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Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission An Update

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Government of India

6 September, 2012

Indian Power Sector (31 July 2012)

Generation Installed Capacity ( ~207 GW)




Thermal 1,37,386 MW

Hydro 39,291 MW

Nuclear 4,780 MW

Renewable 25,703 MW

Renewable Power Capacity (31 July 2012)

Installed Renewable Power Capacity (~ 25.7 GW) 4% 13%



Wind 17,875 MW

Small Hydro 3,422 MW

Solar 1041 MW

Biomass 3,366 MW

Indias Energy Challenge

In next 12 years Indias electricity requirement to grow 2.5 times
Demand Shortage

Electricity shortage estimated at 2535 GW

Climate Change is also an important issue

Climate Change


400 Million people still without access to electricity


India is dependent on oil imports for 80% of its demand

RE in Different Sectors of Indian Economy

Solar water heaters, Solar PV, Process heat, Green buildings, Co-generation Off grid technologies like Solar water pumps and lighting, biomass gasifiers, Biogas plants, efficient cook stove
Green Buildings/ campus, Solar water heaters, Solar Cooking units, Rooftop solar, Kitchen waste

Industrial Sector

Energy technologies for Rural India

Renewable Energy

Residential Sector/Instit utional sector


Power Generation

Biofuels and battery operated vehicles (in future)

Wind, Solar, Biomass, Hydro

Plan-wise Renewable Capacity Addition

Renewable Capacity in GW 60 50 40


30 20 10 0
2002 2007

10.2 3.5



Achievements Up to IX Plan (3.5 GW) X Plan Achievements (6.7 GW) XI Plan Achievements (14.7 GW) XII Plan Targets (30 GW)

Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM)

One of the eight Missions under National Action Plan on Climate Change Launched by the Government of India in January 2010. JNNSM is one of the major global initiatives in promotion of solar energy technologies. Mission aims to achieve grid tariff parity by 2022 through
Large scale utilization, rapid diffusion and deployment at a scale which leads to cost reduction R&D, Pilot Projects and Technology Demonstration Local manufacturing and support infrastructure

Mission Road Map

Application Segment Target for Phase I (2010-13) Cumulative Target for Phase 2 (2013-17) 4,000 10,000 MW Cumulative Target for Phase 3 (201722) 20,000 MW

Grid solar power (large plants, roof top & distribution grid plants)

1,100 MW

Off-grid solar applications

Solar Thermal Collectors (SWHs, solar cooking/cooling, Industrial process heat applications etc.) Solar Lighting System

200 MW
7 million sq meters

1,000 MW
15 million sq meters

2,000 MW
20 million sq meters

5 million

10 million

20 million
8 10

Mission Road Map

25000 25


20000 20



15 10000 10 5000 1000 0 200 Phase 1 4000 1000 Phase 2 2000 5 Phase 3 7 5 10 10

Grid solar power (MW) Off-grid Applicationa (MW) 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

In addition, 100 MW capacity distributed small grid connected power plants during Phase -1

Solar thermal collectors (million sq.m.) Solar lighting (million)

JNNSM (Phase 1) - Key Deliverables

1,100 MW Grid Solar Power Projects 200 MW Off-grid Solar Applications

7 million Sq. m solar thermal collector area

R&D and HRD; Centers of Excellence Domestic Manufacturing Institutional arrangements for implementation of activities under the Mission


National Solar Mission: Strategy

Enabling policy and regulatory frame work Supporting Utility scale power generation

Emphasis equally on grid & off-grid applications

Accelerating Research and Development Enhancing Domestic manufacturing base


Policy and Regulatory Framework

National Tariff Policy amended to provide for solar specific RPOs Solar specific RPO - 0.25% in Phase 1 (2013) to increase to 3% by 2022;

REC Mechanism notified

States coming up with solar specific policies State-wise RPO Orders by Regulators Exemption from environmental clearance for solar power projects


Grid Solar Power :Phase I

Implementation Process

Capacity allocation between technologies

Capacity allocation between SPV and Solar Thermal was decided to be 50:50.

Phasing of Allocation
Solar PV: Selection of PV projects done in two batches of 150 MW and 350 MW over two financial years of Phase 1 i.e., 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. Solar Thermal: Given the longer gestation period of Solar Thermal Projects, entire capacity was selected in batch 1.


Grid Solar Power :Phase I

Implementation Process

Domestic Content
Solar PV: Batch 1
Crystalline Technology: Use of modules manufactured in India was mandatory Thin film/ CPV : Was allowed to be sourced from other countries

Solar PV: Batch 2

Crystalline Technology: Use of cells and modules manufactured in India was mandatory Thin film/ CPV : Was allowed to be sourced from other countries

Solar Thermal
30% of the Project Cost

Grid Solar Power :Phase I

Implementation Process

Selection of projects
Projects were selected on the basis of discount offered by the Project Developers on CERC Approved Applicable Tariff


Grid Solar Power : Phase-I Status

Solar Thermal: 7 projects for 470 MW selected in December, 2010. Average Tariff Rs. 11.48 per unit (25% reduction on CERC Tariff)
CSP Projects to be synchronized in 2013

Solar PV : 30 projects for 150 MW selected in December, 2010. Average Tariff - Rs. 12.16 per unit (32% reduction on CERC Tariff)
26 Projects of 130 MW completed.

Batch II Projects: Total 350 MW capacity in 28 projects

The minimum and maximum tariff is Rs 7.49 and Rs. 9.44 per unit. The weighted average tariff Rs. 8.77 per unit (43% reduction on CERC Tariff) Likely to be commissioned by February 2013.

