Lecture Notes Russian Revolution
Lecture Notes Russian Revolution
Lecture Notes Russian Revolution
se war, Revolution of 1905, staggering economic problems Birth of socialism in Russia: 1898--Social Democratic Worker's party founded in Minsk with Lenin as leader; Lenin exiled Lenin became the heir to Marx in socialist thought 3 basic ideas central to Lenins philosophy. Capitalism could be destroyed only by violent revolution; he denounced revisionism Socialist revolution possible under certain conditions, even in relatively backward Russia. Peasants were poor and thus potential revolutionaries. Necessity of a highly disciplined workers party, strictly controlled by a dedicated elite of intellectuals and full-time revolutionaries (he differed from Marx in this regard). 1903, Social Democrats (Social Democratic Workers Party) split into two factions Mensheviks (the "minority"): Wanted to await the evolution of capitalism and the proletariat; sought a more democratic party with mass membership. Bolsheviks (the "majority"): Followed Lenin's ideas 1905 Revolution (Bloody Sunday) resulted in loss of public confidence in the Czar Duma was weak and ineffective but increasingly critical of Czar's poor leadership Bolsheviks in exile planned a revolution: Lenin and Trotsky formed workers' Soviets (councils of workers, soldiers and intellectuals) Influence of Socialists, soldiers Soviets, & other parties and soldiers increased before WWI World War I became the major cause of the Russian Revolution Massive Russian casualties, food shortages February Revolution overthrew the Czar and instituted the Provisional Government Revolution started by women rioting for bread in Petrograd; workers and soldiers joined in Duma responded by declaring a provisional govt on March 12, 1917. Provisional gov't wanted to continue the war; Soviets control the army Alexander Kerensky becomes leader of the Provisional Govt Implements liberal program: equality before the law; freedom of religion, speech, and assembly; right of unions to organize & strike; election of local officials; 8-hr work day Rejects social revolution: doesn't confiscate large landholdings and give them to peasants Provisional Gov't had to share power with Petrograd Soviet of Workers & Soldiers Deputies Army Order #1: stripped officers of their authority and placed power in the hands of elected committees of common soldiers (soldiers afraid in the future they might be liable for treason against the czar) Led to collapse of army discipline Anarchy in Russia by summer of 1917 Kerensky's refusal to end the war and prevent anarchy leads to fall of Provisional Gov't Rise of Vladimir I. Lenin Germany arranged for Lenin to be transported back to Russia; hoped to get Russia out of war "April Theses": Lenin rejected all cooperation with the bourgeois provisional govt Called for a "Socialist revolution" and establishment of a Soviet republic Nationalization of banks and landed estates All Power to the Soviets; All Land to the Peasants Kornilov Affair: military coup by General Kornulov failed Kerensky lost all credit with army. October Revolution (actually in November) results in a communist dictatorship Politburo formed to organize revolution: includes Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Bukharin Leon Trotsky, leader of the Petrograd Soviet (the Red Army), led Soviet overthrow and arrest of the provisional govt
New elections: Bolshevik's lost (only 25% of vote) but overthrew new gov't with Red Army Lenin: "Peace, Land, Bread" Lenin gave land to peasants (although peasants already took it, like French Revolution) Lenin gave direct control of individual factories by local workers committees. Signed Treaty of Brest-Litovsk in March 1918 to take Russia out of WWI Bolsheviks renamed "communists" These actions lead to opposition to Bolsheviks and the Russian Civil War Russian Civil War Reds (Bolsheviks) vs Whites (included officers of old army, and 18 groups proclaiming themselves the real gov't of Russia--had no leader to unify them) Allies sent troops to help "Whites" (Archangel Expedition; Siberia) By 1921, the communists had defeated their opponents Communists extremely well organized (Trotsky); Whites were poorly organized war communism: Bolsheviks mobilized the home front for the civil war Earliest form of socialism in the Soviet Union Applied "total war" concept to a civil war Cheka: Secret police formed to hunt down and execute thousands of real or supposed opponents, such as the tsar and his family and other class enemies. Results of the Russian Revolution: Costs: 15 million dead, economy ruined, international trade gone, millions of workers fled Creation of world's first communist society: one of the monumental events of 20th century TOTATALITARIANISM: Under Vladimir I. Lenin Marxist-Leninist philosophy Theory of imperialism: imperialism is the highest form of capitalism (haves vs. have nots) "New type of party": cadre of educated professional revolutionaries to serve development of political class consciousness & guidance of the "Dictatorship of Proletariat" Comintern (Third Communists International) --created in 1919 Was to serve as the preliminary step of the International Republic of Soviets towards the world wide victory of Communism Ruthless oppression: secret police (Cheka) liquidated about 250,000 opponents War Communism: The socialization (nationalization) of all means of production & central planning of the economy First mass communist society in world history Purpose was to win the Russian Civil War Bolsheviks destroyed the economy: mass starvation from crop failures, decrease in industrial output Kronstadt Rebellion (1921) Mutiny by previously pro-Bolshevik sailors in March at Kronstadt naval base had to be crushed with machine gun fire. Caused by impact of the economic disaster and social upheaval of the Russian Civil War Major cause for Lenin instituting NEP NEP New Economic Policy, 1921-28 Sought to eliminate harsh aspects of War Communism: response to peasant revolts, military mutiny, and economic ruin Some Capitalist measures allowed (Lenin: "necessary step backwards") Gov't not to seize surplus grain; peasants could sell grain on the open market Small manufacturers allowed to run own businesses Gov't still in control of heavy industry, banks and railroads.
