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2. Rewrite these sentences PASSIVE VOICE. 1. Somebody cleans the room every day. 2.

They cancelled all flights because of fog. 3. People don`t use this road very often. 4. Somebody accused me of stealing money. 5. How do people learn languages? 6. People advised us not to go out alone. 7. They have postponed the concert. 8. Somebody is using the computer at the moment. 9. I didn`t realise that somebody was recording our conversation. 10. When we got to the stadium we found that they had cancelled the game. 11. They are building a new ring road round the city. 12. They have built a new hospital near the airport. 3. Make sentences form the words in brackets. Sometimes the verb is active, sometimes passive. 1. There is somebody behind us. (I / think/ we / follow) 2. This room looks different. (you/paint?) 3. My car has disappeared. (it / steal!) 4. My umbrella has disappeared. (somebody/ take) 5. Tom gets a higher salary now. (he / promote ) 6. Ann can`t use her office at the moment. (it / redecorate)

7. The photocopier broke down yesterday but now it is OK. (it / work / again; it / repair )
8. The police have found the people they were looking for. (two people / arrest / last night ) 9. A tree was lying across the road. (it / blow down / in the storm) 10. The man next door disappeared six months ago. (nobody / see / since then) 11. I was mugged on my way home a few nights ago. (you / ever/ mug?) 4. Rewrite the following sentences into the passive voice. 1. they didn`t give me the money. 3. They asked me some difficult questions at the interview. 4. Janet`s colleagues gave her a present when she retired. 4. Nobody told me that George was ill. 5. How much will they pay you?

6. I think they should have offered Tom the job. 7. Has anybody shown you what to do? RELATIVE CLAUSES 2. Make one sentence from two. 1. A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital. 2. A man answered the phone. He told me you were away. 3. A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient. 4. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt. 5. Some people were arrested. They have now been released. 6. A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half an hour. 3. Complete the sentences. Choose the most suitable ending from the box and make into a relative clause. he invented the telephone she runs away from home. they are never on time they stole my car they were on the wall it makes washing machines it gives you the meaning of words it won a race it can support life it cannot be explained

1. Barbara works for a company......................................................................................... ................... 2. The book is about a girl ................................................................................................................... 3. What was the name of the horse .....................................................................................................? 4. The police have caught the men ...................................................................................................... 5. Alexander Bell was the man ................................................................................................................ 6. What has happened to the pictures ...................................................................................................? 7. A mistery is something ...................................................................................................................... 8. A dictionary is a book ....................................................................................................................... 9. I don`t like people .......................................................................................................................... 10. It seems that Earth is the only planet .............................................................................................
8. Make one sentence from two. Use a relative clause. Sometimes the clause tells us which person or thing ; sometimes it only gives us extra information. Use comman where necessary.

1. We went to Sandra`s party. We wnjoyed it very much. 2. There is a woman living next door. She is a doctor. 3. I went to see the doctor. He told me to rest for a few days.

4. There was a strike at the car factory. It lasted ten days. It is now over. 5. Sheila is away from home a lot. Her job involves a lot of travelling. 6. I was looking for a book this morning. I have found it now. 7. 8. The new stadium will be opened next month. It can hold 90000 people. London was once the largest city in the world, but the population is now falling.

9. We often go to visit our friends in Bristol. It is only 30 miles away. 10. A job was advertised. A lot of people applied for it. Few of them had the necessary qualifications. 11. Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland. My brother lives there.

