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Citric Acid Determination

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BY AARON S. GOLDBERG AND ALICE R. BERNHEIM Laboratory for the Study of Peripheral Vascular Diseases, Department Surgery, the New York Hospital, and Cornell Medical College, New York) University

(Received for publication,

April 19, 1944)

Three types of methods have been proposed for the determination of citric acid in urine. Salant and Wise (1) used the unspecific mercuric sulfate reagent of Deniges (2) in a study of the toxicity of citrates. Thunberg (3) developed an enzymatic method employing a dehydrogenase said to be specific for citrate. The remaining methods depend on the so called pentabromoacetone method of Stahre (4), a qualitative test published in 1897 which Kunz (5), in 1914, used as the basis of the first quantitative pentabromoacetone method. It has been generally overlooked that in 1847 Cahours (6) prepared a bromination product from several citrates which he called bromoxaforme which according to his melting point and solubility data is without doubt identical with pentabromoacetone. Cahours was aware of the specificity and analytical applicability of the reaction. (Le brome peut done servir a reconnaftre de petites quantit& dacide citrique mhlangbes a lacide tartrique.) Kunzs technique was adapted for use with urine by Amberg and McClure (7). Fasold (8) with this method was the first to isolate citric acid from normal urine. Kometianis (9) modification of this method was applied to urine by Stillmann and Schaerer (10). Pucher, Sherman, and Vickery (11) developed a spectrophotometric method based on the color formed when pentabromoacetone is treated with sodium sulfide. Our procedure is another modification of this method. It is precise, accurate, and timesaving. The pentabromoacetone reaction has been clarified and new reagents with certain advantages have been introduced. While the procedure was designed for 15 cc. samples of urine, it is also applicable to 2 cc. samples, as well as to other fluids of comparable citrate content. The range is from 1 to 40 mg., although with care, useful results are obtainable down to 0.2 mg. The method has already been used in a study of the variation of urinary citrate with the menstrual cycle (12). Principle The citric acid is oxidized by manganese dioxide, in the presence of bromine, to acetonedicarboxylic acid, which is then rapidly brominated with simultaneous decarboxylation, yielding pentabromoacetone. After reduction of the excess manganese dioxide and bromine with hydrazine,





the pentabromoacetone is isolated by ext.raction with petroleum ether. It is then treated with a sulfite solution, which we find destroys pentabromoacetone smoothly and rapidly, liberating all 5 bromine atoms as bromide ions. The bromide is determined by a direct argentometric titration. Reagents27 N sulfuric acid. 1500 cc. of concentrated acid, diluted to 2 liters. 2 N bromide-bromate. 85.7 gm. of NaBr and 28 gm. of NaBrOQ (11 per cent excess) are dissolved and diluted to 500 cc. 2 N silver nitrate. 85.0 gm. dissolved and diluted to 250 cc. 10 x hydrazine. 32.5 gm. of N2H,.HzS04 are dissolved with the aid of 49 cc. of 20 per cent NaOH or the equivalent and diluted to 100 cc. 2 M manganese sulfate. 111.5 gm. of MnS04 .4Hz0 dissolved and diluted to 250 cc. 0.2 M KMnOe. 31.6 gm. dissolved and diluted to 1 liter. Petroleum ether (b.p. 35-60). Preferably purified by shaking several times with concentrated sulfuric acid and distilling. A small forerun and residue are discarded. 0.01 per cent aqueous methylene blue solution. Sulfite reagent. 26.0 gm. of NaHS03 (halogen-free, for microanalysis) are dissolved in water and somewhat less than 40 cc. of clean 20 per cent NaOH or the equivalent, and 50 cc. of alcohol added. Dilute to 500 cc. after checking the pH, which should be 7.4 to 7.8. If the pH is lower, add alkali as necessary. Keep in the refrigerator in several small bottles filled to the brim. 18 N HzS04. 100 cc. of concentrated sulfuric acid diluted to 200 cc. 12HzO are dissolved 25 per cent ferric alum. 50 gm. of FeNH4(S0&. with the addition of 7 cc. of 27 N H&S04 and diluted to 200 cc. 0.002 N KCNS. Diluted from a suitable stock solution. Exactly 0.04 N silver nitrate. 13.591 gm. of pure silver nitrate are dissolved, 130 cc. of nitric acid added, and the solution diluted to 2 liters. Procedure Urine-A 24 hour specimen is collected and 25 cc. of 27 N sulfuric acid are added as a preservative. Preliminary Brominution and Clarijication-25 or 30 cc. of urine are placed in a 50 cc. volumetric flask, followed by 10 cc. of 27 N sulfuric acid and 2 cc. of bromide-bromate mixture. The flask is set aside in the dark for 10 minutes, at room temperature, then 2 cc. of 2 N silver nitrate are added, and the flask well shaken. The residual bromine is discharged by the minimum of solid metabisulfite or other sulfite preparation, and the solution is made to volume. If necessary, a fraction of a drop of









