of new "dealers," and not all aquatic.... the barber shop (for that haircut before hitting the water), the chiropractor (for the adjustment after a wonderful day on the water) and certainly the auto dealer (for the brand new vehicle to tow the boat to the water!). There is something positive to be said for retirement after all! With TWO other MV's (and maybe two more in the wings, waiting to be qualified.... ahem), we stretched our area of coverage as well as reinforce to the boating public that "there will always be information to be picked from rack." The boating dealers really seem to like the "packets for new boat owners" that we make up. I sometimes have a hard time keeping up with the demand...GREAT! I have been asked to "do this again for one more year" and I have happily agreed. This is a wonderful service (the #1 line of information, actually) the auxiliary offers to John Q. (along with many other services of course). Soooooooooooo, may next year prove to be as "lucrative" to my department! May I continually have to beg for more pamphlets, booklets, handouts et al! It's worth it all!!!


You cant let a Panda out of your sight for a second! Public Affairs

Dean Creed FSO-PA

The 2003 Daniel Island Park Day provided a great venue for what will probably be our last Public Information Booth for 2003. Under beautiful fall skies on 25 October, we provided lots of safe boating information to the public catching the interest of a number of people for our Public Education and Vessel Examination programs. A big thank-you to members Clarke, Gennaro, Grooms, Mathewes, Mintz and Wright for making it all happen. A special thanks to Dick Clarke for donning the PFD Panda costume and entertaining the children at this family event. Take a glance at the pictures to see what you missed!

Nothing beats a Panda for navigating.

Allen James FSO-OP We met all the patrols scheduled for October. In addition Group Charleston we were asked provided three boats for Columbus Day weekend as extra safety patrols. During the month, we spent time on the


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November 2003 Information Systems

Dean Creed FSO-IS

water training crew and coxswain candidates and requalified coxswains who had served 5 years since their last certification. November will be a busy month as we complete all the 2003 training.

Public Education
Richard Daniel FSO-PE

We just finished final exams for the Boating Skills and Seamanship with 20 students completing the course from a start of 30 people. Looks like we will get some new members from this class. We were hopeful of offering a Boating Safely Course in November but the interest just was not there at this time. On behalf of the entire PE team of instructors we want to thank all our membership for giving us support. Each instructor is very special each in his or her own way. Every Instructor teaches us anew. The Public Education Helm is being turned over to Bob Lovinger for 2004. We all know that Bob will simply do an outstanding job. Lets all get behind Bob and give him our 100% support. Good luck

Hey members - please submit your paperwork! Most every member should at least complete a simple 7029 form each month. You can submit most commonlyused forms online and never touch a pen or pencil! While paper forms are still fine, completing forms online is the easiest and preferred way. Heres how: Go to http://www.uscgaux.org/~forms/test/test.html. Click on the form you want to complete. Complete the form. List the email address of 3 people in the Recipient box: ddavis5@sc.rr.com, dbcreed@netzero.net, <your email address> You must separate these 3 email addresses by a comma! 5. Click on the Submit button. 6. The system automatically checks for errors and missing entries. If you receive a message box that says you forgot something essential, such as the Flotilla Number, go click Cancel and enter it. If you receive a message box that contains an Optional Reminder (such as a missing Report Number) just click OK to submit. 7. Wait a few moments and you will be shown the webpage of data that is sent to your FSO-IS and SOIS for entry into AUXDATA. Important Tips & Tricks: 1. If you want a copy of the completed form, click Print before you click Submit. 2. After submitting a form, click on the "back" button on your browser and you should find yourself back at the page to select and complete your next form. 3. If you have included your email address and you do not receive a copy via email, it is likely that no one else received it either. 4. If you are unsure whether a report was sent, either contact your SO-IS or FSO-IS to find out if they received it. 5. If you re-submit a report, be sure to note in REMARKS that it is being re-submitted and use the same report number as the original. Aids to Navigation Dan Cowley FSO-AN 1. 2. 3. 4.

Dean Creed, FSO-PA, ask that we remind all our clients, especially during PE classes, that it is illegal to tie up to ATONs.

Course descriptions, costs and other vital information on each of the below can be found at http://www.uscgauxcharleston.org/PublicEducation.ht m - BSP.

