Unit 2 (Complete)
Unit 2 (Complete)
Unit 2 (Complete)
3) State the importance of costing in a modern economy. 4) Differentiate between Cost Accounting and Financial Accounting. 5) What are the major advantages of Cost Accounting to a manufacturing concern? 6) How can you instal a system of costing in a biscuit producing factory? What are the possible difficulties in installing such system?
7) "Financial Accounting procedures are generally designed to ascertain the periodic profit or loss, but there are important limitations and deficiencies in the system." Discuss.
8) How do Cost Accounting records help in the planning and control of business
operations of an enterprise?
Note : These questions will help you to understand the unit better. Try to write answers for them. But do not submit your answers to the University. These are for your practice only.
Components of Total Cost Cost Sheet Methods of Costing Types of Costing Let Us Sum U p Key Words Answers to Check Your Progress Terminal Questions
After studying this unit, you should be able to : e .define the term cost
e explain the concepts of cost unit and cost centre
classify costs describe the elements of cost e give a proforma of cost sheet and identify the components of total cost e describe different methods of costing and identify the industries to which each method is applicable.
In Unit 1 you have learnt about the nature and scope of costing, the difference between Cost Accounting and Financial Accounting, and the advantages of installing a costing system in an organisation. You learnt that costing is the technique and process of agcertaining cost;, In order to understand this process, one must gain. familiarity with certain concepts like cost, cost unit, cost centre, classification of costs, elements of cost and components of total cost. This unit mainly covers these aspects and gives a proforma of cost sheet prepared for ascertaining cost and profit of each product manufactured by an organisation during a particular period. This unit also discusses various methods of costing and identifies the industries for which each method is considered suitable.
(a) materials, (b) labour, (c) factory overheads, (d) administrative overheads, and (e) seIIing and distribution overheads. Cost is a wide concept. It does not give an exact meaning unless it is properly qualified. It is necessary, therefore, that both who ascertain cost and who use it as a base for certain decisions, interpret the meaing and contents of cost in a similar manner. The main characteristics of cost are :
1) The term 'cost' is not complete unless it is fully identified with its nature and category.
2) Costs do not represent the same contents under every situation. 3) No c o ~ is t true, exact or accurate. It is a flexible concept; it does not mean the same thing under all circumstances.
4) Cost may be ascertained in different ways by different persons.
We often come across a wide variety of costs. Unless we are fully familiar with their meaning and utility, we may not be effective in their computation, analysis comparison and control. There are various bases according to which costs have been c1,assified. These are (1) according to functions to which they relate,.(2) accordtng to their identifiabilit) with jobs, products, or services, (3) according to their variability with changes ih output, (4) according'to their association with product, or period, (5) according to and (6) according to their relevance to decision making. The first their controllabi~it~, three bases are considered important at the introductory stage and., therefore, havi been discussed here in detail.
Distribution Costs : Distribution costs are those costs which are incurred on despatch ~f the finished products to customer including transportation. Some examples of such 30sts are : packing, carriage, insurance, freight outwards, etc.
............................................................................................. ............
3) Give three examples of semi-variable cost!;.
State whether the following statements are True or False. i) Costs may be ascertained in differeht ways by different persons. ii) The term 'cost' has a fixed, certain and definite meaning. iii) Rent of a factory building is a variable cost. iv) Salesmen salary is a fixed cost. v) All factory expenses can be identified directly with the prpducts manufactured by a factory. vi) Bad debts are selling costs.