octyl alcohol may be used. The flask is shaken vigorously and t,he contents filtered into a dry 125 cc. separatory funnel. The filtrate is shaken for 3 minutes with 10 cc. of petroleum ether and a 25 cc. aliquot transferred to a 60 cc. separatory funnel to which are also added 1 cc. of the manganese sulfate reagent and 1 cc. of bromide-bromate mixture. Oxidation to Pentabrowwacetone-Permanganate is now added dropwise from a pipette with a tip drawn out to deliver about 60 drops per cc., with constant swirling to avoid local excess, until the orange color of the bromine is replaced by a brown color (about 1 to 3 cc.). If at this point, depending upon the other substances in the solution, the color deepens and a slight precipitate of manganese dioxide slowly appears, or if the color becomes lighter, more permanganate is added. The funnel is allowed to stand for 20 minutes, when hydrazine is added dropwise to reduce the manganese dioxide and bromine (about 6 drops). The colorless fluid is shaken for 3 minutes with 10 cc. of petroleum ether and the aqueous phase is discarded. The stopper, mouth, and walls of the funnel are washed twice with a jet of water from a wash bottle and the washings discarded. 20 cc. of water are added, the funnel is shaken for about 20 seconds, and the water discarded without first swirling the funnel. This allows a small amount of insoluble, slimy material (usual in urine) to be deposited in a thin film on the walls of the funnel instead of collecting at the apex where it is more troublesome to handle. 1 or 2 cc. of methylene blue solution are allowed to flow around the walls of the funnel to permit easy observation of the interface. After a minute or two for drainage, the stem of the funnel is washed with water and the methylene blue layer very carefully drawn off until the petroleum ether enters and just fills the bore of the stop-cock. The water in the stem is sucked out by means of a capillary pipette and the petroleum ether is run into a 4 X 1 inch Pyrex test-tube. The funnel is washed twice with 1 cc. portions of petroleum ether, the washings being added to the tube. A tiny fragment of porcelain is placed in the tube and the solvent evaporated to about 0.5 cc. The remainder of the solvent is allowed to evaporate at room temperature by holding the tube almost horizontally and rotating it so that the petroleum ether is spread over the bottom third in a thin film. This procedure prevents the loss of the somewhat volatile pentabromoacetone. Since evaporation of the petroleum ether must be conducted without
* An alternative procedure is available from this point if preferred. 4 cc. of sulfite solution are placed in the funnel which is shaken for 3 to 5 minutes. The sulfite is then transferred to a 4 X 1 inch test-tube and the funnel washed three times with 1 cc. portions of added water. The tube is then immersed in a boiling water bath for 3 minutes, the 18 N sulfuric acid added, and the rest of the procedure followed as described below.





