TMP 65
TMP 65
TMP 65
Milcu, A., Partsch, S., Langel, R. and Scheu, S. 2006. The response of decomposers
(earthworms, springtails and microorganisms) to variations in species and functional
group diversity of plants. / Oikos 112: 513 /524.
Decomposers are crucial for transforming complex available for producers to rebuild complex organic
organic materials into inorganic forms without which matter. Despite the fact that decomposer microorgan-
dead organic material would accumulate irreversibly isms also immobilize inorganic nutrients which may
(Schlesinger 1997). The inextricable decomposer / result in competition with producers, the two compart-
producer co-dependency constitutes of the mineraliza- ments essentially complement each other (Harte and
tion of organic matter by decomposers making nutrients Kinzig 1993).
1 /16 1 1 4 G, 4 Sh, 4 Th, 4 L monoculture of Cc; Fp; Fr; Pp; Pl; Bp;
Pv; Gh; Co; Dc; Cb; Gm; Lp; Vic; Ov;
17 /18 2 1 2G Fp, Dg; Fr, Tf
19 /20 2 1 2 Sh Bp, To; Pl, Bp
21 /22 2 1 2 Th Cb, Dc; Cj, Ra
23 /24 2 1 2L Ov, Tr; Lc, Tp
25 2 2 GSh Tf, To
26 2 2 GSh Pp, Pl
27 2 2 ThL Cj, Td
28 2 2 ThL Dc, Ms
29 2 2 GTh Fp, Cj
30 2 2 GTh Ap, Dc
31 2 2 ShL La, Tr
32 2 2 ShL Pl, Td
33 4 1 G Ap, Pt, Ao, Be
34 4 1 Sh Pv, Pm, Pl, Lh
35 4 1 Th Am, Dc, Cp, Ka
36 4 1 L Lc, Ov, Ms, Tr
37 4 2 GSh Pt, Be, Pl, Pv
38 4 2 ThL Cp, Cb, Tr, VIc
39 4 2 GTh Fp, Pt, Am, Cb
40 4 2 ShL To, Pl, Tr, Lp
41 4 3 GShTh Ao, Pt, Pv, Am
42 4 3 GThL Tf, TRp, Cb, Ms
43 4 3 GShL Php, Bp, Th, VIc
44 4 3 ShThL Bp, La, Ka, VIc
45 4 4 GShThL Bh, La, Lv, Ml
46 4 4 GShThL Ao, Pl, Co, Td
47 4 4 GShThL Ao, Pv, Ka, Tp
48 4 4 GShThL Fp, Pl, Am, Ov
49 8 1 G Hl, Cc, Pt, Dg, Ao, Fr, Ap, Tf
50 8 1 Sh Bp, To, Lh, La, Gh, Vc, Pm, Pv
51 8 1 Th Ka, Ra, Dc, Lv, Co, Gm, Cb, Cj,
52 8 1 L Tp, Ov, Ms, Td, Lp, Th, Tr, Lc
53 8 2 GSh Ao, Fr, Bh, Cc, Pl, Lh, Gh, To
54 8 2 ThL Cp, Ka, Cb, Am, Lc, Td, Ml, Th
55 8 2 GTh Php, Fr, Be, Ap, Ra, Cj, Cb, Cp
56 8 2 ShL Bp, Vc, To, La, Ml, Lp, VIc, Td
57 8 3 GShTh Fp, Be, Pm, Pv, Lh, Am, Cj, TRp
58 8 3 GThL Ao, Pt, Be, Co, Lv, Ov, Th, Lc
59 8 3 GShL Cc, Php, Tf, Gh, Vc, Pm, Tr, Lc
60 8 3 ShThL Bp, Lh, Cb, Gm, Ra, Lc, Tr, Ov
61 8 4 GShThL Pt, Php, Lh, Gh, Ka, Ra, Td, Th
62 8 4 GShThL Php, Pt, To, Pm, Ra, Co, Ml, Td
63 8 4 GShThL Pt, Tf, Pl, Lh, Dc, Co, Td, Ml
64 8 4 GShThL Hl, Bh, Pl, La, Lv, Cb, Tr, Ov
transplantation of plant seedlings. The litter material geophagous earthworm species, whereas L. terrestris is
(2.53% N, C/N ratio 17.3) was collected near the site an anecic litter feeding species. Both species are among
from which the soil had been taken, dried at 608C and the dominant species at the Jena Biodiversity Experi-
cut into pieces about 3 cm in length. ment field site. Earthworms were weighed prior to
One subadult Aporrectodea caliginosa (Savigny) and placement in the microcosms (average fresh weight 863
one juvenile of Lumbricus terrestris L. were added to and 927 mg for A. caliginosa and L. terrestris, respec-