You know one of the main functions of costing is to ascertain cost per unit of output. This means that each economic activity has to be measured in identifiable units which may serve as the basis of costing. Such units for the purpose of costing may be as follows : 1) unit of product (e.g., cost per book) 2) unit of time (e.g., cost of generating electricity per hour), 3) unit of weight (e.g., cost per kilogram of biscuits) 4) unit of measurement (e.g., cost per metre of cloth or per square foot of construction), 5) operating unit of scrvice (e.g., cost of running a bus per kilomcter). Thus, a &st unit is a unit of product, service or time in terms of which costs are ascertained or expressed. Cost unit will normally be the quantity of a product for which price is quoted to the customers. Selection of a cost unit, however, must be appropriate. Firstly, it sllould offer convenience in cost ascertainment. Secondly, it should be easier to associate expenses with cost units. Thirdly, it shoulcl be according to thc nature and practice of the business. Some examples of cost unit for .different products nnd services are given below ProductIActivity Cost Unit 7 per metre Wire Power per kilowatt hour Telephone per call Iron per tonnelquintal Transport per passenger per kilometer1 per kilogram per kilometer Bricks per thousand Cement per baglper torinc Paper per reamlper kilogram Computer per hour Printing pcr thousand impressions Cars per car
per litre per set per dozen per gramme per ship per bed per day
A Cost Centre is a location, person or item of equipment (or group of these) for which costs may be ascertained and used for the purposes of cost control. In other words, a cost centre may consist of either or a combination of the following : LOCATION : ~ a c / t o rOffice, ~, Warehouse, Stores, Sales Depot, etc. PERSON : Foreman, Salesman, Customer, etc. EQUIPMENT : Machine, Car, Truck, Crane, etc. In fact, the entire organisation may be divided into specified cost centres which jointly contribute to the total cost. Identification of cost centres helps us in 1) ascertaining the centre-wise costs, 2) comparing the centre-wise costs periodically, 3) finding out the major trends of variance, and 4) applying the techniques of control to check undue, undesirable or unexpected movements in costs. A cost centre is a convenient unit of the organisation. It segregates operations, demarcates activities, and distributes expenses. This helps in fixing responsibilities for every cost centre. Types of Cost Centres : Cost centre; may be divided into the following four types : 1) Process Cost Centre (based on sequence of operations) 2) Production Cost Centre (for regular production in a factory) 3) Operation Cost Centre (where various operations are involved in the production process) 4) Service Cost Centre (for activities supporting the main production) Thus, identification or selection of cost centres depends on the nature and type of industry,
1 E
Check Your Progress B 1) Match the cost unit appropriate to the activitylproduct. i) Transport a) per sq, centimeter b) per job ii) House Construction iii) Furniture c) per contract iv) Advertising d) per piece e) per ton kilometer v) Nursing Home f) per bed per day vi) Ice Cream vii) Shirt g) per kilogram 2) ~ e f i n e ' c o s Unit. t
Basic Concepts
There are three main elements of cost : (1) materials, (2) labour, and (3) expenses.
2.6.1 Materials
The term 'materials' refers to those commodities which are used as raw materials, co~nponents; or consumables for manufacturing a product. Materials can be direct or indirect. Direct Materials : All materials used as raw-materials or components for a finished product are known as 'direct materials'. Sugarcane for sugar, cloth for ready-made .garments, tyres for car are some examples of direct materials. Packaging'is also an item of direct materials cost. Indirect Materials : Consumables like lubricating oil, stationery, spare parts for machinery are termed as indirect materials. Such commodities do not form part of the finished product.
2,6.2 Labour
The workers employed fof converting material into finished product or for doing various odd jobs in the business are known as 'labour'. Labour can also be direct or indirect. Direct Labour : The workers who are directly involved in the production of goods are known as 'direct labour'. They may be labourers producing manually or workers operating machinery. The wages paid to such workers are known as 'direct wages' or 'manufacturing wages'. Indirect Labour : The workers employed for carrying out tasks incidental to production of goods or those engaged for office work and selling and distribution activities are known as 'indirect labour'. The wages paid to such workers are known as 'indirect wages'.
2.6.3 Expenses
All expenditure other than.materia1 and labour are termed as 'expenses'. Expenses can also be direct and indirect. Direct Expenses : Other expenses which are incurred specifically for a particular product, job or service are termed as 'direct expenses'. Some examples of such expenses are : carriage inwards, production royalty, hire charges of special equipment, cost of special drawings, etc. These are also known as 'chargeable expenses'. Indirect Expenses : All expenses other than indirect materials and labour which cannot be directly attributed to a particular product, job, or service are termed as 'indirect expenses'. Rent of building, repairs of machinery, lighting'nnd hcating. insurance are some 'examples of indirect expenses.
