Assignment On Team Leadership, Team Effectiveness & Ego Management
Assignment On Team Leadership, Team Effectiveness & Ego Management
Assignment On Team Leadership, Team Effectiveness & Ego Management
Team leadership refers to the leadership practices and values exhibited by leaders, governing a specific group of individuals who are working towards achieving a particular goal or objective. Team leadership is the management of a group of people brought together to work to achieve a common goal. In order to get everyone to work as one functioning team, the leader must motivate and inspire his or her followers. Leadership of a team involves assigning followers to tasks, supporting members, and overseeing projects. A team would not be able to function as a whole without the governance, authority, and effective interaction with a good leader. A team leader is one who sets a goal and objective for the team. In team leadership, the role of the team leader becomes crucial, as he or she is one who facilitates the processes, the tasks, the working relationships, and the goals, priorities, needs, and achievements of the whole team. Effective leaders understand how much as well as the type of support each team member needs in order to fulfil his or her role in a project. For example, an effective team leader wouldn't give a worker without much experience a large responsibility in a work project. Rather, he or she may pair the employee
with a co-worker with strengths in working well with others and understanding the work that needs to be completed. Building a strong team through well thought out working relationships is a common strategy of good leadership. So, a team leader plays an important role in guiding the team members and motivating them to stay focused.
Leadership Decision 1:Should I Monitor the Team or Take Action? Therefore, the first decision confronting the leader is: Should I Continue Monitoring these factors, or Should I Take action based on the information I have already gathered and structured? So, to develop an accurate mental model of team functioning, leaders need to monitor both the internal and external environments to gather information, provide structure and overcome barriers.
Execute Action
Taking Remedial Actions 2
The First Two Quadrants focus on the internal operations of the team. In the First Quadrant, the leader is diagnosing team deficiencies. In the Second Quadrant, the leader is acting to repair or remedy the observed problems.
The Third & Fourth Quadrant focuses on external operations of the team. Like in the Third Quadrant, the leader is scanning the environment to determine and forecast any external changes that will affect the team. In the Fourth Quadrant, the leader acts to prevent any negative changes in the environment from hurting the team. There are two phases in this initial Process i.e. Information search and Structuring. A Leader must first seek out information to understand the current state of the Teams functioning called (Information Search) and then this information must be analyzed, organized and interpreted so leader can decide how to act called (Information Structuring). Leaders can also help their information search process by: Obtaining feedback from team members Networking with others outside the team Conducting Team Assessment Surveys and Evaluating Group Outcomes Once information on the team is gathered, the leader needs to structure or interpret this information so that they can make action plans.
Leadership Decision 2:
Should I intervene to meet task or relational needs? The Second Decision Confronting the leader is whether the team needs help in dealing with Relational issues or Task issues. Task leadership functions include getting the job done, making decisions, solving problems, adapting to changes, making plans and achieving the goals. Maintenance functions include developing a positive climate, solving interpersonal problems, satisfying members need and developing cohesion. Generally, the task (Performance) functions are closely interrelated with maintenance (Development) functions. Leadership Decision 3: Should I Intervene Internally or Externally? It determines that what level of the team process needs Leadership Attention: Internal Leadership Actions or External Leadership Actions.
Team Effectiveness
Team: A team is a collection of people who must work interdependently to achieve a common goal or output. Team Effectiveness A distinguishable set of two or more people who interact, dynamically, interdependently, and adaptively toward a common and valued goal /objective/mission, who have been assigned specific roles or functions to perform. Team effectiveness refers to the system of getting people in a company or institution to work together effectively. The idea behind team effectiveness is that a group of people working together can achieve much more than if the individuals of the team were working on their own. A team (may be regarded as) a machine with human parts.
Characteristics of Team Excellence Clear, Elevating Goal: The Team goal must be very clear so that one can tell whether the performance objective has been realized. The Goal must be involving or motivating so that the members believe it to be worthwhile and important. Competent Team Members: The Group should be composed of the right number and mix of members to accomplish all the tasks of the group. Members also need to be personally competent in interpersonal and team work skills. In addition, the team members need certain teamwork factors such as openness, supportiveness, action orientation and a positive personal style. Collaborative Climate The ability of a team to collaborate is essential to team effectiveness. A Collaborative climate is one in which members can stay problems focused, listen to and understand each other, feel free to take risks and be willing to compensate for one another.
