ISEA Script Lab Power Electronic Devices
ISEA Script Lab Power Electronic Devices
ISEA Script Lab Power Electronic Devices
De Doncker
RWTH Aachen University Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives Professor Dr. ir. Rik W. De Doncker
1 Introduction 2 Thyristor 2.1 PNPN structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Latching with open gate contact . . . . . 2.3 Two-transistor equivalent circuit diagram 2.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.1 Latching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Device structure in student laboratory . 3 Basics and procedures for the 3.1 Diusion processes . . . . 3.2 Photolithography . . . . . 3.3 Plasma etching . . . . . . 3.4 Oxide formation . . . . . . 3.5 Metallization . . . . . . . 3.6 Annealing . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Four-terminal sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 2 3 5 7 7 7 9 9 11 12 13 14 14 15 18 21
manufacturing of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
semiconductor devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Clean Room 23 6.1 Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 6.2 Wafer Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 6.3 Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 7 Experiment 1: Introduction into the properties and fabrication of GCTs 27
8 Experiment 2: Introduction into the device simulation tools 28 8.1 Introduction into the device simulation tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 8.1.1 Device Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 9 Experiment 3: Device and Process simulation 36 9.1 Inspect, Tecplot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 9.2 Process simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
10 Experiment 4: Clean room and safety introductions, start of thyristor fabrication; substrate preparation and doping 40 11 Experiment 5: Four-point, diusion depth, oxide layer growth and metallization 43 12 Experiment 6: Lithography, etching and measurement of the etch prole 13 Experiment 7: Visit Inneon, last experimental steps 14 Experiment 8: Device measurement 15 Experiment 9: Presentation List of Figures List of Tables Bibliography 45 46 47 48 49 51 52
1 Introduction
This student laboratory will give an insight into the eort and challenges that exist in the fabrication of semiconductor devices. Several productions steps like FEM simulations, high-temperature diusion, photolithography, annealing and metallization are addressed. The goal is to fabricate a gate-commutated thyristor (GCT) and to show the technical and time-consuming eort for the production of a rather trivial appearing device. The student laboratory includes an excursion to the production site of a semiconductor company. The thyristor has been a long time the dominant device in power electronics and can also be fabricated without ne structures or high-precision photolithography. Especially for low frequencies in soft-switching components like for rectier operating at 50 Hz thyristors are suited. A further application eld for thyristors is the power class with very high voltages and currents, which is not reached by other devices yet (1.1).
2 Thyristor
2.1 PNPN structure
2 Thyristor
The PNPN structure of a thyristor is shown in gure 2.1. J indicates the junction of two dierent doped regions. At the junction is n = p (equilibrium condition). A positive voltage between anode and cathode in o state (no voltage is applied at the gate) is called forward blocking voltage and a negative voltage as reverse blocking voltage. In the non-conductive state, the thyristor can hold both voltages up to reaching the respective breakdown voltage. Figure 2.2 a) and b) show the respective space charge regions with the corresponding I V -characteristics. The space charge region expands in reverse and blocking mode mainly into the low n-doped region. In conduction mode the I -V -characteristic of a thyristor is like that of a diode (gure 2.2 c). First it needs to be gured out how the device can be brought into the conducting state. The structure of the junctions appears as that this will not be possible. Because at least there is always one P-N junction, which is in reverse mode. Thermally generated charge carriers can act in the thyristor structure (with open gate) as a base current in a NPN transistor. By this many free charge carriers are created and the device is latched (conducting mode). This procedure corresponds in principle to the intended latching through the gate contact. But with linear amplication factors the thyristor can not described in all the elds.
Figure 2.2: Space charge regions with the corresponding I-V-characteristics for a) reverse, b) blocking, c) conducting [ISEA]
In the highly P-doped region (anode side) the total current IA ows nearly as pure defect electron ow. The asymmetrical P-N junction J1 is biased in forward direction. Therefore defect electrons in the form of a diusion current ow into the next N-region. There the hole diusion current is weakened by recombination with electrons from the strongly N-doped area (cathode side). Only one part P IA = IJ 2p of the hole current reaches reversed biased P-N junction J2 , that means that only one part of the current IJ 2 = IJ 2p + IJ 2n is carried by defect electrons. The electron current I2n is the portion of the total current. In the highly N-doped region of the cathode there is only electron current, which diuse toward the anode and recombine partly. Only the current portion N IA = IJ 2n reaches the transition J2 . The current balance on the central junction is IA = p IA + N IA This equation is not only formally correct. The space charge region in the thyristor with forward blocking voltage expands spatially. Junction J2 is biased in reverse mode. Charge carriers, which have been generated in the space charge region can not be neglected and lead to the quiescent current portion IR2 . This is added to IA , since the past consideration is valid only up to the borders of the space chare region. IA = P IA + N IA + IR2 The total current is therefore IA = IR2 1 (P + N )
2 Thyristor
As long as N + p < 1, which is the case for sucient recombination, the current IA remains nite. For N + p 1 the current results in IA . For N + P = 0,999 the current results in IA = 1000 IR2 . For N + P > 1 the current IA < I2p + I2n + IR2 and the current at junction J2 would be larger than the current through the outer electrodes. This condition can occur only transiently. A displacement current |Iv | = A
r 0
dE dt
occurs and the space charge and the eld strength at junction J2 gets reduced. The blocking P-N junction disappears and thus the thyristor is conducting.