half of the microcosms. A. caliginosa is an endogeic tively). Twenty individuals of each of three Collembola
suggesting that the plant species and functional group Collembola and plant functional group diversity, with
effects were not due to increased plant biomass. legumes contributing most to this effect (Table 2). In
The percentage of L. terrestris individuals collected at presence of legumes and without Collembola earthworm
the end of the experiment was only around 60%; despite tissue 15N atom% slightly increased; in contrast, in
the 10 cm transparent fences used, some individuals presence of Collembola it decreased (Fig. 2b). Again,
managed to escape form the pots in the last weeks of the this suggests that presence of legumes provided addi-
experiment when the plants were used to evade. On tional nitrogen that diminished the competition for
average, the biomass of the surviving individuals had nitrogen between A. caliginosa and Collembola that
increased by 34%. In contrast to A. caliginosa the occurred in the absence of legumes. As a result the total
presence of Collembola did not affect the body weight earthworm N tissue content did not decrease but the 15N
of L. terrestris, but it decreased with plant species atom% declined, presumably in part through assimila-
diversity in treatments with legumes, whereas in treat- tion of nitrogen with low 15N signature typical for
ments without legumes it was at a maximum at the legume fixed nitrogen.
maximum plant species diversity (S /L interaction
F3,42 /4.06, P/0.0128; Fig. 1c).
A.caliginosa N %
-0.1 12.8
-0.2 12.6
ew 12.4 ew
ew + coll ew + coll
-0.4 12.2
1 2 4 8 Without With
Plant species diversity Legume presence
0.5 0.156
0.2 0.148
0.1 0.146
-0.1 ew ew
ew + coll ew + coll
-0.2 0.138
1 2 3 4 Without With
Functional group diversity Legume presence
(c) 1.0 Fig. 2. (a) Tissue nitrogen concentration and (b) 15N atom% of
Aporrectodea caliginosa as affected by Collembola and presence
of legumes. Error bars represent9/SE.
Changes in body weight [g]
Presence of legumes reduced the density of F. candida
( /23%) and H. nitidus (/49%), whereas grasses
increased the density of these Collembola species (/
146 and /90% for P. fimata and H. nitidus, respec-
tively). However, for H. nitidus the effect depended on
the presence of earthworms. In the presence of earth-
- leg worms grasses lead to a more than four fold higher
+ leg
-0.2 density of H. nitidus (significant Ew /G interaction,
1 2 4 8
Table 3, Fig. 3a). Also, legumes affected the density of H.
Plant species diversity nitidus but again, the effect depended on the presence of
Fig. 1. (a) Body weight of Aporrectodea caliginosa as affected earthworms. In the presence of earthworms legumes
by plant species diversity and Collembola and (b) plant reduced the density of H. nitidus by 70% (significant
functional group diversity and Collembola, and (c) body weight
of Lumbricus terrestris as affected by plant species diversity and Ew /L interaction, Table 3, Fig. 3b).
