DSD A112
DSD A112
DSD A112
Illinois is a leader in highway safety. Over the last decade, this state has produced
some of the toughest highway safety laws in the nation. As the leading traffic safety advocate for the state, my office has led the charge against drunk and distracted drivers. Illinois also has adopted some of the toughest drivers license standards for teen drivers.
My office has also adopted policies that have allowed the driving public to more easily access Secretary of State services. Hundreds of thousands of drivers and registered vehicle owners have utilized services on my offices website at www.cyberdriveillinois.com to renew their drivers license and license plates, register their information in the Emergency Contact Database or to join the Organ/ Tissue Donor Registry.
As Secretary of State, I continue to maintain the highest standards when it comes to traffic safety and public service in Illinois.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Illinois Drivers License ................................................................................2 Chapter 2: Drivers License Exams ..............................................................................11 Chapter 3: Drivers Under Age 21 (GDL) ......................................................................14 Chapter 4: Traffic Laws................................................................................................19 Chapter 5: Sharing the Road ......................................................................................35 Chapter 6: Driving Under the Influence (DUI) ............................................................42 Chapter 7: Traffic Violations/Crashes ........................................................................48 Chapter 8: Drivers License Revocation, Suspension, Denial, Cancellation ..............51 Chapter 9: Roadway Signs ..........................................................................................56 Chapter 10: Traffic Signals and Pavement Markings..................................................70 Chapter 11: Safe Driving Tips......................................................................................76 Chapter 12: Equipment for Safe Driving ....................................................................85 Chapter 13: Owning a Vehicle ....................................................................................88 Answers to Study Questions ......................................................................................92 Index ............................................................................................................................93 U.S. Department of Labor Hazardous Occupations Order #2 ....................................96 This edition of the Illinois Rules of the Road is as accurate as possible at the time of publication. The booklet contains information you must know to pass the written test on traffic laws and signs in order to obtain basic driving privileges. It includes information on obtaining a drivers license, drivers license laws, traffic safety issues and general information regarding Illinois traffic laws and ordinances. The language of the Illinois Compiled Statutes is condensed and paraphrased and does not cover every law or explain every possible situation that motorists may face while operating a motor vehicle. The manual also provides highway safety information not in the law. It is intended as a tool for drivers and should not be cited as a legal authority in court. Additional information and many forms are available at www.cyberdriveillinois.com.
Age Restrictions You must be at least age 18 to obtain an Illinois drivers license. The following exceptions apply: If you are age 16 or 17, you may receive your license if you successfully complete a state-approved driver education course, complete 50 hours of practice driving and pass the three parts of the drivers license exam. If a parent cannot accompany a minor to the facility, an Affidavit/Consent for Minor to Drive must be signed by a legal guardian or a responsible adult over age 21. For more information about obtaining a drivers license before age 18, see page 14. Drivers under age 21 are not allowed to drive any vehicle for-hire that is transporting more than 10 passengers, or drive a commuter van, religious organization bus, school bus, vehicle transporting senior citizens or child-care vehicle. Additional requirements You are required to carry your drivers license or permit with you when you drive. To obtain a license to operate a motorcycle or commercial vehicle, please refer to the Illinois Motorcycle Operator Manual, the Rules of the Road for Non-CDL Vehicles or the Commercial Drivers License Study Guide, available at any Secretary of State facility or at www.cyberdriveillinois.com. A driver must meet special requirements to operate a school bus (contact your local school district); religious organization bus; child-care vehicle; vehicle used in forprofit ride sharing; or vehicle used for senior citizen transportation. Please check with your employer, a local Driver Services facility, or call the Safe Ride Section of the Secretary of States office. Exemptions You may drive in Illinois without a valid Illinois drivers license under the following circumstances: If you have permanently moved to Illinois from another state or country, your non2
Illinois drivers license is valid for 90 days. You must obtain an Illinois license within that 90-day period or when the drivers license expires, whichever comes first. If you are visiting or driving through Illinois, you must have a valid drivers license from your home state or country. If you are an out-of-state student attending an Illinois college/university, you, your spouse and children may drive with a valid license from your home state or country. If you are on active duty with the U.S. Armed Forces, you, your spouse and children may drive with a valid license from your home state. If you have been serving in the U.S. Armed Forces outside the United States but are a legal resident of Illinois, you may drive during the first 120 days of your return with a military deferral license. If you are employed by the U.S. government or are a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, you do not need a valid Illinois license if you are on official business and driving a vehicle owned by or leased to the government. If you are operating a road machine temporarily on the roadway or operating a farm tractor between the farm buildings and nearby farmland, you do not need a valid Illinois drivers license.
Note: Driver Services facilities are closed on all state and federal holidays. Please check the hours of your facility before visiting. Facility phone numbers are available in the government listings in your telephone directory or at www.cyberdriveillinois.com.
Document/Identification Requirements
To receive an Illinois drivers license/ID card, you must provide acceptable forms of identification to prove your legal name, date of birth, Social Security number, residency and signature. Please refer to the Acceptable Identification Documents chart on page 6 for a list of documents that may be used. Please note the following: Signature comparison is required in the verification process. The number of documents required depends on whether an applicant is applying for a drivers license/ID card for the first time, or requesting a duplicate or corrected drivers license/ID card. One document may satisfy more than one group. New residents must surrender all Illinois or out-of-state licenses/ID cards and/or instruction permits prior to issuance of an Illinois drivers license/ID card. An applicant applying for a Temporary Visitor Drivers License is not required to present documents from Group C. Instead, the applicant must submit a letter on Social Security Administration letterhead with each application, issued within 90 days prior to the date of application, verifying ineligibility for a Social Security number.
First-time Illinois Drivers License/ID Card Applicant An applicant applying for a drivers license/ID card for the first time in Illinois must present: One document that satisfies each of Group A, B and C. Two documents that satisfy Group D (one document from Group D if applicant under age 5 is applying for an ID card). Duplicate/Corrected Drivers License/ID Card Applicant An applicant applying for either a duplicate or corrected drivers license/ID card must present: One document that satisfies Group A. One document that satisfies Group B, C or D (two documents from Group D if applicant is requesting an address change to appear on the document, unless applicant under age 5 is applying for an ID card). An applicant who requests a change in name, date of birth, Social Security number or gender must provide identification to link the change from the previous information to the new information. An applicant under age 60 whose license was stolen must present a police report to receive a duplicate drivers license/ID card at no cost. Persons over age 60 do not need a police report for a duplicate drivers license/ID card at no cost. Illinois Drivers License/ID Card Renewal Applicant An applicant renewing a current Illinois drivers license or ID card need only present his/her current valid drivers license or ID card if no changes are required. If the appli4
cant does not have his/her current drivers license or ID card or changes are required, he/she must present: One document that satisfies Group A. One document that satisfies each of Group B, C or D (two documents from Group D if applicant is requesting an address change to appear on the document).
NOTE: Holders of a Class D license may also operate rental vehicles up to 26,000 pounds when transporting their own personal property or that of an immediate family member for non-business purposes within the State of Illinois. The driver is required and should be provided information to successfully complete a safety course regarding the safe operation of that vehicle from the rental company.
Certain licenses can be issued under special circumstances: Probationary License Issued in conjunction with a driver improvement activity that grants full driving privileges during a period of suspension for drivers age 21 and over. The license may only be issued to a person suspended for three moving violations in a 12-month period and cannot be issued for more than three months. Restricted Local Drivers License Issued to drivers who live in communities with less than 3,500 residents and drive only within certain areas of the community.
Group C documents must contain the applicants name and full Social Security Number. If using an Illinois drivers license or ID record, the Social Security Number must have been previously verified with the SSA. An applicant applying for a Temporary Visitor Drivers License is not required to present documents from Group C. Instead, the applicant must submit a letter on SSA letterhead with each application, issued within 90 days prior to the date of application, verifying ineligibility for a Social Security number.
Group D Residency
(2 Documents Required)
Affidavit Certificate of Residency Bank Statement (dated within 90 days prior to application) Canceled Check (dated within 90 days prior to application) Certified Grade/High School/College/University Transcript Credit Report (issued by Experian, Equifax or TransUnion, dated within 12 months of application) Deed/Title, Mortgage, Rental/Lease agreement Insurance Policy (homeowners or renters) Letter on Official School Letterhead (dated within 90 days prior to application) Medical Claim or Statement of Benefits (from private insurance company or public (government) agency, dated within 90 days of application) Official mail received from a State, County, City or Village or a Federal Government agency (must include first and last name of applicant and complete current address), may include Homestead Exemption Receipt; Illinois FOID Card; Jury Duty Notice (issued within 90 days of application); Selective Service Card; Social Security Annual Statement; Social Security Disability Insurance Statement; Supplemental Security Income Benefits Statement; Voter Registration Card Pay Stub or Electronic Deposit Receipt Pension or Retirement Statement Phone Book, produced by a phone book publisher Report Card from Grade/High School or College/University Tuition invoice/official mail from college or university, dated within the 12 months prior to application Vehicle Registration Card Utility Bill (electric, water, refuse, telephone land/cell, cable or gas, issued within 90 days of application)
Group D documents must contain the applicants full residence address. Documents in Groups A, B or C, that contain the full residence address also may be used for Group D. One document from Group D is required for applicants under the age of 5 applying for an identification card. Presenting a Homeless Status Certification for a no-fee Identification Card meets Group D requirements.
After review of all identification presented, Secretary of State management has the right to accept or refuse any document.
Unacceptable Documents
Bond Receipt or Bail/Bond Card Business Card Check Cashing Card Club/Fraternal Membership Card College or University ID Card Commercially produced (non-State or unofficial) ID Card Fishing License HFS (Healthcare and Family Services) Card Handwritten ID/Employment Card Hunting License Instruction Permit/Receipt Insurance Card Library Card Personal Mail Temporary Drivers License Traffic Citation (Arrest Ticket) Video Club Membership Card Wallet ID Unlicensed Financial Institution Loan Papers
Standard Renewal To renew your drivers license, you must: Visit a Driver Services facility and present your renewal notice. Take the appropriate exam(s), if applicable. Pay the appropriate fee and have a new photo taken.
Upon payment and successful completion of any required testing, the Secretary of State will issue your new drivers license before you leave the facility. For more information on the vision, written or driving exam, see page 11.
Safe Driver Renewal The Safe Driver Renewal Program enables drivers with clean driving records to renew their drivers licenses from home and visit a Driver Services facility only once every eight years. Eligible drivers will receive a notice in the mail detailing how to complete the renewal process online, by phone or by mail. To be eligible for Safe Driver Renewal, a driver must:
Be age 22-74; Not hold a commercial drivers license (CDL) or school bus driver permit; Have no traffic infractions, sanctions, crash reports or medical report review requirements; and Have Social Security information verified through the Social Security Online Verification System. Safe drivers will receive their new license by mail. For more information, visit www.cyberdriveillinois.com.
Medical Report
When you apply for a drivers license, you will be asked about any physical or mental conditions that may potentially impair your safe operation of a motor vehicle, or any medications you use (prescribed or over-the-counter), drugs or alcohol that may impair your driving ability. In certain instances, you must provide a Medical Report completed by your doctor verifying your medical ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. The report must be presented to the Driver Services facility personnel within 90 days from the date the doctor signs it. The form is available at any Driver Services facility or at www.cyberdriveillinois.com.
If you develop a medical condition that is likely to cause a loss of consciousness or any loss of ability to safely operate a vehicle, you must notify the Secretary of States office within 10 days of becoming aware of the condition. Failure to do so may lead to cancellation of your drivers license and driving privileges.
Vision Screening
All applicants must have a vision screening or submit a Vision Specialist Report completed by a licensed optometrist, ophthalmologist or physician dated within six months of your facility visit. This form is available at your local Driver Services facility or at www.cyberdriveillinois.com. Vision requirements include: Minimum visual acuity of 20/40 with or without corrective lenses. Drivers with acuity between 20/41 and 20/70 are limited to daylight driving only. At least 140 degree peripheral vision (the ability to see to the side) with or without corrective lenses. If you wear glasses or contacts, a restriction will be noted on your license and you must always wear your glasses or contact lenses when operating a vehicle. If you wear telescopic lenses, you must meet special requirements and undergo additional vision testing to receive your license.
Written Exam
The basic exam requires you to: Identify traffic signs by shape, color or symbol. Identify signals and pavement markings. Answer multiple choice and true/false questions about traffic laws, safety rules, crash prevention and vehicle equipment. Exam requirements for motorcycles, trucks and buses vary. Please consult the appropriate operators manual for these types of vehicles.
Driving Exam
Any new driver may be required to take a driving exam in a vehicle representing the same size and weight classification as the drivers license for which they are applying. All drivers must take a written exam every eight years, except those having no traffic convictions. New drivers age 75 and older and any driver turning 75 or older who is renewing his/her drivers license must take a driving exam in a representative vehicle.
If you have a traffic crash or other moving violation on your driving record you may be required to take the written and/or driving exams. If you are age 18 or older and are driving for the first time, you may want to enroll in a community college or commercial driving school for adults. For more information, call your local community college or commercial driving school. To take a driving exam, the vehicle you provide must: Be a properly licensed vehicle equipped for the drivers license classification you are seeking. Comply with Secretary of State vehicle condition standards. Be properly insured. Proof of insurance must be provided prior to the exam. Display valid front and rear Illinois license plates and a valid registration sticker. If the vehicle is registered outside of Illinois, it must meet the registration requirements of the respective state. Be driven to the facility by a driver who has a valid drivers license/permit. Only the examiner is allowed to be with you during the exam. Children or pets are not allowed in the vehicle during the exam and cannot be left unattended in the facility while the driving exam is under way. If you need to bring children or pets with you, you must bring someone along to take care of them. During the driving exam, the driver and the examiner must wear safety belts, as required by law. You will automatically fail the exam if you violate any traffic law or commit any dangerous action while taking the exam. You will be graded on your ability to perform several driving tasks and maneuvers including the following: Start the vehicle by checking the vehicle controls, including the parking brake and mirrors. Make all adjustments to seats, safety belts, mirrors and other equipment before you move your vehicle. All the required equipment listed in Chapter 12 must be working properly. Back the vehicle approximately 50 feet at a slow speed, straight and smoothly. Turn your head to the right and watch to the rear as you back. Turn-about using an alley on the left side of the street. Turn your left signal on before turning into the alley. Back the car out of the alley and stay on your side of the street. Park uphill on the side of the road (see pages 29-30). Start uphill from a parked position (see pages 29-30). Park downhill on the side of the road (see pages 29-30). Start downhill from a parked position (see pages 29-30). Control your vehicle by obeying all traffic signs, controls devices, right-of-ways, lane markings and proper use of turn signals.