Figure 2.3: Switching of the thyristor at suciently high reverse current in the forward mode [ISEA]
2 Thyristor
Figure 2.4: The four layer structure of the thyristor replaced by two transistors. Right image shows the equivalent circuit diagram of a thyristor as a pair of tightly coupled bipolar junction transistors.[ISEA] these eects leads to a reduction of the space charge region at J2 and an increase of charge carriers in both base areas. Finally the current reaches a stationary level which is limited by the resistance in the circuit. The feedback eect between the emitter junctions J1 and J3 or rather the switching on of the thyristor with a suciently large reverse current at the P-N junction J2 can be initiated also without a control current. There is surplus of charge carriers in the space charge region of J2 The charge carriers are separated by the eld in the space charge region and move into the middle areas. It is: I1 = IA P + IR1 IR1 , IR2 is the reverse current of the single transistors it follows
As explained before, the gain factors N and P are inuencing the latching properties. Both factors can be adjusted by the doping and the dimensions of the layers during the fabrication of the device. If the sum of these factors is above one, then the device is permanently turned on.
2 Thyristor
2.4 Summary
2.4.1 Latching
The most common latching of a thyristor is the injection of a gate current IG . For the safe use a minimum current IG min and a minimum voltage VG min have to be supplied by a control device, assuming a positive anode-cathode voltage. In turned o state the NPN transistor blocks due to a negative or neutral base voltage. To turn on, a positive gate current has to be applied. The NPN gets a positive base current, thus the collector-emitter is of low resistance and the transistor is switched to "LOW". The voltage on the collector-emitter path decreases. Due to the circuit the VBE PNP voltage is larger and the PNP transistor switches to "LOW". The supplied current Ic NPN now supplies the base current for the NPN transistor. Once the latching process is initiated, the base of NPN-transistor theoretically can be left in high resistance, since the turn on eect is self-reinforced by the negative feedback. Usually small positive gate currents are used in order to ensure constant engaging at low loads.
2 Thyristor
Figure 2.5: Structure of four-layer sequence of a thyristor including the contacts The used Si wafers have a thickness of 525 m (semi standard) and are phosphorus doped (N-type) with a donor concentration of 11014 cm3 . Depending on the intended device properties and by taking into account the occurring strain by doping, the depths of layers can be varied. In this case the thicknesses are: N-doped cathode layer: 3-4 m P-doped gate layer: 40 m P-doped anode layer: 40 m
d2 N dN =D 2 dt dx For dierent boundary value problems and initial value problems dierent solutions of Ficks second law can be found. In general two cases are distinguished: the diusion from an innite and from a nite (dopant) source. Doping is achieved by diusion of atoms from the surface into the layer. If the doping level on the surface does not change, then the source for doping is innite. The solution of Ficks second law is a complementary error function:
x 2 D(T ) t
surface concentration doping depth dconstant, depending on the temperature and the dopant diusion time
For the diusion from the gas phase and with a suciently thick doping layer on the substrate surface an innite source is assumed. A semiconductor surface that is exposed to ion implantation where a thin layer with a limited number of ions or atoms is created on the surface corresponds to diusion from a nite source. The solution of Ficks second law leads after approximation to a Gaussian prole:
Q D(T ) t
e 4D(T )t
initial thickness of source layer on surface doping depth diusion constant, depending on the temperature and the dopant diusion time
The surface concentration decreases with the diusion length and the total concentration of impurities remains constant over the substrate thickness. In gure 3.1, the impurity concentration N is shown normalized to the surface concentration according to the Gaussian prole.
