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Vivisecting YouTube: An Active Measurement Study

Vijay Kumar Adhikari, Sourabh Jain, Yingying Chen, and Zhi-Li Zhang
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Minnesota {viadhi,sourj,yingying,zhzhang}@cs.umn.edu

We build a distributed active measurement infrastructure to uncover the internals of the YouTube video delivery system. We deduce the key design features behind the YouTube video delivery system by collecting and analyzing a large amount of video playback logs, DNS mappings and latency data and by performing additional measurements to verify the ndings. We nd that the design of the YouTube video delivery system consists of three major components: a at video id space, multiple DNS namespaces reecting a multilayered logical organization of video servers, and a 3-tier physical cache hierarchy. Further, YouTube employs a set of sophisticated mechanisms to handle video delivery dynamics such as cache misses and load sharing among its globally distributed cache locations and datacenters.



Since its inception in 2005, YouTube has seen explosive growth in its popularity; today it is indisputably the worlds largest video sharing site [16]. Given the trac volume, geographical span and scale of operations, the design of YouTubes content delivery infrastructure is perhaps one of the most challenging engineering tasks (in the context of most recent Internet development). Before Google took over YouTube in late 2006 [7] and subsequently re-structured the YouTube video delivery infrastructure, it was known that YouTube employed several data centers in US [2] as well as thirdparty content delivery networks [9, 17] to stream videos to users. Since Googles take-over, YouTube has grown rapidly and became several-fold larger both in terms of users and videos. For instance, using inter-domain trafc collected in 2007 and 2009 at hundreds of ISPs across the world, the authors of a recent study [8] show that Google has become one of the top ve inter-domain trafc contributors in 2009 (while not even among the top 10 in 2007); a large portion of Googles trac can be attributed to YouTube. While it is widely expected that Google has incorporated the YouTube delivery system into its own vast Internet infrastructure in the past few years, little is known how Google leverages its engineering talents and resources to re-design and re-structure 1

the YouTube video delivery infrastructure to meet the rapidly growing user demands as well as performance expectations. This paper attempts to reverse-engineer the YouTube video delivery system through large-scale active measurement, data collection and analysis. The rationale behind our YouTube vivisection study is multi-fold. First of all, we are not simply interested in uncovering, e.g., where YouTube video cache servers or data centers are located, but more in the design principles underlying Googles re-structuring of the YouTube video delivery system. For instance, we are particularly interested in answering the following important design questions: i) how does YouTube design and deploy a scalable and distributed delivery infrastructure to match the geographical span of its users and meet varying user demands? ii) how does YouTube perform load-balancing across its large pool of Flash video servers (and multiple locations)? iii) given the sheer volume of YouTube videos which renders it too costly, if not nearly impossible, to replicate content at all locations, what strategies does YouTube use to quickly nd the right content to deliver to users? and iv) how does YouTube handle the vastly diering popularity of videos in addressing the questions ii) and iii) above? Answer to these questions are very important for future large-scale content providers and content delivery system designers because YouTube video delivery system represents one of the best practices in Internetscale content delivery system. Additionally, because of the signicant volume of trac that YouTube generates, this reverse-engineering work also helps Internet service providers to understand how YouTube trac might impact their trac patterns. It is with these goals in mind that we set out to uncover the internals of the YouTube video delivery system by building a globally distributed active measurement infrastructure, and to deduce its underlying design principles through careful and extensive data analysis and experiments. In the following we briey outline our work. The global scale of the YouTube video delivery system and the use of separate servers to service the stan-

dard HTML content vs. video content (see Section 2.1) pose several challenges in actively measuring, and collecting data from the YouTube video delivery system. To address these challenges, we have developed a distributed active measurement platform with more than 1000 vantage points spanning ve continents. As described in Section 2.2, our globally distributed measurement platform consists of three key components: i) PlanetLab nodes that are used for crawling the YouTube website, performing DNS resolutions, and YouTube video playback; ii) open recursive DNS servers to provide additional vantage points to perform DNS resolutions; and iii) emulated YouTube Flash video players running on PlanetLab nodes and two 24-node compute clusters in our lab for downloading and playing back YouTube videos and for larges-scale data analysis. This distributed active measurement platform enables us to play half a million YouTube videos , and collect extensive YouTube DNS mappings at each vantage point, and detailed video playback traces. Through careful and systematic data analysis and inference and by conducting extensive experiments to test and understand the behavior of the YouTube video delivery system, we not only geo-locate (a large portion of) YouTube video server locations and map out its cache hierarchy, but also uncover and deduce the logical design of the YouTube video delivery system and the key mechanisms it employ to handle delivery dynamics. We provide a high-level summary of the key ndings regarding the YouTube design below, and refer the reader to Section 3 for more specics. The design of the YouTube video delivery system consists of three components: a at video id space, a multi-layered logical server organization consisting of ve anycast 1 namespaces (and two unicast namespaces), and a 3-tiered physical cache hierarchy with (at least) 38 primary locations, 8 secondary and 5 tertiary locations. YouTube assigns a xed-length (unique) identier to each video and employs a xed hashing to map the video id space to the logical namespaces. Such a xed video-id-to-hostname mapping makes it easy for YouTube web servers to generate URLs referencing videos that users are interested in without knowing where each video is located or currently cached. YouTube leverages (coarse-grained) locality-aware DNS resolution to service user video requests by mapping the (rst-layer) logical hostnames to physical video servers (IP addresses) in primary cache locations that are reasonably close to users. To perform ner-grained dynamic load-balancing and handle cache misses, YouTube
In this paper by an anycast (DNS) namespace we mean that each (DNS) hostname in the space is by design mapped to multiple IP addresses (physical video servers). In contrast, a unicast hostname is mapped to a single (unique) IP address.

employs a clever and complex mix of dynamic HTTP redirections and additional rounds of DNS resolution (of anycast and unicast hostnames). More specically, YouTube utilizes the layered anycast namespaces to redirect video requests across the physical cache hierarchy , and the unicast namespaces to redirect video requests from one video server to another within the same location or tier. In a nutshell, by introducing multiple (layered) DNS namespaces and employing a xed mapping of the video id space to the DNS namespaces, YouTube cleverly leverages the existing DNS system and the HTTP protocol to map its logical server cache hierarchy to the physical delivery infrastructure this enables a scalable, robust and exible design. In Section 4, Section 5 and Section 6 we present more details regarding how we derive these ndings, including analysis performed, the methods used, and additional experiments conducted to verify and validate the ndings. In Section 7 we will summarize the lessons learned, state how YouTube design diers from other CDNs, and briey discuss what insights these lessons may shed on the design of largescale Internet content delivery systems in general. Related Work. Before we delve into our work of reverse-engineering the YouTube video delivery system, we briey discuss several pieces of related work. Most existing studies of YouTube mainly focus on user behaviors or the system performance. For instance, the authors in [3,4] examined the YouTube video popularity distribution, popularity evolution, and its related user behaviors and key elements that shape the popularity distribution using data-driven analysis. The authors in [6] investigate the (top 100 most viewed) YouTube video le characteristics and usage patterns such as the number of users, requests, as seen from the perspective of an edge network. Similarly, [12] compares multiple video service providers in terms of data center locations and user perceived delay. Another study [17] analyzed network traces for YouTube trac at a campus network to understand benets of alternative content distribution strategies. In a recent study carried in [2], the authors utilize the Netow trac data passively collected at various locations within a tier-1 ISP to uncover the locations of YouTube data center locations, and infer the load-balancing strategy employed by YouTube at the time. The focus of the study is on the impact of YouTube load-balancing on the ISP trac dynamics, from the perspective of the tier-1 ISP. As the data used in the study is from spring 2008, the results reect the YouTube delivery infrastructure pre Google restructuring. Another work that is similar to this paper is presented in [15]. In [15], Torres et al. examine data collected from multiple networks to uncover the server selection strategies YouTube uses. Our work diers signicantly from [15] because the focus of our work is to