Special Services
The Secretary of States office provides the following special services for senior citizens, persons with disabilities and veterans: Free Rules of the Road Review Courses. License plates and parking placards for persons with disabilities. Reduced-fee license plate renewal fees for seniors age 65 and older and persons with disabilities who meet income criteria through the Circuit Breaker Program. For more information, contact the Illinois Department on Aging. Interpreter service for the deaf or hard of hearing when obtaining or renewing a drivers license. Please schedule interpreter services in advance by calling 217-5570044 or 888-261-5238 (TTY, NexTalk). As an Illinois drivers license/ID cardholder, you may register with the Illinois Emergency Contact Database. This database allows you to provide emergency contact information for law enforcement or emergency responders in the event of a crash or emergency situation. You also may provide information about special needs or disabilities. For more information, visit www.cyberdriveillinois.com.
gram by contacting the Secretary of States office. For more information on the requirements for this program, visit www.cyberdriveillinois.com. Upon successful completion of the classroom and behind-the-wheel portions of driver education through your local high school, the Secretary of States office will receive notification and add a notation to your drivers license record. After successful completion of a driving exam, you may be issued a Cooperative Driver Testing Certificate, which must be signed by the driver education instructor and the students parent/legal guardian. The certificate, which expires on the same day as the students current instruction permit and will not be extended, must be presented at any Driver Services facility at the time of drivers license application. Any student under age 18 who drops out of high school cannot have the notation indicating completion placed on his/her drivers license record unless: The instructor has written verification of enrollment in a GED or alternative program; The student has a GED; The student, prior to dropping out, received passing grades in at least eight courses in the previous two semesters; or The student has written consent from his/her parents or legal guardian and the regional superintendent. The local superintendent or chief school administrator may waive conditions deemed in the best interest of the student or dropout. Successful completion of driver education may be verified by accessing the Illinois State Board of Educations website at www.isbe.state.il.us/students.
Permit Phase Drivers Age 15 Nighttime driving restrictions Sun.-Thurs., 10 p.m.-6 a.m.; Fri.-Sat., 11 p.m.-6 a.m. (local curfews may differ). Permit must be held for a minimum of nine months. Must practice driving a minimum of 50 hours, including 10 hours at night, supervised by a parent or adult age 21 or older with a valid drivers license. Must not acquire any driving or underage alcohol convictions or court supervisions
during the nine-month permit phase. Number of passengers limited to one in the front seat and the number of safety belts in the back seat. All occupants must wear safety belts. Wireless/cellphone use while driving is prohibited for drivers under age 19, except in the case of an emergency to contact a law enforcement agency, health-care provider or emergency services agency. Texting while driving is prohibited.
Initial Licensing Phase Drivers Ages 16-17 Nighttime driving restrictions Sun.-Thurs., 10 p.m.-6 a.m.; Fri.-Sat., 11 p.m.-6 a.m. (local curfews may differ). Must maintain a conviction-free driving record for six months prior to turning 18. A traffic conviction during the Initial Licensing Phase may extend restrictions beyond age 18. All occupants must wear safety belts. For the first 12 months of licensing, or until the driver turns 18, whichever occurs first, the number of passengers is limited to one person under age 20, unless the passenger(s) is a sibling, stepsibling, child or stepchild of the driver. After this period, the number of passengers is limited to one in the front seat and the number of safety belts in the back seat. Wireless/cellphone use while driving is prohibited for drivers under age 19, except in the case of an emergency to contact a law enforcement agency, health-care provider or emergency services agency. Texting while driving is prohibited. Full Licensing Phase Drivers Ages 18-20 No age-related restrictions apply except in cases where a driver fails to move from the Initial Licensing Phase to the Full Licensing Phase. Wireless/cellphone use while driving is prohibited for drivers under age 19, except in the case of an emergency to contact a law enforcement agency, health-care provider or emergency services agency. Texting while driving is prohibited.
For more information about the GDL program, please refer to the Illinois Graduated Driver Licensing Program brochure at www.cyberdriveillinois.com. Brochures also are available at your local Driver Services facility, high school driver education program or a commercial driving school program.
Parental Responsibility
Parental Consent Drivers ages 16-17 must have the written consent of a parent/legal guardian to obtain a drivers license. The parent/legal guardian who gave initial consent may cancel the minors license at any time, for any reason, until the driver turns 18 by contacting the Secretary of States office. Driving privileges will not be reinstated until the parent/legal guardian who withdrew consent, once again provides consent or until the driver turns 18, whichever occurs first. The teen driver must reapply for a drivers license, take all applicable exams and pay the appropriate fees. Parent-Teen Driving Guide In partnership with the Illinois Department of Transportation, the Illinois High School and College Driver Education Association, and the Illinois Parent Teacher Association, the Secretary of States office developed a Parent-Teen Driving Guide to assist parents in teaching their teen drivers the skills they need to know before they start driving on their own. The guide is available at www.cyberdriveillinois.com. Parent-Teen Driving Contract The Secretary of States office has created a voluntary Parent-Teen Driving Contract that establishes parameters and boundaries between parents and teens to enable young drivers to acquire safe driving habits and skills. The contract is available in the Parent-Teen Driving Guide or at www. cyberdriveillinois.com. Parental Access to Teens Driving Record The parent/legal guardian of a person under age 18 who holds an instruction permit or graduated drivers license may access the minors driving record at no cost at www.cyberdriveillinois.com, using the PIN provided by the Secretary of States office.
Drivers under age 18 are not allowed to drive for hire any vehicle transporting property (e.g., delivery persons or any passenger vehicle transporting 10 or fewer people). For information on Labor Regulations see page 96.
Related Laws
Court Supervision for Moving Violations A driver under age 21 is limited to one court supervision for serious traffic offenses. To obtain court supervision for a traffic violation, a driver under age 21 must attend traffic safety school. A driver under age 18 must appear in court with a parent/legal guardian and also must attend traffic safety school. If receiving court supervision for certain alcohol-related violations, a driver under age 18 will be denied a full graduated drivers license for nine months. Loss of Driving Privileges for Moving Violations A driver under age 21 convicted of two or more moving violations within a 24-month period will have his/her drivers license suspended for a minimum of 30 days. The length of the suspension varies according to the seriousness of the traffic offenses. A driver may be required to complete a driver remedial education course as part of reinstatement of driving privileges. A suspended driver may be, but is not always, eligible for a Restricted Driving Permit during the suspension period. Drivers License Suspension for Alcohol Consumption A person under age 21 who receives court supervision for possession, consumption, purchase or receipt of alcohol will receive a three-month drivers license suspension. A conviction will result in a minimum six-month suspension of driving privileges. Crash Involving Bodily Harm or Death A person under age 18 charged with an offense due to a crash where a passenger was seriously injured or killed may be denied issuance/renewal of his/her drivers license. Alcohol need not play a factor in the crash.
Chapter 3 Study Questions 1. During the Initial Licensing Phase, a teen driver is allowed only two passengers under age 20 in the vehicle during the first 12 months of licensing. True False
2. In order to obtain court supervision for a traffic violation, a minor must appear in court with a parent/legal guardian and attend a traffic safety school. True False 3. A parent or legal guardian may request that the drivers license of a minor be cancelled at any time prior to age 18. True False
New Laws
Slow-moving vehicle emblems may not be displayed on an object other than an animal-drawn vehicle, farm tractor, implement of husbandry and certain special mobile equipment. The Secretary of States office may adopt rules to establish informational restrictions that can be placed on a driver's license specific to conditions of the licensee. A vehicle used by someone driving on a suspended or revoked license is subject to seizure and forfeiture if the drivers privileges were revoked or suspended for certain violations in another state. Using a wireless/cellphone device is prohibited while driving within 500 feet of an emergency scene, except in certain circumstances. A person driving a commercial motor vehicle is prohibited from using a hand-held cellphone or texting. The prohibition of wireless/cellphone use in a construction or maintenance zone includes the area where signage is posted advising drivers that a construction or maintenance zone is being approached. A motorcycle rider may proceed, after yielding the right-of-way to oncoming traffic, through a red light that fails to turn green after waiting for at least 120 seconds. A driver involved in a motor vehicle crash resulting only in damage to a vehicle may move the vehicle as soon as possible to the nearest safe location that does not obstruct traffic in order to exchange and render aid. The Secretary of States office may suspend the driver's license of a person determined by a court to have engaged in child visitation abuse.
It is the responsibility of the driver to ensure that ALL passengers obey the safety belt law and the Child Passenger Protection Act. Anyone found guilty of disobeying this law is subject to a fine and court costs.
Safety Belt Fitting The lap belt should be worn across the hip bones and should never be positioned across the stomach or soft part of the abdomen. The shoulder strap should be as snug as possible yet allow the driver to reach important controls. Adjust the shoulder strap so it is comfortable and does not cross the body at or near the neck or face. Air Bag Safety Air bags are designed to provide supplemental protection in combination with safety belts. Air bags are lifesaving devices, but special precautions should be taken when driving in air bag-equipped vehicles.
A distance of 10-12 inches between the driver and the air bag is desirable, especially for short, elderly or pregnant drivers. Shorter drivers may use foot pedal extenders. Passengers should position their seats as far back as possible, tilting the seat back slightly if necessary. Children riding in the front seat can be seriously injured or killed when an air bag deploys in a crash. Therefore, it is recommended that children age 12 and younger be properly secured in the back seat. If a child under age 8 must ride in the front pasenger seat with an active air bag, he/she should be in a properly installed, appropriate forward-facing child safety seat with the seat as far back as possible. Rear-facing child safety seats should be secured only in the back seat of a vehicle and should never be installed in front of an active airbag.
Speed Limits
Speeding is one of the leading contributors to vehicle crashes. You may drive at the maximum allowable speed only under safe conditions. For safety purposes, a minimum speed limit may be posted along certain roadways. When minimum limits are not posted, drivers should not drive so slow as to create an interference with the normal movement of traffic. The following speed limits apply, unless otherwise posted: Interstate tollways, freeways and some four-lane highways 65 mph Most other highways and rural areas 55 mph City/Town Areas 30 mph Alleys 15 mph School Zones 20 mph (on school days between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. when children are present and signs are posted). A driver must take care to slow down when approaching and crossing an intersection, going around a curve, approaching the top of a hill or traveling on a narrow and winding roadway. Drivers must be aware that there may always be dangers present due to pedestrians, traffic, weather, mechanical problems or road conditions.
School Zones When approaching a marked school zone between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m., on days when school is in operation and children are present, a driver must discontinue wireless/cellphone use, reduce speed to 20 mph, and stop and yield the right-of-way to any children or adults in the crosswalk area. Funeral Processions Motorists encountering a funeral procession must yield the right-of-way to all vehicles in the procession. Motorists should NOT drive between vehicles in an organized funeral procession, except when required to do so by a law enforcement officer; join a funeral procession for the purpose of securing the right-of-way; or attempt to pass any vehicle in an organized funeral procession, except where a passing lane has been specifically provided.
A driver must yield the right-of-way to other drivers or pedestrians: When making a right turn on a red light after a complete stop. After coming to a complete stop at an intersection where there is a stop sign or flashing red signal. If there is no stop line, stop before the crosswalk. If there is no crosswalk or stop line, stop at a place where all approaching traffic can be seen. When making a left turn on a red light after a stop from a one-way street to another one-way street with traffic moving to the left (see Figure A on page 23). When more than one driver reaches a four-way stop intersection. The first driver to stop should be the first to go. When two vehicles on different roadways arrive at a four-way stop intersection at the same time, the vehicle on the left should yield to the vehicle on the right (see Figure B on page 23). When two vehicles on different roadways reach an uncontrolled intersection at the same time. The vehicle on the left should yield to the vehicle on the right. To oncoming traffic when making a left-hand turn. If you enter an intersection while the light is green, you may finish your turn even though the light turns red. To through traffic when approaching a MERGE sign. You must increase or decrease your speed to avoid a crash. When approaching a YIELD sign. You should slow down or stop to avoid a crash. Even after the light turns green when there are vehicles in the intersection. When emerging from an alley, building, private road or driveway after coming to a complete stop (see Figure C on page 23). To cross traffic when on the terminating highway of a T intersection with no traffic control signs or signals (see Figure D on page 23). When approaching emergency vehicles using audible and visual signals.
Figure A
Figure B
A and B yield to C because C arrived at intersection first.
A yields to B before turning from one-way street onto one-way street moving left.
Figure C
Figure D
Pedestrian Right-of-Way A driver must come to a complete stop (and yield): When a pedestrian is in a marked crosswalk. On school days, when children are in close proximity to a school zone crosswalk.
A driver must yield to a pedestrian: When a pedestrian is in an unmarked crosswalk on the drivers side of the roadway and there are no traffic control signals. When making a turn at any intersection. When making a lawful turn on a red light after coming to a complete stop. After coming to a complete stop at a stop sign or flashing red signal at an intersection. When a pedestrian enters a crosswalk before the traffic light changed. When a pedestrian is walking with a green light, to a walking person symbol or a walk signal. When a pedestrian is leaving or entering a street or highway from an alley, building, private road or driveway. 23
Drivers also must yield to workers in highway construction or maintenance areas as well as to persons with disabilities, including those with physical, hearing and visual disabilities.
A driver must use caution when passing another vehicle. On a two-lane highway, the left lane should be clearly seen and free of oncoming traffic for a distance great enough to permit passing. Do not turn back into the right-hand lane until you can see the entire vehicle you have just passed in your rearview mirror. You must return to your lane before you get within 200 feet of an oncoming vehicle. The driver you are passing must not increase speed until you have completed your passing. Driving off the pavement or main traveled part of the road is not allowed when passing another vehicle on the right or the left. When passing a bicyclist or pedestrian who is riding or walking on the road or shoulder of the roadway, you must keep a minimum of three feet between your vehicle and the bicyclist or pedestrian.
Do Not Pass Black Car is Breaking the Law
No Passing Zone
You may pass on the right (but not on the shoulder except for authorized vehicles): When you have enough room on a two-lane roadway, and when the vehicle you are passing is making or is about to make a left turn. On a one-way street or on a roadway with two or more clear lanes in each direction. At an intersection widened for this purpose. Passing on a two-lane, two-way roadway is not allowed: In an area marked for no passing by a solid yellow line on your side of the center of the roadway or a DO NOT PASS or NO PASSING ZONE sign. On a hill or curve where it is not possible to see oncoming vehicles. Within 100 feet of an intersection or railroad crossing. When the view is blocked within 100 feet of any bridge, viaduct or tunnel. When a vehicle has stopped at a crosswalk or intersection to allow a pedestrian to cross. In a construction zone. All constructions zones in Illinois are no passing zones. In any school zone located in an unincorporated area. In any posted school zone in an incorporated area. When a school bus has stopped to load or discharge passengers.