We conducted a daylight patrol Monday 08 SEP 03 aboard my wifes OPFAC in the southern sector of our AOR. I served as coxswain with Bob Wieland and Allan James crewing. We began at the Stono Marina about 1000, proceeded southward to marker 102 in the AICW, anchored for lunch, and returned about 1600. Richard Daniel, as Coxswain, and I as Crew, covered the same territory in a night patrol Saturday 20 SEP 03, departing about 1500 and returning about 2100, after

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November 2003

anchoring for dinner while we watched the sun set beyond the South Edisto River, with Canadian Honkers settling down for a nights lodging in the distant marshes. These two patrols double-checked observations from the two earlier patrols conducted in June. We found significantly fewer discrepancies than a few months earlier only ten compared with 37. The Charleston ANT folks had worked the area and most day beacons whereas new. We hope that our earlier reports were helpful in their operations? We found the bridge to Edisto Island with a number of light discrepancies and some serious damage to one of the fenders, took photos, and submitted the appropriate reports to Miami OAN and to NOAA. Of the three PATONs in that area, none were watching properly, so they were reported on the 5474s and NOAA forms. Of the more than 100 ATONs we double-checked by day and by night, we found only 6 to be discrepant, so we notified CHAS ANT and NOAA about those. We covered the Cooper and Upper Cooper Rivers and Charleston Harbor earlier, and plan to double-check all of that portion of our AOR in a Monday daytime and Saturday night patrol before the end of the year. A special PATON patrol near-shore and off-shore is planned in the near future upon Richards OPFAC, and we will then check all of the Private Aids in our portion of the ocean AOR.

FSO-AN Dan Cowley cheerfully completing the paperwork.

We hope you will join us on one of these patrols, especially if you are an AV and need to get in at least one report this CY. I will be stepping down as FSO-AN at the end of this year, and wish my successor, Richard Daniel, well. He has been a tremendous help to me these last few years and I know he will set as blistering a pace in the AN program as he has in the PE operation! I would like to thank each of you who helped out with this effort, and hope to see you on many more AN patrols in the future.

Vessel Examination
Tom Beauchemin FSO-VE

Joseph L. Barcelo, DC-V Chief, National Dept. of Vessel Examination and Marine Dealer Visitation

The 2004 VSC decals are paid for by State Farm Insurance and carry a "sponsored by State Farm Insurance" logo on the lower part of the decal. A vocal number of members have questioned the propriety of this action and have whipped up some amount of potentially divisive dissent. To help understand this situation, a little background information is in order. Historically, RBS materials, including VSC decals, were supplied as a Coast Guard budget expense. However, in recent years budget belt tightening created several situations that caused problems for the VE program. For several years the total number of available decals were deceased and wide spread shortages occurred in the field. As another cost cutting measure a multiyear decal with provisions for several annual stickers was tried. This effort created an inconsistent and spotty looking examination record on many vessels. To overcome the negatives associated with decal supply a newer strategy was employed for a while. Boating safety grants were written to supply VSC decals and other RBS programs initiatives. However, grant processes are meant to support new initiatives and are not intended for ongoing program support. This and other factors led to the search for partners that had the means and desire to support our RBS programs. The State Farm partnership agreement provides highly visible aid to one of our key program areas. This is not an exclusive arrangement and other potential partners are urged to contribute to other aspects of this and other programs. Partnering among government, private sector and volunteer groups is a very usual and prevalent practice in this country. Quid pro quo arrangements, grants and out right donations are some of the mechanisms used as components of partnership agreements. There are many examples of how we conduct business at all levels. Many members may recall several MetLife publications that were widely used for a number of years. In fact, pockets of those supplies still exist and are looked upon with favor by many members. For change-of-watches and conferences, units accept merchandise for door prizes and raffles. Some even accept food and beverages. It is unlikely that donors gain an unfair advantage over non-donors? The Association receives financial assistance to publish its quarterly newsletter. However, for boat insurance, members probably seek out the most competitive arrangements? Many states accept donations of fishing and/or hunting equipment in order to conduct various youth and other training programs. This practice may or may not entice students to shop at certain stores? At national conferences there are vendor displays. Many vendors pass out freebies and promotion materials. Some even offer merchandise items to be used as training aids or as display pieces to members back home. Members benefit from exposure to equipment innovations and vendors get to display their wares? The Association often arranges for special deals on merchandise, e.g., software, safety equipment, etc., for members. In general this is not viewed as an unfair practice?