Figure 3.1: Diusion behavior for innite (left) and nite (right) dopant source [Zim]
3.2 Photolithography
The photolithography is a transferring process, in which the structures of a mask (like in left image of gure 3.2) are mapped onto a photoresist. For the processing of semiconductor devices dened areas on the surface have to be protected by photoresist from processes like etching or deposition of a material. A light-sensitive photoresist is deposited onto a wafer. This is done by dropping some droplets of photoresist onto the wafer surface. The wafer is placed in a so-called spin-coater, where by fast rotation the photoresist is spread homogenously. In a photolithography system it is exposed to light through a mask and then developed. There are positive and negative resists. The chemical bonds of the positive resist are cracked during the exposure and therefore the solubility in a developer is increased. In contrast, the molecular chains crosslink in a negative resist by exposing to light. Here it is dicult to remove the exposed areas by the developer. In the right image of gure 3.3 the dierence between positive and negative photoresist is shown after development. The (photo)mask is usually made of a chromium layer which is deposited on a quartz substrate. For the relatively rough structure of a thyristor, however, it is sucient to use a foil-printed mask xed on glass. The structures of the foil mask have to be in a very homogeneous black. For this a laser printer with a resolution of 25,000 dpi is necessary. For comparison standard oce printer have a maximum resolution of 1,200 dpi, as shown in gure 3.2 (left). There are three dierent exposure methods: contact, proximity and projection. The simplest exposure system is contact lithography. Here the mask is in direct contact with the photoresist and therefore the highest resolution is possible. In the proximity method there is small gap between mask and substrate of 10 m to 50 m. The advantage is that the mask keeps clean but the disadvantage is a lower resolution. In the projection lithography there is also a gap between wafer and mask, but here the pattern of the mask is projected by lenses onto the surface. The advantage here is that the pattern of a small mask like for
Figure 3.2: Photomask for thyristor process (right) and dierence of positive and negative resist (right) [Zim]
3 Basics and procedures for the manufacturing of semiconductor devices In the plasma the following reaction take place:
At high temperatures, water cracks into pure hydrogen (H2 ) and in an OH-group. This diuses much faster through the already formed oxide due to the smaller size in comparison to the O2 molecule in the dry oxidation process. Therefore, the wet oxidation has up to three times higher growth rate than the dry oxidation. The oxide layer of the dry oxidation is however a denser oxide, which is resulting in higher breakdown eld strengths.
3.5 Metallization
There are two families of deposition processes described in the literature, the chemical and physical deposition techniques. These methods are used for the reproducible production of layers with no or only dened amount of impurities for variety of applications. Single crystalline or polycrystalline lms can be used as insulator, passivation, conductive layer or semiconductor heterojunction (deposition of a semiconductor onto one of dierent material, such as Si-Ge). The process step of metallization, necessary in this student laboratory, is performed by a method belonging to the physical vapor deposition (PVD). These procedures include the molecular beam epitaxy (molecular beam epitaxy, MBE), the evaporation and the sputtering. The MBE requires ultra-high vacuum and is for pure metal coating unprotable and costly. In the process of evaporation the material that is deposited on the wafer is heated in a melting crucible, boat or lament until it evaporates and the metal vapor condensates on the substrate. A variant of this process is that an electron beam is used to vaporize the target material. Because of the low deposition rate and the poor edge coverage, this procedure is primarily used for the complete wafer surface metallization, such as the back side of wafers. In the method of sputtering, which is used in this laboratory, ions hit out particles from the target (here: aluminum (Al)) and they condensate similar to the evaporation process on the substrate. As actinometric gas (gas which is ionized and passes its energy trough collision) argon and helium is used. The ionization of gases is done by plasma. Plasma can be generated by electromagnetic elds and electrostatic excitation and the charge carriers in it are increasing avalanche. The plasma is thus a formation of electron gas and ion gas. Since the charge carriers are generated in spatially close to each other, plasma is quasineutral. Plasma is the ionized state of matter and, in addition to solid, liquid and gaseous it is regarded as the fourth state. The most common occurrence in space is plasma. In everyday life for example we nd plasma in uorescent lamps.
3.6 Annealing
There are two kinds of metallic contacts on semiconductors: Schottky contacts and ohmic contacts. Besides on heavily doped layers, as deposited metal contacts show usually Schottky
behavior and without thermal annealing the contact show rectifying properties as a P-N junction. In order to create an ohmic contact the metal-semiconductor layer needs to be annealed. Here Al is used as metal contact. The wafers are heated up with at 5 C/min to 470 C and remained at this temperature for 60 min. After this the temperature is cooled down with 5 C/min. By slow cooling down process internal stresses and defects of the crystal structure, caused by previous processes can be healed.
Figure 3.4: Principle of the four-terminal sensing [Zim] It is dierentiated whether the sample thickness d is big or small in comparison to the probe tip spacing s. In our case d s and thus the equipotential regions are concentric cylinders perpendicular to the surface. The current paths are approximately perpendicular to these planes and thus, the current density can be taken as
I 2rd
where r corresponds to the radius of each traversed region. For the electric eld it follows: E =J The voltage between the points 2 and 3 is calculated with the path integral of the electric eld strength E. The factor 2 takes into account the incoming and outgoing electric eld. V23 = 2
3 I 1 E ds = 2 ( )dr 2d r 2 2 2s I 1 I I =2 dr = (ln 2s ln 2) = ln 2 2d s r d d
From the sheet resistance the carrier concentration can be concluded by means of the socalled "Irvine Curves". In Figure 3.5 dierent Si Irvine curves are shown. The graphs are for N and P doped material and the doping type, with innite and nite doping source. The abscissa shows the ohmic resistance multiplied by the junction depth xj in m.