Lane Usage
You must drive on the right half of the roadway except: When passing another vehicle moving in the same direction on a two-lane highway, interstate highway or controlled freeway. When a blockage makes it necessary to drive to the left of the center line. You may drive on the left after yielding to oncoming traffic. On a roadway divided into three marked lanes for traffic. On a one-way street with two or more lanes of traffic. When directed to drive in a left lane by traffic control signs and signals on a multilane, two-way highway. When crossing the center line to make a left turn into or from an alley, private road or driveway. When approaching a stationary emergency vehicle (when it is safe to do so). When roadway construction is located in or in close proximity to the right lane or right shoulder. When driving on an interstate highway or full access controlled freeway, a person may not drive in the left lane(s), except when passing another vehicle. Exceptions include when: No other vehicle is directly behind the vehicle being driven in the left lane. Traffic conditions/congestion make it impractical to drive in the right lane. Weather conditions make it necessary to use the left lane(s). There is an obstruction or hazard in the right lane. The driver is changing lanes to yield to emergency or construction vehicles.
Additional rules apply in certain situations: Slow vehicles must use the right-hand lane except when passing or making a left turn. Weaving from lane to lane to move faster than the traffic flow is unlawful. Traffic must travel in the direction of posted one-way streets or roadways. This rule does not apply to police and emergency vehicles using sirens or flashing lights. It is unlawful to drive across median strips such as unpaved strips or median barriers. A driver may turn left across a paved dividing-space unless it is not permitted by a traffic control sign or signal. A driver must not enter or leave any controlled-access roadway except at a posted entrance or exit.
In a business or residential area you must give a continuous turn signal for at least 100 feet before turning. In other areas the signal must be given at least 200 feet before turning. Drivers may signal in two ways: Electrical turn signals Apply the right turn signal for a right turn and the left turn signal for a left turn. Hand and arm signals Should be given with your left arm. For a right turn, the hand and arm are extended straight up. For a left turn, the hand and arm are extended straight out to the left. To slow down or stop, the hand and arm are extended down.
Right Turn
Left Turn
Slow or Stop
Right Turns Give a right-turn signal from the proper turning lane. Obey traffic signs and signals. Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians, emergency vehicles and other vehicles in the intersection. Check traffic approaching from the left. Follow the general curve of the curb as you make the right turn. Stay as close as possible to the curb.
Turn into the right-hand lane of the roadway you are entering. Be aware that trucks and buses may need more space to make a right-hand turn.
Left Turns Give a left turn signal from the proper turning lane. Obey traffic signs and signals. Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians, emergency vehicles and other vehicles in the intersection. Check all approaching traffic. Point the wheels straight ahead until you actually start to turn. Complete the turn into the lane closest to you going in your intended direction. Changing Lanes When moving your vehicle from the right-hand lane to the left-hand lane, turn your head to check traffic behind you and on your left. Give the left turn signal, then carefully move into the left lane.
Two-Way One-Way
When moving your vehicle from the left-hand lane to the right-hand lane, turn your head to check traffic behind you and on your right. Give the right turn signal, then carefully move into the right lane. It is against the law to flash your turn signals as a courtesy or do pass signal to other drivers.
U-Turns You must not turn around on curves and hills unless you can see for at least 500 feet in all directions. Municipalities may prohibit U-turns on some roadways. Hazard Signal Both turn signals may be flashed at the same time to indicate a disabled or parked vehicle. Two-Way Left Turn Lanes The two-way left turn lane provides a safe area for cars making left turns at intersections or for cars turning left into or out of a drive located in the middle of the block. Turns and Lane Changes in Construction Zones Pay special attention to signs, barricades and pavement markings when turning or changing lanes.
Special Stops
School Buses You must stop before meeting or overtaking a school bus loading or unloading passengers on a two-lane roadway. A warning will be given at least 100 feet (200 feet in rural areas) in advance of a stop. The bus driver will flash amber and red lights on the front and rear of the bus. The stop signal arm will be extended after the school bus has come to a complete stop. You must then come
to a complete stop. You must remain stopped until the stop signal arm is no longer extended and the flashing lights are turned off or the driver signals you to pass. On a four-lane roadway where a bus is stopped in the opposite direction from which you are traveling, you are not required to stop your vehicle but you should drive with caution. Your drivers license or vehicle registration will be suspended for three months and you will pay a minimum $150 fine if you are convicted of illegally passing a stopped school bus.
Railroad Crossings When approaching a controlled or uncontrolled railroad crossing and the devices are not activated, you should slow down and look in both directions on the track for oncoming trains or railroad equipment. If safe to do so, proceed with caution across the railroad crossing.
At a controlled crossing (containing lights and gates), you must stop if the crossing gate is lowered or a signal is flashing. Proceed only after the gate is all the way up, the lights are no longer flashing, and you have visually checked all the tracks for any additional oncoming trains or railroad equipment. School buses, vehicles carrying hazardous materials and vehicles carrying passengers for hire must stop at all railroad grade crossings.
Alleys/Driveways In urban areas, drivers must come to a complete stop before entering the sidewalk area when moving out of an alley, building, private road or driveway. If there is no sidewalk, stop at a point nearest the street or roadway where there is a view of approaching traffic. After stopping, yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and all vehicles.
Hill Parking Any time you park on a hill, you should put the gear select in park and set the parking/emergency brake if necessary. When starting your vehicle from an uphill or downhill location, you should release the parking/emergency brake, give the correct signal, check for oncoming traffic and proceed when it is safe to do so. If you park on a street with curbing and your vehicle is facing downhill, turn the front wheels toward the curb so your vehicle will roll toward the curb (see page 30). If you park your vehicle facing uphill and there is a curb, turn the front wheels away from the curb (see page 30). If you park on a street without curbing, turn the wheels toward the side of the road on which you are parked (see page 30).
Parallel Parking When parking on streets with two-way traffic, park so the right-hand wheels are parallel to and within 12 inches of the curb. On a one-way street or road, park within 12 inches of the right or left curb. Vehicles must be parked in the direction in which traffic is moving. Parking for Persons with Disabilities Vehicles displaying license plates or parking placards for persons with disabilities may park in spaces reserved for persons with disabilities. Such vehicles are exempt from parking meter fees and time limits, except where parking is limited to 30 minutes or less. The authorized holder of the parking placard or plates must be present and must enter or exit the vehicle at the time the parking privileges are being used. Striped areas on the pavement are part of the reserved spaces and may not be parked in by anyone. For more information on the Parking Program for Persons with Disabilities, see page 91.
On any bridge, overpass, railroad track or within a highway tunnel. On any controlled access roadway one you may enter or exit only at certain points. In the area between roadways of a divided highway, including crossovers. On a paved roadway or highway outside business or residential districts when it is practical to stop or park off the roadway. In an emergency, you may stop and park only if there is a clear view for 200 feet in each direction. Turn on your emergency flashers and make sure there is enough space for other vehicles to pass. At any place where official signs prohibit stopping, standing or parking. Standing or parking a vehicle, whether occupied or not, is prohibited: In front of a public or private driveway. Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. Within 20 feet of a fire station driveway or crosswalk at an intersection. Within 30 feet of a STOP sign, YIELD sign or traffic control signal. Parking a vehicle, whether occupied or not, is prohibited: Within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing. On a highway between sunset and sunrise unless parking lights are displayed in front and rear, or you are within an urban district where lights are not required. Headlights on parked vehicles must be dimmed.
Additional Laws
Motorists should familiarize themselves with local laws as there may be a variance between municipalities. Illinois law states that you may not: Drive on a sidewalk except when it is part of a driveway. Back up on any shoulder or roadway of any controlled access roadway. Back up on other roadways unless it is done safely and does not interfere with other vehicles. Open doors on the side of a vehicle on which traffic is moving unless it can be done safely and without interfering with traffic. The door may remain open only long enough to load or unload passengers. Wear a headset while driving. Headsets are defined as any device, other than a hearing aid, that allows the wearer to hear or receive electronic communications. (The use of a single-sided headset or earpiece with a wireless/cellphone device is permitted while driving except in construction and school zones or within 500 feet of an emergency scene.) Motorcycle, motor-driven cycle and moped operators may use intercom helmets that permit drivers and/or passengers to speak to one another. Drive onto a railroad crossing, enter an intersection or drive within a marked crosswalk unless there is enough space to allow passage of other vehicles, pedestrians or railroad trains.
Drive over fire hoses unless permitted by the fire official in command. Push a vehicle on a rural highway unless there is an emergency and it should be removed to avoid a hazard. Tow one vehicle with another except by a drawbar. In most cases, the distance between the two cars should not exceed 15 feet. A towed vehicle also should be coupled to the towing vehicle with two chains or cables. Remove a wrecked or damaged vehicle from the roadway without removing all glass and other debris. Overload a vehicle with passengers or freight so that the drivers view is obstructed. No more than three persons should ride in the front seat of a vehicle. Ride in a house trailer while it is being moved on a street or highway. Operate or permit to be operated any sound system (radio, tape player, disc player) at a volume that can be heard 75 feet or more from a vehicle being driven on a highway.
Chapter 4 Study Questions 1. When passing another vehicle, a driver should wait until the entire car the driver just passed is visible in the rearview mirror before turning back into the righthand lane. True False
2. After making a proper stop and yielding to traffic or pedestrians within the intersection, it is permissible for drivers on a one-way street to turn left at a red light onto another one-way street that moves traffic to the left. True False 3. How should a driver proceed if within an intersection waiting to make a left turn and the traffic signal light turns red? a. Wait in the intersection until the light turns green. b. Yield to oncoming traffic and complete the turn. c. Make sure it is clear, then back up from the intersection. 4. When on a two-lane roadway, drivers must stop their vehicles when approaching a stopped school bus with its red warning lights flashing and its stop signal arm extended. True False 5. When an authorized vehicle using its sirens and flashing lights approaches a vehicle, the driver should pull to the right-hand edge of the roadway and wait for the emergency vehicle to pass. True False
6. What is the penalty for being convicted of illegally passing a stopped school bus? a. Driving privileges or vehicle registration suspension and a minimum $150 fine. b. 60-day suspension of driving privileges. c. $30 fine and 14-day suspension of driving privileges. 7. A driver may pass another vehicle by driving on the shoulder of the road. True False 8. It is permissible to make a right turn against a red signal light after stopping and yielding to other vehicles and pedestrians. True False 9. A driver must give the right or left turn signal when changing lanes. True False 10.In urban areas, drivers moving out of an alley, building, private road or driveway need not come to a complete stop before entering the roadway if the roadway is clear of traffic. True False 11.For what distance should a continuous turn signal be given when making a left or right turn in a business or residential district? a. Not less than 50 feet before turning. b. Not less than 75 feet before turning. c. Not less than 100 feet before turning. 12.A driver may proceed immediately when waiting at an intersection and the traffic signal light turns green. True False 13.What should drivers do when approaching a construction area? a. Increase their speed to get out of the way quickly. b. Slow down, stop all wireless telephone communications and yield the right-of-way. c. Honk their horn several times to alert individuals working in the area of their presence. 14.Drivers must yield to pedestrians in an unmarked crosswalk. True False
15.It is permissible for anyone to wear a headset while driving. True False 16.Speed should be reduced below the posted speed limit for which of the following reasons? a. Driver is driving in unfavorable weather conditions. b. Driver is approaching and crossing an intersection. c. Both of the above. 17.Slow vehicles should use the left-hand lane except when passing or making a left turn. True False 18.When must a driver slow down for a school zone? a. On school days between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. when children are present and signs are posted. b. On weekends. c. Only during recess. 19.Drivers may open car doors on the side on which traffic is moving only when it can be done safely and without interfering with traffic. True False 20.It is permissible to pass on a two-lane, two-way roadway within 100 feet of an intersection or railroad crossing. True False 21.Only vehicles displaying special plates or parking placards for persons with disabilities may park in spaces reserved for them by an official PARKING FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES sign. True False 22.Unless authorized to do so, drivers may not break into the line of a funeral procession. True False
Large Vehicles
When sharing the road with trucks, buses or other large vehicles, follow these tips: When following a large vehicle, stay out of its blind spots. Position your vehicle so the driver can see it in the side mirrors. 1 Pay close attention to turn signals, and give large vehicles plenty of room to maneuver and make turns. Large vehicles make wide right turns and sometimes leave an 3 4 open space to the right just before the turn. Size and weight affect a vehicles ability to maneuver and stop. Always allow extra space for large vehicles. When following a truck at night, always dim your headlights. Bright lights will blind the driver of the large vehi2 cle when they reflect off the large side mirrors. When passing a truck, let the driver know you are passing by blinking your headlights, especially at night. The driver will make it easier for you by staying to the far side of the lane. Complete your pass as quickly as possible, and dont stay alongside the vehicle.
Slow-Moving Vehicles
Certain slow-moving farm vehicles, construction equipment and animal-drawn vehicles may share our roadways. Use caution and prepare to slow down when approaching and passing slow-moving vehicles from the rear. An orange slow-moving vehicle emblem must be on the rear of certain slow-moving vehicles (see page 68).
Closing Speeds Normal speeds for slow-moving vehicles may range from 5-20 mph. When a vehicle traveling at normal highway speed approaches a slow-moving vehicle from the rear, the speed differential will dramatically shorten the time it takes to reach the slowmoving vehicle. Turns and Passing Slow-moving vehicles may make wide turns and may turn right or left at any time into unmarked entrances. When approaching from the rear, stay a safe distance behind the vehicle until it is safe to pass, then be certain the driver has seen you and is aware of your intent to pass before you begin.
Rear Light When lights are required, a flashing amber signal must be mounted as high as possible on the rear of the vehicle. It must be visible for 500 feet in sunlight. Other devices to identify slow-moving vehicles may include reflectors, rotating or oscillating amber lights. Lane Usage Slower traffic must drive in the right lane. The left lane is for passing and turning. Slowmoving vehicles may be wider than the lane width so it may be necessary for these vehicles to temporarily move into an adjoining lane to avoid roadside obstructions.
Drivers and pedestrians both are responsible for traffic safety. Drivers should always be prepared to yield the right-of-way and should not drive unnecessarily close to pedestrians. (See page 23 for more information on pedestrian right-of-way.)
Traffic Signals, Walk Lights and Crossings Pedestrians must yield the right-of-way to drivers by obeying traffic signals, observing walk lights and using crosswalks. Walk (constantly lighted) Pedestrians facing the signal may cross the roadway in the direction of the signal. Dont Walk (flashing) Pedestrians may not start entering the roadway. A pedestrian who has partially completed crossing during the constantly lighted WALK may continue to a sidewalk or safety island. Dont Walk (constantly lighted) Pedestrians may not enter the roadway. Yellow Light (constant) Pedestrians may not cross unless directed by a pedestrian control sign or police officer.
