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An Application of Genetic Algorithm in Mobile Ipv4 For Packet Loss Optimization

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Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: editor@ijettcs.org, editorijettcs@gmail.

com Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856

An Application of Genetic Algorithm in Mobile IPv4 for Packet Loss Optimization

Rohini Garg1 Rama Gaur2
M.Tech Scholar, Digital Communication, Marudhar Engineering College, Rajasthan, India
2 Assosiate Professor, ECE department, Marudhar Engineering College, Rajasthan, India 1

Abstract- Internet technology is widespread throughout the

world, offering access to varieties of information and resource. Traditionally, however, the service is only available when people settle down in their offices, homes or any other authorized areas, typically by plugging a physical jack into a wall. Although the development of wireless communication technologies has made wireless Internet access possible. Mobile IP was proposed by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) in order to offer mobile users a seamless computing environment. Mobile IP was developed to enable computers to maintain Internet connectivity while moving from one Internet attachment point to another. However, before Mobile IP can be widely deployed, there are still many technical obstacles, including handover performance, routing efficiency and security issues. In Mobile IP network loses of information during handover cannot be avoided Therefore, Optimization of packet loses in wireless network design are necessary in order to improve the overall IP mobility performance. In this paper we optimized the performance of system using Genetic Algorithm (GA) in order to improve the overall IP mobility performance. GA is a stochastic process, which attempts to find an optimal solution for a problem by using methods that are based on Mendels genetic inheritance concept and Darwins theory of evolution and survival of the fittest. To develop the best solution candidate (or chromosome), the GA utilizes the genetic operators such as selection, crossover, and mutation for manipulating the chromosomes in a population. Simulation of GA for packet loss optimization has been performed using MATLAB software.

Packet loss is the major problem in todays wireless network during handover and change in points of attachments. Optimization of packet loses in wireless network design are necessary in order to improve the overall IP mobility performance. In this paper we propose a technique for the optimization of packet loses using Genetic Algorithm (GA). Simulation of GA has been done on MATLAB and optimized results are shown [1].

Mobile IP is a standard that allows users to move from one network to another without losing connectivity. Mobile devices have IP addresses that are associated with one network and moving to another network means changing IP address. Using the mobile IP system will allow users to achieve this and at the same time make the underlying process transparent for a user [2]. 2.1 The need for Mobile IP Mobile IP is the natural solution to overcome some of the limitations of the original IP addressing. The basic idea behind Mobile IP is to let one host have two simultaneous addresses, one at the home network and one at the foreign network. The home network address (primary address) is never changed. This address is always used by applications and transport protocols. The address at the foreign network (secondary address) is temporary; it changes as the computer moves and is only valid at the specific foreign network. Mobile IP specifies a set of extensions to manage dynamic routing of packets from the mobile computers home network to wherever it might be currently attached to the Internet. One advantage of handling mobility at the network layer is that, by doing so, one can make mobility transparent to upper layer protocols. 2.2 Terminology Mobile IP introduces the following new functional entities: Mobile node (MN) This is a host or router that changes its point of attachment from one network or sub network to another, without changing its IP address. A mobile node can continue to communicate with other Internet nodes at any location using its (constant) IP address. Page 33

Keywords: Mobile IP, Handover in Mobile IPV4, GA.

Mobile Computing is becoming increasingly important due to the rise in the number of portable computers and the desire to have continuous network connectivity to the Internet irrespective of the physical location of the node. The objective of Mobile IP is to support end system mobility while maintaining compatibility with lower layers and transparency to higher layers of TCP/IP standards. Mobile IP is a standard that allows users to move from one network to another without losing connectivity. Mobile devices have IP addresses that are associated with one network and moving to another network means changing IP address. Using the mobile IP system will allow users to achieve this and at the same time make the underlying process transparent for a user. Volume 2, Issue 3 May June 2013

