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Project Employee

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IILM Institute for Higher Education, Gurgaon

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Submitted by: Abhimanyu Singh Shekhawat (PG20125718) Shantanu Malviya (PG20125696) Saurav Prakash (PG20125233) Sandeep Panwar ( PG2012 Anuj Seemar (PG20125600)


Contents S.NO 1 Theories of Employee Welfare Contents Page no. 2

2. 3.

Research Methodology Analysis and Interpretation 10

4 5

4. Respondents opinion regarding the questioner

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Respondents level of satisfaction from the various facilities provided to them Summary and Conclusion Suggestions Bibliography Questioner on Study of Employee Welfare Activities in Industrial Sector

18 23 24 25


Theories of Employee welfare

1. The policy theory This theory assumes that man is selfish by nature. Therefore, an employer will leave no stone unturned to exploit the Employee, if he is not forced to introduce some welfare measures. This theory thus leads to enactment of various Employee welfare laws, periodical supervision to ascertain that the laws are implemented and punishment to the employers who do not obey the laws. In this theory the main emphasis is on the fear and not on the spirit of Employee welfare which perhaps is the most important factor. 2. The Religious theory Here the employer is concerned primarily with his own welfare because he introduces Employee welfare measures either as an investment for attainment of good in his life or next or as atonement for his sins. 3. The Philanthropic Theory According to this theory, mans love for mankind is the guiding factor of Employee welfare. 4. The Trusteeship Theory This theory has a paternalistic approach. Here employer has a moral responsibility to look after the interests of their wards who are the workers. Therefore, Employee welfare measures are the outcome of moral responsibility. 5. The Placating Theory It is believed that the Employee groups are becoming more and more demanding and aware of their rights. Therefore, their demands cannot be ignored. According to this theory, timely and periodical acts of Employee welfare can appease the workers. These are some kind of pacifiers which come with a frequent gesture. Sincerity may lack in these programmes though this content can be boughtoff in this manner.

6. The Public Relations Theory As per this theory, Employee welfare programmes work as a sort of advertisement and help the industrialists to build up good and healthy public relations. 7. The Functional Theory Here Employee welfare is introduced to secure, preserve and develop the efficiency and productivity of Employee. This theory is a reflection of contemporary support for Employee welfare.



Research Methodology is the summary of planned action to be followed to complete the report effective and efficiently. Secondary data has been compiled from magazines, newspapers and other business journals. TYPE OF RESEARCH Research relies on experience or observation of researcher with in due regard for systems and theories. It is data based research coming up with conclusion which is capable of being verified by observation or experiment. SOURCE OF DATA COLLECTION 1 Primary Data 2 Secondary Data PRIMARY DATA This data is collected through: Questionnaire SECONDARY DATA This data can be collected through any indirect source of information. I collected using the following: 1 News Papers 2 Books 3 Websites

SAMPLE DESIGN Sampling design determines size of the sample and sampling unit. SAMPLE SIZE The sample size is 50 persons. SAMPLE AREA The sample area is Delhi and Narela

Objective of Study
1. To analyze the profile of the respondents. 2. To analyze the various welfare facilities among the workers.

3. To analyze the satisfaction of these welfare facilities among the workers.

The survey sample is only from commercial area. 1 .Location are Inderlok Rohini and Rajouri garden 2. The survey is limited to D or C grade employee of the organization 3. Unwillingness of the respondent to provide information properly. 4. Variation between the facilities required and available 5. The survey is basically based only on primary data. 6. Sample size is very small and therefore no true picture come




Age of Respondent Frequency Percentage

18-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 Total

15 25 10 0 50

30 50 20 0 100

This table and graph shows Age of respondents Which Age categories are divided in four parts and these are out of 50 respondents. There are 30% respondents in the age group of 18-25 and 50% respondents are in the age group of 25-35.

Experience in present organization.

