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PGDCA 2008-09


PT. RAVISHANKAR SHUKLA UNIVERSITY, RAIPUR (C.G.) SCHOOL OF STUDIES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER APPLICATION, 2008-2009 [DURATION - ONE YEAR - FULL TIME] The duration of the course shall be one year consisting of two semesters. There shall be three theories and two practical courses in the each semester. There shall be grading system of awards. PGDCA-101 PGDCA-102 PGDCA-103 PGDCA-104 Automation. PGDCA-105 : Practical based on PGDCA-102. PGDCA-101 INTRODUCTION TO SOFTWARE ORGANISATION 1. Introduction to Computers Computers Introduction, Computer System Characteristics, Strength and Limitations of Computer, Development of Computers, Types of Computers, Generations of Computers. Introduction to Personnel Computers Uses of PCs, Components of PCs, Evolution of PCs, Developments of Processors, Architecture of Pentium IV, Configuration of PCs; Input Device; Output Devices. 2. Computer Organization Central Processing Unit Arithmetic Logic Unit, Control Unit, Registers, Instruction Set, Processor speed. Storage Devices Storage and its need, Storage Evaluation Units, Primary Storage, Secondary Storage, Data Storage and Retrieval Systems, SIMM, DIMM, Types of Storage Devices. : : : : FIRST SEMESTER Introduction to software organization. Programming in C & C++. DBMS (SQL/Oracle). Practical based on PGDCA-103 & Office

3. Computer Software Basics of Software needs of Software, Types of Software; Free Domain Software; Open Source Software; Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler; Linker and Loader; Debugger; Integrated Development Environment; Operating System Introduction, Uses of OS, Functions of OS, Booting process, Types of Reboot, Booting from different OS, Types of OS, DOS, Windows, Linux. Programming Languages Introduction, Comparison between Human and Computer Language; Program; Data, Information and Knowledge; Characteristics of Information; Types of Programming Languages; Generations of Languages; Program Development Steps; Programming Paradigms; Object-Oriented Programming; Structured Programming, Functional Programming, Process Oriented Programming. 4. Communication, Networks and Internet

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Communication Introduction, Communication process, Communication Types, Communication Protocols, Communication Channels/Media. Networks Introduction; Types of Network; Topology; Media - NIC, NOS, Bridges, HUB, Routers, Gateways. Internet Introduction, Growth off Internet, Owner of Internet, Internet Service Provider, Anatomy of Internet, ARPANET and Internet History of World Wide Web, Services Available on Internet - File Transfer Protocol, Gopher, E-mail, Telnet, Newsgroups, WWW, Archie, Whols, WAIS, Veronica, Internet Relay Chat, Basic Internet Terminologies, Net Etiquette, Applications of Internet. Applications of Computers and Information Technology. 5. Linux Open source Software concept and evolution of Linux; Features of Multi-User Operating System; Structure of Linux OS; Security Features of Linux, File System, Directory Structure and related commands. Linux Editors & editor commands, Linux commands cd, md, rm, mv, cp, ls, cat, find, grep.

Books Recommended
1. Essentials of Information Technology - A. Mansoor, Prgya Publications : Williams T M Hill : Curtin T M Hill : Chetan Shrivastava_Kalyani : P.K Sinha BPB Pubications - V.Rajaraman - Sanders D.H - S.Jaiswal

2. Using IT 3. IT 4. Fundamental of Information Technology Publishers 5. Computer Fundamentals 6. Fundamental of Computer 7. Computer today 8. Information technology today 9. Linux Book by Red Hat

PGDCA-102 PROGRAMMING IN C & C++ 1. Introduction : Introduction Character set, Identifiers and Keywords, Variables, Displaying variables, Reading Variables, Character and Character String, Qualifiers, Type define Statements, Value initialized variables, Constants, Constant Qualifier, Operators and Expressions, Operator Precedence and Associativity, Basic input output: Single Character I/O, General Outputs, Types of Characters in format string, Scanf with specifier, Searchset Arrangements and Supression Character, Format Specifier for scanf.