Figure 3.5: Irvine curves for dierent dopants and doping proles
Figure 4.1: Fully loaded wafer boat without source discs (left) and schematic side view of wafer boat with Si-wafers and source disks (middle and right) The principle process of the p-type doping with boron is that rst a thin layer of silicon boride (SiB) is grow on the wafer. This is used in the further process as a nite doping source in the diusion process. In this laboratory the p-doping of the gate and anode area are fabricated rst, followed by the cathode area. For resulting in dierent p-doping levels of the gate and anode area, they have to be processed in two dierent steps or the side of the wafer with the expected higher doping level has to be processed again as described in the following. After loading the wafer boat with substrates and source disks, here boron nitride (BN) as shown in gure 4.1 (middle and right) into the furnace, in a rst step the boron nitride discs are oxidized in an O2 /N2 atmosphere at 700 C to B2 O3 . The generated oxide deposits on the Si surface. Here, the Si-surface pointing to the BN disk will be coated. For the deposition on a single side, a dummy wafer can be used to shield one side or two Si-wafers can be placed with the sides to each other that should remain uncoated (gure 4.1 right). The created oxide on the Si-wafer is reduced with 2 H2 in the gas phase from B2 O3 to HBO2 , which is a boron glass. This H2 step denes the intended amount of B on the Si-surface and therefore the doping concentration in the Si. The HBO2 on the Si-surface is formed in a N2 environment for 20 min at 750C to a thin SiB and SiO2 lm. This
SiB layer is the source that provides the impurities at the Si/SiB interface [RUG75]. The created glasses are removed with hydrouoric acid (HF), but SiB can not be etched with HF, but it must be removed, since it serves as impurity source and would result in a too high doping concentration. An additional temperature step ("Low Temperature Oxidation" - LTO) is necessary. The boron and a thin layer of Si underneath are oxidized for one hour at 850 C in an O2 atmosphere and can be then etched with HF later on. Thereby a specic doping concentration can be achieved. Since the desired concentration has now been reached, the boron atoms are driven into the substrate by diusion. As explained before, the doping depth can be managed by temperature and time. In this laboratory the wafers are heated up in the furnace to 1200 C. After each process step a standard cleaning has to be performed. By the described steps the wafer will have a P-N junction with a depth of 40 m for the P-layer at both sides, as shown in the left image of gure 4.2. As mentioned before the two sides can be doped with dierent doping levels. If a heavily doped anode area is requested (for example for electrical contact issues), the process is similar to that of the gate area, since it is the same doping type but dier in the concentration. Here the H2 step to form a boron glass is not used and therefore more material is left on the Si-surface to achieve a higher p-type doping concentration. The n-type doping of the cathode is reached by phosphorus diusion. The source discs are of cerium pentaphosphate (SiP2 O7 ), which is a layer on a chemically inert substrate. The diusion process is similar to that of the anode and gate, but here no oxidation step of the source material is required. At diusion temperatures the active component SiP2 O7 cracks in SiO2 , which remains on the source disk and P2 O5 -gas, which adsorbs and reacts on the Si-wafer. Depending on the desired doping concentration the diusion process takes place at 975 C to 1025 C for 20-80 minutes in presence of the source discs. The result of this diusion processes is the desired four-layer structure of the thyristor (gure 4.2 right).
Figure 4.2: P-N junction (left) and four-layer structure (right) after diusion process
To create the aimed device from the described four-layered structure some process steps, such as lithography, etching, metallization and oxidation are necessary. These steps will transfer 3D-structures with dened areas of metallization and oxidization to the structure. A complete overview of the steps is shown in gure 4.3.
5 FEM simulation
The used software is the FEM simulation program TCAD 8.0 (Technology Computer Aided Design) from Integrated Systems Engineering (ISE), which is now owned by Synopsys Inc. It consists of several sub-programs which can be all controlled with the main interface GENESISe. With the help of scripts easily simulations with automated pass through of parameters can be realized. In the following the used subroutines are described briey. But TCAD has much more features than presented here. MDraw With the help of MDraw the geometric dimensions with the corresponding connections, the doping prole as well as the sizes of the grid that represent the nite elements are dened. Here a graphic tools or a script can be used. Dessis Dessis is the current FEM simulation program. It enables to record currents and voltages or other parts of a network at dened times. The graphical evaluation of the electric circuit and of the points to be measured is done text-based. The disadvantage is that there is no debugging tool and no automatic syntax control available. Therefore is not guaranteed, if the simulation is successful or if it must be repeated. Further the script oers the possibility to signicantly inuence the physical and mathematical context such as: Temperature Maximum electron saturation Band gap energy dierence Recombinationeects Carrier lifetime Number of iterations The device is built up in two dimensions. Dessis assumes a depth of 1 m and converts the simulation results by using an AreaFactor. The AreaFactor is dened as follows: AreaFactor =
Area Of Semiconductor Width Of Semiconductor1m
5 FEM simulation
Inspect With this tool, the simulation results at dened contacts can be shown as graphics in a coordinate system. This is also possible in-situ during the simulation. Ligament Ligament is a tool which allows simulating the manufacturing processes for semiconductors such as diusion processes and etching processes. It is used to determine the required diusion times and temperatures. The scripts provided with Ligament are translated and simulated with the subroutine Dios. Tecplot Tecplot is a visualization program which shows the characteristics of dierent device parameters. Depending on the content of the loaded input data, diusion proles, potential proles, eld strength curves, etc. can be shown in cross sections of the device.
