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Project Report On Motivation Level of Employees or Employees Motivation

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Project Report on Motivation Level of Employees or Employees Motivation

Certificate This is to certify that the research project report entitled Motivation Level of Employees has worked on Final Year Student of MBA under my supervision. She has showed a tremendous zeal, working spirit and enthusiasm towards this project. I certify that this research work is original and have the requisite standard of an MBA student. Therefore, I recommend the same for evaluation. I wish her all the best in her future endeavors. Signature

Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction to the Project Report on Employees Motivation Industrial Profile Research Methodology Analysis Conclusions Recommendations Limitations Bibliography Annexure

Introduction towards Project Report on Motivation The efficiency of a person depends on two factors, firstly, the level of ability to do a certain work, secondly, the willingness to do the work. So for as the first factor is concerned it can be acquired by education and training, but the second factor can be created by motivation. A person may have several needs and desires. It is only strongly felt needs which becomes motives. Thus motives are a product of needs and desires motives are many and keep on changing with time motives are invisible and directed towards certain goals. Motivation means that process which creates on inspiration in a person to motivation is derived from the word motive which means the latest power in a person which impels him to do a work.

Motivation is the process of steering a persons inner drives and actions towards certain goals and committing his energies to achieve these goals. It involve a chain reaction starting with felt needs, resulting in motives which give rise to tension which census action towards goals. It is the process of stimulating people to strive willingly towards the achievement of organizational goals motivation may be defined as the work a manager performs an order to Induce Subordinates to act on the desired manner by satisfying their needs and desires. Thus motivations is concerned with how behaviour gets started, is energized, sustained and directed. Definition of Motivation : 1st Definition of Motivation : According to Michael J. Jacius ; Motivation is the act of stimulating some one or oneself to get a desired course of action or to push the right button to get a desired reaction. 2nd Definition of Motivation : According to Dalton E. Mcfarland, "The concept of motivation is mainly psychological. It related to those forces are many and keep on changing with time motives are invisible and directed towards certain goals. Techniques of Motivation The main techniques of motivation are as under :

Positive and negative motivation. Financial and Non-financial motivation. Individual and group motivation. Extrinsic and Intrinsic motivation.

Importance of Motivation Motivation is one of the most crucial factors that determine the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization with its help a desire is born in the minds of the employees to achieve successfully the objective of the enterprise. All organizational facilities will remain useless people are motivated to utilize these facilities in a productive manner. Motivation is an integral part of management process. An enterprise may have the best of material, machines and other means of production but all these resources are meaningless so long as they are not utilized by properly motivated people. There was a time when the human resource of production was treated like other non-human resources and was not given any special importance. But this old concept has lost all importance in this competitive age classifying the importance of motivation Renis Likert has called it. "The core of Management". The importance of motivation becomes clear from following facts : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. High Level of Performance. Low Employee Turnover and Absenteeism. Easy Acceptance of organizational changes. Good human relations. Good image of organization.

6. Increase in Morale. 7. Proper use of Human Resource Possible. 8. Helpful in Achieving Goals. 9. Builds Good relations among employees. 10. Easier Selection. 11. Facilities Change. Problem of Motivation Motivation is the outcome of a certain relation between the superiors and the sub-ordinates for this the superiors or the managers make special effort different from the daily control or functions. It is not necessary that the efforts made by the managers will be unanimously acceptable. It can also be opposed in this way there are many hardles in implementing a motivational system. They are follows : 1. 2. 3. 4. A Costly Efforts Trouble Making Employees. Motivation is an internal feeling. Opposition to changes.

Objectives of the Project Report

To know the motivation level of the employees of the organization. To access the working of the personnel department.

Research Methodology Scope of Study : The study was limited to B.T.M. (Bhiwani) of Birla Groups. Research Design : This research is of descriptive. In descriptive research we have sufficient data on the concept and research material. Because many researchers have been done the same concept. Therefore, there is nothing new this concept while I am going to study. I have used questionnaire method for collecting the data. I have formed same questionnaire for workers & staff members. Methodology

Sample Size : 30 Instrument Used : Questionnaire. Sample Technique : Random Sampling.

