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Facilitator Guide Singles

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The Chazown Experience Facilitator Tips

For tips on how to set up and prepare for your Chazown Experience, view the Chazown Hosting Guide.

It is most effective to have 2-3 facilitators helping to lead the group. This will enhance your
experience in various ways. It will provide more energy in the room and allow one facilitator to answer questions while the other leads the group through activities.

As facilitators, take yourself through The Chazown Experience before leading an experience for others. Make sure you have an updated list of your Three Circles, purpose statement, and
goals. You will be sharing these elements with participants.

Visit www.chazown.com to familiarize yourself with the sites functions. Be ready to talk about
the site with participants.

Take the free Spiritual Gifts Assessment at www.chazown.com/spiritualgifts. Even if you

already have a list of spiritual gifts, taking this assessment will help you understand what participants will be asked to do.

Start and end each section on time (or end early). Every person might not be 100% finished with
the tasks of that section when it is time to move on. Let the participants know that The Chazown Experience is designed to allow us to explore these ideas together, but they will likely need to come back on their own after the experience to firm up these concepts and to complete sections they may not have had time to finish within the group setting.

Encourage participants to be open about their past experiences, values, and gifts.
Acknowledge that it can be challenging to be transparent with people you dont know, but doing so will enhance their Chazown Experience. Participants may choose to use code words and initials in their Personal Timeline when referencing certain past experiences, but it is important to recognize them and see how our good and bad experiences can influence our future.

Take your staff team and a group of leaders through The Chazown Experience first
before inviting your church to attend. This will give you practice as a facilitator, and will enable your small group of participants to help promote your upcoming Chazown Experience.

At the end of The Chazown Experience, consider forming small groups around The Five Spokes so that people can team up with like-minded individuals who are working toward similar goals.


= Indicates slide or video available



The Chazown Experience Introduction Welcome/ Expectations/ Prayers Connect with Others - Talk it Over Session 1: Finding Your Chazown Video - Finding Your Chazown (15:29) Facilitator shares Chazown - Participants Share Expectations Session 1 Wrap-Up - Large Group Discussion Session 2: Learning from Past Experiences Video - Past Experiences (7:54) Create a Personal Timeline - Video-led Instructions Intro and Personal Timeline Step One: 15 minutes Personal Timeline Step Two: 5 minutes Personal Timeline Step Three: 10 minutes Personal Timeline Step Four: 5 minutes Personal Timeline Step Five: 5 minutes Facilitator Shares Personal Timeline Personal Timeline - Talk it Over Timeline Wrap-Up - Large Group Discussion Session 2 Wrap-Up - What to Expect Tomorrow Total Time
0:10 0:20 0:10 0:05 1:35 0:10 0:40 0:20 0:10 0:05 0:05 0:10

Total Time


Session 3: Clarifying Your Core Values & Spiritual Gifts
Welcome Back Video - Core Values & Spiritual Gifts (12:29) Core Values Activity - Steps One and Two Facilitator Shares Core Values Narrow List of Core Values Core Values - Talk it Over Your Spiritual Gifts Embrace Your Spiritual Gifts Spiritual Gifts - Talk it Over Session 3 Wrap-Up - Bringing The Three Circles Together Break Total Time
0:15 0:05 0:05 0:10 0:35 MINUTES 0:05 0:15 0:10 0:05 0:10 0:05 START TIME END TIME

Total Time


Session 4: Your Purpose Statement: Naming Your Chazown Video - Your Purpose Statement (8:46) Next Chapter of Your Life Story Writing A Purpose Statement Purpose Statement - Talk it Over Living Life on Purpose/ Session 4 Wrap-Up Session 5: Living Your Chazown Video - Living Your Chazown (20:10) Choose 1-2 Spoke Areas - Talk it Over/ Session 5 Wrap-Up Break Session 6: Creating a 100-Day Plan Video - Creating a 100-Day Plan (7:11) Creating a 100-Day Plan 100-Day Plan - Talk it Over The Chazown Experience - Wrap-Up Total Time
0:10 0:15 0:10 0:05 0:40 0:25 0:10 0:10 0:10 0:05 0:15 0:05 0:10

Total Time


Total Time


Welcome to the Chazown experienCe...

Congratulations on your decision to discover your Chazown! Did you know that decision already sets you apart? Most people stumble halfheartedly through life just existing, hoping tomorrow will be better than today. But you and I were made for so much more!

Before you were born, God knew you. He knew what He wanted your life to be like. He had a purpose in mind for you, even before you came to be. Discovering Gods vision and purpose for your life and designing a plan of action for that purpose is what The Chazown Experience is about.

WHo IS the Chazown experienCe cReAteD FoR?

The Chazown Experience was designed for all followers of Jesus Christ. Whether you have been a follower of Christ for some time or just for a short while, this process will benefit you.

WHAt IS the Chazown experienCe?

The Chazown Experience is a development course designed to bring you face-to-face with Gods vision - or purpose - for your life. But it doesnt stop there. By the end of our time together, not only will you have discovered your purpose, you will know some practical steps you can take to begin living life on purpose...and you will leave The Chazown Experience challenged to continue to live out that purpose!

WHAt otHeR ReSoURceS Do I NeeD WItH the Chazown experienCe PARtIcIPANt GUIDe?
This guide is designed to be used in partnership with Chazown Experience videos, facilitated by Craig Groeschel. You can download the videos and the facilitators guide for free at www.chazown.com.

To get the most out of your Chazown Experience, you should read Craig Groeschels book Chazown before or after participating in this event.

SHoUlD I WoRK tHRoUGH eAcH Chazown experienCe SeSSIoN INDIVIDUAllY?

That depends on your learning style. Some may choose to work through the sessions one at a time, allowing a period of prayer and reflection before moving to the next. Others may choose to work straight through The Chazown Experience. No matter how you choose to complete this material, you will benefit from the results. More important than how you complete it is that you do complete it!


tAlK It oVeR

Take a moment and take turns among your group, sharing your name and something about you.




= advance to the next media segment


End goal for The Chazown Experience: Discover Gods purpose for your life and design a plan of action for it.
Welcome and introduction:

Share important information regarding your Chazown Experience, including the start and end times for both days, when breaks will occur, location of restrooms, and any other details pertaining to your location. Inform participants about what to expect during The Chazown Experience:

Video facilitation from Pastor Craig Groeschel Large group discussions Small group discussions at their tables One-on-one discussions with another person at their table Working on their own, both at The Chazown Experience and at home. Ask participants to use their Chazown Experience Participant Guide to write down discoveries.

Describe how the Chazown book relates to this experience.

If participants have read the book beforehand, theyll already have some great insight as they begin this experience. If participants have not yet read the book, they are strongly encouraged to read it following this experience to enhance their Chazown discoveries.

Pray that the group will be open for God to use this Chazown Experience to impact and shape their lives.


Ask participants to discuss the Talk it Over question as a table group. As they Talk it Over, each person should be brief so that everyone at the table will have an opportunity to share.

At their table, have them take turns among their group, sharing their name and something about themselves.


Session 1: Finding Your Chazown

Ask participants to follow along in their participant guide and fill-in-the-blanks along with the video content. After the video, participants will share expectations of The Chazown Experience with others at their table.


Everyone ends up __________________________________. Few people end up somewhere on __________________________________.

Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18 KJV

Chazown (pronounced khaw-ZONE) is a Hebrew word meaning a ___________________, revelation, or ___________________.

Where there is no Chazown no dream, no revelation, no vision, no sense of our created purpose, we perish.

Where there is no vision for a Godly family, 50% or more of marriages end in divorce. Where there is no vision for a healthy life, there will be ongoing physical struggle. Where there is no vision for financial freedom, people live paycheck to paycheck. Where there is no vision for a growing, lifelong, personal relationship with God, people will become lukewarm. Where there is no vision for meaningful work, people just exist.
If money was no object, what would you do with the rest of your life?

God created you with a divine Chazown. He knew you and formed you. He numbered the days of your life. You were planted at this moment in history because it is at this moment that you can best glorify God with your gifts, talents, and passions.

Jesus understood Gods Chazown, and He never wavered from it.

The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost. Luke 19:10 NIV

No one takes [my life] from me, but I lay it down of my own accord...This command I received from my Father. John 10:18 NIV

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10 NIV

How can we actively and prayerfully seek to find Gods Chazown for our lives? Through this
experience, we will examine three areas of your life. Well call them The

Three Circles.


tHe tHRee cIRcleS:

Your past _________________________
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 NIV

Your ____________ ________________________

For we cannot oppose the truth, but must always stand for the truth. 2 Corinthians 13:8 NLT

Your spiritual _______________

We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. Romans 12:6 NIV

WHAt Do YoU Do eXcePtIoNAllY Well?

Nehemiah Moses Abraham Barnabas Matthew Dorcas Administration Leadership Faith Encouragement Hospitality Serving



These Three Circles reveal a great deal about the real you, and about the destiny God had in mind when He made you. Where your Three Circles overlap, there lies your Chazown!



Share your Chazown, or purpose statement with participants, and then tell them how your life is different since you have discovered your purpose, or Chazown.


What do you expect or hope to gain from The Chazown Experience?

Ask participants to discuss this Talk It Over question with others at their table.


Walk around the room and ask 2-3 people to share their answer aloud to this question: What

do you expect or

hope to gain from The Chazown Experience?

Explain to participants that God can work through all of the different expectations in the room. Encourage them to be open to what God has in store for them.

Once we have examined The Three Circles, we will look at five major areas of life that, when working as they should, can help put your Chazown within your reach. We will call these five important life areas The

Five Spokes. Its

important to stay strong in each of these five areas. When even one of the major areas of life is not functioning the way it should, all of life can break down. We will talk about each of these spokes in more depth later.


tHe FIVe SPoKeS:

Our Relationship with God Our Relationships with People Financial Life Physical Life Work Life




tAlK It oVeR

Share what you expect or hope to gain from The Chazown Experience


with those in your group.

AN ce


Think of The Five Spokes just like the spokes of a wheel. When all five spokes are in place and functioning properly, they will support and actually carry you forward toward your Chazown, or life purpose. But when even one spoke is not where it should be, everything else can get off balance and fall apart.