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November 2003

A private insurance company pays for the 2004 VSC decals. Members and the public are still likely to seek out the most competitive insurance rates? In many municipalities, stadiums, convention centers and other venues, carry a sponsor's name. In return the sponsor gets to put their names up in lights. Commercial promotion materials are offered with PE course books. Members and students are exposed to boat insurance opportunities, towing insurance and other potential benefits. Commercial coupons from large national firms can be presented with VSC inspections. Local firms may join the promotion simply by recognizing a completed 7012 form. Where used in a judicious manner, the coupons are generally well accepted? Many commercial firms permit literature displays that feature safety and HS information, and post PE and/or VSC schedules. Many of these commercial establishments, and others, provide space for unit meetings and/or PE classes. These activities are performed in view of the boating public? Many federal, state and municipal operations offer space for meetings and/or classroom presentations? The public views these operations in a positive light? Law enforcement agencies receive equipment on loan for extended periods of time. If an agency decides to purchase the type of equipment under evaluation, most engage in a competitive bid process. In today's realm of tight budgets it is not unusual for government entities, and/or volunteer groups to seek financial support from the private sector. Quite often, partnering of this sort enables or enhances programs that benefit the public to be carried out? Partnering is a way to derive benefits for all of the parties involved in an arrangement. Partnerships that are conducted in an open and aboveboard fashion should be and are usually viewed in a positive light! The VSC program has received a key boost from a prominent sponsor. I urge you to support these efforts with our members. You may share these observations through your elected chain of communications and we will do the same through parallel staffing channels. Warren McAdams NADCO-RBS

prospects name and contact information to me, alternatively, just have the applicant contact me directly by phone at 824-6913 or via e-mail at pchylko@earthlink.net for more details. !



Personnel Services
Peter Chylko FSO-PS

We can't always be on the water, so for The Old Salt, reading is a good substitute; cheaper too. Here are some more suggestions. The Horatio Hornblower series seems to have inspired a series of imitators, most notably the Patrick O'Brian series based on the characters of Jack Aubrey and Steven Maturin. The O'Brian series, although following in the tradition of the Hornblower series, should not be considered imitators as they are quite distinctive, based, as they appear to be, on actual naval records. There was a movie based on two or three of the first Hornblower books to appear, starring Gregory Peck and Virginia Mayo, that came out in the very early '50s. The videotape jacket claims that several fully rigged or nearly complete ships were used in the filming, but I remember the nautical scenes as being relatively unconvincing. There is one scene where Virginia Mayo, playing the role of the sister of the Duke of Wellington, is tending to the wounded after a battle, in the sick bay, a part of the chip know as the orlop. It is a well-lighted scene where they are both walking erect. For anyone who knows anything about such areas of the ship it is laughably inaccurate. A new movie, based on O'Brian's Master & Commander, starring Mel Gibson I believe, is due for release fairly soon, according to an article in the BOAT/US magazine, so we will see if it is more authentic. There is another series that I can recommend by James L. Nelson. Featuring as his hero Thomas Marlowe, an expirate who wants to escape his past, the stories as fairly engaging and appear reasonably authentic. There are two in "The Brethren of the Coast" series, The Guardship and The Blackbirder. The first was published by Avon Books and the second by HarperCollins. Both are in paperback and list for about $ 14. Another series that I found more forgettable was authored by Alexander Kent, featuring his protagonist Richard Bolitho, so only if you are desperate for nautical fiction. Perhaps next time I will review a few other books that are more of a mixed grill. Happy reading!

Membership recruiting is still everyones Job #1 with an end goal of membership growth. The last New Member Course for this year is under way and has two remaining classes on November 6 & 13 from 1900-2100 hours (7:00 9:00 p.m.) each night at the Charleston Coast Guard Base. This is required training to prepare Auxiliary applicants for their new member test. We have nine prospective Auxxie members attending the classes, which I believe may be one of our largest groups. That said, theres always room for more! Therefore, your assistance in generating more prospects for this final course of the year is more than welcome. Forward your

Flotilla Schedule
Membership Meeting 1900 November 12 December 10

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November 2003

Time to look around and see what is happening around you maintain situational awareness so to speak.


Election Results and Next Years Staff

FC Robert L. Kreiling VFC Thomas A. Schmidt FSO-AN Richard B. Daniel, FSO-Cm Thomas A. Schmidt, FSO-IS Dean B. Creed FSO-MA Henry G. Wolfe FSO-MT Robert H. Mathewes FSO-OP Allen N. James FSO PB Frank C. Leister FSO-PS Peter Chylko FSO-VE Robert Orenstein, FSO-CC W. Brent Hepburn, FSO-CS, John L. Sikes FSO-FN Joseph H. Bokern IV FSO-MS Agnes P. Wright FSO-MV Barbara J. Yeatman, FSO-PA Richard R. Clarke FSO-PE Robert J Lovinger FSO-SR Shirley A. Wolf IPFC Brett J. Grooms, FSO-FC (Fellowship Co-coordinator) Jane Orenstein

FSO-OP Hap James reviews his dead reckoning plot with VFC and mentor Tom Schmidt. They are aboard the OPFAC Love I.