uncover the overall architecture (see Section 3), and not just how YouTube does server selection. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the rst study that attempts to reverse engineer the current YouTube video delivery system to understand its overall architecture. Initial results from this research also appear in [1].



In this section we rst briey describe the basics of YouTube video delivery, in particular, the roles of YouTube web servers and Flash video servers. We then provide an overview of our distributed active YouTube measurement and data collection platform.

2.1 YouTube Video Delivery Basics

Figure 1: YouTube Typical Steps involved in YouTube Video Delivery. Users typically go to the YouTube website and watch videos using a web browser equipped with the Adobe Flash Player plug-in, where videos are streamed from (individual) YouTube Flash video servers (separate from the YouTube web servers). In the following, we provide a brief overview of the sequence of steps involved when a user goes to the YouTube website and watches a video directly from the website. The steps are schematically shown in Fig. 1. Each YouTube video is identied by a URL (more specically, the 11-literal string after v= is the video id, namely, tObjCw WgKs, in the example URL below). When a user goes to the YouTube website, or clicks on any URL of the form http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tObjCw WgKs on an existing YouTube web page using her browser, the browser rst resolves the hostname www.youtube.com using the local DNS server (LDNS). The HTTP request from the user is then directed to one of the YouTube web servers returned by the YouTube DNS system. The web server returns a HTML page with one or more embedded (i.e., invisible) URLs of certain forms, e.g., v23.lscache5.c.youtube.com, pointing to the Flash video server. 3

When the user clicks the playback button of an embedded Flash video object on the page (or when the video starts automatically), another round of DNS resolution occurs, resolving, say, v23.lscache5.c.youtube.com, to one of the many YouTube (front-end2 ) Flash video servers, which then streams the video to the users browser. In fact, the YouTube front-end video server rst resolved may redirect (via the HTTP request redirection) the video request to another video server, which may again redirect the request, until it nally reaches a video server that is able to stream the video to the users browser. Hence multiple additional rounds of DNS resolutions (and HTTP redirections) may happen before the video is nally delivered to the user. In summary, YouTube uses separate (web vs. Flash video) servers to deliver HTML webpages and videos to users. Furthermore, YouTube uses both DNS resolution and HTTP redirection (as part of the Flash video delivery operations) to select appropriate video servers for video delivery to users. Clearly, these strategies are needed so as to to take into account factors such as user locality, availability (and popularity) of videos at various video servers, the status of video servers (e.g., how busy a video server is), and so forth. This logical structure of YouTube video delivery as well as its globally distributed physical delivery infrastructure pose several challenges in actively measuring and collecting data from the YouTube delivery system. For example, one cannot simply crawl the YouTube website and perform DNS resolutions to uncover YouTube video servers, due to the Flash video objects used by video playback and multiple redirections among video servers (many of which are not directly visible on YouTube web pages) within a multi-tiered video server cache hierarchy deployed by YouTube (see Section 3).

2.2 Active Measurement Platform

The globally distributed video delivery infrastructure of YouTube necessitates a geographically dispersed (active) measurement platform. As shall be clear later, the YouTube (or rather, Google) DNS system takes into account the locality of users (or rather the local DNS servers issuing the DNS requests) to resolve its DNS names to IP addresses: when the YouTube DNS system receives a DNS request from a local DNS server (of a user), only IP addresses (of a web server or a video server) close to the local DNS server purportedly also close to the user making a video request are returned. Hence in order to uncover as many YouTube
We refer to the YouTube Flash video servers with DNSresolvable public IP addresses as the front-end video servers, as we understand that they are likely supported by multiple physical machines behind the scene, or even a number of back-end video server clusters. This is especially likely to be the case for YouTube secondary and tertiary video cache servers, see Section 3.

servers as possible, we need a large number of vantage points that are geographically dispersed to collect data.

Figure 2: Our Active Measurement Platform. To address the challenges posed by the YouTube global delivery infrastructure, we have developed a distributed active measurement and data collection platform consisting of the following three key components (see Fig.2): i) PlanetLab nodes that are used for both crawling the YouTube website, performing DNS resolutions, as well as functioning as proxy servers for YouTube video playback (see below); ii) open recursive DNS servers that are used for issuing DNS requests and verifying DNS resolution results; and iii) emulated YouTube Flash video players running on PlanetLab nodes and two 24-node compute clusters in our lab and a proxy web server architecture using the PlanetLab nodes for forwarding YouTube videos to our compute clusters for video playback. Our platform utilizes 471 PlanetLab nodes that are distributed at 271 geographical dispersed sites (university campuses, organization or companies), and 843 open recursive DNS servers located at various ISPs and organizations. As alluded to earlier , simply crawling YouTube website and web pages to extract URLs that reference YouTube videos is insucient; one needs to actually play those Flash videos to uncover the tiered video cache servers and the process of YouTube redirections among them. To circumvent this diculty, we developed an emulated YouTube Flash video player in Python which emulates the two-stage process involved in playing back a YouTube video: In the rst stage, our emulated video player rst connects to the YouTubes website to download a web page, and extracts the URL referencing a Flash video object. In the second stage, after resolving the DNS name contained in the URL, our emulated video player connects to the YouTube Flash video server thus resolved, and follows the HTTP protocol to download the video object, and records a detailed log of the process. Note that during this process, multiple HTTP request redirections and DNS resolutions may be involved before the Flash video objects can be 4