Present Experience 0-1 year 1-3 year 3-5 year 5-10 year more Frequency 6 24 13 6 1 Percentage 12 48 26 12 2




This table and graph shows the experience in the present organization. In this table the experience is divided into five category .in this table we have 6 Respondent having 0-1 year experience constitute 12 % of total population and 48 % respondents are having experience in the range of 1- 3 years. 12 % respondents have experience between 5-10 years

Total Experience
Total Experience 0-1 year 1-3 year 3-5 year 5-10 year more Total Frequency 2 13 18 16 1 50 Percentage 4 26 36 32 2 100

This table and graph shows the total experience. In this table the experience is divided into five category we have 2 respondent of 0-1 year experience that constitute 4 % of total population, 13 respondents of 1-3 years , 18 respondents with 3-5 years of experience, which comes out be 36% of sample population., 16 respondents with 5-10 years of experience. l Respondents with 10 year plus experience constitute 2 % of total population.

Nature of job
Nature Of The Job Skilled Semi-skilled Unskilled Total Frequency 33 13 4 50 Percentage 66 26 8 100

The table and graph shows the nature of job depending upon the skills of the Employee; they are divided into three categories 66 % respondents have been classified as skilled Employees and 26% semi-skilled and 4% unskilled Employee.

Income or Salary in Rs. (Per Month)

Income and Salary less than-4000 4000-10000 10000-15000 15000-20000 20000+ Frequency 3 9 9 14 15 Percentage 6 18 18 28 30




The table and graph shows the salary of the respondents per month of the sample population. We have divided this into 5 categories. 28% respondents are earning income in the range of Rs. 15,00020,000 per month. Only 3 % respondents are earning income less than Rs. 4,000 per month.


Question-1 Training programs helps in increasing the skill of workers?

Training Programs Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree Frequency 20 22 5 3 0 Percentage 40 44 10 6 0




Training programs
This table and graph shows the opinion of the respondents about the training program in the organization. This is divided into 5 categories 44% respondents agree with the statement and only small proportion of respondents disagree with the statement Question-2 Better working environment motivate the workers?
Better Working Environment Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Frequency 19 27 4 1 0 50 Percentage 38 54 8 2 0 100

Better working environment

The table and graph shows the opinion of the respondent about the better working environment in the organization. This is divided into 5 categories. Majority of respondents agree with the statement. Question-3 Health facilities improve the efficiency of the workers?
Health Facility Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Frequency 18 28 4 0 0 50 Percentage 36 56 8 0 0 100

Health facilities
These table and graph present Health facilities improve the efficiency of the workers this is divided into 5 categories. 56% respondents fully agree with the statement and only small proportion of respondents indifferent with the statement

Question 4 Job satisfaction is essential for the worker in the organization?

Job Satisfaction Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Frequency 22 23 5 0 0 50 Percentage 44 46 10 0 0 100

Job satisfaction
This table and graph shows that job satisfaction is essentials for the workers in the organization. This is divided into 5 categories. 46% respondents agree and 10% indifferent with the statement.

Question-5 Motivational awards helps in encouraging workers in the organization?

Motivational Awards Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree Frequency 15 22 13 0 0 Percentage 30 44 26 0 0




Motivational awards
This table and graph reveals opinion of respondents towards the motivational awards in the organization. This response is divided into 5 categories.44% respondents agree with the statement.

Question-6 Accidental compensation facilities motivate the worker in your organization?

Accidental Compensation Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Frequency 16 23 8 3 0 50 Percentage 32 46 16 6 0 100

Accidental compensation
This table and graph shows the opinion of the respondent about the accidental compensation facilities in the organization. The opinion is divided into 5 categories .46% of the workers agree with the statement. Only small proportion of population disagrees with the statement.

Question-7 Rest and recreation facilities should be provided to the workers?

Rest and Recreation Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Frequency 20 21 6 3 0 50 Percentage 40 42 12 6 0 100

Rest and recreation

Above table and graph explains the opinion of the respondent about the rest and recreation in the organization. Response is classified into 5 categories. Small proportion of respondents disagrees with the statement. Rest helps workers to maintain their efficiency.