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: editor@ijettcs.org, editorijettcs@gmail.com Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
Home agent (HA) - A router on a mobile nodes home network maintains current location information for each. Foreign agent (FA) - A router on a mobile nodes visited network which cooperates with the home agent to complete the delivery of datagram to the mobile node while it is away from home. A mobile node has a home address, which is a long-term IP address on its home network. When away from its home network, a care-of address is associated with the mobile node and reflects the mobile nodes current point of attachment. The mobile node uses its home address as the source address of all IP datagram it sends, except where otherwise required for certain registration request datagram. Agent advertisement - Foreign agents advertise their presence by using a special message, which is constructed by attaching a special extension to a router advertisement. Care-of address (COA) - The termination point of a tunnel toward a mobile node, for datagrams forwarded to the mobile node while it is away from home. There are two different types of care-of- address: a foreign agent care-of address is an address of a foreign agent with which the mobile node is registered; a collocated care-of address is an externally obtained local address which the mobile node has associated with one of its own network interfaces. Correspondent node (CN) It is a peer with which a mobile node is communicating. A correspondent node may be either mobile or stationary. Foreign network (FN) This is any network other than the mobile nodes home network. Home address (HOA) - It is an IP address that is assigned for an extended period of time to a mobile node. It remains unchanged regardless of where the node is attached to the Internet. Home network - A network, possibly virtual, having a network prefixes matching that of a mobile nodes home address. Note that standard IP routing mechanisms will deliver datagram to a mobile nodes home address to the mobile nodes home network. Link- It can be defined as a facility or medium over which nodes can communicate at the link layer. A link underlies the network layer. Link-layer address - The address used to identify an endpoint of some communication over a physical link. Typically, the link-layer address is an interfaces media access control (MAC) address. Mobility agent (MA) It is either a home agent or a foreign agent. Mobility binding - The association of a home address with a care-of address, along with the remaining lifetime of that association. Mobility security association - A collection of security contexts between a pair of nodes which may be applied to mobile IP protocol messages exchanged between them. Each context indicates an authentication algorithm and mode, a secret (a shared key, or appropriate public private key pair), and a style of replay protection in use. Node - A host or a router. Volume 2, Issue 3 May June 2013 Tunnel - The path followed by a datagram while it is encapsulated. The model is that, while encapsulated, a data-gram is routed to a knowledgeable agent, which de capsulate the datagram and then forwards it along to its ultimate destination. Virtual network - A network with no physical instantiation beyond its router (with a physical network interface on another network). The router (e.g., a home agent) generally advertises reach ability to the virtual network using conventional routing protocols. Visited network - A network other than a mobile nodes home network to which the mobile node is currently connected. Visitor list - The list of mobile nodes visiting a foreign agent [2] [3] [4]. 2.3 Packet Delivery On the home network, there is a home agent, which acts as a router and performs special functions when the mobile node is not physically attached to its home network. When the mobile node is visiting a foreign network, it needs to discover the correct IP address for its use on that network. This address is called the care-of address, and packets delivered to the care-of address then are delivered to the mobile node. The care-of address to the mobile node is made available by a foreign agent, and in that case the same care-of address can be made available to all the visiting mobile nodes on that foreign network. This reduces the total number of IP addresses needed to serve the mobile nodes. For establishing connections with other computers (correspondent nodes), the mobile node uses its home address, which can remain unchanged during the life of the connection. The mobile node also uses the care-of address to establish reach ability for its current point of attachment. The coordination of these two uses is maintain by Mobile IP, and results in the tunneling of packets from the mobile nodes home network to its care-of address. Tunneling is done by encapsulation, and the mobile nodes home address is unseen by Internet routers during the time a packet is being tunneled to its care-of address. Fig 1 gives basic overview of Mobile IP protocol and its operation.