6 Clean Room
The central laboratory of technology belongs to the Chair of Electromagnetic Theory (ITHE), the Institute of Materials in Electrical Engineering (IWE 1) and the Institute for Power Electronics and Electric Drives (ISEA). To work in a clean room certain rules must be considered. In order to keep a constant level of cleanliness in the clean room, it is necessary to wear clean room suits. These are used primarily to protect the cleanroom from contamination. The suit may be in one piece or consist of several separate garments worn tightly together, like gloves, caps and overshoes. The clean room area is entered through a so-called air shower. Two doors are passed to get into the clean room where only one door is allowed to be open at one time. The area between these doors is usually around 1 m2 . As soon the door from the grey room is closed, the door to the clean room is rst looked and is set free to open after a several time (10 sec to 30 sec). Within this time air is blown from the side and taken away from the top. By this possible particles on the clothes can be removed. Clean rooms are divided into classes. These classes represent the average density of particles per m3 . For example, "class 1" clean rooms (1 partikel/m3 ) have the highest level. Standard cleanroom classes are "class 1000" cleanroom and "class 100" cleanroom.
6.1 Preparation
The ISEA is using three rooms in the laboratory. They are needed for wet chemical cleaning, for plasma etching and the furnace processes. Because it is not an industrially used cleanroom, here in this clean room at the beginning of the work it is to ensure that the valves for DI-water and the required gases and acids for cleaning of the substrates are opened.
6 Clean Room
Since 1971, the so-called "RCA Clean" became a standard wet chemical cleaning process, which is named after the company "Radio Corporation of America" [MOK06]. This method consists of two dierent processes, the "RCA 1" and the "RCA 2". For heavily contaminated wafers the so-called "Piranha-etch" is done rst. In the following the dierent etch steps are described briey [MOK06]] [SPA06b]. Piranha etching With this acid mixture organic contaminations can be removed. For this the Si wafer will be left ten minutes in this solution. This mixture consists of: H2 O2 (25%) : H2 SO4 (97%) 1: 2 RCA 1 These etch step removes also mainly organic contaminants. It consists of H2 O2 , ammonium hydroxide (NH4 OH) and DI-water and is used in the following ratio: H2 O2 (25 %) : NH4 OH(25 %) : H2 O 1: 1: 2 The H2 O2 oxidizes the wafer surface and the particles on it, by this the adhesion forces decrease between particles and wafer. The particles move into solution and the wafer surface is protected by the oxide layer from recontamination. At the same time, the ammonium hydroxide etches the wafer surface and undercuts the particles [ASS07]. The duration of this cleaning step is ten minutes. RCA 2 In combination with H2 O2 hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a very eective solution for the removal of metallic contaminations. It is used the following ratio: HCl(30 %) : H2 O2 (25 %) : H2 O 1: 1: 2 HF-Dip Since by H2 O2 , which is used in all described cleaning steps, SiO2 is formed on the wafer, it must be removed by using HF. The duration of this process depends on the thickness of the oxide layer. The etching speed of 5% HF (5% HF in DI water) is about 50 nm/min at room temperature [BOG67]. The SiO2 is thereby converted into a soluble complex salt [RUG75]:
Since SiO2 is strongly hydrophilic, but pure Si in contrary hydrophobic, this behavior can be used as an indicator for a successful cleaning. For the processing of the PNPN structure in this student laboratory always the same cleaning procedure is used between each fabrication step. The acid mixtures and etch duration are used as following: 1. Piranha etching 2. Rinsing with DI-water 3. HF dip for 3 min 4. Rinsing with DI-water 5. RCA 1 cleaning 6. Rinsing with DI-water 7. HF dip for 3 min 8. Rinsing with DI-water 9. RCA 2 cleaning 10. Rinsing with DI-water 11. HF dip for 3 min 12. Rinsing with DI-water
6 Clean Room
Figure 8.1: Crosssection of the Simulated GCT In the simulation with TCAD only a section of the whole device is simulated. This section includes the used dimensions and doping concentrations is shown in Figure 8.2. The used dopants are phosphorus for the n-doping and boron for the p-doping.
TCAD is located under Start\Progamme im ISEA\Elektrotechnik\TCAD 8\GENESISe. First, create a folder with your group number in the directory: Desktop\My Computer \X:\Sim\5001_Thyristorbau_bn \IHR GRUPPENORDNER. Then start TCAD. After a loading time a folder tree can be seen, select than the created folder. GENESISe GENESISe is the main interface to access the various subroutines. The geometric dimensions, connections and doping proles are recorded in a text le using MDraw. To work with the programs a new project must be created. Create additionally a folder and label it with your group name. The project needs to be activated for editing. For this select it and then click on the Activate-Button, see Figure 8.2.