The various elements of cost have been presented in the form of a chart in Figure 2.1
Figure 2.1 : Elements of Cost
r 1 1
Concept of Overheads : All material, labour and expenses which cannot be identified as direct costs are termed as 'indirect costs'. he three elements of indirect costs viz., indirect materials, indirect labour and indirect expenses are collectively k'rtown i s 'Overheads' or 'Oncosts'. Overheads are grouped into three categories : (1) factory (or manufacturing) overheads, (2) office (or administrative) overheads, and (3) selling and distribution overheads as shown in Figure 2.2.
Figure 2.2 : Categories of Overheads
I Factory Overheads
Indirect ' T Materials ~ r e c Expenses t
Office Ovcrhcads
,lnd;+re.ct Materials
Indirect Labour
! i
Conversion Cost : The cost of converting raw materials into finished goods is termed as 'conversion cost'. This includes direct wages, direct expenses and factory overheads.
, 1
1) Direct Material Direct Labour + Other Direct Expenses = PRlME COST 2) Prime Cost + Factory Overheads = WORKS COST 3) Works Cost + Office and Administrative Overheads = COST O F PRODUCTION 4) Cost of Production + Selling and Distribution Overheads = TOTAL COST or COST O F SALES L
Prime Cost Factory Cost Factory Overheads Overheads Selling & Distribution Ovcrhyads
Cosl of
B d c Concepts
Thus, we get the following components of total cost: 1 ) Prirtte Cost (also known as Direct Cost or First Cost)
2) Works Cost (also known as Factory Cost) 3) Cost of Production (also known as Office Cost) 4) Cost of Sales
Check Your Progress C 1) Give four examples of other direct expenses.
2) Give four examples of indirect expenses.
3) Distinguish between direct and indirect wages.
4) Fill in the blanks. i) Direct Materials ......................f Other Direct Expenses = Prime Cost ii) Prime Cost ...................... = Works Cost
A Cost Sheet is a statement sl~owing various components of total cost which acts as a guide to pricing decisions and a basis for cost control.
It is a presentation qf cost data incorporating its various elements in u classified manner. In view of its valuable contents, a cost sheet should be prepared properly. and at frequent intervals (weekly or monthly). Possible information which may be incorporated into a cost sheet in accordance with the requirements of tile business are :
1) 2) 3) 4)
5) 6) 7)
Name of the product cost centre or cost unit Period to which the statement relates Output for the period Details of varioi~s components of total cost Item-wise cost per unit Changes in stock position Cost of goods sold Profit or loss position
Figure 2.4 : Proforma of Cost Sheet
, ,.
COST SHEET OF ................................ for the month ending ........................... ..: Output : .........................units
Total Rs.
Raw Materials Consumed Opening stock of.raw materials Add : Purchases of raw materials
' _
Direct Labour
Factory Overheads
COST OF PRODUCTION (...........units) ~ d:d Opening Stock of Finished Goods (............units) Less : Closing Stock of Finished Goods (............ units) COST OF GOODS SOLD (............ units)
Look at Illustration 1 and see how cost sheet is prepared from given costing data.
Illustration 1 From the folIowing particulars of a manufacturing firm, prepare the Cost Sheet showing (i) Prime Cost, (ii) Works Cost, (iii) Cost of Production, and (iv) Cost of Sales.