Figure 1 Overview of the Mobile IP Protocol Page 34

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: editor@ijettcs.org, editorijettcs@gmail.com Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
2.4 Operation of MIPv4 The operation of Mobile IP can be explained using three main processes. i) Agent Discovery - Mobility agents advertise their availability on each link for which they provide service. ii) Registration - When the mobile node is away from home, it registers its care-of address with its home agent. iii) Tunneling - In order for datagrams to be delivered to the mobile node when it is away from home, the home agent has to tunnel the datagrams to the care-of address. A host obtains a secondary address at foreign network using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server at the foreign network. DHCP is the protocol that dynamically assigns IP-addresses to connected computers on the network. The DHCP server chooses one of the available addresses and either permanently or temporary assigns it to the computer on the network. When the mobile host arrives at the foreign network he first needs to discover a DHCP server to obtain an IP address. Each request for an IP address is required to contain a mobilehome authentication extension that allows the DHCP server to verify the mobile's identity. When the host has received a valid IP address on the foreign network he must then register this address at his home network. On the home network there is a router that is called home agent which must be located on the same physical network as the primary address of the mobile host. When the mobile host registers at home agent he notifies the agent about the newly received secondary address. The reason that the home agent must be located on the same physical network as the primary address is because the home agent uses proxy ARP. This means that every time someone on the home network or outside the network ARPs for the mobile host's primary address the home agent must capture the request and provide its own address pretending to be him. If the home agent was not located on the same physical network he would not be able to capture the ARP request that originated from others hosts located on the same physical network. When registration of a secondary address at the home agent has been done all messages sent to the primary address will be forwarded to the secondary address at the foreign network by the home agent. When the mobile host communicates with an arbitrary computer he specifies his primary address as the source address which means that each reply will end up at the home network where the home agent will intercepts it and forward it. The home agent intercepts the message and uses IP-in-IP encapsulation to tunnel the message to the secondary address, meaning that the message will never be altered, just put into a new IP packet [5] [6]. Triangulation Problems Latency Issues 3.1 Security Issues Denial of Service Attacks: The Denial of Service Attacks can be caused when an attacker sends a tremendous number of packets to a host (e.g., a Web server) that brings the hosts CPU to its knees. Theft of Information: An unauthorized person will inevitably gain wired or wireless access to the network infrastructure. The solution is either by the use of LinkLayer Encryption where it is assumed that key management for the encryption is performed without disclosing the keys to any unauthorized parties or the use of End-to-End Encryption. Insider Attack: This usually involves a disgruntled employee gaining access to sensitive data and forwarding it to a competitor. The solution for this is to enforce strict control for who can access what data, to use a strong authentication of users and computers and to encrypt all data transfer on an end-to-end basis between the ultimate source and ultimate destination machines to prevent eavesdropping. 3.2 Triangular Routing problem The basic idea behind triangle routing is that a mobile node wants to send packets to another node that is on the same network. The receiver node happens to be far away from the mobile nodes home network. Then the sending node addresses all the packets to the home network. They pass through the Internet to reach the home agent and then tunnel them back across the Internet to reach the foreign agent. Triangle routing problem delays the delivery of the datagram to mobile nodes and places an unnecessary burden on networks and routers along their paths through the Internet.


There are some issues related to Mobile IP. These are Security Issues Volume 2, Issue 3 May June 2013 Figure 2 Triangular Routing Problems Page 35

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: editor@ijettcs.org, editorijettcs@gmail.com Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
3.3 Latency Issues With Mobile IP, the handoff latency depends on the distance between Home Agent (HA) and Foreign Agent (FA). Handover Latency: In MIPv4, MNs are required to register with their HA every time they change their access subnet to the Internet in order for their future datagram to be routed properly. In this case, a large number of packets are still routed to the MNs previous access point before the HA becomes aware of the new COA and thus could be lost [7]. 3.4 Enhancements with MIPv4 The problems with MIPv4 can be improved by different techniques: 1) Route Optimization In this technique delivery of packets is done directly to care of address from a correspondent node without having to pass through the home network. The sending node should be told the care-of address of the mobile node. The sending node makes its own tunnel to the foreign agent. In the case where the sender contains the required software to learn the care-of address and is able to create its own tunnel, then the route is optimized. If not, another route must obviously be taken. A home agent finds out that a packet is being sent from one of the mobile nodes that it supports. From here, the home agent is aware that the sender is not using the optimal route. It then sends a binding update message back to the source as well as forwarding the packet back to the foreign agent. The source then uses this information, to construct an entry in the binding cache. This binding cache is a book of mappings from mobile node addresses and care-ofaddresses. The next time this source has a packet to send to that mobile node, it will find the section in the cache and will tunnel the packet directly to the FN [8]. 2) Mobile IP Regional Registration Mobile IP registration is type of micro mobility management. Using Mobile IP, a mobile node registers with its home agent any time it changes care-of address. If the distance between the visited network and the home network of the mobile node is large enough, the signaling delay for these registrations may be long. Thus, a new kind of "regional" registration (registration local to the visited domain) is introduced. Regional registrations bring down the number of signaling messages to the home network, and reduce the signaling delay when a mobile node travels from one foreign agent to another, within the same visited domain [9]. The Genetic Algorithm (GA) is an optimization and search technique based on the principles of genetics and natural selection. A GA allows a population composed of many individuals to evolve under specified selection rules to a state that maximizes the fitness (i.e., minimizes the cost function). GA is a stochastic process, which attempts to find an optimal solution for a problem by using methods that are based on Mendels genetic inheritance concept and Darwins theory of evolution and survival of the fittest. To develop the best solution candidate (or chromosome), the GA utilizes the genetic operators such as selection, crossover, and mutation for manipulating the chromosomes in a population [10] [11]. Selection-The GA starts with a group of chromosomes known as the population. The population has Npop chromosomes and is an Npop x Nbits matrix filled with random ones and zeros generated using pop = round (rand(Npop , Nbits)); Survival of the fittest translates into discarding the chromosomes with the highest cost. only the best are selected to continue, while the rest are deleted. The selection rate, Xrate, is the fraction of Npop that survives for the next step of mating. The number of chromosomes that are kept each generation is Nkeep = Xrate Npop Crossover- The next step is to generate a second generation population of solutions from those selected through crossover. For each new solution to be produced, a pair of "parent" solutions is selected from the pool selected previously. By producing a "child" solution using method of crossover, a new solution is created which typically shares many of the characteristics of its "parents". New parents are selected for each new child, and the process continues until a new population of solutions of appropriate size is generated. Mutation- Mutation points are randomly selected from the Npop x Nbits total number of bits in the population matrix. A single point mutation changes a 1 to a 0, and vice versa. These processes ultimately result in the next generation population of chromosomes that is different from the initial generation. The pseudo-code of GA is illustrated as following. Step 1: Start Step 2: Define Fitness Function, variable parameter as population Step 3: Select GA parameters from population Step 4: Decode chromosomes Step 5: Find the cost of each function Step 6: Check, is Fitness Function converging, if yes, go to step 9, otherwise Step 7: Make crossover and mutation (optional) Step 8: Check, is generation not exceeds or met criteria, go to step 3 Step 9: Get optimal solution Step 10: Stop Page 36

