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EC1001 - Basic Electronics

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BASIC ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Total Contact Hours 30 Prerequisite Nil

L 2

T 0

P 0

C 2

PURPOSE This course provides comprehensive idea about working principle, operation and characteristics of electronic devices, transducers, Digital Electronics and Communication Systems. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course students will be able to gain knowledge about the 1. Fundamentals of electronic components, devices, transducers 2. Principles of digital electronics 3. Principles of various communication systems UNIT I- ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (4 hours) Passive components resistors, capacitors & inductors (properties, common types, I-V relationship and uses). UNIT II- SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES (7 hours) Semiconductor Devices - Overview of Semiconductors - basic principle, operation and characteristics of PN diode, zener diode, BJT, JFET, optoelectronic devices (LDR, photodiode, phototransistor, solar cell, optocouplers) UNIT III- TRANSDUCERS (5 hours) Transducers - Instrumentation general aspects, classification of transducers, basic requirements of transducers, passive transducers strain gauge, thermistor, Hall-Effect transducer, LVDT, and active transducers piezoelectric and thermocouple. UNIT IV- DIGITAL ELECTRONICS (7 hours) Number systems binary codes - logic gates - Boolean algebra, laws & theorems - simplification of Boolean expression implementation of Boolean expressions using logic gates - standard forms of Boolean expression.

UNIT V- COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (7 hours) Block diagram of a basic communication system frequency spectrum - need for modulation - methods of modulation - principles of AM, FM, pulse analog and pulse digital modulation AM / FM transmitters & receivers (block diagram description only) TEXT BOOKS 1. T. Thyagarajan, K.P. SendurChelvi, T.R. Rangaswamy, Engineering Basics: Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, New Age International, Third Edition, 2007. 2. B. Somanathan Nair, S.R. Deepa, Basic Electronics, I.K. International Pvt. Ltd., 2009. REFERENCES 3. Thomas L. Floyd, Electronic Devices, Pearson Education, 9th Edition, 2011. 4. R.K. Rajput, Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Laxmi Publications, First Edition, 2007.
EC1001 BASIC ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Course designed by 1 Student outcome Mapping of instruction al objectives with student outcome a x 1,2, 3 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering b c d e f g h i j k


General (G)


Engineering Sciences & Professional Technical Subjects (P) Arts (E) x ---rd 23 meeting of Academic Council, May 2013 Basic Sciences (B)

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