presence of legumes. Error bars represent9/SE. Of the grass species, mixtures containing T. flavescens,
F. rubra and F. pratensis strongly increased the density
not in P. fimata . Using shoot biomass, total plant of P. fimata, suggesting that certain combinations of
biomass or the biomass ratio between different plant plant species affected the reproduction and survival of
fuctional groups per pot as covariables did not affect the Collembola. The significant interaction between legumes
plant diversity effect on P. fimata suggesting that neither and grasses reflects that the increase in Collembola
of these factors contributed to the observed effect of density in presence of grasses was less pronounced if
plant species diversity on the numbers of P. fimata. legumes were also present. Tall herbs also affected the
E F1/94 /3.30 P /0.0725 F1/94 /2.55 P /0.1138 F1/94 /0.10 P /0.7535 F1/94 /6.04 P/0.0158
FG F3/94 /0.53 P /0.6634 F3/94 /3.41 P /0.0208 F3/94 /0.93 P /0.4301 F3/94 /0.87 P/0.4587
FG log linear F3/94 /3.11 P /0.0805 F1/122 /5.66 P /0.0189 F1/122 /0.01 P /0.9163 F1/122 /1.25 P/0.2655
FG deviation F3/94 /2.08 P /0.1293 F1/122 /0.84 P /0.4335 F1/122 /1.12 P /0.3309 F1/122 /0.37 P/0.6904
S F3/94 /3.18 P /0.0274 F3/94 /4.57 P /0.0050 F3/94 /0.20 P /0.8932 F3/94 /2.69 P/0.0506
S log linear F1/122 /3.17 P /0.0775 F1/122 /5.63 P /0.0192 F1/122 /0.28 P /0.5967 F1/122 /2.57 P/0.1113
S deviation F2/122 /2.38 P /0.0967 F1/122 /2.22 P /0.1128 F1/122 /0.10 P /0.9028 F1/122 /1.65 P/0.2017
L F1/94 /5.24 P /0.0243 F1/94 /1.92 P /0.1688 F1/94 /9.19 P/0.0031 F1/94 /6.44 P/0.0128
G F1/94 /0.82 P /0.3678 F1/94 /39.35 P B/0.0001 F1/94 /23.17 PB/0.0001 F1/94 /21.02 PB/0.0001
Sh F1/94 /2.87 P /0.0934 F1/94 /3.46 P /0.0662 F1/94 /0.06 P /0.8123 F1/94 /0.36 P/0.5488
Th F1/94 /2.24 P /0.1375 F1/94 /9.16 P /0.0032 F1/94 /2.38 P /0.1260 F1/94 /2.08 P/0.1522
L/G F3/94 /4.80 P /0.0037 F3/94 /16.28 P B/0.0001 F3/94 /7.92 PB/0.0001 F3/94 /7.07 P/0.0002
E /FG F3/94 /0.04 P /0.9889 F3/94 /0.46 P /0.7089 F1/94 /1.46 P /0.2304 F1/94 /0.47 P/0.7042
E /S F3/94 /2.62 P /0.0554 F3/94 /2.21 P /0.0923 F1/94 /2.15 P /0.0987 F1/94 /1.92 P/0.1319
E/L F3/94 /2.45 P /0.1209 F1/94 /0.10 P /0.7528 F3/94 /6.52 P/0.0123 F1/94 /1.11 P/0.2948
E/G F3/94 /1.08 P /0.3005 F3/94 /0.03 P /0.8715 F3/94 /6.63 P/0.0116 F3/94 /0.76 P/0.3861
E/Sh F3/94 /2.27 P /0.1350 F3/94 /0.00 P /0.9587 F3/94 /0.51 P /0.4778 F3/94 /1.22 P/0.2728
E/Th F3/97 /1.21 P /0.2747 F3/94 /0.18 P /0.6710 F3/94 /0.48 P /0.4908 F3/94 /0.67 P/0.4136
S/L F3/94 /1.32 P /0.2718 F3/94 /0.85 P /0.4722 F3/94 /1.95 P /0.1264 F3/94 /1.84 P/0.1541
S/G F3/94 /0.14 P /0.9363 F3/94 /0.79 P /0.5013 F3/94 /0.16 P /0.9210 F3/94 /0.63 P/0.6001
S/Sh F3/94 /1.28 P /0.2872 F3/94 /0.54 P /0.6555 F3/94 /1.01 P /0.3936 F3/94 /0.60 P/0.6134
S/Th F3/94 /4.56 P /0.0050 F2/94 /2.07 P /0.1089 F2/94 /0.96 P /0.4138 F3/94 /4.38 P/0.0062
density of P. fimata ; in presence of tall herbs the density Microbial biomass was only affected by earthworms;
was reduced by 25%. in the presence of earthworms it decreased on average by
Presence of earthworms generally tended to affect approximatively 4%. Including root biomass, total plant
each of the Collembola species but their effect varied biomass and the biomass ratio between plant functional
with plant species diversity (P B/0.1) for each of the groups per pot as covariables suggest that root biomass
three species (E /S interactions; Table 3). On average, contributed to the plant diversity effect on basal
the presence of earthworms reduced the density of respiration (drop of P-values to 0.0644), but these
F. candida ( /47%; Table 3) which was most pronounced parameters did not contribute to the reduction in
in the two plant species treatment ( /59%) and least microbial biomass in the presence of earthworms nor
pronounced in the one plant species treatment ( /28%), to the effect of tall herbs on soil respiration.
