The Generic Station Description File
The Generic Station Description File
The Generic Station Description File
Version 2.2
Liability Exclusion We have tested the contents of this document regarding agreement with the hardware and software described. Nevertheless, deviations cant be excluded, so that we dont guarantee complete agreement. However, the data in this document is checked periodically. Necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions. We gratefully accept suggestions for improvement. Copyright Copyright Siemens AG 2003. All Rights Reserved. Unless permission has been expressly granted, passing on this document or copying it, or using and sharing its content is not allowed. Offenders will be held liable. All rights reserved, in the event a patent is granted, or a utility model or design is registered. Subject to technical changes.
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Table of Contents 1 The PROFIBUS DP Generic Station Description File ........................................................... 4 1.1 Preface to GSD Revision 1 ........................................................................................... 4 1.2 Who needs a GSD File? ............................................................................................... 5 1.3 Who does what with the GSD File? ............................................................................... 5 1.4 How does the Configuring Tool Process the GSD Files? ............................................... 5 1.5 Where Does the User Obtain the GSD Files?................................................................ 6 1.6 How Can a GSD File be Created? ................................................................................ 6 1.7 How Can a GSD file be Checked for Correctness?........................................................ 6 The Structure of a GSD File................................................................................................. 6 2.1 Preface to GSD Revision 2 ........................................................................................... 7 2.2 General PROFIBUS DP Slave Key Words in the GSD File (Revision 1 and 2)............... 8 Preface to GSD Revision 3 ................................................................................................ 22 3.1.1 Who need a GSD Revision 3 ? ............................................................................ 22 3.1.2 Additional keywords for different physical interfaces............................................. 25 3.1.3 Additional Keywords for Module Assignment ........................................................ 29 3.1.4 DP Extensions (DP-V1) ....................................................................................... 30 3.1.5 Minimum Services of PROFIBUS DP-V1.............................................................. 33 3.1.6 The Meaning of the User Parameterization Bytes (DP-V1) ................................... 33 3.1.7 Slave realated Keywords for DP-V1 ..................................................................... 35 3.1.8 Slave related Keywords for Data Exchange with Broadcast.................................. 38 Preface to GSD Revision 4 ................................................................................................ 39 4.1.1 Who needs GSD Revision 4 ?............................................................................. 39 4.1.2 Slave related keywords for Isochronous Mode ..................................................... 41 4.1.3 Who needs Isochronous Mode ?.......................................................................... 41 4.1.4 Combinations and Dependencies for Publisher, Subscriber and Isochronous Mode 44 4.1.5 The Structured Parameter Data for DP-V2 ........................................................... 44 4.2 Slave related Keywords for PROFIsafe Profile ............................................................ 45 4.3 Sample GSD File for a modular F Slave...................................................................... 46 4.4 Slave related keywords for extended parameterization................................................ 52 4.5 Slave related Keywords for Subsystems ..................................................................... 53 4.5.1 Formal Description of the Generic Station Description (GSD) File Format ............ 54 Relationship of GSD File, Configuring Tool, and DPS2/DPSE or V1SL Software ................ 55 5.1 Parameter Assignment ............................................................................................... 55 5.2 Configuring ................................................................................................................. 63 5.3 ASIC functionalities..................................................................................................... 68 Sample Files for GSD File Entries...................................................................................... 69 Contact and addresses ...................................................................................................... 78
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The provided information is based on PROFIBUS IEC 61158 part 3 and the additional implementation guideline. The document was defined to our best knowledge, however, in case of any doubt IEC 61158 and the implementation guideline takes precedence. PROFIBUS DP according to IEC 61158 and PROFIBUS DP/V1 support many possibilities to implement data exchange between bus master and the connected slaves. From the simplest slave that services only a few input/output channels up to the intelligent slave that handles preprocessing tasks, a PROFIBUS DP master can carry out data exchange. For that reason, field devices with PROFIBUS DP connection can be optimally adapted to the respective automation task. In order to cover this large variety safely and conveniently, the bus master (Class 1 master) needs the technical data of the connected field device in the form of a Generic Station Description file (GSD file). The GSD file is to be generated by the field device manufacturer as an ASCII file in the form of an electronic data sheet (for example, MSDOS Editor). In order to describe the technical details of a field device uniformly, a large number of key words were defined that uniquely define a certain attribute of the field device. This ensures, among other things, that different field devices by different manufacturers can exchange data with any master that conforms to standard. An accredited test lab tests the complete standardconforming performance. Simple field devices can be described with a few key words.
PROFIBUS Configurator
GSD Files
M I/O Sensor Drive Transducer
Field Device
Field Device
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While reading this manual you may come across different revision numbers. During the years it became necessary to describe the functional extensions of field devices. Therefore youll find a brief overview on the different revisions: Revision 1: describes the general keywords, dedicated to relatively simple field devices which are supporting the cyclic data exchange. Revision 2: describes some syntactical changes as well as additional transmission rates and the necessary reaction timings. Revision 3: describes the keywords of the acyclic data exchange acc to DP-V1. Furthermore new physical interfaces and the requirements of PROFIBUS PA are explained. Revision 4: the following functionality is described: Isochron Mode, Data Exchange with Broadcast, Subscriber_Supp, F-Parameter, Extended Parameterization Extended Diagnostic Description, Automatically SlotNumber mapping, Subsystems HMD ...( HART Master Devices ), Extended Description of MaxTsdr for Optimizing Essentially, the following data is included in a GSD file: The supported transmission rates The length of the input/output data to be exchanged The meaning of the diagnostic data, and possibly of the user parameters Type of field device (compact station, modular station) Text assignments for symbolic configuring The supported services (sync/freeze mode, ) 1.2 Who needs a GSD File? Every Class 1 master and all field devices with slave functionality have to be described by the manufacturer with a GSD file.
1.3 Who does what with the GSD File? Configuring tools for the PROFIBUS DP master that is to be configured interpret the content of the GSD files of the slaves, and from it, generate a master parameter set for the Class 1 master that handles the user data traffic. In part, Class 2 master functionalities are integrated, in order to load configuring data to the Class 1 master. A Class 2 master needs the GSD files of a Class 1 master in order to recognize, for example, in which form the configuring data can be loaded to the Class 1 master. If a Class 1 master supports the services Upload and Download, the configuring data can be loaded to the Class 1 master online, and existing configuring data can be changed online (refer to Figure 1-1). Based on the information from the GSD files, the Class 1 master recognizes the following: the degree of expansion of the bus, which services the respective slave supports, and in which form the data is to be exchanged.
1.4 How does the Configuring Tool Process the GSD Files? GSD files are needed during configuring and commissioning. Every manufacturer of a PROFIBUS DP Class 1 master makes a configuring tool available for configuring the Class 1
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master that knows the internal data structure of the Class 1 master, and of the host system. When configuring a system, the GSD files that are needed respectively are to be made known to the configuring tool. Usually, this is done by copying the GSD files to the hard disk of the PC (the exact path indication is provided in the description of the configuring tool). When a system is configured, the configuring tool interprets the data of the GSD file for the field device that was selected. In addition, validity checks are performed so that the configuring data is structured logically correct. At the end of configuring, the user can select in what form the compiled configuring data is to be transferred to the Class 1 master (usually on a diskette, Flash-EPROM, or online). When commissioning the system, the interpretation of the GSD file can provide information regarding errors that might occur.
1.5 Where Does the User Obtain the GSD Files? The manufacturer supplies the GSD files for the respective field device, together with the respective product. Some manufacturers include GSD files with the configuring tool. GSD files that are not included in the configuring tool can be obtained as follows: - through the Internet address of the PROFIBUS Trade Organization (PNO) (address:
1.6 How Can a GSD File be Created? GSD files are created as ASCII files with an ASCII Editor by describing each feature of the field device with a standardized key word. To make it easy for everyone the PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation provides a GSD-editor free of charge which can be downloaded from
1.7 How Can a GSD file be Checked for Correctness? After the GSD file has been created, it can be checked internally from the GSD-editor.
Tabel 1-1: Language-Dependent GSD Files Example of a GSD Name: Abc_0111.gsd (this means the following: Abc_ = 4 characters free to choose 0111 = Ident number 011 assigned by the PNO, always 4 characters .gsd = default. Language-independent GSD file)
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The development of the PROFIBUS product range also entails enhancements as regards the device properties and features to be described in the GSD files. These developments, in particular the introduction of PROFIBUS-PA and the associated new transmission rates, are the reason for the extension to the GSD file for the present GSD Revision 2. A primary aim of the revision was to improve the readability of the formal description of the GSD file. The individual rules in this clause have been numbered in order to enable better referencing. Rules that left room for interpretation have been made more precise. Rules that unnecessarily limited the format of the GSD file and thus made it more difficult to create and read GSD files have been relaxed. The changes to the informal description of the keywords since GSD Revision 1 essentially boil down to the addition of the keywords for the new transmission rates. In the formal description the following changes have been made since GSD Revision 1. Description of continuation lines Description of a beginning of a GSD line Description of white spaces in octet strings Description of white spaces in User definitions Support of new transmission rates MaxTsdr for new transmission rates Trdy for new transmission rates (only relevant for the master ) Tqui for new transmission rates (only relevant for the master ) Tset for new transmission rates (only relevant for the master ) Tsdi for new transmission rates (only relevant for the master ) Subfamily_Name description Change of the reference number to Unsigned16 Last_Bit limited to 495 Extension of Unit-Def-Items Value range to {0<=Bit<=495} Ext-Module-Prm-Len description Is concluded with EndExtUserPrmData Replacement of the previous module definition Replacement of the previous GSD description User_Prm_Data_Def has been deleted
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General PROFIBUS DP Slave Key Words in the GSD File (Revision 1 and 2)
Each line starts with one of the key words below. The key words described below are standardized, and are to be used only in the described designation. Key words that are company-specific can be defined, and have to be interpreted that way. These self-defined key words are not to be read by configuring tools of other companies. A PROFIBUS DP GSD file always starts with the key word #Profibus_DP. The type ID specified for the keyword refers to the parameter with the same name. Regarding the parameters, the following differentiation is made: Mandatory (M) (absolutely required) Optional (O) (possible in addition) Optional with default = 0 if not present (D); (the key words marked with *) should always be specified because of the better readability of the GSD file, even if the default setting is 0. At least one of the group (G) matches the corresponding transmission rate.
GSD_Revision: (M starting with GSD_Revision 1) Version ID of the GSD file format Type: Unsigned8 Example: GSD_Revision= 1 Vendor_Name: (M) Vendor Name. Type: Visible String (32) Example: Vendor_Name= "Corp_ABC & Co" Model_Name: (M) Manufacturer Name (Controller Type) of the DP device. This name is indicated in the configuring tool. Type: Visible String (32) Example: Model_Name= "Modular I/O Station" Revision: (M) Version of the DP device. Type: Visible String (32) Example: Revision= "Version 01" Revision_Number: (O starting with GSD_Revision 1) Version ID . The value of the Revision_Number has to agree with the value of the Revision_Number in the slave-specific diagnosis if provided. Type: Unsigned8 (1 bis 63) Example: Revision_Number= 05 Ident_Number: (M) Identifies the device type of the DP device. Each field device is characterized by an Ident number allocated by the PROFIBUS Trade Organization (PNO) which establishes a unique reference to the GSD file, and thus to the technical data of the field device. Field device variants that can be described with one GSD file, may use the same Ident number (for example, modular devices). Data exchange with a field device is possible only if the PROFIBUS DP device identifies itself clearly with the Ident number of the field device during system power-up (parameter assignment message). Type: Unsigned16 Example: Ident_Number=0x00A2
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The Generic Station Description File (GSD-file) Protocol_Ident: (M) Protocol used for the DP devices. Type: Unsigned8 0: PROFIBUS-DP, 16 to 255: manufacturer-specific Example: Protocol_Ident= 0 ; here, a PROFIBUS DP device is described Station_Type: (M) DP device type. Type: Unsigned8 0: DP Slave, 1: DP Master (Class 1) Example: Stations_Type= 0
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FMS_supp: (D) 1) This device is a FMS/DP mixed device. Type: Boolean (1: True) Example: FMS_supp= 0 ; it is a pure DP device Hardware_Release: (M) Hardware release of the DP device. Type: Visible String (32) Example: Hardware_Release= "Hardware Release HW= 0.1" Software_Release (M) Software release of the DP device. Type: Visible String (32) Example: Software_Release= "Software Release SW= 1.01" 9.6_supp: (G) The DP device supports the transmission rate 9.6 kBaud. Type: Boolean (1: True) Example: 9.6_supp= 1 ; the device supports the specified transmission rate 19.2_supp: (G) The DP device supports the transmission rate 19.2 kBaud. Type: Boolean (1: True) Example: 19.2_supp= 1 ; the device supports the specified transmission rate 31.25_supp: (G) The DP device supports the transmission rate 31.25 kBaud. Type: Boolean (1: True) Example: 31.25_supp= 1 ; the device supports the specified transmission rate 45.45_supp: (G) The DP device supports the transmission rate 45.45 kBaud. Type: Boolean (1: True) Example: 45.45_supp= 1 ; the device supports the specified transmission rate 93.75_supp: (G) The DP device supports the transmission rate 93.75 kBaud. Type: Boolean (1: True) Example: 93.75_supp= 1 ; the device supports the specified transmission rate Although this key word is not mandatory, this detail should always be defined because of the easier readability of a GSD.