PGDCA 2008-09


2. Control Structures & Functions Control Structure: If - statement, If -else statement, Multiway decision, Compound Statement, Loops: For - loop, While -loop, Do-While loop, Break statement, Switch statement, Continue statement, Go to statement. Functions : Function main , Functions accepting more than one parameter, User defined and library functions, Concept associatively with functions, function parameter, Return value, recursion comparisons of Iteration and recursion variable length argument list. 3. Arrays & Pointes Scope and Extent, Arrays, Strings, Multidimensional Arrays, Strings, Array of Strings, Function in String, Pointers: Definition and use of pointer, address operator, pointer variable, referencing pointer, void pointers, pointer arithmetic, pointer to pointer, pointer and arrays, passing arrays to functions, pointer and functions, accessing array inside functions, pointers and two dimensional arrays, array of pointers, pointers constants, pointer and strings. 4. Structure and Union Declaring and using Structure, Structure initialization, Structure within Structure, Operations on Structures, Array of Structure, Array within Structure, Creating user defined data type, pointer to Structure and function. Union, difference between Union and Structure, Operations on Union, Scope of Union. Dynamic memory allocation - Library function for Dynamic memory allocation, Dynamic Multi-Dimensional arrays. File : - Introduction, Structure, File handling, Functions file types, Unbuffered and buffered file, Error handling. Low level file Input- Output. 5. Introduction to C++ : Concept of Object Oriented Programming System. Characteristics of OOP Language, object class, advantages of OOPS over procedural oriented program, inline function, function overloading, creating class and object, constructor, destructor, operator overloading, Friend function, Inheritance. .

Suggested Books :1. Let us C 2. Programming in C 3. Mastering in C++ 4. Let us C ++ - Yashwant Kanetkar. - E. Balaguruswamy - Venugopal - Yashwant Kanitkar PGDCA-103

DBMS (SQL/Oracle)
1. Introduction To DBMS: -Purpose of database systems, views of data, Data Modeling, Database Languages, Transaction Management, Storage Management, Database Administrator and User, Database System Structure. 2 E-R Model: - Basic concepts, Constraints, Keys, Mapping Constraint, E-R Diagram, Weak and Strong Entity sets, E-R Database Schema, Reduction of an E-R Schema to Table.

3. Relational Model: Structure to Relational Database, Relational Algebra, The Domain Relational Calculus, Extended Relational- Algebra Operation, Modification of database, Views.

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Relational Database Design: - Pitfalls in Relational Database Design, Decomposition, Functional Dependencies, Normalization: 1NF, 2NF, BCNF, 3NF, 4NF, 5NF. Introduction to RDBMS Software - Oracle 5.1 Introduction: - Introduction to personnel and Enterprises Oracle, Data Types, Commercial Query Language, SQL, SQL* PLUS. 5.2 DDL and DML: Creating Table, Specify Integrity Constraint, Modifying Existing Table, Dropping Table, Inserting, Deleting and Updating Rows in as Table, Where Clause, Operators, ORDER BY, GROUP Function, SQL Function, JOIN, Set Operation, SQL Sub Queries. Views: What is Views, Create, Drop and Retrieving data from views. 5.3 Security: - Management of Roles, Changing Password, Granting Roles & Privilege, with drawing privileges. 5.4 PL-SQL/TSQL: Block Structure in PL-SQL/TSQL, Variable and constants, Running PL-SQL/TSQL in the SQL *PLUS, Data base Access with PL-SQL/TSQL, Exception Handling, Record Data type in PLSQL/TSQL, Triggers in PL-SQL/TSQL.


Suggested Books :
1. Data base system 2. Data Base Management System 3. An Introduction to Data base System 4. Data Base Management System 5. Data Base Management System : Korth & Silberschatz. : Alexies & Mathews : C.J. Date : Raguramakrishnan. : Elmasri & Nawathe.