We can finish strong if we keep the spokes tight. When this does not happen, life becomes unstable, and our Chazown becomes out of reach. In our final sessions, well look at how to take the Next Steps necessary to keep your spokes intact so you can live out your Chazown.

Finally, we will set specific, measurable goals in the key spokes or areas that are most in need of attention.

A PRomISe to YoU:
If you complete the Chazown Experience ___________________, humbly, and ___________________, your life will change for the ___________________!
You will hear from God. His Spirit will direct you. You will no longer wander around hoping for an accidentally better life. You will be empowered to live life on purpose.

Anyone can have the rich and meaningful life that God has intended for them. Thats what God wants for you. His vision for your life is bigger and more important than you could ever imagine!

I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me... Acts 20:24 NIV

There is no promise that this journey will be easy. It may not be. But if you will open your heart and seek God, you will hear from Him. He will motivate you. He will show you Next Steps. He will empower and equip you.

Your Chazown will propel you forward into the vision for which you were created. When everyone else just ends up somewhere, you can end up somewhere on purpose. The Chazown Experience will show you how!


Session 2: Learning From Your Past Experiences

Ask participants to follow along in their participant guide and fill-in-the-blanks along with the video content. After the video, participants will create a personal timeline.



The first area were going to explore to help you discover your Chazown is your past experiences. These are events or seasons in your life that God has given you to prepare to fulfill His future vision.

Your past experiences can be a key to unlocking your Chazown!

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 NIV

All things includes all things the good, the not so good, the things you wish had never happened, even
the things you havent thought about for years.

To help you begin to see Gods Chazown in your past experiences, you are going to create something unique: a

personal timeline.
Your timeline is a big-picture overview of your past that will help you begin to see Gods Chazown for your life. As you create your timeline, you will do three things:

1. Identify ______________, events and ______________________ that have impacted your life in a significant way.

2. Organize your personal timeline into ________________.

3. Clarify the different ________________ and ________________ God has shown you as you look at your past.

Dont be afraid of the difficult and painful events.

It is often out of pain that Gods Chazown can be born!

Look at your past as a key to your Chazown, and remember you wont just end up somewhere, youll end up somewhere ______ ____________________!



Personal Timeline = A big-picture overview of your past that will help you begin to see Gods Chazown for your life.


View the video-led instructions on creating a personal timeline. If youd rather facilitate the instructions live, read them from the Chazown Participant Guide. There are expanded instructions in Appendix 1 of the Chazown Participant Guide.

Inform participants that they will be sharing elements of their personal timeline with someone in their group after they have finished creating it.

Encourage participants to be open concerning their past experiences:

Out of the Three Circles, the past experiences circle may be the most challenging for the participants to think about. They will be recalling people, events and circumstances from their past both the good and the bad - in order to move forward and uncover Gods vision for their life. Let participants know its really important to include all of their significant experiences in their personal timeline even the painful ones. Its good to be transparent in front of other trusted believers, but for this experience with a new group, the participants may decide to use initials or code words for some of their past experiences when writing them down. Inform participants that we arent having a formal break during this time, but they can break when needed during the next 40 minutes.


These are the suggested times for each step of Creating a Personal Timeline. These times include each video segment as well as time for participant to work on their timeline.

INTRO AND STEP ONE: Identify the people, events, and circumstances that have most affected your life. - 15 minutes STEP TWO: Put things in order. - 5 minutes STEP THREE: Call it like it was. - 10 minutes STEP FOUR: Organize your timeline into chapters. - 5 minutes STEP FIVE: Clarify the turning points and major lessons. - 5 minutes


cReAtING A PeRSoNAl tImelINe

These are abbreviated instructions. For more complete instructions on how to create a personal timeline, you may turn to appendix 1 at the back of this participant guide.

to cReAte YoUR tImelINe, YoU WIll NeeD:

One standard poster board, cut in half; (or the work space provided in your participant guide) 4 colors of small sticky notes (preferably yellow, pink, blue and purple) A pen

SteP oNe:
Identify the people, events, and circumstances that have most affected your life. Write them
down on the yellow sticky notes, using a separate note for each one.

SteP tWo:
Put things in order. Organize your sticky notes chronologically. Place your earliest sticky note in the top left
corner, leaving room for a row of sticky notes across the top margin of your board. Place your second earliest sticky note below the first note. Continue to place your notes on the board, proceeding in a vertical row down the left side until you near the bottom. Leave enough margin for a row of sticky notes across the bottom, and return to the top of your board. Place your next sticky note next to your first yellow note in the top left corner. Continue the process in vertical rows until all of your sticky notes are placed in chronological order.

SteP tHRee:
Call it like it was. Take a moment and look at all of the yellow sticky notes on your board. Ask yourself which of
them were painful or hurtful when you experienced them. As you identify those that were difficult, transfer what you wrote on the original yellow note to a pink sticky note and discard the yellow one.

SteP FoUR:
Organize your timeline into chapters. Look at the notes assembled on your poster board. Identify any key
segments, or chapters of your life journey that begin to emerge. Try to identify no fewer than three and no more than six chapters. As you identify these chapters, you may need to move your sticky notes around some to reflect those chapters.

Using the blue sticky notes, write down titles for the chapters you have identified and place them along the top margin of your poster board above the chapter they represent.




Recognize that everyones timeline might not be fully complete now, but they can take the appropriate time to complete it later. Ask the group a question and solicit 1-2 responses: What

was difficult about creating a timeline of

your past experiences and why?

Share your personal timeline with the participants. Describe the lessons and themes (from the purple sticky notes) that emerged through looking at your past experiences. Be open and transparent, modeling and setting the stage for how they will share their personal timeline with another person.


Ask participants to pair up and share their personal timeline with one another. They will describe the lessons and themes (from the purple sticky notes) that emerged through looking at their past experiences.

Pair up and share your personal timeline with one another. Describe the lessons and themes that emerged through looking at your past experiences.


Ask the group this question, and walk around to seek out 1-2 answers:

What is God showing you about

your future through the events of your past?


Thank participants for their involvement today, and let them know what to expect tomorrow. Cover important information, such as: Tomorrows start and end times Whether you want them to sit at the same tables Any other expectations for your location

Remind participants to go to www.chazown.com/spiritualgifts to complete a spiritual gifts assessment, and to bring their assessment results tomorrow. There is also a paper version of the Spiritual Gifts Assessment in Appendix 2 of their participant guide. Ask if there are any questions about today, or any thoughts about today that theyd like you to address now. Pray for the group, thanking God for our past experiences, both good and bad. Ask God to show us how our past experiences can help us glorify God and impact the lives of others. If participants need assistance or guidance, let them know who is available to help them and when they are available (after this session and/or before the next session).



SteP FIVe:
Clarify the turning points and major lessons. A turning point is an event, experience, or encounter
that altered your life. Turning points are characterized by the fact that in some way, life was not the same after the experience. God deposits key insights and develops character in us at the turning points of life. Identifying them will help you see the important lessons youve learned along the way.

As you identify these turning points, boldly write TP on the top of those sticky notes. Using purple sticky notes, write down the major

lessons and themes that emerge through your life chapters and

turning points. You may want to use the following questions as a guide:

What was God trying to teach me during this chapter or turning point of my life? What should I remember as I move forward? What abilities or insights has God deposited into my life as a result of this experience? In what ways can the skills or insights God gave me through this experience impact my future? What character traits were developed in me as a result? What character traits have I come to value most in others? Are there any unique experiences or insights I have gained? What are some of the ways God has used me? Did this experience reveal anything to me about what God is like?


Place these lessons and themes along the bottom margin of your poster board, underneath the corresponding turning point or chapter. Then list them in the circle below.


tAlK It oVeR

For additional help and resources related to creating a personal timeline and how God shapes and develops each of our lives for a unique contribution, contact Leader Breakthru and Terry Walling at www.leaderbreakthru.com.

Spend a few moments sharing your timeline with someone in your group. Describe the lessons and themes that emerged through looking at your past experiences.



Session 3: Clarifying Your Core Values & Spiritual Gifts

Welcome participants back. Remind them of housekeeping messages for your location, including: start and end times for todays sessions, breaks, and locations of restrooms. Inform participants that today will look similar to yesterday, with live and video facilitation, as well as opportunities to share their discoveries with others. Pray for the group, that they will have open eyes as God reveals more about His vision for their lives.

Ask participants to follow along in their participant guide, and fill-in-the-blanks along with the video content. After the video, participants will do an activity to help discover their core values. Let participants know that in the middle of the video, they will skip two pages in their participant guide over to the spiritual gifts section, when Pastor Craig begins talking about spiritual gifts.


Walk participants through each step to help identify their core values, or to re-assess their core values if they have listed some in the past. Begin with steps one and two:

Step One: Reflect on the three questions presented. Step Two: Circle the core values that may apply to you.
Inform participants that theyre just brainstorming the core values they may have. Theyll narrow down the list later. Remind them that this list doesnt encompass ALL possible core values, so if they think of a possible core value that is not on this list, they should write it in their participant guide as well. If participants finish early, encourage them to begin helping others in the room.



Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18 KJV

When God made you, He planted within you certain things you value deeply. Theyre
hardwired into your heart. Through your life experiences, God has begun to make them clear to you. These are the things you would be willing to die for. They explain how you come by your personal priorities. These things are your core


Clarify your _____________________________.

For we cannot oppose the truth, but must always stand for the truth. 2 Corinthians 13:8. NLT

Core values in the Bible:

Samuel stood for integrity. David stood for

intimacy with the Father.

Solomon stood for wisdom.

Core values in public figures:

Billy Graham stood for evangelism. Mother Theresa stood for compassion.

What do you stand for?

IDeNtIFYING YoUR coRe VAlUeS: SteP one:

To identify your core values, it may help to ask yourself three


1. What stirs righteous _________________ inside of you?

2. What brings you __________________ or gives you joy?

3. What does your personal _________________ tell you about your core values?



SteP two:
Circle the core values that may apply to you. Add others that come to mind if they are not listed here.