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187.5_supp: (G) The DP device supports the transmission rate 187.5 kBaud. Type: Boolean (1: True) Example: 187.5_supp= 1 ; the device supports the specified transmission rate 500_supp: (G) The DP device supports the transmission rate 500 kBaud. Type: Boolean (1: True) Example: 500_supp= 1 ; the device supports the specified transmission rate 1.5M_supp: (G) The DP device supports the transmission rate 1.5 MBaud. Type: Boolean (1: True) Example: 1.5M_supp= 1 ; the device supports the specified transmission rate 3M_supp: (G) The DP device supports the transmission rate 3 MBaud. Type: Boolean (1: True) Example: 3M_supp= 1 ; the device supports the specified transmission rate 6M_supp: (G) The DP device supports the transmission rate 6 MBaud. Type: Boolean (1: True) Example: 6M_supp= 1 ; the device supports the specified transmission rate 12M_supp: (G) The DP device supports the transmission rate 12 MBaud. Type: Boolean (1: True) Example: 12M_supp= 1 ; the device supports the specified transmission rate Important note: To speed up the complete system the max TSDR can be optimized. Please refer to the corresponding ASIC descriptions on These informations are necessary when Isochronous mode is used (see GSD-Revision 4). MaxTsdr_9.6: (G) (Value= 60) This is the time that a responder needs as a maximum at a transmission rate of 9.6 kBaud to respond to a request message. Type: Unsigned16 Time base: bit time Input: MaxTsdr_9.6= 60 MaxTsdr_19.2: (G) (Value= 60) This is the time that a responder needs as a maximum at a transmission rate of 19.2 kBaud to respond to a request message. Type: Unsigned16 Time base: bit time MaxTsdr_31.25: (G) (Value= 60) This is the time that a responder needs as a maximum at a transmission rate of 31.25 kBaud to respond to a request message. Type: Unsigned16 Time base: bit time
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MaxTsdr_45.45: (G) (Value= 60) This is the time that a responder needs as a maximum at a transmission rate of 45.45 kBaud to respond to a request message. Type: Unsigned16 Time base: bit time MaxTsdr_93.75: (G) (Value= 60) This is the time that a responder needs as a maximum at a transmission rate of 93.75 kBaud to respond to a request message. Type: Unsigned16 Time base: bit time MaxTsdr_187.5: (G) (Value= 60) This is the time that a responder needs as a maximum at a transmission rate of 187.5 kBaud to respond to a request message. Type: Unsigned16 Time base: bit time MaxTsdr_500: (G) (Value= 100) This is the time that a responder needs as a maximum at a transmission rate of 500 kBaud to respond to a request message. (refer to DIN 19245 Part 1\4.91 Section 4.1.7). Type: Unsigned16 Time base: bit time MaxTsdr_1.5M: (G) (Value= 150) This is the time that a responder needs as a maximum at a transmission rate of 1.5 MBaud to respond to a request message (refer to DIN 19245 Part 1\4.91 Section 4.1.7). Type: Unsigned16 Time base: bit time MaxTsdr_3M: (G) (Value= 250) This is the time that a responder needs as a maximum at a transmission rate of 3 MBaud to respond to a request message. Type: Unsigned16 Time base: bit time MaxTsdr_6M: (G) (Value= 450) This is the time that a responder needs as a maximum at a transmission rate of 6 MBaud to respond to a request message.. Type: Unsigned16 Time base: bit time MaxTsdr_12M: (G) (Value= 800) This is the time that a responder needs as a maximum at a transmission rate of 12 MBaud to respond to a request message. Type: Unsigned16 Time base: bit time Redundancy: (D) This value indicates whether a device supports redundant transmission or not. Type: Boolean 0: No, 1: Redundancy supported. Example: Redundancy= 0
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2) Repeater_Ctrl_Sig: (D) Here, the level of the connector signal CNTR-P is specified. A look to chapter 3.1.2 Additional keywords for different physical interfaces may also be useful . Type: Unsigned8 0: Not connected, 1: RS485, 2:TTL Example: Repeater_Ctrl_Sig= 2
24V_Pins: (D) Here, the meaning of the connector signals M24V and P24V is specified. A look to chapter 3.1.2 Additional keywords for different physical interfaces may also be useful. Type: Unsigned8 0: Not connected, 1:Input, 2:Output Example: 24V_Pins= 0 Implementation_Type: (O starting with GSD_Revision 1) Here, a description is provided of what standard implementation is used in the DP slave; for example, standard software solution, controller solution, or ASIC solution. The name is specifed by the manufacturer of the standard solution. From this detail, configuring tools can already perform checks. Type: Visible String (32) Example: Implementation_Type= "SPC3 solution" or "Software solution"; when using the key word SPC3, the configuring tool COM PROFIBUS locks the first User_Prm_Byte for the user. Bitmap_Device: (O starting with GSD_Revision 1) Here, the file name (*.DIB) of the bitmap file is specified in DIB format (70*40 pixel (width*height) 16 colors), which normally contains the symbolic representation of the device. Depending on the configuring tool used, the bit map that is used is to be copied either to a certain directory, or the exact path is to be indicated -including the bitmap- prior to being used. Regarding this, read the description of the configuring tool used. Type: Visible String (8) Example: Bitmap_Device= "OK_state" Bitmap_Diag: (O starting with GSD_Revision 1) Here, the file name (*.DIB) of the bitmap file is specified in DIB format (70*40 pixel (width*height) 16 colors), which contains the symbolic representation of the device if there is a diagnosis. Depending on the configuring tool used, the bit map that is used is to be copied either to a certain directory, or the exact path is to be indicated -including the bitmap- prior to being used. Regarding this, read the description of the configuring tool used. Type: Visible String (8) Example: Bitmap_Diag= "Diag_sta" Bitmap_SF: (O starting with GSD_Revision 1) Here, the file name (*.DIB) of the bitmap file is specified in DIB format (70*40 pixel (width*height) 16 colors), which contains the symbolic representation of the device in special operating modes. The meaning is manufacturer-specific. Depending on the configuring tool used, the bit map that is used is to be copied either to a certain directory, or the exact path is to be indicated -including the bitmap- prior to being used. Regarding this, read the description of the configuring tool used. Type: Visible String (8)
2) 2)
Although this key word is not mandatory, this detail should always be defined because of easier readability.
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The Generic Station Description File (GSD-file) Example: Bitmap_SF= "SF_state" Freeze_Mode_supp: (D) )
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The DP device supports the freeze mode. During power-up, the parameter assignment message specifies whether the slave is to support the freeze mode. The freeze mode is activated with a global control message and causes the inputs of the slave to be frozen in the momentary state. DP slaves that support the freeze mode have to ensure that in the next data cycle after the freeze control command, the values of the inputs that were frozen last are transmitted to the bus. Type: Boolean (1: True) Example: Freeze_Mode= 1 ;Freeze Mode is supported in the slave Sync_Mode_supp: (D) 1) The DP device supports the sync mode. During power-up, the parameter assignment message specifies whether the slave is to support the sync mode. The sync mode is activated with a global control message and causes the slave to keep the outputs in the momentary state. Type: Boolean (1: True) Example: Sync_Mode= 1 ;Sync-Mode is supported in the slave Field devices that support the sync/freeze mode can be combined into groups.
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C y c l e 1 C y c l e 2
Data "a" to Slave 1 Gr.2 Data "a" to Slave 2 Gr.2 Data "a" to Slave 3 Gr.1 Data "a" to Slave 4 Gr.2 SYNC to Group 2 Data "b" to Slave 1 Gr.2 Data "b" to Slave 2 Gr.2 Data "b" to Slave 3 Gr.1 Data "b" to Slave 4 Gr.2 UNSYNC to Group 2
Data "a" to outputs Data "a" to outputs Data "a" to outputs Data "a" to outputs
Data "a" to outputs Data "a" to outputs Data "b" to outputs Data "a" to outputs
Figure 2-1: Example of the Sync Mode In the next bus cycle after the UNSYNC command, the outputs are updated again. Auto_Baud_supp: (D) The DP device supports the automatic transmission rate recognition. It automatically sets itself to the transmission rate specified by the master. Type: Boolean (1: True) Example: Auto_Baud_supp= 1 ; the function is supported Set_Slave_Add_supp: (D) The DP device supports the function Set_Slave_Add for setting the slave address via the PROFIBUS. Type: Boolean (1: True) Example: Set_Slave_Add_supp= 1 ; the function is supported
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Fail_Safe: (D starting with GSD_Revision 1) Here it is specified whether the DP slave accepts a data message without data instead of a data message with data = 0 in the CLEAR mode of the DP master (Class 1). As a matter of standard, the PROFIBUS DP master sets the outputs to zero if it is in the CLEAR mode. Here, the user can specify the pre assignments of the outputs. Type: Boolean (1: True) Example: Fail_Safe=1 ; means the slave accepts a data message without data in the ; Clear mode Max_Diag_Data_Len: (M starting with GSD_Revision 1) Here, the maximum length of the diagnostic information (Diag_Data) is specified. At least, the 6 octets of the system diagnosis have to be always specified. This key word should always be indicated so that the bus master can optimize its memory location. Type: Unsigned8 (6 - 244) Example: Max_Diag_Data_Len= 10 ; the field device supplies 4 user diagnoses Example: Max_Diag_Data_Len= 78 Content in diagnosis telegram: Bytes 1 - 6 Byte 7 7, Standard Diagnosis 0011 1111 (Headerbyte 1) ; (63 bytes User diagnosis part I, including Byte ; Headerbyte Bytes 8 - 69 User diags (part I) Byte 70 0000 1001 (Headerbyte 2) Byte 71 - 78 User diags (part II) ; --> 62 bytes user diag (user specific) ; 9 bytes User diags part II, including byte 70 ; Headerbyte ; - -> 8 bytes user diag (user specific) ; The field device supplies 70 device related ; user diagnostics + 6 Bytes ; standard diagnostics + 2 header bytes
Max_User_Prm_Data_Len: (O starting with GSD_Revision 1) Here, the maximum length of the User_Prm_Data is specified. The length of the transferred user parameters can have the specified maximum or less. They can also exist of User_Prm_Data and Ext_Module_Prm_Data. The definition of this key word excludes the evaluation of User_Prm_Data_Len. Type: Unsigned8 (0 - 237) Example: Max_User_Prm_Data_Len= 120 ; as a maximum, 120 user parameters are ; possible from the field device Modul_Offset: (D starting with GSD_Revision 1) Here, the slot number is specified that is to appear as the first slot number in the configuring tool at configuring (is used to improve representation). In the case of modular devices, manufacturers sometimes designate as modules such units that the PROFIBUS DP cant address directly (such as PROFIBUS interface, power supply, CPU). Type: Unsigned8 Example: Module_Offset=3 ; representation of the I/O modules starts withOffset 3 Slave_Family: (M starting with GSD_Revision 1) In order to be able to find the individual slaves more easily when configuring a plant, the slaves are combined into families. The slave families are visualized for the user with the configuring tool. With the key word Slave_family, the DP slave is assigned to a function class. The family name is structured hierarchically. In addition to the main family, subfamilies can be formed that are attached with @. A maximum of 3 subfamilies can be defined. Assignment to a slave family
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facilitates finding a GSD file when configuring, since configuring tools file the stored GSD files according to the Slave_Family. Example: Slave_Family=3@Digital@24V The following main families are specified: 0: General (no assignment to the following categories possible) 1: Drives 2: Switching devices 3: I/Os 4: Valves 5: Controllers 6: HMI (MMI) 7: Encoders 8: NC/RC 9: Gateways 10: PLCs 11: Ident systems 12 PA (new in Revision 2) 13-255: reserved Type: Unsigned8 Example: Slave_Family=7 ; the GSD file is stored under the category Encoders User_Prm_Data_Len: (D) Here, the length of the user-specific parameters (User_Prm_Data) is specified. When this keyword is defined and no Max_User_Prm_Data_Len is defined the user parameters have to have exactly that specified length. Please note that some ASICs need user-specific data. Type: Unsigned8 Example: User_Prm_Data_Len= 5 User_Prm_Data: (O) Type: Octet String Meaning: Manufacturer-specific field. Provides the default value for User_Prm_Data. If this parameter is used, its length has to agree with the User_Prm_Data_Len. Example: User_Prm_Data= 0x00,0x10,0xdf,0x00,0x23 Min_Slave_Intervall: (M) This time specifies the minimum interval between two poll cycles for the DP device. Type: Unsigned16 Time base: 100 s Example: Min_Slave_Intervall= 10 ; corresponds to a poll cycle of 1ms The maximum time for the Min_Slave_Intervall at the transmission rates is: up to 1500 kbit/s max. 20 (2 ms) at 12 000 kbit/s max. 6 (0.6 ms)
Basic Unit
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
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3 Modular_Station: (D) Here it is specified whether the DP device is a modular station. Modular stations can be created from several modules. A list of the different modules that can be used in the field device is to be specified in the GSD file. A module is either a physical unit (refer to Figure 2-1) or a logical unit. When configuring, the configuring engineer can symbolically select the modules defined in the GSD file, and thus set up the modular station. Type: Boolean (0: compact device, 1: modular device)
Max_Module: (M if Modular_Station) Here, the maximum number of the modules is specified that can be inserted in the described device. The list of modules provided in the GSD file may be much longer. Type: Unsigned8 Example: Max_Module= 4 ; 4 modules can be inserted Max_Input_Len: (M if Modular_Station) Here, the maximum length of the input data of a modular station is specified in bytes. Type: Unsigned8 Example: Max_Input_Len= 100 Max_Output_Len: (M if Modular_Station) Here, the maximum length of the output data of a modular station is specified in bytes. Type: Unsigned8 Example: Max_Output_Len= 100 Max_Data_Len: (M if Modular_Station Here, the largest sum of the lengths of the input/output data of a modular station is specified in bytes. Type: Unsigned16 Example: Max_Data_Len= 200 Unit_Diag_Bit: (O) To display manufacturer-specific status- and error messages of a DP slave centrally, it is possible to assign a text (Diag_Text) to a bit in the device-related diagnostic field. Parameters used: Bit: Type: Unsigned16 Meaning: Bit position in the device-related diagnostic field (LSB in the first byte is Bit 0). Diag_Text: Type: Visible String (32) Example: Unit_Diag_Bit(0x12)="Short circuit on Channel 0...7" ; Bit No. 18 decimal means that a ; short circuit is present in the ; area of Channel 0 ... 7 Unit_Diag_Area: (O) Between the key words Unit_Diag_Area and Unit_Diag_Area_End, the assignment of values in a bit field in the device-related diagnostic field to texts (Diag_Text) is specified. Parameters used: First_Bit: Type: Unsigned16 Meaning: first bit position of the bit field (LSB in the first byte is Bit 0)