downloaded for playback. The detailed text-based logs recorded for each step of the process contain a variety of information such as the hostnames and URLs involved in each step, the HTTP request and response messages and their status codes, the basic HTML payload and timestamps for each of the steps. In particular, when there is a failure on the server side, for example, due to the le is not available temporarily, or the server is overloaded and fails to retrieve the video from an upstream or back-end server, the emulated player records the HTTP error code sent by the server. In addition to playing back all the videos using the Flash video player emulator, We also play a large number videos using standard web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox and record all the HTTP and DNS transactions. We use this experiment to verify that our emulator was functioning correctly and the data we collected was not biased because of the use of an emulator. Due to the resource constraints on the PlanetLab nodes, we cannot run standard browsers directly on them to play those YouTube videos. Hence we congure the PlanetLab nodes to function as proxy servers using Squid [13], and run Firefox on two 24-node compute clusters in our lab. As proxy servers, the PlanetLab nodes forward all HTTP requests and replies to the browsers running on our back-end compute clusters; but to YouTube the video requests appear to come from the PlanetLab nodes that are geographically dispersed across multiple continents. This is crucial, as we need a large number of geographically dispersed client machines. In addition, our emulated YouTube Flash video player can be congured to use an open recursive DNS server (instead of the default local DNS server of a PlanetLab node) for resolving YouTube DNS names, contact the YouTube video servers thus resolved to download and play back videos, and record a detailed log of the process. This capability enables us to use the 843 open recursive DNS servers as additional vantage points. Hence we have a total of 1, 314 globally distributed vantage points for active YouTube measurement and data collection. Testing and Verication. Before we deployed the active measurement and data collection platform, we went through a careful testing and verication process to ensure the correctness of our platform. We selected a set of 85 geographically dispersed PlanetLab nodes as proxy servers and a list of several hundreds YouTube videos with varying popularity crawled from the YouTube website. We manually played back these videos in our lab machines using the PlanetLab nodes as proxy servers, and recorded a detailed log of each process. We compared these manually collected datasets with those collected via our emulated YouTube Flash video players (using the same set of PlanetLab nodes as proxy servers), verify the consistency of the manually and automatically collected datasets across dierent Planet-

Lab nodes to ensure the correctness of our platform.

extract an initial list of (unique) videos and the URLs referencing them. Using this initial list as the seeds, we performed a breadth-rst search: we crawled the web2.3 Measurement Methodology and Datasets page for each video from each PlanetLab node, and exGiven the globally distributed active measurement tracted the list of related videos; we then crawled the platform described above, in this section we outline the web-page for each related video, and extracted the list methodology used (and the various steps involved) for of its related videos, and so forth. We repeated this collecting YouTube data, and describe the datasets thus process until each seed video yielded at least 10, 000 collected. We conclude by briey commenting on the unique videos (from each vantage point). The above completeness (or incompleteness) of the datasets. We method of collecting YouTube videos tends to be bimake our data and code publicly available at ased towards popular videos (at various geographical http://networking.cs.umn.edu/youtubedata for the benregions). To mitigate this bias, we take multiple steps. et of the community. First, we add our own short empty videos to the list. We adopt a multi-step process to collect, measure, We also search YouTube for dierent keywords and add and analyze YouTube data. First, we crawl the YouTube to our list only those videos that have very small view website from geographically dispersed vantage points counts. After all these steps, we have a list of 434K using the PlanetLab nodes to collect a list of videos, videos (including their video ids, the (most recent) viewrecord their view counts and other relevant metadata, count and other relevant information). and extract the URLs referencing the videos. Second, Video Playback Traces and HTTP Logs. Using we feed the URLs referencing the videos to our emulated the list of videos we collected, we fed the URLs refYouTube Flash video players, download and playback erencing the videos to our emulated YouTube Flash the Flash video objects from the 471 globally distributed video players to download and playback the Flash vantage points, perform DNS resolutions from these video objects from the 471 globally distributed vanvantage points, and record the entire playback processes tage points. We recorded the entire playback process including HTTP logs. This yields a collection of defor each video at each vantage point. This includes, tailed video playback traces. Third, using the video among other things, the DNS resolution mappings, all playback traces, we extract all the DNS name and IP the URLs, HTTP GET requests and the HTTP readdress mappings from the DNS resolution processes, sponses involved in the playback of each video. This analyze the structures of the DNS names, and perform yields a collection of detailed video playback traces and ping latency measurements from the PlanetLab nodes HTTP logs. These traces and logs play a critical role to the IP addresses, and so forth. Furthermore, we also in our analysis and understanding the YouTube DNS extract the HTTP request redirection sequences, ananamespace structures, video server cache hierarchy and lyze and model these sequences to understand YouTube HTTP request redirection logic and decision process. redirection logic. We repeat the entire process multiple YouTube DNS Names, IP Addresses and DNStimes by extracting additional videos and playing back to-IP Resolution Mappings. Using the video playthem, or repeating the process using the same set (or a back traces, we extracted all the DNS name and IP subset) of videos. address mappings from the DNS resolution processes Furthermore, based on our initial analysis of the YouTube at each vantage points. In total, we extracted 6, 150 DNS namespace structures and HTTP request redirecYouTube DNS names from all the video playback traces. tion sequences, we have also conducted extensive exWe repeated the DNS resolution processes multiple times periments to further test and understand the behavior at dierent times of the day using the PlanetLab nodes of the YouTube video delivery system. For instance, and open recursive DNS servers to test and verify the we uploaded our own videos on the YouTube website DNS-to-IP address mappings, to obtain additional mapto test how YouTube handles cold (rarely viewed) pings (if any), and to check for the completeness of the videos. We also issued video download and playback mappings. In total, we obtained a total of 5, 883 IP requests to specic YouTube video servers to test the addresses for the YouTube DNS names we collected. relations between the YouTube video id space and DNS Other Data and Experiments. In addition to the namespaces as well as to understand the factors inuabove datasets, we also performed other measurements encing the redirection decision process. (See Sections 5 and collected additional data. For instance, we perand 6.3 for the discussion of some of these experiments.) formed the round-trip-delay (RTT) measurements over In the following we summarize the main datasets we time from each PlanetLab node used in our active meahave collected and used in this study. surement platform to each of the 5, 883 IP addresses YouTube Videos and View Counts. We started by (YouTube video servers), and collected several RTT rst crawling the YouTube homepage (www.youtube.com) datasets that are used for geo-locating the YouTube from geographically dispersed vantage points using the video servers (see Section 5). As mentioned earlier, PlanetLab nodes. We parsed the YouTube homepage to 5

Figure 3: YouTube Architectural Design. we also conducted extensive experiments to further test and understand the behavior of the YouTube video delivery system, and collected the relevant measurement data and logs for each experiment. (In)Completeness of Our Measurement Data. We conclude this section by briey commenting on the completeness and incompleteness of the collected datasets. Clearly, the list of videos we collected represents only a small sample of all YouTube videos. In addition, due to the bias inherent in our crawling process, the videos collected tend to be popular videos (especially the initial video seeds used for the breadth-rst search process), and those that are related to the popular videos. To partially correct this bias, we uploaded several videos of our own, the explicit purpose to test and understand how cold videos aect the YouTube delivery process, in particular redirection decisions. In terms of the YouTube DNS names and namespaces used for YouTube video delivery, we believe that they are (nearly) complete, with the possible exception of the unicast r.xxxxxx.c.youtube.com namespaces (see Section 3). We are also condent that the YouTube IP addresses we collected represent a large majority of video servers and cache locations deployed by YouTube However, the design of the DNS namespaces and cache hierarchy makes it easier for YouTube to deploy additional video servers at existing and new locations to meet user demands. Nonetheless, we believe that any incompleteness due to the missing DNS name-to-IP-address mappings does not fundamentally aect the key ndings of our study.