Figure 8.2: Creation of a project in TCAD MDraw To start MDraw, open the Toolbox and drag MDraw into the left part of this window (Figure 8.3). Do the same with Dessis. Select the MDraw icon and click in the menu bar Edit\input\preferences. Change the setting "Excecution Mode" in "Start in batch mode". Run MDraw by clicking in the menu bar Edit\input\Boundary. If the Unix Sever is not active, then MDraw can not be started. If the server runs a window will appear asking for a connection to a host, in this case select "Immer so verfahren and click Ja". Afterwards the graphical interface of MDraw will be started. With MDraw the two-dimensional side prole will be created and then converted into three-dimensional with a depth of 1 m. It can not
simulate rotation symmetric components. On the left side there is a bar which provides the dierent tools. In the downer part there are tools to change the graphical appearance. Here options are presented with which various prole levels or an auxiliary grid can be shown or hide. The two lowest points Doping and Boundary oer the possibility to distinguish between the doping/diusion tools and the geometric tools.
Figure 8.3: To start MDraw it has to be introduced into the simulated process Boundary The geometric dimensions will be developed graphically and then stored in a text le. For a very precise description of the dimensions there is in the tool bar the button "exact Coordinates". By this the exact coordinates of a point can be typed in. With the help of "Add Rectangle", "Add Point" and "Move Point", the device can be represented as in Figure 8.4. In Boundary mode also the connection points like anode, cathode and base can be dened. To set a contact it must be rst dened in the toolbar in the window "Contacts" and then selected. With "Set/Unset Contacts" the contact point is set to the dened place. Doping The assignment of doping concentrations to the device can be performed in the "Doping mode". In Table 8.1 the individual functions of the tools are listed up. Substrate First the substrate must be doped using the "Add Constant P". tool. For this the complete area of the side prole has to be selected. After this a window like in Figure 8.5 appears.
Kathode 10m
515 m
Anode- 325 m
Figure 8.4: The shape and dimensions of the structure to be created Tool Add Constant P. Add Analytic P. Add Renement Build Mesh Eect Generates homogenous doping To position the deposited impurities Here the grid size will be determined Creates the doping prole and shows it a graphic
The donor concentration of the base material is around 1 1014 cm3 . In the menu bar under View\List of Proles the properties can be seen and edited subsequently. Also the coordinates need to be corrected. Gate, anode and cathode Since the doping proles of anode, cathode and gate are dened by high-temperature processes, they have not homogeneous concentrations (see Chapter 3). Create with the command Add Analytic P. rst the anode contact. Pull the vector arrow over anode contact. Correct the settings if necessary in the appearing window. Take from Figure 8.1 the doping depths and concentrations. Add after that the cathode and gate area (see chapter 2.5). After the doping proles have been created, a grid has to be dened for each region. Use for this the command "Add Renement". Under View\List of Renements, it is possible to carry out subsequent changes. You can change the duration and the accuracy of the FEM simulation. The smaller/ner the grid is selected, the longer the calculation takes and also more precise the results are. Build Mesh With the button Build Mesh the grid is generated and displayed. Doping concentrations are associated with dierent colors. Under "Functions" in the menu bar dierent views
Figure 8.5: Setting of the substrate background carrier concentration are available. In addition further display options are in the toolbar. Figure 8.1 shows the nished device in BoronActiveConcentration.
value of 1.2 kV is used. Before the actual switching procedure and for a proper working the capacitor must be preloaded (here: 1 kV). This is done by turning on the current source rst (here: 400 A) while the GCT is switched o. If the voltage source is also turned on, the capacitor voltage starts rising and after charging the capacitor the GCT is turned on. The capacitor voltage remains constant now and after settling all levels (around 20 s), the actual turn o sequence can be carried out. The contacting of the gate is as shown in Figure 8.6 with a 2 Ohm resistance RG to limit the current during power up. When turning on the other hand, this resistance is bridged through the diode DG , because then the voltage source VG is switched to -20 V and the current direction points out of the gate.
Figure 8.6: External circuit of the DUT during the simulation Task 1. To characterize the device, build up the virtual test bench shown in Figure 8.6. In the le "des.cmd" there is the section "Solve" in which the static, transient and quasitransient operations can be solved. In the following the necessary commands are presented. Most important commands are summarized here. They are sucient to meet the tasks. In addition there is a manual under Start\Progamme im ISEA\Elektrotechnik\TCAD 8\Online Manuals Manuals available. Set (n0=0): This forces the potential of a node n0 to 0 V. unset (n0): Cancels the Set command. Vsource_pset V_0 (n1 gr) {pwl=(0 0)}: Creates an ideal voltage source with the name of V_O from input node n1 to the grounding point gr. The parameters pwl will be described in the next. Isource_pset I_0 (gr n1) {pwl=(0 0)}: Produces an ideal current source with the name I_0 from input node gr to the grounding point n1. The parameters pwl will be described in the next.