Crossing a Road When crossing at any place other than a marked or unmarked crosswalk, pedestrians must give the right-of-way to drivers. This includes between closely-spaced intersections where traffic signals are in operation. Tunnel and Pedestrian Crossings A pedestrian tunnel or pedestrian crossing bridge should be used when available. Roadways Pedestrians must not walk on a roadway unless there is no sidewalk or shoulder next to it. Under these conditions, pedestrians should always walk as close to the outside edge of the road as possible. In two-way traffic, pedestrians should walk facing
oncoming traffic. If a highway does not have a sidewalk but has a shoulder, pedestrians should always walk on the shoulder as far from the roadway as possible. Pedestrians should not walk on a highway when under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
Pedestrians With Disabilities When approaching a pedestrian with a disability who is utilizing a guide dog, a white cane, a wheelchair or other assistive device on a sidewalk or roadway, the pedestrian has the right-of-way and is granted the same rights as any pedestrian. Joggers/Walkers Joggers/walkers should use jogging paths when provided. On public roads, joggers/walkers should try to select wide roads with good shoulders. They should face oncoming traffic and remember to look and listen for cars. At night or any time visibility is poor, joggers/walkers should be in well-lighted areas and wear reflective clothing. Other Safety Concerns Pedestrians must always obey railroad and bridge gates and other barriers. Hitchhiking standing on the roadway to ask for a ride is illegal. Pedestrians should not stand on or next to a highway to ask drivers or passengers for any type of money or business. Pedestrians age 18 or older may skate on public roadways where the posted speed limit is 45 mph or less from sunrise to sunset as long as vehicular traffic is not impeded or obstructed.
Drivers and parents must use care to ensure the safety of children. Watch for signs that mark special hazard areas such as school zones, bus stops, playgrounds, parks and schools. Be ready to reduce speed in residential areas, school areas and places where children are most likely to be. Be extremely watchful when backing in or out of a driveway when children are near. Teach children the rights and responsibilities of pedestrians at an early age. Assign play areas for children. Make sure children do not play in or near streets, driveways or other dangerous areas.
Motorcycle riders have the same rights and responsibilities as other roadway users. Because of their size and vulnerability in a crash, it is important to pay special attention to motorcycles.
Intersections More than 50 percent of all motorcycle collisions occur at intersections. The most common situation occurs when an oncoming automobile makes a left turn in front of a motorcycle. Watch for motorcycles before turning and yield the right-of-way. Be particularly careful when making a left turn across lanes of oncoming traffic. Always use your signals and look in all directions before making the turn. Dont be misled by a flashing turn signal on a motorcycle motorcycle signals usually are not self-canceling and riders sometimes forget to turn them off. Wait to be sure the motorcycle is going to turn before you proceed. Red Stoplights A motorcycle rider may proceed, after yielding the right-of-way to oncoming traffic, through a red light that fails to turn green after waiting for at least 120 seconds. Visibility The failure of motorists to detect and recognize motorcycles in traffic is the most common cause of motorcycle collisions. Due to their small size, motorcycles may be difficult to see, and motorists tend to underestimate their speed. Expect to see motorcycles in traffic at any time, not just in the spring and summer. Drivers involved in collisions often report not seeing the motorcycle or seeing it too late to avoid a collision. Lane Sharing Traffic conditions and road surfaces will determine the area within the lane that the motorcyclist will use. Oil spills, potholes, gravel or debris may require the motorcyclist to adjust positions within the lane. Although there may be enough room in the traffic lane for an automobile and a motorcyclist, remember that the motorcyclist needs the room to maneuver safely and is entitled to the entire lane. Do not share the lane. Passing When your automobile is being passed by a motorcycle, you should maintain your lane position and speed. Allow the motorcycle to complete the maneuver and assume proper lane position as quickly as possible. Following Distance Allow at least three to four seconds following distance when behind a motorcycle so the motorcyclist has enough time to maneuver in an emergency. In dry conditions motorcycles can stop more quickly than a car. Dim your headlights when following all vehicles, including motorcycles. Stopping Distance Motorcycles can stop in a shorter distance than a car. A motorcyclists ability to stop quickly also may depend on the riders experience and training.
Road Conditions Motorcycles react differently to traffic, weather and road conditions than cars. Thus, riders often respond in ways drivers do not expect. Wet or icy roads impair a motorcyclists ability to brake and maneuver. Wind gusts, both natural and those created by large passing vehicles, can move a motorcycle across an entire lane if the rider is not prepared. Potholes or railroad tracks often require motorcyclists to change positions within their lane. Gravel roads decrease traction and may cause a rider to slow down or brake where a car would not. In Case of a Collision Motorcyclists may only be protected by a helmet, eye protection, boots, gloves and durable clothing. In the event of a collision, use extreme caution and seek emergency medical assistance.
For more information, the Illinois Motorcycle Operators Manual is available at your local Driver Services facility or at www.cyberdriveillinois.com.
On most roadways, bicyclists (including those on electric bikes) have the same rights and responsibilities as other roadway users. The following are important laws and safety tips regarding bicyclists: Bicyclists are prohibited on limited-access highways, expressways and certain other marked roadways. Bicyclists are required to travel in the same direction as vehicles. Bicyclists should travel just to the right of faster moving traffic. However, certain hazards such as rough surfaces, debris, drainage grates or a narrow traffic lane may require bike riders to move toward the center of the lane. Drivers must yield the right-of-way to a bicyclist just as they would to another vehicle. When passing a bicyclist, motorists must do so slowly and leave at least three feet of passing space. Crowding or threatening a bicyclist is prohibited. A motorist should not park or drive in marked bicycle lanes. When following bicyclists, give them plenty of room and be prepared to stop quickly. Use extra caution during rainy and icy weather. At night do not use high beams when you see an oncoming bicycle rider. After parking and before opening vehicle doors, a motorist should first check for bicyclists. When a motorist is turning left and there is a bicyclist entering the intersection from the opposite direction, the driver should wait for the bicyclist to pass before making the turn. Also, if a motorist is sharing the left turn lane with a bicyclist, stay behind them until they have safely completed their turn.
If a motorist is turning right and a bicyclist is approaching on the right, let the bicyclist go through the intersection first before making a right turn. Remember to always signal when turning. Low-speed electric or gas bicycles must have a motor of less than 1 horsepower and must be operated by a person who is at least age 16. Low-speed electric and gas bicycles may only be driven on streets and may not exceed 20 mph. They may not be driven on sidewalks. Low-speed and electric bicycles must follow all laws applicable to bicyclists. For more information, an Illinois Bicycle Rules of the Road booklet is available at your local Driver Services facility or at www.cyberdriveillinois.com.
Low-Speed Vehicles
A low-speed vehicle is any four-wheeled vehicle that has a federal safety certification label in addition to a vehicle identification number (VIN). Low-speed vehicles can have a maximum speed of 25 mph. Low-speed vehicles must be titled and registered in the same manner as other vehicles and have the required equipment in order to operate on the road, such as headlamps and safety belt. (See Chapter 12 Equipment for Safe Driving). Low-speed vehicles may operate on any street with a posted speed limit of 30 mph or less, unless prohibited by the local municipality.
During the winter, drivers may share the roadway with snowmobiles. Use care when driving in areas with snowmobile warning signs. For information on snowmobile registration and operating requirements, call the Illinois Department of Natural Resources at 800-382-1696.
To determine what type of drivers license is required to operate a scooter or moped on Illinois roadways, follow these guidelines: If the scooter has an engine less than 150cc displacement, it is a motor-driven cycle and a Class L motorcycle license is required. If the scooter has an engine with 150cc displacement or greater, it is a motorcycle and a Class M license is required. A moped is a motor-driven cycle that has a maximum attainable speed in one mile or less of 30 mph and produces 2-brake horsepower or less. A moped may be operated with any valid Illinois drivers license. If a combustion engine is used, it may not exceed 50cc displacement and may not require the operator to shift gears.
Horseback Riders
Horseback riders may use public roadways. Exceptions are limited access highways and most expressways. Horseback riders must ride in the same direction as other traffic and as far to the right as possible. Never sound a horn when you are near a horse as the sound may frighten it and cause a crash. When meeting or passing a horseback rider, do so with caution and be prepared to stop.
Chapter 5 Study Questions 1. When a motorist is turning right and a bicyclist is approaching on the right, let the bicyclist go through the intersection first before making a right turn. True False
2. A driver does not need to allow as much distance when following a motorcycle as when following a car. True False 3. Motorcyclists are entitled to use the full width of a traffic lane; therefore, a driver should pass a motorcycle the same way a driver would pass another vehicle. True False 4. When following a truck at night, it is important to dim your headlights. True False 5. When approaching a disabled pedestrian using a guide dog, white cane or other assistive device, a driver should yield the right-of-way. True False
Other Drugs
In addition to alcohol, many prescription and nonprescription drugs impair safe driving. These drugs include but are not limited to: antihistamines, cold remedies, pain relievers, mood-changing drugs, marijuana, hashish, LSD, heroin, cocaine, morphine, amphetamines (pep pills) and methamphetamines. Mixing even small amounts of alcohol with other drugs is very dangerous. It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle on Illinois highways with any trace of a controlled drug, substance, cannabis (marijuana) or intoxicating compounds in your blood.
DUI Laws
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense that is classified in Illinois as a violent crime. If you are convicted of DUI, the offense will permanently remain on your driving record. If you are arrested and/or convicted, you may lose your driving privileges and vehicle registration, and be fined and/or imprisoned.
Implied Consent Law When driving on Illinois roadways, you automatically consent to submit to certain
tests. These can include breath, blood and/or urine tests to determine if you were drinking or using any other drug or intoxicating compound before or while driving. A doctor, registered nurse, licensed physician assistant or advanced practice nurse must perform the blood test. You may have a qualified person of your own choosing administer more tests at your own expense. If involved in a personal injury or death crash and law enforcement has probable cause to believe you were impaired they must request a drug or alcohol test.
Statutory Summary Suspension/Revocation Law If you are arrested for driving with a BAC of .08 percent or more and/or any impairing drug in your system, your driving privileges will be suspended for six months. If you refuse to submit to testing, your driving privileges will be suspended for one year. If you are a second offender within a five-year period, your privileges will be suspended for one year if you fail the test or three years if you refuse to test. A test refusal may be used as evidence against you in the DUI court case. At the time of arrest, the officer will take your license and, if valid, provide you with a temporary receipt allowing you to drive for 45 days. Your suspension begins on the 46th day from the notice date and will not be terminated until you pay the reinstatement fee and your record is updated.
If you refuse to submit to chemical testing after being involved in a crash where serious personal injury or death was involved, your driving privileges will be revoked for a minimum of one year.
DUI Conviction In addition to a statutory summary suspension/revocation, you may be convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol, other drugs and/or intoxicating compounds.
A DUI conviction results in a revocation of driving privileges: A first conviction results in a minimum one-year revocation. A second conviction within 20 years results in a minimum five-year revocation. A third conviction results in a minimum 10-year revocation. A fourth and subsequent conviction results in a lifetime revocation. A person convicted of DUI with a BAC of .16 percent or more, or DUI while transporting a child under age 16, is subject to enhanced penalties, including additional fines, community service and jail time. A DUI conviction also subjects you to filing Financial Responsibility Insurance (SR22) for three years. Before your driving privileges are restored, you must undergo an alcohol/drug evaluation and successfully complete a rehabilitation or alcohol/drug education program, pay a reinstatement fee and/or meet other requirements.
If an Illinois resident is convicted of DUI or refusing to submit to alcohol/drug testing in another state, the conviction will be reported to the Illinois Secretary of States office and be reflected on the persons driving record. The offender will face administrative action against his/her driving privileges the same as if he/she were arrested for DUI in Illinois.
Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID) Any Illinois driver who is a first-time DUI offender and wishes to obtain and is eligible for driving relief during the statutory summary suspension period may apply for a Monitoring Device Driving Permit (MDDP). An MDDP requires a Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID) to be installed on his/her vehicle(s) at an approved installation site as a condition of driving relief. The DUI offender is responsible for all costs associated with issuance of a permit and installation and monitoring of the BAIID.
If a driver has more than one alcohol-related incident, he/she may apply for a Restricted Driving Permit (RDP) and must have a BAIID installed. A person who has two or three DUI convictions but has never requested or been granted an Illinois Restricted Driving Permit must have a BAIID installed on all vehicles registered in his/her name for a full reinstatement of their driving privileges. An MDDP or RDP and installation of a BAIID allow an offender to drive as long as he/she is driving a vehicle installed with a BAIID. For more information on the MDDP and RDP, see page 54. The Secretary of States office monitors and reads the BAIID throughout the duration of the permit.The BAIID will alert the Secretary of States office if the driver attempts any incidents of driving under the influence or tampers with the device. A DUI offender may choose not to petition for an MDDP or an RDP, and instead choose to refrain from driving during the suspension period. However, a DUI offender who chooses not to participate in the program and is subsequently caught driving a vehicle during the suspension period is guilty of a Class 4 felony.
Received a DUI after a previous history of reckless homicide or Aggravated DUI involving a death.
Illegal Transportation of Alcoholic Beverages/Open Container It is illegal for anyone to drink alcoholic beverages in a vehicle. The driver and passengers may be issued a traffic citation. Passengers on chartered buses used for nonschool purposes, motor homes, mini motor homes and limousines are exempt. It is illegal to have alcohol in the passenger area of a vehicle if the container has been opened. If there is a second offense within one year, your drivers license will be suspended for one year. Any driver under age 21 also faces the loss of driving privileges for one year for the first conviction and revocation of driving privileges for a subsequent conviction while under age 21. Driving on a Suspended or Revoked License (for DUI, Reckless Homicide, or Leaving the Scene of a Fatal or Personal Injury Crash) If you are convicted of driving while your license is revoked or suspended for the above offenses, you will: Be subject to criminal penalties including jail time, Have the suspension or revocation period for your drivers license extended, and Have your vehicle seized and possibly forfeited.
An Illinois driver whose driving privileges have been suspended or revoked due to a conviction for DUI, reckless homicide or leaving the scene of a fatal or personal injury crash is not allowed to drive a motor vehicle in ANY state. If a suspended or revoked Illinois driver is arrested for driving on a suspended or revoked license in another state, that arrest will be reported to the Secretary of States office and the driver will be charged with a Class 4 felony.
Contributing to a DUI It is illegal to allow someone to drive your vehicle if you know that person is under the influence. If you are convicted of providing alcohol to a person under age 21, you may be fined up to $2,500, be given a jail sentence of up to one year, and have your driving privileges suspended.