Accountability Attitude Authenticity Boldness Character Collaboration Compassion Confidence Courage Creativity Dedication Devotion Discipleship Discipline Discovery Diversity Efficiency Encouragement Endurance Enthusiasm Evangelism

Excellence Faith Faithfulness Family Fellowship Generosity Gentleness Godliness Goodness Grace Gratefulness Growth Honesty Honor Hope Humility Humor Integrity Intimacy Joy Justice

Kindness Knowing God Leadership Learning Loyalty Mercy Obedience Openness Order Passion Patience Peace Perseverance Personal Growth Prayer Purity Relationships Reliability Respect Sacrifice Self-control

Self-discipline Selflessness Servant Leadership Servanthood Steadfastness Stewardship Submission Teachable Teamwork Thankfulness Transparency Trustworthiness Truth Unity Wisdom Worship Zeal ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________






Share your top 5-10 core values with the participants, also giving an example of what one of your core values looks like in your life. Explain how defining your core values has impacted how you live your life.


Step Three: Narrow your list to 5-10 core values, and write them in your circle.
Ask the participants to write a description of one of their core values and give an example of what it looks like in their life. Encourage participants to write a description of all of their core values later. For now, they will only describe one. Have the participants ask themselves the questions listed in their participant guide to gain more clarification on the core values they have identified. Ask participants to write their list of core values in their circle.


Invite participants to pair up and share their core values with someone in their group. Ask them to give an example of how one of these values has been evident in their life. Remind them that their list isnt set in stone. Instead, this is a starting point as they begin to identify their core values.

Share you core values with someone in your group. Give an example of how one of these values has been evident in your life.



SteP three:
Narrow it down. Now that you have circled the values that apply to you, pray and ask God to guide you as you
narrow this list down even further.

Consider the values you have identified so far:

Can you see how your past experiences relate to each of these values? Is there anything missing? Which of these values have actually been displayed in the last 90 days? Would the people closest to you recognize these as your core values?

Try to focus your list to between five and ten core values and list them in the circle below:

coRe VAlUeS

Choose one core value that is most evident in your life. Write a description of this core value:

Give an example of what it looks like in your life:


tAlK It oVeR

Share your core values with someone in your group. Give an example of how one of these values has


been evident in your life.



Spiritual Gifts = Your spiritual gifts assessment results + Your areas of natural talent and ability.
Begin by sharing your spiritual gifts with the participants. Then, ask the participants to:

1. Write answers from your Spiritual Gifts Assessment in your participant guide. 2. Brainstorm ideas about what you are especially good at, areas where you have natural talent and ability, and things that come easily to you. 3. Prayerfully consider the items on these two lists and identify which ones might be your spiritual gifts. 4. Write those gifts and talents in your spiritual gifts circle.

Ask participants to choose one spiritual gift and write a short description of that gift. Also, give an example of what it looks like in their life. Encourage them to write a description of all of their spiritual gifts later, but for now they will only describe one. If some participants did not complete a spiritual gifts assessment, let them know they can use the assessment found in Appendix 2 of their participant guide. Remind them that in addition to their assessment results, they can identify spiritual gifts by recognizing their God given areas of natural talent and ability.


Ask participants to pair up with another person and share their spiritual gifts, and how they have seen their spiritual gifts in action in their life.

How have you seen your spiritual gifts in action in your life? Share it with someone in your group.




We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. Romans 12:6 NIV

These gifts were given to us by God, but they are not for us. They are to be used to:

1. Serve others in the name of Christ 2. Make the world a better place

Your spiritual gifts are especially chosen for the Chazown to which God is calling you.
One way to identify your spiritual gifts is to complete a spiritual gifts assessment. You can find one at

www.chazown.com/spiritualgifts, or you can use the assessment found in Appendix 2 at the back of
this participant guide. Once you have taken the assessment, list the results here:

Next, ask yourself:

What are you ____________ at? What are the things that come easily to you? The answers to these questions can help you focus in and identify your spiritual gifts and talents!

What activities are you drawn to? What skills have you acquired quickly? What activities energize you when you perform them? What activities make you lose track of time?

Finally, look at the results of your spiritual gifts assessment and the things you are especially good at. Then prayerfully ask God to help you identify what among these things are your spiritual gifts. List them in the circle to the right.

Your values and gifts are pointing toward your Chazown the very reason you are here!

tAlK It oVeR 11

How have you seen your spiritual gifts in action in your life? Share it with someone in your group.



First, have participants transfer the information from their Three Circles onto this part of their participant guide. After participants have filled in Three Circles, before sending them to break, ask them to take a moment and reflect on their Three Circles.

In what areas do their Three Circles converge or overlap?

find their Chazown!

As you go into break, participants will reflect on the place where their Three Circles converge. This is where they will



BRINGING tHe tHRee cIRcleS toGetHeR:

Congratulations! You have examined your past

experiences. You have identified your

core values and your spiritual gifts. Now look carefully at the Three Circles you have just identified for your
life. You may be wondering how these three different areas relate to each other.

Are you ready? Bring all Three Circles together by listing the lessons and themes from your personal timeline, your core values, and your spiritual gifts in the circles below:

coRe VAlUeS



Now, find the place where they converge. In that place where all dimensions are at full strength, where your Three Circles overlap, that is where you find your Chazown!



Session 4: Your Purpose Statement: Naming Your Chazown

Ask participants to follow along in their participant guide, and fill-in-the-blanks along with the video content. After the video, participants will begin writing their own purpose statements.


Challenge participants to explore the three questions in their participant guide and brainstorm possible titles for their next chapter.



SeSSIoN 4: YoUR PURPoSe StAtemeNt: NAmING YoUR Chazown

Without a vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18 KJV Now that you have examined your past experiences and identified your core values and spiritual gifts, explore these questions:

1. What do your ___________ and ___________ experiences have in common? 2. What do you think your experiences have done within you to ____________ you for the future? 3. Regarding the next chapter of your life, what ____________comes to mind?

tHe NeXt cHAPteR oF YoUR lIFe StoRY

Some possible titles could include:
Making a Difference Starting Over Restoring Brokenness Going For It Taking the Faith Risk Living the Dream Shaping Up Close to God



The place where your past experiences, core values and spiritual gifts overlap is the greatest key to your Chazown.
When you look at that powerful place where The Three Circles of your life overlap, do you see a picture taking shape? Do possibilities for your purpose immediately come to mind? If so, its time to put your Chazown into a

purpose statement.




Purpose statement - a one-sentence version of Gods Chazown for your life, expressed in words that greatly motivate you to action.
Begin by sharing your purpose statement with the participants. Ask participants to work through this section of the participant guide, answering the questions and beginning to write their own purpose statement. Let them know there are some examples of purpose statements listed in their participant guide that may be helpful. Participants may work through this process best by talking to others in the room, or they may work best by finding a quiet place in the building to write out their first drafts. After this, theyre going to share their purpose statement with another person in the room. Remind them that their purpose statement isnt chiseled in stone its the beginning of creating one big idea for their life one ultimate calling. If they finish writing their purpose statement early, encourage them to move on in their participant guide and brainstorm how they can create next steps for their Chazown, or purpose statement.



A purpose

statement is a one-sentence version of Gods Chazown for your life, expressed in words that greatly

motivate you to action.

Think about one action-focused sentence, a purpose statement that God will use to propel you forward for the rest of your life.

Finish this sentence:

God has created me with a dream for my life, and I think it might be

Having trouble? Ask yourself:

1. What have I always cared a lot about? What values seem to define my very core?

2. What have I always seemed especially gifted to do?

3. What have my past experiences, both good and bad, shown me about myself and my purpose in life?

4. What do my past experiences, core values, and spiritual gifts have in common?

5. What action does God most want to take through my life?

6. What consequence does God most want to accomplish through that action?



Some examples of purpose statements are:

To live free and lead others to freedom.

To train children to grow and become uncompromised disciples.

To passionately encourage others to recognize the gifts that God has given them, to believe in themselves, and to spread the overflowing joy that I receive from Christs love for me.

To develop the talents of my coworkers to their fullest extent by identifying and funding their developmental needs, while modeling the life of Christ and a commitment to raising the moral and ethical standards of the company and our clients.

Keep in mind
When God gives you His Chazown, it will often be bigger than you can imagine and impossible for you to do on your own.

Now, its your turn! Write YOUR purpose statement in your own words. Make it your prayer, your goal, and
your thanksgiving!

It doesnt have to be perfect right now. This is not a test and you are not being graded on this assignment! Just begin to write, knowing that your purpose statement will probably be changed and refined as you put it into words.




Ask participants to pair up with another person and share the first draft of their purpose statement. After they have shared their purpose statements with one another, you may decide to have a few participants share their purpose statement aloud with the group.

Find a partner in your group, and then take turns finishing this sentence: God has created me with a dream for my life, and I think it might be


My purpose statement in one long ramble, if necessary...

My purpose statement in one sentence..


tAlK It oVeR

Go ahead, say it! Put your purpose statement into words. Take a deep breath, turn to the person on either side of you, and finish this sentence: God has created me with a dream for my life, and I think it might be...




Ask participants to explore the questions in this section of their participant guide. Encourage them to envision what it might look like to move toward their Chazown 1 month, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years from now. Then have them write 1-2 steps they will take to begin moving toward Gods Chazown for their life, starting today. In the next section, they will understand how their purpose relates to their life through the Five Spokes discussion.



Now that you have identified your Chazown, or purpose statement, use these pages to jot down ideas on how you can begin living your life on purpose. Dont limit yourself to small thinking. Remember, Gods Chazown for your life is often bigger than you can imagine!

Ask yourself...when it comes to living your Chazown, where do you hope to be...

1 month from now?

6 months from now?

1 year from now?

5 years from now?

10 years from now?

When you imagine the end of your life, what are your highest goals or hopes concerning your Chazown, or life purpose?



Next, ask yourself:

1. What steps can I take to begin moving toward Gods Chazown for my life? (Dont edit yourself here. Brainstorm! Write down everything that comes to mind.)

2. What one or two steps can I take right now to begin moving toward Gods Chazown for my life?

Step one:

Step two:



Session 5: Living Your Chazown

Ask participants to follow along in their participant guide, and fill-in-the-blanks along with the video content. After the video, each participant will choose 1 or 2 spoke areas they would like to focus on first.

SeSSIoN 5: lIVING YoUR Chazown

When even one of the major areas of life is not functioning the way God intended, all of life can break down.
There are five important spokes, or life areas, where you can live out your Chazown. If your Chazown does not shape each of these five areas, your life will be unstable.