overheating because of the volatility of pentabromoacetone, we have devised for this purpose a heating spiral made from about 6 cm. of nichrome wire cut from a standard replacement unit, which with the rest of the unit has the appropriate resistance for use with a 110 volt source. The heater uses about 6 watts with an evaporation time of about 7 minutes. Decomposition of Pentabromoacetone-The wall of the tube is carefully washed with 2 cc. of alcohol, and 4 cc. of the sulfite solution are added immediately with mixing. The tube is immersed in a boiling water bath and 3 minutes later 1 cc. of 18 N sulfuric acid is added cautiously, the tube is removed, and its contents are boiled over a free flame for a few seconds to expel sulfur dioxide. 0.5 cc. of ferric alum are added and the solution is boiled for a few more seconds and cooled, when 1 cc. of 0.002 N potassium thiocyanate is added and the titration carried out with 0.4 N silver nitrate. The end-point is recognized by the abrupt disappearance of the pink color and the appearance of a greenish tinge. As the end-point is approached, the tube is swirled vigorously, when the pink color is seen to return, presumably because of the bromide ion which has been absorbed by the precipitate. The equivalence point is not reached until the greenish tinge is seen to persist after vigorous swirling. Abnormal Urines-The procedure described above is designed for normal human urines. With other materials certain changes may be necessary or desirable. Pure citrate solutions, of course, need not be subjected to preliminary bromination or clarification. In other cases the preliminary bromination may be omitted only when experience with many samples of the material shows that this simplification is permissible. It is only necessary to treat the petroleum ether extract from the preliminary bromination exactly as the second extract is treated and determine whether any appreciable volume of silver nitrate is used up. Procedure for Pure Citrate Solutions-A sample containing preferably 5 to 15 mg. of citric acid is placed in a 60 cc. separatory funnel and diluted to 20 cc. 5.4 cc. of 27 N sulfuric acid are added if the sample is approximately neutral. If, however, the sample is strongly acid or alkaline, the sulfuric acid is accordingly decreased or increased. The analysis is then completed as usual after addition of 1 cc. of bromide-bromate, 1 cc. of manganese sulfate, etc. Protein-Urines containing protein may be treated with solid trichloroacetic acid and the filtrate used as usual. In samples containing large amounts of protein, a suitable amount is taken in a 50 cc. volumetric flask, diluted to the mark with trichloroacetic acid solution, and an aliquot of the filtrate taken for analysis. Iodine-In one case in which a patient had been receiving Lugols solution the petroleum ether extract containing the pentabromoacetone









showed a violet tinge. This was removed by adding a few mg. of sodium arsenite to the wash water. Glucose-As noted by Reichard (13), low results are ordinarily obtained in the presence of glucose. If, before analysis, the specimen is not known to contain sugar, its presence will be indicated by the unusually high permanganate consumption. The following procedure yields quantitative results even in the presence of 100 times as much glucose as citric acid. A small sample is taken, 1 to 2 mg. instead of 5 to 15. Bromination is carried out at 0 instead of at room temperature, with a corresponding increase in reaction time. ,4t 24 the reaction time is about 20 minutes, whereas at 0 it is 4 to 5 hours. Manganese dioxide suspension is substituted for permanganate and the bromide-bromate is increased to 2 cc. The following procedure is applicable to samples containing up to 400 mg. of glucose, although a smaller sample should be t,aken if the citrate concentration permits. The neutral sample is placed in a 60 cc. separatory funnel, the volume is brought to 15 cc., and 4.3 cc. of 27 N sulfuric acid are added; or if a preliminary bromination has been made 15 or 20 cc. of the filtrate are used. 2 cc. of bromide-bromate and 1 cc. of manganese sulfate are added, and the funnel is placed in an ice water bath. The manganese dioxide suspension is prepared as follows: 7.5 cc. of 2 M manganese sulfate are placed in a small beaker immersed in an ice bath, or, better, a freezing mixture, and 4 cc. of 27 N sulfuric acid are added. When the solution is below 5, 7.5 cc. of cold 26.1 per cent NaMnOd.3Hz0 (1.33 M) are added with stirring. The solution should be allowed to stand in the bath for some minutes before use. The requisite (not total) amount of suspension is added to the funnel and allowed to stand for at least 3 hours at 0. The funnel is inspected occasionally to see that the manganese dioxide is present in excess and that it has not settled out. At the end of this time the contents of the funnel are allowed to come to 20-25 and to stand for another hour. Then hydrazine is added and the analysis completed as usual.2 In the presence of smaller amounts of glucose (e.g., 50 mg.) a suspension may be made from the 0.2 M potassium permanganate with 1 cc. of manganese sulfate, 6.6 cc. of 0.2 M KMn04, and 2 cc. of 27 N sulfuric acid. This suspension may be used routinely for milk, animal urines, and in other cases in which the consumption of 0.2 M KMnOa tends to exceed about 3 cc., whether because of glucose or other reducing substances. 2 Since the water content of commercial sodium permanganate is variable, it is desirable to test how well the solution matches the manganese sulfate solution by centrifuging suspensions made with volumes varying slightly from the theoretical one specified and find.ing by inspection of the supernatant the proper volume to be used in subsequent determinations.