So, to build an atmosphere that fosters collaboration, we need to develop trusting relationships based on honesty, openness, consistency and respect. Integration of Individual actions is one of the fundamental characteristics of Effective teams. Team members have specific and unique roles, where the performance of each role contributes to collective success. This means that the causes of team failure may reside not only in member inability, but also in their collective failure to coordinate and synchronize their individual contributions Standards of Excellence Effective group norms are important for group functioning. Team members performance should be regulated so that actions can be coordinated and task can be completed. It is important for the team members to set standards of excellence so that members will feel pressure to perform at their highest levels. The Standards must be clear and concrete, and all members must be required to perform to given standard.
Characteristics of Effective Teams (In Brief) Team goals must be clearly understood by every member of the team. Team members must communicate their ideas and feeling accurately and clearly. Each member of the team must be able to interact well with every other member of the team. Participation must be distributed among all members of the team. The decision making process must be appropriate for the aims and resources of the teams. Power and influence must be approximately equal in the team. The team members must know how to solve problems as a team. TEAM EFFECTIVENESS AREAS Teams can continuously improve their effectiveness by focusing on improving their functioning in five key areas: Goals, Roles, Procedures, Relationships and Leadership:
Goals: What the team aspires to achieve (CLEAR GOALS) I.e. Vision, Mission, Values, Plans. Roles: The part each member plays in achieving the team goals (CLEAR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES) I.e. Organization Structure, Job Description, Accountabilities, Competencies, Resources, Tools and Equipment Qualifications. Procedures: The methods that help the team conduct its work together(CLEAR PROCEDURES)I.e. Solving Problems and Making, Decisions, Communicating, Managing Conflict, Completing Tasks, Planning, Managing Change, Evaluating Performance. Relationships: How the team members get along with each other(Positive Relationships)I.e.-Mutual respect and trust, Support, Inclusion, Involvement, Value diversity, Listening, Feedback Leadership: How the leader supports the team in achieving results.(STRONGLEADERSHIP) I.e. Personal Credibility, Strategic Focus, Clear Expectations, Clear Communication, Engagement and Involvement
Different Ego States The Parent Ego State It is the set of feelings, thinking and behaviour that we have copied from our parents and significant others. As we grow up, we take in these aspects from our parents and care takers. For example, we may notice that we are saying things just as our father, mother even though, consciously, we may not necessarily want to. Another example is that we may treat others as we might have been treated.
The Adult ego state It is about direct responses to the here and now. The Adult ego state is about being spontaneous and aware with the capacity for intimacy - we are able to see people as they are. It Integrates contents from both Parent and Child ego states. The Child ego state A State in which people behave, feel and think similarly to how they did in childhood. For example, a person who receives a poor evaluation at work may respond by looking at the floor, and crying or pouting, as they used to when scolded as a child.
Is Ego Manageable? Yes, It is but up to a certain extent. One of the very biggest challenges facing the evolution of any person is the overcoming the demands of individual ego. It is simply not possible to achieve enduring and genuine progress until the ego has been well and truly brought under control to the extent that it no longer exerts any negative and detrimental influence upon self or anyone else. The ego is responsible for many negative human traits, including but certainly not limited to being critical and judgemental of others, being rigid and flexible, being manipulative, being superior etc. The ego constantly strives to be always right, always superior, never wrong and never inferior. It constantly seeks self-importance, power and superiority over others, often at any cost, and regardless of who they are affecting or hurting at the same time. The ego likes to make comparisons, particularly with other people. The Ego is not something that can be simply be destroyed, it is rather a vital aspect of individuality, for life and indeed for conscious awareness. The ultimate objective therefore is not attempt to destroy it, but rather to transcend its influence, thereby bringing it complete control in order to serve its intended purpose.