Question-8 A canteen facility is must for good health of workers?

Canteen Facility Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Frequency 16 14 15 4 1 50 Percentage 32 28 30 8 2 100

Canteen facility
This table and graph shows the canteen facilities are must for the good health of worker in the organization. Opinion has divided into 5 categories. More than 32% respondents strongly agree with the statement

Question 9 Conveyance facility is essential for female workers safety?

Conveyance Facility Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Frequency 17 19 13 0 1 50 Percentage 34 38 36 0 2 100

Conveyance facility
This table and graph shows the conveyance facility is essential for female workers safety in the organization .The response is divided into 5 categories. Only small proportion of respondents strongly disagrees with the statement.



Q1. Motivating techniques Motivating Techniques Fully Satisfied Satisfied Indifferent Dissatisfied Fully Dissatisfied Frequency 15 24 8 3 0 Percentage 30 48 16 6 0




This table and pie-chart shows the level of satisfaction from the motivating techniques in the organization. 48% workers are satisfied with this facility. It shows that organizations are concerned with the Employee welfare facilities.

Q2 Medical and safety facilities Medical and Safety Facility Fully Satisfied Satisfied Indifferent Dissatisfied Fully Dissatisfied Total Frequency 16 25 7 1 1 50 Percentage 32 50 14 2 2 100

This table and pie-chart shows the level of satisfaction from the medical and safety facilities in the organizations. Response is divided into 5 categories. 50% workers are satisfied with this facility and 2% are dissatisfied from the medical and safety facilities.

Q3 Transport facilities Transport Facility Fully Satisfied Satisfied Indifferent Dissatisfied Fully Dissatisfied Total Frequency 10 16 19 4 1 50 Percentage 20 32 38 8 2 100

This table and pie-chart shows the level of satisfaction from the available transport facilities in the organization. Level of satisfaction has divided into 5 categories. Only 20% workers are fully satisfied with this facility and 38% are indifferent about this facility.

Q4 Behaviour of supervisor Behaviour of Supervisor Fully Satisfied Satisfied Indifferent Dissatisfied Fully Dissatisfied Total Frequency 17 22 7 3 1 50 Percentage 34 44 14 6 2 100

This table and pie-chart shows the level of satisfaction from the u of the supervisor in the organization. Response is divided into 5 categories. 44% workers are satisfied with the behaviour of the supervisors in the organizations.

Q5. Overall job satisfaction Overall Job Satisfaction Fully Satisfied Satisfied Indifferent Dissatisfied Fully Dissatisfied Total Frequency 17 24 4 5 0 50 Percentage 34 48 4 10 0 100

This table and pie-chart shows the level of overall job satisfaction in the organization. Level of satisfaction is divided into 5 categories. 48% workers are satisfied with the job satisfaction in the organizations whereas 10% are dissatisfied from their jobs.



An attempt was made to study the behaviour display by the respondents of the organization. The users surveyed include Employee, operator, employee and supervisor etc. From the survey, it was found that most of the people were satisfied with the facilities given by the company. The following conclusions can be drawn from the users survey. 50% employees are belongs to 25-35 yrs age group. About half respondents of total population are experience with 1-3 yrs. In total experiencev3-5&5-10 yrs respondents constitute 68% Only short proportion respondents are unskilled About 30% respondent are getting 15,000-20,000Rs (per month)