Sources of Data

Primary Data - Questionnaire. Secondary Data - Files, Record Books, Company Manuals, Websites and Books. Here are the complete Analysis of Employees Motivation : Table - 1 Title : Respondent's Classification According to the Age No. of Respondents 0 6 18 6 30 Percentage 0 20 60 20 100

Age Group Below 30 30-40 40-50 50-60 Total

Description : Table 1 shows that most of the respondents are in the age group of 40-50 and 20% of the respondents are in the age group of 30-40 and 50-60 respectively. Table - 2 Title : Respondent's Classification According to the Qualification No. of Respondents 8 18 4 0 0 0 Percentage 26.7 60 13.3 0 0 0

Qualification Below Matric Matric Intermediate Graduate Post Graduate Any Tech.

Description : Table 2 shows that out of 30 respondents, most of them are Matric, 13.3% respondents are intermediate and 26.67% are below matric. Table - 3 Title : Respondent's Classification According to the sex No. of Respondents 30 0 Percentage 100 0

Sex Male Female

Description : Table 3 shows that 100% respondents are male.

Table - 4 Title : Respondent's Classification According to the experience No. of Respondents 0 2 2 7 8 8 0 3 30 Percentage 0 6.7 6.7 23.2 26.7 26.7 0 10.0 100

Experience 0-5 Years 5-10 Years 10-15 Years 15-20 Years 20-25 Years 25-30 Years 30-35 Years 35-40 Years Total

Description : Table 4 shows equal no. of respondents are having the experience of 20-25 and 25-30 years respectively and 7 respondents are having the experience of 15-20 years. Table - 5 Title : Respondent's Classification According to the Marital Status No. of Respondents 30 0 Percentage 100 0

Marital Status Married Unmarried

Description : Table 5 shows that all of the respondents are married. Table - 6 Title : Respondent's Classification According to the Employee Motivation

Are you No. of motivated by the Respondents officers Yes 30 No 0

Percentage 100 0

Description : Table 6 shows that 100% respondents view that they are motivated by the officers. Table - 7 Title : Respondent's Classification According to the Types of Feeling with organization No. of Percentage

What type of

feeling you have by working on BTM Satisfied Unsatisfied


30 0

100 0

Description : Table 7 shows that 100% of the respondents are of the opinion that they are satisfied with the organization. Table - 8 Title : Respondent's Classification According to the opportunity for views expression

Do you get the opportunity to express No. of Percentage your view in the Respondents company Yes 30 100 No 0 0

Description : Table 8 shows that 100% respondents are of the opinion that they gets the opportunity to express their views. Table - 9 Title : Respondent's Classification According to the job satisfaction about company management

Are you satisfied with No. of your company Percentage Respondents management Completely 21 70 Partially 9 30

Description : Table 9 shows that 70% respondents are completely satisfied about company management and 30% of respondents are partially satisfied with the company. Table - 10 Title : Respondent's Classification According to the satisfaction with regard to working conditions

Are you satisfied with No. of the working Percentage Respondents conditions on BTM Completely 27 90 Partially 3 10

Description : Table 10 shows that 90% respondents opinion that they are completely satisfied with the working conditions and 10% of the opinion that they are partially satisfied with working conditions.

Here are the complete Analysis of Employees Motivation :


On the basis of the data analysis and interpretations the research come to know that following points : Respondents get opportunity to express their views. 70% of the respondents are completely satisfied while 30% of the respondents are partially satisfied. Majority of the respondents are completely satisfied with the working conditions. 70% of the respondents are satisfied with the wages and salary administration of the organization. 40% of the respondents are completely satisfied with the medical facilities. There is a cooperative relationship between workers and management. Motivation is abstract quality, for which measurement become to difficult task because of the non-availability of standardized test for it. Attitude of workers towards supervisor and co-workers is also extremely favourable. Attitude of workers towards organization is extremely favourable.