Grid Solar Power : Phase-I Status

CERC Tariff Vs Bid Tariff
CERC Tariff 20 16 Rs. Per Unit 12 8 4 0 SPV Batch-I SPV Batch-II ST 32 % reduction 43% reduction 25 % reduction 12.16 8.77 17.91 15.39 15.39 Avg. Bid Tariff


Grid Solar Power : Phase-I Status

Small Plants - connected to below 33 KV grid
Total targeted capacity - 100 MW

Generation Based Incentive (GBI) to utilities on reimbursement basis

GBI rate Rs. 12.41 per unit based on the difference of CERC tariff of Rs. 17.91 per unit and notional tariff of Rs. 5.5 per unit SERCs were to declare tariff. Lower of CERC and SERC tariff to be considered for GBI. 78 projects for 98 MW capacity from 12 States were allocated in September and December, 2010. 68 Plants (87.8 MW capacity) commissioned so far


Grid Solar Power : Phase-I Status

So far, 106 projects with a cumulative capacity of 268.3 MW have been installed under JNNSM. The scheme-wise break-up of the number of projects and capacity installed as under: Scheme No. of projects Capacity in MW

Rooftop PV and Small Solar Power Projects

Migration Projects Batch-I projects Total



12 26 106

50.5 130 268.3

Other Programmes
Additionally, 21.5 MW capacity projects have been installed under other schemes of the Ministry.

Grid Solar Power : Phase-I Status

Status of Off-Grid Solar Applications
Off-Grid Solar Power Target: - 200 MW capacity of off-grid solar power projects by 2013. Achievement: - 128 MW capacity sanctioned so far.

Solar Water Heating Target: - Solar heating 70 lakh sq. meter of collector area by 2013. Achievement: - On cumulative basis, over 57 lakh sq. meter area of solar thermal collectors has been installed so far.

Solar Power Installations in India

As on August 31, 2012, the total installed capacity of grid connected solar power in the country.
S. No. 1. State/UT Andhra Pradesh Capacity (MW) 21.75

3. 4.

Delhi Gujarat

2.5 690

6. 7.

Jharkhand Karnataka

16.0 14.0


Madhya Pradesh


Contd. 18

Solar Power Installations

Contd 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Maharashtra Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal Delhi 20.0 13.0 9.325 201.15 16.05 12.375 5.05 2.05 2.52 1.74 1044.16 MW


Growth in Solar Power Installations

Cumulative Solar Installed Capacity in MW
1000 930


3 0 2008-09


36 2010-11 2011-12

JNNSM - Phase 1 : Learning

Experienced companies have shown interest only in large size projects Price reduction is possible if the tender size is big. Most of the projects are coming up in few States, like, Rajasthan where cheap land and better State Government policies are in place. Availability of transmission infrastructure needs improvement. Assurance on regular payments is important for banks / financial institutions.

JNNSM Phase 2 : Goals

3000 MW capacity to be supported by the Government of India
Bundling with thermal power to the extent the latter is available Generation Based Incentive Use of viability gap funding mechanism

Additional 6000 MW is envisaged through Solar RPO requirement

Requirement of solar power capacity by 2017 is estimated to be about 10000 MW.

1000 MW off grid solar applications by 2017 15 million square meters solar thermal collector area by 2017

Mandatory Solar RPO Mechanism

State Electricity Regulators to fix a percentage of energy purchased from Solar Power under RPO. The Solar RPO has to begin with 0.25 % of the energy procured reaching 3% by 2022.
Solar Capacity required to meet Solar RPOs (MW)
2011-12 1465 2012-13 3018 2013-14 4659 2014-15 6387 2015-16 8204 2016-17 10109


Projected Growth
Projected Solar Generation Capacity (GW)







R&D Activities
36 R&D projects under implementation 5 Centers of Excellence in research and education sanctioned Technology Validation 1 MW solar thermal power with storage; Field trials of thermal systems for industrial process heat Testing & Training 6 test labs for PV & 6 for solar thermal systems International collaborations Joint projects with USA, Japan, Germany, Spain 51 new Stations set up for Solar Radiation Data collection

Ground Measurements of Solar Radiation

Andhra Pradesh Gujarat Haryana Madhya Pradesh Karnataka Rajasthan 6 11 1 3 5 12



Pudducherry Tamil Nadu

1 6

C-WET is implementing the project for setting up 51 ground monitoring stations Centralized data collection, analysis and calibration of measuring sensors

Solar Energy Centre

Solar Energy Centre (SEC) near New Delhi under the Ministry is the lead Centre for testing and training in solar energy in the country SEC has NABL accredited testing facilities for PV module qualification as per Indian and International standards SEC is imparting training in solar energy at various levels

SEC is regularly conducting international training programmes in solar energy with MEA
SEC is designated to provide feedback on the project proposal to the financing institutions, if required, by them.


National Solar Thermal Power Testing, Simulation and Research Facility

1MWe Solar Thermal Power Plant
- Research and Demonstration plant

- Combination of different collector fields (Direct and Indirect Steam Generation)

Parabolic Trough Field -8700 sq. m -3.3 MWth (Design) Linear Fresnel Field - 7200 sq. m - 2.2 MWth (Design)

Turbine operating conditions: saturated steam at 3500 C and 40 bar


Institutional Arrangements
Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has been set up as a Company Not for Profit under Section 25 of Company Act for implementation of activities under the Mission

Solar Energy Research Advisory Council, Chaired by Dr. Anil Kakodkar has been set up to advise on research policy with a view to achieve Mission targets.
Solar Energy Industry Advisory Council, Chaired by Shri Anand Mahindra set up.


1 MW SPV Plant at Hissar, Haryana


5 MWp SPV Plant at Khimsar, Rajasthan


SPV Power Plant at Goshen Drass Kargil (40 kWp)



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