Most of total population respondents are agree that training program increases the skills of the workers 54% respondents are agree with the statement of better working environment motivates the workers to work in better manner. 56% workers say that health facility improves the efficiency of the workers Around 90 % workers say that job satisfaction is essential in the organization. Most of respondents are in the favour of the statement the accidental compensation motivate the workers 82% respondents are wanting that rest and recreation facility should be in industry Most of respondents say that canteen is a must for good health 72% workers are in the favour of conveyance facility in essential for female workers safety. 50% workers agree with the statement of uniform facility should be necessary in Organization. 56% workers agree that seating facility should be provided to the workers. 84% respondents agree that personal leaves should be provided to the employee. 60% respondents agree that education facility should be compulsory for all the workers. 64% employees agree that Employee welfare facilities helps in reducing the absenteeism 18% employees disagree that Employee welfare facilities helps in reducing the Employee turnover Most of people are happy with motivating techniques in organization. Only average respondents are happy with transport facility. 84% employees are pleased with medical and safety facilities. Only small proportion of employees is dissatisfied with behaviour of supervisor in the organization. Most of employees are happy with statement of overall job satisfaction in the organization.


Following are the suggestions for effectiveness of the Employee welfare Protecting the workers against any health hazard which may arise out of their work or the condition in which it is carried on. Contributing towards the workers physical and mental adjustment in particular by the adaptation of the workers to the job they are suited. Maintenance of the highest possible degree of physical and mental well being of the workers Medical facilities should be provided to the workman, free of charge Equal pay for equal work should be ensuring irrespective of sex.

Education facilities should be provided to all the workers. Establishment of hostel, clubs, canteen and hospitals. Transport facilities should be made available if female are working. Training programme should be made modern and practical. Every respondent should be insured by self and organization. Safety provisions should be applied for every employee in the organization. More incentives should be provided. Scope of Employee welfare should be increased. Better working environment should be provided.

8. BIBLOGRAPHY Internet Websites Referred

www.indiatogether.com www.business standard.com www.google.com www.scribd.com

Magazines & Newspapers Referred

India today Economic Times Times of India Hindustan times

9. A Questionnaire on Study of Employee Welfare Activities in Industrial Sector

1. Name of the organization. 2. Name of the respondent. 3. Age of respondent a.(18-25) b. (25-35) c. (35-45) d. (45-55) 4. Experience in present organization. a. 0-1yr b. 1-3yr c. 3-5yr d. 5-10yr e. more 5. Total Experience a. 0-1yr b. 1-3yr c. 3-5yr d. 5-10yr e. more 6. Nature of job

a. Skilled b. Semi-skilled c. Unskilled 7. Income or Salary in Rs.(p.m) a. Less then-4000 b. 4000-10000 c. 10000-15000 d. 15000-20000 e.20000+

Kindly give your opinion on following questions

1. Training programs helps in increasing the skill of workers a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Indifferent d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 2. Better working environment motivate the workers a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Indifferent d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 3. Health facilities improve the efficiency of the workers a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Indifferent d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 4. Job satisfaction is essential for the worker in the organization a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Indifferent d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 5. Motivational awards helps in encouraging workers in the organization a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Indifferent d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 6. Accidental compensation facilities motivate the worker in your organization a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Indifferent d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 7. Rest and recreation facilities should be provided to the workers a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Indifferent d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 8. Canteen facilities is must for good health of workers a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Indifferent d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 9.conveyance facility is essential for female workers safety a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Indifferent d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 10. Uniform facility should be necessary in the organization a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Indifferent d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 11. A seating facility provide a comfort for employee in organization a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Indifferent d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 12.personal leaves should be provided to workers a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Indifferent d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 13.Education facility should be compulsory for all workers a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Indifferent d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 14.Employee welfare facilities helps in reducing Employee absenteeism a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Indifferent d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 15.Employee welfare facilities helps in reducing Employee turnover a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Indifferent d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree

Kindly indicate the level of satisfaction from the following facilities

Fully satisfied-1 Satisfied-2 Indifferent-3 Dissatisfied-4 Fully Dissatisfied-5

1. Motivating techniques 1 2 3 4 5 2. Medical and safety facilities 1 2 3 4 5 3. Transport facility 1 2 3 4 5 4. Behavior of supervisor 1 2 3 4 5 5. Overall job satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5

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