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Last_Bit: Type: Unsigned16 Meaning: Last bit position of the bit field. The bit field may consist of 16 bits maximum. Value: Type: Unsigned16 Meaning: Value in the bit field Diag_Text: Type: Visible String (32) Example: Unit_Diag_Area = 0 to 5 Value(0) = "Faultless" Value(1) = "Error on Input 0 to 23" Value(2) = "Error on Output 0 to 15" Value(3) = "24V failed" Unit_Diag_Area_End
Module: (M) (refer also to Chapter 3.2) Between the key words Module and EndModule, the following is provided: IDs of a DP compact device and the IDs of a module of a modular DP slave are specified; manufacturer-specific error types in the channel-related diagnostic field are specified; the Ext_User_Prm_Data is described. If, in the case of modular slaves, empty slots are to be defined as blank module ( ID(s) 0x00), the empty module has to be defined. Otherwise, empty slots will not show up in the configuration data. If the key word Channel_Diag is used outside the key words Module and EndModule, the same manufacturer-specific error type in the channel-related diagnostic field for all other modules. If the key words Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref or Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const are used outside the key words Module and EndModule, the associated User_Prm_Data area refers to the entire device , and the data in the parameter Offset to the entire User_Prm_Data. This User_Prm_Data area is placed at the start of the User_Prm_Data. The module-specific User_Prm_Data is directly appended to the device-specific User_Prm_Data in the sequence in which the associated modules were configured. If the key words Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref or Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const are used within the key words Module and EndModule, the data in the parameter Offset refers only to the start of the User_Prm_Data area that is assigned to this module. Parameters used: Mod_Name: Type: Visible String (32) Meaning: Name of a module used in a modular DP station, or device designation of a compact DP slave. Config: Type: Octet String (17) Type: Octet String (244) (O starting with GSD_Revision 1) Meaning: Here, the ID or IDs of the module of a modular DP slave or of a compact DP device is/are specified. Module_Reference: (O starting with GSD_Revision 1) Type: Unsigned16 Meaning: Here, the reference of the module description is specified. This reference has to be unique for a device (same Ident_Number). This type of referencing is useful in order to make language-independent configuring possible in a language-dependent system, or in order to recognize modules.
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The Generic Station Description File (GSD-file) Examples: Modular_Station=1 Max_Module=4 Module="Leerslot" 0x00 EndModule
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;modular station ; 0 is the ID for an empty slot (for example, PS module, etc.)
; The selection possibilities between Module ... EndModule ; are displayed in the configuring tool Module="2 Bytes Output" 0x21 ; in plain text EndModule Module="2 Bytes Input" 0x11 EndModule ;
Ext_Module_Prm_Data_Len: (O starting with GSD_Revision 1) Type: Unsigned8 Meaning: Here, the length of the associated User_Prm_Data is defined (the user parameters of a special module) Channel_Diag: (O) With the key word Channel_Diag, the assignment of manufacturer-specific error types (Error_Type) in the channel-related diagnostic field to the texts (Diag_Text) is specified. Parameters used: Error_Type: Type: Unsigned8 (16 <= Error_Type <= 31) Diag_Text: Type: Visible String(32) Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref: (O starting with GSD_Revision 1) Here, the reference to a User_Prm_Data description is specified. The definition of this key word excludes the evaluation of User_Prm_Data. If areas overlap when describing User_Prm_Data, the area defined last in the GSD file has priority. Parameters used: Reference_Offset: Type: Unsigned8 Meaning: Here, the offset is defined within the associated part of the User_Prm_Data. Reference_Number: Type: Unsigned8 Meaning: This reference number has to be the same as the reference number that is defined in the User_Prm_Data description. Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const: (O starting with GSD_Revision 1) Here, a constant part of the User_Prm_Data is specified. The definition of this key word excludes the evaluation of User_Prm_Data. If the areas overlap when describing the User_Prm_Data , the area defined last in the GSD file has priority. Parameters used: Const_Offset: Type: Unsigned8 Meaning: Here, the offset is defined within the associated part of the User_Prm_Data. Const_Prm_Data: Type: Octet String Meaning: Here, constants or pre-assignments are defined within the
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ExtUserPrmData: (O starting with GSD_Revision 1) Between the key words ExtUserPrmData and EndExtUserPrmData, a parameter of the User_Prm_Data is described. The definition of this key word excludes the evaluation of User_Prm_Data. Parameters used: Reference_Number: Type: Unsigned8 Meaning: Here, the reference of the User_Prm_Data description is specified. This refeence has to be unique. Ext_User_Prm_Data_Name: Type: Visible String (32) Meaning: Plain text description of the parameter Data_Type_Name: Type: Visible String (32) Meaning: Name of the data type of the parameter described Default_Value: Type: DataType (has to correspond to the Data_Type_Name) Meaning: Default value of the parameter described Min_Value: Type: Data_Type (has to correspond to the Data_Type_Name) Meaning: Minimum value of the parameter described Max_Value: Type: Data_Type (has to correspond to the Data_Type_Name) Meaning: Maximum value of the parameter described Allowed_Values: Type: Data_Type_Array (16) (has to correspond to the Data_Type_Name) Meaning: Permissible values of the parameter described Prm_Text_Ref: Type: Unsigned8 Meaning: This reference number has to be the same as the reference number defined in the PrmText description. PrmText: Between the key words PrmText and EndPrmText, possible values of a parameter are described. Texts are assigned to these values for symbolic configuring. Parameters used: Reference_Number: Type: Unsigned8 Meaning: Here, the reference of the PrmText description is specified. This reference has to be unique.
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Text_Item: Parameters used: Prm_Data_Type: Type: Data_Type (has to correspond to the Data_Type_Name in the parameter description) Meaning: Here, the value of the parameter is specified that is to be described. Text: Type: Visible String (32) Meaning: Description of the parameter value Example of Reference Texts: ExtUserPrmData=9 "Threshold reached" ; Text Reference 9 Bit (4-5) 2 0000-0003 ; Bits 4 to 5 in the User Octet No. x mean, that a ;threshold that has been reached is to be displayed. Prm_Text_Ref=1 ; The value ranges from 0..3, and the default setting =2 . ;The reference text that is located under PrmText = 1 is ; displayed in the configuring tool. . PrmText= 1 Text (0)= "Threshold Limit 100" Text (1)= "Threshold Limit 200" Text (2)= "Threshold Limit 300" Text (3)= "Threshold Limit 400" EndPrmText Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(x)=9 ;Text Reference 9 ;The (x)th user byte is influenced (is explained in Chapter 3.1)
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1.) Case of replacement and maintanance. New devices have to be compatible with original GSD. Otherwise a new Ident_Number has to be assigned to the new device. 2.) With the new GSD new features can be selected for the original device which are not supported. This can cause malfunctions. This is the reason why both GSD can be administrated by the configuration tool. The versions of the GSD must differ in the following items: Manufacturer specific characters of the GSD file name Keyword Revision Keyword Model_Name that shipping of old devices will be stopped when new devices are available that the assignment from device release to GSD is well described
With the functionality of DP-V0 only cyclic communication is specified. The acyclic communication between master and slave is only possible when using the DP-V1 extensions. The new services between master class 1 and slave are the following
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The Generic Station Description File (GSD-file) Read data set Write data set Alarm handling The new services between master class 2 and slave are the following Initiate to set up a communication port Read data block Write data block Data Transfer Abort
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Regarding DP-V0 services it was only possible to address the field device. With th eDP-V1 services it is possible to address each module inside of a device. Index Basicunit Index 0-255 Module 1 Module 2 Index 0-255 Index 0-255 Module 3 Index 0-255 Module 4 Index 0-255
8 Digital OUT
16 Digital OUT
8 Digital IN
1 Analog IN
The different modules can be directly addressed using slot and index enumeration in the dat unit structure. Construction of a DS_Read.req telegram for addressing modules via slot and index
SD 68H LE x LEr x SD 68H DA 8x SA 8x FC x DSAP 51/33H SSAP 51/33H DU FCS x .. x ED 16H
Octet 1
0 1 0 1 1 1 1
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Physical Bus
Transmission Delay
Example: The Transmission_Delay with RS485 is 0, the Reaction_Delay is also 0, because the delay in the driver is lower than 1 bit time. Especially with optical interfaces these parameters are necessary for the bus timing calculation. Both the Transmission_Delay and the Reaction_Delay has to be defined for each supported transmission rate. Otherwise the transmission rate is not valid for this physical layer. The following interfaces are specified: Type: Unsigned8 0: RS485 Standard Copper 1: Synchronous (31,25 kbit/s, voltage mode, 100 wire medium) 2: Optical Plastic 3: Optical Glass 4: Optical HCS 5-127: Reserved 128-255: Manufacturer specific
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Parameters Used: Transmission_Delay_9.6: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the transmission delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Example: Transmission_Delay_9.6 = 6; Transmission_Delay_19.2: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the transmission delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Transmission_Delay_31.25: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the transmission delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Transmission_Delay_45.45: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the transmission delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Transmission_Delay_93.75: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the transmission delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Transmission_Delay_187.5: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the transmission delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Transmission_Delay_500: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the transmission delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Transmission_Delay_1.5M: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the transmission delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer.
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Transmission_Delay_3M: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the transmission delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Transmission_Delay_6M: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the transmission delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Transmission_Delay_12M: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the transmission delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Reaction_Delay_9.6: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the reaction delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Example: Reaction_Delay_9.6 = 10; Reaction_Delay_19.2: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the reaction delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Reaction_Delay_31.25: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the reaction delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Reaction_Delay_45.45: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the reaction delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Reaction_Delay_93.75: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the reaction delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer.
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Reaction_Delay_187.5: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the reaction delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Reaction_Delay_500: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the reaction delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Reaction_Delay_1.5M: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the reaction delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Reaction_Delay_3M: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the reaction delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Reaction_Delay_6M: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the reaction delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer. Reaction_Delay_12M: (G starting with GSD_Revision 3) Type: Unsigned16 Time Base: Bit Time This parameter specifies the reaction delay of the device attached to the corresponding physical layer.
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Additional Condition
Conclusion Device is conform to PROFIBUS-DP. Device can not be operated with the following DP extensions (no acyclic services MS1, no data type support, no DP-V1 specific parameterization, no DPV1 diagnosis model)
invalid combination
Device is conform to PROFIBUS-DP extensions. Device supports DP-V1 specific parameterization and DP-V1 diagnosis model. This is an assumption for acyclic services MS1, Data_Types and Check_Cfg_Mode which are supported as stated by the corresponding keywords.