Results: economy improved Industry and agricultural output back to pre-WWI levels Workers shorter hours/better conditions Temporary relaxing of terror and censorship Russia renamed to Soviet Union in 1923 (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics -- USSR) Power struggle ensued after Lenins death in 1924: he left no chosen successor Joseph Stalin believed in "Socialism in one Country": first, Russia had to be strong Establishment of a Socialist economy without the aid of the West Leon Trotsky believed in "permanent revolution": continuing a world revolution Party leaders believed Trotsky was too idealistic; Russia first had to survive Stalin gained control in 1927 and had total control by 1929; Trotsky exiled
Russia under Stalin Entire Politburo from Lenin's time was eventually purged leaving Stalin in absolute control. 5-year plans "Revolution from above" (1st Five Year Plan), 1928; marked end of NEP Objectives: Total industrial output to increase by 250%; steel by 300%; agriculture by 150% 1/5 of peasants were scheduled to give up their private plots and join collective farms We are 50 or 100 years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in 10 years. Either we do it or we shall go under. Results: steel up 400% (now 2nd largest steel producer in Europe); oil up 300%; massive urbanization (25 million people moved to cities) Costs: quality of goods suspect; standard of living did not rise Collectivization was the greatest of all costs Purpose: bring peasantry under absolute control of the communist state Consolidation of individual peasant farms into large, state-controlled enterprises. Farmers paid according to amount of work; portion of harvest paid to gov't Goals: Use of machines in farm production, to free more people to work in industry Gov't control over production Extend socialism to countryside Results: Opposed by farmers as it placed them in a bound situation like the mirs Kulaks, wealthiest peasants, offered greatest resistance to collectivization Stalin ordered party workers to "liquidate them as a class." 10 million dead due to collectivization (7 million in forced starvation in Ukraine) Agricultural output no greater than in 1913 By 1933, 60% of peasant families were on collective farms; 93% by 1938. Eventually, the state was assured of grain for bread for urban workers who were more important politically than the peasants. Collective farmers first had to meet grain quotas before feeding themselves. Structure of gov't Central Committee was the apex of Soviet power (about 70 people in 1930s) Politburo: About a dozen members; dominated discussions of policy and personnel General Secretary: highest position of power; created by Stalin Stalin's propaganda campaign Purpose: To glorify work to soviet people--an attempt to encourage worker productivity Used technology for propaganda
Newspapers (esp. Pravda), films, and radio broadcasts emphasized socialist achievements and capitalist plots. Sergei Eisenstein: patriotic Russian filmmaker Writers & artists expected to glorify Stalin and the state; work was closely monitored Religion was persecuted: Stalin hoped to turn churches into "museums of atheism" Benefits for workers: Old-age pensions, free medical services, free education, and day-care centers for children Education was key to improving ones position: specialized skills and technical education. Many Russians saw themselves building worlds first socialist society while capitalism crumbled during the Great Depression USSR attracted many disillusioned Westerners to communism in the 1930s. Women Russian Revolution immediately proclaimed complete equality of rights for women. In 1920s divorce and abortion made easily available. Women urged to work outside the home and liberate themselves sexually. Many women worked as professionals and in universities. Women still expected to do household chores in off hours as Soviet men considered home and children womens responsibility. Men continued to monopolize the best jobs. Rapid change and economic hardship led to many broken families. Great Terror (1934-38) First directed against peasants after 1929, terror used increasingly on leading Communists, powerful administrators, and ordinary people, often for no apparent reason. The "Great Terror" resulted in 8 million arrests Show trials used eradicate "enemies of the people" (usually ex-party members) Late 1930s, dozens of Old Bolsheviks tried and executed (Lenin's closest followers) Purges: 40,000 army officers were expelled or liquidated (weakened USSR in WWII) Millions of citizens were killed, died in labor camps, or simply disappeared COLD WAR Eastern Bloc: countries in Eastern Europe dominated by Soviet Union after WWII Included Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Rumania, Bulgaria Communist parties of eastern Europe established one-party states by 1948, with help of Red Army and KGB (Soviet secret police) Only Yugoslavia, led by Marshal Tito, is not dominated by Soviets Postwar economic recovery in eastern Europe proceeded along Soviet lines. Changes went forward at slow & uneven pace; came to almost a halt by the mid-1960s. Five-year plans in USSR reintroduced to tackle massive economic reconstruction Stalin reinstitutes oppressive rule Great Patriotic War of the Fatherland had fostered Russian nationalism and a relaxation of dictatorial terror. Stalins new foe, the U.S., provided an excuse for re-establishing harsh dictatorship. After war, Stalin repressed millions of Soviet citizens living outside Soviet borders when the war ended. Stalin revived many forced labor camp, which had accounted for roughly 1/6 of all new construction in Soviet Union before the war Culture and art were also purged Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia the economic exception in E. Europe: industrialized, strong middle class and industrial working class and experience of political democracy between the wars.