In this section we provide a summary of our key ndings regarding the design and operations of the YouTube global video delivery system. This serves as the road map for the ensuing sections, where we will provide specics as to how we arrive at these ndings, including the data analysis and inference as well as experiments we have performed to verify the ndings.

3.1 Overall Architecture


As schematically shown in Fig. 3, the design of the YouTube video delivery system consists of three major components: the video id space, the multi-layered organization of multiple anycast DNS namespaces (representing logical video servers), and a 3-tier physical server cache hierarchy with (at least) 38 primary locations, 8 secondary locations and 5 tertiary locations. YouTube Video Id Space. Each YouTube video is uniquely identied using a at identier of 11 literals long, where each literal can be [A-Z], [0-9], - or (see Section 4 for details). The total size of the YouTube video id space is eectively 6411 . Three-Tier (Physical) Server Cache Hierarchy and Their Locations. Using the YouTube IP addresses seen in our datasets, we geo-map the YouTube physical video server cache locations, which are dispersed at ve continents (see Fig. 4). Through in-depth analysis of our datasets, we deduce that YouTube employs a 3-tier physical cache hierarchy with (at least) 38 primary cache locations, 8 secondary and 5 tertiary cache locations. About 10 of the primary cache locations are co-located within ISP networks (e.g., Comcast and Bell-Canada), which we refer to as non-Google cache locations. Each location contains varying number of IP addresses (physical video servers), and there are some overlapping between the primary and secondary locations. Multi-Layered Anycast DNS Namespaces. YouTube videos and (physical) cache hierarchy are tied together by a set of (logical) anycast namespaces as well as unicast namespaces. YouTube denes ve (anycast) DNS namespaces, which are organized in multiple layers, each layer representing a collection of logical video servers with certain roles. Logical video servers at each layer are mapped to IP addresses (of physical video servers residing) at various locations within a particular tier of the physical cache hierarchy. As shown in Table 1, there are a total of ve anycast namespaces, which we refer to as, lscache, nonxt, tccache, cache and altcache namespaces; each namespace has a specic format. Columns 4-6 show the total number of IPs, prexes, and locations each DNS namespace is mapped. The rst two namespaces, lscache and nonxt, contain 192 DNS names representing 192 logical video servers; and as will be shown later, they are mapped to the primary cache locations in the YouTube physical cache hierarchy. The tccache namespace also contains 192 DNS names representing 192 logical video servers; but they are mapped to the secondary cache locations in the YouTube physical cache hierarchy. The last two namespaces, cache and altcache, contain 64 DNS names representing 64 logical video servers; they are mapped to the tertiary cache locations in the YouTube physical cache hierarchy. Unicast Namespaces. In addition, for each IP ad-

Table 1: Youtube Anycast (rst ve) and Unicast (last two) Namespaces.
DNS namespace lscache nonxt tccache cache altcache rhost rhostisp format v[1-24].lscache[1-8].c.youtube.com v[1-24].nonxt[1-8].c.youtube.com tc.v[1-24].cache[1-8].c.youtube.com v[1-8].cache[1-8].c.youtube.com alt1.v[1-24].cache[1-8].c.youtube.com r[1-24].c ity[01-16][s,g,t][0-16].c.youtube.com r[1-24].i sp-c ity[1-3].c.youtube.com # hostnames 192 192 192 64 64 5, 044 402 # IPs 4, 999 4, 315 636 320 320 5, 044 402 # prexes 97 68 15 5 5 79 19 # locations 38 30 8 5 5 37 13 any/uni-cast anycast anycast anycast anycast anycast unicast unicast

Figure 4: Geographical distribution of YouTube Video Cache Locations. dress (aphysical video server), YouTube also denes a (unique) unicast DNS hostname. Namely, there is a one-to-one mapping between this hostname and the IP address. As shown in Table 1, the unicast hostnames have two formats; we refer to the collection of hostnames of each format as the rhost and rhostisp (unicast) namespaces. The rhost namespace covers the IP addresses (physical video servers) residing in Google cache locations, whereas rhostisp namespace covers those in non-Google cache locations Last but not the least, we remark that only the hostnames belonging to the lscache namespace are generally visible in the URLs or HTML pages referencing videos. DNS names belonging to the other four anycast namespaces as well as the two unicast namespaces occur mostly only in the URLs used in dynamic HTTP request redirections during video playback. The ve layered anycast namespaces and two unicast namespaces play a critical role in dynamic HTTP request redirection mechanisms employed by YouTube (see below and Section 6.3).

3.2 Mechanisms and Strategies

The introduction of the layered organizations of logical video servers via multiple namespaces enables YouTube to employ several mechanisms and strategies to i) map videos to logical video servers via a xed mapping, and ii) map logical video servers to physical video servers at various locations of its physical cache hierarchy through both (semi-static) DNS resolution and (dynamic) HTTP redirection mechanisms. This leads to scalable and robust operations of the YouTube video delivery system 7

via exible strategies, and allows YouTube to, for instance, eectively perform load balancing and handle cache misses. Fixed Mapping between Video Id Space and Logical Video Servers (Anycast DNS Namespaces). YouTube adopts a xed mapping to map each video id uniquely to one of the 192 DNS names in the lscache namespace. In other words, the video id space is uniformly divided into 192 sectors, and each lscache DNS name representing a logical video cache server is responsible for a xed sector. This xed mapping between the video id space to the lscache DNS namespace (logical video servers) makes it easier for individual YouTube front-end web servers (www.youtube.com) to generate independently and in a distributed fashion HTML pages with embedded URLs pointing to the relevant video(s) users are interested in, regardless where users are located or how logical servers are mapped to physical video servers or cache locations. Furthermore, there is also a xed and consistent mapping between the (anycast) namespaces. For example, there is one-toone mapping between the 192 hostnames of the lscache namespace and those of the tccache namespace. The same also holds for the mappings between other anycast namespaces (see Section 5 for details). These xed mappings make it easy for each (physical) video server to decide given its logical name what portion of videos it is responsible for serving. (Coarse-grained) Locality-Aware Video Cache Selection via DNS Resolution. YouTube employs locality-aware DNS resolution to serve user video requests regionally by mapping lscache hostnames (logical video servers) to physical video servers (IP addresses) residing in primary cache locations reasonably close to users. This server selection strategy is fairly coarsegrained: based on our study, DNS queries for each lscache hostname from more than vantage points, are mapped to approximately 75 IP addresses distributed across the 38 primary cache locations; where each PlanetLab node site generally sees only one IP address per lscache hostname at a time (with some variations across the PlanetLab node sites or over time, see Section 6.1 for details). Background fetch and Dynamic HTTP Request Redirection. The DNS resolution mechanism, while locality-aware, is generally agnostic of server load or