Acetone Bodies-Acetoacetic acid is removed by the preliminary bromination in addition to which Pucher, Sherman, and Vickery advise prior boiling of the acidified solution for 10 minutes. Krebs and Johnson (14) state that 1 hours boiling eliminates the slight interference caused by the presence of oxalacetic acid. Interference from hydroxybutyric acid, we find, is due to its slow rate of bromination, with the main portion carried over into the second bromination. Since with this substance as well as with acetone, and especially in the dilutions used in tissue analysis, bromination products remain partly in solution, we find it advisable to extract them with petroleum ether before the second bromination. Samples known to contain acetone or acetoacetic acid should be boiled undiluted in the presence of acid, restored to the original volume, and then used in the usual way. Comment Because bacterial contamination can lead to the loss of much of the citrate in a few hours, it is essential that the urine be collected with an efficient preservative, especially 24 hour specimens and those from metabolism cages. The preliminary treatment with bromine is necessary to remove small amounts of various urinary constituents which precipitate with bromine. The silver nitrate is added to remove unknown substances which cause the formation of stable emulsions with petroleum ether. Filtrates from the silver treatment always separate sharply after shaking is stopped. In the analysis of pure citrate solutions not more than 1.5 cc. of silver nitrate is added: an excess would cause precipitation of silver bromide in the next step. Urines usually contain sufficient chloride to react with The free bromine several cc. of 2 N silver; hence an excess is improbable. serves as an indicator, showing that silver is not present in excess. Manual shaking of separatory funnels is time-consuming and uncertain. Warming by the hand necessitates occasional opening of the stop-cock, with attendant loss of solution. We have therefore constructed a simple shaking device which has been used with low boiling petroleum ether without mishap even at a room temperature of 35. A motor of l/50 horse power, adjustable to a speed of about 900 R.P.M., is used. An ordinary nail bent about 0.5 cm. is inserted into the chuck of the motor. (With a straight shaft the nail is wired alongside.) First, the stem of the funnel is inserted into a firmly clamped rubber stopper. Second, a string or wire, adequate to withstand sustained tension and friction, is placed around the neck of the funnel and attached to the eccentrically arranged nail. Third, a strong rubber band is placed around the neck of the funnel and attached to a fixed clamp in a direction opposite to the string attached









to the nail on the motor. Alternate stretching and releasing of the rubber band agitates the suspension in the separatory funnel. The stems of the funnels are cut off and ground down to an acute angle. The over-all length of all funnels of each size should be the same to avoid shifting the clamp holding the rubber stopper. No lubricant is used on the stopper of the 125 cc. funnel. It is wetted with a drop of the filtrate and inserted firmly with a slight, twisting motion. A drop of water is applied to the stopper of the smaller funnel before it is shaken. Stop-cocks should have the thinnest possible film of a heavy rubber paraffin grease. When the funnel is removed from the shaker, the stop-cock is always opened before the stopper to equalize the pressure. Many workers have used permanganate in large excess. However, especially with small amounts of citric acid (less than 3 mg.), it is important to add permanganate only as rapidly as it is used up. Use of the bromide-bromate mixture, instead of bromide alone, reduces the amount of permanganate needed and makes for greater convenience and accuracy. Since permanganate vigorously decomposes the intermediate acetonedicarboxylic acid, its rapid reduction to manganese dioxide (hastened by the large excess of manganese sulfate) is obviously advantageous. Sufficient hydrazine must be added to remove the last trace of bromine, to avoid its extraction by the petroleum ether with which it would subsequently react. Some of the bromine might later be reduced by the sulfite, giving rise to a high result. We have avoided the use of ferrous sulfate for decolorizing because the color of the resulting ferric salt is indistinguishMethods in which pentabromoacetone able from that of the free bromine. is filtered off result in a loss equivalent to about 3 mg. of citric acid per 100 cc. of reaction mixture, or an error of perhaps 50 per cent in urine of low citrate content. In the petroleum ether procedure, the loss of pentabromoacetone has been shown to be negligible (about 0.001). During the treatment with sulfite a trace of thiosulfate is formed, which, in the presence of silver halide, does not give the usual white precipitate turning to black with silver nitrate, but behaves like a halide and uses up an exactly equivalent amount of silver solution. The thiosulfate formed is equivalent to about 0.03 cc. of 0.4 N AgN03. The treatment with hot ferric alum suffices to oxidize most of it, but for accurate results with small amounts it is desirable to run a blank, starting at the point in the procedure where the sulfite is added to the alcohol. In our experience this amounts to only 0.01 cc. The principle of the titration is due to Kolthoff (15), but we have modified the details to our needs. The thiocyanate solution, unlike that in the usual Volhard titration, need not be accurately prepared and need be only roughly pipetted. The addition of a measured number of drops