We can finish strong if we keep the spokes tight!


tHe FIVe SPoKeS:

Your Relationship with God Your Relationships with People Your Financial Life Your Physical Life Your Work Life





NeXt StePS

To identify the spokes you may need to focus on first, see The Five Spokes: A Survey on page 01 of Appendix 3 in the back of your participant guide!






Where are you, right now, in your relationship with God?
Hot: You are ____________________. your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing. 2 Thessalonians 1:3 NIV

Cold: You do not _________________ God yet. He who sent me is true. You do not know [God], but I know him because I am from him and he sent me. John 7:28-29 NIV

Lukewarm: You are ___________________________. We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. Hebrews 2:1 NIV

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Revelation 3:15-16 NIV



Some ways to experience God more in your daily life are:

Reading His Word daily Making prayer a bigger part of your life Fasting Serving in church Joining a small group of believers Finding a mentor, someone who can disciple you as you follow Christ


NeXt StePS

For Next Steps to consider in your relationship with God, see page 02 of Appendix 3 in the back of your participant guide!

Spoke 1 and your Chazown; Questions to consider on your own:

How do you think your relationship with God may relate to your Chazown?

How would a strong relationship with God impact your ability to live out your Chazown?

How would neglecting your relationship with God impact your ability to live out your Chazown?


Every relationship ends up somewhere. Few relationships end up somewhere on


Gods greatest command is to love Him. His second greatest is to love His people. Everything is about relationships, and every aspect of your Chazown will be strengthened and blessed by the right relationships.


1. What relationship needs to be ____________________? God wants us to do life together, in teams. We all need others for support, encouragement, and accountability. Who is missing for you? You have to look for these relationships. Dont wait for them to come to you!

2. What relationship needs to be ________________________? Is there a priority relationship in your life that is not where it is supposed to be?


NeXt StePS

For Next Steps to consider in your relationships with others, see page 04 of Appendix 3 in the back of your participant guide!



3. What relationship needs to be _______________________? Is there a relationship that is broken, damaged, and not where it should be? Restoration is not always easy, but it is worth it. The pain of an unresolved relationship is greater than the pain of confrontation.

4. What relationship needs to be ________________________? There may be times when you have to distance yourself from bad company.

Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character. 1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV

Spoke 2 and your Chazown; Questions to consider on your own:

How do you think your relationships with others may relate to your Chazown?

How would strong relationships impact your ability to live out your Chazown?

How would neglecting your relationships impact your ability to live out your Chazown?


Everyone ends up somewhere. Few people end up somewhere on purpose. Most people end up in the hole.

Your finances deeply impact your ability to live out your Chazown.


1. What is your financial ______________?

1 year from now?

5 years from now ?

10 years from now ?



2. What is your financial _____________?

The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty. Proverbs 21:5 NIV


NeXt StePS

For Next Steps to consider in your financial life, see page 05 of Appendix 3 in

When you fail to plan, you plan to fail! With a financial vision and plan, your finances can end up somewhere on purpose!

the back of your participant guide!

Spoke 3 and your Chazown; Questions to consider on your own:

How do you think your financial life may relate to your Chazown?

How would a strong financial life impact your ability to live out your Chazown?

How would neglecting your financial life impact your ability to live out your Chazown?


Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV

Are you honoring God with the temple of the Holy Spirit? Ask yourself:
1. How are you feeding your body? How can you feed your body in a better way?

2. How are you exercising your body? How can you exercise more consistently and effectively?

3. How well do you rest your body? What steps can you take to ensure your body gets the quality rest it needs?

4. Are there any addictions you need to confess to God? How can you seek accountability for your addictions?



Many people are short-sighted when it comes to their health!

Suntan today = Skin cancer tomorrow Super-size meal today = Super-size belly tomorrow Beer today = Beer belly tomorrow Smoking today = Lung cancer tomorrow


NeXt StePS

For Next Steps to consider in your

A healthy body will move and equip you to live out Gods Chazown for your life!

physical life, see page 06 of Appendix 3 in the back of your participant guide!

Spoke 4 and your Chazown; Questions to consider on your own:

How do you think your physical life may relate to your Chazown?

How would a strong physical life impact your ability to live out your Chazown?

How would neglecting your physical life impact your ability to live out your Chazown?

SPoKe 5: YoUR WoRK lIFe

All people work somewhere. Few peoples work end up somewhere on


Your work life is whatever you do with your _________________ hours. The Lie:
A job is simply a way to pay the bills.

The Reality:
Your job can be a reflection of your deepest Chazown! If not, it still can and should offer you the freedom to pursue your Chazown! Before you were ever born, God had His divine assignments for you. Your gifts, point to that assignment!

values and experiences all

For we are Gods workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10 NIV

Are you doing the work God wants you to do? Yes No




Explain that the first step toward living their purpose statement is getting things right in the Five Spoke areas of their lives. Ask participants to decide which 1 or 2 spoke areas they will focus on, and then ask them to pair up with another person in the room and Talk It Over.

Choose 1-2 spoke areas you would like to focus on. Share these two spoke areas with someone in your group and discuss how improving these spoke areas could directly impact your ability to live out your personal Chazown.

Let them know that in the next session, they will begin creating an action plan for the 1 or 2 spoke areas they have chosen. Advise the participants that more detailed content on the Five Spokes is available in the back of their Chazown Participant Guide (see appendix 3).

If your response was yes, celebrate and elevate!

Celebrate Have a party with God. Thank Him for giving you your Chazown! Elevate Take your work to the next level.
If your response was no, this may be a great spoke to focus on!

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men... Colossians 3:23 NIV

Whatever you are doing at this moment, do it for Him.

Do it with the best attitude He can give you. Do it with everything in you. Dont hold back.

Spoke 5 and your Chazown; Questions to consider on your own:

How do you think your work life may relate to your Chazown?

How would a strong work life impact your ability to live out your Chazown?

NeXt StePS

For Next Steps to take concerning your work life, see page 08 of Appendix 3 in the back of your participant guide!

How would neglecting your work life impact your ability to live out your Chazown?

tHoUGHtS oN tHe FIVe SPoKeS...

If you need to work on all Five Spokes, dont panic, and dont try to work on all five at once! 1. Choose the one or two spokes that need the most work. 2. Take step after achievable step.

One day, we will all reach the end of our life in one of two ways:
1. With regret, saying I could have, I should have, I wish I would have, or 2. With no regret, having sought Gods Chazown in each of the Five Spokes - or major areas -of our lives.

Seek Gods Chazown, and instead of just ending up somewhere, you will end up somewhere, without regret,

on purpose!


tAlK It oVeR

Choose 1-2 spoke areas you would like to focus on. Share these two spoke areas with someone in your group. Discuss how improving these spoke areas could directly


impact your ability to live out your personal chazown.


Session 6: Creating a 100-Day Plan

Ask participants to follow along in their participant guide, and fill-in-the-blanks along with the video content. After the video, participants will begin creating a 100-Day Plan.

SeSSIoN 6: cReAtING A 100-DAY PlAN

Congratulations! You have made significant progress. Lets review the road weve traveled in The Chazown Experience so far and celebrate what God has shown us.

Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18 KJV Everyone ends up somewhere, few end up somewhere on


The big question: Will you live your life in a way that glorifies God, or will you end up somewhere looking back with regrets because you lived a purposeless life?

ReVIeW oF YoUR Chazown experienCe

Youve decided an ________________ _______________ is not for you. Youve committed to live life on purpose.

Youve explored your ______________ __________________ your past experiences, core values and spiritual gifts.

Youve narrowed the vision into one life-directing __________________ __________________.

Youve decided to live ______________ ________________ to God, strengthening five priority areas, or _________________.

A FoRK IN tHe RoAD; YoUr two ChoiCeS:

OPTION A - You can go back to life the way it was, without a Chazown.

Life without vision Life without purpose

OPTION B - You can intentionally pursue your Chazown.

The RIGHT choice is to seek God as you pursue your Chazown. If you do, He will speak clearly to you as you move toward His purpose for your life!




Inform participants that in their participant guide, they will now rewrite the 1-2 next steps they identified to work towards their Chazown. They will also write 1-2 goals for each of the spoke areas they chose to focus on. Ask them to also write their plans for accountability in their participant guide. Invite participants to work alone or with others to write out their 100-day plan. Let them know they will be sharing their 100-day plan with another person in the room. If they are finished writing their goals early, encourage them to help others in the group.


YoUR 100-DAY PlAN...

Choose which 1-2 spokes you will focus on first, then set 1-2 goals for each spoke. Each of your goals should be SMART: Specific have you narrowed your focus? Measurable can you measure your goals? Attainable is the goal realistic? Relevant is this the best place for you to focus right now? Time-bound when will you have your goal completed?

Be sure to write down your specific goals. When you do, it will bring excitement, motivation, and accountability to you as you move toward Gods Chazown for your life!


It is __________________ to you. It builds upon well-written __________________. It includes ______________________.


Review a moment and list again the one or two steps you identified on the bottom of page 18 that will allow you to begin moving toward your Chazown. Step one:

Step two:

Now, take a moment and review The Five Spokes. Just like the spokes of a wheel, these five areas will propel you forward toward your Chazown. With these spokes in place, you will finish strong and live your Chazown, or life purpose.


Relationship with God Relationships with People Physical Life Financial Life Work Life Next, identify the 1-2 spokes you have chosen to focus on first. Then, set 1-2 goals for each of those spokes. Dont

skip this step! Having all five key areas or spokes of your life in place can make all the difference and help move


you toward your Chazown when it might otherwise stay out of reach.



Ask participants to pair up with another person to discuss this Talk It Over question for 5 minutes each person.

Share your 100-day plan with someone in your group. Share your plans for accountability.


Spoke 1: Goal 1:

Goal 2:

tAlK It oVeR

Share your 100-day plan with someone in your group. Share your plans for accountability!

