Political Parties
Political Parties
Political Parties
HandsLesson on Plans
Political parties embody shared views and are formed with the intention of being elected to parliament and inuencing Australian governance. In this lesson students explore concepts of collective action and representation; identify issues of national concern; form parties; develop party platforms; and deliver an election speech.
Students: list current federal parliamentary parties consider the role of political parties practise party based representation state the relationship between parties, elections and Australian policy dene specic parliamentary terms.
Focus questions
Why do political parties form? What is a party platform? (a public statement of principles and aims of a political party usually presented at an election) What is a party policy? (a plan of action or principle agreed or chosen by a political party) What is the difference between a political and parliamentary party? (a parliamentary party is a subset of a political party)
1. Initiate discussions by asking students: How do groups form in parliament? (common ideologies may lead to the formation of political parties and election to parliament) 2. Discuss the benets of collaborating with like-minded people. (greater skill base, range of experience, support and inuence e.g. compare the inuence of a single protester to a street rally of 100 protesters) 3. List the main political parties in Australia. Who do these parties represent? (their constituents) Why do they form? (to represent and advocate shared views for the purpose of inuencing Australian governance) 4. Discuss the difference between the smaller parliamentary party and the larger political party. (see How to form a parliamentary party diagram)
party ideology election political party parliamentary party discipline campaign platform policy voting agenda social movement member of parliament MP
Word bank
Main activity
1. Ask students: Whats your cause? What big issues do you care about? (climate change, youth wages, university entrance, cost of music CDs, terrorism etc.) 2. Group like issues under 3 or 4 subject headings. (environment, youth affairs, economic growth, national security etc.) 3. Group students into parties based on shared views and concerns. Parties may vary in size. Retain two students to act as Independents (members of parliament who do not belong to a party) 4. Ask students to determine a party name, to select a spokesperson, to develop a party platform which reects the partys priorities and to present an election campaign speech of 2 to 5 minutes. 5. Hear each presentation and allow time for peer review. 1 1
Hands-on Lesson Plans http://www.peo.gov.au/teachers/holp Produced by the Parliamentary Education Ofce, 2006-2007
1. Ask students to describe their experience of belonging to a party. Ask: Were party members committed and motivated? Was input shared or dominated by individuals? Was the party well organised and effective in communicating its philosophy? 2. Did experiences vary? How? Why? What was it like to be an Independent and to act alone?
Parliamentary context
Why does a political party need a clear and effective platform? (to express alternative views and policies) How does a party platform inuence how people vote? (by mobilising support for the platform) How do political parties inuence change in Australia? (successful parties form government and implement law; unsuccessful parties form opposition and scrutinise the actions of the government) What might happen in the Australian Parliament if there were no parties, just Independents? (many views and perspectives, less predictable voting patterns, more fractured power) How well do you think parliamentary parties represent sectors of the Australian community?
Ask students to create an illustrated poster including text, colour, image and an instructional design which best portrays their partys political principles. Ask students to research an issue and to create a policy statement to address the problem. Include a ve point outline, a rationale and an implementation plan.
Web support
Fact Sheet 22 Political Party http://www.peo.gov.au/students/fss/fss22.html Fact Sheet 09 Party Meetings http://www.peo.gov.au/students/fss/fss09.html Parliamentary Glossary http://www.peo.gov.au/students/gloss.html House of Representatives NOW http://www.peo.gov.au/students/now_hor.html Senate NOW http://www.peo.gov.au/students/now_senate.html party: from Middle English partie, from Old French partir to divide 1. a person or group taking one side of a question, dispute or contest 2. a group of persons organised for the purpose of directing the policies of government 3. a person or group participating in an action or affair e.g. a group of soldiers. 2 2
Hands-on Lesson Plans http://www.peo.gov.au/teachers/holp Produced by the Parliamentary Education Ofce, 2006-2007