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Additional Condition C1_Max_Data_Len > 0 or C1_Response_Time out > 0 or C1_Read_Write _required = 1 or Diagnostic_Alarm_supp = 1 or Process_Alarm_supp= 1 or Pull_Plug _Alarm_supp= 1 or Status_Alarm_supp = 1 or Update_Alarm_supp = 1 or Manufacturer_Specific_Alarm_s upp = 1
Device is conform to PROFIBUS-DP extensions and supports MS1 connection. This is an assumption for defining features of the MS1 connection and for Alarm support which are stated by the corresponding keywords.
DP-V1_Slave=1 and C1_Read_Write _supp = 1 and Diagnostic _Alarm_supp =0 DP-V1_Slave=1 and C1_Read_Write _supp = 1 and Process_Alarm_supp = 0 DP-V1_Slave=1 and C1_Read_Write _supp = 1 and Pull_Plug_Alarm_supp = 0 DP-V1_Slave=1 and C1_Read_Write _supp = 1 and Status_Alarm_supp = 0
Diagnostic_Alarm _required = 1
Invalid combination
Process_Alarm _required = 1
Invalid combination
Pull_Plug_Alarm _required = 1
Invalid combination
Status_Alarm _required = 1
Invalid combination
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Main Condition DP-V1_Slave=1 and C1_Read_Write _supp = 1 and Status_Alarm_supp = 0 DP-V1_Slave=1 and C1_Read_Write _supp = 1 and Update_Alarm_supp = 0 DP-V1_Slave=1 and C1_Read_Write _supp = 1 and Manufacturer_Specific_ Alarm_supp = 0 DP-V1_Slave=1 and C1_Read_Write _supp =1 and Diagnostic_Alarm_supp = 1 or Process_Alarm_supp= 1 or Pull_Plug _Alarm_supp= 1 or Status_Alarm_supp = 1 or Update_Alarm_supp = 1 or Manufacturer_Specific_ Alarm_supp = 1 C2_Read_Write _supp =0
Update_Alarm_required = 1
Invalid combination
Device is conform to PROFIBUS-DP extensions and supports MSAC_C1 connection and Alarms. This is an assumption for defining features of the Alarms which are stated by the corresponding keywords.
C2_Max_Data_Len > 0 or C2_Response_Timeout > 0 or C2_Read_Write _required =1 or C2_Max_Count_Channels > 0 or Max_Initiate_PDU _Length > 0
Invalid combination
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Additional Condition
Conclusion Device supports MS2 connection. The support of DP-V1 specific parametrization and DP-V1 diagnosis model is strongly recommended for migration of the whole DP extensions. Features of the MS2 connection are stated by the corresponding keywords.
WD_Base_1ms _supp
This works independent from the other DP extensions. The assumption is that User_Prm_Data_Len > 0 are supported.
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Enable_Manufacturer_Specific_Alarm Enable_Diagnotic_Alarm
Enable_Process_Alarm Enable_Pull_Plug_Alarm
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Alarm Mode *)
*) 0 = 1 alarm of each byte, 1 = 2 alarms in total 2 = 4 alarms in total 7 = 32 alarms in total **) for redundant systems
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C2_Max_Data_Len: (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The parameter specifies the maximum length of user data excluding Function_Num, Slot_number, Index, Length, transferred on the MS2 communication channel. Type: Unsigned8 (0,48 .. 240) C1_Response_Timeout: (O starting with GSD_Revision 3) The parameter C1_Response_Timeout represents the efficiency of a DP-Slave with extended functionality. Each DP-Slave with extended functionality has to ensure that the parameter C1_Response_Timeout reaches the smallest value that is possible. By means of this parameter the DP-Slave with extended functionality indicates the maximum time to process an acylic service (read, write, alarm_ack) on the C1-communication relationship. Type: Unsigned16 (1 .. 65535) Timebase: 10 ms C2_Response_Timeout: (O starting with GSD_Revision 3; M if the DP-Slave supports C2_Read_Write_supp, starting with GSD_Revision 4) The parameter C2_Response_Timeout represents the efficiency of a DP-Slave with extended functionality. Each DP-Slave with extended functionality has to ensure that the parameter C2_Response_Timeout reaches the smallest value that is possible. By means of this parameter the DP-Slave with extended functionality indicates the maximum time to process an acylic service (read, write, Data_Transport) on the C2-communication relationship. Type: Unsigned16 (1 .. 65535) Timebase: 10 ms C1_Read_Write_required: (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The DP-Slave or a Slave Module requires C1_Read_Write services to be accessed. Type: Boolean (1: True) C2_Read_Write_required: (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The DP-Slave or a Slave Module requires C2_Read_Write services to be accessed. Type: Boolean (1: True) C2_Max_Count_Channels: (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The parameter defines the maximal amount of active C2 channels of the DP-V1 Slave. Type: Unsigned8 (0 .. 49) Max_Initate_PDU_Length: (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The parameter specifies the maximum length of an Initiate Request PDU including the Function_Num to the Resource Manager. Type: Unsigned8 (0,48.. 244) Diagnostic_Alarm_supp (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The DP device supports Diagnostic_Alarm. A diagnostic alarm signals an event within a slot, for instance overtemperature, short circuit, etc.. Type: Boolean (1: True) Process_Alarm_supp (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The DP device supports Process_Alarm. A process alarm signals the occurrence of an event in the connected process, for instance upper limit value exceeded. Type: Boolean (1: True)
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Pull_Plug_Alarm_supp (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The DP device supports Pull_ Plug_Alarm. A pull alarm signals the withdrawal of a module at a slot. Type: Boolean (1: True) Status_Alarm_supp (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The DP device supports Status_Alarm. A status alarm signals a change in the state of a module, for instance run, stop or ready. Type: Boolean (1: True) Update_Alarm_supp: (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The DP device supports Update_Alarm. An update alarm signals the change of a parameter in a slot e.g. by a local operation or remote access. Type: Boolean (1: True) Manufacturer_Specific_Alarm_supp: (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The DP device supports Manufacturer_Specific_Alarm. A manufacturer specific alarm signals an event defined by the manufacturer. Type: Boolean (1: True) Extra_Alarm_SAP_supp (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) Additional to SAP51 it is possible to handle the MSAL_Alarm_Ack via SAP 50 if the Bit Sl_Flag.Extra_Alarm_SAP in the corresponding Slave Parameter Set is set. In this case there may be a higher performance because SAP 50 is used exclusively for the MSAL_Alarm_Ack service and the service can not be delayed by a running MS1_Write or MS1_Read service. Type: Boolean (1: True)
Alarm_Sequence_Mode_Count: (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The DP slave supports the Alarm_Sequence_Mode for alarm handling when this parameter is not 0. If this parameter is set to 0 only the Type Mode is supported by the slave. The Sequence Mode is an option of the parallel alarm handling. Several alarms (2 to 32) of the same or different type can be active (unacknowledged) at one time (fixed by the DDLM_Set_Prm service) at the DP-V1 Slave. Type: Unsigned8 (0, 2 .. 32) Alarm_Type_Mode_supp: (D starting with GSD_Revision 3; M if the DP-Slave supports alarms, starting with GSD_Revision 4) The DP slave supports the Type Mode for alarm handling. The Type Mode is mandatory if the DP-Slave supports alarms. Only one alarm of a specific Alarm_Type can be active at one time (fixed by the DDLM_Set_Prm service). Type: Boolean (shall always be set to 1: True)
Diagnostic_Alarm_required: (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The DP-Slave or a Slave Module requires alarm handling to be accessed. Type: Boolean (1: True) Process_Alarm_required: (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The DP-Slave or a Slave Module requires alarm handling to be accessed. Type: Boolean (1: True)
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Pull_Plug_Alarm_required: (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The DP-Slave or a Slave Module requires alarm handling to be accessed. Type: Boolean (1: True) Status_Alarm_required: (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The DP-Slave or a Slave Module requires alarm handling to be accessed. Type: Boolean (1: True) Update_Alarm_required: (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The DP-Slave or a Slave Module requires alarm handling to be accessed. Type: Boolean (1: True) Manufacturer_Specific_Alarm_required: (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The DP-Slave or a Slave Module requires alarm handling to be accessed. Type: Boolean (1: True) DP-V1_Data_Types: (O starting with GSD_Revision 3) The DP-Slave uses the vendor specific data of the extended identifier format for all modules with extended identifier format for coding of data types. Type: Boolean (1: True) WD_Base_1ms_supp: (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) The DP-Slave supports the time base of 1 millisecond for the watchdog. Type: Boolean (1: True) Check_Cfg_Mode: (D starting with GSD_Revision 3) With this parameter the slave indicates the possibility of a different user specific way to check the Cfg-Data. This mode is switched on by the "Check_Cfg_Mode" in the DP-V1_Status_2 of the Prm data. Type: Boolean (1: True)
) since nearly every ASIC can work as a publisher it became necessary to define this keyword already in revision 3. It has to be seen in combination with subscriber_supp defined in revision 4. Page 38
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Extension Isochronous Mode Data Exchange with Broadcast - Subscriber_Supp, ... F-Parameter Extended Parameterization Extended Diagnostic Description Automatically SlotNumber mapping Subsystems - HMD ...( HART Master Devices ) Extended Description of MaxTsdr for Optimizing
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complete information is stored from which publisher the information is allowed to be received. Make sure that the selected ASIC will support the functionality.
Subscriber_supp: (D starting with GSD_Revision 4) The DP-Slave supports the Subscriber functionality of Data Exchange with Broadcast. If Publisher Subscriber Subscriber Subscriber_supp = 1, DP-V1_Slave shall be 1. See also Publisher_supp defined in Revision 3. ... Type: Subscriber Boolean (1: True) Subscriber Figure 4.1: Principle of Data Exchange Broadcast Subscriber Publisher
Note: In order to secure the optimized performance of the publisher / subscriber functionality it is necessary to set the MaxTsdr_xx values ( 3.3.2) according to the actual values of the device.
DXB_Max_Link_Count: (O starting with GSD_Revision 4) The maximum number of supported links to different Publishers. Has to be unequal 0, if Subscriber_supp = 1. Type: Unsigned8 (0 - 125) DXB_Max_Data_Length: (O starting with GSD_Revision 4) The maximum data length (in one piece) for a supported link to one publisher. Has to be unequal 0, if Subscriber_supp = 1. Type: Unsigned8 (1 - 244) Example: ; Slave related keywords for DXB - Start Publisher_supp = 1; Subscriber_supp = 1;
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DXB_Max_Link_Count = 10; DXB_Max_Data_Length = 32; ; Slave related keywords for DXB - End
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TSAP Slave-Appl.-
Setpoint validation
Figure 4.2 Principle of Isochronous Mode
The previous picture shows a PROFIBUS DP bus cycle and the used time bases. Isochron_Mode_supp: (D starting with Revision 4) This parameter indicates if the slave supports the Isochron_Mode. If the parameter is set to FALSE, all other Isochron parameters are not significant. Type: Boolean (1: True) Isochron_Mode_required: (D starting with Revision 4) This parameter indicates whether the slave does require the master to support Isochron_Mode. If the parameter is set to TRUE, the slave cannot be operated by a master that does not support Isochron_Mode Type: Boolean (1: True) TBASE_DP: (O starting with Revision 4) 1 Time base of TDP, the DP cycle time, TDP_MIN and TDP_MAX, in units of /12 s. Type: Unsigned32, allowed values are 375,750,1500,3000,6000,12000 which correspond to 31.25,62.5,125,250,500,1000us respectively.
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TDP_MIN: (G starting with Revision 4) Minimum of TDP, the DP cycle time, based on TBASE_DP. 16 Type: Unsigned16, with range from 1 to 2 -1 TDP_MAX: (O starting with Revision 4) The maximum DP cycle time supported by the DP device in Isochron mode, based on TBASE_DP. Type: Unsigned16, with range from 1 to 216-1 T_PLL_W_MAX: (O starting with Revision 4) The maximum value of the jitter which is acceptable at the device input (RS485 receiver) based 1 on /12 s. Mandatory, when Isochron_Mode_supp is enabled. Type: Unsigned16 TBASE_IO: (O starting with Revision 4) Time base of TI and TO, where TI is the point in time when the input values are collected and TO is the point in time when the output values are taken over. The allowed values for the time base are equal to the definition for TBASE_DP (see above). Type: Unsigned32 TI_MIN: (O starting with Revision 4) The minimum time based on TBASE_IO that is necessary to get and update the input values of an individual DP Slave. Type: Unsigned16 TO_MIN: (O starting with Revision 4) The minimum time based on TBASE_IO that is necessary at the end of the cyclic part of the Isochron DP cycle (TDX) to get and output the output values given in units of TBASE_IO of an individual DP Slave. Type: Unsigned16
Example: ; Slave related keywords for Isochron Mode Start Isochron_Mode_supp = 1 Isochron_Mode_required = 0 TBASE_DP = 1500 ; means125s TDP_MAX = 256 ; means 32ms TDP_MIN = 16 ; means 2ms TBASE_IO = 1500 ; means 125s TI_MIN = 1 TO_MIN = 1 1 T_PLL_W_MAX = 12 ; means 12* /12 s = 1s ; Slave related keywords for Isochron Mode End This example means, the device supports Isochron_Mode and can be run by either master whether it supports Isochron_Mode or not. Further, the time base for both, the DP cycle time and the TI/TO values is 1500 which corresponds to 125s. Therefore the minimal DP cycle time necessary for 3 Mbit/s is 16*125s which equals 2ms, for 6 Mbit/s is 8*125s which equals 1ms, the maximum cycle time supported by the device is 256*125ms which equals 32ms, the TI and TO
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can be calculated with 125s each (TO 125ms greater than TDX), the maximum value of the jitter is 12*1/12 s which equals 1 s.
