Course Description For Real Estate Lending Seminar (REAL) : Federal Reserve Board
Course Description For Real Estate Lending Seminar (REAL) : Federal Reserve Board
Course Description For Real Estate Lending Seminar (REAL) : Federal Reserve Board
Participants must have completed Credit Risk Analysis School (CRAS) and preferably be a commissioned safety and soundness examiners or have equivalent experience from other regulatory agencies or state banking departments. There is a precourse reading assignment that requires approximately three hours to complete and a suggested reading assignment that requires approximately three hours to complete.
Course Overview
REL is designed to provide a systematic approach to analyzing real estate acquisition, development and construction lending facilities. This course reviews various types of real estate projects and the unique risks associated with each. Topics to be addressed include real estate underwriting standards, developer cash flow analysis, appraisals and appraisal policy guidelines, financing different types of real estate, real estate related accounting issues, problem real estate loan management, classification standards and issues and local economic conditions affecting real estate lending. REL is an interactive seminar, where participants are encouraged to share relevant experiences and contribute to classroom discussions and case studies.
Course Objectives
After completing this 4-day course, the participant, at a minimum, will be able to complete the following objectives.
Evaluate t h e most important risks inherent in common types of real estate projects. Determine critical due diligence requirements for various real estate loans, including environmental audits, project feasibility studies, plan and budget reviews and other relevant documentation. Differentiate t h e valuation methods and analyze the key elements of a real estate valuation, as well as determine whether the appraisal reports meet applicable System requirements.
Analyze the likely adequacy of real estate loan repayment sources, including those related to borrower, project and guarantor. [Page Break]
May 2009
Assess real estate loan policies to determine if they comply with relevant System policy statements and guidelines. Intervention
A f t e r c o m p l e t i n g R E L , t h e participant s h o u l d b e g i v e n o n - t h e - j o b a s s i g n m e n t s that will i n c r e a s e t h e r e t e n t i o n of t h e c o m p e t e n c i e s p r e s e n t e d d u r i n g c l a s s . S u c h o n - t h e - j o b assignments include the following examples. A n a l y z i n g the credit quality of v a r i o u s real estate loans. E v a l u a t i n g t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i v e p r a c t i c e s of a b a n k s r e a l e s t a t e l e n d i n g department.
Overview of REL Curriculum [Beginning of the table description: The following table has 3 columns and 17 rows: Column2A p p r o x i Column m a t e 3H o m e w o r k HeaderRow:Column1Subject Class Hours Hours
M a y 2009
Four days of this seminar are presented by professional instructors, provided through a contractual arrangement with Risk Management Association (RMA). RMA instructors provide a unique combination of real-world experience with professionally trained instructors. A Reserve Bank economist presents empirical evidence supporting the impact of regional and macroeconomic factors on the real estate industry, including both existing projects and proposed development. Board staff (policy development) present current and emerging supervisory policy issues relating to real estate lending activities. A senior Reserve Bank examiner, or a member of the course committee, acts as facilitator for the entire week reinforcing System supervisory policy statements and relaying practical examination perspectives on an as-needed basis during group work and classroom discussion. The facilitator also delivers a presentation on acquisition and development lending.
May 2009