During dualist period", President Benes and Foreign minister Jan Masaryk proposed to govern a social democracy while maintaining close voluntary relations with the USSR. In response to Marshall Plan in 1947, Stalin replaced govt in 1948 with 1-party communist rule to prevent nation from courting the West. USSR under Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971) Power struggle emerged after Stalin died in 1953; Khrushchev emerged a few years later Stalins heirs realized reforms were needed. Widespread fear and hatred of Stalins political terror resulted in reduction of power of secret police and gradual closure of forced labor camps. Agriculture in bad shape. Shortages of consumer goods. Hard work and initiative in decline due to poor living conditions. de-Stalinization XXth Party Congress, 1956: Khrushchev took startling initiative against hard-liners by denouncing Stalins crimes in a closed session. Secret anti-Stalin speech probably most influential statement in Russia since Lenin addressed the crowd on arriving in April 1917. Gosplan: Resources shifted from heavy industry and the military toward consumer goods and agriculture Centralized Economic Planning Great ferment in the arts (anti-Stalinist views tolerated) Boris Pasternak (1890-1960) wrote Dr. Zhivago in 1956. Story of prerevolutionary intellectual who rejects brutality of revolution of 1917 & Stalinism; even as he is destroyed, he triumphs from his humanity and Christian spirit. Aleksandr Solzenitsyn: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1962) Portrays in grim detail life in Stalinist concentration camp (he had been a prisoner) De-Stalinization resulted in communist reformers and the masses seeking greater liberty and national independence. Poland: March 1956, riots resulted in release of more than 9000 political prisoners, including previously purged leader Wladyslaw Gomulka. Gomulka skillfully managed to win greater autonomy for Poland while keeping anti-Soviet feeling at bay. Hungarian Uprising, 1956 Students and workers in Budapest installed a liberal Communist reformer, Imre Nagy as new chief in October 1956. Hungarian nationalists staged huge demonstrations demanding non-communist parties be legalized; turned into armed rebellion and spread throughout the country. Hoped U.S. would come in and help achieve Hungarian independence Soviet tanks and troops responded by invading Hungary and crushing the national democratic revolution. Jnos Kdr installed firm communist rule After Hungarian invasion, most eastern Europeans hoped for small domestic gains while obediently following USSR in foreign affairs. End of Cold War Mikhail Gorbachev assumed control of Soviet Union in 1985 and sought reforms Perestroika: (restructuring) Aimed to revive the sagging Soviet economy by adopting many of the freemarket practices of the West. By 1987, program had clearly failed Glasnost: Aimed to open Soviet society by introducing free speech and some political liberty, while ending party censorship; more successful than perestroika
Demokratiztsiya: Began as an attack on corruption in Communist party and as an attempt to bring class of educated experts into decision making process. March 1989: first free elections since 1917. Gorbachev sought to reduce East-West tensions. Withdrew Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Encouraged reform movements in Poland and Hungary Repudiated Brezhnev Doctrine by pledging to respect political choices of peoples of eastern Europe. INF Treaty signed by Gorbachev and Reagan in Washington, D.C. in December 1987. All intermediate-range nuclear missiles from Europe banned. Revolutions of 1989: end to communist control of eastern Europe Costs of maintaining satellite countries for USSR both politically and economically, were too much of a burden for the Soviets too handle. Poland: Solidarity legalized again and free elections promised in June 1989. First noncommunist leader in eastern Europe since the Stalin era Triggered a wave of freedom in eastern Europe Lech Walesa became president in 1990 but Solidarity later broke up into factions Hungary: October 23, Hungarian leaders proclaimed independent republic Berlin Wall comes down in November; East German gov't falls Germany reunified in 1990 Conservative-liberal alliance for Germany, tied to West German chancellor Helmut Kohls Christian Democrats, defeated East German Social Democrats. July 1990, East and West German economies merged. Soviets opposed unified Germany in NATO but eventually acquiesced when West Germany provided massive economic aid to Soviet Union. Czechoslovakia the Velvet Revolution Vaclav Havel, the dissident playwright, becomes president Bulgaria Rumania Nicolai Ceausescu overthrown and assassinated Cutbacks in ICBMs START I treaty signed in 1990 between Gorbachev and President George Bush Would cut 10% of U.S. nuclear weapons and 25% of Soviet nukes and limit ICBM warheads Fall of Soviet Union Coup in Moscow, 1991: communist hard-liners, frustrated by loss of Soviet power and prestige, attempted to overthrow Gorbachev Coup failed when military refused to crush popular resistance Boris Yeltsin, leader of Russia, defied tanks and became a hero. Coup fatally weakened Gorbachev and spelled doom for the Soviet Union. Yeltsin and his liberal allies declared Russia independent and withdrew from the Soviet unionall other republics followed. December 25, 1991, Soviet Union dissolved into 15 separate republics Republics remained economically connected for a time via Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Russia assumed the Soviet Union's seat in the United Nations Security Council.