whether a server has the requested video in cache or not. Since the size dierence of the primary cache locations can be quite large (ranging from 9 to 626 IP addresses per location) and the user demand is also likely to vary from one region to another, dynamic load-balancing is needed. Further, the cache size at each location may also dier signicantly, and videos cached at each location can change over time (e.g., due to the diering popularity of videos), cache misses are inevitable: depending on how busy a video server at the primary location, it may either directly fetch (e.g., via the Google internal backbone network) the missed video in the background from another video server which has the video cached and serve the client directly, or redirect the request to another video server at a secondary or tertiary location. Our analysis and experiments show that more than 18% times, a user video request is redirected from a primary video cache server selected via DNS lscache name resolution to another video server. YouTube employs a clever and complex mix of dynamic HTTP redirections and additional rounds of DNS resolution (of anycast and unicast hostnames) to perform ner-grained dynamic load-balancing and to handle cache misses. For instance, our investigation shows that YouTube utilizes the layered anycast namespaces to redirect video requests i) from one location to another location (especially from a non-Google primary cache location to a Google primary cache location via the use of nonxt namespace, also one tertiary cache location to another via the use of the altcache namespace); and ii) from a Google cache location in one tier to another tier (the primary to secondary or tertiary, or the second to tertiary via the use of the tccache , cache and altcache namespaces). There is a strict ordering as to how the anycast namespaces are used for redirection (see Fig. 7). At each step of the redirection process, the corresponding anycast hostname is resolved to an IP address via DNS. YouTube also utilizes the unicast namespaces to dynamically redirect a video request from one video server to a specic server usually (more than 90% of times) within the same cache location, and occasionally in a dierent location. The use of the layered anycast (and unicast ) namespaces enables to enforce an strict ordering and control the redirection process. On the other hand, each redirection (and DNS resolution) process incurs additional delay: YouTube uses both a redirection count and a tag to keep track of the redirection sequences. Up to 9 redirections may happen, although they are rarely observed in the video playback traces we collected.

tion of all video ids as the video id space. In this section we briey discuss how YouTube videos are distributed in this video id space using a list of YouTube video ids we have collected. We also study how YouTube maps video ids to the (anycast) DNS namespaces especially the lscache namespace corresponding to its primary cache locations.

4.1 YouTube Video Ids and Their Distribution

Each YouTube video is uniquely identied using a at identier of 11 literals long. While we nd that the literals in the rst 10 positions can be one of the following 64 symbols: {a-Z, 0-9, , -}, only 16 of these 64 symbols appear in the 11th (last) position. For instance, around 27K out of the 434K YouTube video ids in our list have 0 as the last symbol, but the three symbols after 0, namely, 1, 2, 3, do not appear in the last position in any of the video ids in our list. The same observation holds for other symbols. In other words, while the size of the YouTube video id space is 6411 , the theoretical upper bound on the number of videos in YouTube is 6311 16, still an astronomical number. Analyzing the 434K video ids in our list, we nd that they are uniformly distributed in the video id space. To demonstrate this, we calculate the frequency of each symbol at any of the rst 10 positions in the video ids, and the results are shown in the Figure 5. In this gure, the x-axis represents the 64 symbols, and y-axis is the probability of occurrence of each symbol at one of the rst 10 positions. We see that each symbol has roughly the same probability of appearing at any position in the video ids. The same distribution holds regardless of the popularity of videos. We further verify this nding by collecting a large number of additional video ids as well as by randomly sampling the video id space by querying the YouTube data API.

4.2 Video Id to Anycast Hostname Mapping

As mentioned in Section 3, YouTube employs multiple anycast namespaces (see Table 1) to logically represent its (front-end) Flash video servers or caches that are geographically dispersed. In this section we explore the relation between YouTube videos (or rather, video ids) and these namespaces, in particular, the lscache namespace corresponding to video servers located at its primary cache locations. In other words, given a video requested by a user, we investigate how YouTube decides what DNS name representing a logical video server is responsible to deliver that video. We rst note that only DNS names belonging to the lscache namespace are generally visible in the URLs contained in the YouTube webpages; DNS names belonging to other namespaces only appear in URLs in subsequent HTTP redirection requests (see Section 6.3). We perform a systematic analysis of the YouTube web8



YouTube references each video using a unique at video id, consisting of 11 literals. We refer to the collec-

Probability of occurrence at a given position in the videoid

0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 10 20 30 40 Symbol id 50 60

Position1 Position2 Position3 Position4 Position5 Position6 Position7 Position8 Position9 Position10

Numb e r of v i de os

2000 1500 1000


lscache (Non-Google)

lscache (Google)

nonxt (Google)


500 0




100 150 l sca ch e hostname s


Figure 5:

Figure 7: YouTube namespace hiDistribution of video ids with Figure 6: Number of videos erarchy and redirection order. respect to rst symbol mapped to each lscache hostname. space (recall that video id s are uniformly distributed in this space). This enables YouTube to employ a combination of locality-aware DNS, HTTP redirection (both among and across anycast and unicast namespaces) to perform load-balancing and handle cache misses among the (physical) video servers (see Section 6 for details).

pages, HTTP logs and video playback traces to investigate the relation of YouTube video ids and namespaces. We nd that each video id is always mapped to a xed hostname, out of the 192 possible names (logical servers) in the lscache namespace, regardless of location and time. For example, a video identied using the video id MQCNuv2QxQY always maps to v23.lscache1.c.youtube.com lscache name from all the PlanetLab nodes at all times. Moreover, when redirection happens, each video id is always mapped to a xed hostname (out of 192 names) in the nonxt or tccache namespace, and to a xed hostname (out of 64 names) in the cache or altcache namespace. We also perform experiments to verify these ndings by directly requesting videos from dierent hostnames. When we attempt to download a video from a dierent anycast hostname than the one the video id is mapped to, we are always redirected to the correct anycast hostname. As an aside, we nd that in contrast we can request any video from any of the unicast hostnames. Hence the mappings between video id s and the unicast namespaces are not xed or unique. Moreover, we nd that YouTube employs a xed mapping from the video id space to anycast namespaces such that the number of video id s that map to each anycast hostname are nearly equally distributed. To demonstrate this, we plot the number of video id s that map to each of the lscache hostnames in Figure 6, using the collection of video id s we have collected. We see that there are approximately equal number of videos mapped to each of the lscache hostnames. We conclude that YouTube employs a xed mapping which maps video ids uniformly to the anycast namespaces. There are several advantages of using such a xed mapping. First of all, the web servers that handle user requests can independently generate URLs referencing individual videos that users are interested in, without knowledge of where videos are stored and which video servers should be used to service the requested videos. Such a mapping also guarantees that, at least at the logical level, video loads are distributed (nearly) uniformly, as each anycast hostname (a logical video server) is responsible for a (roughly equal) sector of the at video id 9


YouTube dene and employ a total of 5 anycast namespaces as well as two sets of unicast hostnames of the formats (rhost and rhostisp ), respectively. Based on our datasets, these anycast and unicast names are resolved to a collection of nearly 6000 IP addresses (physical video cache servers) that are distributed across the globe. Table 1 provides a summary of these namespaces, the number of IP addresses and locations they map to, and so forth. We utilize a combination of geo-mapping methods to geo-locate YouTube cache locations. Furthermore, we explore the correlations between the anycast and unicast namespaces and IP addresses they resolve to and investigate the relations among the anycast and unicast namespaces themselves to uncover and unroll the YouTube 3-tier cache hierarchy. In the following we present our methods and ndings.

