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Immediate Assignment Failures: ============================== Interference on uplink, Imm. assign.command is sent but response is not recieved by BSC.

also BSC send Imm. Assign command 2 -3 times so if you just calculate t he faliures it will be higher. espacially if response is not comming on first at tempt remote cells are the case. this can be checked if you have counters for im m.assgn comand, From (BSC to BTS) imm.assign request BTS to MS and establish ind ication (BTS to BSC) you will know the cause is air interface or else. Also chec k formula for CSSR 1. check trx tx and rx path with standard health check procedure 2. abis tx of the site There can be various reasons and factors involved in the degradation of Immediat e Assignment. Although interference, faulty hardware, transmission fluctuations all play a role in the KPI to some extent however not to an extent where you can achieve best Immediate Assignment SR by improving on these. Apart from these fa ctors, T3101 needs to be very carefully set by the network operators. I have see n different vendors suggest different value for this timer, for example Ericsson recommends 1.5 seconds in contrast to 5.0 secs by Motorola & 3.0 secs by Huawei . 3GPP recommends that the value of T3101 should be higher than the "L2 Establish ment Time". So far, we were improving the radio conditions here in the network t o see the impact on Immediate Assignment SR, now moving into the direction to ch ange the timer values & see the impact. Will keep you posted Inshallah. I would suggest you to run Abis trace (with the help of some protocol analyzer) and try to investigate the problems. We have do ne that and found timer expiry even when the radio conditions were OK.

Also in few cases, coverage issue results in immediate assignment failures mostl y in rural areas and sites covering highways. That could be due to too much aggr essive down-tiltings or an outage in the neighbouring sites. Mostly the statisti cs increases due to reversion failures to old channels (In case of handovers). T alking a about the hardware issues, the uplink or downlink quality could be degr aded at either of the bands. As a step towards KPIs improvements, if u r able to cater the high SD drops, it will alternatively improve correlated issues.

if SD Seizures are OK and there are still Imm Assignment Failure, it can be caus ed due to following reasons: 1. T3101 Expiry ... channel might be activated by the BSC (100% availability) b ut still it has been observed that there might be huge amount of Timer Expiry ca using Imm Assgn Failures... mostly caused by interference. 2. SDCCH Drop due to LAPD Failure 3. BTS Failure/Channel Failure (SD can be shifted to another channel just to che ck ) 4. SD Can be dropped after assgn due to Network or certain user actions or BCSU reset. ABIS failures can also be a cause for SD drops ... Immeidate assignment is sent only once as per my knowledge (somone stated in ans wers that its being send several times). Failure reason can be mobile goes out o f coverage or mobile battery goes down or interference that has causd imm. assig nment message corruption & MS never able to decode it correctly. There can be on

e more reason that BTS filter failed to figure out Phantom rach and assign SD & then send immediate assignmnet which will obviously get no response. T3101 expir ies will be high in case of imm assignment failures. Now if site is in remote ar ea then you have to live with it or if you can afford you have to put TA restirc tion (if possible at RACH stage; siemens bss has support for this). If site is i n the city then it can be overshooting case so u need to reduce the footprint by hard/soft activities. As mentioned already by Adnan time setting shall be check ed for 3101 as well.

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