Rs. Stock of materials on 1.1.1989 Purchase of Materials
Stock of finished goods on 1.1.1989 (5,000 units) .Productive wages Finished goods sold (1,74,000 units) Works overheads Office expenses Selling and Distribution expenses Stock of materials on 31.12.1989 Stock of finished goods on 31.12.1989 (6,000 units)
Before preparing the Cost Sheet, we should work out the number of units produced during the year,
Barlc Concepts
Closing Stock Number of units sold Less : Opening Stock Number of units produced COST SWEET for the year ending 31.12.1989 Output : 1,75,000 units Total Raw Materials Consumed : Opening Stock Add : Purchases Less : Closing Stock Direct Wages Other Direct Expenses PRIME COST Works Overheads WORKS COST Office Overheads COST OF PRODUCTION (1,75,MM units) Add : Opening Stock of Finished Goods (5,000 units) Less : Closing Stock of Finished Goods (6,000 units) Cost of Goods Sold (1,74,MXl units) Selling and Distribution Overheads COST O F SALES PROFIT SALES Per Unit
Though, in all cases, the basic principles and procedure of costing remain the same, but on account of the nature and peculiarities of their business, different industries follow different methods of ascertaining cost of their products and services. These methods can be sumqarised as follows : Job Costing : Under this method, costs are ascertained for each job or work-order separately. It is suitable for industries like printing, car repairs, foundries, painting and decoration, where each job has its own specifications. Contract Costing : This method is used in case of big jobs described as 'contracts'. The contract work usually involves heavy expenditure, stretches over a long period, and is undertaken at different sites. Hence, each contract is treated as a separate unit for purposes of cost ascertainment and control. Contract costing (also termed as Terminal Costing) is most suited to industries like ship-building, construction of buildings, roads and bridges. ~ a t c Costing h : Where work-orders are arranged in batches and the units produced in a .batch are-uniform in nature and design, each batch is regarded as a job and treated as a separate unit for purposes of costing. In such a situation, the method of costing adopted is known as 'batch costing.' It is generally used in industries like pharmaceuticals, bakery, toy manufacturing, etc. Unit Costing : Under this method costs are ascertained for convenient units of output. I t applies to products which are turned out by continuous manufacturing activity and can be expressed in identical quantitative units. It is suitable for industries like brick ,
making, mining, cement manufacturing, dairy, flour mills; etc. This method is also 'Single Output Costing'.
Process Costing : In case of some industries, a product passes through different stages of production called 'processes' and each process is distinct and well-defined. The output of each process is used as a raw material for the next process and may also be a marketable commodity. Take the case of cotton textile mill where the finished product (cloth) passes through three distinct processes viz., spinning, weaving and finishing. The output of spinning process is yarn which is used as a raw material for the weaving process and the output of weaving process (coarse cloth) is transferred to finishing process. Yarn and coarse cloth can also be sold to other textile mills which may not have adequate spinning or weaving facilities. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to ascertain the cost at each stage. This helps in comparing cost with the market price as well as in cost control. The method employed for ascertaining the cost at each stage of production is termed as 'Process Costing'. It is used in case of chemicals, paints, textile and food products. Operating Costing : This method is used for ascertaining the cost of operating a service such as bus, railways, water supply, nursing home, etc. In such organisations, the unit of cost is a service unit e.g., in case of buses the unit of cost is passenger kilometer, in case of nursing home it is per bed per day. According to the latest Terminology, this is called 'Service Costing'. Multiple Costing : Where a produce comprises many assembled parts (or components) as in cases of motor car, typewriter, television, refrigerators, etc., costs have to be ascertained for each component as well as for the finished product. This may involve use of different methods of costing for different components and so it is known as 'multiple' or 'composite' costing. Uniform costing : The practice of using a common method of costing by a number of firms in the same industry is known as 'Uniform Costing'. Thus, it is not a separate method of costing. It simply refers to a common system using agreed concepts, principles and standard accounting practices. This helps in making mter-firm comparisons and fixation of prices.
It should be noted that the two basic methods of costing are : (1) Job Costing, and (2) Process Costing. The other methods discussed above are simply variants of these two methods. check Your Progress D
2) Which.method of Costing would you recommend for the following industries? i) ship-building ...................... ii) Toy Making ......................
Bsric Concepts
Marginal Costing : It refers to the technique of costing which emphasises the distinction between fixed and variable costs and calculates the cost of a job or a product without taking fixed costs into account. It allocates only variable costs (direct materials, direct labour, other direct expenses and variable overheads) to production and is also known as 'Variable Costing'. Absorption Costing : It refers to the technique of costing under which full costs are charged to production i.e., both fixed and variable costs are included in the cost of products. Historical Costing : It refers to a system of cost accounting under which costs are ascertained only after they have been incurred. In other words, the accounting is done in terms of actual costs and not in terms of predetermined or standard costs. Most organisations follow this system of accounting for costs. Standard Costing : It refers to the system of cost accounting under which costs are determined in advance on certain predetermined standards. These are known as' standard costs which indicate the level of costs that should be attained under a given set of operating conditions. The standard costs are compared periodically with the actual costs and underlying causes for variances are analysed so that corrective action may be taken where necessary.
