JTF GTMO Water Safety App W Exh
JTF GTMO Water Safety App W Exh
JTF GTMO Water Safety App W Exh
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Edelspn Mark K CAPT NAVFAC SE Qperntjpns Cpnley. Anthpny M CDR 0-5 USN GIMO; Merrill Lee E cry USN GTMO; Geertsema Cameron J CDR NAVFACSLllS.tll; LeNpir Bub cry NAVFAC Southea:;t AMBUARE; Cervasjp Ernnk C CDR NAVFAC SE IPT SA; Glass.. Scott A CIY NAVEAC SE; Knox John Loy NAVFAC Sputhea:;t. OPS EW: Gitrno Legal Offices Monday, October 22, 2012 1:08:56 PM Cppy of Bldg AV29 xls.xls xis Servjce call Request IAQ Bldg AY29 (Rodent and Sanjtatjool dpc doc doc SC for rodents AY29 PDF. PDF. POE INDOOR AIR OUAL,TIY AND MOLD REEVALUAUON--OMC-AV29C061H-2314l pdtpdf pdf.pdf SPEGAL IH SURVEY REPORI--OMC--AV29.pdf pdf pdf pdf SpEGAL IH SURVEY--OMC--AV29--ENCLOSURE 3 pdf pdf pdf pdf AY-29 Property Recprd Card pdf AV-29-ipg
Team, This is what I pushed to the CO to answer the Admiral's additional questions. He knows it's in his box, but is driving now. Appreciate GTMO's assistance on this. I am certain there will be more to follow. Including attachments for others' use. V/R, Mark K. Edelson, P.E. CAPT, CEC,USN Operations Officer NAVFAC Southeast Desk: (904) 542-6614 Cell: (904) 482-8055
-----Original Message----From: Edelson, Mark K CAPT NAVFAC SE, Operations Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 12:47 To: Kiwus, Chris H CAPT NAVFAC SE, 00 Cc: Hurst, Scott L CAPT NAVFAC SE, 09; Knox, John L CIV NAVFAC Southeast, OPS Subject: RE: Gitmo Legal Offices Skipper, Below provides additional insight on the Commissions' admin facility at GTMO. Admiral, Prior to our follow-on discussion regarding the Commissions' facility at NAVSTA GTMO, AV-29, I wanted to provide additional background. The facility was built in 1942 and used as a dental clinic until JTF took over the facility in December 2001. JTF-GTMO (SOUTHCOM) is the maintenance UIC and has controlled the space for the past 11 years. The Office of Military Commissions (OMC) started using the facility in July 2007. Recent condition rating was 72, as of 25 JUN 12, and configuration rating was 100, as of 9 SEP 09. OMC utilizes the space on an intermittent basis, dependent upon the schedule of commissions. A total of 127 service calls have been placed since June 2007, ranging from changing light bulbs to building envelope repairs (e.g. windows, roofs). No comprehensive renovation or maintenance was accomplished when the facility changed from 60 years as a dental clinic to legal office spaces, although space reconfiguration occurred. This may partially explain the inadequacy of the HVAC system for its present demands. OMC works through JTF ENG on all facility related matters. JTF ENG manages the facility and identifies, prioritizes, and funds work in the OMC facilities. NAVFAC provides support as requested, when JTF ENG or their attached Air Force PRIME BEEF maintenance team are unable to meet OMC's needs. PWD GTMO does provide the PAR services on BOS work in the facility.
Exhibit C
The facility has been on the BOS contract continuously. Work is done subject to facility availability (OMC controls entry into the facility and various parts of the facility, e.g. second deck). Firm fixed price services on the facility include: - SRM (service calls) - Fire Protection SRM - Janitorial - restroom cleaning 5x/week, 2x/week floor sweep/dust mop/damp mop/vacuum carpet - Refuse - empty 6 CY dumpster 4X/week -Grounds maintenance- primarily between AV29 and AV32 - HVAC system maintenance as part of the Integrated Maintenance Program Industrial Hygiene, USNH-GTMO, performed an indoor air quality (IAQ) study on 24 SEP 12 based on concerns raised at that time by OMC and the JTF. On the same day, JTF ENG placed a service call for extermination of any rodents in the facility. Execution of service call began on 25 SEP 12 with the placement of traps and determination of entry points into the facility. After the service calls and HVAC cleaning, IH performed a re-evaluation of the facility, which deemed the facility safe for use. I have attached a variety of reference material on the facility including a listing of service calls, the service calls related to rodents, IAQ study, property record card, and a picture of the facility.
V/R, Mark K. Edelson, P.E. CAPT, CEC,USN Operations Officer NAVFAC Southeast Desk: (904) 542-6614 Cell: (904) 482-8055
-----Original Message----From: Morton, Douglas G RDML NAVFAC Lant, 00 Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 18:56 To: Kiwus, Chris H CAPT NAVFAC SE, 00 Cc: Gibbs, Bob J CAPT NAVFAC LANT, VICE CDR; Morris, Grant CAPT NAVFAC Lant, OP; Edelson, Mark K CAPT NAVFAC SE, Operations Subject: Re: Gitmo Legal Offices Thanks Chris. Bothered by how this can happen. Would like to understand the relationship between PWD and the JTF legal team (or the JTF at large). Do we have too few staff? This kind of event damages our name and those lawyers will talk - nothing good I'm sure. I have high expectations for all of our PWO's regardless of funding shortfalls. Would like to discuss in a few weeks when I'm back from DC/Annapolis.
Doug ------Original Message-----From: Kiwus, Chris H CAPT NAVFAC SE, 00 To: Doug Morton Cc: ROBERT GIBBS Cc: Grant CAPT COMFIRSTNCD N5 Morris Cc: Mark CDR NAVFACHQ NEPO Edelson Subject: RE: Gitmo Legal Offices Sent: Oct 19, 2012 5:13PM Admiral, Basic facts are true. The offices had mold and rat droppings. JTF-GTMO took the lead to rectify; BOS did some of the work. Mold and duct work were cleaned, animal waste removed, holes in building sealed, instructions to residents not to leave food out. IH found