Occupational License Wisconsin
Occupational License Wisconsin
Occupational License Wisconsin
Drug Convictions:
First no waiting period.
Second after 60 days.
First no waiting period.
You may visit the Wisconsin Department of Transportations
web page www.dot.wisconsindmv.gov to find out if you are
eligible for an occupational license.
You may apply for an occupational license at the nearest
DMV Customer Service Center (excluding DMV Express
Offices). Two hours are needed to process an application.
Plan to arrive at the DMV Customer Service Center at least
two hours before the center is scheduled to close. You need
to do the following:
Complete a Wisconsin Driver License Application
MV3001 and an Application for Occupational Operator
License MV3027. If you are under 18 years old, a
sponsor signature is required.
Complete necessary tests, including vision screening.
Provide proof of your identity, such as an ID with your
picture on it or a document with your signature.
Provide an SR22 insurance certificate.
No person may operate a motor vehicle in this State unless
the owner or driver of the vehicle has liability insurance in
effect for the vehicle being operated and carries proof of
insurance whenever driving.
Law Enforcement may ask for proof of insurance at any traffic
stop or accident. Failure to have insurance could result in up
to a $500 fine. Failure to have proof when requested could
result in a $10 fine.
You do not need proof of insurance when registering a
vehicle or obtaining a driver license, unless DMV specifically
requested proof of financial responsibility (SR-22) after a
revocation or suspension. Refer to Wis. Stats 344.61-344.65
for full detail.
Call the DMV at 608-266-2261
or send email to: driverrecords.dmv@dot.wi.gov