If you are under age 21, are stopped and issued a citation for a traffic violation, and found to have any trace of alcohol in your system while operating a motor vehicle, your driving privileges will be suspended for three months. If you refuse to submit to testing, your driving privileges will be suspended for six months. If you are a second offender, your privileges will be suspended for one year if you fail or two years if you refuse to test. Your suspension begins on the 46th day from the notice date and will not be terminated until you pay the reinstatement fee and your record is updated. If your license was suspended prior to age 21, you will be required to successfully complete a driver remedial education course to make your driving privileges valid again. In addition, you may be required to submit to a complete drivers license examination to be re-issued a drivers license. It is at the discretion of the investigating officer and based on test results or a test refusal whether a traffic stop results in a Zero Tolerance or DUI charge or both. For more information on Illinois Zero Tolerance laws, visit www.cyberdriveillinois.com. Any person under age 21 who is convicted of illegal consumption, purchase, possession or receiving alcohol as a gift will lose his/her driving privileges for a minimum of six months regardless of whether or not they are operating a motor vehicle at the time of the offense. Any person who receives court supervision for any of these offenses will lose his/her driving privileges for three months. Illinois DUI laws are constantly changing. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the Secretary of States DUI Fact Book, or visit www.cyberdriveillinois.com.
Chapter 6 Study Questions 1. If arrested with a blood-alcohol concentration of .08 percent or more, an individuals driving privileges will be suspended for at least six months. True False
2. Alcohol is the single greatest factor in fatal motor vehicle crashes. True False 3. What is the only effective way to remove alcohol from the body? a. Strong coffee b. Time c. Cold shower 4. If a driver is arrested and refuses to submit to testing, driving privileges will be suspended for three months. True False 5. A driver whose license has been revoked as a result of DUI must meet several requirements, including an evaluation for alcohol and drug problems and paying a reinstatement fee, to regain their license. True False 6. It is illegal for persons under age 21 to drive with any trace of alcohol or drugs in their systems. True False
Appearing in Court
If you receive a ticket for a minor traffic violation, you are required to post bond in the form of cash, a bond card or a valid drivers license. If your drivers license was posted and you pay the ticket before the first court date, your drivers license will be returned. If you fail to pay the ticket or to appear in court, a second court date may not be automatically set. Failure to appear on the second date will result in loss of bond and/or suspension of your drivers license until you satisfy the court. If you are under age 18 and are required to appear in court, you must have a parent/legal guardian present at the court appearance. An Illinois driver ticketed in another state that is a member of the Non-Resident Violator Compact has three options: Stay in the ticketing state and argue the case, Pay the fine, or Sign a promise to comply with the traffic ticket, which allows the driver to continue the journey and handle the ticket by mail from home. This courtesy also is extended to non-residents from compact member states who are ticketed in Illinois. Failure to comply with the signed promise to appear will result in suspension by the home state motor vehicle department.
Crash Reports
Regardless of fault, a crash report must be filed by the driver of a vehicle if the crash involves death, bodily injury or property damage of more than $1,500. (If any vehicle involved in the crash is uninsured, a report must be filed for $500 or more.)
Notify the police immediately. Many towns and cities require a report if a crash occurs within their limits. If an officer is not at the scene of the crash, a report must be made at the nearest police station as soon as possible. If in a rural area, the county sheriff or Illinois State Police must be notified. If the driver is unable to make the report and there is a passenger, the passenger must make the report. A report also must be made to the Illinois Department of Transportation. This confidential report must be sent no later than 10 days after the crash. The form may be obtained from a police officer or an automobile insurance agency.
Unattended Vehicles
If you are involved in a crash that causes damage to an unattended vehicle (no driver or passenger present) or other property: Stop your vehicle in an area away from traffic. Leave your name, address, phone number and license plate number on the vehicle or property if you cannot find the owner. Notify police. Complete all required crash reports. If you fail to report the crash, you may be fined up to $2,500 and given a jail sentence of up to one year.
Individuals convicted of mandatory insurance violations will lose their driving privileges for a minimum of three months and be required to pay a $100 reinstatement fee, with no driving permit available.
Chapter 7 Study Questions 1. Regardless of fault, a crash report must be filed by the driver of a vehicle if the crash involves death, bodily injury or property damage of more than $1,500 (or more than $500 if a vehicle is uninsured). True False
2. Before a driver can regain driving privileges after losing them for failure to pay for damages caused by a crash, the driver must file proof of financial responsibility with the Secretary of States office. True False 3. If you are involved in or come upon a traffic crash, you should stop your vehicle in a safe, well-lighted public place that does not obstruct traffic, if able to do so. True False
The Secretary of States office has the authority to revoke the drivers license of a repeat traffic offender. During the course of any revocation, your vehicle registration may be suspended. Notice is given accordingly.
Suspension is a temporary loss of driving privileges. When the suspension is for a specific length of time, you may regain your driving privileges after your suspension has ended and you have paid a reinstatement fee. In other cases, your drivers license will not be returned until you meet a requirement of Illinois law. Offenses for which your drivers license may be suspended include, but are not limited to: Automated Traffic Violations Failure to satisfy a warrant for five or more unpaid automated traffic violations for violating a red light signal or speeding or a combination thereof in a municipality. Causing a Crash in a Construction Zone Failure to reduce speed or change lanes in a construction zone, which results in a crash or causes a crash that results in injury or death of a construction worker. Child Visitation Abuse Suspension upon receipt of a court order indicating the driver has engaged in abuse of a child visitation order. Drug/Alcohol Test Failure Failure to pass a test following a DUI arrest, revealing a BAC of .08 percent or more or any trace of cannabis, controlled drug substances or intoxicating compounds. Drug/Alcohol Test Refusal Refusal to test for drugs or alcohol after being arrested for DUI in Illinois or another state. Drug or Sex Offense Committing a drug or sex crime while operating or in direct physical control of an automobile. Failure to Appear Violations Failure to appear for any traffic citation. Failure to Obey a Railroad-Crossing Signal Conviction of a second violation for failure to obey a railroad-crossing signal. Failure to Pay Child Support Suspension for non-payment of child support resulting from a court order or by direction of the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services. Failure to Yield and Proceed with Due Caution Upon Entering a Construction Zone When Workers are Present Failure to Yield to an Emergency Vehicle Using Audible and Visual Signals (lights and sirens) Fraudulent Drivers License/ID Application Possessing, displaying or attempting to use an altered drivers license or ID card; using another persons license or ID card or allowing another person to use yours; or submitting a fraudulent application or allowing another person to submit your documents for a fraudulent application. Illegal Possession, Consumption, Purchase of Alcohol, or Accepting Alcohol as a Gift by a person under age 21
Illegal Transportation of Alcohol Illegal transportation of alcohol twice in 12 months if age 21 or older. Illegal Transportation Under 21 Illegal transportation of alcohol while under age 21. Mandatory Insurance Violations Failure to file Financial Responsibility Insurance (SR-22) after receiving court supervision for driving without insurance, or having three or more tickets for driving without insurance. Mandatory Insurance Conviction Driving without mandatory insurance. Parking Violations Failure to satisfy a warrant for 10 or more unpaid parking violations in any municipality. Railroad Crossing Violation Nonpayment of five or more violations. School Bus Violations Failure to stop for a school bus picking up or dropping off children. Speeding in a Construction Zone Two violations of speeding in a construction zone in a two-year period. Theft of Motor Fuel Dispensing motor fuel into a container or fuel tank and leaving the premises without making payment. Tollway Violation Failure to satisfy five or more toll violations and/or toll evasions. Traffic Crashes Refusal or neglect to report a traffic crash. Traffic Violations Three traffic violation convictions during a 12-month period (If you are under age 21 at the time of arrest, two traffic violations within any 24month period.) Unauthorized Parking in a Space Designated for Persons with Disabilities Uninsured Crashes Being uninsured at the time of a crash in which you were determined to be at fault and for which you owe damages. Zero Tolerance Violation An alcohol violation by a person under age 21. For more information on actions that may cause the suspension or revocation of your driving privileges, please consult the Illinois Vehicle Code.
Cancellation is the annulment or termination by formal action by the Secretary of States office of a persons drivers license or permit because of some error or defect in the license or because the licensee is no longer entitled to such license. Reapplication for a drivers license may be made only after the terms of the cancellation have been met. Your drivers license may be canceled for the following: Medical Condition Being medically or visually unfit to safely operate a motor vehicle; failure to submit a medical or vision report when required; failure to self-admit to a medical condition that may interfere with the safe operation of a motor vehicle.
Re-examination Requirement Failing to appear for a required re-examination; failing a portion of the test required on a mandatory re-examination. Fraudulent Application Committing a fraudulent offense in the making of an application. Ineligible Not entitled to the license or permit.
Denial is the temporary denial of the privilege of applying for a drivers license and, in certain instances, an instruction permit. A denial can only be entered on the driving record of an individual under age 18 for conviction of one of the following offenses: Mandatory revocation of driving privileges for offenses listed on page 51 and 52 A denial for these offenses precludes application for a drivers license or an instruction permit until the persons 18th birthday. Driving without a valid drivers license or permit (no valid license) Such a denial forbids application for a drivers license until the persons 18th birthday, while an application for an instruction permit is still allowed. If the person already has a drivers license, the driving privileges granted by that license are reduced to an instruction permit. Serious moving violation The length of this type of denial is either nine months or until the persons 18th birthday, whichever is shorter. This denial only forbids an application for a drivers license. Instruction permit applications are still allowed. If the person already has a drivers license, the driving privileges granted are reduced to an instruction permit. (See Chapter 3 for more information.) Crash Involving Bodily Harm or Death The Secretary of States office may deny issuing or renewing a drivers license if the driver has been charged with an offense due to a crash where a passenger was seriously injured or killed. Alcohol need not play a factor in the crash.
Occupational Driving Permit (ODP) Issued to professional drivers whose licenses have been suspended for three moving violations. The permit allows a person to drive in conjunction with employment. To qualify, you must drive for a living. This does not apply to commercial drivers. Probationary License Issued in conjunction with a driver improvement activity that grants full driving privileges during a period of suspension for drivers age 21 and over. The license may only be issued to a person suspended for three moving violations in a 12-month period and cannot be issued for more than three months. Family Financial Responsibility Driving Permit (FRP) Issued following a circuit judges order or upon direction from the Department of Healthcare and Family Services to a driver who has been suspended under the Family Financial Responsibility Law for nonpayment of child support or upon receipt of a court order to a driver that has been suspended for child visitation abuse.
Chapter 8 Study Questions 1. An individuals driving privileges may be suspended under which of the following conditions? a. Three reckless driving offenses in 12 months b. Drag or street racing c. Illegally transporting alcohol twice in 12 months by a person over age 21
2. Driving privileges may be revoked for giving false information to the Secretary of State. True False
Shapes of Signs
These are the basic shapes of signs, each with a special purpose. Other shapes may be used for special purposes. For example, various shields may be used as route markers, while two crossed panels may be found at railroad crossings. This eight-sided red sign means STOP. You must make a complete stop at the stop line. If there is no stop line, stop before entering the crosswalk. If there is no crosswalk, stop before entering the intersection. Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and approaching traffic. If it is an all-way STOP sign, wait your turn. If the STOP sign is hand-held, stop until an authorized person, such as a school guard or construction zone flagger, signals that it is safe to proceed. This three-sided sign means YIELD the right-of-way. You must let all traffic and pedestrians near you go before you proceed. YIELD signs are red and white.
This round sign means RAILROAD CROSSING ahead. RAILROAD CROSSING signs are yellow with a black crossbuck X and the letters RR. It is an advance warning sign that means a railroad track will cross the roadway ahead. In rural areas the sign may be up to 750 feet in advance of the railroad crossing. Slow down, look and stop if necessary. Roll your vehicle windows down and listen to make certain other noises do not block out the sound of a train. If a train is approaching, stop and wait. Do not try to race the train to the crossing. This diamond-shaped sign means WARNING. It may be yellow, yellow-green or orange with black wording or symbols. This sign warns you about hazards or possible hazards on or near the roadway. Slow down and use caution when you see these signs.
This five-sided sign is shaped like an old school house. It is yellow or yellow-green with black symbols. It means either SCHOOL ZONE or SCHOOL CROSSING. If the sign shows two children walking, a school is near. If the sign shows two children walking with a downward pointing arrow, you are at a school crossing. This three-sided sign is shaped like a pennant. It is yellow with black wording. The sign will appear on the left side of a two-lane, two-way roadway. It is posted at the beginning of a NO-PASSING ZONE where no-passing pavement markings are also used. Squares and/or rectangles can be used either as regulatory or as guide signs.
Colors of Signs
The color on a sign has a special meaning. It is important that you memorize the meanings of the colors. RED signs are regulatory signs and must be obeyed. They include STOP, YIELD, DO NOT ENTER or WRONG WAY. Some BLACK and WHITE signs are regulatory signs and must be obeyed. Other are used as route markers and are illustrated in the Guide Signs section on pages 68-69. YELLOW is used for warning signs. These signs tell you of road conditions and dangers ahead. ORANGE also is used for warning signs. These signs alert you to possible dangers ahead due to construction and maintenance projects. GREEN is used for guide signs. These signs tell you where you are, which way to go and the distance. BLUE also is used for guide signs. These signs tell you about services along the roadway.
BROWN is used for parks and recreation signs. YELLOW-GREEN also is used for warning signs. These signs alert you to pedestrian crossings and school zones. PINK is used for traffic incident signing. These signs alert you to possible dangers ahead due to unplanned traffic incidents such as traffic crashes and natural disasters.
Regulatory Signs
Regulatory signs tell you what to do and must be obeyed.
Stop An eight-sided (octagon) sign tells you to always make a full stop. You must make a complete stop at the stop line. If there is no stop line, stop before entering the crosswalk. If there is no crosswalk, stop before entering the intersection. Yield the rightof-way to pedestrians and closely approaching traffic. If it is an all-way STOP sign, wait your turn. All-Way Stop This sign means there are four STOP signs at the intersection. Traffic from all directions must stop. The first driver to stop is the first driver to go. Other drivers must wait their turn. You also may see 3-WAY, 5-WAY or ALL-WAY signs.
Yield The three-sided (triangle) sign tells you to give the right-of-way to all vehicles and pedestrians near you. Slow down to a safe speed and stop if necessary. When stopping, do so at a marked crosswalk or before entering the intersection. You also may see YIELD signs on expressway ramps. These signs are posted when there is no extra lane where drivers may speed up to merge with expressway traffic. Do Not Enter This sign is posted on one-way streets and other roadways you are not allowed to enter. You also will see this sign if you try to enter an expressway ramp in the wrong direction.
Speed Zone Ahead The larger sign tells you there is a speed zone ahead. The smaller sign tells what the speed limit will be.
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Speed Limit Some signs show maximum and minimum speed limits for all types of vehicles on freeways and limited access highways. In construction and maintenance zones, posted speeds legally reduce the speed limit on that portion of the highway. Unless necessary for safety, driving slower than the minimum is illegal. Wrong Way This sign tells you that your vehicle is moving in the wrong direction. You will see this sign on expressway ramps a short distance past the DO NOT ENTER sign. You also will see this sign if you turn the wrong way into a one-way street, alley or driveway. No (Not Allowed) Signs having a red circle with a red slash from the upper-left to the lower-right mean no. The picture within the circle shows what is not allowed.