is permissible, since an error of even 20 per cent in its measurement would result in an error of only 0.01 cc. of silver nitrate. If the end-point is overstepped, additional thiocyanate may be added and the titration resumed. Mechanism-The oxidation-bromination procedure used by us differs from that originally described by Kunz and used by succeeding workers. In the Kunz method, citric acid is treated with sulfuric acid and potassium bromide; then permanganate is added. We tried to carry out the reaction with a bromide-bromate mixture and were perplexed to find that the permanganate was not reduced and no pentabromoacetone was formed. The manganous salt essential for the reaction had been supplied by previous workers unwittingly when the potassium bromide used reduced the first portions of the permanganate. The reaction is autocatalytic and a trace of any easily oxidizable substance may serve as the trigger. It is probable that manganese dioxide is the ultimate oxidant, since the reaction proceeds smoothly if a suspension of this substance is added to an acidified citrate solution containing free bromine. The course of the reaction as carried out by Kunz may be summarized as follows: (1) The permanganate first oxidizes bromide to bromine and is itself reduced to the manganous state. As this reaction approaches completion, and not unt,il t,hen, (2) the manganous salt thus formed reduces the next increment of permanganate to manganese dioxide. (3) The manganese dioxide then oxidizes citric acid to acetonedicarboxylic acid and (4) the latter is brominated stepwise with decarboxylation in the early stages. Step (1) has been demonstrated by interrupting the addition of permanganate just before the amount required by the bromide alone was reached. It was thus found that an insignificant amount of pentabromoacetone had been formed. Therefore, statements to the effect that acetonedicarboxylic acid and bromine are formed simultaneously are to be regarded as meaning taking place during the same physical operation. Steps (3) and (4) have been verified by comparing the bromination rate of pure acetonedicarboxylic acid with the over-all rate of steps (1) to (4). It was found that the over-all rate is, within the limits of the error of the measurement, the same as the bromination alone, indicating that the oxidation to acetonedicarboxylic acid is very rapid and that the brominaThe speed of the total reaction at tion is the rate-determining reaction. 18, 24, and 30 is described by the curves in Fig. 1. Acidity-The original Kunz procedure gave results about 10 per cent lower than required by theory. Further work by others, with various changes in the bromination conditions, failed to increase the yield, so that the conversion to pentabromoacetone seems to be accepted as an




A. R.



inherently incomplete reaction. We were therefore surprised to find that the apparent yield could be varied at will. In fact, an apparent yield of 105 per cent could be attained as easily as one of 75 per cent. The main factors favoring a high yield were high sulfuric acid and high citrate concentrations. There is no suggestion in the literature that any bromination product other than pentabromoacetone might be formed; yet the values above 100 per cent suggested that formation of some hexabromoacetone had occurred. This was verified by isolation, from a strongly acid bromination mixture, of a white crystalline product having the theoretical bromine content and melting at 106. The melting point of hexabromoacetone is given by Weidel and Gruber (16) as 107-109. On the other hand, by the use of a weakly acid mixture an uncrystallizable



Rate of bromination

of citric acid at W, 24, and 30

oil was obtained which averaged about 3.7 atoms of bromine per mole, and consisted essentially of a mixture of tetra- and tribromoacetones. The recovery with varying acidity is shown in Fig. 2. These results indicate that in any so called pentabromoacetone method a mixture of bromoacetones occurs, the proportion of each depending on several factors, the most important of which is the sulfuric acid concentration. Thus the bromination product approximates a tetrabromoacetone rather than a pentabromoacetone, when, as in one method, the final sulfuric acid concentration is 1 N and the citrate 1 mg. or less. Fig. 2 shows that above 9 N sulfuric acid the yield falls off, even though in this region hexabromoacetone replaces some of the expected pentabromoacetone. Here the strong acid by its higher oxidative potential may





induce scission of the carbon chain. At 15 N, when pure hexabromoacetone is obtained, the apparent yield is only 72 per cent, or 60 per cent in terms of moles of hexabromoacetone. This indicates destruction of 40 per cent of the citrate. Temperature-Kunz, followed by others, prescribed a temperature of 50 for the bromination, while some advised room temperature. Fasold stated that at 55 results were 30 per cent too low. Reichard advised cooling to 5 or less. Our work shows a slight decrease in yield (1 per cent) from 24 to 48 and a 1 per cent increase at 0. Qualitatively this is to be expected in the exothermic bromination reaction, but the quantitative effect of temperature variation can be calculated from van%

Normality FIG.




