Free Flap in Osteomyelitis
Free Flap in Osteomyelitis
Free Flap in Osteomyelitis
S. Ross Patton MS IV Faculty Mentor: Vicente Resto, MD, PhD, FACS University of Texas Medical Branch Department of Otolaryngology Grand Rounds Presentation September 24, 2009
-Transfer of tissue from donor site (leg) to recipient sites (multiple) for reconstruction -Free Tissue Transfer: - fibula bone -vascular pedicle -muscle, soft tissue, skin
-Microvascular procedure-cut from its blood supply and anastamosed with new one -Reconstruction (mandible) may require -osteotomies- for shaping -plating- for fixation
Galler RM, Sontagg HK. Bone Graft Harvest. Barrow Quarterly. 2003;19(4):
-1975- Fibula free flap first performed by Taylor et al
-2009- Most popular flap for reconstruction of the mandibleespecially extensive deficits
Surgery of the Mandible and Treatment. Living in the Net. 2008. Web. 21 September 2009. Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body 1918
Relevant Anatomy
Anterior View
-venae comitantes
-skin/soft tissue
-anastomosis site variable: -location of defect -available blood supply -health of surrounding vessels -facial artery or external carotid
-nearby veins
-end to end preferred (rather than end to side) -facial- end to end -external carotid- end to side
-Mandibular Defects result in abnormal: -mastication -speech -cosmesis -Mandibular Defects caused by: -traumatic injury -inflammatory disease (osteomyelitis or osteoradionecrosis) -neoplasm (both malignant or benign) -congenital abnormalities -Large deficits (requiring more than 10cm of bone) -goals -reconstruct functional jaw -muscle attachments -possible implant insertion -osseointergrated vs. conventional -understandable speech
-allows for transfer of bone, soft tissue and skin in a one-stage procedure using only one donor site
-fibula flap allows the most bone (up to 25-30cm) vs. 10-15 for the other bone flaps
-blood supply to fibula is both intraosseous and segmental, therefore, osteotomies can be made
-fibula allows for a skin paddle up to 25cm in length and 5cm in width
-two teams can work simultaneously with patient in supine position (donor site far away from head) -implants- possible in with the fibula flap because (potential for conventional denture or osseointegrated implant) -the diaphysis is always thicker than 5cm -bone is bicortical -implant can be monitored postoperatively with doppler (peroneal artery remains large as it parallels the fibula)
-smaller length of pedicle-harder to do the anastamosis -max of 5 cm of pedicle when the whole fibula is taken -(others gives you 10cm) -other (parascapular and lateral brachialis) flaps not as impacted by atherosclerosis. Iliac crest is (supplied by superficial iliac circumflex) -long scar on the lateral leg- others less conspicuous (scapula, iliac crest) -remodeling of the bone requires multiple osteotomies -Joel Ferri et. al 1997: 6/29 had more than 2 osteotomies- in 5 of those there was no radiologic evidence of bone fusion 3 months after surgery. And in one of those, the last bone segment was lost completely secondary to resorption. -this disrupts the centromedullary fibular pedicle -greater than 2 osteotomies risks losing the distal parts of the flap (other free flaps can be remodeled with less vascular risk) -limited amount of small tissue available to transfer for deficits near mandible-different flaps may be needed -particularly important for cosmesis
Pre-operative Work-up
-Preoperative imaging of popliteal vessel trifurcation to evaluate -atherosclerosis (SCC of mandible, smoking, and PVD) -flap survival -donor site complications because of dependent collaterals -congenital anatomic anomalies -rule out that the peroneal artery contributes to the circulation of the foot (dorsalis pedis) -controversy over workup : -Angiography- gold standard- ionizing radiation invasive -CT angio- also accurate- radiation -MRA- less radiation- less expensive, non-invasive availability -Doppler- map cutaneous perforators-Operator dependent -physical exam alone? -all anomalous circulation may not be detectable
1. History of peripheral vascular disease2. Unfavorable Preoperative Doppler/Angiography studies 3. Anomalous lower extremity vasculature blood supply to the foot derived from a perforating artery of the peroneal artery (which forms the dorsalis pedis) 4. Need for independent position of the skin paddle relative to the bone 5. Venous insufficiency (donor site morbidity)
Anatomic Variations
IIIC- Arteria peronia magna
-Hidlago 10yr fu review in 2002 -82 consecutive patients reviewed long term outcomes -from 1987-1990- followed 10 year outcomes -34 still alive -20 participated -Methods -aesthetic outcomes judged by observers -questionaires -Xrays- for bone resorption -mean follow up time was 11 years -15 total patients received radiation (2 pre-op, 13 post op)
Outcome Results
-aesthetics -excellent in 55% -good 20% -fair 15% -poor 10% -diet: -70% reported regular diet -30% soft diet -speech -85% had easily intelligible -15% intelligible with effort (partial or hemiglossectomies) -bone resportion -mandible midbody- 92% bone height remained -midramus 93% bone height retained -symphysis- 92% bone remained -donor site -no long term disability -3 patients described intermittent leg weakness -only one patient was limited by physical activity (jogging) by it -one patient reported running a marathon
-Fibula Free Flap is a free tissue transfer procedure using microvascular techniques
The End
Aydin A, Emekli U, Erer M, Hafiz G. Fibula Free Flap for Mandible Reconstruction. Journal of Ear Nose and Throat. 2004;13 (3-4) 62-66. Bailey BJ, Johnson, JT, Newlands SD. Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology, Fourth Edition. 2006. 23822383. Beppu M, Hanel DP, Johnston GHF, Carmo JM, Tsai TM. The Osteocutaneous Fibula Flap: an Anatomic Study. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery. 1992; 8(3): 215-223. Cummings CW, Flint PW, Haughy BH, Robbins KT, Thomas JR, Harker LA, Richardson MA, Schuller DE. Otolaryngology: Head & Neck Surgery, 4th ed. 2005. Ferri J, Piot B, Ruhin B, Mercier J. Advantages and Limitations of the Fibula Free Flap in Mandibular Reconstruction. Journal of and Maxillofacial Surgery. 1997; 55:440-448. Goh BT, Lee S, Tideman H, Stoelinga PJ. Mandibular Reconstruction in Adults: A Review. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2008; 37: 597-605. Hidalgo DA. Fibula Free Flap: A New Method of Mandible Reconstruction. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 1989;84(1): 71-79. Hidalgo DA, Pusic AL. Free Flap Mandibular Reconstruction: A 10 Year Follow Up Study. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2002; 110(2): 438-449. Lohan DG, Tomasian A, Krishnam M, Jonnala P, Blackwell KE, Finn JP. MR Angiography of Lower Extremities at 3 T: Presurgical Planning of Fibular Free Flap Transfer for Facial Reconstruction. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2008; 190: 770-776. Taylor IG, Miller GDH, Ham FJ. The Free Vascularized Bone Graft. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 1975;55(5): 533-544.