No U-Turn These signs are posted on divided highways or expressways. You may see one where there is an opening in the divided highway that leads to the other side. These openings are for authorized vehicles only such as police cars, ambulances, snow plows, construction/maintenance equipment and other emergency vehicles. You may not use this opening. No Right Turn These signs indicate that right turns are not allowed.
One-Way These signs are used on one-way streets or driveways. You must always go only in the direction of the arrow.
Two-Way Left Turn Lanes Either of two signs can be used to indicate a two-way left turn lane in the center of a highway. Along with a sign, the two-way left turn lane is marked with yellow lines and white arrows.
No Turn on Red This sign is used at some intersections. It tells you that a right turn on a red light or a left turn on a red light at intersecting oneway streets is prohibited. It may also show a red circle instead of the word red.
Approaching a Divided Highway This sign is used on approaches to a divided highway. It tells you that a median separates both directions of traffic on the road you are going to turn onto or cross. Keep Right This sign tells you where to drive when you approach traffic islands, medians or other obstructions in the middle of the roadway. You must drive to the side indicated by the arrow.
Slower Traffic Keep Right This sign is posted for those driving slower than the normal speed of traffic on some multilane highways. It tells the slow driver to drive in the right lane.
Stop Here on Red This sign is used when it is not clear where vehicles must stop at an intersection with traffic signals.
Do Not Pass This sign tells you that you may not pass other vehicles. It is posted on some two-lane roads where traffic goes in both directions. There will also be yellow no passing lines on the road.
Pass with Care This sign tells you that you are at the end of the no-passing zone. You may pass now only when it is safe.
Road Closed This sign is used when the road is closed to all traffic. You may not continue on the road.
Warning Signs
Warning signs alert you to conditions ahead. These signs are usually diamond-shaped and warn you about road hazards, construction sites, schools or other situations that require your special attention. While most warning signs are yellow, some Illinois communities may have fluorescent yellow-green pedestrian and school signs. Construction and maintenance warning signs are orange.
Pedestrian Crosswalk This sign tells you there is a crosswalk. However, it may not be at an intersection so you must watch both sides of the street for pedestrians.
Other Special Crossings These signs alert drivers in advance of special areas where vehicles and pedestrians may be crossing.
School Signs These signs warn you of school areas and crossings. Stay alert and watch for children. Adult school crossing guards, auxiliary police or police officers often supervise these street crossings when students are going to and from school. School safety patrol members may assist the crossing guards. Slow down and stop when necessary.
The first three signs show two children walking. They warn of school crossings ahead or of school buildings or grounds next to the roadway. The fourth sign shows two children walking in a crosswalk and is posted at school crossing signals.
These two signs are used in areas where a reduced-speed school zone has been established. The posted speed applies only on school days when children are present (usual SCHOOL school hours are 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., but hours may vary), where a potential hazard exists because of SPEED the childrens close proximity to traffic, or when a LIMIT light is flashing.
The use of wireless/cellphones is prohibited while driving in a posted school speed zone. Note: Some Illinois communities may have fluorescent yellow-green signs.
Stop Ahead/Yield Ahead/Signal Ahead These signs warn of traffic controls ahead. Although the traffic signal may not yet be visible, the traffic signs are close enough to require you to start slowing down. Advance warning signs also are used in high-speed areas because of the longer distance needed to slow down or stop.
Intersections Ahead Four signs warn you of intersections ahead where traffic may exist or where a right or left turn may be required. A sign naming the intersecting road also may be posted.
Side Road
T Intersection
Y Intersection
Turns and Curves Certain signs are posted before turns and curves. The shape of the arrow tells you what to expect. A small sign showing the maximum safe speed also may be posted below the arrow.
Winding Road Ahead Maximum Safe Speed on Curve or Turn
Exit Ramp Posted at freeway exit ramps, this sign shows the maximum safe speed a vehicle can be driven on the ramp.
Slippery Pavement All roads are slippery and dangerous when wet. This sign warns of conditions that can cause you to lose control of your car. You should slow down because it takes longer to stop on slippery pavement. Downgrade This sign warns you of a dangerous hill. It may be very long or steep, or it may have sharp curves. Slow down before you start down the hill.
Narrow Bridge This sign warns you that a bridge has a narrow roadway. The bridge width is 2 feet less than the width of the approach pavement.
Reduction in Lanes These signs are used on multi-lane highways to warn you of a reduction in the number of traffic lanes in the direction you are traveling. Be prepared to change lanes or to allow other vehicles to merge into your lane. Drivers of all vehicles may need to adjust their speed and position to avoid a collision with another vehicle.
Road Narrows This sign warns drivers that a two-lane road suddenly narrows.
No Passing This sign is used on two-lane, two-way roads. It warns you not to pass. The sign is posted on the left side of the road at the beginning of a no passing zone. Merging Lanes This sign tells you that two lanes of traffic going the same direction will soon merge into one lane. Be ready to either change lanes or allow other traffic to merge into your lane. Merge signs appear on expressways just before expressway ramps. The driver on the expressway slows down to let the driver on the ramp merge. Change in Direction This sign warns you of a change in direction or narrowing of the road. You may find several of these signs on the outside of a sharp curve or on approaches to a narrow bridge. Divided Highway Divided highways have a center strip that separates traffic going in opposite directions. The first sign is posted before a divided highway begins.
The second sign is posted just before the divided highway ends. Be careful as you near the end of a divided highway. Two-way traffic will begin again.
Two-Way Roadway This sign tells you that you are leaving a divided roadway and will be driving on a two-way highway.
Workers Ahead These signs are posted far enough ahead to give you time to adjust your speed for any unusual conditions. When you see these signs, workers may be working close to your traffic lane. Follow the signs and adjust your speed to the posted construction-zone speed limit, stay alert, and keep a safe distance between your vehicle and all traffic barriers.
Warning Cones, Drums and Barricades These devices are used to protect you from dangerous locations by marking a path for you to follow in construction and maintenance areas. Drive slow, be alert for dangers and be prepared to stop. The use of barricades, drums and other traffic control devices also are used to warn motorists of an existing hazard. Barricades and vertical panels with sloping stripes warn the motorist to stay to the down-sloping side. The examples shown are sloped downward to the left, telling the motorist to stay left of the vertical panel or barricade.
Warning Lights and Arrow Boards Warning lights help draw your attention to drums and barricades at night. Arrow boards warn the motorist of an upcoming lane closure, or caution when construction is ahead and the direction to merge or move. Flagger This sign warns that there is a flagger ahead. Always follow his/her directions.
A driver should use caution when approaching a flagger. The flagger will be working very close to your traffic lane. Slow down and be prepared to obey the signals of the flagger. You must stop if signal ed to do so. Be alert and remain stopped until signaled to proceed. A driver may encounter automated flagger assistance devices in construction zones. A flagger will be operating the device from nearby. The automated flagger must be obeyed the same as a live flagger.
Photo Speed Enforcement Photo speed enforcement vans may operate in construction zones when workers are present. Signs indicating that speeds are photo enforced will be clearly posted in the area where the vans are in use. In addition, the vans have a speed indicator sign that is triggered by a separate radar to communicate your vehicles speed to you. This gives motorists one last opportunity to slow down. If you do not slow down to the constructionzone speed, the camera radar is triggered and a photo is taken of the driver, vehicle and license plate. The time of day and speed are also captured.
Tickets from photo speed enforcement are mailed by certified mail to the registered owner of the vehicle within 14 days. The registered owner is required to appear in court, and construction-zone fines apply.
Parking for Persons with Disabilities Parking spaces with this sign are reserved for vehicles displaying Persons with Disabilities plates and parking placards and Disabled Veteran plates.
$100 FINE
Guide Signs
Guide signs tell you where you are, what road you are on and how to get where you want to go. Most guide signs are rectangular; however, guide signs for county roads and route markers on freeways are different in shape. The type of information given determines the color of the sign.
Route Markers These signs are used alone or with smaller signs. They direct you to the road you wish to take. Different routes have different markings. Examples of these types of signs include:
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Chapter 9 Study Questions 1. A merge sign means drivers should be prepared to change lanes or allow other traffic to come into their lane. True False
2. When approaching a stop sign that is not marked by a crosswalk, drivers should stop their vehicles before entering the intersection. True False 3. An orange sign means drivers should be alert, adjust their speed and be prepared to stop if necessary. True False
Traffic Signals
Traffic lights at intersections usually have three colors red, yellow and green from top to bottom or from left to right. At some intersections, however, there may be a single red or yellow light. Some traffic lights are steady, some flash and some are arrows. When traffic control signals are not working, you must always treat the intersection as an all-way stop, come to a complete stop, unless directed otherwise by law enforcement. You must then look and yield the right-of-way before entering an intersection.
Steady Lights Red light Stop at the marked stop line. If there is not a marked stop line, stop before entering the crosswalk. If there is no crosswalk, stop before entering the intersection. Do not go until the light is green and the intersection is clear. You may make a right turn at a red light. You also may make a left turn at a red light when turning from a one-way street onto another one-way street that has traffic moving to the left. In both instances, drivers must come to a complete stop and yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic and pedestrians before turning.
Yellow light The yellow light warns that the signal is changing from green to red. When the red light appears, you may not enter the intersection. Green light You may go after yielding the right-of-way to any pedestrians and vehicles in the intersection or crosswalk.
Flashing Lights Flashing red Stop, yield the right-of-way to traffic within the intersection or crosswalk and proceed when safe. This sign is used at intersections when a stop sign alone is hard to see or where additional emphasis on the stop sign is needed. They also are used at railroad crossings to warn of approaching trains. Stop. Never try to beat a train to a crossing.
Flashing yellow Proceed with caution. This sign is used where caution is required.
Arrows After yielding the right-of-way to traffic within the intersection or crosswalk, you may go in the direction the arrow is pointing.
Red arrow The red arrow means do not make the movement shown by the arrow until a green arrow appears. You may make a right turn at a red arrow. You also may make a left turn at a red arrow when turning from a one-way street onto another one-way street that has traffic moving to the left. In both instances, drivers must come to a complete stop and yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic and pedestrians before proceeding. Yellow arrow The yellow arrow means the green arrow is ending or that the light is about to turn red. Green arrow When the arrow is pointed upward you may go straight ahead only. When the arrow is pointed to the right you may turn to the right. When the arrow is pointed to the left you may turn to the left.
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Lane Signals Special lights sometimes are used over each lane on highways and expressways. They are used most often to change the flow of traffic during certain hours of the day.
Red X Never drive in this lane. Yellow X This lane signal is going to change to red. Leave this lane safely before the red X appears. Flashing yellow arrow This lane may be used for approaching and making a left turn. Green arrow Lanes may be used, but all other signs and signals must be obeyed.
Pavement Markings
Edge Lines Solid lines along the side of the road that tell you where the edge of the pavement is. Solid white lines are used on the right of the roadway edge. Solid yellow lines are used on the left edge of divided streets or roadways.
White Lane Lines White lane lines separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction. Broken white lines separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction. Crossing the line is allowed only when changing lanes or turning. Solid white lines separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction. Crossing a solid white line requires special care and is discouraged. Solid double white lines separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction. Crossing a double solid white line is prohibited.
Yellow Center Lines Yellow center lines separate lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions. Broken yellow lines separate single lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions. Passing is allowed. Solid double yellow lines are used where traffic is moving in opposite directions. Two solid lines mark the center of the roadway. Solid yellow lines may be crossed to make a left turn to or from an alley, private road, driveway or street.
Yellow No Passing Lines No Passing lines are solid yellow lines on roads where traffic moves in opposite directions. The lines indicate zones where passing is not allowed.
When the solid yellow line is on your side of the center line, you may cross it to finish passing a vehicle you started to pass before the beginning of the no passing zone. You may cross it to make a left turn into or from an alley, private road or driveway. When there is a solid and a broken yellow line separating two lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions, you may pass only when the broken yellow line is nearest your lane.
Two-Way Left Turn Lanes Two-way left turn lanes are marked with yellow lines and white arrows. A left turn may not be made from any other lane when a turn lane is provided. A vehicle may not be driven in the lane except when preparing for or making a left turn from or into the roadway or when preparing for or making a U-turn when permitted by law.
White Stop Line A white stop line is painted across a lane at an intersection. The line is usually four feet before the crosswalk in an urban area. It shows where you must stop for a stop sign or red light. You must stop your vehicle before any part of it crosses the line. White Crosswalk Lines White crosswalk lines are painted across the entire width of the pavement. Sometimes the inside area is marked with white diagonal lines for added visibility. Pedestrians in crosswalks have the right-of-way over vehicles. Crosswalks are sometimes in the middle of the block and, in this case, a pedestrian crossing sign is located at the white lines. Other Markings Yellow or white diagonal stripes are used to mark fixed obstructions. Solid white or yellow lines are sometimes used to channel traffic around a hazard. Curb markings, fire lanes and pavement markings may be designated as No Parking areas by local authorities.
Railroad Crossings
When approaching a railroad crossing you must stop within 15-50 feet if there is a posted stop sign, the electric signal is flashing or the crossing gate is lowered. You also must stop if a flagger issues a signal to stop or a train is approaching and/or gives a warning. If a railroad grade crossing has no warning devices or only a crossbuck sign, slow down and look and listen for a train before proceeding. You must yield the right-of-way to any approaching train or railroad equipment.
A driver may not enter a highway railroad crossing unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the crossing to accommodate the vehicle without obstructing passage of a train or other railroad equipment using the rails. Vehicles required by law to stop at most all railroad crossings are second division vehicles carrying people for hire, school buses, and vehicles carrying hazardous materials and identified by a sign required by federal or state government. The driver of these vehicles must look and listen in both directions. To avoid stalling, a driver should not change gears while crossing the track. Railroad crossings are marked with one or more of the following special warning devices: Round Advance Warning Sign A yellow sign with a black X and the letters RR means a highway-railway crossing is ahead. The sign may be placed up to 750 feet in advance of the railroad crossing. Pavement Markings A solid yellow line in advance of the crossing means no passing. White stop lines on each side of the track show motorists where to stop when a train is approaching. These markings also indicate a highway railway crossing is ahead. Railroad Crossbuck Sign If a railroad crossing has more than one track, the number of tracks is on the sign below the crossbuck. This is a yield sign and drivers must yield the right-of-way to any oncoming trains and railroad equipment. Flashing Light Signals When lights begin to flash, you must always stop until the train has passed and the lights have stopped flashing. Gates Remain stopped until the lowered gates are raised and lights are no longer flashing. Do not attempt to beat crossing gates as they are lowering or to go around lowered gates. Following are important laws and safety tips when approaching a railroad crossing: Drive as though you expect a train on any track at any time. Once a train has passed, always look for a second train on another track before proceeding. Check carefully to make sure there is enough room for your vehicle on the other side of the railroad track. If there is not enough room, do not cross the tracks. If your vehicle has a manual transmission, shift down before reaching the tracks. To avoid stalling, you should not change gears while crossing the track.