2. Recovery with varying


Hoffs equation. These calculations are in good agreement findings where they have been checked.3

with our

3 We select, for example, the point at which 101 per cent recovery is obtained (about 10 mg.) and find that this corresponds to 1 mole of hexabromoacetone to 19 moles of pentabromoacetone. The equilibrium constant for the reaction pentabromoacetone + BrS + hexabromoacetone + HBr may then be written K24= (hexabromoacetone)/(pentabromoacetone) = l/19. Since we solve for the ratio of the constants at two different temperatures, and since practical constancy of the Br and HBr concentrations is assured by the experimental conditions, these concentrations need not be expressed. From the data of Magee and Daniels (17) we find values of AH = 6.5, 15,12, and 8 kilocalories for the bromination of an aliphatic hydrogen in respectively. We can assume a methane, and mono-, di-, and triphenylmethane rounded average of 10 kilocalories for the bromination of the residual hydrogen of pentabromoacetone. This may seem rash, but calculation shows that either doubling or halving the value does not alter the outcome materially. Substituting in the integrated form of the vant Hoff relation, we have for 48 and 24,log KC,- log Kzt = -10,000/4.57 (l/297 - l/321), or K~~/KH = 0.288,a yield of 100.3 per cent; i.e., a









Citrate Concentration-Fig. 3 shows the effect of the citrate sample on the yield. The yield is seento be strictly stoichiometric only with a 3 mg. sample. With another acidity or temperature the value would be different. Nevertheless, exact results may be obtained by employing a curve con-

1 96
s 94.. 92


90 86 Ms. I 6 / 10 I 20 Citeicacid 44


3. Recovery




of citric


strutted from the empirical factors given in Table I. For most work the factor 1.53 may be used routinely without serious error.4
diminution of 0.7 per cent as a result of a 24 rise in temperature. Interestingly this value of 0.7 per cent is not constant, but would vary with the initial deviation from 100 per cent. From 102 per cent the value would fall to 100.6 per cent (1.4 per cent). Similar computation in the 1 and 2 mg. region (about 98 and 99 per cent recovery) shows a larger effect. Assuming the same heat of bromination for tetrabromoacetone + pentabromoacetone as for pentabromoacetone + hexabromoacetone, we find decreases of 5.7 and 2.2 per cent respectively, at 48 compared to 24. One important factor is not taken into account in this theoretical analysis; namely, the effect of an elevated temperature on the elastic action of the permanganate. With pure citrate solutions, and provided the addition of permanganate is carried out as advised, loss from increased elastic action may be considered negligible, but in the presence of considerable amounts of glucose even room temperature is too high and it is necesGlucose, if present in large amounts, must be burned completely sary to work at 0. to CO2 and water, which increases considerably the amount of oxidant used. In this case, as described before, permanganate should be replaced by manganese dioxide. 4 The rapid change of slope of the curve (Fig. 3) at the lower values is associated with the threshold of solubility of the pentabromoacetone. All of the bromoacetone from 0.6 mg. of citric acid is in solution, while that in excess exists in a second liquid phase consisting of pentabromoacetone with a small proportion of hexabromoacetone and whatever bromine is dissolved. In the aqueous phase, however, tetrabromoacetone and pentabromoacetone coexist in a ratio to give an apparent yield of about 96 per cent. Since the proportion of hexabromoacetone in the emulsoid phase would





Fig. 3 demonstrates the necessity of keeping at a minimum the dilution which results from the use of many reagents. We use sulfuric acid and other reagents in fairly concentrated solutions. The unnecessarily large and variable volumes of permanganate in use are undesirable for the reason just stated and because the consequent variations in acidity cause variations in yield, as shown in Fig. 2. Precision-The factors in Table I are based on multiple determinations made on 40, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1, 0.4, and 0.2 mg. of citric acid samples. The average deviation from the mean in the group from 40 to 5 mg. was less than 0.2 per cent; the 2 and 1 mg. samples showed an average deviation less than 0.4 per cent. The 0.4 and 0.2 mg. determinations were fortuiTABLE

I Factor
0.4 N AgNO, cc.