Spoke 2: Goal 1:

Goal 2:


Who will support you? Who will help you resist giving up? If you do not already have an accountability partner, identify two or three people to consider inviting to hold you to the goals you have set as you move into your 100-day plan. You may have more than one accountability partner for different areas of your life. Think about who would be ideal accountability partners for the spoke(s) you have chosen to focus on first, then list those people below:


Step 1: __________________________________________ Step 2: __________________________________________

My first choice for an accountability partner in these steps is ________________________________________________. I will invite this person to be my accountability partner by _________ /_________ /_________. (date)

My second choice for an accountability partner in these steps is _____________________________________________. I will invite this person to be my accountability partner by _________ /_________ /_________. (date)

NeXt StePStHe FIVe SPoKeS:

Spoke 1: __________________________________________ My first choice for an accountability partner in this area is ________________________________________________. I will invite this person to be my accountability partner by _________ /_________ /_________. (date)

My second choice for an accountability partner in this area is _____________________________________________. I will invite this person to be my accountability partner by _________ /_________ /_________. (date)

Spoke 2: (optional)__________________________________________ My first choice for an accountability partner in this area is ________________________________________________. I will invite this person to be my accountability partner by_________ /_________ /_________. (date)

My second choice for an accountability partner in this area is ________________________________________________. I will invite this person to be my accountability partner by _________ /_________ /_________. (date)




Encourage & inspire participants to continue seeking their Chazown and living it out in their lives. Challenge participants to do the following: Continue reviewing their Three Circles, examining how they overlap. Place a written version of their 100-day plan in places where they will see it often. Continue to ask themself what the next step toward their Chazown is, and then continue to take that next step. Make some phone calls. Send some emails. Do whatever it takes to put their accountability partners in place. show participants some of the www.chazown.com resources. Connect participants to some opportunities to live out their Chazown within the church, such as leading a small group or serving in the church through their values, gifts and talents.

Ask them to visit the www.chazown.com site, to find resources to live out their Chazown. You may decide to

mAKING tHe commItmeNt

If youre ready to rise to the challenge, pray this prayer and sign it as your contractual commitment to God. Dear God,

I commit to prayerfully find someone to hold me accountable to fulfill Your Chazown for my life, including my relationship with You, my relationships with other people, my physical life, my financial life, and my lifes work. Please lead me to the right people. In Jesus name, Amen.


Date: _________ /_________ /_________


Congratulations! You have a Chazown, or vision! You will not perish! You WILL end up somewhere...on purpose! Youve dreamed your dreams. Youve begun to seek God and His Chazown. Youre learning to better understand your unique design and purpose. Youve set some worthy goals. Youve chosen (or will choose) someone to go with you on the journey, to help you stay on the path.

Youve come a long way! Great job! But your story is only beginning.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Your past is behind you. Your future is in Gods hands, and He is inviting you to participate actively, willingly, in His Chazown for your life.

Are you ready? Its time for you to start living your next chapter...



mAKING tHe commItmeNt

If youre ready to rise to the challenge, pray this prayer and sign it as your contractual commitment to God. Dear God,

I commit to prayerfully find someone to hold me accountable to fulfill Your Chazown for my life, including my relationship with You, my relationships with other people, my physical life, my financial life, and my lifes work. Please lead me to the right people. In Jesus name, Amen.


Date: _________ /_________ /_________


Congratulations! You have a Chazown, or vision! You will not perish! You WILL end up somewhere...on purpose! Youve dreamed your dreams. Youve begun to seek God and His Chazown. Youre learning to better understand your unique design and purpose. Youve set some worthy goals. Youve chosen (or will choose) someone to go with you on the journey, to help you stay on the path.

Youve come a long way! Great job! But your story is only beginning.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Your past is behind you. Your future is in Gods hands, and He is inviting you to participate actively, willingly, in His Chazown for your life.

Are you ready? Its time for you to start living your next chapter...



mY NeXt cHAPteR...
A 100-day planning journal



mY NeXt cHAPteR...
A 100-day planning journal



mY NeXt cHAPteR...
A 100-day planning journal




(eXPANDeD INStRUctIoNS) to cReAte YoUR tImelINe, YoU WIll NeeD:
One standard poster board, cut in half; (or the work space provided in your workbook) 4 colors of small sticky notes (preferably yellow, pink, blue and purple) A pen

SteP oNe:
Identify the people, events, and circumstances that have most affected your life.
Using your yellow sticky notes, begin to write down the key people, events and circumstances that have shaped your life up to this point. Use a separate sticky note for each one. Include both good and difficult moments.

As you complete this step, it is important to brainstorm and allow your mind to roam freely. Remember, the only rule of brainstorming is that there are no wrong answers! As soon as a name, an important event, or a life circumstance comes to mind, write a one or two word name or description down on a sticky note. Peel it off, place it on the table you are working on, and write another. (Dont place them on the board yet). By the end of this exercise, you should have 20-30 sticky notes providing a cross-section of the significant details of your life story.

The key people who influenced and shaped your life may include friends, family members, classmates, work associates, peers, mentors, pastors, your spouse, teachers, church friends and acquaintances, and others.

The events that have impacted your life may include graduation, awards, projects you worked on, jobs youve held, changes in the community, global events that had a personal impact on you, job loss, and other defining moments.

The significant circumstances that have affected your life direction may include places you lived, career demands of your parents, early childhood experiences, schools you attended, ministries you were involved in, and retreats you experienced - among other things.

SteP tWo:
Put things in order.
Next, you will organize your sticky notes chronologically.

Next, place a sticky note at the very top and the very bottom of the board and mark both with a big X. The purpose of these X notes is to remind you that when you place your sticky notes on your board, you should leave a margin across the top and the bottom that is the width of one sticky note. To do this, you will need to place your yellow and pink notes in the space between these two X notes.



Organize your sticky notes chronologically. Place your earliest sticky note in the top left corner (remembering to leave room for the margin across the top of your board). Place your second earliest sticky note below the first note. Continue to place your notes on the board, proceeding in a vertical row down the left side until you reach the bottom (remembering to leave room for the margin across the bottom). Return to the top of your board and continue the process in rows until all of your sticky notes are placed in chronological order.

SteP tHRee:
Call it like it was.
Once you have finished, take a moment and look at all of the sticky notes on your board. Ask yourself which of them were painful or hurtful when you experienced them. As you identify those that were difficult, transfer what you wrote on the original yellow note to a pink sticky note and discard the yellow one.

You may wonder why your most difficult experiences are being singled out during this exercise. The act of changing the color of the sticky note for the difficult or hurtful experiences allows you to consciously say to yourself, this one was difficult... that one hurt. God does some of his deepest work through some of our most difficult moments in life. It is important to acknowledge those times and seasons.

SteP FoUR:
Organize your timeline into chapters.
Now take several moments and look at the notes assembled on your board. As you do, you will probably see key segments, or chapters of your life journey begin to emerge. Try to identify no fewer than three and no more than six chapters. As you identify these chapters, you may need to move your sticky notes around some to reflect those chapters.

Using the blue sticky notes, write down titles for the chapters you have identified and place them along the top margin of your poster board above the chapter they represent. Your chapter titles should reflect your thoughts and feelings about what was occurring in your life during that chapter. Feel free to be creative as you choose titles that reflect you. Some participants have used popular movie titles, while others have chosen names that center around a favorite hobby or sport. You may also choose terms that may seem random or meaningless to someone else, but that are personally very significant. The important thing is to choose titles that mean something to you. Its your life story!



SteP FIVe:
Clarify the turning points and major lessons.
Next, you will identify the turning points in your timeline. A turning point is an event, experience, or encounter that altered your life. It is a defining moment in your journey when:

Life changed for better or worse Someone intervened in a significant way An important decision was made You moved in a new direction Anything else impacted you in a meaningful and lasting way

Turning points are characterized by the fact that in some way, life was not the same after the experience. God deposits key insights and develops character in us at the turning points of life. Identifying them will help you see the important lessons youve learned along the way.

Take several moments and examine your timeline again, looking for 6-8 turning points; the events, experiences and encounters that have altered your life in important ways. Once you have identified them, boldly write TP on the top of those sticky notes.

Using purple sticky notes, write down the lessons and themes that emerge through your life chapters and turning points. You may want to use the following questions as a guide:

What was God trying to teach me during this chapter or turning point of my life? What should I remember as I move forward? What abilities or insights has God deposited into my life as a result of this experience? In what ways can the skills or insights God gave me through this experience impact my future? What character traits were developed in me as a result? What character traits have I come to value most in others? Are there any unique experiences or insights I have gained? What are some of the ways God has used me? Did this experience reveal anything to me about what God is like?



Place these lessons and themes along the bottom margin of your poster board, underneath the corresponding turning point or chapter. Then list them in the circle below.


For additional help and resources related to creating a personal timeline and how God shapes and develops each of our lives for a unique contribution, contact Leader Breakthru and Terry Walling at www.leaderbreakthru.com.




God has given each of us who are believers specific spiritual gifts. This spiritual gifts test will help you determine what spiritual gifts and special talents God has given you. The test evaluates 22 gifts and talents. (Do not look ahead to see what these gifts and talents are because that will influence your results!)

This spiritual gifts test consists of 110 statements that you are to respond to by entering in a number for each on the analysis sheet (see page 2 of this appendix). Depending on how you feel about each statement, enter a number between 1 and 10; 1 meaning that the statement does not describe you at all, and 10 meaning that the statement describes you perfectly.

This test is designed for followers of Christ. If you have been following Christ for at least a few years, you should use your personal experiences as the basis for your responses. If you are a new believer, then base your responses on how well each statement describes you (even if you have not yet experienced what the statement refers to.)

Please keep in mind that this test was written by human beings and is certainly imperfect. It should be used as a starting place to begin to discover how God has gifted you, but not as an absolute truth. The test may not always indicate your true spiritual gifts. It is just one tool in what should be a life-long search for how God has gifted you so you can give to others.


Before you start the test, find the analysis sheet. Tear it out of your book, then fold it along the gray line that runs down the middle of the sheet. Place it so that the 110 numbered boxes are facing up and you cannot see the list of spiritual gifts and talents.

As you take the test, enter a response for each statement in the corresponding pre-numbered box, rating on a scale of 1 to 10 how well the statement describes you.

Once you have completed a column, move back to the top and continue the test. Hide each finished column under your participant guide so you cannot see the columns you have already answered. This will help to ensure unbiased responses on the remainder of the test.

Respond to each statement quickly with your first feeling. Because the list is fairly extensive and we dont have every gift, you will probably have many more low number responses than high number responses. That is ok.