PGDCA 2008-09


Note - Syllabus of Practical Exam - Office Automation is as follows, also the contents of PGDCA-103 should be included for practicals. 1. Windows 98/XP/2000

Windows Concepts, Features, Structure, Desktop, Taskbar, Start Menu, My Computer, Recycle Bin. Accessories : Calculator, Notepad, Paint, WordPad, Character Map. Explorer : Creating folders and other Explorer facilities. Object Linking & Embedding, Understanding OLE, Embed/Ling Using Cut and Paste, Object, Manage Embedded/Linked Object. Communication : Dialup Networking, Phone Dialer. Installation of various devices and Operating system like Windows/Linux. 2. Office S/W : Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Power Point & Outlook Express Word : Creating, Editing, & Previewing Documents, Formatting, Advanced Features, Using Thesaurus, Mail Merge, Table & Charts, Handling Graphics, Converting Word Documents into other Formats. Excel : Worksheet Basics, Creating, Opening, & Moving in Worksheet, Working with Formula & Cell referencing, Absolute & Relative addressing, Working with Ranges, Formatting of Worksheet, Graphs & Charts, Database, Function, and Macros. Power Point : Creating a presentation, Modifying visual Elements, Adding objects, Applying Transitions, animations and linking, Preparing handouts, presenting a slide show. Outlook Express : Configuring mail-Inbox, Outbox, Drafts, (To, Cc, Bcc); Understanding & maintaining address book/Contacts, POP, IAMP, calendar/scheduler. 3. Foxpro Preparing Database files, access & retrieval of records in a data base file, inserting & deleting of records. Programming preliminaries. Sorting & Indexing. Development of programs LOOPING, Branching, report making. 4. Tally Setting up Ledger & Groups. Study of recording of transactions in the Voucher. (According to Golden rules). Study of Final A/C preparation & displaying in different mode/format. Study of alteration & Deletion of ledger/Groups. Study of cash & fund flow, day book, sales register, purchase register, bills receivable/Payable etc. Study of data security & backing up data. Outline of entry for Income Tax, ED, VAT, ST/CST, PF, Gratuity, Bonus, Loans & Depreciation etc. [ Practical Exams to be conducted to test the proficiency of the candidate in each of the above syllabus-modules including the practicals based on PGDCA-103.]


PGDCA 2008-09



The duration of the course shall be one year consisting of two semesters. There shall be three theory and two practical course in the each semester. There shall be grading system of awards.

Second Semester : PGDCA-106

PGDCA-107: PGDCA-108: PGDCA-109: PGDCA-110:

: GUI - Programming in Visual Basic. Programming in Java. Electives 1. Essential of E -Commerce . Practicals based on PGDCA106 & PGDCA107 Project


1: Introduction to visual Basic Editions of Visual Basic, Event Driven Programming, Terminology, Working environment, project and executable files ,Understanding modules, Using the code editor window, Other code navigation features, Code documentation and formatting, environment options, code formatting option, Automatic code completion features. 2:Creating Programs Introduction to objects, Controlling objects, Properties, methods and events, Working with forms, Interacting with the user: MsgBox function, InputBox function, Code statements, Managing forms, Creating a program in Visual Basic, Printing. 3:Variable and Procedures Overview of variables, Declaring, Scope, arrays, User-defined data types, constants working with procedures, Working with dates and times, Using the Format function, Manipulating text strings. 4:Controlling Program Execution Comparison and logical operators, IfThen statements, Select Case Statements looping structures, Using DoLoop structures, ForNext statement, Exiting a loop. 5:Working with Controls Types of controls, Overview of standard controls, ComboBox and ListBox, OptionButton and Frame controls Menu, Status bars, Toolbars, Advanced standard controls, ActiveX controls, Insertable objects, Validation. 6: Error Trapping & Debugging Overview of run-time errors, error handling process, The Err object, Errors and calling chain, Errors in an error-handling routine, Inline error handling, Errorhandling styles, General error-trapping options Type of errors, Break mode Debug toolbar, Watch window, Immediate window, Local window, Tracing program flow with the Call Stack.