5.1 Geo-mapping YouTube Cache Locations

Using our initial datasets as well as performing additional DNS resolutions over time using a large number of vantage points, we collect a total of 5, 883 unique IP addresses that the anycast and unicast names are resolved to. We employ a combination of heuristic geomapping methods to geolocate each of these IP addresses and classify them into 47 distinct cache locations. Due to space limitation, in the following we briey describe the key ideas behind our geolocation framework here. First of all, we nd that the 5 anycast and 2 unicast namespaces map essentially to the same set of IP addresses: about 93% of the 5, 883 IP addresses have a (unique) unicast name associated with them. Second, based on the ownership of the IP address prexes (WHOIS lookups [5]), the IP addresses can be sepa-

rated into two groups: 80% of the IP prexes come from addresses assigned to Google/YouTube, remaining 20% of the prexes coming from address space assigned to other ISPs such as Comcast and Bell-Canada (hereafter referred to as non-Google addresses/prexes). The former have the unicast names of the form rhost , whereas the latter rhostisp . More specically, these two unicast namespaces are of the following two forms: a) r[1-24].city [01-16][s,g,t][0-16].c.youtube.com, b) r[1-24].isp-city [1-3].c.youtube.com. Here isp represents the short name for the ISP (e.g., bell-canada) to which the corresponding IP address belong, and city is a 3 letter code representing the city name, which usually refers to the nearest airport, (e.g., syd). Clearly, the unicast names indicate that Google/YouTube have video caches co-located within other ISP networks (referred to as non-Google locations) as well as within its own (referred to as Google locations). The 3-letter city code provides a hint as to where the corresponding YouTube cache is located (at the granularity of a city or metro-area). We verify these city locations by performing round trip delay measurements, and nd that these embedded city codes indeed point to the correct locations. We also verify that the caches residing within the ISP address spaces are indeed located inside the said ISPs network (and at the right city locations) by performing traceroutes to those addresses. To geo-locate and classify those IP addresses that do not have an associated unicast name in our datasets and to further validate the geo-locations of YouTube video caches, we conduct pair-wise round-trip measurements from each PlanetLab node to all of the YouTube IP addresses. Using these measurements as well as the round trip delay logs in the collected video playback traces, we perform geo-location clustering similar to the approach used by GeoPing [10]. We consider the delay between an IP address and a set of PlanetLab nodes (vantage points) as the feature vector representing the IP address. Next, we cluster all these IP addresses using kmeans clustering algorithm, and use euclidean distance between the feature vectors as a distance measure. We assign each cluster a location, if we have at least one IP address in that cluster for which the location is already known using its unicast hostname. We have only three clusters in which no IP addresses in the cluster have an associated unicast name. Based on the nearest PlanetLab nodes for these clusters in terms of the round trip delay, we classify them into a coarser level geographical location. This yields a total of 47 cache locations. We plot them (including both Google and non-Google cache locations) on a world map in Figure 4.

datasets, in particular, the DNS resolution logs and video playback traces, to investigate the mappings between YouTube namespaces and IP addresses and to uncover the relations between the 5 anycast namespaces as well as between the anycast and unicast namespaces. Based on the HTTP redirection sequences (see Section 6.3 for a more detailed analysis), there is a clear hierarchy among the 5 anycast namespaces, as shown in Fig. 7: A video server mapped to a lscache hostname (in short, a lscache server) may redirect a video request to the corresponding tccache server, or directly to the corresponding cache server, but never the other way around. A tccache video server may redirect a video request to the corresponding cache sever but it never redirects it back to a lscache server; and a cache video server may redirect a video request to the corresponding altcache sever, but never the other way around. Furthermore, there is one-to-one correspondence between the IP addresses that the 5 anycast namespaces map to and the unicast namespaces (the shaded spaces in Fig. 7, as we will see in Section 6.3), YouTube utilizes unicast hostnames for redirecting video requests from one server to another server within the same anycast namespace (and the nonxt namespace is used for redirections from non-Google cache locations to Google cache locations). Based on these analyses, we deduce that the YouTube cache locations are organized into a 3-tiered hierarchy: there are roughly primary cache locations geographically dispersed across the world (most are owned by Google, some are co-located within ISP networks); there are 8 secondary and 5 tertiary cache locations in US and Europe and owned by Google only. We discuss each tier below in more details below. Primary Video Caches. The lscache anycast namespace consisting of 192 hostnames of the form v[124].lscache[1-8].c.youtube.com plays a key role in YouTube video delivery. These names are the ones that appear in the host name part of the URLs embedded in the HTML pages generated by YouTube web servers when users access the YouTube website. In our datasets, the 192 lscache hostnames map to a total of 4, 999 IP addresses belonging to both Google and other ISPs. Based on our geo-location clustering, these IP addresses are distributed in 38 locations. We refer to these cache locations to which the lscache namespace maps to as the YouTube primary cache locations, as user video viewing requests are rst handled by the (Flash) video servers (IP addresses) in these locations. We note that the lscache namespace maps to both Google and nonGoogle primary cache locations3 . Interestingly, the nonxt anycast namespace, also consisting of 192 hostnames of the form v[1-24].nonxt[18].c.youtube.com, maps to a subset of the IP addresses
3 Non-Google locations host only YouTube primary video caches.

5.2 Unveiling the YouTube Cache Hierarchy

We perform extensive and in-depth analysis of our 10

that the lscache namespace maps: namely, only those IP addresses belonging to Google (and thus with the unicast hostnames in the rhost namespace). In other words, the nonxt anycast namespace covers exactly the set of IP addresses belonging to Google primary cache locations. More in-depth analysis reveals that nonxt hostnames only appear in the URLs of HTTP redirection requests generated by video servers located in non-Google primary cache locations. Hence we deduce that the nonxt anycast namespace is only used by video servers in non-Google primary cache locations to redirect a user video request for service at a Google primary cache location (see Section 6.3). Secondary Video Caches. The tccache anycast namespace, consisting of 192 hostnames of the form tc.v[1-24].cache[1-8].c.youtube.com, maps to a set of 636 IP addresses belonging to Google only. These IP addresses are mostly disjoint from the 4, 999 IP addresses that the lscache and nonxt namespaces map to, with a small number of exceptions.4 They all have a unique rhost unicast hostname, and are distributed at only 8 locations, 4 in Europe and 4 in US. We refer to these cache locations that the tccache namespace maps to as the secondary cache locations: they are the locations where video servers in Google primary cache locations often redirect user video requests to, and they occasionally also redirect user video requests to the tertiary cache locations described below. Tertiary Video Caches. The cache and altcache anycast namespaces, both consisting of 64 hostnames of the form v[1-8].cache[1-8].c.youtube.com and alt1.v[18].cache[1-8].c.youtube.com and respectively, map to the same small set of 320 IP addresses belonging to Google only. These IP addresses all have a unique rhost unicast hostname, and are distributed at only 5 locations, 2 in Europe and 3 in US. We refer to these cache locations that these two namespaces map to as the tertiary cache locations: they are the last resort for YouTube HTTP video redirections; an altcache hostname is used when a video server in one tertiary cache location wants to redirect a request to a dierent tertiary cache location. This implies that Google DNS servers are congured in such a manner that while a cache hostname, e.g., v1.cache1.c.youtube.com, is mapped to one tertiary cache location (that is perhaps relatively close to the user issuing the DNS query), the corresponding altcache hostname (i.e., alt1.v1.cache1.c.youtube.com) is always mapped to a dierent tertiary cache location (that is perhaps farther away from the user). See Section 6.1 for more in-depth analysis of YouTube DNS resolution.