When you are finished, read the analysis instructions on page 8 of this appendix.




(teAR tHIS SHeet oUt, tHeN FolD AloNG ceNteR GRAY lINe)
#1-22 RATE 1-10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 #23-44 RATE 1-10 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 #45-66 RATE 1-10 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 #67-88 RATE 1-10 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 #89-110 RATE 1-10 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Administration / Guidance Apostle Crafsmanship / Artisan Discernment Encouragement Evangelism Exhortation Faith Giving Helps / Service Hospitality Intercession / Prayer Knowledge Leadership Mercy / Compassion Missionary Music Pastoring / Shepherding Prophesy Teaching Wisdom Writing SUM OF FIRST 5 COLUMNS RANK IN ORDER HIGHEST TO LOWEST NAME OF SPIRITUAL GIFT / TALENT

Gift 1 Gift 2 Gift 3

Gift 4 Gift 5





BeGIN teSt:
1. People come to me when they are in desperate situations, and I am able to find someone who can help. 2. I feel empowered to stand alone for Christ in a hostile, unbelieving environment. 3. I enjoy using my artistic talents to create things that bring glory to God. 4. I easily perceive whether a person is honest or dishonest. 5. I often speak words of hope to others. 6. I am drawn to non-believers because of my desire to win them to Christ. 7. I have urged others to seek Biblical solutions to their problems or suffering. 8. I hold fast to my personal belief in the truth even in the presence of ridicule, apparent failure, or pain. 9. I can give sacrificially because I know that God will meet my needs. 10. When I serve the Lord, I really dont care who gets the credit. 11. My home is always open to whomever God brings to me. 12. I find myself praying when it might seem I should be doing other things. 13. I have had spiritual insights that others have said helped bring them closer to God. 14. Others seek my guidance to accomplish tasks. 15. I feel great compassion for the problems of others. 16. I relate well to people of different cultures. 17. Music lifts my spirit and makes me feel closer to God. 18. I earnestly want to help Christians who have lost their way. 19. I feel a keen sense of responsibility to proclaim Gods Word to people. 20. Studying the Bible and sharing what I learn with others is very satisfying for me. 21. I often feel an unusual presence of God and personal confidence when important decisions need to be made. 22. I sometimes express my love for God by writing poems, songs, prayers, or devotionals. 23. I have been responsible for guiding tasks in my church to success. 24. I feel God has asked me to establish new churches where people have never heard of Him. 25. I like to make gifts for others that will remind them of God or Jesus. 26. I can sense whether a person is motivated by selfish or unselfish desires. 27. I enjoy speaking uplifting words to people who are discouraged.



28. I have led others to a decision for salvation through faith in Christ. 29. I can challenge others without making them feel condemned. 30. I am completely convinced God will fulfill His Word, even in circumstances when it seems He is not doing so yet. 31. God has used me to meet someones financial or material need. 32. I enjoy doing simple things for others that touch them deeply. 33. I enjoy greeting and welcoming people to my church and my home. 34. I often feel the need to pray for someone before others feel it. 35. I understand portions of Gods word that others find difficult. 36. I delegate tasks to others to accomplish Gods work. 37. I want to work with those who have physical or mental problems to alleviate their suffering. 38. I am willing to leave comfortable surroundings if it enables me to share Christ with more people. 39. Singing, dancing, and playing songs of praise to God for pure enjoyment is personally satisfying. 40. God has allowed me to effectively disciple other believers. 41. I find great joy in boldly announcing the Word of God to a specific situation. 42. People have told me that I have helped them learn Biblical truths. 43. Sometimes God gives me an insight into the proper course of action I or others should take. 44. I am able to take complex spiritual matters and write them down in a way that others can understand more easily. 45. I serve others by organizing and harnessing their gifts to solve a particular problem. 46. I boldly lead people where God wants them to go. 47. I like to serve God by working with my hands and making things. 48. I easily perceive the difference between truth and falsehood. 49. I can effectively motivate people to get involved in ministry. 50. I am able to determine when the Spirit has prepared a person to receive Jesus Christ. 51. People will take correction from me because they know I am on their side. 52. My hope in God is inspiring to others. 53. I am willing to maintain a lower standard of living in order to benefit Gods work. 54. I have enjoyed doing routine tasks that have led to more effective ministry by others. 55. I try to make everyone feel welcome and comfortable at church suppers or social events.



56. When I hear a prayer request, I pray for that need for several days, at least. 57. Through study or experience I have discerned major strategies God seems to use in furthering His kingdom. 58. God has given me an ability to rally the troops in giving aid to others. 59. I enjoy spending time with a lonely shut-in person or someone in prison. 60. The thought of beginning a new church in a new community is exciting to me. 61. People have said they see the love of Jesus on my face when I sing, dance, or play music. 62. I feel I am responsible to help protect weak Christians from dangerous influences. 63. People tell me that I say things that are inspiring and convicting. 64. Teaching a Bible class is one of the most enjoyable things I do (or could do). 65. When a person has a problem, I can frequently guide him or her to the best Biblical solution. 66. I love to study Gods Word and write down what I have learned. 67. I can recognize talents and gifts in others, and find ways to use those gifts for God. 68. God consistently gives me positions of authority. 69. I am able to show people something about who God is through my art. 70. I can determine the truthfulness or error of a given theological statement. 71. I have verbally given confidence to the wavering, the troubled, or the discouraged. 72. I minister better to those who do not yet know Christ than to believers. 73. I enjoy motivating people to a higher spiritual commitment. 74. Ive been known to try the impossible because I have a great trust in God. 75. I have strongly sensed God asking me to give money to a specific person or cause. 76. I would rather work in secret than have my work recognized publicly. 77. I feel very comfortable when people drop in unexpectedly. 78. Praying for others is one of my favorite pastimes. 79. I sometimes find I know things that I have never been taught. 80. It is a thrill to inspire others to greater involvement in church work. 81. I enjoy visiting people in hospitals and retirement homes, and feel I am helpful when I do. 82. More than most, I have a strong desire to see people in other countries won to the Lord. 83. People tell me they have been moved spiritually by my singing, dancing, or playing music.



84. I feel God is asking me to be the spiritual leader of a group of Christians. 85. I am willing to speak against sin and evil, even though I might be criticized and ridiculed. 86. I devote considerable time to learning new Biblical truths in order to communicate them to others. 87. I feel I am especially good at selecting the best alternative in a difficult situation. 88. People say they have been touched spiritually by things I have written. 89. People sometimes look to me for guidance in coordination, organization, and ministry opportunities. 90. God has used me to bring the gospel to people who have never heard it. 91. I feel compelled to use my hands to craft things that show an aspect of God in some way. 92. I can quickly recognize whether or not a persons teaching is consistent with Gods word. 93. People who are feeling perplexed often come to me for comfort. 94. Im troubled when salvation is not emphasized. 95. I can identify with weakness and temptation so as to encourage people to repent and believe. 96. I have believed God for the impossible and have seen it happen in a tangible way. 97. I strive to find ways to give to others without calling attention to myself. 98. If someone is facing a serious crisis, I see it as an opportunity to help them. 99. When people come to my home, they often say they feel at home with me. 100. Others have told me that my prayers for them have been answered in tangible ways. 101. God has given me words to say in different situations that have surprised even me. 102. I believe in motivating others to obey Christ by the living testimony of my life. 103. Sometimes I am overcome with emotion for the person I am praying for. 104. People of a different race or culture have been drawn to me, and we have related well. 105. I find great joy in playing or singing music for God. 106. God has given me the ability to teach and preach spiritual truth. 107. I speak Gods Word powerfully and without compromise. 108. I communicate Biblical truths to others in a way that leads to identifiable change in them. 109. People with spiritual problems come to me for advice and counsel. 110. I prefer to write down my thoughts about God rather than speaking them out loud.



First, look over the analysis sheet to make sure you have entered a number from 1 to 10 in each of the 110 prenumbered response boxes. If you left any of the boxes empty, go back to the corresponding statement and enter your response.

Now, unfold the analysis sheet. Calculate the sum of the 5 responses in each horizontal row and enter it in the sum column. Do this for each of the 22 rows of responses. Each sum should be a number between 5 and 50.

Next, look over the 22 numbers you have just entered in the vertical sum column. Identify the highest number. Now, place an 1 in the rank column for the row with the highest sum. If there is more than one row with this same high number, place an 1 in the rank column for each.

Look for the second highest number. Place a 2 in the rank column for each row with this number.

Look for the third highest number and place a 3 in the rank column for each row with this number.

Continue this process until you have identified your top five spiritual gifts and talents.

You can find out more about your spiritual gifts and talents by reading the spiritual gifts reference material on the following pages.


The main places in the Bible where we learn about Spiritual Gifts are: 1 Corinthians 12-14 Romans 12 Ephesians 4

Administration is the special ability God gives to some that allows them to accomplish God-given goals and directives by planning, organizing, and supervising others.

People with the gift of administration have the ability to understand what makes an organization function and can plan and execute procedures that accomplish the goals of the ministry.

People with this gift: - develop strategies or plans to reach identified goals - assist organizations to become more effective and efficient



- create order out of organizational chaos - manage or coordinate a variety of responsibilities to accomplish a task - organize people, tasks, or events

1 Corinthians 12:28-31 Luke 14:28-30

Apostles are able to exercise general leadership or oversight over a number of churches with an authority in spiritual matters. Their authority is readily recognized. God appoints Christians with this gift to lead, inspire, and develop the Church by the proclamation and the teaching of true doctrine.

Apostles have a divine ability to start and oversee the development of new churches or ministry structures.

People with this gift: - pioneer and establish new ministries or churches - adapt to different surroundings by being culturally sensitive and aware - desire to minister to unreached people in other communities or countries - have responsibilities to oversee ministries or groups of churches - demonstrate authority and vision for the mission of the church

1 Corinthians 12:28-31 Ephesians 4:11-16 2 Corinthians 12:12 Matthew 10:1-8 Acts 2:42-44

Believers with this gift possess the skill to create artistic expressions that provoke a spiritual response. Those with the gift of skilled craftsmanship have an unusual ability to create, build, maintain, or repair things.