Suggestions After finding out the Survey Report on Employees Motivation, the conclusions the following suggestions can be made :

Working conditions should be improved. Wages and salary administration should be made appropriate for their purpose wages should be revised annually. More financial benefits should be given. Welfare services for the benefits of workers need to be improved. Partially medical facilities needs a significant improvement. Promotion system should be communicated among the workers. Today, as there is a atmosphere of worker participation in the decisions regarding organization worker should have given opportunity to express their views in the company. The human motivation is changeable and not stable it should be considered in mind. Money incentives should be given more. Management policies and practices should be communicated so that workers could understand them easily.

Limitations Limitations of the research are as follows : Motivation Abstract : Motivation is abstract and it is very difficult to measure motivation because it can only be felt. As it cannot be touched there is no standardized data on motivation. Lack of Education Among the workers : Most of the workers are not educated as a result they become suspicious of the filling of these questionnaire. Difficulty in Filling : A large number of the respondents needed help in filling these questionnaire. Lack of Seriousness : Some of the workers did not attach the required seriousness to the investigator.

Questionnaire of Employees Motivation Survey Background Information Name : _______________________ Father's / Husband's Name : __________________ Age : _______________ Sex : Male ( ) Female ( ) Department : ______________________Designation : _________________ Experience : In the organization ( _____ Years) In other organization ( _____ Years) Educational Qualifications : Illiterate ( ) Literate ( )

If Literate : Below Matric ( ) Matric ( ) Intermediate ( ) Graduate ( ) Marital Status : Married ( ) Unmarried ( ) Category Levels : Skilled ( ) Unskilled ( ) Semi Skilled ( ) Nature of Job : Casual ( ) Permanent ( )

Questionnaire For Employees 1. Are you motivated by the officers ? (i) Yes (ii) No 2. What type of feeling you have by working in the BTM ? (i) Satisfactory (ii) Unsatisfactory 3. Do you get the opportunity to express your view in the company ? (i) Yes (ii) No 4. Are you satisfied with your company's management ? (i) Completely (ii) Partially (iii) Moderate 5. Are you satisfied with the working conditions in BTM ? (i) Completely (ii) Partially (iii) Moderate 6. Are you the member of any recognize union ? (i) Yes (ii) No Specify the name _____________________________________. 7. What type of relation you have with your officers ? (i) Direct (ii) Indirect 8. How are the relation with workers union and management ? (i) Fine (ii) Average (iii) Bad 9. Which method of motivation motivate you more ? (i) Positive Method (ii) Negative Method 10. According to you which one is the best motivator ? (i) In Cash (ii) In Kind. 11. Are you satisfied with wages and salary administration ?

(i) Completely (ii) Partially (iii) Moderate (iv) None of those. 12. What is your view the practices & Policies of management ? (i) Fair (ii) Unfair (iii) Cannot Say 13. Holidays provided to you in a year ? (i) 0-10 (ii) 10-20 (iii) 20-30 (iv) 30-40 14. Do you consider BTM is the best place of work ? (i) Yes (ii) No 15. Do you satisfied with the medical facilities ? (i) Completely (ii) Partially (iii) Moderate 16. Are you satisfied with Financial Benefits ? (i) Completely (ii) Partially (iii) Moderate 17. What kind of the recreational facilities provided by the company ? (i) Sports Club (ii) Library (iii) Any other, specify. 18. What kind of the facilities provided by the company ? (i) Residential Facility (ii) Canteen Facility (iii) Children's School Facility (iv) All of Above. 19. What do you get for over time ? (i) Extra money (ii) Leave facility (iii) Praise (iv) All of above. 20. How's the relation between workers and management ? (i) Co-operative (ii) Un-cooperative.

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