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7 Sequential and Random Files: Saving data to file,basic filling, data analysis and file, the extended text editor, Random access file,The design and codeing. 8 :Data Access Using the ADO Data Control Overview of ActiveX data Objects, Visual Basic data access features, Relational database concepts Using the ADO Data control to access data, Overview of DAO, RDO, Data Control, structured query language (SQL), Manipulating data Using Data Form Wizard. 9:Report Generation: Overview of Report, Data Report, Add groups, Data Environment, Connection to database Introduction to Crystal Report Generator. 10:Advances Tools: Overview of drag and drop, Mouse events, Drag-and drop basics, Date Time Control, Calendar, Print Dialog, MDI(Multiple Document Interface). BOOK RECOMMENDED: Mastering Visual Basic 6 Fundamentals Mastering in Visual Basic Introduction to VB Programming By Microsoft By BPB Publications. V. K. Jain


Programming In JAVA
Maxmarks-100 UNIT - I Introduction : Genesis of java, importance to the Internet, overview of features. OOP : OOP features, data types, control structures, arrays, methods and classes, nested & inner classes, string and String Buffer class, Wrapper Class, vectors, UNIT-II Inheritance : Basics type,, method Override, using abstract and final classes, using super. Packages and Interfaces : Defined CLASSPATH, importing packages, implementing interface. UNIT - III Exception Handling : Fundamental: exception types, using try and catch, throwing exceptions, defined exceptions. Multithreaded Programming : Java spread model, creating threads, thread priorities, synchronization. Suspending resuming and stopping threads. UNIT IV Input/Output: Basic Streams, Byte and Character Stream, predefined streams, reading and writing from console and files. Using standard Java Packages (lang, util, io)

PGDCA 2008-09


JDBC: Setting the JDBC connectivity with backend database. UNIT-V Applets : Fundamentals, life cycle, overriding update, HTML APPLET tag, passing parameters. Developing single applets. Introduction to AWT : Window fundamentals, creating windowed, programs waking with graphics, using AWT controls, menus. Delegation event model, handling mouse and keyboard events. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Java complete reference - by Patrick naughten & Mesut Scpddt. [TMH] 2. Java Primer - by E.Balaguruswami 3. Java Programming - Khalid Mughal

Essentials of E -Commerce

1. Introduction to Electronic Commerce The scope of E-commerce; Size, growth and

future projection of E-commerce market Worldwide and in India; Internet and its impact on traditional businesses; Definition of E-commerce; Business models in E Commerce environment; Case studies. Emergence of E-commerce - E-commerce on private networks, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), What is EDI, EDI in action, EDI basics, EDI standards, financial EDI, FEDI for international trade transaction, FEDI payment system within the US, ACH credit transfer payment system FEDI, application of EDI, benefits of EDI, Electronics Payment system, E-commerce on the web, E-commerce in India,

2. Internet, Security and E-Commerce: Security of Data/Information in Internet/web

environment; Client security, Network security; Virus protection and Hacking; Security Measures: Authentication, Integrity, Privacy, Non-repudiation; Public information, Private information, firewall tunnels, encryption, secret key encryption, public key encryption, digital signature. Case studies. E-commerce Payment Systems E-Commerce Payment Models: Pure and Hybrid E-Commerce Payment Models; Credit Card; Debit Cards; Pre-paid Card; Online debit to the accounts; and Alternative Payment Systems employing Electronic Clearing System of Reserve Bank of India. Case studies.
3. Businessto-Business (B2B), Business-to-Consumer (B2C); Business-to-Business-toConsumer (B2B2C) and Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) E-Commerce How E-Commerce

business practices differ from traditional business practices; Inter organizational transaction; Business transaction cycle, different types of transactions in E-commerce environment; Electronic markets, advantages and disadvantages of E-Market, Future of E-Markets; Inter- Organizational E-Commerce transactions; Advantages and Disadvantages of Inter-Organizational E-Commerce. Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce transactions; advantages and disadvantages of B2C E-Commerce transactions. Application of E-Commerce in India : Internet banking; Online Trading; E-Governance and E-Government etc. Case Studies. 4. HTML Basics & Web Site Design Principles