4.1.4 Combinations and Dependencies for Publisher, Subscriber and Isochronous Mode
supported service DxB Publisher functionality that has to be supported remarks standard DP with additional DP-V1_status_1 parameterization octet DP-V1 with additional diagnosis DXB-Link Status. See note DxB Subscriber The DXB Linktable / DXB Subscribertable is loaded. with Check User Prm service or Check Ext UserPrm service into the slave. These additional parameters are described as Structured_Prm_Data in the actual valid PNO specifications DP-V1 with Fail_Safe*) supported. The See note Isochronous Mode IsoMparameters are loaded with Check User Prmservice or Check Ext User Prm service into theslave. These IsoM parameters are described asStructured_Prm_Data in the actual valid PNO specifications Note: DP-V1 supports standard DP with additional 3 parameterization octet (DP-V1_status_1 to DP-V1_status_3) and the device specific diagnosis is according Alarm / Status description. of the actual valid PNO specifications, if supported *) to recognize when master left DXCHG
Example with Isochronous parameter Structured length: = 28 / 0x1C Structure_type: = 4 Slot = 0 reserved = 0 Version = 1 1 TBASE_DP = Unsigned 32 (375, 750, 1500, 3000, 6000, with default 1500) [ /12s] 16 TDP = Unsigned 16 (1 bis 2 -1) [TBASE_DP] TMAPC = Unsigned 8 (1 bis 14) [TDP]
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The Generic Station Description File (GSD-file) TBASE_IO = Unsigned 32 (375, 750, 1500, 3000, 6000, with default 1500) [ /12s] TI = Unsigned 16 (0;1 bis 216-1) [TBASE_IO] 16 TO = Unsigned 16 (0;1 bis 2 -1) [TBASE_IO] 32 1 TDX = Unsigned 32 (0;1 bis 2 -1) [ /12s] 16 TPLL_W = Unsigned 16 (1 bis 2 -1, mit default 12) [1/12s] 16 1 TPLL_D = Unsigned 16 (0 bis 2 -1) [ /12s]
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A DP-Slave device that implements a behaviour according to the PROFIsafe profile shall specify its capabilities and the user parameters with the following set of keywords. F_ParamDescCRC (O starting with GSD_Revision 4) In order to read the PROFIsafe parameter description safely from the GSD file, 2 byte of CRC code are necessary. The CRC code has to be calculated according to the PROFIsafe guidelines and certified by a registered authority (e.g. TUEV). The value of this parameter will not be transferred to the slave device but is needed to avoid errors during the parametrization with the configuration tool. Type: Unsigned16 F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref: (O starting with GSD_Revision 4) Here, a reference to a User_Prm_Data description is specified. The definition of this key word excludes the evaluation of User_Prm_Data. If areas overlap when describing the ExtUserPrmData, the area defined last in the device description block has priority. Parameters used: Reference_Offset: Type: Unsigned8 Meaning: Here, the offset within the associated part of the ExtUserPrmData is defined. Reference_Number: Type: Unsigned16 Meaning: This reference number has to be the same as the reference number that is defined in the ExtUserPrmData description. F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const: (O starting with GSD_Revision 4) Here, a constant part of the ExtUserPrmData is specified. The definition of this key word excludes the evaluation of User_Prm_Data. If areas overlap when describing the ExtUserPrmData, the area defined last in the Generic Station Description (GSD) file has priority. Parameters used: Const_Offset: Type: Unsigned8 Meaning: Here, the offset within the associated part of User_Prm_Data is defined. Const_Prm_Data: Type: Octet-String Meaning: Here, the constants or default selections within the ExtUserPrmData are defined.
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; ========================================================================= == ; Sample GSD file for a slave with F-module parameterization based on GSD specification V4.11. ; This is a demonstration only, no real product. ; The sample slave "F-Device" comprises 3 modules: one with pure F data, one with F and additional ; standard data and one with standard data only. ; Yellow fields mark areas of CRC secured data: F_ParamDescCRC ; For more and actual GSD file samples see: ; File name : SAFE0000.gsd ; Revision : 1.0 ; Last changes : 16.07.01 12:39 ; ========================================================================= == #Profibus_DP ; ; ********************************************** ; * Definition of F parameter value choices is following * ; ********************************************** ; ;Text definition for SILs ; PrmText =1 ; Reference number 1, SIL choices Text(0) = "SIL 1" Text(1) = "SIL 2" Text(2) = "SIL 3" Text(3) = "SIL 4" EndPrmText ; ;Text definition for Check/no check ; PrmText =2 ; Reference number 2, Check choices Text(0) = "No Check" Text(1) = "Check" EndPrmText ; ;Text definition for CRC-Length ; PrmText =3 ; Reference number 3, CRC choices Text(1) = "2 Byte CRC" Text(2) = "4 Byte CRC" EndPrmText ; ;Text definition for Block-ID ; PrmText =4 ; Reference number 4, Mode choices Text(0) = "F-Host/F-Slave" EndPrmText ; ;Text definition for Versions ;
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PrmText =5 ; Reference number 5, Version choices Text(0) = "PROFIsafe V1" EndPrmText ; ; **************************************************** ; * Definition of standard parameter value choices is following * ; **************************************************** ; ;Text definition for Bit cells ; PrmText =6 ; Reference number 6, Bit choices Text(0) = "Bit = 0" Text(1) = "Bit = 1" EndPrmText ; ;Text definition for BitArea ; PrmText =7 ; Reference number 7, Bit area choices Text(0) = "BitArea = 00" Text(1) = "BitArea = 01" Text(2) = "BitArea = 10" Text(3) = "BitArea = 11" EndPrmText ; ;Text definition for no check ; PrmText =8 ; Reference number 8, Check choices Text(0) = "No Check" EndPrmText ; ; *********************************** ; * Definition of F-parameters is following * ; *********************************** ; ; First part of Ext-User-Prm-Data-Def-List: ; ;User_Prm_Data definition 1 ExtUserPrmData = 1 "[SlotNumber]" ; Reference number 1 Unsigned8 1 1-254 ; Default = 1, Max = 254 EndExtUserPrmData ; ;User_Prm_ Data definition 2 ExtUserPrmData = 2 "F_Dest_Add" ; Reference number 2 Unsigned16 1 1-65534 ; Default = 1, Max = 65534 EndExtUserPrmData ; ;User_Prm_ Data definition 3 ExtUserPrmData = 3 "F_Source_Add" ; Reference number 3 Unsigned16 1 1-65534 ; Default = 1, Max = 65534 EndExtUserPrmData ; ;User_Prm_ Data definition 4 ExtUserPrmData = 4 "F_WD_Time (ms)" ; Reference number 4 Unsigned16 3 1-65535 ; Default = 3, Max = 65535, see chap. 4.5.2 EndExtUserPrmData ;
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;User_Prm_ Data definition 5 ExtUserPrmData = 5 "F_SIL" BitArea(2-3) 1 0-3 Prm_Text_Ref =1 EndExtUserPrmData ; ;User_Prm_ Data definition 6 ExtUserPrmData = 6 "F_Check_SeqNr" Bit(0) 0 0-1 release 1 Prm_Text_Ref =2 EndExtUserPrmData ; ;User_Prm_ Data definition 7 ExtUserPrmData = 7 "F_Check_iPar" Bit(1) 0 0-0 PROFIsafe release 1 Prm_Text_Ref =8 EndExtUserPrmData ; ;User_Prm_ Data definition 8 ExtUserPrmData = 8 "F_CRC_Length" BitArea(4-5) 2 0-3 Prm_Text_Ref =3 EndExtUserPrmData ; ;User_Prm_ Data definition 9 ExtUserPrmData = 9 "F_Block_ID" BitArea(3-5) 0 0-0 Prm_Text_Ref =4 EndExtUserPrmData ; ;User_Prm_ Data definition 10 ExtUserPrmData = 10 "F_Par_Version" BitArea(6-7) 0 0-0 Prm_Text_Ref =5 EndExtUserPrmData ; ;User_Prm_ Data definition 11 ExtUserPrmData = 11 "F_Par_CRC" Unsigned16 24269 0-65535 Max = 65535 EndExtUserPrmData
; Reference number 5 ; Default = 1, Min = 0, Max = 3 ; Pointer to text definition 1, SIL choices
; Reference number 6 ; Default = 0, Max = 1 within PROFIsafe ; Pointer to text definition 2, Check choices
; Reference number 7 ; Default = 0, Max = 1 within ; Pointer to text definition 8, Check choices
; Reference number 8 ; Default = 2, Min = 0, Max = 3 ; Pointer to text definition 3, CRC choices
; Reference number 9 ; Default = 0, Min = 0, Max = 0 ; Pointer to text definition 4, Mode choices
; Reference number 10 ; Default = 0, Min = 0, Max = 0 ; Pointer to text definition 5, Version choices
; ***************************************** ; * Definition of standard parameters is following * ; ***************************************** ; ; Second part of Ext-User-Prm-Data-Def-List: ; ;User_Prm_Data definition 11 ExtUserPrmData = 11 "Header Prm Bit" ; Reference number 11: see GSD Spec. Bit(0) 0 0-1 ; Default = 1, Max = 1 Prm_Text_Ref =6 ; Pointer to text definition 6, Bit value choices
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EndExtUserPrmData ; ;User_Prm_ Data definition 12 ExtUserPrmData = 12 "Header Prm BitArea" ; Reference number 12: see GSD Spec. BitArea(1-2) 0 0-3 ; Default = 0, Min = 0, Max = 3 Prm_Text_Ref =7 ; Pointer to text definition 7, Version choices EndExtUserPrmData ; ;User_Prm_ Data definition 13 ExtUserPrmData = 13 "Header Prm Unsigned 16" ; Reference number 13: see GSD Spec. Unsigned16 2000 0-10000 ; Default = 2000, Min = 0, Max = 10000 EndExtUserPrmData ; ;User_Prm_Data definition 14 ExtUserPrmData = 14 "Module rel Prm Bit" ; Reference number 14: see GSD Spec. Bit(0) 0 0-1 ; Default = 1, Max = 1 Prm_Text_Ref =6 ; Pointer to text definition 6, Bit value choices EndExtUserPrmData ; ;User_Prm_ Data definition 15 ExtUserPrmData = 15 "Module rel Prm BitArea 1" ; Reference number 15: see GSD Spec. BitArea(1-2) 0 0-3 ; Default = 0, Min = 0, Max = 3 Prm_Text_Ref =7 ; Pointer to text definition 7, Version choices EndExtUserPrmData ; ;User_Prm_ Data definition 16 ExtUserPrmData = 16 "Module rel Prm Unsigned 8" ; Reference number 16: see GSD Spec. Unsigned8 6 0-100 ; Default = 6, Min = 0, Max = 100 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; **************************** ; * Slave specific data is following * ; **************************** ; Vendor_Name = "PNO WG PROFIsafe" GSD_Revision =4 Model_Name = "F-Device" Revision = "1.0" Ident_Number = 0x0000 ; ID available from PNO office: Protocol_Ident =0 ; 0 = PROFIBUS-DP Slave_Family =9 ; = Others Prm_Struct_supp =1 ; 1 = block structure supported Station_Type =0 ; 0 = DP-Slave FMS_supp =0 ; no FMS/DP mixed device Hardware_Release = "A1" Software_Release = "V1.0" 9.6_supp =1 19.2_supp =1 93.75_supp =1
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187.5_supp =1 500_supp =1 1.5M_supp =1 ; 9.6 up to 12,000 Kbaud supported 3M_supp =1 6M_supp =1 12M_supp =1 MaxTsdr_9.6 = 60 MaxTsdr_19.2 = 60 MaxTsdr_93.75 = 60 MaxTsdr_187.5 = 60 MaxTsdr_500 = 100 MaxTsdr_1.5M = 150 MaxTsdr_3M = 250 MaxTsdr_6M = 450 MaxTsdr_12M = 800 Redundancy =0 ; redundancy not supported Repeater_Ctrl_Sig =2 ; TTL 24V_Pins =0 ; no 24 Volt Bitmap_Device = "FGENSLVE" ; icon of the specific F device: 70 x 40 Pixel (width x heigth), 16 colors ; ; ********************** ; * more slave specific data * ; ********************** ; Freeze_Mode_supp =0 ;Freeze-Mode not supported Sync_Mode_supp =0 ;Sync.-Mode not supported Auto_Baud_supp =1 ;automatic Transmission rate check Max_Diag_Data_Len =6 Set_Slave_Add_supp =1 Min_Slave_Intervall =6 ;0.6ms Modular_Station =1 Max_Module =5 ;max. Nr. of modules to choose from Max_Input_Len = 100 Max_Output_Len = 100 Max_Data_Len = 200 User_Prm_Data_Len = 100 ;Length of the total User-Prm-Data Max_User_Prm_Data_Len = 100 ;max. length of User-Prm-Data ; ; ***************************************************** ; * Module 1: 1 Float Input and 8 Bit "Qualifier", Safety only * ; ***************************************************** ; Module = "F_IN_OUT_5 1float 8Bit Quali F only" 0xC3, 0x83, 0x88, 0x0A, 0x31,0x0A 1 ; Start CRC calculation across F parameters (exclude comments) F_Ext_Module_Prm_Data_Len = 14 ; see Fig. 4-23 ; default values for all parameters F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const(0) = 0x0E,0x05,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00 ; keep default F_Prm-Block length ; keep default F_Prm-Block identifier ; keep default Slot number ; keep default Specifier ; keep default F_Prm-Flag1 ; keep default F_Prm-Flag2