The dead rekoning went well with Bob Orenstein at the helm and Hap on the chart and stop watch. Following this exercise both craft motored up the Wando past the terminal to practice towing evolutions. As lunch approached they returned to the Maritime Center picking up Chris Seitel and, since they were so close, eating at the East Bay Deli. (Funny how that worked out.) The afternoon saw more towing evolutions with the craft switching back and forth from the distressed boat to the towing boat. Anchoring practice followed. Some thought we ought to try these exercises in Spanish and German dropping the assumption all boaters in distress speak English. The mission to sharpen the skills of those seeking crew and coxswain and to log the time necessary to maintain current qualifications came to an end at 1600.

October 31, 2003 FSO-OP Hap James rendezvoused with Tom Cat, VFC Tom Schmidts facility, at 1000. Wind from the NE at 10 to 15, a light, very light chop and temperatures in the seventies, made for an ideal day on the water. Preparatory to running a dead reckoning exercise, Tom and Hap reviewed the proposed plot. This was part of FSO-OP Hap James coxswains qualifications.

Tom Cat under command of VFC Tom Schmidt on training exercises on the Wando

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November 2003
invitations to all members present the balance will be sent via US mail. Old Business: (1) While only two EPIRBS were distributed tonight, FC Grooms announced that all OPFAC vessel owners should get their EPIRB devices no later than July 2004; also, (2) Auxiliarists with OPFAC vessels are again asked to get a digital pictures to the website POMS@Stratonics.com using the registration # plus the extension as the file name (e.g. SC 12345 AX.bmp or jpg) (FC Grooms offered to assist with the website posting if OPFAC vessel pictures are sent to him); (3) FC Grooms and DCP Ellen Kreiling reported on the recent Division meeting that was attended by Commandant Crowley. A point was made by Commander Crowley that Auxiliary members use the chain of leadership and management apparently far too many members were calling District directly. (4) Finally, Lester Eckert reported on the Kids Day America event in West Ashley last month that was staffed by him and Jack White. New Business: (1) An audit committee comprised of Shirley Wolf and Bob Lovinger was appointed by FC Grooms the audit must be completed NLT 31JAN04; (2) There will be two LAMBS ( Leadership and Management Course) offered one December 1-5th & the other 8-12th (only 2 slots available); (3) A TCT (Team Coordination Training) course will be offered 25OCT03 @ 0800 at Lake Murrays Aux Facility. (According to DCP Kreiling, the instructor, Charles Wooten, offered to do a course in Charleston if interest warranted one.) (4) The Flotillas annual Cookout will be next meeting date, 12NOV03, with Dave Beaudrot and Dean Creed in charge. Cost is $6.00/person - no uniforms and guests are invited! Election of new Officers for 2004 Dean Creed reported on the results of his nomination committee, which included other than himself, both Joey Bokern and Dick Clarke. Creed confirmed with P. Chylko, Acting Recording Secretary, that there was a quorum present at the membership meeting to conduct the election proceedings. The committee nominated Robert Kreiling for Flotilla Commander no nominees from the floor -- Kreilings nomination was moved by Lou Mintz, seconded by P. Chylko and carried by unanimous vote. The committee nominated Tom Schmidt for Vice Flotilla Commander no nominees from the floor -Schmidts nomination was moved by Ellen Kreiling, seconded by Bob Mathewes and carried by unanimous vote. DCP Ellen Kreiling administered the oath of office to both new elected officers. A motion for adjournment was made by Lou Mintz and seconded by Pete Chylko. The meeting adjourned at 2025 hours.