0.4 N AgNOa CG. 0.10



= 1.637)

0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.70 1.00 1.50

1.757* 1.695* 1.660* 1.622* 1.601* 1.586* 1.570 1.557 1.545

2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00

1.539 1.531 1.527 1.525 1.529 1.517 1.514 1.512 1.510

* These factors are for amounts below the recommended range. The fourth place is supplied to enable a smoother curve to be drawn, if desired. Computation-The number of cc. of 0.4 N AgN03 consumed, multiplied by the factor appropriate for it, equals the mg. of anhydrous citric acid in the aliquot subjected to oxidation. Subtract the 0.05 cc. used up by the thiocyanate and whatever blank value is found (e.g. 0.01 or 0.02 cc.) from the burette reading to find the cc. of 0.4 N AgN03 consumed.

tously precise, but errors of several per cent are to be expected at this level. The determinations from 1 to 40 mg. were repeated independently The average difference between our results for each by H. H. Taussky. sized sample was 0.4 per cent. Table II shows the recovery of citrate added to human urine. Urine A
be constant regardless of the amount of citrate taken, the analytically determined yield must be the weighted average of the organic bromine in the two phases. In other words, the composition of the emulsoid phase (the value the upper limb of the curve approaches asymptotically) and the composition of the aqueous phase (determined by analysis of a 0.6 mg. sample) determine the curve at all intermediate points.








was from a patient who had been acidified with four 1 gm. doses of ammonium chloride daily and therefore excreted a diminished amount, 24 mg., of citric acid in 24 hours. Urine B was a 24 hour specimen from a presumably normal subject and consisted of 815 cc. containing 599 mg. of citric acid. As our standard we used a well crystallized sample of potassium citrate monohydrate. After exposure of the sample for weeks there was no appreciable gain or loss on periodic weighing. The potassium content was determined by conversion to the sulfate. (Calculated, K 36.16 per cent; found, 36.03 per cent.) As an additional check these determinations were repeated on another single, large crystal of potassium citrate from another source with comparable results. Several different agents have been employed to liberate the bromine in the pentabromoacetone from its organic combination and make it accessible to titration. The reagent we use, neutral sodium sulfite, was found by
TABLE Recovery Urine of Citric Acid II Added to Urine MaI citric acid %-. 2.402 2.402 7.685 6.148 7.205 Found

Citric acid in native urine

2.588 2.588 7.871 6.297 14.551

2.570 2.562 7.828 6.260 14.405 99.3 99.0 99.4 99.4 99.0

0.186 0.186 0.186 0.149 7.346

mg. per

12.5 cc. 12.5 12.5 10 cc. 10

accident to decompose a pentabromoacetone precipitate. Further investigation showed that the reaction could be made quantitative and that it is as precise and dependable as the titration of inorganic bromide itself. It is rapid, being 50 per cent complete in a few seconds at room temperature. The sulfite reagent should have a pH of about 7.6. At higher values bromoform and dibromoacetic acid would be formed; at lower values there would be a loss of sulfur dioxide. The use of this mild sulfite reagent, which probably depends for its action on formation of an intermediate with the ketone, offers additional assurance of specificity to the already highly specific Cahours-Stahre reaction.

1. A precise method for the determination of citric acid in pure solution and in urine is described. The range of the method is from 1 to 40





mg., with a precision of 0.5 per cent. With suitable care even 0.2 per cent is attainable above 5 mg. 2. The pentabromoacetone reaction has been studied and it is shown that tetrabromoacetone and hexabromoacetone are also found. The conditions governing the relative amounts of each bromoacetone formed are discussed. The main factors are acidity, citrate concentration, and temperature. 3. The reaction mechanism has been clarified, leading to the introduction of new reagents with certain advantages. The decomposition of pentabromoacetone is affected by a new, mild reagent which permits a precise, direct titration with silver nitrate. We wish to express our thanks to Hertha H. Taussky for her help and many courtesies and also to Dr. Harry Sobotka for his valuable advice.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

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