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below: Website boast gossip talk show modest intimate proof trust 1. A: The .. about Ted and Jane must be true B: Ted is here with Pam. That is the that he and Jane broke up. 2. A: I saw Tom Cruise on a .. last night. B: I also read about his new film on several . . 3. A: Sharon knows many . Details about my life. B: Obviously you .. her to keep your secrets. 4. A: John isnt very .. about his athletic ability. B: Yes, he about it all the time. 2. Complete the sentences with the noun form of the words below. Use a suitable suffix Personal import appoint converse differ 1. The only .. between these two shirts is the price. 2. Dave and I had a long . About our future plans. It was good to discuss things together. 3. She is beautiful, but I dont like her She is not very friendly. 4. I have got a doctors later today. I dont want to be late. 5. My driving instructor explained the of wearing a safety belt. 3. Complete the sentences with the gerund or infinitive form of the verbs below. Do see eat miss tell give bark hear discuss go 1. too much chocolate is very unhealthy. 2. I enjoyed John. He looks great. 3. All we need .. is to pay the fee. 4. Rick promised .. his plans with us. 5. I cant stand about her problems. 6. Sorry, I forgot you that John called. 7. I remember . You a Green Day CD, but I have forgotten which one. 8. I wish that dog would stop ............................. . It is driving me mad. 9. Hurry up! I don`t want to risk ............................. the train. 10.They don`t have much money. They can`t afford ............................. out very often. 4. Complete the sentences with the right preposition 1. John and I never agree .. each other 2. Everyone was talking . The football match. 3. Self-confident people believe .. themselves. 4. I am glad you waited . Me. 5. I rely . My sister to help me with maths. 6. You remind me . Someone I knew a few years ago. 7. At parties, it is fun to talk .. new people. 8. The Pope arrived . Turkey this week. 9. I cant listen you any more. 10. Bill is trying to concentrate his homework, so please talk quietly. 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to, be used to or get used to. 1. They didnt .. like travelling. 2. School starts at 8 oclock, so I getting up early. 3. When we lived in Paris, we buy fresh bread every morning. 4. Why did you have your hair cut? I will never .. it. 5. We .. think that Jane was unfriendly but she is actually very nice. 6. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple. 1. A: Jessica .(not write) to me recently. B: I (hear) from her last week. 2. A: The French class ..(begin) a seven last night, but I was late. B: You .(never arrive) on time this term!

A: .. your sister .. (already plan) her wedding? B: Yes, but she (not post) the invitations yet. 4. A: Peter .. (not play) any computer games lately. B: I know. He . (have) a lot of schoolwork recently. 5. A: .. you (buy) any new CDs yesterday? B: Yes, but I . (not listen) to them yet. 7. Fill the gaps in this letter with suitable verbs. Use the present simple or continuous, or the past simple or continuous. Dear Anita, Thank you for your entertaining letter, which .(arrive) yesterday. I ..(begin) to feel much better although my leg still (hurt) if I (walk) too far. Last weekend I ..(visit) some friends who ..(spend) their summer holidays just up the road from here. They are very nice I hope you will meet them if you come here next month. I (go) to their house quite easily, but while I (return) home, my leg .(start) to ache really badly. So this week I ..(be) more careful. I am very pleased you .(manage) to find that book about Indian music that you .(look) for. I have some cassettes you can borrow if you.(want). I must stop now, because I ..(be) rather tired. Please write again and send me some books. This is a lovely place, but you know me, I ..(get) bored very quickly! With much love, Alice 8.Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the original sentence. 1. I flew for the first time when I went to Ireland last month. (never/until) 2. 3. 4. 5. Everybody had begun to dance before Joe arrived. (when) The moment she got home, Donna began to talk on the phone, and she is still on it. (since) The idea of buying a cake is a good one. (think) We washed the car yesterday, and an hour later it began to rain (after)