Optimization is the process of making something better. It is the process of adjusting the inputs to or characteristics of a device, mathematical process, or experiment to find the minimum or maximum output or result. Volume 2, Issue 3 May June 2013

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: editor@ijettcs.org, editorijettcs@gmail.com Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
within the Internet, usually with no discernible disruption of service. Mobile IP affects the routing of datagram within the Internet, by effectively allowing the home agent to create a tunnel, using encapsulation, between the mobile node's home network and whatever care-of address happens to identify its current point of attachment. This work explores Genetic Algorithm for realizing Optimization of Packet loses in Mobile IP on Overlap Area Width. Artificial Intelligence algorithm such as GA can be practically implemented for optimizing packet loses.

Some other parameters which affects loses of information during handover in overlap area are MN Speed, Agent Advertisement Interval, Data Packet Interval and Network Traffic Load optimized in future.

[1] J. Zhang, Cross-Layer Analysis and Improvement for Mobility Performance in IP-Based Wireless Networks, Communications Research Group Department of Electronics University of York, September, 2005 [2] I. S. Misra, Wireless Communications and Networks, ISBN 978-0-07-015140-6, Mc Graw Hill, 2010. [3] J. Schiller, Mobile Communications, ISBN 978-81317-2426-2, Pearson education, 1996 [4] C. E. Perkins, S Microsystems, Mobile IP, IEEE Communications Magazine, May 1997 [5] C. E. Perkins, IP Mobility Support, RFC2002, proposed standard. IETF Mobile IP Working Group, October 1996 [6] C. E. Perkins, IP Mobility Support for IPv4, RFC 3344, August 2002 [7] J. Chandrasekaran, Mobile IP: Issues, Challenges and Solutions, Rutgers University. [8] C. E. Perkins, and D Johnson, Route Optimization in Mobile IP, draft-ietfmobileip-optim-11.txt, September, 2001 [9] E. Gustafsson, A. Jonsson, and C. E. Perkins, Mobile IPv4 Regional Registration, draft-ietfmobileip-reg-tunnel-09.txt, June 2004 [10] J. Nocedal, S. J. Wright, Numerical optimization, ISBN 0-387-98793-2, Springer-Verlag New York, 1999 [11] R. L. Haupt, S. E. Haupt, Practical Genetic Algorithms, ISBN 0-471-45565-2, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2004.

Figure 3 Flow Chart of GA


Mobile IP handover performance is usually judged by the number of lost packets, handover latency, and the amount of network resource (i.e. bandwidth, buffer and so on) needed. In this section, each simulation scenario and the results are presented. In this paper overlap area width; the size of the overlap area between two Foreign Agents is considered to be one of the key factors that affect the performance of a handover. Optimization of packet loss with overlap area width is proposed using Genetic Algorithm. Optimized result which are simulated through MAT LAB using Genetic Algorithm are shown in figure 4.In figure 4 both theory and simulated results are shown.
16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 theory GA




80 100 120 overlap area width (m)





Figure 4 Simulation Result

In this article, we have explored most of the technical details of mobile IP, an extension to IP which allows mobile nodes to roam transparently from place to place Volume 2, Issue 3 May June 2013 Page 37

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