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F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(2) = 1 ; see definition 1, Slot, see Figure 4-23 for offset (2) F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(4) = 6 ; see definition 6, F_Prm_Flag1, F_Check_SeqNr F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(4) = 7 ; see definition 7, F_Prm_Flag1, F_Check_iPar F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(4) = 5 ; see definition 5, F_Prm_Flag1, F_SIL F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(4) = 8 ; see definition 8, F_Prm_Flag1, F_CRC_Length F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(5) = 9 ; see definition 9, F_Prm_Flag2, F_Block_ID F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(5) = 10 ; see definition 10, F_Prm_Flag2, F_Par_Version F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(6) = 3 ; see definition 3, F_Source_Add F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(8) = 2 ; see definition 2, F_Dest_Add F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(10) =4 ; see definition 4, F_WD_Time F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(12) = 11 ; see definition 11, F_Par_CRC ; End CRC calculation across F parameters F_ParamDescCRC = 0xABCD ; "0xABCD" = result of CRC calculation EndModule ; ; ***************************************************************** ; * Module 2: 32 Bit Input and 32 Bit Output, standard and safety mixed * ; ***************************************************************** ; Module = "F_IN_OUT_1 32 Bit I/O mixed F and Std" 0xCA, 0x87, 0x87, 0x05, 0x05,0x05, 0x05, 0x0A, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x0A 2 ; Standard Parameters Ext_Module_Prm_Data_Len = 7 ; length of standard Prm block of the module Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const(0) = 0x07,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(2) = 14 ; see definition 14, Module rel Prm Bit Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(4) = 15 ; see definition 15, Module rel Prm BitArea 1 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(4) = 16 ; see definition 16, Module rel Prm Unsigned 8 ; End Standard Parameters ; ; F Parameters ; Start CRC calculation across F parameters F_Ext_Module_Prm_Data_Len = 14 ; precaution measure is following: default values for all the parameter values F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const(0) = 0x0E,0x05,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00 ; keep predefined parameter values like in module 1 F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(2) = 1 ; see definition 1, Slot choice 1...254 F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(4) = 6 ; see definition 6, F_Check_SeqNr F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(4) = 7 ; see definition 7, F_Check_iPar F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(4) = 5 ; see definition 5, F_SIL F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(4) = 8 ; see definition 8, F_CRC_Length F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(5) = 9 ; see definition 9, F_Block_ID F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(5) = 10 ; see definition 10, F_Par_Version F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(6) = 3 ; see definition 3, F_Source_Add F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(8) = 2 ; see definition 2, F_Dest_Add F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(10) =4 ; see definition 4, F_WD_Time F_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(12) = 11 ; see definition 11, F_Par_CRC ; End CRC calculation across F parameters F_ParamDescCRC = 0xEFGH ; "0xEFGH" = result of CRC calculation
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EndModule ; ; ***************************************** ; * Module 3: 3 Byte Input, Standard only * ; ***************************************** ; Module = "Standard Module 3 Byte Input SKF" 0x45,0x02,0x05,0x04,0x03,0x02,0x01 3 ; Standard Parameters Ext_Module_Prm_Data_Len = 7 ; length of standard Prm block of the module Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const(0) = 0x07,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(2) = 14 ; see definition 14, Module rel Prm Bit Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(4) = 15 ; see definition 15, Module rel Prm BitArea 1 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(4) = 16 ; see definition 16, Module rel Prm Unsigned 8 ; End Standard Parameters EndModule
Note: Due to a big amount of parameters that can be transferred to a slave (parameters for isochron mode, subscriber table, profile parameters,) it may happen that not all parameters fit into the parameterization telegram. Therefore an extra parameter telegram (DSAP= 35H) is defined to solve that problem. The support of that extra DSAP is described with the following keywords. X_Prm_SAP_supp: (D starting with GSD_Revision 4) Indicates, if the X_Prm_SAP is supported by the slave. Can only be True, if DP-V1_Slave = 1. Type: Boolean (1: True) X_Max_User_Prm_Data_Len: (O starting with GSD_Revision 4) Here, the maximum length of the ExtUserPrmData is specified. The use of this keyword is only allowed if DP-V1_Slave = 1. Type: Unsigned8 (1 - 244) X_Ext_Module_Prm_Data_Len: (O starting with GSD_Revision 4) Here, the length of the associated ExtUserPrmData is defined. The use of this keyword is only allowed if DP-V1_Slave = 1 and if X_Prm_SAP_supp = 1. Type: Unsigned8 (1 - 244) X_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref: (O starting with GSD_Revision 4) Here, a reference to ExtUserPrmData description is specified. If areas overlap when describing the ExtUserPrmData, the area defined last in the Device Description Block has priority. Parameters used: Reference_Offset: Type: Unsigned8 Meaning: Here, the offset within the associated part of the ExtUserPrmData is defined.
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Reference_Number: Type: Unsigned16 Meaning: This reference number has to be the same as the reference number that is defined in the ExtUserPrmData description. X_Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const: (O starting with GSD_Revision 4) Here, a constant part of the ExtUserPrmData is specified. If areas overlap when describing the ExtUserPrmData, the area defined last in the Generic Station Description (GSD) file has priority. Parameters used: Const_Offset: Type: Unsigned8 Meaning: Here, the offset within the associated part of ExtUserPrmData is defined. Const_Prm_Data: Type: Octet-String Meaning: Here, the constants or default selections within the ExtUserPrmData are defined. X_Prm_Block_Structure_supp: (O starting with GSD_Revision 4) Here, the slave indicates that the block structure of the extended parameterization is supported when using the X_Prm_Service. Can only be True, if DP-V1_Slave = 1. Type: Boolean (1: True)
A ProfibusDP slave device which has gateway capability towards an underlying communication system, also called subsystem, can provide a directory which holds DP indexes of the internal buffers representing the addressable Process Data objects. The user needs the information where to find this directory in order to get access to the data buffers representing the underlying communication system. The device manufacturer may provide one directory in slot 0 (this makes sense for a compact slave) or one directory in each slot for a modular slave. Both keywords are optional, but only one keyword shall be used at the same time. This is because a modular slave could also use slot 0 for this directory, which is then valid for all type of modules. In that case no module specific definition is required. Subsys_Dir_Index: (O starting with GSD_Revision 4) The device has capabilities of a gateway towards a subsystem. The index of the subsystem object directory is given by this value. This definition has to appear within the unit definition. In order to decode the directory, the kind of the subsystem shall be specified in brackets. Type of Index: unsigned 8 Type of Subsystem: unsigned 8, the values standing for: HART Master Device 1 Reserved 0, 2 .. 127 User specific 128 .. 255 Example: Subsys_Dir_Index (1) = 15 means, the device is a HART Master Device (HMD) where the HART object directory can be found in slot 0 at index 15.
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Subsys_Module_Dir_Index: (O starting with GSD_Revision 4) The device has capabilities of a gateway towards a subsystem. The index of the subsystem object directory is module specific and is given by this value. The slot corresponds to the module. This definition has to appear within the module definition In order to decode the directory, the kind of the subsystem shall be specified. Type of Index: unsigned 8 Type of Sybsystem: unsigned 8, the values standing for: HART Master Device 1 Reserved 0, 2 .. 127 User specific 128 .. 255
Example: Subsys_Module_Dir_Index (1) = 42 means, the device is a HART Master Device (HMD). The HART object directory of the module where this definition appears can be found in the corresponding slot at index 42.
4.5.1 Formal Description of the Generic Station Description (GSD) File Format
The Formal Description is missing here because it doesnt improve your understanding. It is described in detail in the GSD Specification. This manual can be downloaded from
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Structure of the DU
Octet 1 0
Reserved Reserved Reserved WD_On = 0 Threshold monitoring deactivated Enable slave operation in the Freeze mode
Enable slave operation in the Sync mode Unlock Lock Lock 0 0 1 1 Unlock 0 1 0 1 Meaning min TSDR and slave-specific parameters may be overwritten DP slave is enabled for other masters DP slave is disabled for other masters, all parameters are accepted DP slave is enabled for other masters
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WD_Fact_1 *)
Octet 3 0
TSDR (time in Tbit indicating when the slave may respond at the at the earliest. 11 Tbit are defined as minimum in the standard. This value must be less than max TSDR.)
Octet 5 0
ID high
Octet 6 0
ID low
Octet 7 0
Octet 8 ... 0
To make configuring easier for the configuring engineer -that is, the configuring engineer doesnt have to know the meaning of the bits and bytes for the field device- plain texts can be assigned to the defined bit combinations. Below, a few examples are provided that describe the relationship of GSD file, configuring tool, and DPS2/DPSE software or V1SL software (the DPS2/DPSE/V1SL)is a software available from Siemens that appreciably simplifies controlling the PROFIBUS ASIC SPC3). The first step in the configuration tool is to select a master. Then the slaves can be graphically connected to the bus. The next figure shows the beginning of a configuration and the list of the defined slaves (HW-Konfig from Siemens) that can be connected to the bus. Those devices that Libraries are missing in the current version can be downloaded from GSD-files.
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The next example shows how to do a symbolic parameterization which makes it much easier to understand the meaning of the parameter assignment. You do not have to deal with bits and bytes. Example 1 General Parameter Assignment (not module-related)) Entry in the GSD file. PrmText= 1 Text (0)= disable Text (1)= enable EndPrmText ; In the configuring tool, the reference text is displayed, ; under PrmText = 1 ; Value 0 means disable ; Value 1 means enable
ExtUserPrmData=1 Diagnostic Alarm Bit (5) 1 0-1 ; Bit 5 in this reference refers to PrmText=1 ; The bit has the value range 0..1 ; Bit 5 is preassigned 1 . ; 50 user-specific parameters maximum can be ; transmitted in the parameter assignment message ; The first 4 octets are assigned the values 0, 1, 2, 3 ; constantly. The value 3 is to be replaced according to ; the text reference. Bit 5 in Byte 2 = 0 : Text Reference 1 belongs to Byte 2 Page 57
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Explanation of the example above: In general: The texts that are referenced have to be located before the reference. Through the instruction Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const(0), the user parameters are preassigned with a constant number sequence. During configuring, the user wants to specify whether a diagnostic alarm (depending on Octet 2 of the user parameters (Ext_User_Prm_Const(0) ) is to be generated. The default selection is that no diagnostic alarm is to be generated. If the user wants to change this, he can symbolically select the response according to previous referencing (Ext_User_Prm_Text_Ref(2)=1 on ExtUserPrmData=1 "Diagnostic Alarm" on PrmText= 1). In the configuring tool (here: HW-Konfig from Siemens), the following is displayed when configuring the user parameters:
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4..20 mA"
ExtUserPrmData=207 "Out:type/range channel 0" BitArea(0-7) 35 000-035 Prm_Text_Ref=9 EndExtUserPrmData Module="6ES7 332-5RD00-0AB0 Ext_Module_Prm_Data_Len=21 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const(0)= \ 0x15,0x5F,0x04,0x00,0x10,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x19,0x19,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,\ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(9)=207 EndModule 2 1 2AO" 0x83,0x41,0x00,0x25,0xD8 : 21 octets follow as pre-assignment 4
Explanation of the previous example: In general: The texts that are referenced have to be in front of the reference. Through the instruction Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const(0), the user parameters are preassigned a constant number sequence. To the pre-assignment in user parameter Octet 9 according to referencing (Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(9)=207, count-wise starting with 0 to ExtUserPrmData=207 "Out:type/range channel 0" - all values between 0 .. 35 refer to PrmText=9-), the final value is to be assigned. Texts are stored for the values 0,34,35. After this step is completed, the configuring tool enters the hex value for Current 420mA in the user parameters.