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Concept of a Web Site, Web Standards, What is HTML? HTML Versions, Naming Scheme for HTML Documents , HTML document/file, HTML Editor , Explanation of the Structure of the homepage , Elements in HTML Documents ,HTML Tags, Basic HTML Tags, Comment tag in HTML, Viewing the Source of a web page, How to download the web page source? XHTML, CSS, Extensible Markup Language (XML), Extensible Style sheet language (XSL), Some tips for designing web pages, HTML Document Structure. HTML Document Structure-Head Section, Illustration of Document Structure,<BASE> Element,<ISINDEX> Element,<LINK> Element ,META ,<TITLE> Element,<SCRIPT> Element ,Practical Applications, HTML Document Structure-Body Section:-Body elements and its attributes: Background; Background Color; Text; Link; Active Link (ALINK); Visited Link (VLINK); Left margin; Top margin ,Organization of Elements in the BODY of the document: Text Block Elements; Text Emphasis Elements; Special Elements -- Hypertext Anchors; Character-Level Elements; Character References ,Text Block Elements: HR (Horizontal Line); Hn (Headings) ; P (Paragraph); Lists; ADDRESS ; BLOCKQUOTE; TABLE; DIV (HTML 3.2 and up) ; PRE (Preformatted); FORM ,Text Emphasis Elements, Special Elements -- Hypertext Anchors ,Character-Level Elements: line breaks (BR) and Images (IMG),Lists ,ADDRESS Element, BLOCKQUOTE Element, TABLE Element ,COMMENTS in HTML ,CHARACTER Emphasis Modes, Logical & Physical Styles ,Netscape, Microsoft and Advanced Standard Elements List, FONT, BASEFONT and CENTER. 5. Image, Internal and External Linking between WebPages Netscape, Microsoft and Advanced Standard Elements List, FONT, BASEFONT and CENTER Insertion of images using the element IMG (Attributes: SRC (Source), WIDTH, HEIGHT, ALT (Alternative), ALIGN),IMG (In-line Images) Element and Attributes; Illustrations of IMG Alignment, Image as Hypertext Anchor, Internal and External Linking between Web Pages Hypertext Anchors ,HREF in Anchors ,Links to a Particular Place in a Document ,NAME attribute in an Anchor ,Targeting NAME Anchors ,TITLE attribute, Practical IT Application

Designing web pages links with each other, Designing Frames in HTML. Practical examples.
6. Creating Business Websites with Dynamic Web Pages Concept of static web pages and dynamic web pages, Introduction to scripting, Types of Scripting languages, Scripting Files, Client Side Scripting with VB/Jscript/JavaScript, Practical examples of Client side scripting. Identifying Objects & Events, and Creating & Implementing Common Methods, . Hosting & promotion of the web site, Domain Name Registration, Web Space allocation , Uploading / Downloading the website- FTP, cute FTP. Web Site Promotion Search Engines, Banner Advertisements.

Recommend Books
1. Business on the net - by Kamlesh N. Agarawala , Amit Lal & Deeksha Agarawal ( Macmillan India Ltd.). 2. Introduction to HTML by Kamlesh N. Agarwala, O.P.Vyas, Prateek A. Agarwala. (Kitab Mahal Publications). 3.. ASP Developers Guide by Greg Buczek (TATA McGraw Hill). 4. Information Technology Act 2000: www.mit.gov.in/it-bill.htm


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Online Resources
Indian Case Studies: URLs of some of the websites Indias first e-Commerce B2C e-tailer: www.fabmart.com Indias first online trading netpreneurs www.icicidirect.com Indias first alternative payment alternative: www.billjunction.com Indian online grocery establishments: www.fabmart.com; www.sangam.com; www.subiksha.com; and www.myfoodworld.com for example. India banks offering Internet banking services: www.icicibank.com; www.hdfcbank.com; www.gtb.com , for example.


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