Bulk Carriers
Bulk Carriers
Bulk Carriers
Modern bulk carriers, often described as the workhorses of the maritime trade, can be traced back to the 1950s when shipyards began building ships designed specifically for carrying non-packed commodities. Bulk carriers can be identified by the hatches above deck level which give access to the huge cargo holds below.
Number operating worldwide: Typical length: Typical deadweight: Number of cargo holds:
Navigation bridge
Hold No.8 Hold No.7 Hold No.6 Hold No.5
5,500 (approx) 180 - 275 metres 33,000 - 150,000 tonnes 5-9 Grains, coal, iron ore, bauxite, phosphate, nitrate 1,795 million tonnes
Transverse bulkhead
Hold No.4
Hold No.3
Hold No.2
Hold No.1
Engine room
Double bottom
Water enters hold No.1 through faulty hatch cover, collision, corroded hull plating or other reason
3 2
Weight of water and cargo in hold No.1 forces the transverse watertight bulkhead to collapse
Holds 1 & 2 or 2 & 3: Ship sinks rapidly, no time for crew to abandon ship.
Holds 6 & 7: Submergence of the after deck and possible catastrophic down-flooding in the engine room.
Remaining holds: Sagging, which could cause structural failure, especially if the ship is poorly maintained.
Existing ships The bulkhead between holds 1 and 2 and the double bottom of hold 1 must be strengthened to withstand flooding in hold 1.
Restrictions on carriage of cargoes Existing bulk carriers which do not meet the new structural requirements will be restricted from carrying high density cargoes and must be marked with a solid equilateral triangle on the hull at midships below the deck line.
Enhanced surveys Enhanced programme of inspections to detect potential structural weakness and areas of corrosion.