however, the effects were only marginally significant Data on the response of plants to decomposer
(E /S interaction, Table 3). In contrast to F. candida , P. manipulation is subject to another paper (S. Partsch,
fimata was less sensitive to the presence of earthworms. A. Milcu and S. Scheu, unpubl.). We did not find
unnaturally high root biomass in the microcosms as
compared with the field conditions.
Microbial basal respiration but not microbial biomass Discussion
was significantly affected by soil water content as
indicated by ANCOVA (Table 4). The presence of Earthworms
earthworms reduced microbial basal respiration by Earthworms are considered to be strongly influenced by
17%, whereas Collembola did not affect microbial the amount of plant residues entering the soil (Edwards
respiration (Fig. 4a). Microbial basal respiration but and Bohlen 1996). Since most of the biomass produced
not microbial biomass was significantly affected by plant by plants ultimately enters the detrital system earth-
species and functional group diversity, decreasing log- worms should benefit from increased primary produc-
linearly and linearly, respectively, with the increase in tion. Since primary production increases with plant
species and functional group diversity (Fig. 4b, 4c). species richness in grassland communities (Hector
Basal respiration was at a maximum in the two species et al. 1999, Tilman et al. 2001) plant species diversity
treatment and at a minimum in the eight species likely also impacts earthworms and other decomposers.
treatment with the one and four species treatment being In fact, in field experiments Zaller and Arnone (1999)
intermediate. In the presence of tall herbs basal respira- and Spehn et al. (2000) found the biomass of earth-
tion was increased by ca 5%. worms to increase with increasing plant species richness.
Table 4. ANCOVA table of F-values on the effect of Earthworms (E), Collembola (C), number of plant species (S), number of plant
functional groups (FG) and presence of legumes (L), grasses (G), small herbs (Sh) and tall herbs (Th) on microbial basal respiration
and microbial biomass; soil water content was used as covariable.
1.7 Collembola
1.6 In contrast to our expectation the density of Collembola
1.5 did not consistently increase with plant species diversity
nor with legume presence. Rather, the Collembola
1 2 4 8 species used differentially responded to the experimental
Plant species diversity treatments suggesting that functional groups of Collem-
bola differentially respond to plant community compo-
(c) 2.2 sition. The only species which significantly increased in
2.1 density with plant species diversity was P. fimata .
Consistently, species of the genus Protaphorura have
µl O2 h-1 g soil dw-1
been reported previously to benefit from an increase in
1.9 species diversity in a field experiment (Salamon et al.
1.8 2004). High densities of Protaphorura species in the
latter study were associated with high fine root biomass,
high microbial biomass and high soil water content. As
1.6 indicated by ANCOVAs using root biomass, microbial
1.5 biomass and soil water content as covariables these
factors were not responsible for the increased density of
P. fimata in our experiment. Rather, high density of P.
1 2 3 4 fimata (and also of H. nitidus ) was associated with the
Plant functional group diversity presence of grasses (but not grass biomass as indicated
by ANCOVA), in particular that of Trisetum flavescens,
Fig. 4. Microbial basal respiration as affected by (a) decom- Festuca rubra and Festuca pratensis. This indicates that
posers, (b) plant species diversity and (c) plant functional group
diversity. Adjusted means and standard deviation calculated the identity of functional groups (grasses) and within
using water as covariable (average water content 30.8%). Error functional groups the identity of plant species is more
bars represent9/SE. important for Collembolan performance then the diver-
sity of plant species and functional group per se.
(Scheu et al. 1999). Overall, the results indicate that the Total density of Collembola was reduced in the
relationship between earthworms and Collembola is presence of earthworms (/20%), in particular that of
complex; depending on the diversity of the plant F. candida (/46%),. As hemiedaphic species F. candida
community and the element considered (C or N). predominantly colonizes the litter layer; the reduced
Collembola may facilitate or inhibit earthworm resource density in the presence of earthworms therefore likely
acquisition. was caused by removal of litter by earthworms, in