mechanisms and strategies employed by YouTube to service user requests, perform dynamic load-balancing and handle potential cache misses. These are achieved via a combination of (coarse-grained) DNS resolution and a clever and complex mix of background fetch, HTTP re-directions and additional rounds of DNS resolutions. Before we discuss our ndings, we rst briey discuss the experiments we have designed to measure, uncover and deduce these mechanisms and strategies and to validate our ndings. Experimental Methodology. To analyze and understand the YouTube video deliver, we have designed a series of experiments to learn how various factors such as video popularity, YouTube cache location and size, and time of the day aect these redirections. For the video playbacks, we divide the videos into two sets: i) hot videos which have a very high number of view counts (at least 2 million views) including all of the top trending videos published on the YouTubes homepage; and ii.) cold videos which have few than 100 view counts and never appeared as the top trending videos on YouTubes homepage. We randomly select a video from both hot and cold sets and play them one by one, while the delay between two consecutive playback requests is modelled as a Poission process with inter-arrival rate of 10 seconds. For each of video playback request, we record the detailed logs including timestamps, redirection URLs (if any) and the IP addresses of the servers involved. In particular, we also examine the time dierence between the time our client receives ACK for the HTTP GET request and the time the client sees the rst packet of the HTTP response. We repeat these experiments several times using dierent sets of hot and cold videos, and conduct them over a period of several months. We perform extensive and in-depth analysis of the DNS-toIP resolution data and video playback traces and HTTP logs collected from these experiments to analyze, deduce and uncover the YouTube video dynamics, in particular, the key factors aecting the ne-grained dynamic HTTP re-directions.

6.1 Locality-aware DNS Resolution

YouTube employs locality-aware DNS resolution to serve user video requests regionally by directing them to primary cache locations that are reasonably close to users. Using our datasets, we nd that each hostname in the primary lscache namespace is mapped to more than 75 unique IP addresses distributed in the distributed across the 38 primary cache locations. Each PlanetLab node site generally sees only one IP address per lscache hostname at a time, with some variations across the PlanetLab node sites or over time (see below). To characterize the granularity of locality-aware resolutions, we conduct the following analysis. For each PlanetLab node, we rank all 38 YouTube primary cache 11



In this section we present our key ndings on the

A few YouTube cache locations function both as primary and secondary cache locations.

Number of PlanetLab nodes that have at least one lscache hostnames mapped at the ith rank location

ple1.dmcs.p.lodz.pl (Lodz, Poland) Frankfurt Frankfurt Frankfurt Frankfurt Frankfurt Frankfurt Frankfurt Frankfurt adam.ee.ntu.edu.tw (Taipei, Taiwan) Taipei

30 25 % of requests 20 15 10 5 0


10 20 30 40 Rank of the YouTube lscache Location

Location of mapped IP




200 300 400 500 600 700 Time in 5 minute intervals




30 40 50 60 Fetch time (in milliseconds)



Figure 8:

Locality aware DNS mappings for anycast hostnames.

Figure 9:

DNS resolution over time

Figure 10:

Fetch time distribution at a YouTube cache server.

locations in the increasing order of round trip network delay and assign each YouTube location a rank in this order. Next, we consider the lscache hostname-to-IP addresses mappings and calculate how they are distributed with respect to the rank of the corresponding YouTube location for the given PlanetLab node. For example, if the DNS resolutions of all 192 lscache hostnames yield a set of 192 unique IP addresses at a given PlanetLab node, we compute how many of these belong to the rank-1 YouTube location from the PlanetLab node, and so on. In Fig. 8 we plot the number of PlanetLab nodes which have at least one of lscache hostnames mapped to an ith rank YouTube location. As seen in this gure, more than 150 PlanetLab nodes have at least one of the IP addresses at the closest YouTube location (in terms of round-trip time measurements). Only a very small number of PlanetLab nodes have all the lscache hostnames mapped to farther locations. This analysis shows that YouTube DNS servers generally map each anycast hostname to a nearby YouTube primary cache location. Using our DNS mapping data collected over several months, we also investigate whether YouTube adjusts the number of IP addresses mapped to each lscache hostname over time to, say, adapt to the changing loads at particular cache locations or regions of users. To analyze this, we create a temporal matrix of DNS name to IP address mapping matrix for each lscache hostname, where each row in the matrix represents the mappings of the hostname at a given time from all the PlanetLab nodes. Analysis of this matrix reveals two interesting aspects of the way YouTube DNS servers resolve anycast hostnames to IP addresses. First, we see that the hostname to IP address mappings may change over time. Based on how these mappings changed for PlanetLab nodes, we can put them into two distinct groups. In the rst group of PlanetLab nodes, the mappings change during a certain time of the day, and the pattern repeats every day. In the second group, the set of IP addresses remains the same over time. Figure 9 provides an illustration: the top panel shows an example of the rst group, while the bottom panel an example of the 12

second group. In this gure: the x-axis represents the time which is divided in the intervals of 5 minutes each, and y-axis represents the mapped IP address. In the top panel, at the ple1.dmcs.p.lodz.pl PlanetLab node, one hostname is mapped to a xed IP address (belonging to the Frankfurt cache location) most of the time during the day; however, during the certain hours of the day we see a large number of distinct IP addresses for the same hostname. In the bottom panel, one hostname is always mapped to one of the two IP addresses (belonging to the Taipei cache location).

6.2 Handling Cache Misses via Backend Fetching

To handle cache misses, YouTube cache servers use two dierent approaches: (a) fetching content from the backend datacenter and delivering it to the client, or (b) redirecting the client to some other servers. We study the dierence between the time the client receives the ACK for the GET request and the time that it receives the rst packet for the HTTP response. We call this dierence fetch-time. This fetch-time indicates the time the server took after sending the ACK for the request and before it started sending the response. In our analysis, we can clearly put the fetch-times in two groups: few milliseconds and tens of milliseconds. We nd that when the cache server redirects the client the fetch-time is very small, generally about 3ms. We also see about the same fetch-time for most of the hot videos when the server actually serves the video. For most of the cold videos when they are not redirected, this lag is much higher, typically in tens of milliseconds and vary depending upon cache location. An example of the distribution is presented in Figure 10 which shows the distribution of fetch-times of one Google YouTube cache server observed from a xed vantage point. There is a clear gap between the shorter and longer fetch times. We deduce that large fetch-time is the time it takes for the cache server to fetch the content from some backend datacenter (cf. [11]).