Never race a train. It may cost you your life and those of your passengers. Be prepared to stop when you are behind vehicles required to stop at railroad crossings (see previous page). Tracks equipped with an automated railroad crossing enforcement system may record an image of the vehicle and license plate, time, date and location of any violation. Drivers are subject to fines and possible suspension of their driving privileges for violations.
Chapter 10 Study Questions 1. What should a driver do when approaching a traffic control signal that is not in operation? a. Come to a full stop and yield the right-of-way before entering the intersection. b. If the intersection is clear, the driver does not need to stop. c. Drive quickly through the intersection to get out of the way of other vehicles.
2. If a traffic light shows both a red light and a green arrow, a driver may not turn in the direction of the arrow until the red light has changed. True False 3. Drivers may pass on a two-lane roadway marked with a single solid yellow line on their side of the center line. True False 4. A railroad crossbuck sign should be treated the same as a yield sign. True False 5. All vehicles are required to stop within how many feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing when a train is approaching? a. between 15 and 50 feet b. between 5 and 10 feet c. 10 feet 6. When approaching a railroad crossing that has no warning signals (such as electric flashing lights or gates), a driver should look, listen and slow down. True False 7. After a train clears a crossing that has flashing signals, drivers may proceed after checking for a second train on another track and the lights have stopped flashing. True False 8. If moving with a stream of vehicles across a railroad track, it is safe to stop on the track for a short period of time. True False
Drive Defensively
Always be prepared to react to another driver. Do not expect the other driver to do what you think he/she should do. Do not assume you know what he/she is going to do. If you cannot avoid a crash, remain calm and try to choose the least dangerous situation. For example, running into a ditch is less dangerous than a head-on collision.
Following Distances
Following a vehicle too closely or tailgating is the cause of most rear-end collisions. Use the three-second rule to determine a safe following distance. Select a fixed object on the road ahead such as a sign, tree or overpass. When the vehicle ahead of you passes the object, count one-thousand-one, one-thousand-two, etc. You should not reach the object before you count to one-thousand-three. If you do, you are following too closely. The three-second rule also applies to your speed when you are on a good road and during good weather conditions. If the road and/or weather conditions are not good, increase your following distance even more. If you are being tailgated, move to another lane or slowly pull off the road and allow the vehicle to pass.
3 Seconds
Approximate Feet Vehicle Will Travel in 1 Second 37 feet 52 feet 66 feet 81 feet 96 feet
3-Second Rule Distance 111 feet back 156 feet back 198 feet back 243 feet back 288 feet back
Vehicle Speed
Driving too fast or too slowly can create a dangerous situation. Regardless of the posted speed limit, weather and traffic conditions may make it necessary to drive more slowly. Your speed should be adjusted for the conditions and match the flow of traffic, as long
as it does not surpass the maximum posted speed. Doubling your speed quadruples your stopping distance. Consider the following when deciding your speed: How quickly you can react physically and mentally. Type and condition of the roadway. Size of tires large, wide tires with good tread will stop a vehicle faster than small, narrow tires with little tread. Condition of brakes newer brakes stop a vehicle more quickly than older, worn brakes. Direction of the wind and how fast is it blowing a strong tail wind can make it very difficult to stop. Type of vehicle vehicle design, weight distribution, suspension and shock absorbers all play a role in how quickly a vehicle can stop.
Weather Conditions
Weather can create a driving hazard. Special care must be taken in fog, rain, high winds and winter driving conditions.
Fog While it is not advisable, if you must drive in fog, take the following precautions: Turn off the cruise control if in use and increase your following distance. Slow down. If you see headlights or taillights, slow down even more. A driver may be driving in the center of the roadway or may be stopped or barely moving. Drive with your headlights set on dim, or use fog lights. Do not overdrive your headlights. Stay within the limits of your vision. You may have to stop suddenly. If the fog is too dense, pull off the roadway and stop. Do not drive at 5-10 mph. Use your turn signal long before you turn, and brake early when you approach a stop to warn other drivers. Rain Illinois law requires you to turn on your headlights when operating your windshield wipers. When rain begins to fall lightly, water, dust, oil and leaves cause the roadway to become slippery. Take the following precautions when driving in rain: Turn off the cruise control if in use and increase your following distance. Take special care on curves and turns and while braking. Avoid hydroplaning by slowing down. If you skid while hydroplaning, try to regain control of the vehicle. Otherwise, release the accelerator and ride out the skid.
If you come across a roadway or viaduct that has been flooded due to heavy rain, do not drive through the flooded area. It is impossible to determine the depth or current of the water until its too late. Turn your vehicle around and find another route.
High Winds Wind can be a difficult problem, especially for drivers of trucks, recreational vehicles, campers and trailers-in-tow. Take the following precautions: Reduce your speed and make steering corrections when you go from a protected area to an open area and when meeting large vehicles such as trucks and buses. Heavy rain or sleet often accompanies high winds. Be alert to wet or slippery areas and plan for those conditions. The Illinois Tollway System bans the hauling of house trailers in high winds. Winter Driving Winter is the most difficult driving season due to many reasons, including ice, snow, lower temperatures and fewer daylight hours.
Drive slower and increase your following distance. Roadway conditions may vary depending upon the sun, shade or roadway surface. Do not use the cruise control if the pavement is wet, icy or snowy. Remove all snow and ice from your vehicle. Clear all windows, and do not start driving until your windshield is defrosted and clear. Be sure you have non-freezing windshield washer liquid and that your headlights and taillights are visible. Be sure your vehicle is maintained properly. Lights, brakes, windshield wipers, defrosters, radiator and other parts should be in good working order. Use snow tires and/or chains (where allowed). Snow tires give you extra traction, and chains increase safety on snow or ice packed roads. Neither tires nor chains allow you to drive on bad roads at normal speeds. Gentle braking in slow, steady strokes helps you find out how much traction you have. Begin braking early when you come to an intersection or a stop. Approach bridges, shaded spots, overpasses and turns slowly. They may remain icy after the rest of the roadway is clear and dry. Plan ahead for winter driving. Carry a blanket, food and other survival equipment, such as a shovel, in your vehicle in case you become stranded. If you become stranded, remain in your vehicle. Run your engine only for brief times, and open your window to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Make sure your vehicle tailpipe is free of snow and debris.
When entering an expressway, you will usually find a speed-change lane. This lane allows you to gain the speed necessary before merging. Signal and look for an opening in the traffic, match traffic speed and merge with traffic when safe. Check your rearview and side mirrors before changing lanes. Use your turn signals when making lane changes. Do not follow too closely. Allow plenty of distance between you and the car ahead. The right lane is for slower traffic. The left lane is for faster traffic and for passing. Do not stop on the expressway. Pull off the road if you have a problem. Lift your vehicles hood and turn on your hazard flashers. Do not walk along the expressway. Freeway exits may be on the right or left. Be sure to be in the correct exit and speedchange lanes. Signal your intent then slow down to make your exit in the speedchange lane. Go to the next exit if you missed yours. Backing up on expressways is against the law.
Night Driving Night driving is difficult because things may appear differently than in daylight. Also, glare from lights may interfere with vision. Courtesy and common sense should be used when driving at night. Never overdrive your headlights. Always keep them clean and aimed properly. Use them at dusk and dawn. Bright lights must be dimmed 500 feet before meeting an oncoming vehicle or 300 feet before passing a vehicle. If streetlights cause a lot of glare, dim your dashboard lights and use your sun visor. Avoid using any other light inside your vehicle. Roadway signs are more difficult to see at night. Use edge lines and center lines of the roadway as guides. Do not stop on the roadway. If you must stop, carry and use a red warning light. Rural Intersections Depending on the time of the year, it may be difficult to see other drivers. Some rural intersections may be marked with warning signs (stop, yield, etc.), while others may not. When approaching any rural intersection, slow down and look both ways before entering the intersection. Be safe and enter all rural intersections with caution. Curves Slow down before entering the curve. Do not brake suddenly as this may cause skidding or locked wheels. Never drive over the center line. Head-on Approaches When a vehicle is approaching head-on in your lane, slow down immediately. Pull over to the right and sound your horn.
Skidding Skidding occurs when tires lose traction. If you skid, ease off the gas pedal or brakes. Steer into the direction of the skid until you feel you have regained traction and then straighten your vehicle.
Driving off the Pavement If your wheels drift off the pavement onto the shoulder, grip the wheel firmly, ease your foot off the gas pedal and brake gently. After checking for traffic behind you, gently steer back onto the pavement. Do not jerk your wheel to correct your steering. This may cause you to drive into oncoming traffic. Fire If smoke appears, pull off the road. Turn off the engine, move away from the vehicle and call the fire department. Vehicle fires can be very dangerous. Do not fight the fire yourself. Water Crashes If your vehicle runs off the roadway into water but does not sink right away, try to escape through a window. Because of differences in water pressure, you may not be able to open your car door. If your vehicle does sink, move to the back seat area where an air pocket usually forms. Take a deep breath and exit from a rear window. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Carbon monoxide is a deadly poison. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are weariness, yawning, dizziness, nausea, headache and ringing in the ears. You can prevent carbon monoxide poisoning by having the exhaust system checked regularly. Also, leave the window partially open when starting the engine, while driving the vehicle or when running the engine while parked. Never run the engine in your garage. Electricity If you are in a crash that results in power lines falling on your vehicle, the danger of electrical shock exists. You should remain in your vehicle until help arrives. However, if fire is an immediate danger, you must jump clear of the vehicle. Do not allow any part of your body to touch the vehicle and the ground at the same time. Explosive Fire Hazard Always shut off your vehicles engine when refueling. Never smoke around gas
pumps. For safety purposes, remain with the pump while refueling and avoid returning to the vehicle during the pumping process.
Equipment Failure
Crashes often happen when equipment fails. Equipment failures may include: Blowouts A thumping sound may be a warning of a blowout. If this happens, ease your foot off the gas pedal and keep a firm grasp on the steering wheel. Do not brake suddenly. Pull safely off the roadway and check your tires. Loss of a wheel React as you would with a blowout. Ease off the gas pedal and pull off the roadway. Steering failure If you suddenly have no control of the steering wheel, ease your foot off the gas pedal. Turn on your emergency flashers and allow your vehicle to come to a slow stop. Brake very gently to prevent your vehicle from spinning. Brake failure If your brake pedal suddenly sinks to the floor, pump it to build pressure. If that does not work, use your emergency or parking brake. To slow down, shift your vehicle into a lower gear. Headlight failure If your headlights fail suddenly, try your emergency flashers, parking lights and/or turn signals. Pull off the road. If your lights begin to dim, drive to a service station or pull off the road and seek help. Stuck gas pedal If the gas pedal becomes stuck, hook your toe under it to free it. If it does not become free, shift your vehicle into neutral and brake gently to slow down. If you have power steering or a locking steering wheel, do not turn off the ignition, you will lose either your power steering or your ability to steer. Blocked vision If your vision becomes blocked, roll down the side window to see. Turn on your emergency flashers and then pull your vehicle off the road.
Avoid aggressive drivers and potentially dangerous situations. If you encounter an angry or aggressive motorist: Do not retaliate or in any way engage the other driver. Get out of the way. Do not make eye contact. Keep your doors locked and your windows up. Keep enough space between you and the vehicle in front of you to pull out from behind. Do not underestimate a drivers potential for aggression.
Chapter 11 Study Questions 1. The road surface of a bridge may be dangerous in winter because it may remain icy after the rest of the roadway is clear. True False
2. If driving in fog, a driver should turn on the high-beam headlights to increase the field of vision. True False 3. Most rear-end collisions are caused by the vehicle in back following too closely. True False 4. The three-second rule helps the driver determine a safe following distance. True False 5. If a vehicle starts to skid on water (hydroplane), the driver should quickly apply the brakes. True False 6. If the front right wheel of a vehicle runs off the pavement, a driver should ease off the accelerator, brake gently and gently steer back onto the pavement. True False 7. Drivers who become stranded in blizzard conditions should remain in their vehicles. True False 8. When experiencing a tire blowout, the driver should apply the brakes quickly and pull off the roadway to check the tire. True False 9. If a vehicle starts to skid, the driver should gently apply the brakes and steer in the opposite direction of the skid. True False 10.Illinois law requires that headlights be on when atmospheric conditions require the use of windshield wipers. True False 11.After being pulled over by law enforcement, a driver should immediately exit the vehicle and quickly approach the officers squad car. True False 12.If a driver needs to obtain insurance or vehicle registration information from the glove box, the driver should inform the police officer before doing so. True False
Required Equipment
Your motor vehicle must have the following working equipment: Brakes Vehicles must have two brake systems and brakes on all wheels. The foot brake must be strong enough to stop a vehicle traveling at a speed of 20 mph in 30 feet. The emergency or parking brake must be strong enough to stop the vehicle in 55 feet at the same speed. The emergency brake also must be able to hold the vehicle on a grade or hill. Motor-driven cycles need only one brake. Headlights Vehicles must have two headlights and they must be on from sunset to sunrise and be used in times when rain, snow, fog or other conditions require the use of windshield wipers. They also should be used when objects 1,000 feet away cannot be seen. Bright lights must be dimmed 500 feet before meeting an oncoming vehicle or 300 feet before passing a vehicle. Motorcycles and mopeds require a headlight, which must show objects 500 feet ahead, and be on whenever the vehicle is driven. Taillights Vehicles must have two red lights visible for 500 feet from behind. Only one taillight is needed for mopeds and motorcycles. Turn signals Vehicles, except motorcycles, trailers and semitrailers, must have right and left turn signals on the front and rear visible from 300 feet. Stop lights Vehicles must have at least one red or amber stop light visible for 500 feet from behind in normal sunlight. License plate light Vehicles must have a white light making the license plate readable from 50 feet away and must be on when headlights are on. Parking lights Front and rear parking lights are required for any vehicle stopped on a highway at night. Some local communities may allow unlighted night parking on streets. Safety Belts Passenger vehicles must have two sets of safety belts in the front seat. Without these belts, 1965 or later models may not be sold or operated in Illinois. Mirrors One rearview mirror is required so you can see at least 200 feet behind your car. Windows All window glass must be approved safety glass. The windshield must be free of snow, ice, moisture and any defects that distort vision. All glass must be free of obstructions between the driver and front or rear windows. Tinted windows are not allowed on the front windshield. A six-inch strip of tinting is allowed along the entire length at the top of the front windshield. Check with your local law enforcement for local ordinances regarding window tint. Wipers Wipers must operate properly to clear ice, snow and moisture.