8 Experiment 2: Introduction into the device simulation tools {pwl = (0 0 1e-6 2e-6 3e-6 4e-6
Resistor_pset R (n2 n3) {resistance=1}: Creates resistance R with value of 1 between points n2 and n3 Diode_pset D1 (n1 n2): Creates diode D1 with the anode n1 and the cathode n2. Capacitor_pset C (n1 n2) {capacitance=1e-6}: Creates ideal capacitor C with 1F between nodes n1 and n2. # Comments: Include line comments Transient ( InitialTime=0 FinalTime=1000 InitialStep=10 MinStep=1 MaxStep=5) { statement }: Since a transient (time-dependent) simulation is performed, the calculation must be based on cycle time.
Figure 8.7: Generated curve with code from Table 8.2 With the parameter pwl (piece-wise-linear) of the voltage and current source it is possible to dene time-dependent constant voltages/currents. Referring to a voltage source the example code in Table 8.2 generates the curve shown in Figure 8.7. For clarity, as shown in the example Table 8.1, the times (the rst parameter) and the voltages/currents should be below each other. The rst value indicates the time and the "e-6" for the order of
magnitude "106 " (=s). The second value gives the voltage in volts or the current in amperes, depending on which source is implemented. Tasks 1. The thyristor should have an area of 1 cm2 . Calculate the "Area Factor" and paste it into the "des.cmd" le. 2. What are the tasks of the various devices of the test bench (the capacitor CCL and the diode DCL were introduced on basis of numerical convergence problems, so they are negligible)? 3. How should be the time characteristics of the source in order to get a useful measurement of the device? 4. Program the network according Figure 8.6! The nodes and names of the components are dened and should be used. 5. Write a reasonable Solve -section! 6. Start the simulation!
Tasks Create by using Matlab, Tecplot and Inspect the following graphs: 1. Current and voltage behavior during switching on/o (Inspect) 2. Energy losses during switching on/o (Inspect) 3. Electric eld strengths in the device, at constant current (Tecplot) 4. Recombination eects/lifetime of charge carriers (Inspect) 5. Carrier concentrations as function of the current (Inspect) 6. Current density in the device (Tecplot)
script must be written itself, otherwise the operation of the simulation programs is the same. It is also possible to write the script directly in Dios, or rewrite without using ligament.
Tecplot Tecplot is a visualization program which illustrates additionally the data obtained by the simulation. Depending on the content of the loaded input data, diusion proles, potential proles, eld strength curves, etc. can be shown as cross sections of the device. To open, click in the interface of Genesis on Tecplot and to download the simulated results from Dios click on Datei\Importieren. Select the DF-ISE Loader and load the les and Figure 9.3 shows simulated doping prole of the device in two dimensions. The doping level is represented by the color. By a cut at any X position of the device the doping prole is shown as a graph. It is necessary that the X-position is within the device, in this case between 0 m and 10 m. For the cut, go to Tools \ISE TCAD Tools. Under Utilities\x-Normal Cut the X position for the cut has to be given. In addition, under Variables the types of impurities can be changed.
Tasks 1. Calculate with the help of Ligament and Dios the diusion times t1473k at 1200 C to achieve, at the desired depth of the gate. Compare t1473k with diusion times at 1000 C and 1350 C. 2. What problems occur at 1350 C?
10 Experiment 4: Clean room and safety introductions, start of thyristor fabrication; substrate preparation and doping
The Central Laboratory is located in the Otto-Blumenthal Str. 3 next to the Walter Schottky Haus. Here all the experimental work will be done. First there will be an introduction into the safety and behavior in a clean room. At the beginning you will receive a batch card. This is a kind of schedule including all fabrication steps. In this card the process status of each step has to be documented. For dierent deposition/diusion processes (Chapter 3.1 and 4) there are specic boats used. Table 10.1 shows for which process which boat is used: identier boot name WQE03312204-001 BN - HT process name bn-depo.prz Reaktiv.prz WQE03312204-002 phosphorus ph-depo.prz WQE03312204-004 BN-975 depo_975.prz LTO&DIFF.prz LTO.prz Table 10.1: List of available boats for the dierent diusions processes.
10 Experiment 4: Clean room and safety introductions, start of thyristor fabrication; substrate preparation and doping
In Figure 10.1 the junction depths are shown as a function of the deposition temperatures. There have been various measurements performed and then extrapolated with Matlab. The temperature was varied, therefore the diusion process for all deposition temperatures is the same.