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The associated part in the configuring tool (here HW-Konfig from Siemens)for example looks like this:
For the PROFIBUS ASIC SPC3, Siemens offers a software that provides a simple interface to the user, and relieves him of the register descriptions of the ASIC. The SPC3 evaluates the standard parameters autonomously. Only if user parameters are defined do they have to be evaluated by the user, and the ASIC has to be informed of the result of the check (.._OK or ..._NOK). The designations in capitals are predefined macros.
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When using the DPS2/DPSE software for the PROFIBUS ASIC SPC3, the relevant code location looks like this, for example:
if(DPS2_GET_IND_NEW_PRM_DATA()) { /*=== New parameter data ===*/ UBYTE SPC3_PTR_ATTR * prm_ptr; UBYTE param_data_len, prm_result; UBYTE ii; prm_result = DPS2_PRM_FINISHED; do { /* Check parameter until no conflict behavior */ prm_ptr = DPS2_GET_PRM_BUF_PTR(); param_data_len = DPS2_GET_PRM_LEN(); /* data_length_netto must be 28 (7 bytes norm + 21 byte user-part) */ if (param_data_len == 28) { if(!user_set_user_prm_values(prm_ptr)) /* call user-specific function */ { /* an error was detected in the user-prm-data */ prm_result = DPS2_SET_PRM_DATA_NOT_OK(); } else { /* user_prm_data is correct, look for range channel 0 */ switch(prm_ptr[17]) { case 0: /* deactivated */ break; case 34: /* current 0..20 mA */ break; case 35: /* current 4..20 mA */ break; } prm_result = DPS2_SET_PRM_DATA_OK(); } } else { prm_result = DPS2_SET_PRM_DATA_NOT_OK(); } } while(prm_result == DPS2_PRM_CONFLICT);
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When using the V1SL Firmware for the PROFIBUS ASIC DPC31, the relevant code location looks like this, for example: Checking user parameter data (the first 10 data bytes of the parameter assignment message frame are checked by the DPC31 and V1SL. For that reason, this example only checks for correct length.)
/* chk-prm telegram received */ /*---------------------------------------------------------- */ void USR_INT_CODE_ATTR usr_c0_new_prm( V1SL_LL_PRM_PTR prm_ptr, Unsigned8 data_len) { Unsigned8 tmp_prm_result; prm_ptr = prm_ptr; /* todo: check your user-prm data here */ /* example begin */ if( 10 == data_len ) { tmp_prm_result = V1SL_CONTROL_PRM_OK; } else { tmp_prm_result = V1SL_CONTROL_PRM_ERROR; } /* example end */ if ( V1SL_OK != v1sl_c0_control( tmp_prm_result) ) { sys_fatal_error(); } }
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After the parameter assignment, the field device expects a configuring message. With the configuring data during system power-up, the slave is informed of the number of the input/output data and/or any device-specific configuration. If the transmitted configuration is OK, the slave responds with E5H. In the GSD file, a station is described either as a compact station (fixed I/O length cant be changed), or as a modular station (one or several modules are combined into a station). The data length in both directions, specified during configuring, is monitored by the master as well as the slave at every data exchange. If there is a deviation, the data exchange is cancelled and a diagnostic message is issued. The configuration of a field device can be described with the general and the special ID format. Below, only an example for the general ID format is provided. SD LE LEr SD DA SA x x 8x 8x FC x DSAP 62/3EH SSAP 62/3EH DU x .. FCS x ED 16H
68H x
Octet 1
0 Configuring Byte 1
Octet 2
0 Configuring Byte x
Structure of an Octet in the Configuring Message: 7 0 Length of data 00 = 1 Byte / Word 15 = 16 Bytes / Words Input/Output 00 = spec. ID format 01 = Input 10 = Output 11 = Input/Output 0 = Byte, 1 = Word 0 = Consistency over Byte/Word 1 = Consistency entire length
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7 0 0
0 Length of user specific data 00 specific ID format Input/Output 00 empty space 01 the following byte describes Input data 10 the following byte describes output data 11 the first following byte describes output data, the second one
0 Length of Input/ output data 00- 1 byte/word, 63- 64 byte/word 0- byte, 1- word 0- no consistent data, 1- consistent over the whole defined
The special configuration format exists always out of at least 2 bytes. In the GSD file, the corresponding definitions look like this:
Example: Module="6ES7 322-1BF01-0AA0 8DO" 0x83,0x00,0x00,0x2F,0xC8 Ext_Module_Prm_Data_Len=21 ; the module needs 21 data Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const(0)= \ ; the 21 data is specified as constant values 0x15,0x5F,0x04,0x00,0x10,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,\ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(2)=28 ; here, the text references for the individual Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(6)=29 ; user parameters are specified Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(7)=30 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(8)=31 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(9)=32 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(10)=33 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(11)=34
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In the configuring tool (e.g. HW-Konfig from Siemens) , the associated configuration looks like this:
When using the DPS2/DPSE software for the PROFIBUS ASIC SPC3, the relevant code location looks like this, for example: if(DPS2_GET_IND_NEW_CFG_DATA()) { UBYTE DPS2_PTR_ATTR * cfg_ptr; UBYTE i, config_data_len, cfg_result, result; /*=== received new configuration ===*/
cfg_result = DPS2_CFG_FINISHED; result = DPS_CFG_OK; do { /* check configuration data until no conflict behavior m*/ cfg_ptr = DPS2_GET_CFG_BUF_PTR(); /* set pointer to config_data_block */ config_data_len = DPS2_GET_CFG_LEN(); /* User evaluation*/ /* Checking the received configuration */
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/* Possibilities of the result of the check */ user_io_data_len_ptr = dps2_calculate_inp_outp_len (cfg_ptr,(UWORD)config_data_len); /* enter buffer organization with */ /* the current lengths in SPC3 */
if (( user_io_data_len_ptr -> inp_data_len <= MAX_INP_DATA_LEN ) && (user_io_data_len_ptr > outp_data_len <= MAX_OUTP_DATA_LEN )) result = DPS_CFG_UPDATE; result = DPS_CFG_FAULT ; */ { result = DPS.CFG_UPDATE; } else { result = DPS_CFG_FAULT; } if (result == DPS_CFG_UPDATE) { if (user_io_data_len_ptr != (DPS2_IO_DATA_LEN *)0) { DPS2_SET_IO_DATA_LEN(user_io_data_len_ptr); } else result = DPS_CFG_FAULT; } } switch (result) { case DPS_CFG_OK: cfg_result = DPS2_SET_CFG_DATA_OK(); break; case DPS_CFG_FAULT: cfg_result = DPS2_SET_CFG_DATA_NOT_OK(); break; case DPS_CFG_UPDATE: cfg_result = DPS2_SET_CFG_DATA_UPDATE(); break; } } } while(cfg_result == DPS2_CFG_CONFLICT); } When using the V1SL firmware for the PROFIBUS ASIC DPC31 the relevant code location looks like this, for example:
Checking the configuration data /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* chk-cfg telegram received */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void USR_INT_CODE_ATTR usr_c0_new_cfg( V1SL_LL_UNSIGNED8_PTR cfg_ptr, Unsigned8 cfg_len, Unsigned8 app_ready_req, Unsigned8 cfg_mode) { Unsigned8 tmp_cfg_result; cfg_mode = cfg_mode; cfg_len = cfg_len;
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/* todo: check configuration data here */ /* example begin */ { if( (cfg_len == 1) && (cfg_ptr[0] == 0x13) ) /* checking for 4 Bytes Input */ { tmp_cfg_result = V1SL_CONTROL_CFG_OK; } else { tmp_cfg_result = V1SL_CONTROL_CFG_ERROR; } } /* example end */ if ( V1SL_OK != v1sl_c0_control( tmp_cfg_result) ) { sys_fatal_error(); } /* todo: set app_ready if your application can provide useful data now; do this later, if you need more initialization data first */ /* example begin */ if(app_ready_req) { v1sl_c0_control( V1SL_CONTROL_APP_READY); } /* example end */ } #endif
After the configuration message, the master once more polls the diagnosis in the slave. If no errors were detected during configuring and parameter assignment, the field device is in data exchange.
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ASIC functionalities
Note: Please take into account that only the slave ASIC DPC31 (not the SPC3) is supporting the complete range of the functionality that is described in the GSD file for slaves.
Master no No No No no Yes
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The Generic Station Description File (GSD-file) ;Signal level (CNTR-P) Pin 4 of the 9-pole SUB-D (D) ;0-not available, 1-RS485, 2-TTL Repeater_Ctrl_Sig = 2 ;Meaning of the 24V pins of the 9-pole SUB-D (D) ;0-not available, 1-Input, 2-Output 24V_Pins = 0 ; ;--Slave-specific values----; ;Freeze Mode is supported 0=No, 1=Yes (D) Freeze_Mode_supp = 0 ;Sync Mode is supported 0=No, 1=Yes (D) Sync_Mode_supp = 1 ;Autom. transmission rate search is supported 0=No, 1=Yes Auto_Baud_supp = 1 ;The product can be addressed via the bus ;0=No, 1=Yes (D) Set_Slave_Add_supp = 0 ;Expanded parameterization values (user data length) (D) ;unsigned 8 User_Prm_Data_Len = 0x05 ;Values to be preassigned (O) User_Prm_Data = 0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05 ;Minimum refresh time of a call message (M) ;to the slave unsigned 16 (Basis 100us) Min_Slave_Intervall = 0x0016 ;alternatively, the value can be written in decimals ;Min_Slave_Intervall = 22 Example 1: Modular Station ;Product description 0=compact device, 1=modular (D) Modular_Station = 1 ;Max. number of modules that are sent to the slave (M) ;as configuration unsigned 8; in Example 1, ;12 modules maximum can be selected from the available modules Max_Module = 0x0C ;alternatively, the value can be written in decimals = 12 ;Max. number of inputs in bytes unsigned 8 (M) Max_Input_Len = 0x10 ;alternatively, the value can be written in decimals = 16 ;Max. number of outputs in bytes unsigned 8 (M) Max_Output_Len = 0x08 ;alternatively, the value can be written in decimals = 08 ;max. sum of input and output bytes unsigned 16 (M) Max_Data_Len = 0x0018 ;alternatively, the value can be written in decimals = 24 ;Device-related diagnosis in plain text (O) ;Bit location in the device-related diagnosis unsigned 16 ;Plain text display 32 characters maximum Unit_Diag_Bit(0000) = "Slow_Mode active" Unit_Diag_Bit(0001) = "Wrong_Config_Length" Unit_Diag_Bit(0002) = "Modul_fault" Unit_Diag_Bit(0006) = "Power failure" Unit_Diag_Bit(0009) = "Short circuit to Plus"
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;Module description; each module is inserted between Module - EndModule ;32 characters are available for plain text representation ;The ID is an octet string ;Module for empty slot Module= "Leerplatz " 0x00 <<empty slot>> EndModule ;Input modules byte-organized Module = "1 Byte DE " 0x10 <<DI>> EndModule Module = "2 Byte DE " 0x11 Channel_Diag(16) = "Uebertemperatur oder Ueberlast" <<overtemp. or overload>> Channel_Diag(17) = "Kabelbruch oder Kurzschluss" <<broken cable or short circuit>> EndModule ;Output modules byte-organized Module = "1 Byte DA " 0x20 EndModule ;Input/output modules byte-organized Module = "1 Byte DE/DA " 0x30 <<DI/DO>> EndModule Module = "2 Byte DE/DA " 0x31 EndModule Module = "2 Byte DE/DA " 0x11,0x21 EndModule ;End GSD file Example 1 Example 2: Compact station described in the modular mode (3 possible configurations) . . ;Product description 0=compact device, 1=modular (D) Modular_Station = 1 ;Max. number of modules that are sent to the slave (M) ;as configuration unsigned 8; in Example 2, ;1 module maximum can be selected ;from the modules that are available Max_Module = 01 ;Maximum number of inputs unsigned 8 (M) Max_Input_Len = 20 ;Max. number of outputs unsigned 8 (M) Max_Output_Len = 20 ;Max. sum of the input and output data unsigned 16 (M) Max_Data_Len = 40 ;Module description; each module is inserted between Module - EndModule ;32 characters are available for plain text display ;The ID is an octet string ;Module Selection 1 Module= "Auswahl 1 20Byte E/A PPO Typ1" 0xF3,0xF3,0xF1 <<selection; I/O>> EndModule ;Module Selection 2 Module= "Auswahl 2 16Byte E/A PPO Typ2" 0xF3,0xF3 EndModule ;Module Selection 3 Module= "Auswahl 3 2Byte E, 7Byte A" 0x11,0x26 <<selection; I, O>> EndModule
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The Generic Station Description File (GSD-file) Example 3: Compact Station ;Product Description (D) Modular_Station = 0 ;0=compact device Unit_Diag_Area = 0-5 Value(0) = "Fehlerfrei" <<faultless>> Value(1) = "Fehler auf Eingang 0 - 23" <<error on input >> Value(2) = "Fehler auf Ausgang 0 - 15" <<error on output >> Value(3) = "24V ausgefallen" <<24V failed>> Unit_Diag_Area_End ;Module description; each module is inserted between Module - EndModule ; ;32 characters are available for plain text display ;The ID is an octet string ;Modules for compact station Module= "Kompaktgeraet 16E/16A " 0x11,0x21 <<compact device 16I/16O>> EndModule Example 4: Compact station with several modules, to be able to assign a text to each module ;Product description 0=compact device, 1=modular (D) Modular_Station = 0 ;Module description; each module is inserted between Module - EndModule ;32 characters are available for clear text display ;The ID is an octet string ;Modules for compact station ;Output module byte-organized Module = "1 Byte DA " 0x20 EndModule ;Input/output module byte-organized Module = "1 Byte DE/DA " 0x30 <<DI/DO>> EndModule Module = "2 Byte DE/DA " 0x31 EndModule Example 5: GSD file of the modular station ET 200 X by Siemens
Version 2.2
Based on the GSDfile below, an explanation is provided as to how the parameter assignment message can be structured symbolically. The relevant text passages are in bold print, indented, and marked with a reference consisting of a number of a letter. The references are used only as an explanation in this example, and are not included in the original GSD. A modular module system is to be configured (refer to Figure 2-2). First, the first 3 user parameter bytes are set (refer to Reference A, with the pre-assignment 0x40,0x20,0x00). The message structure of the user parameters is as follows: Octet 1 ... Octet 7 x....x Octet 8 0x40 Octet 9 0x20 Octet 10 0x00
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The 2 byte for setting the diagnosis can be changed. For this, please refer to Reference B (GSD file following). Reference B permits setting the diagnostic alarm. For this, Bit 5 is evaluated with the Default Value 1 and the Value Range 0..1 ( Bit(5) 1 0-1), and reference is made to the text according to Reference C. Here, the user can select whether it wants to lock or unlock the diagnostic texts. If diagnostic processing is locked, the message structure looks like this: Octet 1 ... Octet 7 x....x Octet 8 0x40 Octet 9 0x00 Octet 10 0x00
As the next step, parameters are assigned to the first module. The analog input module with the designation "6ES7 144-1FB30-0XB0 2AE 10V" is selected. Starting with Text Reference 1, the user part of the parameter assignment message now looks like this: Standard
Octet 1..7 x...x
8 0x40 9 0x00 10 0x00
The presetting is to be modified (Octet 6 = 0x0A). For that reason, refer to Reference 2). In Reference 2), Bits 0..3 are relevant. The default value is 10, and the value ranges from 0..10. The associated symbolic text reference is 3). In Text Reference 3), the user can select the symbol 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Here, the value 60 Hz is selected. The user part of the parameter assignment message now looks like this: Standard
Octet 1..7 x...x
8 0x40 9 0x00 10 0x00
Additional modules can be configured in in the same manner. GSD file for the above example. ;========================================================== ; GSD-File for ET 200X 8DI-2 DP SIEMENS AG ; MLFB : 6ES7 141-1BF01-0XB0 <<order number>> ; ; Version : 18.05.98 SX ; File : SI__803D.GSG ;=========================================================== #Profibus_DP ; <Prm-Text-Def-List> Reference C) PrmText=1 ; here, the user selects lock or unlock Text(0)="sperren" <<lock>> Text(1)="freigeben" <<unlock>> EndPrmText PrmText=2 Text(0)="SIMATIC S7" Text(1)="SIMATIC S5" EndPrmText
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PrmText=3 Text(0)="sperren" <<lock>> Text(1)="freigeben" <<unlock>> EndPrmText Reference 3) PrmText=4 Text(5)="60 Hz" ;here the user selects 60 Hz Text(10)="50 Hz" EndPrmText PrmText=5 Text(0)="deaktiviert" Text(6425)="Spannung +/- 10 V" EndPrmText PrmText=6 Text(8995)="Strom (4-DMU) 4 .. 20 mA" <<current (4wire transducer)>> Text(9252)="Strom (4-DMU) +/- 20 mA" EndPrmText PrmText=7 Text(0)="deaktiviert" <<deactivated>> Text(13107)="Strom (2-DMU) 4 .. 20 mA" EndPrmText PrmText=8 Text(0)="deaktiviert" Text(33410)="RTD-4L Pt 100 Standard" EndPrmText PrmText=9 Text(0)="deaktiviert" Text(6425)="Spannung +/- 10 V" <<voltage>> EndPrmText PrmText=10 Text(8995)="current 4 .. 20 mA" Text(9252)="current +/- 20 mA" EndPrmText ; <Ext-User-Prm-Data-Def-List> Reference B) ExtUserPrmData=1 " diagnostic alarm Bit(5) 1 0-1 Prm_Text_Ref=1 additional reference according to C) EndExtUserPrmData ExtUserPrmData=2 "[SlotNumber]" Unsigned8 1 1-11 EndExtUserPrmData ExtUserPrmData=3 "format representation" Bit(0) 0 0-1 Prm_Text_Ref=2 EndExtUserPrmData Reference 2) ExtUserPrmData=4 "Stoerfrequenzunterdrueckung E0/1" BitArea(0-3) 10 005-010 Prm_Text_Ref=4 additional reference according to 3) EndExtUserPrmData ExtUserPrmData=5 "[SlotNumber]" Unsigned8 1 1-11 EndExtUserPrmData ExtUserPrmData=6 "Formatdarstellung" Bit(0) 0 0-1 Prm_Text_Ref=2 EndExtUserPrmData ExtUserPrmData=7 " interference frequency suppr E0/1"
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The Generic Station Description File (GSD-file) BitArea(0-3) 10 005-010 Prm_Text_Ref=4 EndExtUserPrmData ExtUserPrmData=8 " type of measurement/meas. range E 0/1" Unsigned16 9252 8995-9252 Prm_Text_Ref=6 EndExtUserPrmData ExtUserPrmData=9 "[SlotNumber]" Unsigned8 1 1-11 EndExtUserPrmData ExtUserPrmData=10 "format representation" Bit(0) 0 0-1 Prm_Text_Ref=2 EndExtUserPrmData ExtUserPrmData=11 "interference freq. suppressed E0/1" BitArea(0-3) 10 005-010 Prm_Text_Ref=4 EndExtUserPrmData ExtUserPrmData=12 "[SlotNumber]" Unsigned8 1 1-11 EndExtUserPrmData ExtUserPrmData=13 "format representation" Bit(0) 0 0-1 Prm_Text_Ref=2 EndExtUserPrmData ExtUserPrmData=14 "interference freq. suppressed E0/1" BitArea(0-3) 10 005-010 Prm_Text_Ref=4 EndExtUserPrmData ExtUserPrmData=15 "[SlotNumber]" Unsigned8 1 1-11 EndExtUserPrmData ExtUserPrmData=16 "format representation" Bit(0) 0 0-1 Prm_Text_Ref=2 EndExtUserPrmData ExtUserPrmData=17 "[SlotNumber]" Unsigned8 1 1-11 EndExtUserPrmData ExtUserPrmData=18 "Formatdarstellung" Bit(0) 0 0-1 Prm_Text_Ref=2 EndExtUserPrmData ExtUserPrmData=19 "output type /output range A 0/1" Unsigned16 9252 8995-9252 Prm_Text_Ref=10 EndExtUserPrmData ; <Unit Definition List> GSD_Revision=1 Vendor_Name="SIEMENS" Model_Name="ET 200X 8DI-2 DP" Revision="V2.0a" Ident_Number=0x803D Protocol_Ident=0 Station_Type=0 Hardware_Release="A1.0"
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Software_Release="Z1.0" 9.6_supp=1 19.2_supp=1 93.75_supp=1 187.5_supp=1 500_supp=1 1.5M_supp=1 3M_supp=1 6M_supp=1 12M_supp=1 MaxTsdr_9.6=60 MaxTsdr_19.2=60 MaxTsdr_93.75=60 MaxTsdr_187.5=60 MaxTsdr_500=100 MaxTsdr_1.5M=150 MaxTsdr_3M=250 MaxTsdr_6M=450 MaxTsdr_12M=800 Implementation_Type="SPC3" Bitmap_Device="ET200X1" ; Slave Specification: OrderNumber="6ES7 141-1BF01-0XB0" Periphery="ET 200" MaxResponseDelay=0 Freeze_Mode_supp=1 Sync_Mode_supp=1 Auto_Baud_supp=1 Fail_Safe=1 Min_Slave_Intervall=3 Max_Diag_Data_Len=32 Modul_Offset=1 Slave_Family=3@TdF@ET200X Modular_Station=1 Max_Module=11 Max_Input_Len=104 Max_Output_Len=104 Max_Data_Len=208 ; UserPrmData: Length and Preset: User_Prm_Data_Len=3 User_Prm_Data=0x40,0x20,0x00 Max_User_Prm_Data_Len=121 Reference A) Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const(0)=0x40,0x20,0x00 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(1)=1 additional reference according to B) ; Unit Diagnostics: Unit_Diag_Bit(0024)=module fault Unit_Diag_Bit(0026=<<external error (wire break) Unit_Diag_Bit(0028)="no external auxiliary voltage Unit_Diag_Bit(0031)="parameterization error module ; <Module Definition List> FixPresetModules=1 Module="Config for Slot1" 0x04,0x00,0x00,0xAD,0xC4 Preset=1 EndModule Module="Config for Slot2" 0x04,0x00,0x00,0x8B,0x40
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Preset=1 EndModule Module="Config for Slot3" 0x04,0x00,0x00,0x8F,0xC0 Preset=1 EndModule Module="Config for Slot4" 0x43,0x00,0x00,0x9F,0xC9 Preset=1 EndModule Module="6ES7 141-1BD30-0XA0 4DE" 0x43,0x00,0x00,0x8F,0xC9 EndModule Module="6ES7 141-1BF30-0XA0 8DE" 0x43,0x00,0x00,0x9F,0xC9 EndModule Module="6ES7 142-1BD30-0XA0 4DA 0,5A" 0x83,0x00,0x00,0x8F,0xC8 EndModule Module="6ES7 142-1BD40-0XA0 4DA 2A" 0x83,0x00,0x00,0x8F,0xC8 EndModule Reference 1) Module="6ES7 144-1FB30-0XB0 2AE 10V" 0x43,0x41,0x00,0x15,0xC3 Ext_Module_Prm_Data_Len=9 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const(0)=0x09,0x5F,0x05,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x0A,0x19,0x 19 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(2)=2 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(5)=3 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(6)=4 EndModule additional reference according to 2) Module="6ES7 144-1GB30-0XB0 2AE 20mA" 0x43,0x41,0x00,0x15,0xC3 Ext_Module_Prm_Data_Len=9 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const(0)=0x09,0x5F,0x05,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x0A,0x24,0x24 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(2)=5 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(5)=6 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(6)=7 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(7)=8 EndModule Module="6ES7 144-1GB40-0XB0 2AE 4-20mA" 0x43,0x41,0x00,0x15,0xC3 Ext_Module_Prm_Data_Len=9 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const(0)=0x09,0x5F,0x05,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x0A,0x33,0x33 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(2)=9 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(5)=10 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(6)=11 EndModule Module="6ES7 144-1JB30-0XB0 2AE Pt100" 0x43,0x41,0x00,0x15,0xC3 Ext_Module_Prm_Data_Len=9 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const(0)=0x09,0x5F,0x05,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x0A,0x82,0x82 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(2)=12 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(5)=13 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(6)=14 EndModule Module="6ES7 145-1FB30-0XB0 2AA 10V" 0x83,0x41,0x00,0x25,0xD8 Ext_Module_Prm_Data_Len=9 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const(0)=0x09,0x5F,0x05,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x19,0x19 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(2)=15 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(5)=16 EndModule Module="6ES7 145-1GB30-0XB0 2AA 20mA" 0x83,0x41,0x00,0x25,0xD8 Ext_Module_Prm_Data_Len=9 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const(0)=0x09,0x5F,0x05,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x24,0x24 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(2)=17
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The Generic Station Description File (GSD-file) Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(5)=18 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(7)=19 EndModule Module="6GK7 142-2AH00-0XA0 CP 142-2" 0xC2,0x0F,0x0F,0xBC,0xC3 EndModule Module="3RK1 300-**S00-0AA* 4DX" 0xC2,0x00,0x00,0xCF,0xC9 EndModule Module="3RK1 300-**S00-1AA* 4DX" 0xC2,0x00,0x00,0xDF,0xC9 EndModule Module="3RK1 300-0*S10-0AA* 4DX" 0xC2,0x00,0x00,0xEF,0xC9 EndModule Module="3RK1 300-0*S10-1AA* 4DX" 0xC2,0x00,0x00,0xFF,0xC9 EndModule
Version 2.2
Certification Center Werner Gtz ComDeC Wrzburger Strasse 121 90 766 Frth Germany Phone: ++49 911 750 2074 Email Chairman of the GSD working group Werner Gtz ComDeC Wrzburger Strasse 121 90 766 Frth Germany Phone: ++49 911 750 2074 Email
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