Horn Vehicles must have a horn that can be heard from 200 feet. Sirens, whistles and bells are allowed only on authorized emergency vehicles. Muffler A muffler must be on the exhaust system to prevent excessive noise and smoke. Cutouts, bypasses and changes to the system to increase noise are illegal. Bumpers Vehicles weighing 9,000 pounds or less and all recreational vehicles must have a front and rear bumper. It is illegal to alter the suspension system of a vehicle to lift the body from the chassis frame in excess of three inches. Also, the horizontal line from the front to the rear may not vary over three inches.
Restricted Equipment
Projecting Loads Loads extending four feet or more to the rear of a vehicle must be marked with a red flag during the day. At night or when visibility is poor, the vehicle must have a red light visible for 500 feet. Back-up lights Vehicles may have one or more backup lights; however, they may not be on when the vehicle is moving forward. Spotlights (only one allowed) When approaching another vehicle, it must be directed neither to the left nor more than 100 feet ahead. Your vehicle may not have more than four 300 candlepower lights burning. Flashing or moving lights Flashing or moving lights other than turn signals or hazard indicators are prohibited, except for police or emergency vehicles. Red lights Red lights visible from the front are prohibited, except for police or emergency vehicles. Running board lights Limited to one on each side, which must be non-glare white or amber lights. Cowl or fender lamps Only two lights are allowed, which must be non-glare, white or amber lights. Studded Tires Pneumatic tires with metal studs are illegal except for vehicles used by mail carriers in rural areas between November 15 and April 1; vehicles displaying Persons with Disabilities or Disabled Veteran plates between November 15 and April 1 (owners must live on a county or township road in an unincorporated area); agricultural tractors or traction engines; agricultural machinery, including wagons, being used for agricultural towing purposes; or road-building machinery operated at a speed of less than 10 mph. Televisions or Video Televisions or video recording monitors that can be seen from the drivers seat are prohibited while the vehicle is in motion. Antique Vehicles Special rules for lamps, brakes, stop lights and turn signals apply to vehicles more than 25 years old. For more information, call the Secretary of States office at 800-252-8980. Radar Detectors Possession and use of radar jamming devices on radar detectors is prohibited in all vehicles.
Chapter 12 Study Questions 1. Within how many feet is a driver required to dim the headlights before meeting another vehicle? a. 250 feet b. 400 feet c. 500 feet
2. Headlights must be lighted from sunset to sunrise. True False 3. Your car must have a horn that can be heard from a distance of 200 feet. True False
Registration fees must be paid annually. A $20 late fee is assessed on registrations renewed 30 days or more past the expiration date. Vanity/personalized plates and some other plate categories carry additional fees in addition to the following fees: Passenger vehicle and B-truck (8,000 pounds or less) ............................................$101 Motorcycle ..................................................................................................................$41 Replacement plate (1) ..................................................................................................$6 Replacement plates (2) ................................................................................................$9 Replacement sticker ..................................................................................................$20 Fees are subject to legislative change. For up-to-date fee information, visit www.cyberdriveillinois.com. When you receive your license plates/sticker, you also will receive a vehicle registration ID card, which must be carried in your vehicle or with you when you are driving.
Temporary Registration Permit When you apply for registration for your vehicle you may be issued a Temporary Registration Permit (TRP). This permit must be displayed in the same place and manner as your rear license plate. The TRP is valid for 90 days from the issuance date, although it may be reissued if the license plates do not arrive within 90 days. Once your plates are received, the TRP should be removed and replaced with your permanent license plates. For your protection, the permit should be destroyed and discarded upon removal. TRPs are available through Illinois licensed dealers, licensed remittance agencies, currency exchanges and Secretary of State facilities.
vehicle. You may renew online at www.cyberdriveillinois.com, by mail, by visiting a Secretary of State facility, or by calling the toll-free number on the renewal notice. You also may renew at certain banks, savings and loans, currency exchanges, credit unions and remittance agencies.
Mandatory Insurance
All vehicles operated in Illinois must be covered by liability insurance, which covers injuries or damages you may cause with your vehicle to other persons or their property. Vehicle owners are required to provide insurance information at the time of registration renewal. Once the vehicle owner signs the registration or renewal application, he/she affirms the vehicle is properly insured. Some vehicle classes are required to carry higher liability coverage under other laws. Following are minimum liability insurance limits: $20,000 for injury or death of one person in a crash. $40,000 for injury or death of more than one person in a crash. $15,000 for damage to property of another person. Evidence of liability coverage must be carried by the motorist or in the vehicle and shown to law enforcement officers upon request. Insurance companies must issue Illinois insurance cards to policyholders. Contact your insurance agent or company if you lose your insurance card or the company fails to send you one. Meanwhile, carry in your vehicle some other kind of proof that you have insurance, such as an insurance binder, the current declarations page of your insurance policy, a certificate of insurance or the receipt for your last insurance payment. Enforcement of the law is done through random computer checks by the Secretary of States office and the issuance of traffic tickets. Failure to carry the required insurance will result in fines, suspension of your driving privileges and suspension of your vehi90
cle registration until proof of insurance is obtained. If you have trouble obtaining insurance, contact the Illinois Automobile Insurance Plan. The plan is a state-monitored program for drivers who have difficulty obtaining insurance.
Emissions Testing
In compliance with the Clean Air Act, certain vehicles in various areas of Illinois must pass an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) emissions test in order for the Secretary of States office to renew the vehicles license plates. The IEPA is required by law to notify owners of the scheduled test month and year for their vehicle. Vehicle emissions testing is required in the following counties: all of Cook, DuPage and Lake, and parts of Kane, Kendall, McHenry, Will, Madison, Monroe and St. Clair. If you move from the area in which testing is required, you must notify the IEPA. For more information, please call the IEPA: Chicago Metro area, 847-758-3400; East St. Louis Metro area, 800-635-2380.
A Aggravated DUI, 44, 45, 51 Aggressive Driving, 82 Air Bags, 19, 20 Alleys, 12, 21-23, 25, 29, 59, 72, 73 Antique Vehicle, 86, 90 Appearing in Court, 48 B Bicycles/Bicyclists, 24, 39, 40 Bicycles/Electric & Gas, 39, 40 Blocked Vision, 25, 82 Blood-Alcohol Concentration (BAC), 42 Blowout (tire), 82 Brakes, 12, 29, 39, 41, 77-79 Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID), 44, 54 Bridges, 24, 25, 31, 36, 37, 64, 65, 79 Bribery, 13 Bumpers, 86 C Carbon Monoxide, 79, 81 Cellphone, 13, 16, 19, 21, 22, 31, 48, 62, 66, 77 Certificate of Title, 88 Changing Lanes, 25, 27, 28, 72, 80 Cheating, 13 Child Passenger Protection Act, 19, 20 Child Visitation Abuse, 19, 52, 55 Closing Speeds, 35 Construction Zones, 19, 21, 25, 28, 52, 53, 56, 66, 67 Controlled Access Roadway, 25, 26, 31, 39, 41, 59 Cooperative Driver Testing Certificate, 15, 17 Cooperative Driver Testing Program, 14 Court Appearance, 48 Court Supervision, 15, 18, 46, 48, 53 Crash Reports, 8, 48, 49 Crosswalk, 22, 23, 25, 30, 31, 36, 56, 58, 61, 62, 70, 71, 73 Curfew, 15, 16 Curves, 21, 24-26, 28, 63-65, 78, 80 D Defensive Driving, 50, 76 Defensive Driving Course, 50 Disabled Parking (See Parking, Persons with Disabilities) Disabled Pedestrian, 37 Distracted Driving, 77 Drag Racing, 51 Driver Education, 2, 14-17 Driving Exam, 7, 11 Drivers License Address Change, 3-5, 7, Age Restrictions, 2, 15, 16 Cancellation, 9, 17, 53, 54 Classifications, 5 Commercial, 2, 7, 8, 10, 19, 55 Corrected Lenses, 11 Denial, 54 Document ID Requirements, 6 Duplicate License, 10 Exemptions, 2, 3 Fees, 10 Name Change, 3, 4, 7 New Residents, 4 Renewal, 4, 7, 11, 13, 18 Revocation, 8, 19, 43, 45, 49, 51-54 Suspension, 5, 8, 18, 19, 29, 43-46, 48, 50-55, 75, 90 Driveways, 22, 23, 25, 29, 31, 37, 59, 60, 72, 73 Driving Hazards, 79 Driving Off Pavement, 24, 81 Driving Record, 7, 12, 16, 17, 42-44, 54, 55 Driving Under the Influence (DUI), 42-44, 51 Drowsy Driving, 77 Drugs, 8, 37, 42, 43, 44, 51, 52 E Electricity, 81 Emergency Contact Database, 13 Emergency Medical Information Card, 8 Emergency Vehicles, 21, 22, 25-27, 52, 59, 86 Emissions Testing, Vehicle, 91 Equipment, Vehicle, 11, 12, 40, 82, 85, 86 Expressway, 39, 41, 58, 59, 65, 71, 79, 80
F Fees Drivers License, 10 License Plates, 13, 88, 89, 90 Financial Responsibility Law, 43, 50, 53, 55 Fire, 81 Fog, 78, 85 Following Distances, 38, 76, 78, 79 Fraud, Drivers License, 8, 51, 52, 54 Funeral Processions, 20, 22 G Graduated Drivers License, 15, 16 H Hazard Signal, 28 Headlight Failure, 82 Head-on Approaches, 80 Headsets, 31 High Winds, 78 Hitchhiking, 37 Horn, Vehicle, 41, 80, 82, 86 Horseback Riders, 41 House Trailer, 32, 78 I Implied Consent Law, 42, 43 Instruction Permit (See Permits) Intersections, 21-23, 25-28, 30, 31, 36, 38-40, 56, 58, 60, 61, 63, 70, 71, 73, 79, 80 J Joggers/Walkers, 37 L Lane Change, 21, 28, 80 Lane Usage, 25, 36 Law Enforcement, 13, 16, 22, 28, 43, 70, 83, 84, 90 Leaving the Scene of a Crash, 45, 49, 51 License Plates, 12, 13, 30, 48, 49, 67, 75, 85, 88-91 Living Will, 8 Low-Speed Vehicles, 19, 40 M Maintenance Zone (See Construction Zone) Mandatory Insurance, 12, 44, 49, 50, 53, 82, 90, 91
Medical Report, 8, 9 Mirrors, Vehicle, 12, 24, 35, 80-84 Monitoring Device Driving Permit (See Permits) Mopeds, 31, 40, 41, 85, 89 Motorcycles, 2, 5, 7, 11, 14, 19, 31, 37-41, 85, 89, 90 Muffler, 86 N Night Driving, 14-16, 35, 37, 39, 40, 67, 80, 83, 84, 86 O Organ/Tissue Donor Program, 9 P Parent-Teen Driving Guide, 14, 17 Parent-Teen Driving Contract, 17 Parental Access, 17 Parental Consent (GDL), 17 Parking, 12, 29, 30, 31, 39, 53, 68, 73, 77, 81, 86 Parking Brakes, 12, 82, 85 Parking Lights, 31, 82, 85 Parking, Parallel, 30 Parking, Persons With Disabilities, 13, 30, 53, 68, 91 Passing, 22, 24, 25-29, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 57, 61, 65, 68, 72-74, 76, 80, 82, 85 Passing Lane, 22, 24, 80 Passing Zone, 24, 25, 57, 61, 65, 73 Pavement Markings, 11, 28, 57, 70, 71, 73, 74 Pedestrians, 21-29, 31, 35-37, 56, 58, 61, 62, 70, 71, 73 Pedestrian Crosswalk (See Crosswalk) Pedestrian Right-of-Way, 22, 23, 26-28, 36, 37, 56, 58, 70, 71, 73 Pedestrians With Disabilities, 37 Permits Family Financial Responsibility Driving Permit, 55 Instruction Permit, 2, 4, 10, 13-15, 17, 54 Monitoring Device Driving Permit, 2, 44, 54 Occupational Driving Permit, 55 Restricted Driving Permit, 2, 18, 44, 54 Temporary Registration Permit, 89 Police Vehicles (See Emergency Vehicles)
Power of Attorney, 8 Probationary License, 2, 5, 55 Projecting Loads, 86 R Radar Detectors, 87 Railroad Crossings, 25, 29, 31, 37, 39, 52, 53, 56, 70, 73-75 Rain, 39, 78, 85 Reckless Conduct, 51 Reckless Driving, 51 Reckless Homicide, 45, 51 Restricted Driving Permit (See Permits) Restricted Local Drivers License, 5 Right-of-Way, 12, 19, 22, 23, 26-29, 36-39, 56, 58, 70, 71, 73, 74 Rotary/Roundabout, 28 Rural Intersections, 80 S Safe Driver Renewal, 7, 8 Safety/Seat Belts, 12,16, 19, 20, 40, 85, 86 Safety Responsibility Law, 48,
49 School Bus, 2, 25, 28, 29, 44, 51, 53, 74 School Zone, 21-23, 25, 31, 37, 57, 58, 61, 62, 77 Scooters, 40, 41 Selective Service, 9 Senior Citizens, 2, 13, 90 Signs Color, 57 Construction, 66 Guide, 68 Maintenance, 66 Regulatory, 58 School, 62 Shapes, 56 Warning, 61 Signals/Signaling Arm/Hand Signals, 26 Left Turns, 27 Right Turns, 26 Skidding, 78, 80, 81 Slow-Moving Vehicles, 19, 35, 36, 66, 68 Snow, 78, 79, 85 Snowmobiles, 40 Speed Limit, 21, 37, 40, 59, 62, 66, 76, 79, 83 Statutory Summary Suspension, 43, 44, 54 Statutory Summary Revocation, 43 Suspension, Vehicle Registration, 86 T Teen Driving, 2, 14-18 Telescopic Lenses, 11 Televisions/Video, 86 Temporary Registration Permit (See Permits) Text Messaging, 16, 77 Tinted Windows, 85 Title, Vehicle, 40, 88, 91 Towed Vehicle, 5, 32 Trains (See Railroad Crossings) Trucks, 11, 19, 27, 35, 78, 89 Turning, 12, 22-28, 35, 36, 38-40, 59, 60, 63, 70-73 U Unattended Vehicle, 49 U-Turns, 28, 59, 73 V
Drivers License
ID Card
Under 21 ID Card
Under 21 CDL
Under 21 TVDL
The Secretary of States Emergency Contact Database allows Illinois drivers license and ID cardholders to enter emergency contact information into a voluntary, secure database. In the event of a motor vehicle crash or other emergency situation when a person is unable to communicate directly, law enforcement can access the database to help reach the persons designated contacts. To register your emergency contact information, please visit www.cyberdriveillinois.com.
To register your Emergency Contact Database information, visit the Secretary of States website: