CH 05
CH 05
CH 05
In this chapter, the author discusses ways in which information contained within financial
statements may be used to evaluate a company. The author discusses how financial
statements can be useful in (1) helping investors and creditors influence and monitor the
business decisions of a company's managers, and (2) helping to predict a company's future
earnings and cash flows.
The discussion on using the financial statements focuses on the elements of financial statement
analysis: (1) assessing the business environment; (2) reading and studying the financial
statements and footnotes; (3) assessing earnings quality; (4) analyzing the financial statements;
and (5) predicting future earnings and/or cash flows.
The author discusses ways to analyze a company’s financial statements (through ratio analysis)
and emphasizes the importance of comparisons across time and within the industry.
Comparisons within the financial statements are covered in detail and include (1) common-size
financial statements; (2) profitability ratios; (3) leverage ratios; (4) solvency ratios; (5) asset
turnover ratios; and (6) other ratios.
The chapter includes a thorough discussion on the limitations of financial statements and an
overview of financial statement analysis in an international setting. Appendix 5A contains a
framework designed to help in the analysis of ratios as a package (called the DuPont model). It
also describes the basics of cash flow analysis.
The ethics vignette considers four business practices in the internet world that are possible
violations of ethical business behavior.
The Internet research exercise directs the student to consider the usefulness of information
provided to analysts by financial information services.
1. Using financial accounting numbers to influence management decisions and predict future
B. Framework for using financial statements to predict future earnings and cash flows.
1. Equity investors use financial information to predict future earnings and cash
flows in their efforts to identify securities that will provide high returns.
3. Future cash flows are the heart of a company's true value, which is of interest
to both investors and creditors. The following three reasons can cause a
company's reported book value and true value to differ:
a) Business environment.
b) Unrecorded events.
c) Management bias.
1. Learn about the company, its industry, and how these relate to the overall
2. Other experts (Moody’s, Value Line, Dun & Bradstreet, Standard & Poors, The
Wall Street Journal) provide ready insight.
b) Taking a bath.
a) The value of human resources (i.e., human capital) is not included in the
financial statements.
F. Financial ratios.
2. Categories of ratios.
a) Profitability ratios.
b) Leverage ratios.
c) Solvency ratios.
iii) Dividing this ratio into 365 days indicates the number of
days, on average, that accounts payable balances remain
(1) Asset turnover ratios provide a measure of the speed with which
assets move through operations.
ii) Indicates the speed with which fixed assets are used up.
ii) Indicates the speed with which all assets are used up in
operations, aggregating the turnover measures of the
component assets in (a) to (c).
(3) Each turnover ratio can be converted to "days" by dividing it into 365
e) Other ratios.
Chapter 5
VI. Shareholder value, ROE, and cash flow analyses (Appendix 5A).
C. Shareholder value creation and the ROE model: Macy’s vs. Kohls.
Chapter 5
1. Operating performance.
2. Financial flexibility.
3. Liquidity.
1. Students must avoid getting bogged down in computing ratios and must understand what
the ratios mean. The purpose of each ratio should be thoroughly discussed and illustrated.
Further, it should be stressed that there are no “correct” formulas; the actual formula for a
ratio will vary depending upon the needs of the person performing the analysis.
2. Students often try to analyze a company using a single company’s ratios at a particular
point in time. It should be stressed that analyzing a company only makes sense across
time, across companies, or both.
1. Form groups (3–5 students) and select a “target” public company and a comparable
company in the same industry; obtain the annual reports and 10-Ks for both.
Compute the ratios covered in the text (summarized in Figure 5–3) for both companies for
as many periods as possible with the most recent reports. Prepare graphic presentations of
selected ratios.
Obtain and summarize two substantive articles on the “target” company from the financial
Obtain comparative market statistics for the companies selected, as well as for the entire
industry and the market as a whole.
Chapter 5
Use the information gathered to evaluate the target company as a candidate for (1) a short-
term loan; (2) a bond investment; and (3) an equity investment. Prepare a written report
and make an oral presentation to the class.
Submit the written report for instructor feedback before the final report and presentation.
Use the computer for all assignments—the internet to access annual reports, 10-Ks, market
data, etc.; programs for word-processing and spreadsheets for text, computations, and
graphic presentations.
2. Search the current financial press (The Wall Street Journal, Barrons, Fortune, Forbes, etc.)
for an article relating to a company that may have “managed” its financial statements.
Report your findings in writing and/or in a brief presentation to the class.
3. Obtain and read the Altman article on bankruptcy prediction referenced below. 1 Using the
financial statements in Appendix A, compute the Z-score (discussed in the referenced
article) for Wal-Mart and interpret the result in a written report.
4. Obtain and read the Giacomino-Mielke article on cash flow ratios referenced below.2
Using the financial statements in Appendix C, compute the nine ratios (presented in the
referenced article) for Google on a comparative basis for two years and evaluate the
165. The short term business plans of start-up companies normally recognize the fact that it
may take some time for a new venture to become profitable. Nevertheless, financial
accounting numbers are still as important for control and prediction for start up
companies as they are for established companies. Investors with appetites for high-risk
investments offering potential high returns are often attracted to start-ups. Investors'
interest in an unprofitable start-up will diminish if the anticipated revenues and cash
flows do not appear. Comparisons of planned to actual revenues and cash flows are of
major importance to start-ups because they demonstrate whether the plan to become
profitable is working or not.
166. The stock market is always forward-looking; it considers the future prospects in the
valuation of a company. Historical earnings are used to help predict future earnings and
cash flows. The marketplace considers the business environment in which companies
operate. Many companies such as, during the introductory phase of their
life cycle, reported losses which were not representative of their expected future profits.
In the introductory phase, companies generate new products and services through
E. I. Altman, “Financial Ratios, Discriminant Analysis and the Prediction of Corporate Bankruptcy,” The Journal
of Finance, September 1968, pp. 589–609.
Don E. Giacomino and David E. Mielke, “Cash Flows: Another Approach to Ratio Analysis,” Journal of
Accountancy, March 1993, pp. 55–58.
Chapter 5
research and development, develop markets through advertising and marketing, and
build capacity through capital expenditures. Costs associated with those efforts may
result in current losses, but lead the way to future profits and cash flows which speak to
the true value of the company.
166. Intellectual capital (intangible assets) drives many of today’s service and technology
businesses, which constitute an increasingly greater portion of our economy. Our
accounting model excludes the value associated with intellectual capital, simply because
it is not measurable in an objectively verifiable transaction. Some observers believe
traditional financial accounting sacrifices the relevancy of information about intellectual
capital in favor of objectivity and reliability. Our transactions-based accounting model
was designed years ago to measure tangible capital in an industrial-based economy,
and not intellectual capital in today’s knowledge-based economy. Consequently, the
book value of these companies has little relationship to their market values. The present
value of projected future cash flows usually provides a more relevant indication of the
price an investor would be willing to pay for an investment in a company having
significant intellectual capital. Time will tell whether Rupert Murdoch's opinion of value
was more correct than the market's. There has been much speculation about Murdoch's
motivations for offering such a premium for the stock in Dow Jones. Some of his motives
may not have been purely economic.
167. The present value of projected future cash flows provides relevant indication of the value
of an investment in a company. Predictions about future cash flows are outside the
scope of generally accepted accounting principles. GAAP is rooted in historical,
verifiable fact, where future predictions are only that – guesses about what may happen
in the future. Pro-forma numbers based on reasonable expectations are very useful but
need to be taken with a grain of salt.
168. Apple Computer's strategic shift toward providing services in addition to manufacturing
traditional hardware will, over time, result in a higher return on assets, more revenues
and expenses on the income statement, and better operating cash flows. If the growth
into the new areas can be accomplished without incurring debt or raising capital, Apple
should see improvements in earnings per share, debt to equity, return on equity as well.
170. Analysts are very much concerned with earnings persistence, which is the extent to
which an income statement item reported in the current period can be expected to reflect
future earnings. The “icing on the cake” represents significant one-time transactions,
such as Motorola’s gain on the sale of its automotive division, which may not be
expected to recur. The “cake itself” represents core earnings from operations which may
be more indicative of future earnings. An analyst is probably more interested in the net
income generated by the company’s recurring operations.
171. The term “aggressive accounting” suggests overstatement of revenues and assets
and/or understatement of expenses and liabilities. In other words, “aggressive
accounting” is the opposite of conservatism. Because the application of generally
accepted accounting principles necessarily involves a great deal of discretion and
judgment, it is often difficult to draw the line between that which violates GAAP and that
which conforms to GAAP. Accounting that flirts with the idea of defying this imaginary
line is what is meant by “aggressive accounting”.
Chapter 5
171. “Front loading expenses” is a form of “taking a bath” (see p 172). Expenditures that
benefit future periods are mis-matched against current revenues. This distorts current
year’s net income by making it look worse than it really is. Management hopes that by
not recognizing these expenses in future years, the financial statements for those years
will be improved. The Business Week article includes several examples including items
described in financial statements as “restructuring charges”, and write-offs of “in-
process” research.
172. “Earnings persistence” is an important concept that analysts use to refer to the extent to
which an income statement item reported in the current period, such as net income, can
be expected to relate closely to future income amounts and be useful in predicting them.
A company producing consistent levels of net income over a period of years is more
highly valued than an equally profitable company whose net income fluctuates wildly
from year to year because the market places a premium on predictability. Management
frequently uses it’s discretion to “smooth” earnings from one year to the next to make
them look less volatile. The most common areas for the use of management discretion in
financial reporting are areas where the numbers in the financial statements reflect
management’s estimates. Some examples include allowances for uncollectible
accounts, reserves for warranty costs, impairments of goodwill, contingent liabilities,
depreciation, and amortization.