READING ADVICE FROM A DATING DOCTOR In the 2005 film Hitch, Will Smith stars as a dating doctor who advises clients on dating and relationships. This profession is not a Hollywood invention dating doctors actually exist. And some, like Smiths character, are a combination of advisor and best friend. Among the best know is Robert Coleman, who has lectured and written about relationships for over 20 years and who is still a popular speaker on American university campuses. Some of Colemans ideas are simple and sensible, such as suggesting that people on first dates ask questions that require more than a yes or no answer. Conversation then flows naturally, because you can respond to what your date says. But more importantly, Coleman provides advice on evaluating relationships. If both partners show trust, respect, commitment, passion and feelings of intimacy, the relationship is probably healthy and satisfying. But what if one or more of these are lacking? According to Coleman, this can mean that one of the partners isnt serious about the relationship. In that case, it is best to end it. Coleman stresses in his lectures, books and website that no matter whose idea a break-up is, it is important to remember that we cannot make someone love us , nor are we responsible for or in control of anther persons happiness. In fact, he believes that the only things we can control or be responsible for are what we think and what we do. This leads to something else Coleman considers to be important: 1+1=1. It takes one whole healthy independent person plus another whole healthy independent person to make a great relationship. As Coleman says: A successful relationship doesnt begin by finding the right person it begins by being the right person. Are the following statements true or false. Find evidence in the text. 1. Robert Coleman began his career after Hitch was made. 2. Coleman wants people to understand that they are responsible for another persons feelings. Complete the sentences 1. According the Coleman, being the right person is the .. 2. Partners should have.. 3. Breaking up is .. Find words or expressions in the text that mean: 1. practical 2. missing 3. emphasizes 4. complete WRITING Write a composition of about 100 words on one of the following topics a) Describe your ideal partner b) Love is important in my life

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below: (0.5 points) Website boast gossip talk show modest intimate proof trust 1. A: The .. about Ted and Jane must be true B: Ted is here with Pam. That is the that he and Jane broke up. 2. A: I saw Tom Cruise on a .. last night. B: I also read about his new film on several . . 3. A: Sharon knows many . Details about my life. B: Obviously you .. her to keep your secrets. 4. A: John isnt very .. about his athletic ability. B: Yes, he about it all the time. 2. Complete the passages with the correct noun form of the words below. Use a suitable suffix. (0.5 points) Create member personal appoint intelligent appear imagine 1. The Hampstead Fitness Club is looking for a secretary. Duties include answering queries about club and scheduling . With personal trainers. A friendly.. and neat are required. 2. Video Games Ltd requires a part-time assistant for its team of game .. We want someone with high and a vivid . 3. Complete the sentences with the gerund or infinitive form of the verbs below. (1 point) Do see eat miss tell give bark hear discuss go 1. too much chocolate is very unhealthy. 2. I enjoyed John. He looks great. 3. All we need .. is to pay the fee. 4. Rick promised .. his plans with us. 5. I cant stand about her problems. 6. Sorry, I forgot you that John called. 7. I remember . You a Green Day CD, but I have forgotten which one. 8. I wish that dog would stop ............................. . It is driving me mad. 9. Hurry up! I don`t want to risk ............................. the train. 10.They don`t have much money. They can`t afford ............................. out very often. 4. Complete the sentences with the right preposition (1 point) 1. John and I never agree .. each other 2. Everyone was talking . The football match. 3. Self-confident people believe .. themselves. 4. I am glad you waited . Me. 5. I rely . My sister to help me with maths. 6. You remind me . Someone I knew a few years ago. 7. At parties, it is fun to talk .. new people. 8. The Pope arrived . Turkey this week. 9. I cant listen you any more. 10. Bill is trying to concentrate his homework, so please talk quietly. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to, be used to or get used to. (0.5 points) They didnt .. like travelling. School starts at 8 oclock, so I getting up early. When we lived in Paris, we buy fresh bread every morning. Why did you have your hair cut? I will never .. it. We .. think that Jane was unfriendly but she is actually very nice.

6. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple. (1 point) 1. A: Jessica .(not write) to me recently. B: I (hear) from her last week. 2. A: The French class ..(begin) a seven last night, but I was late. B: You .(never arrive) on time this term! 3. A: .. your sister .. (already plan) her wedding? B: Yes, but she (not post) the invitations yet. 4. A: Peter .. (not play) any computer games lately. B: I know. He . (have) a lot of schoolwork recently. 5. A: .. you (buy) any new CDs yesterday? B: Yes, but I . (not listen) to them yet. 7. Fill the gaps in this letter with suitable verbs. Use the present simple or continuous, or the past simple or continuous. (1 points) Dear Anita, Thank you for your entertaining letter, which .(arrive) yesterday. I ..(begin) to feel much better although my leg still (hurt) if I (walk) too far. Last weekend I ..(visit) some friends who ..(spend) their summer holidays just up the road from here. They are very nice I hope you will meet them if you come here next month. I (go) to their house quite easily, but while I (return) home, my leg .(start) to ache really badly. So this week I ..(be) more careful. I am very pleased you .(manage) to find that book about Indian music that you .(look) for. I have some cassettes you can borrow if you.(want). I must stop now, because I ..(be) rather tired. Please write again and send me some books. This is a lovely place, but you know me, I ..(get) bored very quickly! With much love, Alice

READING PAYING A PRICE FOR NEWS Is It right for a journalist to pay for a news story? Shouldnt reporters always interview people for free? Before you decide, consider the following cases. Rebecca Loos, a 26 year old from Madrid, received &350000 for telling the British tabloid , News of the World, that she had an affair with football stat David Beckham. Edward Fine, a survivor of the World Trade Center disaster in New York, charged $911 for a two hour interview. At least 12 newspapers and television stations paid him the money he requested. The practice of paying for interviews is becoming more and more common, and some interviewees even hire lawyers to help them get the highest price. Journalists who pay for interviews, however, do not feel that they are doing anything immoral. After all, they say, television stations get interviews by giving the people the opportunity to appear on television. They insist that this is just another form of payment. But not every newspaper and television station is willing to pay for news stories. Editors feel that the payment will influence the interviewer to write a story that makes the interviewee look good. Another point that is often made is that when criminals are paid for an interview, it is as though they are profiting from their crimes. A well-known interviewee, Monica Lewinsky, who became famous because of her relationship with former US president Bill Clinton, points to other aspects. She said she accepted money for an interview in order to tell her story to the world and to pay enormous legal bills. So in the end, the readers must decide whether interviews that are paid for are less credible than those given for free. Are the following statements true or false. Find evidence in the text to support your answer. (0.2 points) 1. Some interviewers negotiate their payment with the help of a lawyer. 2. Some journalists think that receiving money is the same as appearing on television. Complete the sentences (0.3 points) 1. For a large sum of money, Rebecca Loos agreed 2. Some editors refuse to pay criminals for interviews because they dont . 3. Readers must decide. Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (1 point) 1. romantic relationship 2. asked for 3. employ 4. very large WRITING (2 points) Write a composition of about 100 words on one of the following topics. 1. Media and Gossip 2. Describe your favourite celebrity.