Craftsmen are able to creatively design and/or construct items to be used for ministry. Artists communicate Gods truth through a variety of art forms.

People with this gift: - work with wood, cloth, paint, metal, glass, and other raw materials - make things that increase the effectiveness of others or provide specific help to others - design and build tangible items and resources - use the arts to communicate Gods truth - develop and use artistic skills such as drama, writing, art, music, dance, etc.



- use variety and creativity to captivate people and cause them to consider Christs message - challenge peoples perspective of God through various forms of the arts - demonstrate fresh ways to express Biblical truths

Exodus 28:3-4 Exodus 31:1-11 Exodus 35:30-35

Discernment is the special ability God gives to some to know with assurance whether certain behavior or teaching is truth or contains error. People with the gift of discernment have an uncanny ability to differentiate between good and evil, right and wrong.

People with this gift: - distinguish truth from error, right from wrong, pure motives from impure - identify deception with accuracy and appropriateness - determine whether a word attributed to God is authentic - recognize inconsistencies in a teaching, prophetic message, or interpretation

1 Corinthians 12:7-11 1 John 4:1-6 1 Corinthians 2:9-16 2 Chronicles 2:12 Psalm 119:125 Proverbs 3:21 1 Kings 3:9 Hebrews 5:14

Encouragement is the special ability God gives some to offer comfort, words of encouragement, hope, and reassurance to discouraged, weak, or troubled Christians in a way that consoles them.

People with this gift: - come to the side of those who are discouraged to reassure them and give them hope - emphasize Gods promises and confidence in His will

Romans 12:6-8 Titus 1:9 Acts 11:23-24 Acts 14:21-22 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11



Evangelists are gifted with a special ability to proclaim the Gospel of salvation effectively so that people respond and become followers of Christ. These people possess the ability to effectively communicate the gospel to unbelievers so they respond in faith and move toward discipleship.

People with this gift: - communicate the message of Christ with clarity and conviction - seek out opportunities to talk to unbelievers about spiritual matters - challenge unbelievers to faith and to become fully devoted followers of Christ - adapt their presentation of the gospel to connect with the individuals needs - seek opportunities to build relationships with unbelievers

Ephesians 4:11-16 Matthew 28:16-20 Acts 2:36-40 Acts 8:5-6 Acts 14:21 Acts 8:26-40 2 Timothy 4:5

People with this gift have a special ability through the use of words to strengthen weak, faltering, and fainthearted Christians, motivating them to become all God wants them to be.

Exhorters help others reach their full potential by means of encouraging, challenging, comforting, and guiding. They are able to present truth in a way that urges those who are discouraged or wavering in their faith to take action.

People with this gift: - come to the side of those who are weak in spirit to strengthen them - challenge or confront others to trust and hope in the promises of God - urge others to action by applying Biblical truth - offer advice, a solution, or ideas for progress - motivate others to grow

1 Timothy 5:1-2 Hebrews 3:13 1 Thessalonians 5:14



Those with the spiritual gift of faith have especially strong conviction. They are firmly persuaded of Gods power and promises to accomplish His will and purpose. These gifted people display strong confidence in God and His Word, and circumstances and obstacles do not shake that conviction.

The spiritual gift of faith enables the believer to act on Gods promises with confidence and unwavering belief in His ability to fulfill His purposes.

People with this gift: - believe the promises of God and inspire others to do the same - act with complete confidence in Gods ability to overcome obstacles - demonstrate an attitude of trust in Gods will and His promises - advance the cause of Christ because they go forward when others will not - ask God for what is needed and trust Him for His provision

1 Corinthians 12:7-11 Mark 5:25-34 Acts 27:21-25 Hebrews 11 Romans 4:18-21

The gift of giving enables a believer to recognize Gods blessings and to respond to those blessings by generously, sacrificially, and cheerfully giving of their time, talents, and money without thought of being repaid.

This gift enables believers to contribute financial and other resources when God asks them to with cheerfulness and generosity. Instead of asking How much do I have to give to God, people with the spiritual gift of giving often find themselves asking How much can I give?

People with this gift: - manage their finances and limit their lifestyle in order to give away as much as possible - support the work of ministry with sacrificial gifts to advance Gods work - meet the tangible needs of others so that spiritual growth can occur - provide resources generously and cheerfully, trusting God for His provision - may have a special ability to make money so that they may use it to further Gods work

Romans 12:6-8 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 2 Corinthians 8:2-5 Mark 12:41-44 Matthew 6:3-4



HelPS / SeRVIce
This is the gift that enables a believer to work gladly behind the scenes to ensure that Gods work is accomplished. The special ability God gives some to serve the church in a supporting role or to invest their talents in the life and ministry of others enables people with this gift to make a lasting difference in the world.

Believers with this gift are able to accomplish practical and necessary tasks which free-up, support, and meet the needs of others.

People with this gift: - serve behind the scenes whenever needed to support the gifts and ministries of others (often without having to be asked) - see the tangible and practical things that need to be done and enjoy doing them - sense Gods purpose and pleasure in meeting every day responsibilities - attach spiritual value to practical service - enjoy knowing that they are freeing up others to do what God has called them to do - would rather do a job than find someone else to do it

1 Corinthians 12:28-31 Romans 16:1-2 Acts 9:36 Mark 15:40-41 Galatians 6:2

Romans 12:6-8 1 Peter 4:11 Philippians 2:19-23 Luke 22:24-27 John 13:14

Those with a gift for making others feel like they are at home have the gift of hospitality. Believers with this gift provide an open home and warm welcome to those in need of food, lodging, and fellowship. The gift of hospitality is marked by a readiness to invite others into your home or church and to make them feel not only welcome, but as though they belong there.

People with this gift: - provide an environment where people feel valued and cared for - meet new people and help them feel welcomed - create a safe and comfortable setting where relationships can develop - seek ways to connect people together into meaningful relationships - set people at ease in unfamiliar surroundings

1 Peter 4:9-10 Romans 12:9-13 Acts 16:14-15 Luke 10:38 Hebrews 13:1-2



Some people are especially gifted by God to pray for extended periods of time on a regular basis and see frequent and specific answers to their prayers. Their gift enables them to consistently pray on behalf of and for others, seeing frequent and specific results.

People with this gift: - feel compelled to earnestly pray on behalf of someone or some cause - have a daily awareness of the spiritual battles being waged - are convinced God moves in direct response to prayer - pray in response to the leading of the Holy Spirit, whether they understand it or not

Ephesians 6:18 1 Timothy 2:1-2 1 Kings 13:6

Luke 11:1-10 Matthew 6:6-15 Mark 11:22-25

James 5:14-16 Colossians 4:12-13 1 Thessalonians 3:10

The gift of knowledge is a special gift that enables certain Christians to understand in an exceptional way the great truths of Gods Word and to make them relevant to specific situations in the church. Believers with this gift desire to seek out and learn as much about the Bible as they possibly can. They enjoy gathering and analyzing information about the Bible. Their gift enables them to bring truth to others through a revelation or Biblical insight.

People with this gift: - receive truth which enables them to better serve others - search the scriptures for insight, understanding, and truth - gain knowledge which at times was not attained by natural means - have an unusual insight or understanding that serves others - organize information for teaching and practical use

1 Corinthians 12:7-11 2 Chronicles 1:7-12 Colossians 2:2-3

2 Corinthians 11:6 Daniel 2:20-21 Proverbs 2:6

Proverbs 9:10 Psalm 119:66 Jeremiah 3:15



Those with the spiritual gift of leadership are able to set goals to accomplish Gods purposes and can communicate these goals to others in such a way that they voluntarily work together to accomplish them. Believers with this gift are able to cast vision, motivate, and direct people to accomplish the purposes of God.

People with this gift: - provide direction for Gods people or ministry - motivate others to perform to the best of their abilities - present the big picture for others to see - model the values of the organization - take responsibility and establish goals

Romans 12:6-8 Hebrews 13:7 Hebrews 13:17

meRcY / comPASSIoN
This gift allows certain Christians to feel exceptional empathy and compassion for those who are suffering physically, mentally, or emotionally. They are able to feel genuine sympathy for the misery of others, speaking words of compassion. Most importantly, they are able to care for those who suffer with acts of love that help alleviate their distress.

Believers with the gift of mercy cheerfully and practically help those who are suffering and in need by putting compassion into action.

People with this gift: - focus upon alleviating the sources of pain or discomfort in suffering people - address the needs of the lonely and forgotten - express love, grace, and dignity to those facing hardships and crisis - serve in difficult or unsightly circumstances and do so cheerfully - concern themselves with individual or social issues that oppress people

Romans 12:6-8 Luke 7:12-15 Luke 10:30-37 Matthew 20:29-34

Matthew 25:34-40 Mark 9:41 Matthew 5:7



Those with the special ability God gives to some to minister in another culture have the spiritual gift of missions. Those with this gift find it easy or exciting to adjust to a different culture or community. Missionaries find great joy working with minorities, people of other countries, or those with other distinct cultural differences. This gift instills in believers a stronger-than-average desire to be a part of the fulfillment of the Great Commission around the world.

People with this gift: - have an intense feeling of unease at the thought of all the unsaved people in the world - adapt themselves and core Biblical principles to different surroundings by being culturally sensitive and aware - have the ability to reach out to people groups of a different ethnicity, language, or cultural background - can establish meaningful relationships with people of other nationalities or cultures - desire to minister to unreached people in other communities or countries

Ephesians 3:6-8 Mark 16:15 Acts 1:8 Acts 13:2-5

Acts 22:21 Romans 10:14-15 1 Corinthians 9:19-23

Music is the spiritual gift that gives a believer the ability to present personal witness and inspiration to others through instrumental music, singing, or dancing. These gifted believers praise God through music in a way that enhances the worship experience of other believers. Those listening or watching become inspired to feel the presence and majesty of God.

People with this gift: - sing or play a musical instrument well, and enjoy it - find joy in singing or playing praises to God, either alone or with other people - feel secure in the fact that their musical ability will be of benefit to other people with whom they come in contact - can use their musical ability to help and inspire others to worship God

1 Samuel 16:14-23 1 Corinthians 14:26 Psalm 33:1-3 Psalm 96:1-2 Psalm 100:1-2

Psalm 149:3 Psalm 150:1-6 Colossians 3:16 2 Chronicles 5:12-13 2 Samuel 6:14-15



Believers with the spiritual gift of a pastor/shepherd are able to assume a long-term personal responsibility for leadership and the spiritual care, protection, guidance, and teaching of a group of believers. They feel a strong desire to nurture, care for, and guide people to follow and become like Christ.