6.3 HTTP Redirections Dynamics

lscache to nonxt redirection 1 Redirection probability Redirection probability 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 2 4 6 8 Server IP prefixes 10 Hot videos Cold videos 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

lscache to cache redirection US Hot videos Cold videos Europe

Asia Redirection probability

lscache to rhost redirection 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 50 100 150 Server IP prefixes US Hot videos Cold videos Europe Oceania South America


Oceania South America


100 150 Server IP prefixes



(a) Non-Google Cache Locations

(b) Google Cache Locations

(c) Google Cache Locations

Figure 11: Comparison of redirection probabilities. YouTube employs a clever and complex mix of dynamic HTTP redirection mechanisms and additional rounds of DNS resolutions to perform ne-grained dynamic load balancing, handle cache misses, and so forth. The video redirection logs reveal that HTTP redirections always follow a specic namespace hierarchy, as shown in Fig. 7. We examine the key factors aecting when redirections are performed, e.g., video popularity, cache location and size, server load and time-of-the day etc., and present the results. Our analysis of video redirection logs reveals that redirection probability highly depends on the popularity of the video. However, there were no signicant evidences to show if the factors such as the location of the YouTube cache and time of the day inuence the redirection probability. In Fig. 11 we demonstrate how redirection probability is distributed for hot and cold at both Google and Non-Google locations. In these gures, x-axis represents the IP prexes for the YouTube primary cache servers, which is sorted based on the region and then based upon the size of each location. The y-axis represents the probability of redirection to another namespace. As seen in Fig. 11(a), at Non-Google locations, cold videos have much higher probability of being redirected to nonxt namespace than for the hot videos. In particular, around 5% of the requests to hot videos experience redirections as compared to more than 24% for the cold videos. Similarly, at Google cache locations, most of the requests to cold videos are redirected to cache hostnames (see Fig. 11(b)). It indicates that these redirections are primarily done to handle cache misses by redirecting the users to the third tier directly. On the other hand, the redirection probability to tccache and rhost hostnames does not depend on the popularity of the video. As we see in Figure 11(c), the probability of redirection for hot and cold videos to rhost namespace is very similar at all the Google cache locations. Moreover, a closer inspection of redirection logs revealed that redirection rhost hostnames is used to redirect the user to a dierent physical server at the same location, which is more than 99% of all the redirections to rhost namespace. This indicates that YouTube performs a much ne granular load balancing by redirecting the users from possi13 bly a very busy server to a less busy server at the same location.

6.4 Delay due to Redirections

YouTubes use of HTTP redirections comes with a cost. In general, when the client is redirected from one server to another, it adds to the time before the client can actually start the video playback. There are three sources of delay due to redirections. First, each redirect requires the client to start a new HTTP session with a dierent server. Second, the client may need to resolve the hostname it is being redirected to. And nally, since the client is being redirected from a nearby location, the nal server that actually delivers the video might be farther away from it which will add more delay in the video download time. To account for all these sources of delays and to compensate for the dierences in video sizes, we analyze the total time spent to download 1MB of video data starting from the time the client sends HTTP GET requests to the rst lscache server for a video. We refer to this time as video initialization time. Figure 12 shows the CDF plot for the video initialization time observed by one of the PlanetLab nodes. As seen in this gure, HTTP redirection used by YouTube servers add a signicant overhead to the video initialization time. In particular, our results show that son an average HTTP redirections increase the video initialization time by more than 33% in comparison to video initialization time for no redirection scenarios.


In this paper we set out to reverse-engineer the YouTube video delivery system by building a globally distributed active measurement platform. Through careful and extensive data collection, measurement and analysis, we have uncovered and geo-located YouTubes 3-tier physical video server hierarchy, and deduced the key design features of the YouTube video delivery system. As expounded earlier in the paper, YouTube introduces an elaborate layered logical namespace structure and employs a number of clever and complex mix of DNS resolutions and HTTP redirection techniques to service user requests regionally while perform dynamic load-

planetlab3.cs.surrey.sfu.ca (Surrey, Canada) 1 0.8 0.6 cdf 0.4 0.2 0 No Redirection Redirection 2 4 6 8 Video Initialization Time (in Second) 10

Figure 12:
tion time.

An example distribution of video initializa-

balancing and eectively handle cache misses. This multi-layered logical namespace (logical server) organization separating the video (id) space and physical cache hierarchy also oers YouTube enormous exibility. For instance, it can easily deploy additional (physical) video servers at either an existing or new primary cache location to meet user demands; it can even change its server selection or load-balancing strategies, without signicant changes to its software substrate. All these can be done by simply adding new DNS name-to-IP address mappings, or altering how such mappings are performed. Additionally, most aspects of the YouTube video delivery system do not require any global coordination. Local load sharing only requires information sharing inside a cache location, and the hostname of the server in higher tier of the cache hierarchy can be easily computed using the static mapping without any knowledge of the load etc on those servers. Although YouTubes architecture shares some similarity (such as the use of location-aware DNS resolution) with Akamai and other CDNs, there are several parts of the architecture that make YouTube video delivery system different. For instance, Akamai [14] usually relies on very short TTL (generally 20 seconds) for DNS resolutions whereas YouTube uses much longer TTL of 5 minutes and uses HTTP redirections to achieve ne-grain load balancing. The use of static mapping between objects and hostnames and among multiple namespaces is also not common in other CDNs. We believe that these intelligent design choices play a role in enabling YouTube to exibly meet user demands as well as performance expectations. While Googles YouTube video delivery system represents an example of the best practices in the design of large-scale content delivery system, its design also poses several interesting and important questions regarding alternative system designs, cache placement, content replication and load balancing strategies. In addition, the YouTube design is clearly conned and constrained by the existing Internet architecture. Understanding 14

the pros and cons in the YouTube design also provides valuable insights into the future Internet architecture designs. For instance, the use of the DNS system for mapping the YouTube logical video servers to the physical cache locations is at best approximate, as it lacks the accurate user location information. Redirections are often necessary, prolonging the response time; request failure may also occur occasionally when the redirection upper bound is reached. All these point to many exciting research questions and important future directions that are worthwhile to be pursued. In light of the increasing popularity of large-scale video distribution not only relatively short-duration, YouTube-like videos but also full-length, DVD-quality videos and the likely dominance of video streaming/downloads in the Internet trac, coupled with the emergence of cloud computing and services, we believe that successfully addressing these challenges are critical to both the design of large-scale content delivery systems as well as the development and evolution of the future Internet architecture.
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