Minutes From the General Meeting of Charleston Flotilla 12-8 8OCT03

1.) The meeting was called to order by FC Brett Grooms, FC at 1900 hours and commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Lester Eckert. Recognition of visitors included: a prospective member Marguerite Downey and later two potential new members, transferees from a Flotilla in Seattle husband and wife Gary Herdlicka and Ann Selover. FC Grooms awarded certificates to the following members: Richard Daniel received his OPFAC certification and an EPIRB for his vessel; an EPIRB was also given to Bob Lovinger (these were the first EPIRBS awarded to our Flotilla OPFAC vessels as part of a new AUX program); and Barbara Yeatman received a certificate of recognition for her efforts with our Marine Dealer Visitation Program awarded by the National Commodore. Finally, FC Grooms swore in new member Diane Schmidt. VFC Tom Schmidt introduced the Staff Officer reports, to include: Dean Creed reported on an upcoming event on 25 OCT03 at Daniel Is. recognizing National Marine Day Flotilla 12-8 will have a static display like at boat shows volunteers were solicited. Joey Bokern gave the financial report net income for the month was $1,802.50, which brings the overall net worth of the Flotilla to $7,288.46 as of this date with 20 members with 2004 dues still outstanding. Acceptance of the financial report was moved, seconded and approved. A question from Lou Mintz about how to spend the money in the budget triggered a brief discussion that was finalized by VFC Schmidt who suggested that members come up with ideas on the topic for the next meeting. Joey Bokern cautioned that since most of the budget surplus was caused by the PE programs, there are very specific rules for how the $$ can be spent. P. Chylko reported on the upcoming New Member Course on Oct 30, Nov. 6 & 13. Tom Beauchemin reported on the VSC program noting recent visits to both the Citadel and Charleston AFB to inspect their respective facilities. Allen James, Operations, reported: (1) Three patrols will be out this weekend one each on 11,12 & 13 Oct. for the Columbus Day weekend; (2) training dates for re-quals for several Coxswains and for three new Crew candidates and one new Coxswain candidate are Nov. 1,8,15, & 22; with the assistance of Dean Creed, an explanation was given as to the annual Crew/Coxswains requirements. Jane Orenstein reported on the upcoming Change of Watch Dinner on 22 NOV03 at the Riverside Holiday Inn. She distributed








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November 2003


Following is a list of web sites of value to us all. Please keep abreast of news and directives by checking these sources on a regular basis.

USCG Aux What's New Page http://www.cgaux.org/cgauxweb/memtable.shtml > USCG Aux On-line Testing Page http://cgexams.info/testing/ > USCG Aux AuxInfo http://www.auxinfo.uscg.gov/ > USCG Aux e-Train http://www.auxetrain.org/ > USCG Aux Forms & Manuals Page http://www.cgaux.org/cgauxweb/tbforms.shtml > 7th District DirAux West http://www.dirauxwest.org/ > ChDirAux Items of Interest Page http://www.cgaux.info/g_ocx/ > DIRAUX District 7 Homepage http://www.d7oax3.net/ > DIRAUX District 7 Directives http://www.d7oax3.net/pol_dir.htm > USCG Aux D7 Member Page http://www.cgaux7.org/index_members.asp > Division 12 Website http://www.uscgaux.org/~07012/ > Flotilla Website http://www.uscgauxcharleston.org/
FLOTILLA COMMANDER Brett J. Grooms 553-2168 brettg101@comcast.net VICE COMMANDER T Tom Schmidt 886-0500 beach-cat@worldnet.att.net

AIDS TO NAVIGATION 225-7053 Dan Cowley cowleyrd@knology.net COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS Nelson Ohl 588-0298 nelsonohl@mindspring.com MARINE SAFETY LIAISON Shirley Wolf 971-1106 hgsawolf@charleston.net CAREER COUNSELOR W. Brent Hepburn 884-6625 bhepburn@worldnet.att.net COMMUNICATIONS Vincent Gennaro 810-3835 vgennaro@wpmedia.com

FINANCE Joey Bokern 884-8616 joeybokern@aol.com MARINE VISITOR Barbara J. Yeatman 795-4149 doberdoody@netzero.net

INFORMATION SYSTEMS Dean Creed 971-1541 dbcreed@netzero.net MATERIALS Henry Wolf 971-1106 hgsawolf@charleston.nett

MEMBER TRAINING Robert Lovinger 762-6136 rlovinger@earthlink.net

OPERATIONS Allen James 559-9762 A509229455nj@aol.com

PERSONNEL SERVICES Peter Chylko 824-6913 pchylko@earthlink.net

PUBLIC AFFAIRS Dean Creed 971-1541 dbcreed@netzero.net

PUBLIC EDUCATION Richard Daniel 556-8453 rbdaniel1829@aol.com

PUBLICATIONS Frank Leister 579-0103 fcl@winslow.com

SECRETARY/RECORDS Mike Ethridge 727-0307



Past Commander Dean Creed 971-1541

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August 2003

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