People with this gift: - take responsibility to nurture the whole person in their walk with God - provide guidance and oversight to a group of Gods people - model with their life what it means to be a fully devoted follower of Christ - establish trust and confidence through long-term relationships - lead and protect those within their span of care

John 10:1-16 Acts 20:28 Ephesians 4:11-15 1 Timothy 3:1-7

2 Timothy 4:1-2 1 Timothy 4:11-16 1 Peter 5:1-4

PRoPHet / PRoPHecY
Believers with the spiritual gift of prophecy are able to proclaim the Word of God with clarity and apply it fearlessly to strengthen, encourage, and convict other believers and to convince unbelievers. These believers are especially able to interpret and apply Gods revelation in a given situation. They reveal truth and proclaim it in a timely and relevant manner for understanding, correction, repentance, and edification.

People with this gift: - speak a timely word from God causing conviction, repentance, and edification - see truth that others often fail to see and challenge them to respond - understand Gods heart and mind through experiences He takes them through

1 Corinthians 12:7-11 Romans 12:6-8 Ephesians 4:11-13

1 Corinthians 12:28-31 Deuteronomy 18:18-22 1 Corinthians 14:1-5

1 Corinthians 14:24-25 1 Corinthians 14:30-33 1 Corinthians 14:37-40



teAcHING / teAcHeR
Some believers have been given a unique ability to explain the truths of the Word of God clearly and apply them effectively so that others understand and learn. They instruct others about the Bible in a logical and systematic way that communicates and imparts true understanding and growth. These gifted believers are able to understand, clearly explain, and apply the word of God in a way that causes those listening to become more like Christ.

People with this gift: - communicate Biblical truth that inspires greater obedience to the Word - challenge listeners simply and practically with the truths of scripture - focus on changing lives by helping others understand the Bible better - give attention to detail and accuracy - prepare through extended times of study and reflection

Ephesians 4:11-16 Romans 12:6-8 1 Corinthians 12:28-31 Hebrews 5:12-14 Acts 18:24-28

This gift allows a believer to sort through opinions, facts, and thoughts in order to determine what solution would be best for themselves and others. These gifted individuals are able to apply knowledge to life in a way that is relevant and practical to daily life and decision making. They know the mind of God in a way that brings insight into how to apply knowledge so that specific needs of others are met.

People with this gift: - focus on the unseen consequences as they determine the next steps to take - receive an understanding of what is necessary to meet the needs of others - provide God-given solutions in the midst of conflict and confusion - hear Gods direction in a given situation - apply spiritual truth in specific and practical ways

1 Corinthians 12:7-11 James 3:13-18 2 Chronicles 1:7-11 Acts 6:3-10 1 Corinthians 2:6-13 James 1:5-8 1 Kings 3:16-28



This gift gives a believer the ability to express truth in written form in a way that builds up, instructs, comforts or strengthens others. Their special ability to formulate thoughts and ideas into meaningful written form enables the reader to find courage, guidance, knowledge, or edification through their words. The writers of the Bible had this gift.

People with this gift: - may write stories, sermons, devotions, histories, prayers, songs, or poetry to be used to build up the body of Christ - are inspired by the Holy Spirit in what they write - may teach Gods Word to others through what they write - often use writing to express other gifts - may be better at expressing their thoughts in written form than in verbal form

Luke 1:1-3 1 John 2:1 1 John 2:12-14 1 Timothy 3:14-15 Jude 1:3




Completing the following survey may help you determine the spokes or areas where you might be most hungry for vision. Mark any of the following that are true for you:

Spoke 1 - Your Relationship with God

I usually feel distant from God. I dont spend much time praying or reading the Bible. Im inconsistent in my relationship with God. I struggle with doubts about God. I am not involved in a church. (Attending only occasionally is not being involved.)

Spoke 2 - Your Relationships with People

I am in one or more painful or destructive relationships. I often feel lonely. In few (or none) of my relationships am I helping others draw closer to Christ, nor are they doing that for me. I do not have a mentor. I fear intimacy.

Spoke 3 - Your Financial Life

I carry credit card balances from month to month. I feel financially hindered from doing some things God wants me to do. Im often worried about finances. If I didnt have an income for one month, I couldnt pay my bills. Im not tithing 10 percent of my income to God.

Spoke 4 - Your Physical Life

Im often tired and worn down. I struggle with sexual promiscuity, smoking, or drug or alchohol abuse. I havent had a physical in years. I dont exercise regularly. I think the four basic food group are Taco Bell, McDonalds, Wendys, and KFC.

Spoke 5- Your Work Life (including volunteer service and raising family)
I feel little or no passion about my work. I dream about doing something different. I dont think my work has much, if anything, to do with God. My gifts and passions are underutilized. I dont have a clue what I need to do with this part of my life.

The categories in which you marked the most statements are the ones you might consider giving priority attention. You cant do everything at once, so pick one or two of the five spokes to focus on in the coming weeks.




QUESTION 1 - What barriers are hindering you from experiencing God?
Two things that can hinder our intimacy with God: 1. Sin 2. Idolatry

He who has clean hands and...who does not lift up his soul to an idol...He will receive blessing from the LORD... Psalms 24:4-5 NIV

Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning... 1 Corinthians 15:34 NIV

What sin is hindering your relationship with God? Materialism Pride Sexual Lust Laziness Gluttony Envy Self-centeredness Anger Lying Other:

In case youve ever felt trapped by a habitual, repetitive sin, heres some encouragement from Gods Word:

God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out... 1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV

No sin is too big for God to conquer in you. God will show you a way out!

Idolatry is not a single act of sin. Think of it more as a lifestyle built around sinful priorities. Anything we value can become more valuable to us than God. That is when it becomes an idol.

You shall have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:3 NIV



1. Who or what do you put ahead of God?

2. What are you going to do to change it?

QUESTION 2 - What disciplines best help you to experience God?

Resolve to take action to increase your intimacy and time with God. The good news is, He wants to be found!

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the LORD... Jeremiah 29:13-14 NIV

You have forsaken your first love...Repent and do the things you did at first. Revelation 2:4-5 NIV

(Place a mark beside the things you will do to focus on your relationship with God.)

Bible study Worship Serving Prayer Fellowship Missions Fasting Accountability Mentorship Other:

In your 100-Day Journal, write down your action plan to increase your intimacy with God. Ask Him to help you!



SPoKe 2 NeXt StePS; YoUR RelAtIoNSHIPS WItH otHeRS cReAte A RelAtIoNAl ActIoN PlAN
Fill in the blanks, then make notes below each step detailing how you plan to accomplish it.

Step 1 - I will initiate a relationship with ______________________ by ___________ (date).

Step 2 - I commit to nurture my relationship with ____________________ by _____________ (fill in specifics).

Step 3 - I commit to attempt to restore my relationship with ___________________ by _____________ (fill in specifics).

Step 4 - I commit to lovingly redefine or sever my relationship with ________________ until God shows me otherwise.




1. Take another look at your core values. In the world of wealth, if you dont stand for something, youll lay down your money for anything. List your core values again here:

2. Define your financial vision according to your core values:

Examples: If physical health is a core value, your vision might include driving an older car to afford a gym membership. If generosity is one of your values, your vision might be to save money by packing your lunch instead of eating out, freeing up more funds to give. If having a stay-at-home mom is a core value of your family, you might choose to live in a smaller house so she doesnt have to work to help meet the payments.

Let your values determine your financial plan. List some ideas below:

3. Get help! Choose someone with whom you can be completely transparent and honest about your finances. Let them hold you accountable. Then take step after achievable step to pay off old debt as you live your financial life according to Gods Chazown.

Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. Proverbs 15:22 (NIV)




QUESTION 1 - How will you feed your body?
...No one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church... Ephesians 5:29 NIV

Ask yourself these questions: (Be honest!)

1. Do you need to eliminate certain foods or drinks from your diet? Which ones?

2. In what areas do you lack physical discipline?

3. Do you need supplemental vitamins or other nutrients?

4. What question are you relieved is not listed here? Ask it!

Based on your answers, list the positive changes you are committing to make. Then, seek accountability!



QUESTION 2 - How will you care for your body?

Ask yourself these questions: 1. Do you need a physical or some other sort of doctors examination?

2. Do you need to begin regular exercise?

3. Are you addicted to something you need to overcome?

4. Do you need more sleep?

5. Are you living with stress? Do you need to find appropriate relief?

6. Are you taking adequate time off?

7. Are you a workaholic?

8. What question are you relieved is not listed here? Ask it!

Based on your answers, list the positive changes you are committing to make. Then, seek accountability!



SPoKe 5 NeXt StePS; YoUR WoRK PlAN

For this season of your life, are you doing the work God wants you to do?

Two things to remember if your answer is no:

1. Dont panic! 2. Trust God.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

Now, take a deep breath. Look back through your Chazown participant guide. Then ask yourself:
What are the common themes? What excites and entices you toward making an impact for God?

Now, look again at the Three Circles. List them again below, prayerfully thinking through each of your past experiences, core values and spiritual gifts as you write them down.

coRe VAlUeS





Consider these questions once more:

1. If money were no object and you could do anything you wanted for the rest of your life, what would you do?

2. Besides ministering to those who are most important to you, what is the number one thing that you believe God wants to accomplish through you?

Now, ask yourself:

1. What is your vision for your work five years from now?

2. What is your vision for your work ten years from now?

List 2-3 short-term goals to help you move toward your vision:
Goal 1:

Goal 2:

Goal 3: Now, list your very

next step:

Next, choose someone to hold you accountable to that step!

Finally, remember. Whatever you are doing at this moment, do it for Him. Do it with the best attitude He can give you. Do it with everything in you. Dont hold back!

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3:23 NIV



Featuring video segments and step-by-step personal exercises, this life-planning experience is designed to help you find, name, and live out your unique visionyour Chazown.

Discover all the resources you will need to host The Chazown Experience at your church or in your small group all at no cost! Visit www.chazown.com today!


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