172. Although the legal form of a lease commitment may indicate a rental transaction, the
lessee may take on enough of the risks and rewards of ownership, that the lease may in
substance be viewed as an asset purchase and related financing. In such a case, the
property right under the lease would be recorded as an asset, and the obligation would
be recorded as a liability. The income statement would reflect depreciation of the asset
and interest on the obligation, rather than rent expense. Issues involved with this
important example of off-balance-sheet financing are discussed in Chapter 11.
173. The information about the banks returning to the labor market to hire back laid off
investment bankers and traders would not have had a significant immediate impact on
their financial statements. Perhaps an increase in compensation expense would cause
net income to decline, but it would take some time for this to have an impact. More
significant is the message being sent to the market that the banks were targeting new
growth. This information would have already been available to the market and priced into
the future prospects for the banking industry, on the basis of the previously reported
return to profitability. If the market thinks this new growth and profitability is likely to
result in sustained success there may be a positive impact on the market price of banks'
stocks. A change in the stock price would not affect the financial statements.
176. Eli Lilly’s earning power has declined over this period. Return on equity, return on assets
and return on sales all went down during the three year period.
177. Both Eli Lilly’s long term debt ratio and capital structure leverage have decreased.
Because the percentage decrease in long term debt ratio was higher than the decrease
in the leverage, one might conclude that the relative amounts of long term debt, short
term debt and equity (as a percentage of total assets) have shifted away from long term
debt. In relation to total assets overall debt is down, and the biggest piece of that
decrease is in long term debt.
Chapter 5
178. Eli Lilly’s current ratio has declined, meaning solvency is decreasing. The interest
coverage ratio has decreased, meaning that the availability of funds to meet interest
expenses has declined. The slowdown in accounts payable turnover means that Lilly is
relying more on suppliers as providers of financing.
179. The increase in the number of days to collect accounts receivable means that Lilly’s
customers are taking longer to pay for their purchases. The reduction in the number of
days inventory on hand means that the inventory is moving through the operating cycle
faster. The decrease in the number of days to generate sales covering the cost of fixed
assets, means that fixed assets are lasting longer, not in terms of time, but in terms of
sales volume. The increase in the number of days for total asset turnover, means that
total assets are being employed less efficiently in terms of sales volume.
180. The chart indicates that the value of Lilly stock has performed poorly against its peer
group, but better than the S&P Index. All three groups have seen good growth since
2010, probably indicating improving general economic conditions in the market. Eli Lilly
took longer to rebound from the economic downturn in 2010 than its peer group.
181. Some of the variations in the ratios can be explained by the industry and type of
business. Some ratios are “NA”, that is, unable to be calculated because one of the
components of the ratio is less than zero. Kroger’s accounts receivable turnover ratio is
so much higher than Bank of America’s because: 1) Kroger’s terms with their customers
require them to pay for their purchases in a relatively short period of time, and 2) Bank of
America is in the business of lending money, so they are more willing in providing
financing to their customers and allow their customers a longer payment period for the
fees they are charged. Bank of America’s capital structure leverage is higher than the
other companies represented because they are the only bank represented. Banks
borrow money in the form of deposits, then turn around and re-lend their depositors’
money profiting on the spread between the rates they pay and the rates they charge.
Banks also derive significant revenue from fees. Most banks have no inventory.
Brief exercises:
BE5–1 M Analyzing financial statements
BE5–2 M Segment analysis
E5–1 E Analyzing financial statements
E5–2 E Analyzing financial statements
E5–3 M Analyzing financial statements
E5–4 H Computing ratios and preparing common-size financial statements
E5–5 M Solvency and ratios
E5–6 E Solvency and statement of cash flows
E5–7 M Solvency and ratios
E5–8 M Return on equity and inventory turnover
Chapter 5
E5–9 H Ratios and statement of cash flows--assessing solvency and earning power
E5–10 H Effects of transactions on financial ratios
E5–11 M Ratios as debt covenants
E5–12 E Examining market ratios over time
E5–13 H Ratios and the effect of transactions on return on equity
E5–14 M Segment analysis
E5–15 M Interpreting financial statement ratios
E5–16 M Interpreting financial statement ratios
E5–17 M ROE model
E5–18 M Projected financial statements
P5–1 E Computing ratios
P5–2 M Effects on financial ratios
P5–3 M Common-size financial statements
P5–4 H Comprehensive ratio analysis
P5–5 M Comparing companies on earning power
P5–6 H Analysing financial statements
P5–7 M Unusual items and financial ratios
P5–8 H Preparing the financial statements from financial ratios
P5–9 M Common-size financial statements
P5–10 M Comparing ratios to industry averages
P5–11 M Assessing the loan risk of a potential bank customer
P5–12 H Issuing debt or equity: effects on ratios
P5–13 H Preparing financial statements from financial ratios
P5–14 M Segment analysis
P5–15 H Analyzing an IFRS-based set of financial statements