60 55 50
Junction Depth in m
Measured Model Polynomisch (Measured)
45 40 35 30 25 20 800
Temperature in C
Figure 10.1: Junction depth as function of deposition temperature The graph in Figure 10.2 shows the boron concentration of the anode as a function of the deposition temperature. It was measured after the diusion, without changing the diusion process. This graph results from the measurement of the sheet resistance and from the direct comparison with the Irvine curves. Remark Take into account that the diusion process is variable. Furthermore, it can be assumed that the surface concentration is independent of the diusion process.
10 Experiment 4: Clean room and safety introductions, start of thyristor fabrication; substrate preparation and doping
1,00E+17 800
Deposition Temperature in C
Figure 10.2: Surface concentration as function of deposition temperature after diusion Tasks: 1. Perform a standard cleaning according to the batch card. 2. Determine from the Figures 10.1 and 10.1 the required deposition temperature. Consider the remark! 3. Perform the gate and anode deposition.
Figure 11.1: Customized sample mount with sample (left) and polishing tool (right). The oxide layer (insulating layer) is very important to separate the gate and the anode area. The oxide layer is deposited on the whole substrate (see Figure 4.3, starting at number 4). Afterwards it is patterned that and covered completely with aluminum. Because it take too long if the whole work is done in here, the etching and cleaning step between the oxide layer and the metallization is not done here. Tasks 1. Measure the sheet resistance of the gate of one wafer and determine the doping level! 2. Perform a standard cleaning for the remaining wafer. 3. What happens to the wafer if they have not been processed for a longer time?
11 Experiment 5: Four-point, diusion depth, oxide layer growth and metallization 4. Dice a wafer and wafer dummy into equal squares! 5. Prepare the pieces for the polishing process! 6. Grind the pieces of the wafer/dummy wafer!
7. Treat the polished surfaces with HF under UV light! What change occurs on polished surface? 8. Describe the principles of the oxide layer growth!
15 Experiment 9: Presentation
This student laboratory will be nished with a presentation prepared by each group. The groups will be informed about topic of the presentation.
List of Figures
1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 6.1 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 9.1 9.2 9.3 Applications elds of power devices [ISEA] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PNPN structure of a thyristor [ISEA] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Space charge regions with the corresponding I-V-characteristics for a) reverse, b) blocking, c) conducting [ISEA] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Switching of the thyristor at suciently high reverse current in the forward mode [ISEA] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The four layer structure of the thyristor replaced by two transistors. Right image shows the equivalent circuit diagram of a thyristor as a pair of tightly coupled bipolar junction transistors.[ISEA] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Structure of four-layer sequence of a thyristor including the contacts . . . . . Diusion behavior for innite (left) and nite (right) dopant source [Zim] . . Photomask for thyristor process (right) and dierence of positive and negative resist (right) [Zim] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Etching process by SF6 and O2 [Zim] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principle of the four-terminal sensing [Zim] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irvine curves for dierent dopants and doping proles . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fully loaded wafer boat without source discs (left) and schematic side view of wafer boat with Si-wafers and source disks (middle and right) . . . . . . . P-N junction (left) and four-layer structure (right) after diusion process . . Fabrication steps of a GCT [Zim] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acid burn with HF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosssection of the Simulated GCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creation of a project in TCAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To start MDraw it has to be introduced into the simulated process The shape and dimensions of the structure to be created . . . . . Setting of the substrate background carrier concentration . . . . . External circuit of the DUT during the simulation . . . . . . . . . Generated curve with code from Table 8.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 5 6 8 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 20 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 37 38 39 41
Main window of Family Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Furnace process simulation in Ligament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Doping prole simulated by Tecplot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of Figures 10.2 Surface concentration as function of deposition temperature after diusion . 11.1 Customized sample mount with sample (left) and polishing tool (right). . . .
50 42 43
List of Tables
3.1 8.1 8.2 Chemical reaction during the etching process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tool overview in Doping-mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Example Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 31 34 40
[MiCh1] MicroChemicals: Lithographie, Theorie und Anwendung von Fotolacken, Entwicklern, tzchemikalien und Lsemitteln., MicroChemicals GMBH, Ulm, Deutschland, 2007 Bayrische Gemeindenfallversicherungsverband Hchste Vorsicht beim Umgang mit Flusssure!, http : // 7.pdf
[Vollmer] Dr. Michael Vollmer: Flusssure - Fluorwassersto !, http : //www1.tu v/a/info/vollmer.ppt [MiCh2] MicroChemicals: Substratreinigung und Haftvermittlung, http : // _haftung_fotolack.pdf Josef Lutz: Halbleiter- Leistungsbauelemente, Springer Verlag, Berlin 2006, Deutschland ISEA: Bauelemente Nachdruck zum Vorlesungsskript aus dem Sommersemester 2005, ISEA, Aachen, Juni 2007 Jella Zimmermann: Design, Simulation und Prozessaufbau einer DUAL-GCT Struktur, ISEA Diplomarbeit, Aachen, Mrz 2009 Michael Bragard: Entwurf und Realisierung eines DUAL-GCT Hochleistunghalbleiters, ISEA, Aachen, Oktober 2006