MODERN WARS MAY CAUSE ECOLOGICAL DISASTER IN THE WORLD During the recent Iraqi war, Americans, and their allies used bombs and missiles with depleted uranium, because the danger of such projectiles to human health hadn`t been confirmed. Several experts say that weapons containing depleted uranium are very dangerous for the health of soldiers, the local population and also for the environment. The most destructive bombs are filled with depleted uranium: these bombs were used in Afghanistan. A biochemist from Berlin, Professor Albrecht Schott examined the genetic map of 19 British veterans from the first Persian Gulf War. Analysis of this kind is complicated, laborious and expensive, but despite this, Albrecht is determined to investigate a so-called Balkan syndrome. This name was given to frequent cases of cancer, leukaemia in particular, among veterans from the wars in Bosnia, Kosovo and the first war in Iraq when weapons filled with depleted uranium were used. The British and American ministries of Defence have carried out extensive research on the problem, and they now say that there is no connection between the usage of depleted uranium and the so- called Balkan syndrome. For this reason, financial aid for Schott`s investigations was denied, so the scientist decided to carry out the research himself, using his own money. The professor says: I examined the veterans and discovered considerable defects in the chromosomal structures of all the 19 men. 67% of the descendents of the first Persian Gulf War veterans have serious congenital defects. Thousands of people from Iraq, southern Iraq, and especially Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, have suffered from the effects of depleted uranium used in weapons. Radioactive aerosol emerging after an explosion spreads over many kilometers. 1. Based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions using your own words as far as possible. ( 2 points ) 1. Why have the Americans and their allies stopped giving money for Dr Schotts research? 2. Why, apart from soldiers who manipulate the nuclear weapons, are civilians from nearby countries affected too? 2. Say whether the following sentences are true or false according to the text. Give evidence from the text. ( 1 point ) 1. Dr Schott has decided to stop investigating after the British and American denial to support his research. 2. The so-called Balkan syndrome may have serious consequences for the soldiers` families. 3. Find in the text a synonym for the following words or expressions. ( 1 point ) 1. Proved 2. Study something carefully and in detail 3. Common 4. Relationship, link 4. Match both columns and write meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. All of them have mistakes. ( 2 points ) 1. It is embarrassing for them why they should be obliged to? 2. If nobody doesn`t want to go to war to send more troops to the area. 3. The reason because I am against the war not have found any mass destruction weapon yet. 4. Some politicians suggested is that I don`t want innocent people die. 5. Write a composition of about 100 words on one of the following topics. 1. Write a letter to a friend telling him why you are for or against the war. 2. The negative effects of war on the environment.

FEEDING AFRICA In Zambia and Zimbabwe, although many people are on the border of starvation, scientifically modified corn donated by the United States has recently been banned due to safety concerns. But behind the protests, other African countries have been developing their own genetically modified foods. African agriculture is suffering, and scientists in Kenya, South Africa and Egypt are trying to compensate by creating durable crops which are resistant to insects and disease and that tolerable dry soil, lacking in nutrients. According to Kenyan scientist Christopher Ngichabe, biotechnology can play an important role in crop improvement. We are not saying it is a remedy, but it can address some problems. Dr Wambugu, one of the continent`s leading supporters of modifications, imagines a day when Africa will be fully stocked with genetically altered produce, just as tasty and nutritious as those provided by Mother Nature, but more durable. Despite the benefits of the modified foods, critics of the experimentation argue that Africa does not have the regulation agencies necessary to ensure that biotechnological modifications do not harm the environment. They worry that altered genes may disrupt the world`s biological diversity, producing, for instance, troublesome weeds that are resistant to herbicides. Although genetically modified food is a controversial topic in Africa right now, the recent American governmental decision to finance educational research of genetically modified foods may help solve this controversy. It is a matter of life and death, said Dr Wambugu. I`d rather save a life than let millions die for theoretical reasons. 1. Say whether the following sentences are true or false and write down which part of the text justifies your answer (2 points). a) Africa is developing genetically modifies food for itself. b) African soil is ideal for agriculture. c) Dr Wambugu would not like to see genetically altered food produced in Africa. d) Weeds resistant to herbicides would be and advantage for agriculture. 2. Answer the following questions in your own words (2 points). a) According to the text, why is Africa a difficult place to farm? b) Use your own words to explain how different African countries are demonstrating a difference of opinion.

3.Find words or phrases in the text that correspond in meaning to the words and definitions given. (1.5 points) a) leading b) immersed c) expand 4. Complete the following sentences without changing the meaning. (1.5 points) a) We can`t accept the modified corn because it will affect the environment, said scientists in Zambia. Scientists in Zambia b) Biotechnology is not a remedy, but it can address some problems. Although c) Altered genes may produce troublesome weeds resistant to herbicides. Troublesome weeds 5. Write a short essay (about 100 words) on the following topic: Is today`s society capable of solving the problem of world hunger? Why or Why not? ( 3 points )

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