Thus, having adopted a method of costing suited to the nature of activity in which the undertaking is engaged, there is then a choice open with regard to the way in which the costing information is to be presented for control.purposes. Either 'marginal costing' o r 'absorption costing' may be employed and either 'actual costs' or 'standard costs' may be adopted to ascertain and account for costs.
Cost ascertainment is an important process of accounting. Cost means an amount of expenditure (actual or notional) incurrcd or attributable to a product, job, process, or service. Cost is a flexible concept. It may vary with time, volume, firm, method or purpose. It should also be distinguished from the tcrnl 'loss' which refe s an expenditure incurred without deriving any benefit therefrom. to which they relate, Costs can be classified in various ways. On the basis of functio~~s costs are classified into manufacturing costs, adniinistrativc costs, and selling and distribution costs. On the basis of their identifiability with products, costs can bc classified into direct costs and indirect costs. On the basis of their variability in relation to nature of output, costs can be classified into fixed costs, variable costs and semi-variable (or semi-fixed) costs. The two concepts which serve as the basis for cost computation are : (i) cost unit, and (ii) cost centre. Cost unit refers to that quantity of a product in terms of which costs are ascertained e.g., per kilogram, per dozen, per piece, etc. Cost centre refers to the division of organisation into convenient segments with defined responsibilities to which initial allocation and apportionment of various costs can be made and which can be used for the purpose of cost control. It can be a department, a person or an item of equipment. 'There are three basic elements of cost : (i) materials, (ii) labour, and (iii) expenscs. They may be direct or indirect. Indirect costs including indirect materials, indirect labour and indirect expenses are known as 'overheads'. Ovcrheads are usually classified into factory overheads, office overheads, and selling and distribution overheads. The main components of total cost are prime cost, works cost. cost of production and cost of sales. These are actually the stages to determine the total cost and lacilitate control. There are various methods of costing. These are (i) job costing, (ii) contract costing, (iii) batch costing, (iv) unit costing, (v) process costing, (vi) operating costing, (vii) multiple costing, and (viii) uniform costing. Every organisation xiopts the method which suits the nature of its products and the technique of production ilscd.
.. 26
B 1
D 2
(i) e (ii) c (iii) b (iv) a Cv) f (vi) g (vii) d (i) Direct Wages (ii) Factory Overheads (iii) Cost of Production (iv) Factory Overheads, Office overheads, Selling and Distribution Overheads (i) Contract Costing (ii) Batch Costing (iii) Process Costing (iv) Process Costiilg (v) Unit Costing (vi) Contract Costing (vii) Operating Costing (viii) Job Costing ,
2) Why do we need to qualify 'cost'? Discuss. 3) "Costs may be classified according to their nature and characteristics." Elaborate on this statement and clarify the meaning of fixed, variable and semi-variable costs with examples.
4) what are the different methods of costing? State the industries to which they can be applied.
5) State tlie main characteristics of the following methods of costing and indicate in which industry each would be suitable : a) Process Costing b) Job Costing c) Output Costing .
Besic Concepb
Office Expenses Materials Selling Expenses Distribution Expenses Sales Output Number of units sold
1,500 units
You are required to compute : a) Prime Cost b) Works Cost c) Office Cost (Cost of Production) d) Total Cost e) Cost per unit f) Profit during the period g) Profit per unit
Note : These questions will help you to understand the unit better. Try to write answers for them. But do not submit answers to the University. These are for your practice,only.
Basic Concepts
Nature and Scope Concept of Cost and its Ascertainme~lt
Classi'fication and Dist~.ibutionof Overheads Absorption of Factory Overheads Treatment of other Overl~eads
Methods of Costing
UniL Costing l<ecorlciliation of Cost and Financial Accou~its